

Dear Families,

It’s hard to believe that November is over and December is already here! With November being a hard month on us all, we are excited to move forward into December, and are looking forward to the joys of Christmas. Children singing, laughing and watching how their faces light up with excitement this time of year brings joy to all of our hearts!

As we move into the month of December we will be learning about Christmas and all that it entails!

December is always a very busy month. We have lots of Christmas activities planned for the children. The children are excitingly practicing for our Annual Holiday Program on December 21st. Unfortuntally, due to COVID, we will not be able to do a face to face program this year. We will be video tapping the program during the day and posting it for families to view.

We will also have a Holiday party on December 22st, in each of the children’s classrooms. Please sign up on your child’s classroom Dojo to bring something for the party!

Some of our fun learning experiences for the party include: Pin the Nose on the snowman, Christmas Bingo, Candy cane crafts, Snow Play-doh & Christmas Tree Math, are just a few of the fun learning experiences planned throughout the day. Thank you for sharing your children with us!


Mustang Child Development would like to wish a Happy Birthday to:


Staff Member

And the following MCDC Kids:

Hailee Dworshak

Emma Spiegel

Logan Harless

Bentley Medders

Declan Watson

Madilynn Chambers

Shepherd Karth

Jaysiah Rivers

Lennon Baucom

Livia Mieir

Maddison Mieir

Aurora Surginer

Chloe Green

Looking Ahead

December 3rd – Christmas Pictures

Dec. 4th – Caring Van – Free Flu Shots with signed consent form.

Dec 21st – Taping of our Mustang Child Dev. Christmas Program

Dec 21st - Winter Break Begins at Mustang PS No School till Tuesday, Jan 5th

Dec 22nd – Holiday PJ Party 2:30. Bring a wrapped book, for book exchange

Dec 24th & 25th – Center Closed

Dec. 26th Kwanzaa Begins

Jan 1st - New Years Day CENTER CLOSED

Jan 5th - Mustang PS start back

Jan 7rd – Mustang PS back to school


Child Development Center

December 2020


If you feel the need to purchase a gift for your child’s teacher for Christmas this year we have a great idea for gifts…..

Located in class Dojo each teacher will post a Christmas wish list for their classroom Thank you for your support!

Holiday PJ Party & Book Exchange

December 22nd

Our Holiday Pajama Party will be on Thursday, December 22nd. Please dress your kiddo in his/her favorite PJ’s & slippers!

FOR THE GIFT EXCHANGE: Please have your child bring a wrapped (around $5.00, non-gender specific) book for the book exchange.

Parenting 101

When your child is having a meltdown, remember, it’s their crisis, not yours.

Breathe deeply, calm yourself. Then use a quiet voice, and gentle hands to guide your little one through their crisis. That is living what you want them to learn.

December Preschool Classroom Curriculum Themes are:

Winter, Penguins & Polar Bears,

Christmas & Hanukkah,


New Years




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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