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Created by Kerry Moody

|Week Beginning: 5.12.2011 |PLC: What is the Weather Like? |Week: PLC |

Key Question: Why do we give presents at Christmas? How do we keep warm in Winter?

|Time |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| | |Christmas Performance PM |Christmas Performance Evening | | |

| | |Children: MA Raindrop |Children: MA Rainbow |Children: LA Snowflake |

|10:00 |Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA |Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA |Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA |Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA |Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA |

| |Obj: |Obj: Begin to use mathematical names for|Obj: Begin to use mathematical names for|Obj: Begin to use mathematical names for|Obj: Begin to use mathematical names for |

| | |solid 3D shapes and mathematical terms to|solid 3D shapes and mathematical terms to|solid 3D shapes and mathematical terms to|solid 3D shapes and mathematical terms to |

| | |describe them. |describe them. |describe them. |describe them. |

| | |Work with small groups of chn to use |Provide a collection of 3D shapes (e.g. |Provide a collection of 3D shapes (e.g. |Provide a collection of 3D shapes (e.g. |

| | |packaging to various constructions or 3D |cube, cuboid, pyramids, prisms, cone and |cube, cuboid, pyramids, prisms, cone and |cube, cuboid, pyramids, prisms, cone and |

| | |polar animals Encourage chn to talk about|cylinder), each shape in a tray of |cylinder), each shape in a tray of |cylinder), each shape in a tray of |

| | |the shapes they are using. Ask chn to |different coloured paint. Each child |different coloured paint. Each child |different coloured paint. Each child takes|

| |Whole School Pantomime |describe the shapes they are using and |takes a shape and uses it to print as |takes a shape and uses it to print as |a shape and uses it to print as many |

| |Community Centre |add these words as labels. These are |many different 2D shapes as possible |many different 2D shapes as possible |different 2D shapes as possible (ignoring |

| | |likely to include a mixture of colloquial|(ignoring curved faces). Ask them to |(ignoring curved faces). Ask them to |curved faces). Ask them to describe the |

| | |and mathematical language |describe the shapes as they do so. |describe the shapes as they do so. |shapes as they do so. Discuss the |

| | | | | |differences between the cube and the |

| | |CT/HLTA | | |cuboid. CT/HLTA |

| | | |CT/HLTA |CT/HLTA | |

| |Children: |

|10:35 |Carpet session 2: L&S |Carpet session 3: L&S |Carpet session 3: L&S |Carpet session 3: L&S |Carpet session 3: L&S |

| |See separate planning sheet |See separate planning sheet |See separate planning sheet |See separate planning sheet |See separate planning sheet |

|11:20 |Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA |Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA |Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA |Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA |Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA |

| |Obj: |Obj: |Obj: |Obj: |Obj: |

| |CT/HLTA : Carry out Individual Word and |CT/HLTA : Carry out Individual Word and |CT/HLTA : Carry out Individual Word and |CT/HLTA : Carry out Individual Word and |CT/HLTA : Carry out Individual Word and |

| |Phonic Assessment |Phonic Assessment |Phonic Assessment |Phonic Assessment |Phonic Assessment |

| |Children: LA Snowflake |

|1:00 |Carpet Session 4: Register and |Carpet Session 5: Register and |Carpet Session 5: Register and |Carpet Session 5: Register and |

| |Wake & Shake – Take 10 |Wake & Shake – Take 10 |Wake & Shake – Take 10 |Wake & Shake – Take 10 |

| | | | |Adult Led Activity |

| | | | |Obj: KUW. Show an awareness of change. |

| | | | |Show chn picture of St Nicholas glass |

| | | | |biscuits. Making these at Christmas is a |

| | | | |custom from eastern Europe. Explain that |

| | | | |St Nicholas was a wise man known for his |

| | | | |kindness to children. On 6th December |

| | | | |children put out a clean shoe and St |

| | | | |Nicholas comes and fills it up with sweets|

| | | | |and treats. Make glass biscuits (see |

| | | | |resources) noting how ingredients change |

| | | | |as they are mixed and cooked. Talk about |

| | | | |what other foods are eaten at Christmas. |

| | | | |In UK? In Europe? Across the world? |

|1:45 |Adult Led Activity |Adult Led Activity |

| |Obj: (C3) Make snowy spatter pictures using white paint on blue/black backgrounds. And old toothbrushes. Model dipping the brushes into the white paint and then |Obj: |

| |spattering the paint onto the paper wither by using a flicking motion or by running a finger towards themselves along the bristles. Add interest and detail to the | |

| |picture by collaging images of arctic animals on them/ painting penguins / alternatively use them for mounting the rectangular igloo pictures from MDev activities. | |

| |(C3) |Whole School Christmas Performance |

|2:20 |PLAYTIME |

|2:30 |

|Malleable Act: |Salt dough: |Playdough/salt dough | |

| |Chn make tree decorations cut out of salt dough, bake, paint and varnish. Don’t |Chn make different 3D shapes. Put out a set of 3D shapes to help them. If using | |

| |forget the hole at the top for a Christmas ribbon to hang it by. |salt dough, chn could add a piece of raffia, paint them and use as Christmas tree | |

| | |decorations. | |

|Sand Act: | | | | |

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|Writing Act: |Role-play: Christmas Post Office – chn take their cards/presents to the PO, wrap, |Letters to Santa |Letters to Santa | |

| |weigh, stamp them ready to send to friends & family. | | | |

|Construction |Penguins continued from previous week |Provide wrapping paper, boxes and ‘gifts’ for chn to wrap and label, e.g. as |Construction |

|Act: | |Christmas presents. |Put out sets of 3D shapes. Chn use them to build models. |

|Creative Act: |Making stars: Cut 6 strips of card the same length as a pencil. Stick strips |Painting | |

| |together to make 2 triangles. Carefully stick blue tissue over each one and trim. |Provide shallow paint trays and 3D shapes as in the guided task above. Chn use the | |

| |How many points does your triangle have? Stick them together to make a star. |shapes to print pictures, patterns or shape greetings cards. | |

| |Decorate with glitter or bits of silver paper. | | |

|ICT Act: |ICT: | | |

| |Explore Christmas or another festival at | | |

| |Let’s Celebrate. | | |

|Sml World/ Tuff|Small World Cold Area continue | | | | |

|spot Act: |Tuff Spot: Making own igloos using sugar | | | | |

| |cubes | | | | |

|Outdoor Act: | | | | | |

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|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Adult led with: DW |Adult led with: KM |Adult led with: DW |Adult led with: DW |Adult led with: Supply Teacher |

|Obj: |Obj: |Obj: |Obj: |Obj: |

|Children: HA Giraffes |Children: MA Crocodiles |Children: MA Penguins |Children: LA Pandas |Children: |

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|Adult led with: |Adult led with: KM |Adult led with: DW |Adult led with: DW |Adult led with: |

|Obj: |Obj: |Obj: |Obj: |Obj: |

|Children: LA Snowflakes |Children: MA Rainbow |Children: MA Raindrops |Children: HA Sunshine |Children: Target ind for AFL |

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