of the




Theme: “Solidarity with the Savior- Through His Witness”

Scriptures: Luke 24:48; John 15:26; Acts 1:8;

I Corinthians 15:3-8

Rev. Dr. Carlton R. Caldwell



Women’s Home Mission, Foreign Mission and Educational Union

Young People’s Department

Congress of Christian Education

Baptist Youth Fellowship

Social Services Ministry

Usher and Health Unit

Music Auxiliary

Ministers’ Wives and Widows

Evangelism Ministry

Prison Ministry

Disaster Relief Management Program

The 137th Annual Session will be held at the

Galilee Missionary Baptist Church

4300 Delmar Boulevard

St. Louis MO 63108

Rev. Dr. Carlton R. Caldwell, Pastor

July 19-24, 2015

Message from the Moderator and


Association Officers and Appointed Committees 9-10

Banquet Information 11

Assessment for Association and Auxiliaries 12

Association Quarterly Board Meetings/ Agenda 13

Good Friday Service 14

Churches and Pastors 15-24

Laymen Auxiliary Officers 25-28

Schedule Laymen Calendar of Events

Baptism & Communion Service

Laymen & Brotherhood Presidents/Contacts

Women’s Missionary Union 29-35

WMU Officers, Committee Chairmen

WMU Year at a Glance

WMU Local Presidents

Annual Days of Local WMU’s

Christian Women’s Pledge

Young People Department 36-39

YPD Officers and Counselors

YPD Calendar of Events

YPD Church Directors YPD Explanation of Moneys received

Pledges- Christian Flag, American Flag, Bible YPD Pledge

Congress of Christian Education 40-46

Congress and BYF Officers

Theme, Meeting information, Pro- Rata Information

Leadership Training School Information

Monthly Meeting Dates/ Monthly Schedule

Prison Ministry

Social Service Ministry

Congress Superintendents

Disaster Relief Management Program 47

Evangelism Ministry 48

Usher & Health Unit Auxiliary 49-53


Events & Meetings

Junior Usher & Health Unit Meetings

Local Ushers and Health Unit Presidents

State and National Officers

Local Church Ushers & Health Unit Annual Days

Ministers’ Wives and Widows Officers 54-55

Minister’s Wives and Widows Calendar

Music Auxiliary 56-57


Music Auxiliary Calendar

Scholarship Information 58

State and National Officers and Meetings 59--60

Berean Mailing Address and Website/ Directory 61-74

Solidarity with the Savior through His Witness

Acts 1:8

“But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy ghost is come upon you; and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” (KJV)


We have a fireplace in our home and I love to start a fire. I a fire starter, light it on each end, and small flames burn the edges and grow. I place the wood on the flames, and the flames fueled by wood and air builds, until higher and wider it spreads consuming the wood. The flame becomes a fire.

Nearly 2,000 years ago a match was struck in Palestine. At first, just a few in that corner of the world were touched and warmed, but the fire spread beyond Jerusalem and Judea out to the world and to all people. Acts provides an eyewitness account of the flame and the fire- the birth and spread of the church (the ekk-lesia- the called out). Beginning in Jerusalem with a small group of disciples, the message traveled across the Roman Empire. Empowered by synagogues, schools, homes, markets and courtrooms; on streets, hills, ships and desert roads- where God sent them, lives and history were changed.

Acts 1:1 says, my former book. The Gospel of Luke. The book of Acts continues the story Luke begins in his Gospel covering the 30 years after Jesus’ ascension. Notice how Luke ends his gospel in chapter 24:49, “I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.” The Greek word for endued (enduo) en-doo-o, clothed, implies put on, to sink into, as you put on clothes. Acts written by Luke as a sequel to his Gospel, Acts is an accurate historical record of the early church. Acts was addressed to the same patron. Of all that Jesus begin to do and to teach. An apt summation of Luke’s Gospel, implying that Jesus’ work continues in Acts through his own personal interventions and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. The Gospel of Luke records what Jesus ‘began (the Greek word archomal (ar’-khom-ahee), to be the first to do (anything) both to do and teach’ in the human body, and the Book of Acts tells us what Jesus continued to do and teach through His spiritual body, the church. All I’ve said thus far is, Berean we got to take care of unfinished business.

Acts 1:8 also gives us a general outline of the Book of Acts as it describes the geographical spread of the Gospel. The apostles were to be witnesses from Jerusalem (Acts 1-7) to Judea and Samaria (Acts 8-9), and then to the Gentiles and to the ends of the earth including Caesarea, Antioch, Asia Minor Greece and Rome (Acts 10-28). No matter where we live, as Christians we should begin our witness at home and then extend it “into all the world.” As Doctor Oswald J. Smith used to say, “The light that shines the farthest will shine the brightest at home.”


8. Jesus promised the disciples that they would receive power to witness after they received the Holy Spirit. Notice the progression: (1) they received the Holy Spirit, (2) he gave them power, and (3) they witnessed with extraordinary results. Witnessing is not showing what we can do for God, but showing and telling what God has done for us.


This 1:8 verse describes a series of ever-widening circles. The Gospel was to spread, geographically from Jerusalem, into Judaea and Samaria, and finally to the whole world. It would begin with the devote Jews in Jerusalem and Samaria, spread to the mixed race in Samaria, and finally be offered to the Gentiles in the uttermost parts of the earth. God’s Gospel has not reached its final destination if someone in your family, your workplace, your school, or your community hasn’t heard about Jesus Christ. Make sure that you are contributing in some way to the ever-widening circle of God’s loving message.

CHRISTIANS who refuse to witness are saying to those people they choose not to witness to, “You can go to hell!”


When the Titanic went under, three messages had been sent that said to watch out for the icebergs. Because everything looked all right, the folks taking the message never passed it on. They never sent the warning out to people who needed to hear and, as a result, over fifteen hundred people lost their lives. The folks who knew kept quiet.

Another tragedy of the Titanic was the lifeboats, designed to carry people away from the sinking ship, were only half full. People who had made it to safety in the lifeboats didn’t want to turn around and go pick up people who were dying. They didn’t want to take the risk of panicking people flipping over their boat. So the people who were saved and safe kept on going. Fifteen hundred people didn’t have to die, but they did. The folks who were saved didn’t want to go back because it was risky.

Sharing the gospel has risks- the risk of rejection, the risk of being made fun of, the risk of being called “holier than thou,” the risk of being called “Reverend”, the risk of being avoided, the risk of being asked questions you don’t know the answers to. Yes, there are risks, but when someone is dying, offering them the gift of salvation is worth the risk.

“Witness” Witness- martus (mar-toos) is a key word in the Book of Acts and is used twenty-nine times either as a verb or a noun. A witness is somebody who tells what he has seen and heard, But Peter and John replied, “Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God’s sight to obey you rather than God. For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard (Acts 4: 19-20 NIV)


Was in Branson Missouri recently, in Starbucks getting my favorite drink. A couple of guys came into the coffee shop with matching t-shirts. On the back of the t-shirts, it had Matthew 25:35-36, “For I was hungered, and ye gave me meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me dring; I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me; I was in prison, and ye came unto me.” On the front of the t-shirt had the name of the church, Highland Baptist Church, Natchez, Mississippi. I said to them, ya’ll long way from home. Yea they said, about a 9 hour drive. I then asked, what brings you to Branson? They said they were on a mission trip, they did a survey and found that Branson is a tourist attraction, 2-3 million people flock to Branson, and they decided that with so many people, Branson would be an ideal spot to witness about Jesus Christ. So they do a mission trip to Branson, right here in the states, come there every year, and hand out water. It blew me away, 1) we look and go to Branson just for entertainment, excitement, fun- but they look at it as an opportunity to be a witness. 2) Group of 12 young people drive 9 hours to be a witness. In this context Branson is a hotspot for evangelism. The first rule of evangelism is that to be effective you got to go where they are. The problem is that we are not going to where they are. Instead of being hotspots for Jesus, we have become cold spots. Instead of being Missionary Baptists many of us have become stationary Baptists.

My wife bought me an I-Pad. Little pad that has internet access (that’s what the “I” stands for). So whenever I go out, I look for a “Hotspot”.

“Hotspot” is a site that offers internet access over a wireless local area network through the use of a router connected to a link to an internet provider. Hotspots can be found in coffee shops, restaurants, train stations, airports, libraries, hotels, hospitals, bookstores, fuel stations, department stores, supermarkets, RV parks, and campgrounds. Many universities and school have wireless networks on their campuses as well.

WELL—I would like for you to think of the church as a “hotspot” for Jesus.

The day of Pentecost

At the day of Pentecost, God used hot stuff to usher in His Church. God is the master user of hot stuff.

The Spirit came and the people heard the sound of the rushing wind and saw tongues of fire.

The Spirit baptized and filled the believers.

The Spirit spoke as they praised God in various languages.

The Spirit “empowered” peter to preach.

The Spirit convicted the listener so that 3,000 trusted Christ and were saved.

Blessings to each and every one for a Prayerful, Public, Persistent and Praiseful Year

Carlton R. Caldwell, Moderator Berean District Association

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” Matthew 28:19

The Berean District’s Church Planting Initiative---

The Baptist Standard Church Directory and Busy Pastor’s Guide on page 5 states this plainly, “More particularly the formation of new churches as the outgrowth and fruit of strife and dissension in older ones should be avoided.” Tragically this statement expresses the historic reality of much of the church growth within our metropolitan area.

The Berean District’s Church Planting Initiative seeks to grow the body of Christ by prayerful and thoughtful intentionality to implement the mandate Christ Jesus gave in Matthew 28: 19-20 and to use methodology outlined in Acts 14: 21-28.

There are three basic models for starting new churches that the Berean District will utilize:

• The Traditional Model

Identifying and training a planter/pastor and launching the church from a specific area.

• The Organic Model

Connecting with a small group already in an area to provide leadership with a planter/pastor, encouragement, support and resources to grow the small group into a congregation.

• Multi-site Model

Facilitating, training and planting new churches as an off-site or satellite location from a main campus.

5 Steps to getting involved

Step 1 First, personal relationships are the most significant reason why unchurched people were attracted to and stayed in the church. We must develop a personal relationship with non-churched community through:

o Door to door

o Face to face meetings

o Interacting

o Encouraging new people to church

Step 2 Organize large gatherings (Greetings):

o Individuals can remain anonymous as they check out the church.

o Determining what relationship they have with God before making any commitment.

Step 3 Set up small groups- Organize groups regarding individuals issues (drugs, education, marital, sex and peer pressure). New converts often reach their unsaved friends through their testimony and the witness of a changed life. Gaining a sense of belonging and discipline. In other words, the practice of providing small groups is the most effective means of helping new people form significant relationships and grow spiritually through:

o Bible Study Groups

o Men’s and Women’s groups

o Sunday School

o Newcomer and membership classes

o Need-Meeting Ministries

o New Believers Class

Step 4 Discover Gifts

As individuals surrender to Christ, they need to uncover their God given talents & spiritual gifts. Discovering and exercising your God-given spiritual gifts allows you to experience maximum fulfillment in your Christian life and ministry. A spiritual gift is an expression of the Holy Spirit in the life of believers which empowers them to serve in the body of Christ, the church. Whether it’s leadership, faith, giving, hospitality, administration, teaching, prophecy, discernment or shepherding.

Step 5 Putting your Gift’s into action.

God’s will is revealed to those who are growing spiritually in Christ through the use of their God-given spiritual gifts. Spiritual understanding takes place in action. Action produces the spiritual growth that is needed to recognize spiritual insight through:

o Empowerment

o Equipment

o Commitment

Moderator Rev. Dr. Carlton R. Caldwell

1st Vice Moderator Rev. Clifton L. Graham

2nd Vice Moderator Rev. Keith Pendilton

3rd Vice Moderator Rev. Darian J. Jones

Recording Secretary Sis. Joyce Rogers

Asst. Recording Secretary Sis. Mable Clemons

Corresponding Secretary Sis. Kathy A. Harris

Financial Secretary Rev. Larry Boyd

Treasurer Rev. Gary L. Anderson

Statistician Rev. Emmanuel Searcy

Auditor Rev. Clarence Deloch

Musical Director Sis. Sherry L. Jones


Worship Leader Bro. William Tucker

Worship Leader Bro. Allen Bluiett, Jr.

Song Leader Sis. Ruth Rattler

Assistant Song Leader

Missionaries Rev. Robert Johnson, III Rev. Felix Gibson

Dr. Elbert Abron, PhD

Rev. Bernard Nelson, Sr.

Rev. Derrick Keely


Rev. Dr. Jimmy L. Brown Rev. Robert Houston

Rev. Dr. Charles J. Brown, Sr. Rev. O.K. Patterson

Rev. Dr. Linden Bowie Rev. Wendell Richardson

Rev. Reginald D. Rogers, Sr Rev. Titus Irving

Moderator Emeritus Rev. Dr. Clarence J. Duvall


1. Attend all meetings.

2. Keep your church assessments according to schedule current

3. Keep your copy of the Constitution handy and refer to it.

4. Work to encourage Pastors to participate and pay assessments

5. Make recommendation; be prayerful, and observant of over

Representation as Officers, Board Members, etc.



Consist of Parent Body Elected Officers, Auxiliary Presidents, Board Members


Rev. Grant Hughes, Chairman Sis. Kathy A. Harris

Rev. Roderick Burton


Rev. Gary L. Anderson Bro. William Tucker

Rev. Larry Boyd Bro. Allen Bluiett, Jr.

Sis. Ruth Rattler


Sis. Darlean S. Tobias Bro. Allen Bluiett, Jr.

Sis. Victoria Reynolds Sis. Sonya Taylor

If you are ill or in bereavement Sis. Dari Ragland

or know of someone ill or

in bereavement please contact

a member of the Cheer Committee



Rev. Charles J. Brown, Sr. Bro. Tyrone Jones, Chairperson

Sis. Annie Tucker

Sis. Edna Walker

Bro. William Foster, Jr


Sis. Ruth Rattler

Sis. Darlean Tobias

Sis. Michelle Bowie


SOCIAL SERVICE MINISTRY Rev. Clifton L. Graham, Chairperson


Sis. Linda Mackey, Chairperson Bro. Neil Hughes

Sis. Lorna Vaughn, Co -Chairperson Dr. Claudia Fowler

Bro. Ronald Elliott Sis. Barbara Peoples

Bro. Delester Jefferson Sis. Alcurtis Franks

Bro. Allen Bluiett

Sis. Patricia Osby

Sis. Caroll Rogers

SPECIAL EVENTS Rev. Gary L. Anderson

Rev. Dr. Linden Bowie, Coordinator

Berean Missionary Baptist District Association

District Banquet


November 7, 2014

7:00 p.m.

New Northside Conference Center


Rev. Freddie Clark

Pastor, Shalom City of Peace

Tickets: $40.00

Contact Sis. Carol Johnson (314-591-3362) or

Bro. Delester Jefferson (314-381-7488) for Tickets



2015 St. Louis Metropolitan Preaching Conference

April 8-10, 2015

Prospect Hill Missionary Baptist Church

4533 Arlington Avenue

St. Louis MO 63120

|ASSOCIATION |(Per Month) * (per Quarter)* |(Per Year)* |

|(Based on Church Membership) | | |

|600 and OVER |$ 92.00 275.00 |$ 1,100.00 |

|151-599 |67.00 200.00 |800.00 |

|150 AND UNDER |50.00 150.00 |600.00 |

|CONGRESS OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION(membership based on Sunday | | |

|School and/or BTU) | | |

|1-150 members | | |

|151 and over |$ 10.00 30.00 |$ 120.00 |

| |15.00 45.00 |180.00 |



|(Pro Rata based on Quarterly Institutes) | | |

|WMS (Women’s Missionary Society) |$ 18.75 per institute |$ 75.00 |

|WMU (Women’s Missionary Union) |$ 25.00 per institute |100.00 |

| | | |

|YOUNG PEOPLE DEPARTMENT |$ 15.00 per institute |$ 60.00 |

|Plus other designated monies | | |

|LAYMEN |$ 5.00 per month |$ 60.00 |


| | |$ 49.00 |


|Per Workshop |$ 15.00 |$ 60.00 |

|Annual Session | |15.00 |

| | | |

|EVANGELISM DEPARTMENT |$ 15.00 |$ 180.00 |

| | | |

Fiscal Year is from July- June.

Assessments are to be paid in full to the association and auxiliaries if desiring to receive scholarships from the various auxiliaries.

Assessments may be paid in individual auxiliary meetings or mailed to:

Berean Missionary Baptist District Association

P.O. Box 24854

St. Louis MO 63115

FIRST MONDAYS – 7:00 p.m. (unless as noted)

August 25, 2014 (and Installation of Officers)

Mt. Airy Missionary Baptist Church

4700 Maffitt Avenue

St. Louis Mo 63113

Rev. Dr. Charles J. Brown, Sr., Pastor

December 1, 2014

Faith Baptist Church of Berkeley, Inc.

6019 Helen Avenue

Berkeley MO 63134

Rev. Keith Pendilton, Pastor

March 3, 2015 (First Tuesday)

Baptist Church of the Holy Communion

7515 Melrose Avenue

St. Louis MO 63130

Rev. Bartlett Wilkerson, Pastor

June 1, 2015

Lite of Jericho Missionary Baptist Church

5429 St. Louis Avenue

St. Louis MO 63120

Rev. Reginald D. Rogers, Sr., Pastor

All Association Officers, Board Members, Pastors, Auxiliary Presidents, Committee Chairpersons and Members should be present at each quarterly board meeting. **All reports should be in writing and turned in to the recording secretary.




Reading of Minutes/ Adoption

Auxiliary Reports **

Congress and Baptist Youth Fellowship Auxiliary

Women’s Auxiliary and YPD Auxiliary

Usher and Health Unit Auxiliary

Ministers’ Wives and Widows Auxiliary

Laymen’s Auxiliary

Music Auxiliary and Youth & Yong Adult Choir

Committee Reports**

Finance Report

Old Business

New Business



Friday, April 3, 2015

12:00 Noon

First Missionary Baptist Church of Robertson

356 Woodlawn Avenue

Hazelwood MO 63042

Rev. Cornelius J. Osby, Pastor


Devotions Devotional Committee


1st Word “Father, forgive them….” Luke 23:24

2nd Word “Today shalt thou be with me… Luke 23:43


3rd Word “Behold thy mother!” John 19:27

4th Word “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthahni?” Matthew 27:46


5th Word “I thirst!” John 19:28

6th Word “It is finished.” John 19:30


7th Word “Father, into thy hands…” Luke 23:46

Selection (Invitation)

Remarks and Benediction

OFFERING: This offering will go to Western Baptist Bible College. Please be generous.



Baptist Church of the Holy Communion Rev. Bartlett Wilkerson

7515 Melrose Avenue 63130 7312 Trenton Avenue 63130

725 4613 805 6170 974 6166

E-Mail: b.wilkerson@

Bethany New Life Missionary Baptist Rev. Ben O. Chandler, Jr.

10204 Imperial Drive 63136 10326 Ittner 63136

869 3993 838 3532

Email: benochandler@

Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church

4168 W. Belle Place 63108

652 6421

Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church

3506 Cass Avenue 63106

533 2475

Christian Love Missionary Baptist Rev. Dr. Larry Boyd, Sr.

2917 Kossuth Avenue 63107 9554 Marveline Avenue 63136

531 2707 867 1387

Email: Boyd9554@


Clayton Baptist Rev. Harold C.M. Ellis, III

2801 N. Union Boulevard 63115 2192 Orbitt Drive 63136

383 6779 867 5081

Compton Hill Baptist Rev. Stephen Vasser

3141 LaSalle Street 63104 #7 Blossomwood Court 63033

771 7971 771 7936 355 1945

Cornerstone Institutional Baptist Rev. Rick D. Edwards

4700 Washington Boulevard 63108

367 8000 446 9636

367 3519 (fax)



Eastern Star Baptist Rev. Dr. Theodore V. Foster Sr.

3117-21 St. Louis Avenue 63106 3117 St. Louis Avenue 63106

533 4447 533 7218

Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church Rev. Duane Belford

1385 Goodfellow Avenue 605 Clara Apt. 509 63112 P.O. Box 23562 63112 226 8307

382 6417 Email: mom_2madi@

Faith Baptist Church of Berkeley, Inc. Rev. Keith Pendilton

6019 Helen Avenue 63134 6714 Myron Avenue 63121

524 5338 901 734 2489 (cell)

Email: faithbaptistber@ Email: pastorfaithberkeley@

Fifth Baptist Rev. Clifton L. Graham

3736 Natural Bridge 63107 6022 Annex Court. 63135

531 2602 531 2277 Office 531-5121 Fax 521 5848 494 6769 cell Church Email: 5thbaptist@ Email: revclgraham@

First Baptist of Creve Coeur Rev. Dr. James E. Lacy

1553 Creve Coeur Mill Road 63146 # 71 Huckleberry Court

434 4625 434 5121 Fax O’Fallon MO 63366

Church Email: fbcrevecoeur@ 636 978 1697 636 734 4998

Church Web Address: Email: jmlacy@

First Baptist of Elmwood Park Rev. Brian Jackson

1452 Dielman Road 63132 7111 Hunter Avenue 63121

991 0824 381 1753

Email: Bkj7111@

First Community Baptist Church of Pagedale Rev. Nathaniel Malone 6815 Page Blvd. Pagedale 63133 7633 Dale Avenue 63117

932 5495 644 4120

Email: natemalone@


First Missionary Baptist Church Rev. Cornelius J. Osby

Of Robertson 7452 Ahern Ct. 63130 356 Woodlawn Avenue 974 2424

Hazelwood 63042 Email: revozby@

731 0679 731-0678 (Fax)

Free Grace MB Church Rev. William Howard

5515 Cates 63112

454 0799 389 8912

Galilee Baptist Rev. Carlton Caldwell

4300 Delmar Boulevard 63108 15407 Eagle Estate Court 63034

531 6390 531 4342 (fax) 831 5763

Church Email: galileedelmar@ Email: crc96g@

God First Church Rev. Carl A. Lucas

12025 Raymond Spanish Lake 63138 12095 Nero Drive Florissant 63033

741 9995 839 8646

Website: Email: clucas@

Good News Baptist Rev. Byron C. Crawford

8850 Jennings Station Road. 63136 5413 James River Drive 63034

868 3312 741 5149

Email: goodnewsbaptist@


Greater Leonard Baptist Rev. Ralph Irving

1130 Benton Street 63106 6015 Clemens 63112

421 5288 436 2922 Fax 862 1412 795 2285 (cell)


Greater Paradise Baptist Rev. Michael Tyler

1428 N. Garrison Avenue 63106

534 7014 283 9518 531 4988

Church Email: greaterparadise@ Email: mikett2933@

Greater Progressive Baptist Rev. Michael E. Scott

3917 N. Taylor Avenue 63115 11115 Whitehall Manor Drive 63044

385 2092 385 0530 Fax 395 6408


Greater St. Paul Missionary Baptist Rev. Titus Irving

5503 Gilmore Avenue 63120

383 6845 383 2106 (Pastor’s Office) 313 4566 (cell)

Church Email: greaterstpaul@

Greater Union MB Church Rev. R.J. Glasco

1026 North Vandeventer 63113

533 5618

Harrison Avenue Baptist Rev. Jeffery G. Croft

355 S. Harrison Avenue (Church) 103 Lithia Avenue 63119

(Mailing Address) 963 0262

347 S. Harrison Avenue 63122 Email: croftjg@

965 8109

Church Email: hambc@

Church Web Address:

Lite of Jericho Baptist Rev. Reginald D. Rogers, Sr.

5429 St. Louis Avenue 63120 3066 Andover Drive 63121

383 6087 226 6039

Church Email: liteofjericho75@ Email: jerichoservant@

Church Web Address:

Mercy Seat Missionary Baptist Rev. Dr. James Brown, Sr.

4424 Washington Blvd. 63108 9410 Crockett Drive 63132

531 3759 531-9242 (fax) 432 3644 276 2973 (cell)

Church Email: msmbchurch@ Email: msmbc4424@

Church Web Address:

Metropolitan Missionary Baptist- Jennings Rev. Leonard Dennis

5300 Helen Avenue 63136 4160 Westminster Place 63108

389 5005 389 0220 fax 535 7810

Church Email: mmbc2008@

Metropolitan Missionary Baptist- Kinloch Rev. Charles Hampton

8325 Scudder Avenue 63140 6234 Creston Avenue 63121

522 0073 385 1319

Church Email: metrombc@


Monumental Baptist Rev. Alex Peterson

4368 Page Boulevard 63113

Contact # 831 9571 831 9571

Email: alexpetersonco@

Mount Airy Baptist Rev. Dr. Charles J. Brown, Sr.

4700 Maffitt Avenue 63113 1184 English Saddle Road 63034

385 8234 385-5179 (fax) 837 6692 496 2000

Email: revcjb@

Mount Bethel Baptist Rev. Steve Wooten

1600 Belt Avenue 63112 1405 Lawrence Avenue

361 4203 Fax: 367 2033 East St. Louis 62201

Pastor’s Office: 361 1040

Church Email: mtbethel@ 618 482 5016

Church Web Address:

Mount Esther Baptist Rev. Edward Morgan

4720 Greer Avenue 63115 95 Birchlawn Dr. 63033

389 6610 573-418-0733 emorgan0673@

Mount Gideon Baptist Rev. Robert L. Huston

6505 Etzel Avenue 63130 6515 Etzel Avenue 63130

862 2762 863 8940 721 7912

Mount Nebo Baptist Rev. Dwight Davis

4981 Theodore Avenue 63115 1355 Belrue Avenue 63133

389 2269 389 8707 727 6774 437 9376

Church Email: mtnebo1933@ Email:

Mount Tabor Baptist Rev. Jodie Nevils, Jr.

3513 Cass Avenue 63106 1044 Willowbrook Drive 63146

652 6494 255 4127

Mount Zion Baptist, Richmond Heights Rev. Oliver K. Patterson

P.O. Box 9326 Richmond Height 63117 1800 S. Brentwood Blvd # 832

647 3391 378-0823

Church Email: mtzionok@ Email: okpsr@

Church Web Address:


Mount Zion Baptist, St. Charles Rev. Tramaine Combs

P.O. Box # 714 15 Greendale Drive

2100 Randolph St. Charles MO 63302 St. Louis, MO 63121

636 946 4719 Email: pastormc74@

Church Email: mtzionstcharles@

Church Web Address:

Musick Baptist Rev. David Scott

790 Fee Fee Rd. Maryland Heights 63043 1667 McLaran Avenue 63147

872 7907 239 5117

Email: reckapt@

New Beginning Baptist Rev. Carl Smith

4055 Edmundson Woodson Terrace 63134 1273 Hermans Orchard Dr. 63034

426 0101 426 4585 Fax 921 5101 504 8665 (cell)

Email: revcarlstanley@

New Covenant with Harmony Baptist Rev. James A. Winston

1888 Andros Court 63136 2410 Netherwood Drive 63136

869 8337 868 3188

New Emmanuel Baptist

6233 Chatham Avenue 63133

382 6469

Church Email: newemmanuel@

New Fellowship Missionary Baptist Rev. Darral Johnson

Temporary Address: 1826 Charleston Estates Dr. 63031

5429 St. Louis Avenue 63120 830 1913 304 1341 (cell) Email: darraljohnson@

New Northside Baptist Rev. Roderick Burton

8645 Goodfellow Avenue 63147 16060 Meadow Oak Drive 63017

388 0710 Chesterfield

Church Web Address: 246 1207

Email: rkburton@


New Sunny Mount Missionary Baptist Rev. Donald Hunter

4700 W. Florissant Avenue 63115 531 Holshire Way, Ballwin 63011

389 4544 office 389 9552 fax 636 256 3595

Church Email: nsmbaptist@

Church Web Address:

Northern Baptist Rev. Dr. Harold J. Butler

3333 Clara Avenue 63120 1949 Lakeaire Drive 63138

389 6441 355 0071 518 7722 (cell)

Church Email: info@ Email: bib333@

Church Web Address:

Oak Grove Baptist Rev. Lee Harden

5700 Woodlawn Avenue 63120 1914 Owen Drive 63133

385 6530 385 5767 (Fax) 727 6888 726 2383 (Fax) Church Email:

oakgrovemissionary@ Email: leeharden@

Old Community Baptist Rev. Eric Hayes

238 W. Kirkham Avenue 63119 5024 Raymond Avenue 63113

962 3117 367 1353

Email: ehayesrev@

Olivet Baptist Rev. Henry Crump

12200 New Halls Ferry Road Florissant 63033 14312 Jamestown Bay Drive 63034

Mailing Address: P.O, Box 2040 63032 355 8289

837 8418 837 6973 (fax)

Church Email: olivetmbchurch@ Email: henry_crump@

Church Web Address:

Original Friendship Baptist Rev. A.M. Smith

4560 St. Louis Avenue 63115 4616 Pope Avenue 63115

652 2026 383 3003

Prospect Hill Baptist Rev. Darian Jones

4533 Arlington Avenue 63120 827 Lebon Drive 63127

381 6787 381 0920 fax/office 388 1248 497 9078

Church Email: prospecthillmbc@ darianjones2@


Riverside Missionary Baptist Church Rev. James B. Rogers

(Worship at Riverview Gardens Baptist Church) 5343 Lexington 63115

10047 Jeffrey Dr. 63137 874 6344

882 8853 (cell)


Rock of Ages Baptist Rev. Oliver E. Henderson

2426 N. Union Blvd. 63113 810 Carmelite Lane 63031

367 7700 830 3196


Saint Luke-Memorial Baptist Rev. Dr. Jimmy L. Brown

3623 Finney Avenue 63113 12755 Orley Drive 63033

531 1978 534 9265 office 531 8344 Fax 741 8423 603 1429 (cell) Church Email: STLUKEMMBC@ Email: revjimmy@

Church Web Address:

Saint Timothy Baptist Rev. Spencer Bartlett

6333 Dr. M.L. King Drive 63133 3920 Rue De Renard 63043

261 4355 481 4581

Second New Mt. Zion Baptist Rev. Emmanuel Searcy

4216 W. Lexington Avenue 63115 2206 Lucas Avenue 63102

533 0212 691 5158

Church Email: secondnewmtzion@ Email: searcychesterfield@

Siloam Baptist Rev. Charles Jones

3309-11 Belt Avenue 63120 2569 Center 63136

P.O. Box 21327 63115 869 7651 809 2743 (cell)

382 9621 Email: ajones2569@

Church Email: siloammbc32@

Southern Mission Baptist Church Bishop John Mitchell, Jr.

8171 Wesley Ave. 63140 1800 Oak Tree St. Peters 63376

521 3951 636 441 4240



Union Baptist Rev. Dr. Calvin Jones

2957 Dayton Avenue 63106 3339 Belt Apt. 2 South 63120

535 7839 381 7574 541 5772 (cell)

Email: cbjones9806@

Union Baptist Church of Chesterfield Rev. Dr. Harvey Fields, Jr.

17200 Church Road 63017

636 532 0341

Church Email: Baptist.union@

Church Web Site:

Union Tabernacle Baptist Rev. Louis Shelton

626 N. Newstead Avenue 63108 16700 Stanford Pl. Drive 63034

535 6667 839 7760

Unity Baptist Rev. Edward Spiller, Jr.

328 S. Taylor Avenue 63122-6129 356 S. Taylor 63122

821 5595 498 0994

Church Email: unitymbchurch328@ ministerspiller@

Washington Tabernacle Baptist Rev. Rodney T. Francis, M.Div

3200 Washington Boulevard 63103 4047 Blaine Avenue 63110

533 8763 601 3050

Church Email: washtabernacle@ Email: rodneytfrancis@

Church Web Address:

West Bethel Baptist Rev. A.B. Jackson

3704 North Market Street 63113 4492 Penrose Avenue 63115

382 7237 382 7237

West Side Baptist Rev. Dr. Ronald L. Bobo, Sr.

City Campus: 4675 Page Boulevard 63113 1130 Olivaire Lane, Olivette 63132

No. Co Campus: 2677 Dunn Road 63136 989 1284 535 9002 535 0212 fax Email: rlbobo454@

Church Email: info@

Church Web Address:

Zion Travelers Baptist Rev. Dr. Linden Bowie

351 Chambers Road 63137 168 Behlmann Meadows Way 63034

868 7404 839 4941

Church Email: Ziontravelers351@ Email: bowielinden@

Church Web Address:



President Bro. Neil Hughes

Vice President At-Large Bro. James C. Penny

1st Vice President Bro. Keith Spears

2nd Vice President Bro. Timothy Hunter

3rd Vice President Bro. Tommy Hayes

4th Vice President Bro. General Smith

Executive Secretary/Treasurer Bro. Essex Young

Financial Secretary Bro. Charles Bateman

Corresponding Secretary Bro Ronald Elliott

Director of Christian Education Rev. Felix Gibson

Jr. Laymen Director Rev. Roderick Burton

Homeless Shelter Ministry Bro. James Dunbar

Music Ministry Bro. Almas Nance

Junior Laymen President Bro. Zarek Burton


Prison Ministry Rev. Felix Gibson

Bro. Neil Hughes

Disaster Management Bro. Ronald Elliott

Scholarship Committee Bro. Charles Bateman

Rev. Roderick Burton

Devotional Leaders Bro. Percy Hollins

Bro. Robert Smith

Bro. Fred Thurman

Bro. James Dunbar

Nominating Committee Bro. Leno Blue

Bro. Harold A. McLain

Laymen’s Auxiliary Calendar


The Laymen Auxiliary Monthly meetings are held on the First Friday of each month unless otherwise announced. Our meeting are currently hosted by a different member Church each month.

August 25 Association Board

August 30 Laymen Picnic – St. Ann Park

August 31 State Laymen Early Morning service TBA

September 1-5 NBC, USA, Inc. – New Orleans, LA

September 12 Monthly Meeting – Mercy Seat MBC

October 3 Monthly Meeting – Mt. Bethel Baptist Church

October 7 Quarterly Lord’s Supper & Baptist Service

October 13 – 17 Missouri State Contention – St. Louis, MO

October 24-26 National Laymen 7 State Workshop

November 7 Berean District Banquet

November 14 Monthly Meeting TBA

November 30 State Laymen Early Morning Service TBA

December 1 Association Board Meeting

December 5 Laymen Christmas Fellowship – TBA

January 4, 2015 Quarterly Lord’s Supper & Baptist service

January 9 Monthly Meeting – Olivet M. B. Church

January 19 – 23 NBC, USA, Inc. Mid-Winter Board Meeting

February 6 Monthly Meeting – Northern M B Church

February 14 Missouri State Junior Laymen Black History

February 22 TBA

March 13 Monthly Meeting – Union Baptist Church

March 9 (1st Tue) Association Board Meeting

March TBA Berean District Leadership School

March TBA Bible Bowl & Basketball Tournament.

April 3 Monthly Meeting – Lite of Jericho

April 5 Quarterly Lord Supper & Baptism service

April TBA MO State Laymen Louis B. Parker Workshop

May 1 Monthly Meeting - New Sunny Mount

May TBA Open

May 31 State Laymen Early Morning Service TBA

June 1 Association Board Meeting

June 5 Monthly Meeting – New Northside MB Church

June 22 – 26 National Baptist Congress

July This Month will be for Officer Planning

July State Congress of Christian Education

July 5 Quarterly Lord’s Supper & Baptism Service

July 19 – 24 137th Annual Session – Berean District Assn.



Please join the Berean District Association and Laymen at the Quarterly Baptism and Communion Services. In addition to the Sunday evening service, the Laymen are asking for assistance with canvassing the area surrounding our host churches each quarter.

October 5, 2014 (held at)Lite of Jericho Church 6:00 p.m.

Hosted by Free Grace MB Church

Rev. William Howard, Pastor

January 4, 2015 Greater Union MB Church 6:00 p.m.

Rev. R.J. Glasco, Pastor

April 5, 2015 Compton Hill MB Church 6:00 p.m.

Rev. Steven Vasser, Pastor

July 5, 2015 Unity MB Church 6:00 p.m.

Rev. Edward Spiller, Pastor

October 4, 2015 Mt. Nebo MB Church 6:00 p.m.

Rev. Dwight Davis, Pastor

*** Pastors: If you have candidates for Baptism, considering bringing them to the quarterly services and baptizing you candidate at that time.



|First Missionary Baptist Church of Robertson |Bro. Jesse Foster, III |

|Galilee Baptist |Bro. Harold McLain |

|Lite of Jericho | |

|Mercy Seat |Bro. General Smith |

|Mt. Bethel Baptist |Bro. Charles Bateman |

|Mt. Nebo |Bro. Willie Current |

|New Northside |Bro. Neil Hughes |

|Northern Baptist |Bro. Keith Spears |

|Prospect Hill |Bro. William Foster, Jr. |

|Olivet Baptist |Bro. Leonard Douglas |

|Union Baptist |Bro. Samuel Gradford |

|Unity Baptist |Bro. Elswerth Caviness |

|Zion Travelers |Bro. Joseph Higgs |

Berean Laymen Email          bmbdlm@

Berean Laymen Blog                    

Berean Laymen Facebook        

Berean Laymen Twitter            

MBSCM Preparedness              

National Laymen Facebook     



Theme: “If When I’ve Done All I Can, Just Stand on Faith”

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 16: 13-14

2 Timothy 4: 7

President Dr. Claudia Fowler

Young People’s Director Sis. Alfreda Wilbon

1st Vice President Sis. Jennifer Mosby

2nd Vice President Sis. Victoria Reynolds

Secretary Sis. Gwendolyn Ford

Treasurer Sis. Jeanie Wells

Financial Secretary Sis. Juanita Tillman

Corresponding Secretary Sis. Cheryl Stubbs

Pianist Sis. Ernestine Burnett

Assistant Pianist Sis. Loretta Ellis

Devotion Leader Sis. Mary Larde

President Emeritus Sis. Esther Allen

President Emeritus Sis. Annie Tucker


Dr. Claudia Fowler, President- 382-0376 bereanwmu@


Sis. Lillian Hamilton 361-1470


Sis. Louise Johnson 867- 3296

Sis. LaViolet Rogers 727- 5027


Sis Mary Larde (Chairman) 383- 1232

Dr. Barbara Rowsey 385-3251

Sis Margaret Dorsey 372 5440

Sis. Ruth Rattler (special assistant) 868 7716

Sis. Ernestine Burnett-Pianist 381-2541


Sis. Brenda Elliott-Lee 429-1930

Sis . Alcurtis Franks 423-7888

Sis. Wanda Keys 838-1887


Sis. Jennifer Mosby 395-9304


Sis. Jennifer Mosby(chairman) 395- 9304

Sis. Louise Rhodes(co-chairman) 381-9235

Sis. Juanita Whiteside 355-6601


Sis. Jeanie Wells 721- 2537

Sis. Juanita Tillman 867- 6543


Sis. Beatrice Chapple 382- 8308

Sis. Barbara Spears (Assistant) 727- 0370


Sis. Mable Clemons 389- 5027

Sis. Joyce Rogers (Assistant) 521 0086


Sis. Harriette H. Vaughn 966 -2706

Sis. Florance Brown(assistant) 653-0706

Sis. Juanita Tillman (assistant) 867-6543


Sis. Valerie Miller 664-6270

Sis. Cheryl Stubbs (Assistant) 773 -6639


Sis. Ernestine Andrews 385-3010

Sis. Jessie Dickson (Assistant) 381- 8824


Joyce Rogers 521-0086


Sis. Wanda Keys 838-1887

Sis. Connie Perry 603-7514

Sis. Victoria Reynolds 531-1364


Sis. Eloise Williams 383 6456


Sis. Betty Comage (Chairman) 389- 5665

Sis. Deborah Owens (Assistant) 522 9260

Sis. Eloise Williams 383- 6450


Sis. Vernell Brown 653-0706

Sis. Connie Perry 603-7514


Sis. Beatrice Spencer (Chairman) 869- 5325

Sis. Louise Rhodes 381-9235

Sis. Eloise Williams 383-6456


Sis Gwendolyn Ford 868 -6460

Sis. Ellawease Jones 522-6341


Sis. Jessie Dickson 381 8824

Sis. Helen Wolford 261-2782


Clayton Baptist Sis. Earnestine Andrews 385-3010

Compton Hill Sis. Valerie A. Miller 664-6270

Faith MB Church Sis. Anita Citchen 868- 0851

First Baptist of Creve Coeur Sis. Seletha Curtis 997-7991

Galilee Baptist Sis. Lorna Vaughn 773- 2302

Greater Leonard Baptist Sis. Ella Owens 382- 8836

Lite of Jericho Baptist Sis. Clara Davis 383 -7767

Metropolitan Baptist-Jennings Sis. Mary Larde 383 -1232

Mt. Airy Baptist Sis. Leslie Wright 385-7952

Mt. Bethel Baptist Sis. Garnetta Johnson 862 -8346

Mt. Zion Baptist- St. Charles Sis. Vernetta Cox 636- 949-6780

New Northside Baptist Sis. Loretta Ellis 653-0005

New Sunny Mount Baptist Sis. Denise Whiteside 355-6601

Northern Baptist Sis. Cheryl Stubbs 773-6639

Olivet Baptist Sis. Gwendolyn Ford 868- 6460

Prospect Hill Baptist Sis. Darlean Barton 381-8097

St. Luke Memorial Baptist Sis. Jewell Ford 863- 8949

Unity Baptist Sis. Beatrice Chapple 382- 8308

Washington Tabernacle Baptist Sis. Deborah Owens 522- 9260

West Side Baptist Sis. Evail Boyd 382- 3474

Zion Travelers Baptist Sis. Annie Tucker 862- 5441


All Institutes--------- 9:00 A.M. All Prayer Days-------- 1:00 P.M.

Attire is WHITE for all Institutes, Prayer Days and the Enlistment Day Service

September 19, 2014 1st Quarterly Institute*

Compton Hill MBC

September 25-27, 2014 3rd Berean Women’s Retreat St. Charles, IL

October 13-17, 2014 State Convention St. Louis, MO

October 25, 2014 Mission Workshop * Northern Baptist 10am -2 pm

November 7, 2014

Berean Missionary Baptist District Association Annual Banquet

TBA 7:00 p.m.

November 14, 2014 Mildred Vannoy Home Mission Prayer Day*

Compton Hill MB Church

December 5, 2014 Foreign Mission Prayer Service*

Mt. Bethel MB Church

December 19, 2014 2nd Quarterly Institute

Northern MB Church

January 24, 2015 Life Member Luncheon 1:00 p.m.

Scholarship Benefit- New Northside Conf. Center

February 28, 2015 Educational Council @ Prospect Hill 10:45 a.m.

March 06, 2015 Mamie Nance State Mission Prayer Service*

Washington Tabernacle MB Church

March 8, 2015 Enlistment Day Service* 3:00 p.m.

New Sunny Mount MB Church

March 27, 2015 3rd Quarterly Institute

Olivet MBC

April 25, 2015 Educational Council @ Prospect Hill 10:45 a.m.

April 26, 2015 Sound of Music- Mt. Airy MB Church 3:00 p.m.

May 11, 2015 Baptist Women’s Day of Prayer Service

New Sunny Mount

May 16, 2015 Williams-McDowell Prayer Service

New Northside MB Church

June 5, 2015 Fiesta Fellowship 7:00 p.m.

New Sunny Mount

June 19, 2015 4th Quarterly Institute

Washington Tabernacle MB Church

July 20-21, 2015 Annual Session – Galilee M.B. Church

YPD Monday July 20

WMU Tuesday July 21


Unity Baptist 4th Sat. Sept. 27, 2014 10:00 AM

Galilee Baptist 1st Sun. Nov. 2, 2014 3:00 PM

West Side Baptist 2nd Sun. Nov 9, 2014 3:00 PM

Metropolitan Baptist-Jennings 1st Sun. Mar 1, 2015 3:00 PM

New Sunny Mount Baptist 2nd Sun. Mar 8, 2015 10:00 AM

Mt. Airy Baptist 4th Sun , June 28, 2015 3:00 PM

Northern Baptist 2nd Sun. July12, 2015 10:00 AM

Washington Tabernacle Baptist 3rd Sun. July 19, 2015 3:00 PM

Prospect Hill Baptist 1st Sun. Aug 2, 2015 3:00 PM

New Northside MB Church 4th Sun . Aug 23, 2015 3:00 PM

Olivet MB Church 4th Sun. Aug 23, 2015 10:00 AM

Lite of Jericho 4th Sun Aug 23, 2015 3:00 PM



By daily reading, meditation and communion with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,

To live an upright Christian Life,

To practice His teachings in my dealings with my fellow man,

To dedicate my talent and give of my time, influence and means to teaching or spreading the Christian religion at home and abroad,

To win souls through personal service for Christ,

To encourage and help in the enlistment of young people in Christian work,

And to make my home a center of Christian light and love.

To these ends—

I pledge to devote myself and seek divine aid and guidance daily that I might become a living witness and a bright and shining light for my Lo





Sis. Alfreda Wilbon, Youth Director

Sis. Juanita Whitehead, Associate Youth Director

Sis. Tara Jones, Associate Youth Director



President Sis. Nyoko Morgan

1st Vice President Sis. Cheyenne Davison

2nd Vice President Sis. Zenani Morgan

Recording Secretary Sis. Jessica Mitchell

Financial Secretary Sis. Deneisha Cato

Worship Leader Bro Keyon Moore

Song Leaders Bro. Jemaine Lathan

Sis. Deonna Cato

Sis. Mia Swift

Pianist Sis. Janell Irving


President Sis. Danielle Coleman

2nd Vice President Sis. Allison Fornah


Worship Leader Sis. Janell Irving

Worship Committee Sis. Jackie Johnson

Sis. Kamara Warner


Sunbeam Sis. Marsha Bryant

Sis. Denise Whiteside

Red Circle Sis. Wanda Keys

Sis. Tara Jones

YWA Sis. Alcurtis Franks

Jr. Matron Sis. Darlean Barton

Jr. Layman vacant



Date Event Location Time

September 20, 2014 Jr. Matron Meeting, Prospect Hill MB Church 1:00 p.m.

September 22 1st Quarterly Institute, St. Luke Memorial 7:00 p.m.

October 6-12 Jr. Matron Focus Week

October 25th WMU & YPD Counselor Workshop

Northern MB Church 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

November 1st State WMU Christian Discipleship Training & Conference, Progressive Baptist Church, Columbia, MO 9:00 a.m.

December 6th Pilgrimage to Northview 1:00 p.m.

December 15th 2nd Quarterly Institute, Lite of Jericho MB Church 7:00 p.m.

January 17, 2015 Jr. Matron Meeting (Location TBD) 1:00 p.m.

January 24th Life Member Luncheon 1:00 p.m.

February 22nd Jr. Matron Scholarship Service, New Sunny Mount 7:00 p.m.

March 23rd 3rd Quarterly Institute, Compton Hill MB Church 7:00 p.m.

April 4th State YPD Area 3 Workshop, Mt. Pleasant MBC, St. Louis, MO

9:00 a.m.

May 2nd All Church Tea, Lite of Jericho MB Church 5:00 p.m.

May 16th Jr. Matron Meeting (Location TBD) 1:00 p.m.

May 28th Reviewing Council, Northern MB Church 6:00 p.m.

June 12th Upward Climb Coronation, Galilee MBC 7:00 p.m.

June 22nd 4th Quarterly Institute, Olivet MB Church 7:00 p.m.

July 20-24th Annual Session (YPD) Monday, Location TBD 9:30 a.m.


Clayton Baptist Sis. Ernestine Andrews 993 1280

Compton Hill Baptist Sis. Sally Christian 457 1022

Faith Baptist Sis. Donna Gilyard 369 3497

First Baptist Creve Coeur Sis. Cassandra Gilyard 997 1440

First Baptist Elmwood Sis. Mary Hall 749 0652

First Baptist Robertson Sis. Debra Johnson 653 6637

Galilee Baptist Sis. Yvette Clark 434 3378

Greater Leonard Baptist Sis. Ella Owens (contact) 382 8836

Harrison Avenue MB Sis. Sharron White 716 2623

Lite of Jericho Baptist Sis. Kena King 695 2222

Metropolitan Baptist-Jennings Sis. JoAnne Wilson 522 2089

Monumental Baptist Sis. Valerie Wicks 839 3316

Mt. Zion Richmond Heights Rev. Hershwenee Lewis

New Northside Baptist Sis. Mitchell 920 7251

New Sunny Mount Baptist Sis. Tara Jones 382 1033

North Galilee Sis. Nicole Walker 533 1365

Northern Baptist Sis. Alfreda Wilbon 210 4076

Oak Grove Sis. Annette Bond 367 9281

Olivet Baptist Sis. Jennifer Mosby 395 9304

Prospect Hill Baptist Alcurtis Franks 423 7888

St. Luke Memorial Baptist Sis. Kathryn Beckum 305 2799

Unity Baptist Sis. Auvelia H. Arnold 966 2708 / 956 9158

Washington Tabernacle Baptist Rev. Renita Norwood 918 2682

West Side Baptist Sis. Marsha Bryant 355 3222


Explanation of Moneys

REPRESENTATION- $ 10.00 per Church paid in July.

PRO- RATA- $ 15.00 per Quarter per Church- used for the general expenses and operation of the department.


TEA RECEIPTS are divided. Part of it is used to help with the department’s general expenses and the rest goes to the State ALL DISTRICTS TEA.

DOROTHY LEE FUND is used to help send a young person (Officer) to the Regional Youth Conference from the State YPD.

LIFE MEMBER PROJECT money is used for something that will be beneficial to the campers and the college.




Realizing that in the Lord Jesus Christ, I live and move and have my being, I promised Him that I would strive to do whatever He would have me to do.

I will take the Bible as my guide and will aid my church in its work and worship. I will have grace at each meal in my home and strive to have daily family worship.

I will endeavor to be present at the meetings of the society and will try to enlist others in His service. I will give as I can for the spread of His Kingdom.

In these efforts and at all times will I seek the Savior’s guidance.


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

And to the Republic, for which it stands,

One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s Holy Word.

I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

I will hide its word in my heart that I might not sin against God


I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag and to the Savior for whose Kingdom it stands

One Savior, crucified, risen, and coming again with life and liberty for all who believe.








President Bro. Allen Bluiett, Jr.

1st Vice President Rev. Tremaine Combs

2nd Vice President Dr. Serena Rowan

Recording Secretary Sis. Sharon D. Hoye

Corresponding Secretary Sis. Jennifer Mosby

Financial Secretary Sis. Edna Walker

Treasurer Sis. Karen Harvey

Dean Sis. Alcurtis Franks

BYF Youth Director Sis. Shantelle Davidson

Musicians Rev. Emmanuel Searcy

Bro. Raphael Rogers

Worship Leaders Bro. William Tucker

Bro. James C. Penney

Bro. Fred Citchen

President Emeritus Rev. William Z. Mathews


President Sis. Zoe Burton

1st Vice President Sis. Cheyenne Davidson


Children’s Division Leader Sis. Daereonni Ragland


Preparing Workers for the Harvest


Matthew 9:36-38

The Congress, Baptist Youth Fellowship, Social Service and Prison Ministry meet the

Second Monday night at 7:00 p.m.

(Unless otherwise noted)

At the

New Northside Missionary Baptist Church

8645 Goodfellow Avenue

St. Louis MO 63120

Rev. Roderick Burton, Pastor


1-150 Church Members- $ 10.00 per month= $ 120.00 per year

151 & up Members- $15.00 per month= $180.00 per year


Registration: $ 150.00 per Church




The Congress of Christian Education, Baptist Youth Fellowship (ages 12 and up), Children’s Division (ages 4-11), Social Service Ministry and Prison Ministry will meet on the meets on the 2nd Monday’s of Each Month at 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Please encourage your members to participate

|September 8, 2014 |October 6 |November 10 |December 8 |

| |( 1st Monday) | | |

|January 12, 2015 |February 9 |March 2 |April 13 |

| | |(1st Monday) | |

|May 11 |June 8 |July-Annual Session | |

| | |Congress night 7/22/15 | |

Leadership Training School

March 16-20, 2015

Zion Travelers MB Church


7:00-7:10 Devotional

7:10-8:20 Class Period

8:20-8:25 Reassemble in Main Sanctuary***

8:30-8:45 Lecturer (15 Minutes)

8:45- 9:00 President and Moderator’s Period

Announcements & Benediction

Prison Ministry

Director Rev. Burton Barr

Assistant Director Bro. Neil Hughes

The Prison Ministry will meet during the monthly

Congress of Christian Education Meetings:

Every 2nd Monday of the month at

New Northside Missionary Baptist Church at 7:00 p.m.

Social Service Ministry

Linda Mackey, Director

Theme Scripture: Matthew 9: 36-48

“… The harvest is truly plenteous, but the laborers are few: Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth laborers into the harvest."

The primary focus of our social services ministry is to educate, prevent, raise awareness, address needs, issues, help, serve and equip the saints; the community with resources, services and programs that will assist while reaching the harvest. We are laborers committed to ministering to the needs of all, never ceasing to share the Word of God.

Upcoming educational workshops for 2014-2015:

▪ September – December 2014- Health and Wellness Workshops

o Prostate Cancer Awareness

o Teen, Elderly, Women and Children Domestic Violence awareness

o Mental Health and Well-Being

o Proper Nutrition-Healthy Eating Habits- Vascular Disease Prevention

▪ January, February, April 2015: Financial Education/Literacy Workshops

o Tax Clinic

o Offer to Compromise Program

o Retirement, Savings

▪ May 2015: Summer Day Camps and Youth Programs

o Presentation of upcoming summer camps (churches, social organizations)

o Pen or Pencil: Group Mentoring Program available, ages 8-17

o Pause for the Cause Abstinence Education Programs: 11-17; positive youth development, families and child communication.

NOTE: Resources and Referrals are available during monthly congress sessions, however, it you would like to be a part of an email contact list, please send your email address and we will keep you abreast.

For additional information, church or auxiliary support, you may contact:

Sister Linda Mackey, Director: ljoycemackey@; 14-440-6625 or 314-397-7325

Laboring through Education, Ministry and Witness

New Members are Welcome to join our Team


Baptist Church of the Holy Communion Sis. Abbie M. Carter

Bethany New Life Baptist Sis. Sylvia Williams

Bethlehem Baptist (Gibson) Sis. Savannah Jones

Bethlehem Baptist (Hughes) Rev. Jackie Hughes

Cornerstone Institutional Baptist Bro. Rick Edwards

Faith Baptist- Berkeley Bro. Freddie Citchen

Fifth Baptist Sis. Carrie Sties

First Baptist Creve Coeur Sis. Earline Johnson

First Baptist Elmwood Park Sis. Eunice Tanksley

First Baptist Robertson Bro. Harold Austin

C.E. Director Bro. Clifton Miller

First Community Baptist Pagedale Bro. Chris Zimmerman

Galilee Baptist Sis. Zelma Chikeleze

C.E. Director Rev. David Forbes

Greater Leonard Baptist Rev. Richard Ashley

Greater Paradise Baptist Bro. Roy Jones

Greater Progressive Baptist Sis. Annette Moton

Greater St. Paul Bro. Roosevelt Washington

Harrison Avenue Baptist Bro. Carl Jones

Lite of Jericho Baptist Bro. Colonel Gathing

Mercy Seat Baptist Bro. Marvin Daniels

Metropolitan Baptist- Jennings Bro. Shawn Holt & Sis. Loretta Davis

Metropolitan Baptist- Kinloch Bro. Claude Johnson

Monumental Baptist Sis. Valerie Smith

Mt. Airy Baptist Bro. Laramon Williams

Mt. Bethel Baptist Bro. Percy L. Hollins

C.E. Director Sis. Edna Walker

Mt. Esther Baptist Sis. Lucy Roberts

Mt. Gideon Baptist Sis. Barbara Syndor

Mt. Nebo Baptist Bro. Willie Current

Mt. Tabor Baptist Bro. Eddie Brooks

Mt. Zion- Richmond Heights Sis. Willicia Hobbs

Musick Baptist Rev. James A. Rowell

New Northside Baptist Sis. Willie Jewel Tabb

New Sunny Mount Baptist Sis. Priscilla Smith

North Galilee Baptist Sis. Shearon Chandler

Northern Baptist Sis. Minnie P. Hinton (also C.E. Director)

Oak Grove Baptist Bro. Melvin Bond

Old Community Baptist Bro. Henry Hill

Olivet Sis. Mattie Neely

Original Friendship Baptist Sis. Deborah Edwards

Pleasant Grove Baptist Sis. Patricia Lewis

Prospect Hill Baptist Bro. William Foster, Jr.

St. Luke Memorial Baptist Bro. William Collins

Christian Education Director Sis. Daereonni Ragland

Siloam Baptist Sis. Olivia Spells

Union Baptist Bro. Samuel Gradford

Unity Baptist

Washington Tabernacle Baptist Sis. Juanita Tillman


Westside Baptist

Minister of Christian Education Rev. Darlene Davis

Children’s Division Sis. Alicia Covington

Youth Division Sis. Johnnye Farrell

Adult Division Bro. William Green

Zion Travelers Baptist Sis. Christine Mosley

Christian Education Director Dr. Claudia Fowler

Disaster Relief Ministry

The Berean Missionary Baptist District Association (BMBDA), Disaster Ministry takes its lead from the Missionary Baptist State Convention of Missouri (MBSCM) and The National Baptist Convention USA (NBCUSA) Inc. The focus of the MBCSM Disaster Ministry is on our partnership with the American Red Cross to provide facilities that can be used as shelters and people who can be shelter workers. The focus on the NBCUSA Inc. disaster Ministry is much broader. While emphasizing the need to support our Red Cross Partnership, it addresses other areas of concern as well.

Based on the NBCUSA Inc. vision, we propose the following emphasis for our BMBDA Disaster Ministry:

I. Prepare the people.

II. Prepare our churches.

III. Prepare our District.

Disaster Ministry Committee:

Sister Linda Mackey, Chair

Brother Ronald Elliott

Sister Lorna Vaughn

Rev. Morris Williams

Reverend Carlton R. Caldwell, Moderator

God prepared Noah for the flood, Genesis, 6:14-16; likewise, the Berean Disaster Ministry is preparing the people, church and district for all Disasters

New and Experienced Members are Welcome to join the Ministry

Department of Evangelism

Rev. Dr. Grant Hughes, Coordinator


The Berean Department of Evangelism meets every 4th Monday of the month at 7:00 pm at the Bethlehem MBC, 3506 Cass Ave. 63106

Dr. Grant Hughes, Coordinator

Rev Roderick Burton, New North Side, Assistant Coordinator

Rev Harold Whitaker, Advisor

Bro. Thomas Clement, Advisor

Sis. Connie Davis, Recording Secretary

PURPOSE: To reach the Lost Souls in the Communities around our Churches as well as personal Evangelism of The Good News and Saving Grace of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

MISSION: Teach and Train the District Churches in Methods and

Techniques of sharing The Gospel Plan of Salvation and to help grow The District by growing Our Churches individually and collectively.

This Mission is for all the Berean District Churches to work in unison to develop The Association's Evangelism efforts and make a positive

contribution to Our respective Communities.

GOAL: To see more participation from all the Churches by

having at least three dedicated people to work with the Department of

Evangelism, and to have a more coordinated effort in the development of team members and better supportive efforts on the part of All District Pastors.




Theme: “Serving God in Unity”

Scripture: There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in on hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

Ephesians 4: 4-6


President Sis. Barbara Peoples

1st Vice President Sis. Katherine Jameson

2nd Vice President Sis. Lyndel Robinson

3rd Vice President Sis. Carol Johnson

Recording Secretary Sis. Pearl Clair

Asst. Recording Secretary Bro. Stanley McCoy

Corresponding Secretary Sis. Essie Harrison

Financial Secretary Sis. Moszie Williams

Asst. Financial Secretary Sis. Eva Hale

Treasurer Bro. Prentice Holland

Asst. Treasurer Sis.. Linda Rose

Youth Usher Supervisor Sis. Pamela Wallace

Asst. Youth Usher Supervisor Sis. Patricia Haymon

Health Unit Supervisor Sis. Mesha Holland

Asst. Health Unit Supervisor Bro. James Dunbar

President Emeritus Sis. Alice K. Wilson


Worship Leader Sis. Shirley Seawood

Worship Leader Sis. Sallie N. Titus

Scholarship Chairperson Bro. Jerry Brown

Sunshine Fund Chairperson Sis. Ella Jones

Instructor Sis. Essie Harrison





Institutes will begin at 7:30 p.m. unless noted otherwise

FIRST INSTITUTE October 20, 2014

Zion Travelers MB Church

351 Chambers Road

St. Louis MO 63137

Rev. Dr. Linden Bowie, Pastor

SECOND INSTITUTE January 26, 2015

Prospect Hill MB Church

4533 Arlington Ave.

St. Louis MO 63120

Rev. Darian L. Jones, Pastor

THIRD INSTITUTE April 20, 2015

3917 N. Taylor Avenue

St. Louis MO 63115

Rev. Michael Scott, Pastor


Monthly board meetings are held on the 3rd Monday’s at Lite of Jericho MB Church unless otherwise noted.

September 15, 2014 7:30 p.m. Monthly Meeting

November 17th 7:30 p.m. Monthly Meeting

February 16, 2015 7:30 p.m. Monthly Meeting

Date to be Determined Prayer Breakfast

New Northside MB Church

March 16th 7:30 p.m. Monthly Meeting

May 18th 7:30 p.m. Monthly Meeting

June 15th 7:30 p.m. Monthly Meeting



Sis. Pamela Wallace, Youth Usher Supervisor

Sis. Patricia Haymon, Asst. Youth Supervisor


Monthly Meetings:

Every 3rd Monday night at 7:00 p.m.

Lite of Jericho Baptist Church

5429 St. Louis Avenue, St. Louis MO 63120



National President Bro. James McHenry

231 Northwest 84th Street

Oklahoma City OK 73114

405 840 1098

State Usher President Sis. Carol Johnson

# 5 Lawn Place

St. Louis MO 63110

531 4481

State Nurse Supervisor Sis. Dorothy Young

1255 Charter Oak Parkway, Apt A.

St. Louis MO 63146

222 3390

State Youth Supervisor Sis. Patricia Haymon

4238 Maryland

St. Louis MO 63108

531 1209



|Bethlehem Baptist |Sis. Elizabeth Autman | |

|Clayton Baptist |Sis. Bonnie Robertson | |

|Compton Hill Baptist |Sis. Pamela Wallace |Sis. Virginia Bland |

|Cornerstone Institutional |Sis. Michelle McKeever | |

|Eastern Star Baptist |Sis. Norma Morris |Sis. Marva Johnson |

|Faith Baptist Church of Berkley, Inc. |Sis. Hazel Welch |Sis. Allison Clemons |

|Fifth Baptist |Sis. Ruth Ann Dollison |Sis. Audrey Robinson |

|First Baptist Creve Coeur |Sis. Ella Jones |Sis. Verlion Evans |

|First Baptist Robertson |Sis. Shirley Foster | |

|First Community Baptist Church of Pagedale |Sis. H. Lodean Cotton |Sis. Sayetta Cole |

|Galilee Baptist |Sis. Alice K. Wilson |Sis. Earlean Townsend |

|Greater Leonard Baptist |Sis. Keesha Irving | |

|Greater Progressive Baptist | | |

|Harrison Avenue Baptist |Sis. Renee Peeples | |

|Lite of Jericho Baptist |Bro. Prentice Holland |Bro. James Dunbar |

|Mercy Seat Baptist |Sis. Eva Hale |Sis. Lydia Morris |

|Mt. Airy Baptist |Sis. Moszie Williams |Sis. Dorothy Pargo |

|Mt. Bethel Baptist |Sis. Patricia Rimpson |Sis. Rose Eichelberg |

|Mt. Nebo Baptist |Bro. Leslie Williams |Sis. Ola Hopkins |

|Mt. Zion Richmond Heights |Sis. Ceenelle Johnson-Sanders |Sis. Suzette Berry |

|Mt. Zion, St. Charles |Sis. Ruthie Ingram | |

|Musick Baptist | | |

|New Covenant with Harmony |Sis. Gladys Triggs |Sis. Wilma A. Johnson |

|New Fellowship Mission |Bro. Louis Bluford | |

|New Northside Baptist |Bro. Tyrone Jones |Sis. Louise Hinkle |

|Northern Baptist |Bro. John Black |Sis. Daisy Bramlett |

|Old Community Baptist |Bro. Alfred Davis | |

|Olivet Baptist |Sis. Katherine Jamison |Sis. Eloise Butler-Thomas |

|Original Friendship Baptist |Sis. Freda King |Sis. Lillar Fortson |

|Prospect Hill Baptist |Sis. JoAnn Austin |Sis. Margaret Morrow |

|2nd New Mt. Zion Baptist |Sis. Patricia Merricks | |

|St. Luke Memorial Baptist |Bro. Jerry Brown |Sis. Velma Harris-Walker |

|Union Missionary Baptist |Sis. Verna McPherson-Sims |Sis. Jane Caffey |


|Unity Baptist |Sis. Elizabeth Jackson | |

|West Side Baptist |Bro. Anthony Williams |Sis. Marsha Bryant |

|Zion Travelers Baptist |Sis. Mary Neal |Sis. Linda Rose |

| | | |

Local Church Annual Usher & Health Unit Days

August 2014 - 2015

Mercy Seat Baptist Church 1st Sunday in August 2:45 PM

New Northside Baptist Church 2nd Sunday in August 4:00 PM

Unity Baptist Church 3rd Sunday in August 3:00 PM

Northern M.B. Church 4th Sunday in August 2:45 PM

Mt. Nebo MB Church 3rd Sunday in September 3:00 PM

Westside Baptist Church, 3rd Sunday in September 5:00 PM

1st Community MB Church of

Pagedale 4th Sunday in September 3:00 PM

Faith MB Church- Berkeley 4th Sunday in September 3:00 PM

Zion Traveler M.B. Church 4th Thursday in September 7:00 PM

Prospect Hill M.B. Church 1st Sunday in October 3:30 PM

Lite of Jericho M.B. Church 2nd Sunday in October 3:00 PM

Galilee M.B. Church 4th Sunday in October 2:59 PM

Clayton M.B. Church 3rd Wednesday in October 7:00 PM

Olivet M.B. Church 3rd Sunday in October 3:30 PM

1st Baptist of Robertson 2nd Sunday in November 3:00 PM

New Beginning Baptist Church 1st Sunday in December 3:00PM

Mt. Airy M.B. Church 2nd Sunday in April 2:45 PM

Mt. Zion M.B. Church-Richmond Heights 3rd Sunday in May 3:00 PM

Eastern Star Baptist Church 4th Sunday in May 2:45 PM

Musick Baptist Church 1st Sunday in June 3:30 PM

Compton Hill Baptist Church 4th Sunday in June 2:45 PM

Greater Progressive M.B. Church 4th Sunday in June 3:00 PM

St. Luke Memorial MB Church 3rd Sunday in July 3:00 P.M.

Mt Bethel M.B. Church 4th Sunday in July 3:00 PM



OFFICERS 2014-2015

President Sis. Patricia Osby

1st Vice President Sis. Carla Graham

2nd Vice President Sis. Carol L. Hill

Recording Secretary Sis. Yolanda Austin

Corresponding Secretary Sis. Rise’ Johnson

Treasurer Sis. Caroll Rogers

Financial Secretary Sis. Aurita Caldwell

Assistant Financial Secretary Sis. Michelle Bowie

Devotional Leader Sis. Gertrude Morris

J.E. Fiddmont Scholarship Chair Sis. Michelle Bowie

Program Chair Sis. Carol Hill

Sunshine Committee Chair Sis. Mary Jackson

Regina Nance Bible Study Chair Sis. Beatrice Chapple

Sis. Liz Brown

Sis. Vickie Rogers

Special Events Sis. Jo Crump

Historian Sis. Beatrice Chapple

Book Ministry Sis. Romona Wooten

Outreach Dr. Dyann Brown

President Emeritus Sis. Liz Brown




Monthly Meetings held 1st Saturday of each Month (except July)

Time: 10:30 a.m.

Location: First Missionary Baptist Church of Robertson

356 Woodlawn Ave. Hazelwood MO 63042

September 6th Monthly Meeting

September 20th Bible Trivia Night 3:00 p.m. Galilee MB Church

October 4th Monthly Meeting

November 1st Monthly Meeting

December Christmas Fellowship- TBA

January 3, 2015 Monthly Meeting

February 7th Monthly Meeting

March 7th Annual Scholarship Prayer Breakfast- Location TBA

April 4th Monthly Meeting

May 2nd Monthly Meeting- Location TBA

June 6th End of Year Fellowship- Location TBA



Officers 2014-2015

President Sis. Caroll Rogers

1st Vice President Sis. Rosalind Jackson

2nd Vice President Sis. Burnice Glasco

Recording Secretary Sis. Viola Biggers

Assistant Recording Secretary Sis. Sharon Hoye

Corresponding Secretary Sis. Denise Bills

Assistant Corresponding Secretary Sis. Renee Mosley

Financial Secretary Sis. Valerie Smith

Treasurer Sis. Helen Foster

Director of Music Sis. Sherry L. Jones

Pianist Sis. Rosalind Jackson

Organist Sis. Lynn Butler

Worship Leaders Bro. William Foster, Jr.

Sis. Ruth Rattler

Sis. Gertrude Morris

President Emeritus Sis. Annie B. Bullock

Annie B. Bullock Scholarship Committee

Chairman Sis. Lorraine Hinton

Secretary Sis. Yvette Branigan

Treasurer Sis. Giselle Rucker

Music Auxiliary




All Services will begin at 6:00 P.M. unless otherwise notified

**Rehearsals held on the First Monday of the Month at Prospect Hill MB Church

Unless otherwise noted**

Mon. Aug. 25 2014 @ 7pm 1st Quarterly. Board Mtg. / Installation Service

Mt. Airy M.B. Church

Sun. October 5, 2014 @ 6:00pm Berean’s Quarterly Bapt. / Communion Service

Free Grace M.B. Church

Fri. Nov. 7, 2014 @ 7pm Berean District’s Annual Banquet

Sun. Nov. 23, 2014 @ 6pm Hymn Service

True Light M.B. Church

December 2014 Christmas Fellowship TBD

Mon. Jan. 19, 2015 @ 6:00 pm Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Service

Sun. March 29, 2015 @ 6p Palm Sunday Service Metropolitan M.B.Church

Fri. April 3, 2015 @ 12noon Good Friday Service

First Missionary Baptist Church of Robertson

Sun. May 17, 2015 @ 6:00 pm Annie B. Bullock Scholarship Benefit

Mt. Bethel M.B. Church

Sun. July 19-24, 2015 @ 7pm Berean District Association 137th Annual Session

Galilee M.B. Church

+++Please Note: Church Assessment is $60.00 annually or $15.00 quarterly


Bro. Tyrone Jones, Scholarship Committee Chairperson

Minister’s Wives & Widows: J.E. Fiddmont Scholarship*

I.C. Peay, Sr., C.J. Duvall, Sr., J.L. Brown Scholarship

W.L. Rhodes, R.T. Davis, D.W. Hughes Scholarship

Congress: Edna C. Jones Scholarship

Auvelia H. Arnold/Mary Louise Scott Scholarship

WMU/YPD: Jessie M. Stinson Scholarship

Thelma J.Smith/Romeo D. Woods Scholarship

Music: Annie B. Bullock Scholarship

Usher/Health: Earley D. Johnson Scholarship

Laymen: Eugene McDaniel Scholarship

*Two scholarships are designated for student’s attending Western Baptist Bible College*


□ Applicant must be a member of a Berean District church that is in good standing with the District.


o Priority will be given to Graduating High School Seniors

□ Applicant must be an active member of his/her church.

□ Resume’ should include: church activities/participation- district activities/participation-school activities/participation; community activities. Letters of Recommendation must be current and original copies accepted only.

□ The funds will be paid to the recipient after proof of acceptance by an accredited institution of higher learning has been submitted to the committee.

□ Scholarships will be awarded at a special “Scholarship and Award” Celebration held during the Annual Session.

Additional guidelines and criteria will be available upon disbursement of the Scholarship Applications. It is important to note: Application Packets will be distributed or mailed to EACH church in Berean, as well as to the Auxiliary Presidents and Scholarship Committee Members.

Applications are tentatively scheduled to be available at the December Board Meeting. Deadline for Applications: May 31, 2015

Please note: The District has a standard form that is to be used, with some auxiliaries adding various stipulations:

o Laymen- Must be active in Junior Laymen Auxiliary to apply.

o Ushers- Applicant’s Church must have met financial obligations to the Auxiliary as well as the Association. First year students receive first preference, others will be considered.

o Mission/Young People’s Department- Must be active in the District Mission YPD, as well as local church.

o Congress of Christian Education- Applicant’s Church MUST be financially paid up in the Congress as well as the Association. Must be active with the Congress and/or BYF

o The Fiddmont Scholarship Fund will designate two scholarships for students wishing to attend Western Baptist Bible College- St. Louis Campus.


STATE OFFICERS (Members of Berean)

Missionary Baptist State Convention----------

Rev. Dr. Jimmy L. Brown, President

Rev. Reginald D. Rogers, Sr. ----------------------- 4th Vice President

Rev. Dr. Linden Bowie------------------------------ Executive Secretary

Sis. Roslyn Croft------------------------Administrative Assistant to the

Executive Secretary

Rev. Jeffery G. Croft ------------------Assistant to the Secretary

Rev. Gary L. Anderson--------------- Assistant to the Secretary

Rev. Dr. James E. Lacy-------------------------------------------Treasurer

Rev. Cornelius J. Osby-----------------Director of Christian Education

Rev. Burton Barr------------------------------------Home Mission Board

Sis. Linda Mackey----------------------------Social Service Coordinator

Rev. Dr.Ronald L. Bobo, Director--------------Foreign Mission Board

Rev. Steve Wooten-----------------------------------------Parliamentarian

Sis. Ruth Rattler----------------------------------------Devotional Leader

Sis. Sherry L. Jones/Rev. Keith Pendilton----------Directors of Music

Dr. Dyann Brown, Coordinator-------------------------------Scholarship

Mission Auxiliary

Sis. Gwendolyn Ford---------------------------------Financial Secretary

Sis. Alcurtis Franks--------------------------------Sunbeam Coordinator

Sis. Alfreda Wilbon--------------------------------------YWA Counselor


Bro. Delester Jefferson, President

Bro. Neil Hughes---------------------------------Corresponding Secretary

Bro. William Foster, Jr.------------------ Christian Education Ministries

Bro. Leno Blue-----------------------------------Home Mission Ministries

Bro. J.C. Penney--------------------------------------------Worship Leader

Ministers Wives & Widows

Sis. Gertrude Morris--------------------------------------2nd Vice President

Sis. Beatrice Chapple------------------------------------------------Chaplain

Congress of Christian Education- Dr. Relda D. Owens-Mathews President

Rev. Dr. Carlton R. Caldwell--------------------Vice President At-Large

Sis. Minnie Hinton--------------------------------------------------------Dean

Sis. Dari Ragland--------------------------------------------Associate Dean

Sis. Helen Foster-------------------------------Associate Dean In Training

Rev. Dr. James Brown, Sr.----------------------Assistant to the President

Rev. Cornelius J. Osby---------------------------Assistant to the President

Sis. Victoria Reddic--------------------------------------Financial Secretary

Rev. Gary L. Anderson----------------------------------------------Treasurer

Rev. Darral Johnson--------------------------------------------------Auditor

Rev. O.K. Patterson-------------------------------------------Youth Advisor

Sis. Sherry Jones----------------------------------------------------Musician

Sis. Rosalind Jackson-----------------------------------------------Musician

Rev. Keith Pendilton------------------------------------------------Musician

Rev. Bartlett Wilkeson------------------------Minister’s Seminar Director

Music Auxiliary

Sis. Edna Walker------------------------------------------------------Secretary

Ushers & Health Unit

Sis. Carol Johnson, President

Sis. Barbara Peoples-------------------------------------Financial Secretary

Bro. Jerry Brown-----------------------------------------------------Treasurer

Sis. Patricia Haymon--------------------------------------Youth Supervisor

Sis. Dorothy Young-------------------------------- Health Unit Supervisor


(Berean District Affiliated)

National Baptist Convention USA, Inc.

Rev. Dr. Jimmy L. Brown- Vice President, Midwest Region

Congress of Christian Education

Rev. Dr. Harold J. ButlerJimmy L. Brown ----------Assistant Dean

NBC Women’s Mission Auxiliary

Dr. Claudia Fowler------------------ 2nd Vice President WMU

Laymen Auxiliary

Bro. Leno Blue-------Home Mission Liaison for NB Laymen

Bro. William Foster------Literature Distribution

Bro. Delester Jefferson---- Street Evangelism Team Coordinator



126th Annual Session of the Missionary Baptist State Convention of Missouri

October 13-17, 2014 St. Louis MO

State Convention Board Meeting December 6, 2014

State Convention Spring Board Meeting March 8-10, 2015

74th Annual Session- State Congress of Christian Education July 6-10, 2015


134th National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. September 1-5, 2014

Sunday School Publishing Board Conference, December 2014 Nashville Tennessee

National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. Mid-Winter Board Meeting

110th National Baptist Congress of Christian Education June 2015


Berean Missionary Baptist District Association

P.O. Box 24854

St. Louis MO 63115





Want to get/post news about your Association

Join Yahoo Groups:


(Moderated by Kathy A. Harris)

Directory contains names and numbers of Auxiliary officers, Association officers and

Church officers of the following auxiliaries if available:


Young People Department

Congress of Christian Education

Baptist Youth Fellowship

Sunday School Superintendents/Christian Education Directors

Music Auxiliary



Minister Wives and Widows

Prison Ministry

Disaster Management Ministry

Evangelism Ministry

Social Service Ministry

*Area Codes 314 unless otherwise noted*



Abron, Elbert (Dr.) 4427 Harris Ave. 63115 769 5123

Allen, Esther 7416 Marillac Drive 63121 862 2544

Anderson, Gary L. (Rev.) 5371 Lotus Ave. 63112 852 5797


Andrews, Ernestine 5955 Era Ave. 63147 385 3010

Ashley, Richard (Rev.) 6703 Kenwood Dr. 63121 381 6480

Austin, JoAnn 6615 Lakeside Hills 63033 355 2433

Austin, Harold (Rev.) 2483 Alexandria 63136 869 8661

Autuman, Elizabeth 261 0719


Barr, Burton (Rev.) 3723 Avondale 63121 363 8679

burtonbarr@ 535 9002 (office)

Barton, Darlean 381 8097

Bateman, Charles 3411 Sunnyvale Ct. 63034 837 3555

Florissant 323 9335(cell)

Beckum, Kathryn 910 Nassau Drive 63147 868 8863

Black, John 7607 Hawthorne Pl. 63130 862 1374

Bland, Virginia 6804 Friarwood Dr. 63134 524 1936

Blue, Leno #4 Blossomwood Ct. 63033 741 6095

LBlue90795@ Florissant

Bluiett, Allen, Jr. 4065 High Willow Dr. 63033 830 3716


Bond, Annette 5639 Bartmer 63112 367 9281

Bond, Melvin 6500 Las Sombrias 63033 355 0581

Bowie, Michelle 168 Behlmann Meadows Way 63034 839 4941


Boyd, Evail 6905 Woodrow 63121 382 3474

Bramlett, Daisy 7645 Canton Ave. 63130 727 5753

Branigan, Yvette 3399 Dunn Rd.. Apt. 307 63033 837 1731

Broaden, Janet 4865 Evelynaire 63033 831 6718

Brooks, Eddie 7341 Grand Dr. 725 8238

Brown, Carole


Brown, Dyann, Dr. 12755 Orley Dr. 63033 741 8423

Brown, Florence 5209 Longhorn Trail 63033 653 1486

Brown, Jerry 32 Gocke Place 63114 427 7562


Brown, Lizzie 1184 English Saddle Rd. 63034 837 6692

Brown, Vernell 1740 Monticello Dr. 63138 653 0706

Bryant, Marsha 11956 Baresford Dr. 63033 355 3222

Burnett, Ernestine 6135 Gareseche Ave. 63136 381 2541

Burton, Zoe; Zarek 16060 Meadow Oak Drive 63017


Butler, Marva 1949 Lakeaire Dr. 63138 355-0071


Caffey, Jane 5208 Genevieve 63120 383 6179

Caldwell, Aurita 15407 Eagle Estates Ct. 63034 831 5763


Caviness, Elswerth 445 Caroline Avenue 63122 750 7849


Chapple, Beatrice 1926 Belt Ave. 63112 382 8308


Christian, Sally 4136 Oregon St. 63118 457 1022

Citchen, Anita 3772 Greenmore Garden Ct. 63034 838 0561

Citchen, Freddie, Malinda 3812 Hartack Ct. 63034 838 4838


Clair, Pearl 10780 Spring Garden 63137 954 1092

Clemons, Mable 4545 Holly Ave. 63115 389 5027

Comage, Betty 4440 A Clarence Ave. 63115 389 5665

Cotton, H. Lodean 3820 Nelson Dr. 385 0574

Cox, Vernetta 2035 Aruingnan Parkway 63303

St. Charles 636 949 6780

Croft, Roslyn 103 Lithia Ave. 63119 963 0262


Crump, Rev. Henry & Jo 14312 Jamestown Bay 63034 355 8289

Henry_crump@ 650 1944


Curtis, Seletha R. 9405 LaJolla Drive. 63132 997 7991


Davidson, Shontelle; Cheynne 1868 Arrowpoint 63138 565 4708


Davis, Alfred 2823 Dunkirk Drive. 63119 968 3735

Davis, Darlene (Rev.) 7737 Melrose Ave. 63130 863 8996


Davis, Clara 7013 Lexington Ave. 63121 3837767


Deloch, Clarence (Rev.) 3806 Melba Pl. 63121 385 3699


Dickson, Jessie 4788 Wren Ave. 63120 381 8824

Dorsey, Margaret 1217 Edgewater Dr. 63137 372 5440

Dunbar, James 3105 Jacqueline Ct. 63114 306 2631


Duvall, Clarence (Rev.) 7917 Bennett Ave. 63117 781 515


Eichelberg, Rose 2622 Avie Dr. 63136 599 9493

Elliott, Ronald 6140 Satellite Dr. 63033 438 0802

relliott@ Florissant 368 8775 (cell)


Elliott-Lee, Brenda 9163 Loganberry Lane 63121 429 1930


Ellis, Loretta 6320 Hadden Bay Dr. 63033 653 0005


Evans, Verlion 6327 Coventry Dr. 63033 541 6241


Ford, Gwendolyn 9666 Queensbury Ln. 63136 868 6460


Ford, Jewel 1251 Purdue 63130 863 8949

Fortson, Lillar 8325 Ardstey Dr. 63121 385 5465

Foster, William Jr.; Helen 6771 Corbitt Ave. 63130 448 1210

Beagle54leeton@ mrshmf@

Foster, Shirley 12081 Rosemist Dr. 63138 355 8085

Fowler, Claudia (Dr.) 4720 Jordan 63121 382 0376


Franks, Alcurtis (Mrs.) 8008 Wayland Ct. 63114 423 7888



Gathings, Colonel 5923 Enright Ave. 63112 727 7629

Gibson, Felix (Rev.); Leslie 874 Prigge 63138 593 0272

mrfig@ (cell) 395 3010

Gilyard, Cassandra 573 Sarah Lane 63141 9971440

Glasco, Burnice 10175 Cloverdale 63136 497 1845


Gradford, Samuel 1550 Northwinds Est. Dr. 63136 3030895


Graham, Carla 6022 Annex Ct. 63135 521 5848


Griffin, Dan 2536 Semple Ave. 63112 389 7164

Griffin, Jerry Jr. 4745 Anderson 63115 389 9436


Hale, Eva 3715 Salome 63121 503 3585


Hamilton, Lillian 5011 A Vernon 63113 361 1470

Harden, Pamela 1914 Owen Dr. 63120 727 7888


Harris, Kathy A. 326 McCullough Ave. 63122 596 6758


Harrison, Essie 5747 Park Lane 63147 389 7761 Harvey, Karen #10 Plaza Sq. Apt 510 63103 568 5750


Hayes, Tommie 213 Henquin Dr. 63135 527 6264

thomas80522@ 229 5429 (cell)

Haymon, Patricia 4238 Maryland 63108 531 1209

Higgs, Joseph 425 N. 21st St. East St. Louis 62205 618 274 2885

Hill, Carol 10446 Canter Way 63034

Hinton, Lorraine 1536 Marbella Dr. Apt. 7 63138 438 0772

Hinton, Minnie 11736 Branridge Rd. 63033 355 6289


Holland, Prentice 15433 Jost Estate Dr. 63034 741 1991

prenticeHolland@ 838 1006

Hollins, Percy ; Mesha 3119 Jacqueline Ct. 63114 423 9149


Hoye, Sharon D. 2400 Berwyn Dr. 63136 867 5188


Hughes, Grant Rev. #1 Corrales Court 63034 839 5889

revhues@ (cell) 249 0286

Hughes, Neil 15620 95th Ave. 63034 838 3868

Hughes_neil@ Florissant 518 9280

Hunter, Timothy 2530 Dresden Dr. 63033 838 9254

Hunter.timothy@ Florissant 759 8372 (cell)


Ingram, Ruthie P.O. Box 714 St. Charles 63302 636 940 0714

Irving, Dizonia ;Janell 4729 Lee Ave. 63115 381 4183

Irving, Hazel 6015 Clemens 63112 862 1412



Jackson, Elizabeth 7372 Liberty 63130 727 2091

Jackson, Rosalind 3724 Candelwyck Club Dr.

Florissant 63034 830 3194


Jameson, Katherine 2276 Burwell Dr. 63136 494 8940


Jefferson, Delester 6325 Henner St. 63120 381 7488

hisservantdeff@ Cell 239 0461

Johnson, Carol # 5 Lawn Pl. 63110 531 4481


Johnson, Claude 2509 Arden 63121 381 0410

Johnson-Sanders, Cenelle P.O. Box 1191 63043 574 5622

Johnson, Debra 12379 Horizon Village Dr. 63138 653 6637

Apt. F

Johnson, Garnetta 1486 Ferguson 63133 862 8346

Johnson, Louise 1237 Orchid Ave. 63147 867 3296

Johnson, Rise` 1826 Charleston Estates Dr. 63031 830 1913


Jones, Carl 305 W. Rose Hill 63122 966 3979

Jones, Ella 5206 Kensington 63108 367 9166

Jones, Ellawease 1315 Hendicks Dr. 63135 522 6341

Jones, Savannah 1131 Wooden Dr. 63033 839 7564

Jones, Sherry 827 Lebon Dr. 63137 388 1248


Jones, Tyrone 2211 McLaran Ave. 63136 388 2884


Keys, Wanda 19 Jost Manor Ct. 63034 838 1887

King, Kena 3428 Evergreen Lane Apt. C 63125 695 2222



Lacy, Mattie 71 Huckleberry Ct.

O’Fallon MO 63366 636 978 1697

Larde, Mary 5752 Jennings Sta. Rd. 63136 383 1232


Mackey, Linda 2517 Littlefield 63031 837 2146


Malone, Jennifer 7633 Dale Ave. 63117 644 4120


Mathews, William (Rev.); Jean 1915 Sherman Square Dr. 636 916 5203

St. Charles 63303

McLain, Harold A. 11526 Rosary Ln. 63138 355 5719

517 2942 (cell)

McKeever, Michelle 524 7447

McPherson-Sims, Verna 1506 Bradford 63133 732 8551

Merricks, Patricia 3215 Welsberg 63121 427 8905

Miller, Clifton L 7562 Georgetown Dr. 921 9117

Morris, Floyd (Rev.); Gertrude 1520 Annandale Dr. 63132 727 3806

Morris, Norma 2132 St. Louis Ae. 63136 443 2599

Morrow, Margaret 10208 Viscount 63136 868 5435

Mosby, Jennifer 710 Mescalero Ct. # 3 63031 395 9304


Mosley, Christina 1154 Pennsylvania Ave 63130 726 0242

Mosley.christina@ 550 2235


Nance, Almas 4655 Margaretta Ave. 63115 383 3622

Neal, Mary 4080 Meadowland 63033 921 9553


Osby, Patricia 7452 Ahern Ct. 63130 605 2446


Owens, Deborah 108 Fenwick Dr. 63135 522 9260

Owens, Ella 339 North Hill 63121 382 8836

Owens-Mathews, Relda (Dr.) 2282 Ainsworth Dr. 63136 610 657 3360



Peeples, Renee 1003 Century Oaks Dr. Apt. J 63088 636 225 8543

Penny, James 8849 Jennings Sta. Rd. 63136 868 1076

605 1889 (cell)

Peoples, Barbara 10249 Cedarhurst Dr. 63136 868 0611


Perry, Connie 2025 Valarie Dr. 63033 603 7514


Ragland Daereonni 8423 Korea Drive 63130 537 3619


Rattler, Ruth 2054 Nemnich # 104 63136 868 7716

Reynolds, Victoria 4258 San Francisco 63115 531 1364

Rimpson, Patricia 6417 Perry Ave. 63121 560 8312

286 1087

Robertson, Bonnie 1847 Ferguson Ave. 63133 863 8561

Robinson, Audrey 4337 Rickey 63134 423 4877

Robinson, Essie A 5263 Gilmore Ave. 63120 385 0856


Robinson, Lyndel 10216 Edgefield 63136 869 2909

Rogers, Caroll 5243 Lexington 63115 874 6344


Rogers, Joyce #3 Buckeye Dr. 63135 5210 086


Rogers, LeViolet 5941 Waterman 63112 727 5027

Rogers, Vickie; Raphael 3066 Andover Dr. 63121 389 4172

Rose, Linda 3522 Central Place 63121 381 7385


Rowan, Serena (Dr.) 12803 High Crest Dr. 63033

Florissant 954 2718



Seawood, Shirley 6713 Kenwood 63121 385 0377

Smith, General 12539 Bellefontaine Rd. 63138 369 3918


Smith, Priscilla 3570 N. Lindbergh Apt. 203

prisjam@ 63074 226 7284

Spears, Barbara 7905 Balson Ave. 63130 727 0370

Spears, Keith 6616 Crest Ave. 63130 726 2593


Stubbs, Cheryl 3011 Rutger 63014 773 6639



Tabb, Willie Jewel 5189 Longhorn Trail 63033 741 6987

Taylor, Sonya 857 Longacre Dr. Apt. B 63132 983 0917 239 4876

Thomas-Butler, Eloise 1250 Bluemeryer Apt. C 63136 867 8707


Thurman, Fred 5919 Summit Pl. 63147

Tillman, Juanita 9245 Edna 63137 867 6543


Titus, Sallie, N. (Dr.) 4709 Lewis Pl. 63113 802 7005

Tobias, Darlean S. 2814 (B) Delmar Blvd. 63103 652 3807

Townsend, Earlean 1910 Arlington 63112 383 0957

Triggs, Gladys 2846 Redman Ave. 63136 653 1523

Tucker, Annie; William 7337 Chamberlain Ave. 63130 862 5441



Vaughn, Harriette 421 Fillmore Ave. 63122 966 2708

769 2708

Vaughn, Lorna 1408 S.Theresa 63104 606 4837



Walker, Edna 3662 Manola Ave. 63121 385 2744

Walker, Nicole 2933 Montgomery 63106 533 1365

Wallace, Pamela 8461 Edna 63147 385 8554

Ware, Gertrude 5139 Longhorn Trail 63033 355 6733

Welch, Hazel 5000 Rockingham 63121 521 6984

Wells, Jeanie 1534 79th St. 63130 721 2537


White, Sharron 103 Fiesta Circle 63146 716 2623

Whitehead, Juanita 3510 Manola 63121 383 5951

Wilbon, Alfreda 9615 Perch Dr. 63136 869 6856

awilbon@ summshan@

Williams, Anthony 2826 Abderdeen Dr. 63033 831 6965

Williams, Eloise 8642 Oxford Ln. 63147 383 6456

Williams, Leslie 604 Fox Tail Dr. 63034 921 1651

Williams, Moszie 6025 Shulte Ave. 63136 383 1439

Wilson, JoAnne 7361 Trotwood Dr. 63042 522 2089

Wilson, Alice K. 5989 Romaine Pl. 63112 383 6209

Wolford, Helen 661 Kenwood Dr. 63121 261 2782

Wooten, Romona 1405 Lawrence Ave. 618 482 5016

ramonawooten@ East St. Louis IL 62205


Young, Dorothy 2630 Farber Dr. 63136 653 0736

Young, Essex 2024 Maple Tree Ln. 62206 618 337 7987

East St. Louis, IL

For Any Yearbook Changes/ Corrections/ Deletions please notify

Kathy A. Harris

326 McCullough Avenue

Kirkwood MO 63122

314-596-6758 (Cell)




Kathy Harris, Corresponding Sec

Updated Information in BLUE

Berean Missionary Baptist District Association and Auxiliaries



Berean Church Planting Initiative

Berean Missionary Baptist District Association

Parent Body Officers
















Association Officers

Auxiliary Staff

Church Auxiliary Officers


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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