7th OCTOBER 2018



Please follow the Baptism Service Booklet

|Ministry of the Word | Michael Richardson |

|Celebrant |Revd Andrew Axon |

|Preacher |Richard Thirkell |

|Intercessor |Woodcock Family |

|Hebrews 10: 19-25 |Carolyn Schweitzer |

|Gospel: Matthew 14: 22-32 |Adrian Schweitzer |

|Chalice Administrators |Michael Richardson & |

| |Ann Giles |

| | |

Lamberhurst Hymns: 141; 431; 604; 77.

Please stay for coffee after this morning’s service.


10.00 am CAFÉ CHURCH at Matfield Village Hall


This week:

Thursday 10.00 am Holy Communion

Saturday Various events to Celebrate Matfield Festival Weekend – see noticeboards and Facebook pages for details





St Luke’s Charity of the Month –

St Luke’s Charity for October is Crisis UK, a charity that supports homeless people and works to end homelessness. Please give generously through the envelopes in the pews.

Coffee donations to Toy Box Charity in October

Please consider making a donation for your coffee this morning, and every Sunday in October, as we are collecting for the Toy Box charity. Toy Box works in several countries around the world (El Salvador, Bolivia, Guatemala, India, and Kenya) to support and protect street children from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation. They also work with local organisations to help find appropriate ways to help children escape from a life on the street. More details on Toy Box are at the back of the Church.

Love In A Box

It is October again, and time for the Lamberhurst Love in A Box appeal! Please help bring joy to someone this Christmas by sending goodies to under privileged men, women and children around the world. This appeal is run by Blythswood Care, UK-wide. More information can be found on and leaflets and appropriate item check lists are available now

from the Parish Office. Please decide if you would like your box to be for a man, woman, teenage girl or boy, or younger child. All items must be new – there is an excellent Poundland shop in Tunbridge Wells, or, you may well have new, unwanted items at home, still in their packaging. It’s not difficult to choose gifts for people who have so little. Things we all take for granted are luxuries they could never buy, and they are all so thrilled when their boxes are delivered. By filling a shoebox with simple gifts you can bring someone great joy and make a difference to their lives. Boxes, gift wrapped, with a small £3 donation for postage, and with new unopened contents, need to be handed into the Parish Office by 30th October.

Local Foodbank Need

In the past, St. Mary’s Lamberhurst and St. Luke’s Matfield Churches have contributed to the foodbank in Paddock Wood. There is currently a much greater need, and they would be grateful for donations, either though the baskets in Waitrose, or via the Churches. This is mainly because Dowding House in Paddock Wood, which provides housing for homeless families, has recently opened to new ‘emergency’ residents with high needs. The Foodbank is also supporting a similar project in Wateringbury.

Currently the Foodbank really needs: UHT milk, squash, biscuits, jelly, instant whip, custard, sponge puddings, meat pies, corned beef, spam, mince, hotdogs, chicken, tinned vegetables, especially potatoes, tinned tomatoes, tinned spaghetti and ravioli, pulses, rice, boil in the bag rice, pasta sauces, savoury/cheese biscuits, jam and marmite. (at the moment they have enough tinned fruit, pasta, baked beans and soup). Anyone interested in helping out at the Foodbank should contact Susannah Strawson – Susannah.strawson@

Annual Making Miracles Great Knit and Natter Session, Rochester Cathedral, Saturday 13th October 2018

Supporting Baby Loss Awareness Week

Making Miracles is a Kent and Medway registered charity which provides support services for women and their families experiencing “high risk” pregnancies, premature birth, or baby loss. They provide bereavement and trauma counselling, a buddying service, online and telephone support, and more. There is also a Baby Memorial Garden for babies born before 24 weeks, because for families who lose a baby before 24 weeks, there is no death certificate and no place or record of their lost baby. In the garden, parents may have a plaque or entry in our Book of Remembrance as a record of their lost child. Making Miracles carry out various fundraising activities to help pay for these services, and volunteers make and sell knitted baby toys, clothing and other items.

Making Miracles would like to invite knitters on 13th October to Rochester Cathedral from 10.00am until 1.00pm to help knit as many 6 inch by 6 inch squares as possible in pink, blue, cream or white, which will be sewn

together to make blankets for the stalls. They would love to have as many knitters as possible. Please bring size 8 needles. If you can start knitting the squares beforehand then feel free to do so and bring them along (cast on 30 stitches and knit 56 rows for your squares please). Any other baby items you have made would also be most welcome. Please email to let her know if you are coming, so they can plan refreshments and space.

We pray for the Church

For the church of God throughout the world.

For the Episcopal Church; The Most Reverend Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church [Anglican Cycle of Prayer].

We pray for the World

For those dealing with the impact of the earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia and the severe floods in India.

For members of our armed forces serving abroad.

For the Brexit plans and negotiations.

We pray for our Parishes

For all working on St Mary’s stonework repairs.

For the people of Brenchley Road, Matfield, and of Morland Drive, Lamberhurst, [Parish Cycle of Prayer]; and in our Deanery for the people of Yalding and Collier Street.

For all homes in our parishes and for family life.

For our surgeries, hospitals and the Hospice in the Weald.

We pray for the sick

Especially for Stella Galwey, and Gill Young; their families and for those who care for them.

For those in hospital, and for all with long standing illnesses, especially members of our church family who are not able to worship with us.

If you would like someone who is ill to be remembered, or have other items for the pew notice, please contact the Parish Office by 10.00am on a Thursday.


Text Giving –

It is now possible to donate to St Mary’s Church by text. Simply text MYCH01 followed by one space, then the amount you wish to give [£1/£2/£5/£10 etc] to 70070.

*AND ST LUKE’S TEXT GIVING IS NOW UP AND RUNNING – Text MYCH02 and the amount to 70070. If you want

to give £5 you should text MYCH02 £5 to 70070. You then get a text back thanking you for the donation and asking if

you want to add gift aid. If you do then you follow the link, fill in your name and address and it adds it on.

Please SWITCH OFF mobile phones during services as, even on silent, they interfere with the sound system.





7 OCTOBER 2018

Why We Worship

Welcome to our Church and fellowship. If you are a newcomer please introduce yourself. We pray that God will bless us in our worship together. Please take this pew notice home for your prayers and reference.


For help or information on any church matters this week, the Parish Office will be open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10.00am – 3.00 pm. Telephone 01892 890256 email: Miranda@

Alternatively you may contact the Vicar, Revd Andrew Axon on 01892 890688, email revandrew@

the Associate Priest, Revd Roger Bishop on 01892 833232, email rogerjbishop@

or one of the Churchwardens, at Matfield Tom Trinder [724059] or Alex Cunningham [724481] – and at Lamberhurst Julia Cruse [890237] or Michael Richardson [890536].

Please note the Vicar’s day off is Monday and Reverend Roger’s normal weekday in the Benefice is Thursday.


Enlarged Copies of our hymns are available from the sidesmen. Loop systems are installed in both churches for the hard of hearing.

Books and Bags of soft toys for small children during the services are available from the sidesmen.



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