Thurs., December 14 - The Divine Mercy Parish - Home

OUR LADY OF THE LAKES CHURCH2943225266700001993327089600December 10th – December 16thThe Sanctuary Candle Burns For:A Special IntentionRequested by: A Parishioner Second Sunday of AdventSaturday, December 9, 2017–Vigil Mass5:00p.m. – ?Walter Dombrowski – 4th Anniversary(Requested by: Wife and Children)Sunday, December 10, 20178:00a.m. – ?Jack Dytko – 1st Anniversary(Requested by: His Family)10:15a.m. – ?F. Raymond Veins – In Memoriam(Requested by: His Wife, Children and Family)Monday, December 11th –Weekday7:00p.m. – Angelina Manwaring and Family – For Good Health(Requested by: Parents)Wednesday, December 13th- Weekday8:00a.m. – ?Janice Kolodziej – 12th Anniversary(Requested by: Robert Kolodziej)Friday, December 15th - Weekday8:00a.m. – Diane DeWick – Birthday Intentions(Requested by: Fred and Family)Third Sunday of AdventSaturday, December 16, 2017–Vigil Mass5:00p.m. – ?In Praise, Honor and Glory to the Holy Trinity(Requested by: The DeWick Family)Sunday, December 17, 20178:00a.m. – ?Erica Smart – Birthday Remembrance(Requested by: Tom and Dianne Woronik)10:15a.m. – ?Edward Davies, Sr. his wife?Dorothy Davies and their son ?Edward Davies, Jr. and their daughter, ?Kathleen Harris (Requested by: The Davis Family)Faith Formation ProgramSchedule for Grades 1-6 & First Communion StudentsGrades 1, 4, 6 Sun., Dec. 10th & 17th 9:00 - 10:00am Grades 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 Mon., Dec. 11th & 18th5:45 - 6:45pmFirst Communion Sun., Dec. 10th & 17th 8:45 -9:45amFor questions please contact: Jennifer Wojcik, Faith Formation Director, at: faith.formation@. Grade 7, 8, 9 and Confirmation Program Sunday, December 17th from 5 - 7pm Please contact Deacon Bill or Connie Herrmann with questions: 860-848-7144 or williamherrmann@Our Lady of the Lakes Church SupportThe Weekly Collection Needed: $4,424.00December 3, 2017Weekly Offertory: $4,117.42Diocesan Fuel Fund: $692.00The Monthly Maintenance collection will be this weekend.Thank you for your continued support our Parish. Our Lady of the Lakes Church Our Church will remain open Tuesday through Friday from 9:30 to 3:30 for the Faithful to visit and have quiet prayer time. Please enter and exit from the side door by the Rectory. All are welcome!Christmas Flower Remembrance EnvelopesRemembrance Envelopes are enclosed in the offertory envelope packets for Flower Remembrances in loving memory of family members and friends. Remembrance envelopes may be placed in the weekly offertory collection at any of our Masses. Our ParishThe Perpetual Novena in Honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Mondays, following 7:00p.m. Mass.The Rosary the Legion of Mary leads the Rosary prior to 8:00 a.m. Sunday Mass. All welcome.Parish Book of Prayer is located in our Church Sanctuary. All are welcome to enter their intentions.Parish Prayer Line Please contact: Janet Bucko, 860-537-1752 or Jean Farr, 860-859-1189 to request prayer. These parishioners will contact others for prayer.The Legion of Mary weekly meeting is held on Wednesday at 8:30a.m. in our Church. All welcome!Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament Every Friday following 8:00a.m. Mass in our Church. All are welcome. Eucharistic Adoration First Friday of every month from 3:00p.m. to 6:00p.m. All are welcome.Knights of ColumbusOur Lady of the Lakes Council 8903 will meet this Tuesday, December 12th at 7:00 p.m. in our Parish Hall. All members are urged to attend. To learn more about this active men's organization and its many benefits please call Membership Director Paul Robillard, 860-892-0018 or Grand Knight Joe Tycz, 860-859-1871.Holy Hour of AdorationWill be held this Friday, December 15th, after the 8:00 a.m. Mass, ending at 9:30 a.m. During the Holy Hour we will pray the Scriptural Rosary. All our welcome!The intentions of the Scriptural Rosary will be for vocations to the priesthood and religious orders and also for those suffering from addictions.SAINT JOHN THE EVANGELIST CHURCH9906046101000287511541393700December 10th – December 16thThe Sanctuary Candle Burns For: ?C. Joseph Storey – Birthday RemembranceRequested by: His Wife and FamilySecond Sunday of AdventSaturday, December 9, 2017 - Vigil Mass4:00 p.m. – ?Janet Gifford(Requested by: Our Bingo Workers)Sunday, December 10, 201711:00a.m. – ?Gloria Deshefy(Requested by: Her Husband and Family)Monday, December 11th – Weekday7:30a.m. – ?Patricia Austin – 1st Anniversary(Requested by: Her Family)Wednesday, December 13th- Weekday12:05 p.m. –?Robert Plikus – 9th Anniversary(Requested by: Shirley)Thursday, December 14th - Weekday7:30a.m. – –?Eric Gibson(Requested by: The Vincente Family)Third Sunday of AdventSaturday, December 16, 2017 - Vigil Mass4:00 p.m. – ?Roy A. Menders(Requested by: Claire)Sunday, December 17, 201711:00a.m. – ?Deacon Mel Nygaard(Requested by: His Wife and Family)THANK YOUOur Bake Sale was a HUGE success! Thank you to all who donated the delicious bake goods and who attended for lunch/dinner and to purchase the goodies. Thank you to our Bake Sale workers who worked so hard to make our annual fundraiser a success. The total amount collected will be posted in next weekend’s bulletin.Our Parish Weekly OfferingApprox. Parish Financial Need: $3,654.00December 2 & 3, 2017Weekly Offertory: $3,026.00Monthly Offering: $939.00Thank you for your continued support and generosity to all of the Parish and Diocese Collections.Knights of ColumbusIf you or someone you know is in need of a winter coat, The Knights of Columbus will be donating (12) winter coats for Boys (sizes 8-18) and (12) winter coats for Girls (sizes 7-16). Please call Lisa Stands at (860) 334-1279 after Monday, November 27th to reserve a coat.Eucharistic AdorationThere will be a Holy Hour followed by benediction on Wednesdays at 11:00am. The Legion of Mary will be reciting the Scriptural Rosary on the 1st Wednesday and the “Divine Mercy Adoration Companion” will be recited on all other Wednesdays. Booklets will be available. Knights of ColumbusNext meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 13th at 7:00pm in the Community Center.Legion of MaryWe meet every Wednesday after the 12:05 Mass at the Emmaus Building. All parishioners are welcome.Parish Council Next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 17th at 6:30pm in the Community Center. We are looking for new members. All parishioners are welcome to attend.St. John’s Prayer LineIf you or someone you know is in need of prayer, please call: Ann 860 217-1787, Mary 860 848-3578 or Susan at 860 710-8863. Saint Vincent de Paul Coffee & Tuna CollectionThe collection takes place the last weekend of every month. You can place your donations in the basket at the entrance of our church at any time during the month. Thank you for your continued support!OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP CHURCH292417526987500-935928682600December 10th – December 16thThe Sanctuary Candle Burns for: Father Bob, Father Jim, and Deacon BillRequested by: A ParishionerSecond Sunday of AdventSunday, December 10, 2017 Masses 8:00 a.m. – ?Jan, ?Bronislawa and ?Isabel Rosa(Requested by: The Family)9:30a.m. – ?Arlene Margolis(Requested by: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Choir)Tuesday, December 12th – Weekday7:30 a.m. – The Pollick and Marchione Families(Requested by: Raymond Pollick)Friday, December 15th - Weekday7:30 a.m. – Sacred Heart(Requested by: Rose Harman)Third Sunday of AdventSunday, December 17, 2017 Masses 8:00 a.m. – Cosmo and Mary Gentile(Requested by: Rose Harman)9:30a.m. – ?George Abbiati, Sr.(Requested by: The Family)JESSE GIVING TREEThe Parish Family Group is collecting gifts again?this year for several agencies.The Jesse Giving Tree?is set up in the back of the church?with tags on it designating children and adults who need Christmas presents.Please take a tag or two and purchase something on that person's wish list.? Then return the UNWRAPPED gift with the tag attached no later than Sunday,?December 17th.?Let’s empty the tree of tags and make Christmas brighter for people who might not otherwise get a present.Special CollectionsPlease make all special collection checks payable to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. The money is counted and one check is mailed to the organization the special collection is designated for. Thank you! Our Parish Collections Weekly Financial Need: $3,593.00December 3, 2017Weekly Offertory: $2,953.76Monthly Collection: $595.00This weekend’s second collection will be the Christmas Flower collection.Next weekend’s second will be the Parish Energy Offering.Thank you for your support and generosity to all of the Parish and Diocese collections.Sanctuary Light and Mass OfferingsThe Sanctuary Candle is available on a weekly basis for $20.00 for your special intentions. Weekend Masses may be requested for your special intention for $20.00Weekday Masses may be requested for your special intention for $10.00.Praying the RosaryThe rosary will be prayed every Wednesday night at 6:30pm in the Church. All are welcome to attend.The Knitting ClusterThe Knitting Cluster will meet on Saturday, January 13th from 9:00a.m. to 11:00a.m. Join us as we share our talents, faith and friendship. OLPH ChoirThe choir will practice weekly on Mondays in the Church starting at 6:45p.m. Parish CouncilThe next Parish Council meeting will be January 8th at 6:00 pm in our Parish Hall. All parishioners are encouraged to attend. Second Saturday FilmsSecond Saturday Films will be held on January 13th at 6:30 pm in our Parish HallReligious EducationGrades 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Mondays 4:00pm to 5:00pmConvent Phone Number (860)443-1876Sacramental Classes First Holy Communion and Confirmation will take place on Sunday mornings from 9:30am – 10:45am at St. John’s. For more information please email Lorre Branstrom, DRE at: HYPERLINK "mailto:lbranstrom@" lbranstrom@ or call: 860-848-1409 (Ext5).**Office Hours**Reverend Robert Buongirno, Pastor Fr. Bob will be available on Tuesdays mornings from 8:00a.m. - 11:00a.m. at the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church and Tuesday afternoon from 1:00p.m. – 4:00p.m. at Our Lady of the Lakes Church; You may call the rectory for an appointment with him for these times. Deacon William HerrmannDeacon Bill’s office for the Divine Mercy Faith Community is located in Our Lady of the Lakes Church Rectory. To arrange for an appointment to meet with Deacon Bill regarding the Sacraments or questions relating to the Catholic Church you may telephone: 860-848-7144 or email williamherrmann@The Rite of Christian Initiation of AdultsThe Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) for the Divine Mercy Faith Community is open to any adults who have not been baptized, who were baptized in a different Christian denomination, or who have not received the sacrament of Confirmation.? Current parishioners would also be welcome to participate, either as instructors or as possible sponsors.? For more information, please contact any of the three parish offices or call Christopher Hammond at?(860) 389-6623.Annual Men's RetreatThe Annual Men's Retreat at Holy Family Retreat Center for Our Lady of the Lakes, St. John, and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parishes will be weekend of February 23-25, 2018. ?Plan now for the gift of a down to earth spiritual weekend. ?Call/email Joe Tycz, 860.859.1871,?jmtycz@?or go to for more information.Stewardship Reflections“Prepare the way of the Lord…” - MARK 1:3We are all called to live a holy life. We are all called to invite others to live holy lives. Living a stewardship lifestyle, being grateful and generous with our gifts, does just that – it puts us on the path to holiness and it invites others to be holy, too.Apostolate of Prayer for PriestsSundayBishop Michael R. CoteMondayReverend Gerald KirbyReverend Krzysztof Drybka OSPPETuesday Reverend Anthony GruberReverend James SucholetWednesdayVery Reverend Ted TumickiReverend John O’Neill MSThursdayReverend Thomas AngeloReverend Roland CloutierFridayReverend Mark Curesky OFM CvReverend Joseph TitoSaturdayReverend Luis AgudeloReverend Alfred IrvingHeavenly Father, may the Immaculate Virgin prepare our priests for the radiant feast of Christmas…so that the Divine Emmanuel might find in each of their hearts a little cradle scented by the purity of His all beautiful and loving Mother. For that, may they be purified in the waves of the Divine Blood of Jesus.- Ven. Mother Catherine AureliaLongest Married Couple Nominations are underway for the Longest Married Couple search sponsored by Worldwide Marriage Encounter. Nominations are open to all husband and wife couples regardless of religious affiliation through January 10, 2018. Email the couple’s name, wedding date and city and state where they reside to bkberland@. Include your contact phone or email address. Or, visit the national website at . For more information, contact the Catholic Family Services Office at 860-848-2237, Ext 306.A Christmas Gift IdeaIs someone on your Christmas list hard to shop for?Why not give a donation in their name to St Vincent de Paul Place, Norwich. A Christmas card acknowledging your gift will be sent to the honoree.Call 860-889-7374 or email Jillian Corbin at jcsvdpp@Please include the following information.Gift Recipient name and Address, your name (giver) address and phone number. Also let us know if the amount of the donation should be included on the card; any other additional words.Mail the above toST VINCENT DE PAUL PLACE CHRISTMAS CARD120 Cliff Street, Norwich, CT 06360.ou can stop our churches from closing.Please come and ask Jesus to send us more priests.First Friday Adoraon at Our Lady of the Lakes, June 2nd, 2017.At 3:00 p.m. we pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet followed by silent prayer.There is no commitment and no one will bother you.Just come and feel the love of the presence of the Lord.At 5:55 p.m. we have Benedicon and the Divine Prais?? Music Notes ??SILVER ANNIVERSARY for the beautiful Christmas Concert of Lessons & Carols. Come THIS FRIDAY and see why this festive service has been a 25 year tradition! Bathe your soul in peace and beauty, meditate on the Scripture prophecies and accounts of Jesus’ birth, sing your favorite Christmas carols, and hear our wonderful Choirs and Musicians. St. John 7:00 pm Friday, December 15th. A reception will follow at the Community Center.Choir News and RehearsalsAll Choirs sing next at Lessons & Carols, Friday December 15th. Rehearsal 6 pm St. John Loft; Service 7 pm.There is still time to join…JOIN NOW AND SING for our Divine Mercy Faith Community celebration of Christmas Eve Midnight Mass with String Trio and Trumpet! We invite you to join the Divine Mercy Faith Community Choir—a large choir of Adults and Teens drawn from all 3 parishes. Singers need to commit to a minimum of 3 rehearsals: come to parish choir rehearsals (schedules below) AND/OR combined rehearsals:Thurs., December 14th DMFC Christmas Choir at Saint John the Evangelist at 6:45 pm Wednesday, December 20th DMFC Christmas Choir at Our Lady of the Lakes at 6:45 pmCelebrate our Lord’s birth with special joy in song!Our Lady of the Lakes ParishChoir Rehearsal Adults: Sundays at 9:00 am in the Church. Children: This Monday December 11th 4:45 pm and again on Thursday December 14th at 5:00pm at Saint John’s to prepare for Lesson and Carols. Interested? Bring your child to rehearsal or contact Music Director, Mary Beth Lee.Our multigenerational choirs/instrumental ensemble will be at the 10:15am Mass on January 7, 2018.OLL Parish Folk GroupThe Folk Group sings and plays for the 5:00p.m. Saturday Vigil Mass. We welcome and encourage teens, adult singers and instrumentalists to share their love of music. Rehearsals are scheduled for Wednesdays at 6:30p.m. All are welcome! For additional information or to confirm the rehearsal schedule, please contact Folk Group Director, Susan Hollo, at 860-537-9750 or fahollo@?? Music Notes ??Our Lady of Perpetual Help ParishChoir RehearsalAdults: Mondays at 6:45pm Children: Thursday December 14th at 5:00 pm at Saint John’s for Lessons and Carols.SECOND CHILDREN’S CHOIR REHEARSAL was held Monday 12/4 in the Convent Chapel. Danica Agsalud has joined Dilan Dahl, Alissa Kempke, and Luke Olson as charter members! Encourage your children to join too! St. John the Evangelist ParishChoir Rehearsal:Adults: Thursdays at 6:45 pm and will sing at 4:00 pm Vigil Mass on December 23rd.Teens: Wednesdays at 4:30 pm and will sing at the 11:00 am Mass on December 17th.Children (ages 7-12) –Thursdays at 5:00 pm. Children will sing next at the Christmas Eve Vigil Mass at 4:00 pm.AOB Organ updateAOB stands for Associated Organ Builders. The good news: it’s still playing! The Bad news: it has many problems. Thank you for your continued prayers—that’s what’s keeping this elderly instrument limping along St. Nicholas Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, December 3rd raised $366! Thank you to all who came and enjoyed many different varieties of pancakes and delicious sides. Kudos to the St. John Choirs who again supplied ALL the food and decorations so that every penny of ticket sales go to the Organ Fund!! Many thanks to our dedicated workers: Judy Adams and grandson Noah, Patricia, Elizabeth & Callia Chance, Terry Chance, Rachel Lee, Bob & Kathy Macher, Debbie & Timmy Proulx AND Vince Roemmele providing musical Christmas cheer!The St. John ORGAN FUND Total is now $21,803.16. Your tremendous support is deeply appreciated!?? NICKELS FOR NOTES ??Our Final QUARTERLY BOTTLE DRIVE for 2017 was last weekend. Many donations were received at all three parishes. Once all the bottles and cans are redeemed, we will let you know the total and if we made our goal of $1,417 for this year. Special thanks to our Collectors: Bob Costello (OLPH), Ed LaFrancois (OLL) and especially our Bottle Redeemer in Chief, Bob Macher (SJE). THANK YOU for your generous support that buys new music and instruments for all our Children, Teen and Adult Choirs.Defending Religious FreedomIn a letter to the U.S. Senate, the United States Conference for Catholic Bishops (USCCB) stated that it stands ready to work with Congress to address problems with the Affordable Care Act in order to protect the most vulnerable among us. They said, “The Catholic Church remains committed to ensuring the fundamental right to medical care, a right which is in keeping with the God-given dignity of every person, and the corresponding obligation as a country to provide for this right. Health care debates must not be reduced to only those elements which appear most politically expedient; those without a strong voice in the process must not bear the brunt of attempts to cut costs.”Spiritual Renewal CenterCo-directors Fr. Ray Introvigne and Judith Hughes11 Bath Street, Norwich, CT 06360Healing Mass at 2pmMonday December 11, 2017Mondays, January 8 and 22, 2018Charismatic Prayer MeetingEvery Tuesday at 2:00pmPrayer, Praise and WorshipOur Lady of GuadalupeAll are invited to join Bishop Cote and the Latino people of the Diocese in our annual bilingual celebration of the Feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Tuesday, December 12, 2017. The celebration begins with the Rosary and opportunity for confessions at 6:30pm, followed by Holy Mass at 7:00pm. Fiesta following. We look forward to honoring Our Lady with you.Retrouvaille weekendIs your marriage tearing you apart? Is there little or no meaningful communication? Are you considering separation or divorce? For serious marriage building and repair: Retrouvaille is a lifeline. At a Retrouvaille weekend, couples are given tools to re-establish communication, work on their issues, gain new insights and heal. The weekend is presented by three married couples and a priest. A series of 6 post sessions follow the weekend phase. For more information or to sign up for the January 19-21, 2018 weekend in the Hartford area, call 413-525-1634, or 203-710-6207, or visit the Website at .The Knights Corner Council 8903 Our Lady of the LakesKnights vs. the Klan (part 4)In the 1920’s several States attempted to force Catholic school children out of parochial schools into public ones. It was successful in Oregon, where the Klan was strong. The Sisters of the Holy Name of Jesus and Mary with the KofC helped finance the legal battle. In 1925, in a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court voted against the Oregan law.The Klan took their anger out on Christopher Columbus. They targeted anything that honored him. They fought to get rid of Columbus Day, tried to block the erection of statues of Columbus and disrupted Columbus Day celebrations. (Does this sound familiar?)Al Smith, the first Catholic to run for President, had a run-in with the Klan in Oklahoma. At one stop, his campaign train was met with burning KKK crosses.(Source for Knight vs. the Klan series is from the November issue of Columbia magazine, a magazine all Knights receive each month.)Praise, Worship, and Healing Prayer ServiceNothing uplifts the soul like praising and worshiping God!? Come and rejoice for answered prayer, seek prayer for yourself or for a burden you're carrying for someone else. ?Join us on Thursday evening, December 7th, at 7:00 p.m. at St. Andrew Church.?128 Norwich Ave. in Colchester, CT,?for an evening of praising and worshiping God with music, teaching, witnessing, and prayer.? If desired, you may also meet with a prayer team for personal, intercessory, or healing prayer.? This service is held on the first Thursday every month.The Knights of Columbus MuseumThe Knights of Columbus Museum, at 1 State Street in New Haven, has a new Christmas exhibit,?Peace on Earth: Crèches of the World. The show includes more than 70 Nativity scenes from artists across the globe, including a large set ?from Mexico, hand-carved in cedar, as well as the museum’s popular 120-square-foot Baroque Neapolitan (Italian) diorama. Open 10-5 daily. Free admission & parking. More at 203-865-0400 or . ................

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