Invincible Training Tour FAQ - Weebly

Invincible Training Tour FAQ

There are many youth conferences available to youth leaders; so what makes Dare 2 Share's Invincible Training Tour so special?

The Dare 2 Share Invincible Training Tour weekend challenges teens with a purpose, instills a desire to be a part of a greater cause, and motivates and equips teens to understand how the Bible addresses basic questions.

• Teens equipped!  The Invincible Training Tour equips teens to make the essentials of the Christian faith a reality in their lives and the lives of others.

• Not JUST a weekend event! Dare 2 Share provides a year-round, multi-faceted complete strategy for those in ministry to youth that creatively and clearly communicates what every Christian should believe and share.

How will the weekend impact my students and youth group?

Dare 2 Share's Invincible Training Tour will equip teenagers with an unyielding, immovable faith in the midst of a world bent on destruction. This training weekend will use the Armor of God found in Ephesians 6:10-20 to empower teens and leaders alike to live out their faith in all circumstances.

The Invincible conference weekend will powerfully impact your students' lives both by motivating them toward a deeper walk with God and by challenging and equipping them to share their faith with others. The conference will cover the following learning segments:

• Why am I here?

• How do I deal with bullies?

• How do I get ready to share my faith?

• Who are my real friends?

• How do I enter into a relationship with God?

• How do I conquer/destroy/defeat the lies I believe about myself?

• Why is it important to tell the truth and never cheat?

• How can I make the right choices in life?

• What one habit can I start that will help me win?

• Why is prayer so important? 

What is Dare 2 Share's Conference Training Philosophy?

Dare 2 Share offers a unique training philosophy that centers on the 6 key elements of effective equipping conferences. D2S conferences are:

• Memorable - explaining basic Biblical truths to teens in "unforgettable ways."

• Relevant - showing how each of these truths are practical to the everyday life of everyday teens.

• Powerful - using a hard-hitting drama on Friday night to reach the heart so that on Saturday we can "train the brain" of each teen.

• Fast - training sound truths in sound bytes, using 25 clips and skits to keep the weekend moving fast for the optimum training experience.

• Interactive - re-enforcing new content with teen-to-teen and small group interaction throughout the weekend.

• Experiential - featuring a city-wide outreach experience where youth groups collect canned food and prayer requests, while seeking to share Jesus in a pre-mapped community.

Each conference tour is a part of a 5-year training strategy that covers the core truths of the Christian faith! The conferences themselves serve as the annual catalytic event and then students and youth leaders are equipped throughout the year with ongoing resources that will help a youth group "Grow Deep" in their relationship with God and "Go Wide" with the message of the Gospel. Some of these ongoing resources are free online or at various Dare 2 Share Youth Leader training events, while other resources, such as books and curriculum are available for purchase. (To learn more, visit Deep & Wide Youth Ministry.) The goal is to come alongside the church to help teens know, live, share, and own their faith in Jesus, using Ten Transformational Principles that serve as Dare 2 Share's distinctives.

Here's what youth leaders and students are saying about the Dare 2 Share conference:

Wow, that conference was powerful! I appreciate you so much. That was the first D2S Conference I've been to. When I went with part of my youth group (we're from NY) to the conference I never expected what was coming. It energized us and united us in such an incredible way that I had never seen before. The reality of the hope of heaven, the mission of the gospel, and the joy of redemption brought us together, in such a way, that I have to wonder if I will ever see again. - Jonathan, Washington, DC

D2S has not only impacted what I talk about, but it's changed my perspective on Christianity. I see God working every day. I can see how much Jesus wants to reach my friends, and everyone. What was once in the background is now my goal and my purpose. Dare 2 Share has shown me that there is nothing more important than getting the Good News out, and who better qualified than our generation? Who will do it, if we don't stand up? - Holly, Lincoln

I was at the Atlanta conference last weekend and I LOVED IT!!!! It got me thinking on a lot of subjects I had never thought of before this. The skit on Friday night really hit me. I started wondering a lot about whether I would be willing to die for Christ...This weekend really moved me and I'm so glad I went. - Rose, Atlanta

I was there! It was amazing! I had such an amazing time and my best friend accepted Christ! She was already asking about next year when the conference was over! - Katie, Lincoln

We just got back from the Survive Tour in Phoenix. On Saturday during the cell phone challenge one of our Junior Highers had the chance to lead his friend to the Lord on the phone. One of our other Junior High girls got to lead her friend to the Lord and prayed on their knees in the bathroom at school. Another of our Junior High girls was able to lead two of her friends to the Lord and prayed with them at school, too. Thanks for all you do to help us help our kids. -Dave, Phoenix Youth Leader

Dare 2 Share has permanently and honestly changed my life. Before going to Atlanta with my church, I was so confused about life. I constantly thought about suicide, and was disrespectful to my family. I acted one way around my Christian friends who I go to school with, but acted a different way with my friends at different schools. I listened to a lot of depressing music. After going to the conference and hearing the testimonies, I was honestly touched. It brought tears to my eyes when our youth pastors prayed over us, and when I realized what Christ went through in the crucifixion. - Connie, Atlanta

What is the theme of the Friday night drama?

The Invincible Tour drama focuses on the spiritual battles many teens face - struggles with self-doubt, tension with parents, shame over past failures and struggles with addictions. The drama motivates students to step up and learn to do battle with the multitude of competing voices clambering for every teen's heart and soul. 

What about Skits, Clips, Audience Interactive Experiences and Outreach?

Appropriate movie clips, original video shorts, audience interaction activities and a four-hour outreach experience (collecting canned food for local rescue missions, collecting prayer requests and sharing the good news of Jesus as youth groups in pre-mapped areas of the conference city) will be an integral part of the training experience. Every six to eight minutes something different happens on stage to maximize the training and keep the thousands of teenagers fully engaged the entire weekend.

Is Dare 2 Share affiliated with any denominations?

Dare 2 Share Ministries is an interdenominational church assisting ministry. Our participants come from a wide variety of affiliations to unite under the banner of energizing a generation to know, live, share, and own their faith!

What age range is the conference appropriate for?

The conference is geared primarily for senior high students, but we highly encourage you to bring your middle school/junior high students as well. There is something different happening every 6-8 minutes on stage using drama, skits and movie clips, which support the training and makes the weekend uniquely fun and interactive for everyone!

How is this conference different from last year's Survive Tour?

Each year, Dare 2 Share changes the conference passage and theme so that returning alumni can have a completely different experience. Therefore, the drama changes, the skits change, the notebook is different, we use brand new movie clips, etc. The only components that remain the same are the GOSPEL Journey acronym training and the fact that there is an outreach project. Another advantage to attending the conference each year is the fact that Dare 2 Share weekends play a huge role in preparing students for serving God after they graduate. Our mission statement is "energizing a generation to know, live, share, and own their faith," and the conference is the catalyst for accomplishing this mission. Dare 2 Share operates on a 5 year rotation in terms of the theme, and each year we cover 6 or more core beliefs of Christianity during the weekend, so if a student attends all 5 years, they will be trained and equipped in all 30 core beliefs.

Does Dare 2 Share have a follow up strategy each year?

Dare 2 Share is fully committed to making the conference experience more than 'just a weekend'. Jesus' last and lasting mandate to his followers was

"... go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

We have been authorized by Jesus to go wide with the gospel ("go and make disciples") and grow deep in the truth ("teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.") Based on Jesus' command in this passage, Dare 2 Share Ministries has developed a Deep & Wide Youth Ministry model to assist you in moving your teens deeper in their walk with God and wider in their efforts to share their faith with those who don't know Jesus. (To learn more, visit Deep & Wide Youth Ministry.)

We have detailed and structured follow-up programs that help your students go deep and wide in their faith. The deep aspect is driven by the free training resources we offer on soulfuel. This web site has free devotional/theological trainings for students, youth leader teaching outlines, and discussion guides for parents. Students can sign up right now by going to soulfuel.

The wide aspect is driven by a simple yet incredibly effective youth ministry strategy called Go Wide. The nucleus of this is a three-fold approach: pray-pursue-persuade. Basically, the youth leader and every student is challenged to pray for their unsaved friends, pursue them on a deeper spiritual level, and persuade them to attend the group, believe in Christ, and connect to a friendship cluster. Hundreds of free resources are available at free to support your youth ministry efforts to Go Wide with the message of the gospel.

For a more specific explanation, please visit deepandwide/.

Is the conference designed for all my students, no matter if they're saved/unsaved or where they are spiritually?

One of the most frequent comments we receive from youth leaders after the conference is "I wish I would have brought my whole group!" The Dare 2 Share weekend is designed to challenge and train students in every phase of spiritual growth-from pre-Christian to solid believer. Unsaved students are presented with a clear gospel message and invitation to trust Christ; lukewarm Christians are challenged to serve Jesus in every area of life; and committed followers of Christ are encouraged to deeper levels of walking with Him.

How can I get more information?

Call 1-800-462-8355 and ask to speak with a Ministry Advocate. They'll assist you in determining how Dare 2 Share can best come alongside you and help you in your youth ministry efforts.


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