1.A1 1.A2-Z 2 3 4 5 6 7 9.A-Z

9.F5 9.R9 (10)

21.A1 21.A2-Z 22 23 24 25 26 27 29.A-Z

29.F5 29.R9 33

41 43 44

45 50 53 55


60.A6 60.A61 60.A62 60.A63 60.A64

Christianity Periodicals. Serials International or polyglot English and American Dutch French German Italian Scandinavian Spanish and Portuguese Other, A-Z


Finnish Russian Yearbooks

see BR1+

Societies International or polyglot English and American Dutch French German Italian Scandinavian Spanish and Portuguese Other, A-Z


Finnish Russian Institutions. Trusts

e.g. Hibbert Trust (and biography of Robert Hibbert)

Congresses. Conferences

For interdenominational conferences see BX2+

General works Organization, methods, etc. Religious writing Collected works General

Two or more volumes Single volumes. Festschriften Selections (Several authors) Pamphlet collections Early Christian literature. Fathers of the Church, etc.

For special subjects see the subject

For linguistic studies of early Greek Fathers, see PA895 or PA3818+

For linguistic studies of early Latin Fathers, see PA2310 or PA6202+

Cf. B630+ Early Christian philosophy

Cf. BR160+ Early church history

Cf. BR1603.A1 Early martyr accounts

Cf. BS2831+ Apocryphal books of the New Testament

Collections of several authors Apostolic Fathers Greek texts. By date Latin translations. By date English translations. By date German translations. By date Other translations (not A-Z). By date





60.A65 62 63 65.A-Z

65.A31-.A316 65.A327-.A3276 65.A41-.A416 65.A44-.A446

65.A5 65.A5A-.A5Z

65.A52 65.A52A-.A52Z 65.A54-.A88 65.A557-.A5572 65.A6-.A62 65.A6213-.A62132 65.A6253-.A62532 65.A633-.A634 65.A635-.A636 65.A6365-.A63652 65.A637-.A638 65.A64-.A65 65.A6544-.A65442 65.A655-.A6552 65.A656-.A6562 65.A6567-.A65672 65.A657-.A658 65.A659-.A6592 65.A66-.A662 65.A664-.A665 65.A67-.A672 65.A676-.A6762 65.A68-.A682 65.A685-.A6852 65.A69-.A692 65.A695-.A696 65.A6975-.A69752 65.A698-.A6982 65.A7-.A72 65.A726-.A7262 65.A728-.A7282 65.A73-.A74 65.A78-.A79 65.A792-.A7922 65.A793-.A7932


Collected works Early Christian literature to ca. 600. Fathers of the Church, etc. Collections of several authors Apostolic Fathers -- Continued History and criticism Minor collections. Letters, papyri, etc. Selections of several authors. Excerpts Individual authors

Subarrange each author by Table BR1 unless otherwise specified

For biography see BR1720.A+

Ambrose, Saint, Bishop of Milan, d. 397 (Table BR1) Ammonas, Saint, 4th cent. (Table BR1) Arnobius, of Sicca (Table BR1) Athanasius, Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria (Table BR1) Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430

Collected works Latin. By date Other languages, A-Z

Selected works Latin. By date Other languages, A-Z

Separate works. By title Adversus Iudaeos (Table BR3) Confessions (Table BR3) Contra Adimantum (Table BR3) Contra Faustum Manichaeum (Table BR3) Contra secundum Iuliani responsionem, operis imperfecti ... (Table BR4) De beata vita (Table BR4) De bono conjugali (Table BR3) De catechizandis rudibus (Table BR4) De civitate Dei (Table BR4) De diversis quaestionibus (Table BR3) De doctrina Christiana (Table BR3) De excidio urbis Romae (Table BR3) De fide et operibus (Table BR3) De fide rerum ... (Table BR4) De haeresibus (Table BR3) De immortalitate animae (Table BR3) De libero arbitrio (Table BR4) De magistro (Table BR3) De mendacio (Table BR3) De moralibus ecclesiae Catholicae et Manichaeorum (Table BR3) De natura et origine animae (Table BR3) De ordine (Table BR3) De praedestinatione sanctorum (Table BR4) De Trinitate (Table BR3) De utilitate credendi (Table BR3) De utilitate ieiunii (Table BR3) De vera religione (Table BR3) Enarrationes in Psalmos (Table BR3) Enchiridion (Table BR4) Epistolae (Letters) (Table BR4) Expositio epistulae ad Galatas (Table BR3) Expositio quarandam propositionum ex Epistola ad Romanos (Table BR3) Regula see BX2904.A2 Sermons (Table BR4)





65.A867-.A8672 65.A87-.A88 65.A89A-.A89Z 65.A89S4 65.A89S63 65.A9

65.B3 65.B3A-.B3Z

65.B32 65.B33A-.B33Z 65.B34A-.B34Z 65.B35A-.B35Z 65.B36 65.C25-.C256

65.C4 65.C4A-.C4Z

65.C42 65.C43A-.C43Z 65.C45A-.C45Z 65.C455 65.C46

65.C5 65.C5A-.C5Z

65.C52 65.C53A-.C53Z 65.C54A-.C54Z 65.C55A-.C55Z 65.C55R43


65.C6 65.C6A-.C6Z

65.C62 65.C62A-.C62Z 65.C65A-.C65Z 65.C66


Collected works Early Christian literature to ca. 600. Fathers of the Church, etc. Individual authors Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430 Separate works. By title -- Continued Societa e ideologie (Table BR3) Soliloquia (Table BR4) Spurious and doubtful works. By title, A-Z Sermons Soliloquia animae ad Deum Criticism Basil, Saint, Bishop of Caesarea, ca. 329-379 Collected works Latin. By date. Other languages, A-Z Selected works Latin. By date Other languages, A-Z Separate works. By title, A-Z Spurious and doubtful works. By title, A-Z Criticism Caesarius, of Arles, Saint, 470?-542 (Table BR1) John Chrysostom, Saint, d. 407 Collected works Greek or Latin. By date Other languages, A-Z Selected works Greek or Latin. By date Other languages, A-Z Separate works. By title, A-Z Dictionaries, indexes, etc. Criticism Clement I, Pope (Clemens Romanus) Collected works Greek. By date Other languages, A-Z Selected works Greek. By date Other languages, A-Z Separate works. By title, A-Z Spurious and doubtful works. By title, A-Z Recognitions

Including versions in Latin, Syriac, etc.

Criticism Clement, of Alexandria, Saint, ca. 150-ca. 215

Collected works Greek or Latin. By date Other languages, A-Z

Selected works Latin. By date Other languages, A-Z

Separate works. By title, A-Z Criticism Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage Collected works

Latin. By date






65.C82 65.C82A-.C82Z 65.C84A-.C84Z 65.C85A-.C85Z 65.C86

65.C9 65.C9A-.C9Z

65.C91 65.C92A-.C92Z 65.C934A-.C934Z 65.C935 65.C936 65.C95-.C956 65.D6-.D66 65.E45-.E456 65.E63-.E636 65.E65-.E656 65.E675-.E6756 65.E68-.E686

65.E7 65.E72A-.E72Z

65.E73 65.E74A-.E74Z 65.E75A-.E75Z 65.E76 65.E92-.E926 65.G2-.G26 65.G5-.G56 65.G6-.G66

65.G7 65.G72A-.G72Z

65.G73 65.G74A-.G74Z 65.G75A-.G75Z 65.G76 (65.H4-.H46)

65.H7-.H76 65.H8-.H86

Collected works Early Christian literature to ca. 600. Fathers of the Church, etc. Individual authors Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage Collected works -- Continued Other languages, A-Z Selected works Latin. By date Other languages, A-Z Separate works. By title and date Spurious and doubtful works. By title Criticism Cyril, Saint, Bishop of Jerusalem, ca. 315-386 Collected works Greek. By date Other languages, A-Z Selected works Greek. By date Other languages, A-Z Spurious and doubtful works. By title Dictionaries, indexes, etc. Criticism Cyril, Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria, ca. 370-444 (Table BR1) Pseudo-Dionysius, the Areopagite (Table BR1) Ennodius, Magnus Felix (Table BR1) Ephraem, Syrus, Saint, 303-373 (Table BR1) Epiphanius, Saint, Bishop of Constantia in Cyprus (Table BR1) Eucherius, of Lyon, Saint, -449? (Table BR1) Eugippius (Table BR1) Eusebius, of Caesarea, Bishop of Caesarea, ca. 260-ca. 340 Collected works Greek or Latin. By date Other languages, A-Z Selected works Greek or Latin. By date Other languages, A-Z Separate works. By title, A-Z Criticism Evagrius, Ponticus, 345?-399 (Table BR1) Gaudentius, Saint, Bishop of Brescia (Table BR1) Gregory I, Pope, ca. 540-604 (Table BR1) Gregory, of Nazianzus, Saint (Table BR1) Gregory, of Nyssa, Saint, ca. 335-ca. 394 Collected works Greek or Latin. By date Other languages, A-Z Selected works Greek or Latin. By date Other languages, A-Z Separate works. By title, A-Z Criticism Hieronymus, Saint

see BR65.J47+

Hilary, Saint, Bishop of Poitiers, -367 (Table BR1) Hippolytus, Antipope ca. 170-235 or 6 (Table BR1) Irenaeus, Saint, Bishop of Lyon





65.I6 65.I6A-.I6Z

65.I62 65.I62A-.I62Z 65.I63A-.I63Z 65.I64

65.I7 65.I7A-.I7Z

65.I72 65.I72A-.I72Z 65.I73A-.I73Z 65.I74 65.J47-.J476 65.J58-.J586 65.J6-.J66

65.J8-.J86 65.L2-.L26 65.L4-.L46 65.L47-.L476 65.M33-.M336 65.M383-.M3836

65.M4 65.M4A-.M4Z

65.M412 65.M412A-.M412Z 65.M413A-.M413Z 65.M414A-.M414Z 65.M415 65.M416 65.M42-.M426 65.M45-.M456 65.M46-.M466

65.O5 65.O5A-.O5Z

65.O52 65.O53A-.O53Z 65.O54-.O64


Collected works Early Christian literature to ca. 600. Fathers of the Church, etc. Individual authors Irenaeus, Saint, Bishop of Lyon -- Continued Collected works Greek or Latin. By date Other languages. By language and date Selected works Greek or Latin. By date Other languages. By language and date Separate works. By title, A-Z Criticism Isidore, of Seville, Saint, d. 636 Collected works Greek or Latin. By date Other languages. By language and date Selected works Greek or Latin. By date Other languages. By language and date Separate works. By title, A-Z Criticism Jerome, Saint (Table BR1) John, of Dalyatha, 8th cent. (Table BR1) John, of Damascus, Saint (Table BR1) John, the Solitary, of Apamea see BR65.Y6+ John Chrysostom, Saint, d. 407 see BR65.C4+ Justin, Martyr, Saint (Table BR1) Lactantius, ca. 240-ca.320 (Table BR1) Leo I, Pope, d. 461 (Table BR1) Leontius, Presbyter of Constantinople, active 5th century-6th century (Table BR1) Macarius, the Egyptian, Saint, 4th cent. (Table BR1) Marius Mercator, fl. 418-449 (Table BR1) Maximus, Confessor, Saint, ca. 580-662 Collected works Greek or Latin. By date Other languages, A-Z Selected works Greek or Latin. By date Other languages, A-Z Separate works. By title, A-Z Spurious and doubtful works. By title, A-Z Dictionaries, indexes, etc. Criticism Maximus, of Turin, Saint (Table BR1) Melito, Saint, Bishop of Sardis (Table BR1) Methodius, of Olympus, Saint, d. 311 (Table BR1) Origen Collected works Greek or Latin. By date Other languages, A-Z Selected works Greek or Latin. By date Other languages, A-Z Separate works. By title Contra Celsum Original. By date



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