Faith Presbyterian ChurchStaff Position Description for Director of Children, Youth and Young AdultsOrganizational Component-Accountable to the Session through the Pastor and Personnel.-Attends weekly Sunday School and Sunday worship service.-Attends weekly staff meetings set by the pastor. -Attends Sunday School and Nurture Committee meetings.-Communicates with all pertinent members with regard to tasks and issues.-Keeps regular office hours (regulated by Pastor).Youth Ministry (Christian Endeavor)-Lead weekly youth gatherings and special events.-Connect our youth with outside Christian youth and /or community events.-Lead significant fundraisers as need arises.-Organize a team led Mission experience once a year with the youth.-Incorporate the youth in local mission activities twice a quarter.-Attend Christian Cultural events with youth.-Support youth in their school and extracurricular activities.-Incorporate families of youth and congregation in Christian Education class once a quarter. -Utilize social media to maintain communication with the youthWorship-Lead dynamic children sermons.-Lead creative Youth Sunday services every fifth Sunday of the calendar year.-Provide scripture reading before the Sermon.-Run Welcome Center to reach out to new guests.-Check with all teachers Sunday morning to ensure proper staffing.-Secure all pagers and ensure proper placement of devices after Sunday worship service.God’s Big Backyard-Oversee and select curriculum in conjunction with the Sunday School Committee.-Teach Junior Church 3 months out of the year; date to be agreed upon through Nurture Committee. -Teach Sunday School 3 months out of the year; rotating through all youth classes.-Co-Teach Communicants Class with the pastor.-Include Parents and Friends in God’s Big Backyard once a quarter.-Host and facilitate Vacation Bible School daily operations under the direct advisement of the VBS leadership team.-Conduct training for teachers and/or congregation based on the needs of the church or current trends two times a year.Personal-Display a Christ-like presence both inside and outside of Faith Presbyterian Church.-Display a teachable attitude and an open heart.-Is enthusiastic, driven, and who wants to build relationships with our youth while motivating them to grow as disciples in Christ.-Keep up on current trends.-Keep things confidential – a strict “No Gossip” policy will be required. Key phrases such as, “I cannot speak on this issue,” “I would encourage you to talk to ---- personally,” or “this is not an area of my knowledge” will suffice.-Select 3 goals a year that will help Faith Presbyterian Church grow. Goals must be approved by Pastor, outlined by February 1st, and completed by the end of the year.-Does not neglect own family in completing church responsibilities.Other-Provide consistent contact in ministry with college age youth and young adults.-Utilize social media to give Faith Presbyterian Church an online presence.-Performance reviews: (A) Weekly reviews by the Pastor (B) yearly review through personnel and Sunday School Superintendent.-Job description is a living document; it could change, with notice, to meet the expanding needs of Faith Presbyterian Church.Days Off-3 Sundays off per year.-2 Weeks vacation (10 days)-4 Sick days-1 Personal day*All above must be written out using our standard forms.*All above days must be discussed with Pastor at least 2 weeks in advance (except sick days).Side Notes:-Candidate will lead a Sunday night CE youth group as part of the interview process-Consider having a Christian Ed parent be on hiring committee.-Have to live locally or at least close to Faith Presbyterian Church.1/2017 ................

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