TOTAL 1340874124011911172 1266 1463 1456 720 -736

CATE Board Reports February 2019Greg JohnsonPresidentI hope you are all well and getting excited for CATE 2019! I’m sure some of you are getting excited because it will be over soon, but excited either way. Since the last board meeting I have…Notified award winners and received RSVPs (for most)Notified council presidents and principals regarding award winnersPut together the brief introductory speeches for award winnersOrdered awards and plaquesParticipated in the executive board conference call And will continue to put together the agenda for the Thursday board meeting. Which reminds me…If you are a committee chairperson on a part of the executive board, please send me your agenda items. Also, if you have not done so already, please send me your end-of-the-year reports for 2018.We are almost there and we still have work to do. Thank you to all who have given so much already, and thank you to those who will help in so many ways in the days to come. You are a wonderful group of people to work with!Best,GregDenise Mikkonen, Past PresidentSince the last board meeting I have forwarded the necessary information about our award winners to Greg and to Carole for the convention flyer and participated in the advisory call.? Greg and I have met both on the phone and via text and email to discuss procedures and timelines for the convention.? The QR code was created and sent to Carol for California English for our first run at on-line voting.? The ballot has been created and will be make live after the business meeting.? At the next meeting I will forward the Classroom Excellence winners to the Leadership Committee so they my make any recommendations for NCTE Award that need to be submitted in May.In other professional news, last week I presented 3 sessions for 4th grade teachers focusing on writing across the content areas at our district wide professional day.Sincerely,Denise MikkonenStone Ranch Elementary SchoolJill Hamilton-Bunch, Vice PresidentTO: CATE Board of Directors RE:? Vice President Winter ReportFebruary 19, 2019In December, the Kern Council held its annual holiday book exchange and meeting.? This is always a time of celebration and fellowship with the board made even better by Robb Polski's superb culinary skills.January 30th we welcomed Pedro Noguera to Kern County.? My role in this event was registration and billing for Kern Council attendees. In addition, I worked with the Kern Council membership chair and the state board membership chair to enroll new members from this event.?On behalf of the state board, I made arrangements for the executive board advisory call for the February.? I also worked with Events 360 to secure a contract for rooms, a meeting space and meals for the board's May 4-, 2019 meeting to be held at the LAX Marriott. This venue is the site of the CATE 2020 Convention.Carole LeCren, SecretarySince the last board meeting in December, I have worked mostly on convention items, such as the CATE 2019 program and the CATE 2020 logo. I am also in the process of updating board records which will then be posted on CATEweb.Patrick Keough, Co-TreasurerTo:? CATE BoardDate:? February 7, 2019Re:? Board Report, Co-treasurer (Keough)As CATE co-treasurer I have:*Maintained records of CATE financial transactions using Quicken*Reviewed bank statements to ensure budget data is accurate*Communicated with our CPA, John Pearson, about relevant tax informationIn my professional life, I continue to work as a fourth grade teacher at Westwood Elementary.? I also do some work for an after school program designing writing lessons for upper grade elementary students, in addition to serving on the board of the Poway Federation of Teachers. ?Respectfully Submitted,Patrick KeoughAngela Halpin, Co-Treasurer/MAL CollegeAngus Dunstan, Capitol RepKathy Nichols, Central Rep/CATE 2017 Co-ChairSince the last board meeting, we have primarily been working on the Yosemite conference with FACET. We were able to secure another great speaker in Milton Reynolds for Facing History. We are still looking for a few presenters. Additionally, I have been working on the revisions for the Presidents of Presidents Handbook.?Respectfully,-- Kathy Nichols President CATE Central Council510-468-1920Janina Schulz/David Wisar, FACET RepSince our meeting in December we have focused mainly on planning Yosemite Conference 2019 with Central Council. We are still in need of a couple of workshop presenters, so if any of you are interested in presenting (April 5-7) a workshop and spending the weekend in the lovely Yosemite National Park, please let me know. We are hoping to finalize the program soon. We had a book club meeting in December during winter break where we discussed Purple Hibiscus. We will have another book club meeting during the summer (book to be determined).?David is still pursuing his National Board Certification. He is very busy with his three little ones and will be stepping back from presidential duties for the next school year. He will stay on the board as writing contest coordinator. Please give him a proper send off during CATE board meeting (as he will be representing us there on Thursday).?Janina earned her National Board Certification in December. She was also a finalist for Fresno Unified School District Excellence in Education for high school teacher category (10 finalists in the district of 10,000+ employees). It was a big honor to attend the awards banquet with 650 people in attendance to celebrate the finalists in all five categories. She continues to teach at Edison and Fresno Pacific University.?Looking forward to CATE! See you all there.Janina Schulz, MA, NBCTAP Language?/?English III Honors TeacherYearbook AdvisorEdison High SchoolFACET PresidentGina Vattuone, GSDCTE RepKim Flachmann, Kern RepCATE: KERN COUNCIL February 2019MeetingsDec 15, 2018: Business meeting, Book Club, Christmas Feast, Book ExchangeMembership Drives Jan 30, 2019: Pedro Noguera, Educational Equity and Closing the Performance GapAttended by 180 high school and college instructors and administrators, including 5 administrators from the Kern High School District officeOne Book/One Bakersfield ActivitiesDec 15, 2018: Kern Council voted to support both book awards and art awards for OBOBJan 24, 2019: One of our California Academic Partnership Program (CAPP) grants has agreed to help us start or continue three programs: (1) a Parents’ Book Club for high school parents around the OBOB book, (2) a Literacy Program for teachers in grades 4 through 14 who will be teaching the OBOB book, and (3) an extension of an International Book Club around our 2018-19 book choice.Book Club Meetings[Sept 2015: The International Bank of Bob by Bob Harris (One Book/One Bakersfield)][Dec 2015: Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee][Mar 2016: The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins][May 2016: Book Club, Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi] [October 2016: The Big Thirst, One Book/One Bakersfield][Nov 2016: Deep Down Dark: The Untold Stories of 33 Men Buried in a Chilean Mine and the Miracle That Set Them Free by Hector Tober][May 2017: Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan][Sept 2017: $2.00 a Day by Kathryn Edin and H. Luke Shaefer][Dec 2017: The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson and Rob Bradbury][Oct 2018: Incarceration Nations by Baz Dreisinger]Nov 2018: There There by Tommy OrangeSpring 2019: Drive by Daniel PinkDeep Down Dark: The Untold Stories of 33 Men Buried in a Chilean Mine and the Essay ContestsOn-going in the schools all yearRecruitmentSummer: Postcard Blitz and phone calls by membership chair Kern Online Presence KERN CATE: PresenceSubmitted by Kim FlachmannPresident of Kern Council[vacant], Redwood RepJennifer Silver, Southland RepThings have been hopping in the Southland as?of late.? In January, we hosted Kelly Gallagher at the Bowers Museum for a brunch writing workshop ("New Year's Resolutions for Writing Teachers").? This week, we led a breakout session at the LACMA Museum involving the integration of visual arts with argument/persuasive writing ("Parallels at the Core").? We're seeing some great participation and enthusiasm during these new professional development events.? In between, we had a productive SCTE board meeting with an eye on revising our SCTE Constitution and Policies.? On the CATE side, I collaborated with Carole L. to design the CATE 2020 logo, created a 2020 teaser trailer/announcement for the 2019 convention, touched base with Southland's new resolutions rep, and began reaching out to speakers.? I'm looking forward to shadowing Annie and her team during convention.?Professionally, I'm piloting a Writing Center at my new school and enjoying my collaborative, positive colleagues.Respectfully submitted,Jennifer SilverSCTE PresidentCarol Surabian, TUCATE RepTUCATE February Board ReportSince December we have been working on possible resolutions to present to the committee.??I have continued in the position of registrar for the Yosemite Conference which will be held in April 2019.? There are still places available, if anyone should want to attend.Carol SurabianTUCATE repYosemite Conference registrarGina Cole, Upper RepGina Cole-Representative for Upper CouncilFebruary 20, 2019Board ReportThis second semester of the school year has started off well. My colleagues and I recently became involved with Poetry Out Loud. Marcelo Hernandez Castillo, a local poet, agreed to come to our school and give a presentation to all English classes. From that presentation, eight students entered the local county contest, and one of our students came in first place. Our Sutter High School senior will now recite her poem at the state level on March 10, at the State Capitol. I asked Marcelo if he would be interested in presenting at one of our conventions, and he said that he would be very interested. Please let me know if presenters are needed for CATE 2020. Also, this is the time of year for speech contests, and we are very pleased at the turnout of Sutter High students for these competitions. One of our newest English teachers has started a literary club at our school. I know that Stefanie Danna will do an amazing job of nurturing students and helping students become successful in this new organization at Sutter High School.Julie Pearson, MAL ElementaryMAL Elementary February Board ReportSince the last board meeting, I have met with the KCTE board for our annual Christmas board meeting/ book club meeting/ Christmas Party. I have also attended our February KCTE board meeting where I volunteered to host our KCTE award winner at the conference. I have reached out to Ashley Sanchez, and we have made plans to meet at the convention. I have also been asked and decided to run for MAL-Elementary for 2019, and since I've received an absolutely spotless bill of health, I am happy to be working on that process now.Respectfully submitted,Julie PaulsenCarol Battle, MAL MiddleSince our last meeting, I have participated in the newly launched Greater Sand Diego CATE Book Club and look forward to the upcoming Promising Practices Poetry Workshop coming up soon. I have also been working closely with the San Marcos Writing Project on Arts and Literacy, my portion being a emphasis on activities at the middle level.?I continue to teach in the School of Education at CSUSM adding a course in Mid Level Social Studies Pedagogy along with other prerequisite courses for the Credential Program.?Sincerely,Carol Battle,?M.A.School of Education, DTiRCalifornia State University San Marcos?University Hall 468 Ecbattle@csusm.eduRobb Polski, MAL SecondaryTo:? CATE BoardDate:? February 15, 2019Re:? Board Report, MAL Secondary?I hosted our end of year KCTE board meeting and book club in December.? Our meeting went a little longer than scheduled but had a fruitful discussion.? We decided to table our discussion of Tommy Orange’s There There and meet on one of the evenings during conventions.? At our Feb. meeting we chose our next book to be The Sympathizer by HYPERLINK ".." \t "_blank" Viet Thanh Nguyen.? At my school site, I have met with our resolutions nominee over the past couple weeks to discuss some possible topics for his resolution proposal, and I have been involved as an advisor in starting a new chapter of the Model United Nations at our school and hope to attend our first conference in March.Respectfully Submitted,Robert PolskiJeannine Ugalde, MAL SecondarySommer Iamele, MAL UnspecifiedSince our last board meeting I have been working with Cindy Conlin on updating our CATE website.? Together we identified outdated information and ensured everything was up-to date so as to better serve our members.? We are currently looking at various other websites as inspiration so that we can give ours a fresh new look.Additionally, I notified and sent out award letters to our student writing contest recipients.? Professionally, I continue to work on developing curriculum to enhance our existing one for the newly adopted Social Studies Framework.? I am also facilitating a team discussion on the importance of developing common rubrics in writing and establishing common expectations amongst 7th grade Humanities teachers for writing.? Carmen Carrillo, MAL CollegeBill Foreman, MAL Small CouncilBill Foreman, MAL Small Councils, February 2019 Board ReportAs Program Chair for CATE 2019 I have continued to organize sessions and work with presenters.? We still have 90+ sessions, with just two sessions cancelled since my last report.? I’ve edited the titles, descriptions, and presenters’ bios; I helped proof the program.? Soon I will send presenters their final instructions before the convention and produce the vouchers presenters will use to redeem their honoraria.I was tasked at the last board meeting with researching possible socially-conscious mutual funds as the board is interested in switching our cash reserves to funds that do not invest in firearms or other businesses whose work may be at odds with the safety and efficacy of our members’ work.? I have identified a handful of funds that may match our criteria.Liz McAninch, MAL UnspecifiedMAL UNSPECIFIED – February 2019 Board ReportSince the December Board meeting, Central has continued working on the Yosemite Conference with FACET.? While we have keynote speakers set, we are still working on filling several more sessions. Central is also planning our Young Writer’s Reception to be held in April.? We had applications in all age groups, and we invite not only the winners but also two to three “Writers of Distinction” in each age group. Central Board members bring books and gift certificates for all the attendees.I also attended a planning meeting of the Curriculum Study Commission to select session offerings for the Conference at Asilomar in early October. The theme is WRITE NOW!I will be working at the New Teacher’s Booth and want to remind everyone to bring at least one book (new or used) for the New Teacher’s table.Submitted by Liz McAninchJoan Williams, MembershipCATE MEMBERSHIP REPORTFebruary 2019# COUNCIL2/175/179/1712/173/185/189/1812/182/19+/-1 Redwood182420211725232311-122 Upper121716171617244128-133 Capital 85139138119 101119 12012349-744 Central262413414372 252262 262287 210-77 5 Fresno27525051 54 82 8180 46-34 6 TUCATE1619181817 19 2019 7-12 7 Kern10914997114 128149 148131122 -98 Southland267335339346 445520 518502169 -3319 San Diego50586376 194229219209 53 -15650 Out-of-state15202123 28 283028 12 -16 55 Libraries12121313 12 121212 12 ---- 99 Comps1222 2 1 11 1----TOTAL 1340874124011911172 1266 1463 1456 720 -736Membership totals are missing the 500+ members that need to be processed from convention. Rosters and brochures are available upon request. Lots of extra CE are available due to printing for the December membership total and mailing to the January total. Membership deduction option still has some things to work out, but not too bad.All CATE board members must be members of both CATE and NCTE. I remind individuals again about the issue because it is a requirement of our organization’s by-laws. Membership Committee is scheduled to have a session for the convention focusing on new members. Booth items—upcoming conventions, council activities, etc. are welcome at the membership booth. Membership booth—especially important for your council membership chairs to stop by to chat with me and for everyone to take the time to meet and greet attendees. Michelle Berry, Convention CoordinatorBoard Report – February 2019 Convention Coordinator“Voices of Literacy in Pursuit of Human Rights” opens next week at Hyatt Regency SFO/Burlingame, and we are ready! Thanks to Annie Gervais, chair extraordinaire, and to Board members who bring LCD projectors, enthusiasm, and energy to volunteer in myriad ways to support the success of convention. As ever, kudos to Carole LeCren for her masterful design of the flyer and printed program, to Joan Williams for problem-solving the multitude of membership issues, to Bill Foreman for his masterful protocol and scheduling of breakout sessions, and to Cindy Conlin, without whose expertise as convention registrar for many years we’d be lost this year with our transition to eventPower. We are not ready for a year without her yet, as there are alterations to registration programming to be strongly considered, but suffice it to say that she’s worth every penny. Another cost increase over what was anticipated will be the security detail – an understandable increase of security hours due to the need to set up registration Thursday morning for PreCon (thus also creating an additional Curtin freight delivery cost). These costs will be adjusted for future conventions at the May budget meeting.Our numbers are strong; we sold out our room block three times, necessitating additional negotiating and signing. The hotel graciously chose to extend the group pricing, something not often done, as doing so benefits our organization and not the hotel. We stand at nearly 700 registrations so far, more than the last two northern California conventions. The cost of food has risen, of course, and the willingness to provide discounted meals was less available this year. (Time to raise prices for future meals.) There will be no dessert at lunch, and dinner will slightly exceed our budget, okayed by Advisory. You remember that registration will look quite different this year. Nevertheless, we will need Board members for the registration area in the foyer (very simple training, I’m assured), at the council ribbon table, to assist with the membership and new teachers booths, and one or two at each meal event to assist student teacher volunteers. By the way, early-bird check-in is available in the foyer Thursday afternoon as eventPower will have it set up by then. Board members will receive their registration materials at the end of the Thursday Board meeting in the meeting room.I will again distribute the traditional Events of Importance to the Board card, AKA the “cheat sheet” of obligations. I’ll also pass around the Volunteer Opportunities clipboard. Please sign up for 4+ hours of service and mark those on your card. Also, don’t forget to meet in your suite or the Atrium/Grove for your council meet-ups on Friday from 5-6pm.Please thank Annie for a job well done. We are thrilled with our speaker lineup, the approximately 90 workshop sessions, and the camaraderie of teachers networking for mastering best classroom practices. It takes a village, and I’m grateful for this one. Respectfully submitted,Michelle BerryCindy Conlin, Webmaster/RegistrarYisel Parra, Exhibits ManagerAnnie Gervais, CATE 2019 ChairJennifer Silver, CATE 2020 ChairMindy Montanio, Liaison CTAMindy Montanio, CTA Liaison/State Council Report January 25-27, 2019CATE Board Report—February MeetingGovernor’s Budget:Budget rundown:Phenomenal budget - significant amount of one time money83% of the state budget is education and social services2017-18 saw declining enrollment across the state. Some were worried that this would reduce funding to Prop 98, but this did not happen. The government over-funded 2017-18 so that public education would not be harmed. Governor is raising the LCFF to $63 billion.Solidifying pension security - making an extra $3 billion payment to pensions, which will reduce the district’s fiscal responsibilities. Charter Schools CA has provided $2.5 billion in tax dollars to nearly 450 charters schools. Many, if not most, of these charter schools have opened in areas that have no need for additional classroom space. The presenter called this the “overproduction of schools.” Highlights a need for investigation into the logistics and policies for approving charter school petitions.Seventy five percent of charter schools have lower performance than nearby public schools that serve similar populations. Charter Management Organizations (CMOs) are “chains” of 3+ charter schools that seek money to expand their schools into communities, but they do not necessarily invest this money into the classroom (e.g. teachers, resources, infrastructure). Breaking Point is a report on the economic impact of charter schools in the nation, specifically in CA.Fixed Costs - when we reduce ADA (when a student goes to a charter school, they take their funding/ADA with them), it doesn’t reduce the costs that the schools continue to incur.These are things like custodial staff, building costs, heating, cooling, maintenance, administrative staff, buses/drivers, SPED, instructional materials, technology, etc. Good report to look at- has interesting reports and a quick YouTube video that highlights the impact of charters, especially on districts like LAUSD and Oakland. Bottom line: we haven’t seen the impact of charters in Kern County (my district is in Kern County) like they have in LA and Oakland, which is a lot of the reason these districts are striking. There is no oversight to how and when many charter schools set up. I believe one of the figures we received in this presentation was 1 in 5 students in LA attend a charter school, which means public ed loses ? of their ADA funding. Public education teachers are encouraged to be vigilant and aware of public education funding and endeavor to educate themselves and others about this pressing matter. CTA President Eric Heins’ ReportMuch celebration and talk surrounding the UTLA strike. Majority of teachers went out on strike. 80% of students stayed home and/or joined teachers on the line. The strike was about students, communities, and public education. The strike made national and international news and brought many educational issues to the forefront, such as funding, class sizes, resources, and the need for more qualified classified support staff. Talked about the impact of MLK and his legacy to workers and education. Wildfires affected many of our teachers up North and down South. CTA celebrated all teachers and volunteers who showed up to help. Unified Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) President spoke about the impact of the strike. Read Across America – March 2, 2019 is the Read Across America Celebration (#californiareads). This is the LINK to access materials such as bookmarks, posters, and a reading list of the 2018-19 selections: PreK/TK/KIt’s Okay to Be Different by Todd ParrViva Frida by Yuyi Morales (author) and Tim O’Meara (Photographer)Red: A Crayon’s Story by Michael Hall (Author/Illustrator)Anywhere Farm by Phyllis Root (Author) and G. Brian Karas (Illustrator)Grades 1-2Alma and How She Got Her Name by Juana Martinez-Neal (Author/Illustrator)Drum Dream Girl: How One Girl’s Courage Changed Music by Margarita Engle (Author), Rafael López (Illustrator)Last Stop on Market Street by Matt de la Pe?a (Author) and Christian Robinson (Illustrator)Natsumi! By Susan Lendroth (Author), Pricilla Burris (Illustrator)Grades 6-8Ghost Boys by Jewell Parker Rhodes (This book is amazing—Mindy)A Night Divided by Jennifer A. NielsenCrenshaw by Katherine ApplegateThe First Rule of Punk by Celia C. PérezGrades 9-12The Sympathizer: A Novel by Viet Thanh NguyenBeautiful Music for Ugly Children by Kirstin Cronn-MillsSpeak: The Graphic Novel by Laurie Halse Anderson (Author), Emily Carroll (Illustrator)I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter by Erika L. SánchezBill Younglove, Liaison Common Core ConsultantCATE Board Report from Bill Younglove since 12/2/18?12/6 Speaker/Assemblymember Anthony Rendon holiday gathering12/9 Long Beach Alpert Center: Dr. Raphael Sonenshine, addressing the 2018 Midterm Elections 1/5 Shakespeare Aloud (Henry VI, Part I), continuing 1/26 and 2/21/12-15 Attended the Association of Holocaust Organizations Winter Conference in Charleston, SC1/19 SCTE Board meeting at my house (Constitution & Policies revision)1/27 Attended Museum of Tolerance for “Who Will Tell Our Story?” film and new book, “The Cat Who Lived with Anne Frank”1/28 Iacoboni Library--discussion about graphic work, “Speak,” by Laurie Halse Anderson and Emily Carroll (“Shout” will be out March 12th)2/3 Skirball Center for Nadine Epstein’s edited “Elie Wiesel: An Extraordinary Life and Legacy”2/5 Los Angeles Country Museum of Art’s Evenings for Educators, featuring SCTE’s VP Tracy Sprague, among others? Updated paper: A Nation at Hope: THE Eighty-five Percent Solution?Gale Caswell, CETA LiaisonSince our last board meeting, I was appointed to the Los Angeles County Commission on Children and Families. I hope to find was to incorporate the work of the commission with my involvement in theatre education and with the broad range of CATE projects. Up-dating and revamping the CETA website is moving?forward. CETA continues its partnership with the Educational Theatre Association which is of great benefit to our membership.Respectfully,Gale CaswellCETA LiaisonTim Dewar, Liaison CWPJennifer Howerter, Liaison CDECalifornia Department of EducationEducator Excellence and Equity DivisionFebruary 2019 Updates?Media and Information LiteracySenate Bill 830, which directs the CDE to post a series of resources on media literacy to its web site, was recently signed by the Governor. The EEED is working internally and with external partners to vet resources. These resources will be posted by July 1, 2019.?State Seal of Civic EngagementWork on the State Seal of Civic Engagement (SSCE) has begun. The web page is live at HYPERLINK "." \t "_blank" . The Schedule of Significant Events is also on the web page, as are two civic education resources. For more information contact Janet Mann, Education Programs Consultant in the Educator Excellence and Equity Division, by email at jmann@cde. or by phone at 916-323-5818.?Social Emotional Learning (SEL)The CDE posted a Social and Emotional Learning in California: Guide to Resources on both Collaboration in Common and its CDE SEL web page. The guide offers a curated suite of free SEL practice resources aligned with the California SEL Guiding Principles. HYPERLINK ".." \t "_blank" ?Secondary Literacy PartnershipSince 1990, the Secondary Literacy Partnership (SLP) (a workgroup among EEED, WestEd, ACSA, CTA, & CISC) has sponsored professional learning to highlight the importance of literacy for adolescents. This year we launched an exciting new webinar format incorporating videoconferencing and breakout rooms, in order to better share information and learn from one another. A special thank you to those participants who helped make our pilot event, the webinar?Social and Emotional Learning (SEL): A Whole Child Approach to Education, a great success. We invite you to HYPERLINK ".." \t "_blank" view the archive and leave a comment in the Collaboration in Common learning space.? You can also view all past SLP webinars on our?Vimeo HYPERLINK "." \t "_blank" Channel.?Make sure to register for the next two SLP webinars! The SLP and KQED will team up to present a two-part webinar series to showcase resources and strategies for including a media literacy lens in secondary classrooms. These webinars will feature discussions by classroom teachers on how they are using KQED resources to support their secondary students with learning media literacy across the disciplines.?·???????? Webinar 1, February 13, 3:30-4:45: Media literacy across the standards, utilizing KQED Learn ARCHIVE: HYPERLINK "." \t "_blank" ·???????? Webinar 2, February 27, 3:30-4:45: Online professional learning for media literacy across the standards, utilizing KQED Teach. REGISTER: HYPERLINK ".." \t "_blank" ?Standards, Frameworks, etc. UpdatesKeep tabs on the latest standards, frameworks, etc. updates:·???????? Visual and Performing Arts: HYPERLINK "." \t "_blank" ·???????? World Language: HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" ·???????? Health: HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" ·???????? Ethnic Studies: HYPERLINK ".." \t "_blank" Recommended Literature ListThe CDE just closed an application request for new committee members for the Recommended Literature List. This committee will be a standing committee whose charge will be to update and curate the list virtually. Applications are currently being reviewed.?Carol Jago, California English EditorFebruary, 2019TO:???????????????? CATE BoardFROM:?????????? Carol Jago, California English editorRE:????????????????? February board reportThe last issue of California English – which I hope you have all seen – includes the CATE creative writing contest winners. I sent copies of the magazine both to the student writers and to their teachers.The April/May issue of our journal will once again echoes the theme of the Asilomar conference. This collaboration, initiated by Ruth Nathan, seems an excellent way both to garner manuscripts and to encourage participation in the conference. Ruth typically encourages presenters to submit to California English.I am looking forward to CATE2019 to interest new readers in reviewing for the magazine. I will be presenting a Writing for Publication session once more in Burlingame.Please help me spread the word about our call for manuscripts far and wide.May 2019Write Now! (deadline April 1, 2019)In order to write effectively, students need to become adept at marshaling appropriate evidence and presenting that evidence in a manner their audience will find both compelling and convincing. How do you help students acquire this skill? How do you employ writing in your own life? What mentor texts have you found valuable for modeling powerful writing? Our theme echoes that of the Asilomar 68 conference.Manuscripts are peer reviewed. Please send submissions to California English editor, Carol Jago. Articles should be limited to 2,000 words. Please submit manuscripts via email to cjago@. ................

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