Providence Classical Christian School

Providence Classical Christian SchoolBoard Candidate ApplicationCandidate Name: Date: Thank you for your interesting in serving the Providence Classical Christian School community on the board of directors. Please complete this board application along with the attached biography questionnaire and return to the board Chairman (boardchairman@) when completed.Please share your personal testimony. Include a description of how your Christian worldview impacts your daily personal and professional life.Please read over the PCCS statement of faith, which can be found in the PCCS school Bylaws, Article II, Section 1. Do you totally agree with each of the positions? (Explain any exceptions.)Briefly explain your understanding of Article II (Statement of Faith), the subsection entitled “The Sovereignty of God” and the importance of each of these particular elements to the mission and vision of our school.Are you committed to Providence Classical Christian School for your children’s K-12 education? Please describe your understanding of the role of the board at Providence.What strengths do you believe you can contribute to the board? Why do you wish to serve on the board? What would you most like to see changed at Providence? Are you committed to allocating sufficient time in your schedule to fulfill you duties as a Providence board member? Please obtain the book: “Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning” by Douglas Wilson and start reading (should be complete by July 1 when board membership would start)Please prepare a 500 word essay on Dorothy Sayers’ article “The Lost Tools of Learning” (found online at text/sayers.html or at the end of Mr. Wilson’s book in the previous item)Please read the PCCS school Policies and Bylaws documents, and signify your agreement with same. Please provide three character references (one should be a pastor/elder from your church).Please complete and submit a Board Candidate Biography document (found on the PCCS web site). Once you have completed all of the above, the board will prayerfully consider your candidacy and, if appropriate, schedule a formal interview.ChairmanProvidence Classical Christian School Board ................

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