Grace United

Methodist Church

11222 Leopard Street, Corpus Christi, TX 78410 ( (361) 242-3333 (

May 13, 2010


Monday thru Thursday: 9:00a – 5:00p

Fridays: 9:00a – 12:00p



361-242-3333 extension


John Wright 205


Home 992-1566 / Cell 244-6450

Mark Montgomery 204


Home 288-2007 / Cell 726-9332

Director of Youth Ministry:

Kathy Rios 203


Director of Children’s Ministry:

Kandi Tumlinson 206


Church Administrator/Finance:

Pat Pike 221


Administrative Assistant:

Sandy Callis 200


Administrative Assistant:

Cathy Roznovsky 202


Director of Music Ministries

Janelle Decker 208


Praise Band Director:

Kirk Tumlinson


Director of ECDC:

Sara Vansickle 241-5232


Confirmation Sunday,

May 16, 2010; 11:10 a.m.

Confirmation is the act by which we “confirm” God’s “yes” to us in Jesus Christ, which God declared at our baptism, by our responding “yes” to God. In confirmation, a person accepts for him/herself the grace of God and professes faith in Jesus Christ as his/her Savior and Lord. Director of Youth Ministries, Kathy Rios, has worked with eighteen youth since the fall, teaching them the basic concepts and language of the Christian faith with the aid of Youth and Adult table leaders and the “Claim the Name” curriculum.

At the 11:10 worship service, these young people will accept the grace of God for themselves and profess faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Confirmed youth become full members of Christ’s universal church, of the United Methodist Church, and of the Grace church family. From this point on, they are regarded as “adult” Christians, taking on the responsibilities of adult discipleship with vows to support the church with prayers, presence, gifts, and service. Join us in welcoming our newest members this Sunday as we celebrate the confirmation of God’s promise of immeasurable grace!

Our confirmands are:

|Brandon Besse |Allan & Ira Besse |

|Justine Borchard |Ralph & Alicia Borchard |

|Mason Cass |Brannon & Jennifer Slusher |

|Kyle Hill |Bobbie & Kathy Hill |

|Melissa Holt |Larry & Beverly Holt |

|Brendon Horton |Billy & Tonya Horton |

|Reese Kirby |Jeff & Cindy Kirby |

|Dylan Kneiszel |Darryl Kneiszel & Tracy Kneiszel |

|Camille Moller |Eric & Michelle Moller |

|Luke Shirley |Jeff & Kathy Shirley |

|Brittanny Slusher |Brannon & Jennifer Slusher |

|Brendan Strop |Arthur & Khristina Ramirez |

|Alexandra Taylor |Henry & Mia Taylor |

|Michelle Thomas |Vince & Shawn Thomas |

|Hannah Tumlinson |Kirk & Kandi Tumlinson |

|Kayla Tumlinson |Kirk & Kandi Tumlinson |

|Payne Whatley |Jon & Kelly Whatley |

|Jillian Williams |Trey & Janna Williams |

Pentecost Sunday, May 23

The Day of Pentecost—sometimes called “the birthday of the Church—is the fiftieth and last day of the Easter season, when the church received the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2 tells us that the Holy Spirit came like a mighty rushing wind, and flames of fire rested over the heads of the disciples and Mary.

Pastor’s Column: A Deuteronomic Valedictory

Rev. John Wright

These days I’ve been feeling a lot like Moses. Like Moses, I’m not going to get to go with you into the “Promised Land” of the new location on Northwest Boulevard. Instead, you will be led there by a younger “Joshua” –in this case, Pastor Stan Whites. That’s okay, because it’s not nearly as important for me as an individual to get there as it is for you as a church to get there. I think of what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said the night before he was assassinated:

I’ve been to the mountaintop…and I’ve looked over.

And I’ve seen the Promised Land.

I may not get there with you.

But we, as a people [or in our case, we as a church]

will get to the Promised Land.

The book of Deuteronomy contains Moses’s farewell sermons and parting advice, which he gave to the people of Israel as they were about to enter the Promised Land. So, I’m offering this column as a “deuteronomic” valedictory à la David Letterman’s Top 10 list—only I have 12, a good biblical number!

No. 12: Act maturely. It’s amazing how people who are usually mature will act immaturely when it comes to church. If you become angry with your pastor or fellow church member, for God’s sake and your own, respect this person enough to tell them why you are angry with them. Read Matthew 18:15-16, 21-22. Don’t go away and sulk, expecting the other person to seek you out. That’s called “passive aggression” –expressing your anger indirectly, but expecting others to respond directly to you. If you decide to quit attending church or to join another church, have the common courtesy to inform your pastor of your decision. Don’t just disappear. If you are sick and want the pastor to visit you, tell that to your pastor. Don’t expect him/her to be able to read your mind. Don’t make it a test: “If the pastor really cared about me, he would come to see me without my having to tell him to do so.”

No. 11: Judge your actions by whether you are willing for everyone in similar circum-stances to do what you are doing. For example, if you decide to skip church because you want to sleep in, ask yourself, What if everyone did what I am doing? The answer: No one would be in church. If it’s not right for everyone to do what you are doing, then it’s not right for you to do it. Another example: Suppose you want to give money to the building fund, but to do so, you re-direct all your regular giving from the operating fund to the building fund. But what if everyone decided to do that? How would the church be able to operate on a daily basis?

No. 10: Don’t be a mooch. Suppose you are in the habit of regularly going out for a cup of coffee or lunch with a group of friends. Would you always let your friends buy your coffee or lunch? No way! You would have enough honor and self-respect to pay for your own food most of the time and occasionally to offer to pay for your friends’ coffee. Yet, when it comes to church, a significant number of members never pay for anything. They are content to come to church, take what it has to offer, and freeload off their fellow-members, letting them pick up the bill for the cost of doing church. Sure, we are not all blessed with the same amount of resources, but surely we all can put something in the offering plate, even if it is only a couple of dollars.

No. 9: Be willing to put what is good for the church as a whole before your own desires. Remember that Jesus said, “I came not to be served, but to serve” (Mark 10:45). And Paul wrote: “Love does not insist on its own way” (I Corinthians 13:4).


No. 8: Be nimble, flexible, adaptable, ready to change. Remember the seven last words of any church are: “We’ve never done it that way before.” (See the parable of the naked crabs, printed elsewhere in the newsletter.) Always be ready to “rethink church.” You can start by asking questions like:

What if church was less about Sunday and more about the other days of the week?

What if church wasn’t just a place we go, but something we do?

What if church wasn’t a building, but an experience or an activity?

What if church was the way it was in the beginning –outbound, unbound,

making a real difference in the world—

an opportunity to prove what we say we believe with our lives?

No. 7: Make attendance at worship a priority. Nothing is more contagious than a room full of people enthusiastically praising God. Let joy show on your faces. Remember that the fourth commandment is to keep the Sabbath holy by abstaining from ordinary work and chores in order to worship God, to pray, read, meditate, and to rest our bodies and restore our souls. If we can’t put God first in such a little thing as taking off one day in seven to rest in honor of God, then how can we expect to put God first when it comes to really big things?

No. 6: Remember your mission—to connect people with God’s grace in Jesus Christ. You don’t exist for your own sake. You exist for the sake of your mission. William Temple, Arch-bishop of Canterbury in the 1940’s, once famously remarked, “The church is the only organization that exists for the benefit of its non-members.” Forget that, and you will die.

No. 5: Strive for excellence in all you do as a church (read Philippians 4:8). Doing so will demonstrate that you are seeking first the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33), of which the church is the most obvious manifestation.

No. 4: Constantly seek God’s vision for this church. What does God want it to become? Don’t settle into the status quo (see No. 8 above). “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18). Constantly re-claim the promise of Pentecost (read Acts 2:17)

No. 3: Let your core values, mission, and vision guide you in all your decisions as a church. And for that reason, keep them always before you. Remember that you will need to revise and update them every three to four years, so that they can be “owned” by the congregation at that time.

No. 2: Know your foundational beliefs. You must be able to give people a reason for coming to church. The days of people coming to church just because it’s the right thing to do are long gone. You must be able to give people an answer to their most basic questions, like: “Why am I here?” “Do I really matter?” “Why does my life get so screwed up?” “Is there any way out of the mess I’m in?” “Is there anybody to help, or am I in this all by myself?” “Where is God in the midst of so much suffering and tragedy?” “What’s the point of it all if we’re just going to die in the end?” If you don’t have any good news (gospel) to share with people in response to the basic questions of life they face, why should you or they waste their time in church?

No. 1: Live up to your name—Grace. God’s grace is the most wonderful, life-changing revolutionary experience in the universe. It is what people hunger and thirst their whole life long to discover —to know that they are loved by God with an everlasting love that will never, ever let them go, a love that sets them free from the guilt of wrongdoing and the burden of rightdoing (having to live up to the performance principle), a love that gives them a sense of worth that enables them to avoid the world’s false offers of worth. But “grace” is just a word until people experience it from other human beings. Don’t just talk grace. Be grace!

Always Grace-fully,

Parable of the Naked Crabs, by James Taylor

Pastor’s Note: Many years ago, I came across this wonderful parable. It appeared in the January 1983 issue of Alive Now, a contemporary devotional magazine published by The Upper Room. I thought it appropriate to share with you in this time of transition for our congregation.

At the seashore, every pool and puddle left by the retreating tide seems to have a crab in it. Little ones scuttle sideways, squeezing under rocks, peeking from a patch of seaweed, occasionally venturing out to nibble on unwary human toes. Now and then, you may see bigger crabs, in deeper, safer pools. With ponderous majesty, they wave huge claws as a warning to stay away.

On the beach, shells of crabs lie washed up by waves. Some are from crabs that died. Others are simply discarded, a dwelling too small for its growing occupant. That’s how crabs grow bigger - when their shells get too tight, they split the shell open and grow a new one.

I’ve never talked with a crab. But I imagine the process of splitting open a shell must be painful. I’m sure that until they grow a new shell, they feel terribly defenseless and vulnerable. Because that’s how we humans feel when we crack open our shells.

Our shells aren’t visible, like crabs’. But they are there, just the same –shells formed by years of habit, shells that protect us from other people, shells that are the roles we play as parents, or children, or bosses, or employees.

Every now and then, we crack our shells open and emerge into a new world, quivering and defenseless. Teenagers do it as they become adults. No wonder they get crabby sometimes.

Adults do it as they learn to quit running their kids’ lives. Or when they get laid off at work. Or when a wife or husband dies and they have to start over again, alone. When an investment fails. When a dream disappears.

In all these traumas of life, a shell is being broken. A new, vulnerable life is started. Like a crab, the longer that shell has been growing around us, the harder it is to break open, to start again. The more painful breaking becomes.

Some of our shells we have worn for generations. Our Christian faith can be a shell handed down by our ancestors. Some faith shells are worth keeping. Others may have become prisons – shells so encrusted with the barnacles of the past, so burdened with trailing weeds, so constricting, that we can no longer move when God calls. No one looks for painful experiences, in life or in faith. To avoid pain, we may prefer to stay locked into shells that no longer fit very well, rather than risk the vulnerability of cracking them open.

But when a crab’s shell becomes too thick, too protective, too tough to crack open and start again, then the crab can’t grow any more. That’s when it dies. So do we.

Creating a Culture of Growth!

United Methodist Church Southwest Texas Conference

Annual Conference: June 2 – 5, 2010

American Bank Center in Corpus Christi

The Southwest Texas Annual Conference, comprising nearly 400 United Methodist churches in the region of Texas south and west of the Colorado River, will convene in Corpus Christi on Wednesday, June 2nd and continue through Saturday, June 5th. Bishop Jim Dorff will preside.

Grace church Annual Conference Delegates are: Judy Clifford, Peter Borhauer, Jimmy Platt, Sharon Trott, Jeff Hunt (alternate) and Judy Macek (alternate).

MAY Flood Bucket Supplies & Goals:

Scouring Pads 1000

Disinfectant Dish Soap (16-28oz bottle) 200

The size requested by UMCOR is specific and they will remove any items from our buckets that do not meet the specifications.  Drop your items off in the glassway.

Contact Lisa Boggs at 765-3400.

Joys and Concerns of the Family

Joy: the most recent class of Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University will graduate 32 participants on Sunday. That’s the largest of the three classes we’ve hosted so far! Congratulations!!

We welcome Boston, infant son of Emily & Brandon Smallwood, born Monday, May 3rd.

Sympathy: W.E. “Spider” Webb on the death of his sister-in-law, Elizabeth Hart

Hospitalized: Dudley Bainum

Recovering: Betty Murphy; Mark Sansing

Surgery Pending: Sara Vansickle (May 14th); Charlotte McMeans (May 18th); Dwight Hedrick (May 25th)

Health Concerns: Dennis Berry; Lara Berry’s daughter-in-law, Courtney and neighbors Donna and Alma; Mike Bogg’s sister, Paula Griffith; Bill Clark; Marilyn Gafford’s infant granddaughter, Diana Gafford, sister, Dolores Hanson and friend, Jay Middleton; Brenda Machen; Carla Martin’s sister, Janis and friend, JoAnn; Becky McNamara; Emily Moore’s brother, Harold; Sara Vansickle’s brother, Jon; Judy Kunkel; Jennifer Slusher’s father, Sherman; Brannon Slusher’s mother, Beverly; Chris Williams’ friend, Gil; Jean Kaufman

Ongoing Prayers: Robert Alexander’s step-father, Ed DesLauriais; Alicia Borchard’s mother, Irene Salinas; Terri Davis; Glenda Lacey’s brother-in-law, Carl Burnett; Robert Rios’ mother, Ninfa Chapa; Gene Eisenhauer; Ric Godfrey; Dwight Hedrick’s brother, Bill Hedrick; Shirley Jones’ sisters and their husbands Toni & Dean Martino; Peggy & Sonny Amsler; the Mahany Family; Rachelle Parry; Sandi Cantu’s mother, Juanita Ramon; Carolyn Scheible’s mother, Nadine; Spider Webb

Memorial Gifts from the Heart

Allen Burditt, Jr.

George & Sarah Seaman

for the Memorial Fund

Grace UMW

for the Building Fund Fund

Ted, Caroline, Nell Thompson

for the Memorial Fund

Charles Schulz

Jon & Kathy Borhauer

for the Foundation Fund

Don & Pat Pike

for the Building Fund Fund

Charlie Zapalac

Carolyn Goodwin

for the Building Fund Fund

Ellen Talley

Frankie & Ruthie King

for the Building Fund Fund

Monty & Elenora O’Bryant

for the Memorial Fund

Brenda King

for the Building Fund Fund

Mick & Brenda Machen

for the Building Fund Fund

Ellen Talley

Don & Pat Pike

for the Building Fund Fund

Jon & Kathy Borhauer

for the Foundation Fund

Doug & Tena Harl

for the Memorial Fund

Rick & Theresa Chavarry

for the Memorial Fund

Jack & Emily Moore

for the Memorial Fund

Archetta Langley

for the Memorial Fund

Dudley & Ernestine Bainum

for the Memorial Fund

Ray & Pauletta Myers

for the Memorial Fund

Gary & Linda Rice

for the Memorial Fund

Patty & Judy Southard

for the Memorial Fund

Viola Rice & Family

for the Memorial Fund

Roger & Beverly Felton

for the Memorial Fund

Ellen Talley

Ed & Brandy Shores

for the Memorial Fund

Gerald & Gwenda Ludwig

for the Memorial Fund

Kyle Jackson

Carolyn Goodwin

for the Building Fund Fund

Martha Mahany

Jon & Kathy Borhauer

for the Foundation Fund

Monty & Elenora O’Bryant

for the Memorial Fund

Mick & Brenda Machen

for the Building Fund Fund

Don & Pat Pike

for the Building Fund Fund

Roxy Linton

Margaret Power

for the Building Fund Fund

Thelma Buerger

Don & Pat Pike

for the Building Fund Fund

Knit 1, Give 2: K1G2

Needlework Ministry

Sunday, May 23rd at 2:00 p.m., Room 143

Printed directions are available. Gale Bridgeman 726-6595.

Still Much Work to Do

At the Parsonage

There is still a lot of work yet to be done at the parsonage, but I want to take the time now to thank all those who have already put in many long, hard hours of work: Susan Cornet, Karen Kleine, Don and Pat Pike, Judy Macek, Judy Shurley, Margaret and Ted Van Blarcum, Jon Borhauer, Ed Robbins, Frankie King, Mick Machen, and Mike Boggs.

There is a lot of work to be done to prepare the house before the new pastor who will be arriving soon. Extra help is welcomed and appreciated.

My heartfelt thanks,

Richard Shurley

(Trustee Chairperson).

ECDC Now Enrolling for Summer & Fall

Contact Sara Vansickle at 241-5232.

Curves Provides

Food for the Pantry

Thank you to Nancy Cavitt and Curves for donating to the food pantry. In addition to collecting much needed canned goods, a financial contribution was also made. This allows us to do the shopping when we run low in any one area of fruits, meats or veggies. Thank you Curves!

~Warren Freasier, Coordinator

Did You Know?

Communion is Served…

Our Homebound Communion Ministry program is available for both long-term and temporary situations of confinement that prevents members from attending worship services. If you find yourself temporarily homebound, unable to make it to church for a while, and would like to receive communion during that time, the Homebound Communion Ministry is here for you!

This ministry also serves those who are permanently homebound. We have teams in place waiting to serve you. The elements used to serve are blessed each Sunday.

Contact the church office or call Judy Shurley at 241-9750.

Kids Korner

For information on these or other children’s events, contact Kandi Tumlinson 242-3333 x206 or kanditumlinson@

Children's Summer Camp Dates

"Be a Hero: Living Like Jesus"

3rd-4th grade: June 13-16 or July 11-14

5th-6th grade: June 20-24 or August 8-12

4th-6th grade M.A.D. (music, art, drama): July 28-31

(All camps are based on the grade the child will be entering in the fall.)

Wednesdays Away

for kids in Kinder-5th grade

June 9 - Aransas Pass Aquatics Center

June 23 - Toy Story 3

July 7 - Portland Creative Arts Center

Pick up registration forms outside Room 147, Children's Ministry Office.  Don't miss it!

Have you signed up for Vacation Bible School? Registration forms are located throughout the church!

Galactic Blast!

June 28 – July 1, 2010

5:15 – 8:30 p.m.

Vacation Bible School is open to all children ages 4 years through 5th grade (completed). Registration fee is $10 per child / $25 maximum per family; includes dinner, t-shirt and music cd. A Galactic Blast solar keychain is available to every child who registers by the deadline!

Registration deadline is June 1st.

Youth News for 2k10!

Kathy Rios, 242-3333 x203 or katrios2002@

Please read the calendar we mail you every month. All the details for everything are on that calendar.

We can't text, email, My Space and Facebook each of you so you don't forget something.

CONFIRMATION! Come to the 11:10a.m. service on May 16 to support and welcome our Confirmation class of 2010 as they claim the name Christian and United Methodist. These fine young people have been learning about their faith heritage, Methodism and what it means to follow Jesus for the past 36 weeks. They have visited the Jewish synagogue, the Corpus Christi Cathedral, have been on a 3 day retreat learning about seasons of the Christian year and have had lots of fellowship in the bargain. Special blessings and thanks to the wonderful table leaders, youth table leaders and adult volunteers who have been with us all the way: Kandi Tumlinson, Alicia Borchard, Shawn Thomas, Cindy Kirby, Gerad Floyd, Beth Grant, Lindsey Coffee, and Devin Boyd. Additional thanks to Khristina Ramirez for arranging the meals schedule for the year. We ate very well on Wednesday nights! And finally, thank you to the 18 families who made the commitment to make confirmation a priority in their families for the past 9 months! To God be the glory!

Get it on the calendar!

May 16th: Last Sunday Afternoon Youth Group Pool party / Hart's home, 4534 River Park Dr. in the Wood River subdivision. Bring swim suit, towel and sun screen and that's all! Food and drinks provided!

May 23rd: Sea City Work Camp Orientation

1:00 p.m. in the gym. Not an option!

Summer Camps for Youth:

Jam Camp / Jr. High: June 27 - July 1, 2010

Quest / Sr. High: July 18-22, 2010

Registration forms in Youth hall or go to

The Chrysalis Journey

Boy's Chrysalis - June 17 - 20, 2010

(If you are not going to SCWC - this is for you!!)

Girl's Chrysalis - June 24-27, 2010

Ages 15 – 18 Contact Kathy Rios or check out

“San Antonio Invasion”

July 6 - 9, 2010

This is our annual mini-mission trip to work at the San Antonio Food Bank for Haven of Hope, that serves the homeless in that city. Lodging: Laurel Heights UMC / Cost:$100 ea.

We’re still in need of two additional adults; one to navigate around the San Antonio area and another to help with kitchen duty at Laurel Heights and both to help chaperone. This has become an annual event for the Amazing Grace Youth Group and has proven to be a powerful one.

New 7th graders; you are invited to come along on your first mission trip.

Registration forms out soon.

Watch your calendars for additional dates of summer events coming out soon!

Don't be bored this summer; make it count!

“Using God's Gifts To Transform Our World” is the Sea city Work Camp theme for summer 2010. Orientation is on Sunday, May 23 at 1:00pm in the gym. All campers, parents, and adult volunteers please attend. There are many new regulations and items you need to know before camp. Foreman and all adults working on a worksite will have a special meeting with Technical Director, Robert Rios (946 - 7010) and Camp Director, Kathy Rios (688-6332) after Orientation, in the Sanctuary! Please make this meeting a priority, whether you are a first time volunteer of a seasoned one.

Our Youth Deans for 2010: Makenzie Hughes, Emma Winters, Reese Gallagher, Amber Evetts, and Patrick McGovern


11222 Leopard Street, Corpus Christi, Texas 78410

Address Service Requested

Inside this Issue:

Pastor John’s Deuteronomic Valedictory

Save the Date!

Sunday, June 6th

The Pairs & Spares class will host a covered dish lunch after the 11:10 service on the Sunday, June 6th.

An open microphone will be provided to share fond memories of Pastors John and Barbara. In addition, a basket will be available to collect cards and notes of care and well-wishes.








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