Friends of Nashmore Meeting Minutes

Sept. 19, 2019

1. Looking for volunteers to help on the committee

• Kelly to shadow Lori, Jen to help Lisa with bulletin board/signs

• Looking for someone to help with chairperson duties – minutes, e-mails, forms, etc.

2. Financial Report

• After the fundraisers last year, and buying the picnic tables, we still have a healthy balance

3. Fundraising priorities

• Teachers have need for some smaller tech items like HDMI cables, light bulbs for smartboards and projectors – Alex to get rough number of what’s needed

• Paving the tennis courts

o these are school property, very rough and not used much right now

o Alex got a quote for paving and there are also some funding opportunities

o could make this area an extension of the playground for basketball, hockey, hopscotch, etc.

o we could help out with getting the site ready to pave – Alex to look into what would be covered by the district

o questions about doing this when there will be a new school replacing NMS – any new school would be several years down the road

• Risers for school events – these are rented for this year’s Christmas concert already but can still raise money to buy for next year

4. Fundraising opportunities

• School partnership with Rotary and York Care Centre – could do a fundraiser like a spaghetti dinner – Alex talked to them and they’re interested

• Y’s Men Breakfast – Lori put our name down again – usually takes 2-3 years

• City has a grant program we can apply for but have to do it soon

• Chapters

o We can have a Chapters night where 15% of sales go to us

o We do up the flyer and hand them out at the store, only certain days available, would be from 6-9 pm

o Could do one in Nov, would be good for Christmas shopping

o Find out how much other groups have raised

• Childcare for Christmas shopping, could partner with other groups to have it in their facility

• Christmas Craft Fair – rent out tables to local crafts people

• Pizza fundraiser with Papa John’s – do later in the year

• Door mats – someone with a business on FB does this locally and pant on them whatever you want – she would drop the price a bit for us and we can sell for what we want – no minimum order

• School clothing – just do grade 5 hoodie and maybe a t-shirt – no minimum order

5. List of events

• Halloween Howl – Oct. 23

• Christmas Shopping Spree – Dec. 3 (Christmas concert is Dec. 17, Dec. 19 is snow date)

• School clothing

• Teacher Appreciation – spread throughout year and the week in Feb.

• Scholastic Book Sale? – Natalie to ask librarian if there will be one and if we can help out

• End of year BBQ – early June

6. Halloween Howl

• Date set for Wednesday, Oct. 23, 5:30 – 7 pm

• Need volunteers to set up the night before (Oct. 22 at 6 pm) and the day of (Oct. 23 at 12:30 pm)

• Games sign up sheet given out to teachers, split the shift for each game into two

o Plinko

o Stack the Haunter House

o Pick the nose

o Toilet plunger race (need new plungers?)

o Craft room

o Musical chairs

o Toilet toss

o Pin the tail on Boo

o Mummy wrapping

o Cupcake walk (2)

o Cookie decorating (2)

• Have background up for people to take own photos

• Reach out for other volunteers – Rotary, Leo Hayes, Cadets, former students

• Ask for donations for prizes from parents and local businesses

• Get pizzas, same amount as last year, half of them cheese, half pepperoni

• Check to see if we have enough water

7. Next meeting – Thursday, Oct. 17 at 6:30 pm to finalize plans for the Howl


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