Lavender Spring Spa Director Guide - Group



Planning Yo u r L a v e n d e r Springs Spa Retreat

Planning Guide Options Speedy Retreat Planner Ideally you'll have months to plan your retreat.

But sometimes the opportunity arises and you only have a few weeks. That's why we're giving you two different planning guide options. The first one will take you from start to finish in as

E few as four weeks. The second option allows

you a little more breathing room. Choose the

SAMPL one that works for you and your team.


? Pray. It's always a good idea to get God involved from the very beginning!

? Set a date. You can have a great retreat in just a few weeks. Choose a date about four weeks from today.

? Choose a location. To have a retreat in just a few weeks, it's likely you'll have it at your church or at a nearby hotel--or maybe you have access to a cabin that will accommodate 10 to 20 women. You can do your retreat as a one-day event at either of these locations, or have it as an overnight event if you want. This may mean women stay overnight in their own homes and come back to your location the following morning or just make it a huge slumber party! It's up to you!

? Get a couple women to help you. You can lead the entire retreat yourself, but it's more fun (and definitely easier) if you have even one more person doing it with you! Together watch the training segment on the Training & Promo DVD in the Lavender Springs Spa Media

Pack. Decide who will do what (who is going

to spread the word, who is going to lead the

sessions, who is going to gather supplies--stuff

like that), and you're ready to get started!



Lavender Springs Spa


Lavender Springs Spa is created as a 24-hour

Sample Schedule for retreat that begins with an evening meal and ends One-Day Retreat just before the evening meal on the next day. For

example, it could begin on a Friday afternoon and end on Saturday afternoon. However, it can be adapted to be a shorter or longer event. Use

SaturdaE these schedules as samples for your own retreat.

y Note that each session generally takes about 45

L minutes to complete. (The first session is longer

at about an hour and a half.) However, we like to "pad" the schedule a little to allow extra time for talking. If you're doing the retreat in one day, you'll have to keep things moving. But if you have

P a one-night or two-night retreat, you'll notice

we've allowed more time in those schedules simply because there's no reason to rush. Let women linger longer and spend refreshing time

SAM with each other and with God!

8:30?9:00 Women arrive--Check in 9:00?10:30 Session 1 10:30?11:00 Break 11:00-11:45 Session 2 12:00?12:45 Lunch 1:00?1:45 Session 3 1:45?2:00 Break 2:00?3:30 Sessions 4 and 5 3:30?3:45 Break

3:45?4:30 Session 6


Finish, clean up, and go home

L A V E N D E R S P R I N G S S P A ? D i r e c t o r G u i d e 21

Sample Schedule for One-Night Retreat



2:00 4:00 5:00?6:30 7:00?8:30


Leadership team arrives-- Check in, decorate, and set up

Women begin to arrive--Begin registration and room check-in

Dinner available

E Session 1

Free time for snacks,

L board games, jigsaw

puzzles, talking,

SAMP and laughing

7:30?9:00 Breakfast

9:00?11:00 Sessions 2 and 3

11:00?12:00 Free time

12:00?1:00 Lunch

1:00?3:00 Sessions 4 and 5

3:00?3:15 Break

3:15--4:00 Session 6


Finish, clean up, and go home



Sample Schedule for Two-Night Retreat



2:00 4:00 5:00?6:30 7:00?8:30


Leadership team arrives-- Check in, decorate, and set up

Women begin to arrive--Begin registration and room check-in

Dinner available

E Session 1

Free time for snacks,

L board games, jigsaw

puzzles, talking,

P and laughing

8:00?9:00 Breakfast

9:00?11:00 Sessions 2 and 3

11:00?12:00 Free time

12:00?1:00 Lunch

1:00?5:00 Free time

5:00?6:00 Dinner

6:00?8:00 8:00-??

Sessions 4 and 5

Free time for snacks, board games, jigsaw puzzles, talking, and laughing

AMSunday 8:30?9:15 Breakfast S 9:15?10:00 Session 6


Finish, clean up, and go home

L A V E N D E R S P R I N G S S P A ? D i r e c t o r G u i d e 23

Step-by-Step T h r o u g h Lavender Springs Spa

At the Retreat


Well, it's time to get this retreat started! You and your leadership team have gone through all the preparation steps. Now you're heading to your retreat location and need to know what happens next.

E Let's assume for this section that you're doing a

one-night retreat beginning on Friday night. This section will guide you through what happens at each step and who is responsible for each

L area. You can adapt this information if you're

leading a one-day or two-night retreat. We'll go step by step through the schedule together.

SAMP Ready? Let's go!

? Leadership team arrives to check in, decorate, and set up. You and your team should arrive as early as your retreat facility will allow. Remember, delegate! You don't need to do all this yourself. The following are things you all can do at this time.

o Check in at the hotel or retreat center. Gather keys, meal tickets, or other items required by the staff of the facility where you are staying.

o Hang signs directing women to your location. If you're in a hotel, see if the management will permit you to post signs directing women to your check-in area, or assign someone from your leadership team to direct ladies as they arrive. If you're at a larger conference center, you may want to use balloons, ribbons, or other markers at key points to direct women to your location.



o Set up or check the existing sound system.

o Set up the snack area. It's likely that your

o Place chairs and tables so there is room to move around. In an ideal location, women will be sitting at small tables. If you have long tables, plan for two small groups of four women to sit at each table--four at each end of the table.

meeting room will also be used as a hangout location where women can relax between activities. If so, this is the place to keep the snacks, so set up a table or two for beverages and snack foods. If not, set up snack tables in the free-time gathering room.

o Decorate your welcome and check-in

o Hang the white plastic "poster." During each session of the retreat, women will be guided to write on this poster that has been hung on the wall. This poster is a length of white plastic tablecloth material (like you'd put over tables at a picnic). It comes on a roll and is usually about 40

E inches wide and comes in various lengths.

You'll need at least 5 feet of this plastic--or more depending on the number of women

L coming to your retreat. We had 50 women

at our retreat and used a little more than 10 feet.

Use tape, Command Strips, or a similar

P adhesive to affix this to one wall. Women

will write on it throughout the retreat, so put it at a height that is easy to reach. When we did this, we used two layers of the plastic--one that women wrote on and

M one beneath it as an extra barrier to be

sure marker didn't get on the wall.

o Put the purple permanent markers that will be used in Session 1 in a basket or other

A container and place this near the poster

area. If you have a small table, you can

Sput the basket of markers on that.

area. Use the ideas in the "Decorating for Lavender Springs Spa" section to create a welcoming atmosphere that will delight women from the start! You'll also find ideas for decorating on the Training & Promo DVD. Set up tables and necessary signs so women will know where to begin checking in. Be sure you have room assignment information, room keys, name tags, Lavender Springs Spa Participant Guides, schedules, and other information women will need upon arrival.

o Leave a surprise on each person's bed. What fun to arrive in your room and find a gift! We suggest you place a Spa Bag or Flavor-Infuser Tumbler on each bed.

o Be sure the Spa Sprint game items that the

Worship Leader will use in Session 1 are

ready for her.

o Put supplies to be used in upcoming sessions under a table (covered with a cloth), in a nearby closet, or in a small room nearby. You'll want to keep them out of sight for now, but have them handy so you can pull them out quickly when it's time.

L A V E N D E R S P R I N G S S P A ? D i r e c t o r G u i d e 25

Recruiting for Lavender

Springs Spa

Finding Leaders

Starting With Prayer

Since you're reading this book, we know you have a heart for helping women grow closer to others and to God. But putting together a retreat is a lot of work, and you might be feeling a little worried about recruiting all the right volunteers to create a memorable experience. Well, we're

E here to help you!

Recruiting doesn't have to be a headache. It can actually be a fun, energizing opportunity

L to connect with people who have a passion for

women's ministry...people just like you! We're here to help you find all the leaders you need for Lavender Springs Spa.

P Use the following recruiting ideas, and print

the job descriptions from the Graphics & Other Goodies CD to give to women you'd like to join

SAM your team in leadership roles.

Ask God to direct you to the women he wants involved. Then make a list of women you think might want to be involved in leading with you. Finally, talk to them. There's no substitute for a personal touch. If you truly believe someone will be a wonderful Supplies Coordinator, tell her! Share the vision for Lavender Springs Spa, explain why you think she'd be great on the team, and give her time to pray and make a decision. Assure her that she won't be in this alone as you and others on the team can work together to get each task completed. And promise her she'll have adequate training. Treat women with respect if they decline, and pray about who God might have you ask next.



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