Job Description - PAUMCS

Job Description

2010 Music Director

Job Category: Salaried position

This position reports directly to the SPRC and interacts with Worship and Worship Design Committees.


• Provide a weekly list of appropriate hymns for publishing in the Bulletin for the following Sunday’s worship services in the Park and in the sanctuary and for seasonal concerts

• Provide performers for occasional music ministry openings, both for the Church in the Park and the regular Sanctuary services, and for seasonal concerts as needed

• Provide maintenance and repair of the pipe organ, pianos, handbells and cases, vestments, and all keyboard equipment

• Attend all Music, Worship, and Arts Committee meetings, all meetings of the Worship Planning Team and of the Administrative Council, plus all scheduled staff meetings

• Provide leadership and/or support for various annual fund raising activities of the two choirs. (Example: The Chancel Choir/Handbell Choir annual Ash Wednesday Soup Supper)

• Provide support to the directors of Fideles Nola Handbell Choir and the Youth Instrumental Ensemble

• Provide performance opportunities for the groups in worship services and seasonal concerts and special rehearsal needs. Provide opportunities for the Sunday school children’s pageants and songs

• Provide an annual Music Department budget request for all care and repairs, and for the purchase of new music and equipment

Minimum Requirements:

• Bachelor’s degree in Music. A Master’s degree in Music is desirable, but not required

• Minimum of two years experience as a Music Director

• Must exhibit a high level of professionalism and proficiency in all kinds of music or performance

• Willingness to explore different forms of music for use in the worship service

• Must have strong organizational skills

• Posses excellent verbal, written and interpersonal communication ability with strong emphasis on listening and problem solving

• Ability to work cooperatively within the church staff as well as with members of other teams and committees to meet goals

Job Description

2010 Organist

Job Category: Salaried position

Approximate average weekly hours: 16

This position reports directly to the SPRC and interacts with the Music Director.


• Prepare and perform organ voluntaries for weekly worship services and seasonal concerts. Submit a list of titles of this music in time for printing in the service bulletins

• Prepare and perform Chancel Choir accompaniments for weekly rehearsals, worship services and seasonal concerts. Submit the titles to be printed in the bulletins

• Prepare and perform music for weddings, and for wedding rehearsals as needed, or provide a qualified organist/pianist as a substitute

• Prepare and perform music for funeral and memorial services, or provide a qualified organist/pianist as a substitute

• Promote pipe organ music and its study by organ students

Minimum Requirements:

• Bachelor’s degree in either Organ Performance or Music Education having the Organ as a principle instrument choice

• Some knowledge of pipe organ parts and how they work




General Information: Andrew Chapel United Methodist Church aspires to be a loving, caring, and Christian community. Each staff member, including the Organist, contributes to the success of the Church’s mission. The Organist is expected to support each scheduled worship service through careful preparation and offering of music selections on the organ and piano to enhance the worship experience. The Organist is responsible for musical leadership during the service for preludes, offertories, responses, communion music, and postludes. The Organist accompanies the Chancel Choir on a weekly basis during its season and is on time and well-prepared for all choir rehearsals. The Organist rehearses with and accompanies vocalists, instrumentalists and small groups who are scheduled with the approval of the Music Committee to offer music during worship services.

Responsibilities: Subject to review and adjustment from time to time in coordination with the Pastor and Director of Music, the following constitute the major responsibilities of the Organist.

1. Select and provide organ music at all Sunday morning worship services and all other scheduled special celebrations of worship where the organ is the primary instrument used. The Organist is expected to have and continue to build a repertoire of appropriate musical selections for preludes, offerings, responses, communion music, and postludes, such selections to be varied and appropriate for the church calendar.

2. Rehearse with and accompany vocalists, instrumentalists, and small groups as scheduled for worship services throughout the year by the Music Committee or Director of Music. Vocalists and instrumentalists will be advised to provide accompaniments to Organist at least one week in advance. Typically, one or two short rehearsals the week of the service are necessary.

3. Prepare and present hymns selected by the Pastor, with clear and robust introductions, appropriate tempo and volume, and with occasional alternate harmonization.

4. Provide organ music for weddings and funerals held at the church when the organ is the primary instrument used. Fees for funerals of church members are paid by the church at an amount approved by church policy. Fees for other funerals and for weddings are paid by the families at an amount approved by church policy. The use of the organ by an outside Organist for weddings and funerals may be permitted with approval of the Organist and the Pastor.

5. Be on time and well prepared for all regular and special rehearsals of the Chancel Choir. Be attentive and supportive to the Director of Music during rehearsals. Regular rehearsals are currently scheduled for Wednesday evenings from approximately 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. from the first Wednesday in September through the last Wednesday in June. Occasional extra rehearsals are held during the year for special musical selections, such as with orchestral accompaniment or major works.

6. Submit musical information for inclusion into bulletins in a timely fashion as determined by the Church office;

7. Choose and purchase organ music within the approved budgetary parameters.

8. Oversee the tuning and maintenance of all organs and pianos of the church within the approved schedule and budget and provide regular reports specifying maintenance needs to the Music Committee.

9. Submit budget requests each fall as part of the budgetary process of the Congregational Council.

Working Conditions:

1. The Organist shall rehearse sufficiently to maintain a high quality of music at the organ and piano.

2. Regular attendance is an essential function of the Organist position. The Organist shall be on time for all services and rehearsals, given the importance of musical leadership to the worship experience of the congregation. The salary is based on two (2) scheduled worship services each Sunday during the year (currently at 9:00 am and 11:00 am, although times are subject to modification), as well as additional special services on days such as Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Easter and other times as determined by the Pastor.

3. The Organist is supervised by the Director of Music. An annual performance review will be done in accordance with procedures established by the Staff Parish Committee in consultation with the Director of Music.

4. Cooperate with all staff and musicians of the congregation so that music ministry is enhanced within the life of the church.

5. An Organist employed on January 1 each year is entitled to be absent three Sundays (and preceding week’s rehearsal, if applicable) during the upcoming calendar year without loss of pay. An Organist who begins employment during the year will be entitled to a prorated number of absences for the remainder of the year. Absences must be requested in advance and coordinated with approval of the Director of Music; absences must not be scheduled for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday or when special programs are scheduled. The Organist is responsible for finding a qualified substitute Organist for these absences, such substitute to be paid by the Church an amount determined by the Church. There are no paid sick days.

6. The Organist may use the sanctuary and organ for purposes of private instruction, provided that times are coordinated so as not to interfere with other scheduled activities in the sanctuary and all building access procedures are followed.

Skills and Qualifications:

1. High level organ performance skills with commensurate piano proficiency for rehearsals, certain anthems and accompanying; sufficient keyboard ability to sight read hymns, liturgy, and moderately difficult anthem accompaniments.

2. Knowledge of traditional worship practices and liturgical calendar of the United Methodist Church and a theological understanding and respect of the church sufficient to appropriately select music for traditional worship.

3. The Organist shall seek professional relationships with other church musicians and keep abreast of developments in worship and liturgy through associations, continuing education, and professional church publications.

4. Experience as a "team player" in a church setting working with staff, musicians, and volunteers.

5. Ability to support Director of Music in effective rehearsal techniques during rehearsals.

Kids of the Kingdom Children’s Choir Director


Grades 3 though 5

Practices weekly for 45 minutes on Wednesdays September through May

Performs once a month in Sunday morning worship, and at other special services

Director Responsibilities:

Accountable to Director of Music

Selects age/theme appropriate music

Organizes and runs weekly rehearsals

Maintains music files

Recruits singers and adult helpers

Plays piano for rehearsals/performances unless a pianist can be recruited

Maintains good communication between child, parent, and director

Cherub Choir Director


Kindergarten through Grade 2 (Pre-school can enter on one-month trial basis)

Practices weekly for 45 minutes on Wednesdays September through May

Performs once a month in Sunday morning worship, and at other special services

Director Responsibilities:

Accountable to Director of Music

Selects age/theme appropriate music

Organizes and runs weekly rehearsals

Maintains music files

Recruits singers and adult helpers

Plays piano for rehearsals/performances unless a pianist can be recruited

Maintains good communication between child, parent, and director

Youth Handbell Director


Youth Grades 6 through 12

Practices for 1 hour on Wednesday afternoons September through May

Performs once a month in Sunday morning worship, and at other special services

Director Responsibilities:

Accountable to Director of Music

Selects handbell music appropriate to ringers level, age, and worship theme

Organizes and runs weekly rehearsals

Maintains music files

Recruits new ringers and substitutes

Monitors maintenance and/or repair of 5-octave handbells and 4 -octave handchimes

Maintains good communication between child, parent, and director

Finds opportunities to perform within the community

Adult Handbell Director


Currently have 12 adult ringers

Practices one hour weekly on Thursday evenings September through May

Perform once a month in Sunday morning worship, and at other special services

Director Responsibilities:

Accountable to Director of Music

Selects handbell music appropriate to ringers level and worship theme

Organizes and runs weekly rehearsals

Maintains music files

Recruits new ringers and substitutes

Monitors maintenance and/or repair of 5-octave handbells and 4 -octave handchimes

Maintains good communication between choir members and director

Finds opportunities to perform within the community

Music Leader for Contemporary Service

Praise Team: 5-6 vocalists

Praise Band: drummer, percussionist, rhythm guitar, lead guitar, bass guitar, keyboard

Practices for 1 hour on Tuesdays 5-6 p.m.

Leads weekly service

Director Responsibilities:

Accountable to Director of Music

Works closely with Coordinator of Teams

Selects appropriate music

Organizes and runs weekly rehearsals

Coordinates worship plan with technical and sound crews

Meets 2 times every month with team for planning of services


Job Description of Director Of Music

Purpose: The purpose of this ministry is to coordinate the music used in all worship services, to oversee care of the church’s musical instruments and to involve as many people as possible in the

ministry of music at St. Andrew’s UMC.


1. The Director of Music shall provide organ music and direct the music ministry of the church This includes the selection of appropriate organ, choral and, when suitable, other vocal and/or instrumental music for each of the regularly scheduled worship services, currently, two Sunday morning services, at 9:00 and 11:15 a.m..

2. The Director of Music shall provide music for the following additional services of worship

during the year: Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday (as needed), Easter Sunrise(if requested), Thanksgiving Eve (as needed), Christmas Eve Services and any other special services scheduled by the Church Council.

3. The Director of Music shall be responsible for the leadership and/or supervision of all vocal and handbell choirs of the church.

4. The Director of Music shall rehearse as necessary with each of the choirs.

5. The Director of Music is part of the program staff and shall attend the weekly staff meetings on Wednesday mornings.

6. The Director of Music is a staff representative to the Worship Ministry Area, which generally meets five times per year.

7. The Director of Music shall be responsible for the purchase of all necessary music and music supplies and the hiring of instrumental and vocal soloists when needed.

8. The Director of Music has “the right of first refusal” for all weddings and funeral/memorial services in the church. Fees for these services are to be established in consultation with the Senior Pastor and church guidelines.

9. The Director of Music shall report to the Trustees the condition and needs for the maintenance of the organ, pianos, handbells and any other church-owned musical instruments and shall schedule routine maintenance and tuning as necessary.

10. The Director of Music shall assist the church in arranging for substitute organist during vacations and sick leaves.


1. Reports to the Senior Pastor

2. Works with clergy, staff and Worship Ministry Area in the field of general planning for the music program and the church.

3. Works with all others who have planning responsibilities involving music in the church.


The Director of Music at St. Andrew’s Church must be a person committed to Christ who has expertise in organ and choral conducting with handbell directing desirable. This person must work well with members of a multiple staff and congregation.

Employees of St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church are employed by Staff Parish Relations Committee.

St. Andrew’s Director of Music


Directing Jubilation

Directing Cherub Choir

Directing Exultation Ringers

Direct Praise Team

Direct Sonlight Youth Choir

Direct Good News Men(s Ensemble

Direct St. Andrew(s Sisters

Supervise Cathedral Bells

Supervise Kids of the Kingdom

Schedule and prepare special music

Scheduling of choirs for the year and special services

Selection of music for choirs, soloists

Planning and conducting weekly rehearsals for choirs


Selection of music for services

Provide music for additional services during the year

Be available for funerals, weddings and consultations

Practice weekly


Play for 2 Sunday services weekly; one traditional, one contemporary; serve as music leader for contemporary

Play and assist with planning of special worship services

Coordinate Worship Design Team

Attend Worship Ministry Area meetings

Drama Ministry - have been working cooperatively with several individuals to find resources and recruit/train


Member of Picnic Planning Committee

Contract additional music as needed

Member of planning team for contemporary service

Coordinate technical team/Powerpoint for both services

Implementing Fall Concert Series of local talent


Filing/organizing music

Choir robes (4 sets)

9 acoustic pianos

Pipe Organ

5-octave Schulmrich handbells

4-octave Malmark handchimes

Yamaha CVP-204 Clavinova

Yamaha Portable Keyboard

Yamaha 330 Keyboard and amplifier

Sonor drum set


Various small percussion instruments


Job Description of Accompanist/Assistant Director

Purpose: The purpose of this ministry is to assist the Director of Music as an accompanist and to

coordinate and provide leadership for the music program of St. Andrew’s UMC.


1. The Assistant Director shall attend direct and accompany the children’s choir – Kids

of the Kingdom. See Job Description of Director of Children’s Choir.

2. The Accompanist/Assistant Director shall direct music groups as needed.

3. The Assistant Director will, on occasion and at the request of the Director of Music,

provide organ/piano leadership for worship services.

4. The Accompanist/Assistant Director will meet with the Director of Music on a

regular basis to discuss the music program.

5. The Accompanist/Assistant Director will be available to discuss with the Director

and Staff-Parish Relations Committee any additional needs of the music program

which could be covered by the person in this position.

6. The Accompanist/Assistant Director will be consulted and encouraged to contribute

ideas regarding expanding and/or enhancing the music department.


1. Reports to the Director of Music.

2. Works with staff and members of congregation who are involved in the areas touched

by the church’s music ministry.


The Accompanist/Assistant Director must be committed to assisting members of St.

Andrew’s in their involvement with music in worship. This person must work well

with multiple staff and with those in the music program. The ability to sight-read music

is essential.

Employees of St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church are employed by Staff Parish Relations Committee.


Job Description

This ministry is a salaried, exempt position with an average of 15 hours per week, providing accompaniment for various aspects of the Harvest music ministry. This person will be self-motivated and creative with a heart for God and a passion for music. This person will possess strong piano and keyboard skills with ability and willingness to play a variety of musical styles.

The Harvest accompanist will provide the following:

• Accompaniment for the two Sunday morning worship services

• Accompaniment for special and seasonal worship services

• Preparation for and participation in weekly Harvest Praise Band rehearsals

• Preparation for and participation in weekly Harvest Choir rehearsals

• Accompaniment for special music (solos, duets, ensembles) as necessary

• Accompaniment of children offering special music during worship

• Accompaniment for Harvest funerals when available

• Accompaniment for weddings when available, for which an additional honorarium would be received from the requesting party

The accompanist relates directly to the pastor.

JOB DESCRIPTION FOR:   Director of Music/Organist


To provide for the spiritual enrichment of the congregation through music and to minister to the congregation through inspirational music.


Responsible to:  Staff-Parish committee and Lead Pastor


To be in charge of music at Centennial UMC; including planning, coordination and providing leadership.

To be the organist at CUMC. This includes preparation and planning organ/piano music for worship and leading worship in hymn singing.



a.  Facilitate music leadership during worship.

b.  Prepare and play appropriate organ/piano music for all regular and special worship services or arrange for a

competent substitute.

c.  Provide keyboard accompaniment for ensembles as needed.

d.  Coordinate all arrangements for special music throughout the year.

e.  Coordinate participation of all choirs, bell groups, and other musical activities or events, including directing Chancel Choir and other appropriate groups.

f.  With the Worship Ministry team and Music Committee plan and provide periodic concerts or other special musical events during the year.

g.  Prepare for and play appropriate organ/piano music for weddings and funerals at CUMC as needed or arrange

for a competent substitute.

h.  Recruit actively to increase participation in the music program, focusing especially on youth participation.

i.   Promote a varied repertoire of music performed during worship.


a.  Manage the selection and purchase of all music used in the church. Maintain control over the music library and inventories.

b.  Administer the music program including organizing and coordinating all music at the church.

c.  Oversee and administer the music program budget.    

d.  Provide material periodically for the Centinel and/or Sunday bulletin regarding the music program of the church.

e.  Coordinate appropriate service music.

1. Assist and advise the pastors, as requested, in hymn selections for worship.

            2.  Provide Communication Specialist with music titles available for insertion in Sunday bulletin.

f.  Recruit, coordinate, secure and supervise Chancel Choir Accompanist and paid/volunteer directors for musical groups.


1.   Attend meetings of the Music Committee as needed.

2.   Attend Church Council meetings.



Periodically attend music workshops/clinics for professional development to maintain an awareness of and access to new music offerings, trends, and movement in the field of worship.  Reimbursement of substitute fees as well as some travel and registration/tuition expenses available through the Staff-Parish committee.


The Director of Music will have use of the church organ and pianos for teaching private music lessons if desired.  (This is on personal time and will be compensated by student.)  Any activity of this kind in the church building is to be coordinated with the church program and activities.

United Methodist Church

Job Description




The church organist provides music through organ/piano which supports the spoken and printed word and provides a variety of musical styles to the glory of God. The organist will work in concert with the Choir Directors, Sunday Event Team and Pastors to provide meaningful musical worship experiences for the congregation.

Responsible to

Senior Pastor and Staff Parish Relations Team

Description of duties

• Serve as organist/pianist for two Sunday morning services, including prelude and postlude and other musical selections as needed during the worship service.

• Serve as accompanist for the Chancel and Chapel choirs during weekly rehearsals and prior to Sunday services and any additional services as needed.

• Rehearse with and accompany vocal and instrumental soloists at various services.

• Serve as organist/pianist for weddings, memorial services and funerals or secure a substitute when there are schedule conflicts, receiving remuneration as specified in the church policy.

• Serve as organist/pianist for special services held during the year and rehearsals for same, such as seasonal and Christian holiday programs.

• Assure proper use, care, repair and maintenance of the organ.

• Arrange for the timely maintenance and tuning of all of the church pianos, in consultation with the choir directors and Trustees.

• Perform all other duties as assigned or directed by the Senior Pastor.

Time requirements

Part-time position – Approximately ten hours per week with four weeks’ vacation

Training and resources

The church organist is encouraged to attend any classes or other avenues of learning as deemed necessary for growth and/or musical techniques.

Qualifications, skills, and gifts

• Excellent organ, piano and accompanying skills

• Knowledge of music theory, including transpositions and harmonizing

• Ability to sight read, modulate, play with rhythmic integrity and embellish musical scores

• Ability to transpose music and play transcriptions

• Ability to improvise alternate hymn accompaniments

• Ability to accompany vocalists on the piano, as well as, the organ

• Sensitivity to, comfort with and understanding of contemporary styles of worship and church music

• Manage time independently for practice and rehearsals

Skills and Education

• Professional training in organ, piano and music theory

• Bachelor’s degree in music or related field preferred

• Experience with Allen organs preferred

Benefits to the Staff Person

The church organist has the opportunity to be deeply involved in the ministry of the church and its outreach to the community by providing a variety of music through both organ and piano, enhancing the worship experience for the congregation.

________________________________________________________ _______________

Organist Date


St. Paul’s United Methodist Church

11 Church Street

St. Albans, VT 05478


The Minister of Music is a part-time, salaried position responsible for providing the best possible music for worship services, weddings, funerals, and other church events. He/she shall provide upbeat leadership in the area of gospel, contemporary, and traditional music appealing to all ages.


1. Plan music and play organ for Sunday worship service, special holiday services, weddings, funerals, etc.

2. Work in close harmony with the Pastor to relate music to church program and services.

3. Lead weekly choir rehearsal currently on Sunday morning and coordinate band rehearsals as needed.

4. Manage yearly music budget.

5. Coordinate music for the entire church and special groups (youth/children.)

6. Recruit and cultivate persons with musical skills as needed for the church including prospective volunteers and choir members.

7. Plan and direct special presentations such as Christmas Eve, Easter and at other times suitable for the overall enhancement of the music program of the church.

8. Attend weekly staff meetings.

9. Be accountable to the Pastor-Parish committee and supervised by the Pastor.

10. Grow and develop the Music Ministry in line with the vision of the church.


1. Strong commitment to Jesus Christ.

2. Good verbal and written communications.

3. Effective planning and organizational skills

4. Proficiency in pipe organ, piano, voice, and music direction.

5. Skill in choir training and selection of music.


This position will be reviewed after six months. Performance shall be evaluated and an annual continuance (based on yearly review) will be offered or a 30 day notice will be given.


Job Description

Church Accompanist

Accountable to: 1) Pastor

2) Staff/Parish Relations Committee

Personnel Policies: The published personnel policies of the church apply.


1. Accompany the musical program of the church, enhance the seasonal celebrations (i.e. Christmas, Lent, Easter) with appropriate special presentations, and provide music for special events as are part of the church program.

2. Provide keyboard accompaniment for the Chancel Choir, Cherub Choir, Bell Choir, Liturgical Dance, Drama and Other Arts during scheduled rehearsals, for regular Sunday morning, and other special services of the church.

3. Recruit and accompany soloists from the congregation, both vocal and instrumental for supplemental service music.

4. Work with the Pastor and other church leaders responsible for programs.

5. Attend regularly scheduled staff meetings. Participate as a member of the music staff on the Ministry Council. Participate in other special occasional meetings as needed.

6. Participate in the local clergy association-sponsored services, i.e. Thanksgiving Eve, Good Friday, community sings, combined choirs, etc.

7. Obtain substitute accompanists for those occasions when you are absent and arrange for them to be paid by the church.

8. Perform necessary administrative tasks related to the keyboard instruments (i.e. arrange for tuning of instruments). And annually prepare in cooperation with the Choral Director an itemized Music Budget and submit it to the Finance Committee and manage within the allocated budget.

9. Attend at least one continuing education event each year in your area of responsibility. This requires prior approval by the assigned Staff-Parish Relations Committee member.

Work Schedule:

A suggested number of hours per week is 10 hours however, it is assumed that whatever time is needed to accomplish the task will be worked. It is recognized that time is required for planning, preparation and practice to accomplish the job responsibilities. Required times include Sunday worship, scheduled weekly rehearsals, and special events.

Job evaluation and job description (subject to change) to be reviewed on an annual basis.

By signing this Job Description I acknowledge that I have read and received a copy.

_____________________ _________________________ Date

Accompanist Pastor or Church Representative

Revised 12/012/01

Saginaw Bay District, Saginaw, MI












A. Program staff persons are directly accountable to the senior pastor and have the responsibility to keep the pastor informed of their ministry activities. The staff works together as a team. Assisting the team with major church events not directly related to a person’s specified area of ministry is expected. Attendance at staff meetings and Church Council meetings is expected unless excused in advance. Cooperative planning, program coordinating and scheduling with all staff members is required.

B. While directly responsible to the senior pastor, the director of music will also have access to the Staff Parish Relations Team (SPRT) as well as other church teams. If conflicts develop and resolution cannot be reached with the senior pastor and ministry staff, the SPRT should be contacted in accordance with the Personnel Policies and Procedures of the Frankfort First United Methodist Church so that appropriate action can be taken to resolve these conflicts or concerns.

C. Relationships with elected leaders in assigned areas of responsibility must be developed and sustained. Direct and frequent consultation with parishioners, team leaders, and church staff is essential for the enhancement of the church music program. The director of music is expected to control disruptive behavior and to discuss behavior problems with parents if such problems occur during youth choir practice.

D. The director of music is expected to develop Christian music programs for all age groups and to apply program knowledge, church theology, professional skill, personal maturity, strength of character, personal integrity, and training to enhance worship at the FFUMC.


The ideal candidate for this position must possess a passion for music of all kinds and an interest in developing and sustaining and administering a strong healthy church music program for all ages. He/she must be interested in working with adult choirs, children’s choirs, sacred dance artists, youth choirs, handbell choirs, soloists, instrumentalists, and other programs that relate to music and the arts. The director of music will have the following specific responsibilities. He/she may adapt his daily routine to see that these duties are most efficiently performed:

A. He/she shall play the organ or piano at all services of worship including weddings and funerals or, with the senior pastor’s approval, authorize a qualified person to do so.

B. He/she shall direct the total music program of the church for the various age levels. This includes children, youth, and adult vocal choirs. In addition, he/she will direct and/or supervise the handbell choirs and instrumental ensembles of the church. By securing a qualified person, he/she will also supervise a sacred dance ensemble.

C. He/she shall insure that appropriate music, both instrumental and vocal, is presented at each service of worship.

D. He/she shall organize and present a number of special musical programs throughout the year that features the work of the choirs and/or talent from the congregation. Such programs may include: Lunch with the Arts (Thursdays in May); Chautauqua (Sunday evenings in August); Madrigal Dinner and; Yuletide Festival (three night event in December); and various special concerts throughout the year.

E. He/she shall work with the SPRT and Worship Team to see that the Church offers the best possible music program in the geographic area. The director of music is to keep the Church Council aware of needed additions of musical instruments and supplies to effectively carry out the ministry of music.

F. He/she shall be in charge of the maintenance of the pipe organ, pianos, handbells, and other related musical instruments. The director of music recommends to the Trustees the need for major repairs or replacement of musical instruments and other supplies.

G. He/she may seek the help of various lay personnel to assist with the choirs either as accompanists or assistants.

H. He/she shall work with other staff members to see that an effective ministry and witness is proclaimed in the church, community, region and world.

I. He/she shall be available for consultation and to provide suggestions for the contemporary worship service. He/she shall assist with the search and make recommendations for securing a director of music for the contemporary service when and if a director is needed.

J. He/she shall visit with prospective members and members of the Church as directed by the senior pastor when mutually agreeable.

K. He/she shall be in charge of setting up committees when necessary to carry out the various programs of the music ministry.

L. He/she shall integrate outside musical events into the Church calendar. Such interests include concert series, music day camp, handbell and choral festivals, etc. The FFUMC welcomes the opportunity to host such events.

M. He/she may lead short-term courses in music, worship, or United Methodist Church history.

N. He/she shall be involved in Kentucky Conference and Frankfort District of the United Methodist Church. This often involves music leadership as organist or participation by one or more of the Church choirs.

O. He/she may be involved in civic and professional organizations as time permits. Such organizations may include, but are not limited to:

- Kentucky Conference Board of Ministry

- Member of Frankfort District Board of Ministry

- American Guild of Organists

- Fellowship of United Methodists in Worship, Music, and the Arts

- Civic clubs or organizations

and others

P. He/she may also serve on other Church committees as appropriate.


A regular schedule of office hours will be kept and the senior pastor and Church office will be advised about the schedule. Availability for consultation with the staff, Church leaders, choir members, parents, etc. shall be on a regular basis. The music ministry requires a commitment of service to Christ and His church. As a full-time position, an average of fifty hours (50) per week is expected. The director of music shall be provided two days off for rest and reflection (Thursdays and Saturdays). Days off may be adjusted upon mutual consent of the senior pastor and the director of music. The weekly work schedule may vary due to attendance at various meetings, consultations and rehearsals of small groups.

The salary and benefits of the director of music shall be commensurate with training and experience and shall be subject to final approval by the SPRT pursuant to the Personnel Policies and Procedures of the Frankfort First United Methodist Church.

______________________________________________ ___________________________

Approved: SPRT Chairperson Today’s Date:

____________________________________________ ___________________________

Approved: Director of Music Today’s Date:

As acknowledged by my signature above, as director of music, I have received a copy of the Personnel Policies and Procedures of the Frankfort First United Methodist Church and understand that I am subject to the rules and procedures described therein.

The FFUMC is an Equal Opportunity Employer (M/F/D)


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