Sheldon Christian School Announcements:

• Building Project Update – Approximately $1.2 million has been raised toward the building project. In order to move forward with a tentative start date this spring, we must reach the project start goal of $1,650,000. Please consider committing your contribution to the project by Feb. 1! Gifts or pledges can be directed to Katie Wieringa, Iowa State Bank (attn.: Ken) or delivered to SCS in a sealed envelope. Thank you for prayerfully considering your ability to support this project in furthering the cause of Christian Education today and in the future!

• SCS Baked Potato Supper – Mon., Jan. 21, 5-7 p.m. in the gym.

We’re getting settled back into our life in Savannakhet again and it feels good to be back. We wanted to thank you all for supporting/encouraging us while we were visiting Christa’s parents. We feel so blessed to be able to partner with this church! It was nice to see so many of you. We’re jumping right back in again to everything here. Classes start this week and Danny‘s been busy at the coffee shop. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. Thanks! Danny & Christa Longkumer

Community Announcements:

• Sheldon Area Unity Meal – Mon., Jan. 21, 6 p.m. at Living Water Com. Church. Thank you to United Methodist Church/WIDA for providing the meal/volunteers.

• NISO Winter Pops Concert - Piano Dreamer, Sat., Jan. 26, 7:30 PM in BJ Haan Aud. Composer, pianist, and conductor Jan Mulder will be joining the orchestra as guest artist. NISO’s Celebrity Conductor Contest will be held in conjunction with this concert. Advance tickets at Evie’s Hallmark in Sx Ctr. Tickets also available at the door. For info. contact NISO office at 722-6230

• Ladies Spring Escape Mar. 15-16, at Sheldon High School. Theme: “Writing the Song of Your Life”. Main speaker: Jill Miller, a Christian speaker/singer from Sioux City. Pamphlets on the welcome desk.


The One who calls you to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature is the One who by your consent, goes into all the world and preaches the Gospel to every creature through you!

W. Ian Thomas

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Jesus often gathered for worship with his disciples and others. Following his example, we gather now to grow in God and glorify his name. Welcome!

Today at First

This morning, we welcome Rev. Aldon Kuiper as he leads our morning service. Today we begin a series of messages entitled, “WALKING WITH GOD.” The message is based on Exodus 3:1-15, “Have You Ever Seen a Burning Bush?”

Most of our days are filled with everything that is ordinary, but then everything changes when God calls us by name in the middle of the ordinary.

Care Group #4 hosts the coffee fellowship. Join us in the fellowship hall.

This evening, we have a combined worship at Immanuel as we recognize the ministry of the cadets. Pastor Al will give the message focusing on the Cadet theme, “BE A BLESSING,” based on 2 Corinthians 9:8

Next week, Care Group #4 will host the coffee fellowship.

Next Sunday evening, we welcome the Western Christian Chamber Singers, as they participate in our service. This will be a joint service with Immanuel.

Our Church Family

We extend our Christian sympathy to Julia Zylstra and her family in the death of Jack on Wednesday. His funeral will be held in the church on Monday.

May the Lord comfort those who mourn the loss of loved ones.

Greeters Today AM Dixon & Char Granstra

Jan. 27 AM Jake & Meghan Granstra PM Jeffrey & Brooke Granstra

Nursery - Today AM Char G. Meghan G., Trenton H.

Jan. 27 AM Ashley B., Cherish G., Logan S. PM Adam & Krista V.M.

Christian Ret. Home – Today Keith Habben Jan. 27 Brian Hengeveld

Fieldcrest & Village – Today Kyle Heynen Jan. 27 Eldon Hoekstra

Offerings - Today Classical Min. Shares, 2nd AM Youth Mission Trips Jan. 27 Sheldon Area Unity Table

Cookies – Jan. 27 Laura K., Lori G., Maria V.V. Valet Pkg – Jan. 27 Mark K.

Sound – Today Bolkema/Pete Jan. 27 Arlo/Brayden/Trayle

Activities this Week

Sun. 10:45 AM Sunday School and Catechism Classes meet

6:00 PM Evening Worship Service at Immanuel CRC

Wed. 9:30 AM Coffee Break Bible Study – study lesson 7

7:00 PM Family Visiting – read Philippians 2:1-18 before visit

Fri. & Sat. 8 AM Painting & Cleaning at the parsonage

We offer assistive listening devices for the hearing impaired on the welcome desk.

First CRC Announcements:

• People picking up Ruth Roetman, 362 Village Circle, SW of Wansink Ctr.

Call Ruth (712) 631-4515 Sun. a.m. to see if she is going to church.

• The Reflector will be printed this week. Articles are due by Tues., Jan. 22.

• Greeters, Nursery Workers, Drivers, Valet Parkers – please watch the schedules for all those positions as they are printed in each Reflector/Bulletin. Please mark your calendar so you do not miss when you are scheduled to help.

• Senior/Singles Supper (including Council Members/Wives) - Wed., Jan. 30. Sign up by Jan. 23. Devotions at 6, catered meal to follow. Entertainment at 7.

• Harlan Bolkema is the lead contact for congregational needs while we are vacant; members also encouraged to contact their care group elder w/concerns.

• Pastor Aldon Kuiper will be in the Pastor’s Study Wed. mornings. He invites members to stop in and visit with him. For prayer requests/questions you may have, Pastor Kuiper can be contacted at (712) 470-6828.

• All ages are encouraged to join us for the Spring Book Club/Discussion – Wed., April 3, 7 p.m. We will discuss Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis Majors. If you have any questions, please contact Karen Christians.

• Volunteers Needed – The Building Committee is looking for help! The parsonage needs to have some painting/cleaning done. Dates: Jan. 25 & 26, 8 a.m. both days. Whether you can come for 1 hour, half day, all day, or both days, please come and help us get this project completed. Please bring paint rollers, paint pans, rags and buckets, if you have them. Questions, contact a member of the Building/Grounds committee. Thank you for your service!

Unity Christian Homecoming – Fri., Jan. 25. Unity alumnus class of ‘09, Nathan Nieuwendorp will speak at the chapel 1:30 pm. Homecoming court presented after speaker. Evening activities include: bball games, presentation of Homecoming royalty, and dance team performances. All alumni/friends are invited to activities.

Family Visitation for Wed., Jan. 23, 7 p.m.

Please read Philippians 2:1-18 in preparation for the visit.

Eldon H./Darin G. Chad P./Keith K. Harlan B./Pete V.V.

Norm Scholten Dave Van Essen Lance Hoekstra

Grant Vande Brake Tom Van Dyke Keith Habben

Al Kats Dixon Granstra Sharon Habben

Your help is requested in making the house visitation lined up for you to work. If it does not work for you to meet with the Elders that evening, they will work with you to make an alternate time work so that all members scheduled are done by the next Elders meeting.

Joint Offering Jan. 20 Michaela Kleinwolterink’s Mission Trip & YPS Serve Trip.

Every year, Northwestern College sends out hundreds of students to various locations for a service project during Spring Break. I will be participating in a service project in Compton, CA. I will be with 9 students and 1 leader. While there, we will be working with Emmanuel Ref. Church to serve people of the most impoverished areas of Los Angeles County. During our 10-day trip, we will be serving in a variety of ways. Some of the services we will participate in include: neighborhood cleanup, painting houses, spending time with local youth and assisting in homeless ministry. In order to make this trip possible, each team member is required to raise $ to help fund the trip to their location and reach the financial needs. I would appreciate the help from the church to help my team and I reach or get closer to our goal. Donations, prayers, and support are greatly appreciated over the next few weeks and months, as the Young People and I get ready to serve various communities. Thank you in advance for your support, Michaela Kleinwolterink

YPS Serve Trip - YPS has 10 young people & 2 adults signed up to go to Gallatin Valley, Montana. The cost is $375/person, as well as rental on a 15 passenger van. A previous group of YPS have completed this trip and the young people are excited to return as they heard how beneficial/spiritually impacting this trip had on their walk with Christ. We will be working with: Love INC, ROC Wheels, an evangelistic car wash, serving local families, assisting in retirement homes/senior centers, God’s Garden, Twice Treasured Thrift Store and much more! Questions, contact Dallas/Jamie Granstra or Lyle/Brenda Bolkema. Thank you for your support!

January 20, 2019 Morning Worship 9:30 A.M.

Guest Pastor – Rev. Aldon Kuiper

*Mutual Greeting

In the Presence of God

*Call to Worship: Revelation 4:6-8

*Silent Prayer

*Opening Hymn: 324:1-3 “God Himself is With Us”

*God’s Greeting

*Invocation/Lord’s Prayer

*Song of Praise: “Ten Thousand Reasons”

In the Grace of God

Prayer of Confession: Litany for the Sanctity of Human Life

Assurance of Pardon: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21

Renewing our desire to follow God’s Law

Song of Gratitude: 314:1-3 “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”

Offering for Classical Ministry Shares will be taken now.

In the Word Of God

Prayer of Illumination

Scripture Reading: Exodus 3:1-15


Sermon Title: Have You Ever Seen a Burning Bush?

Prayer for Application

In the Service of God

*Song of Dedication: 328:1, 2, 3, 5 “My God, How Wonderful You Are!”

Congregational Prayer

Offering for YPS & Michaela K’s Service Trips

*Doxology: “Bless the Lord, O My Soul”


*Moment of Silent Reflection

* Please stand, if able.

Reading Resolutions

Every January, many Christians resolve to read the entire Bible in one year. That’s a worthy goal, but God doesn’t require us to read a certain number of verses or chapters/day. Instead, he tells us to simply be in his Word – and thus be with him – so he can grow our faith, light our path and assure us of his love and forgiveness. God’s Word is a precious gift, but we need to “unwrap” it!

F.B. Meyer offers this helpful advice for a new year of discovering (and rediscovering!) Scripture: “Read the Bible, not as a newspaper, but as a home letter. If a cluster of heavenly fruit hangs within reach, gather it. If a promise lies upon the page as a blank check, cash it. If a prayer is recorded, appropriate it and launch it as a feathered arrow from the bow of your desire. If an example of holiness gleams before you, ask God to do as much for you. If the truth is revealed … entreat that tis brilliance may ever irradiate … your life.”

A Prayer for New Beginnings

In his book, Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth (Fortress Press),

Walter Brueggemann writes in an Epiphany poem:

… this is a time to be born.

So we turn to you, God of our life

God of all our years,

God of our beginning …

We dare pray that you will do for us

and among us and through us

what is needful for our newness.

Give us the power to be receptive,

To take the newness you give …

There is a time to be born, and it is now.

We sense the pangs and groans of your newness.

Come here now in the name of Jesus. Amen.

How fitting that the Epiphany season and the new year coincide! Epiphany reveals a new King, the beginning of his ministry, his new disciples, his first healings, his “new teaching – with authority” (Mark 1:27). We, too, experience newness, now and year-round. But newness can be tough. So we trust that God, who “[makes] all things new” while banishing “mourning and crying and pain” (Revelation 21: 4-5), walks with us in this new year – and always.


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