3D Head/ Creature Project - Welsh Government

Image Editing Project

This scheme of work can be formed and reformed in a great many different ways and can cater for a variety of age groups as well as independent project work for GCSE or A Level. The most basic, image editing element of this project can, and has been used with later primary school ages, but only on an individual or small group basis.

Because of all that has been mentioned above, pupils with additional needs at both ends of the spectrum are easily catered for, and to ease the pressure upon the teacher, pupils who have worked ahead can at times be recruited to help the less able, and in doing so fix and develop the information they have gained themselves and boost individual self esteem. The whole premise of image editing lies in the fact that the pupils must gain sufficient confidence to experiment freely on the applications, using a mixture of software without worrying about causing things to ‘go wrong’. I have found a successful comparison is that of the computer game, where tutorials must be followed before the main body of the game begins. These tutorials nevertheless form an essential and accepted part of the game itself. It is concept that pupils readily accept.

Accordingly, it brings the ‘importance of play’ into the secondary school environment as an essential set of skills that individuals and groups alike can develop. As I have often said to students,’ “I want you to start by playing around with this software as freely as you want, without worrying about taking your work to the point of destruction.” On a computer, you can always ‘undo’!

In this instance, I have aimed the project at year 9, the end of a key stage, with all of the necessary considerations in terms of assessment for learning and moderation. It also provides a structure for fast tracking, a process that I have been continually applying and developing for more than 8 years. Additional ‘self assessment’, and ‘peer assessment’ can occur in the project at the teacher’s discretion.

The format of this work scheme relies upon how many lessons the pupils get per week. The year 9 pupils that have followed this project have 50 minutes per week. Further time can always be found via extra curricular clubs.

A serious consideration must be made whereby we assess how much of the work is attributed to the individual and how much is simply the work of a series of mathematical equations that the computer itself has generated via special effect ‘filters’ and simple adjustments (the computer has done the work at the click of a button).

It is this aspect of image editing, as well as the decision making of the pupils themselves (I accept that sometimes, the simplest solution can be the best) where one needs to consider that the more the pupils ‘mix and match within and between applications and with more image layers, the more the work becomes theirs and not that of the computer. Examples of this issue will follow later in the ‘GCSE Vampire Project’ (fast tracking year 9 pupil). To reinforce this, a direct comparison may be established early on, when the students are asked to produce research, in terms of where the computer’s work begins and where the student leads this. On a scale of success, this can be seen as follows:

1. The pupils simply types in the necessary words and prints off the research without reading it, all 30 or so pages (least affective).

2. The pupil prints off the research and copies it off by hand or uses a highlighter pen (at least suggests that it has been read in some way).

3. The pupil has put at the end of this research a short sentence of their own where he or she has expressed their own opinion.

4. And so on.

Choose from 2 open themes (an open theme is one that can lead to just about anywhere):

1. Fantasy

2. Myself

Please note that you can equally choose both themes and run these together.

End of Summer Term the academic year before:

Last few weeks/ lessons.



Lesson objective: Make the pupils aware that in next academic year, they will be studying 2 artists that will provide a foundation to their project: Andy Warhol and Salvador Dali.

Look at the work of the perhaps easiest of these artists to understand: Andy Warhol. Include lots of discussion during the lesson. I personally use a video on the artist, and the students create a rough mind map (where catching and recording the words and ideas is more important than presentation) in class to be completed as homework, whilst watching this, as a form of research, pulling out the key concepts and words to Pop Art as they occur. The assistance and enthusiasm of the teacher is naturally proportionate to how successfully the project ‘lifts off’.


The pupils are to produce a neat version of this mind map for homework, where the wealth and sophistication of ideas are coupled with originality, articulation, perhaps mixed media, and presentation.

This catches an important degree of enthusiasm at the end of year 8, generated by their urge to dip into next years work.

Success criteria to be based upon the resulting homework:

1. The quality of your words and ideas. Extra marks awarded if you have successfully reflected Pop Art in your work, and especially if links have been made to the present day.

2. How neat and creative have you been?

Autumn 1st half term

Week 1


slide labelled

‘Pupil work stage 1’,

together with


[pic] to [pic]

Again, catching an important degree of enthusiasm at the start of year 9, generated by their urge to impress and build upon the fantastic work produced for this at the end of year 8.

If you have not done so already in year 8, insist that the pupils each buy a memory stick for this and all future work in yours and other subjects. Although it is not the most secure method of backing up, it is portable, and this is our purpose for obtaining them.

Lesson Objective:

Pupils are to create a rough mind map (where rapidly generating the words and ideas are initially (during the first lesson) more important than presentation. Some of these words and ideas could be the students exploring possibilities in terms of the design and presentation of their mind map), based upon one or both of the following themes:

1. Fantasy

2. Myself

For some, having explored Pop Art the year before (where they showed what they understand popular culture, past and present, to be), this will give some students the chance to reflect how it relates to them. Others may wish to express what sort of art and related interests they are instead, more drawn to.

Success criteria to be based upon the resulting homework:

1. The quality of your words and ideas. Extra marks will be awarded if you have successfully reflected Pop Art or another, preferred form of artwork within your mind map, or used photos to explain who you are and what you are interested in.

2. How neat and creative have you been?

Homework lesson 1:

For year 9, I have found that it is best to set the completion of a neat, creative and intuitively presented version of this, using mixed materials, is best set as homework.

a. This sets the tone and essential attitude if the students are to engage themselves in GCSE structure and expectations.

b. I have found that the offer to open fast tracking up to all students in year 9 can go a long way in establishing a very positive and inclusive environment for learning, and a necessary challenge for all students.

For this homework, set the pupils to gather as many items they can in preparation for the task ahead. For example, photos of family, friends and pets, pre-typed and printed words, different materials and general reference that they feel relates to them.

Week 2

Continue with the overall lesson objective and success criteria from the previous week. This lesson, the pupils can begin to produce their final mind map/ brain storm diagram.

In order to space out the expenditure of pupils/ their parents, over the next few weeks, suggest that owing to the great quality of their work, pupils should buy a flip file to keep their project in, and highlight upon the fact that the teacher’s catalogues obtain these for half the price of those in the shops at £3 each.

Homework lesson 2:

Complete your final mind map for homework, to be handed in for marking next lesson.

Weeks 3, 4 and 5


slide labelled

‘Pupil work stage 2’:

Discuss with the pupils, the different approaches that may be taken when producing the following work (referring to it as initial reference):

Lesson Objective:

Produce 2, creative, thoughtful and individual resource sheets using images that you find in class and those you gather for homework. Lesson 3 should have a focus upon neat cutting out (perhaps paperclip these images to start with to avoid sticking them down too early, providing more of an opportunity to arrange them in lessons 4 & 5.

Success criteria:

1. How selective and individual have you been in making sure that your gathered images reflect your personality and interests?

2. How neat and creative have you been?

3. Extra marks awarded if you have included brief, supportive notes.

Homework lesson 3:

Gather more images from home. Consider photos of family and friends, images of things you are interested in (perhaps something special that you do, like gymnastics, football or playing a musical instrument) and things that you feel you can relate to (like fashion and logos or the sort of activities you would like to take part in when you are older, like rock climbing or driving a car). You could include places you have been, or images/ maps/ etc. or your own home area.

Homework lesson 4:

Continue to gather images and materials, and also produce a brief piece of writing for each of your 2 resource sheets, that explains why you have included them, which your favourite is and why this is.

Homework lesson 5:

Complete your outstanding resource sheet/s at home, to be handed in for marking next lesson. Include your annotation as part of your 2 resource sheets.

Weeks 6 and 7

Lesson Objective:

Pupils are to begin to produce a detailed, carefully shaded drawing of one of their favourite images from their resource sheets.

Light boxes would be very useful to easily achieve the basic proportions, otherwise, windows or carbon paper could be used. Don’t forget, the purpose of this activity is for the students to learn sensitivity and detailed shading. To do this, a collection of 6B or other soft leaded pencils is necessary. We are limiting our materials to one that is very basic (a pencil), for a reason, that being that from here we can grow and branch out once sensitivity and patience has been achieved.

Please emphasise to the students that looking is as important as drawing.

Homework lessons 6 and 7:

Collect and stick down in a creative yet neat way, some portraits (pictures of people or their pets) by different artists, preferably with some sort of fantasy or strange dimension/ idea behind them.

Produce 2 A3 resource sheets of this work.

• The first resource sheet must consist of general; fantasy portraits that you like (include Salvador Dali and Andy Warhol).

• The second must be purely portraits by one of the artist that you can most relate to and especially like the work of.

Consider animal artists as well, if you know that you wish to build your project around you pet.

Poster sites can be a valuable way of obtaining reasonable quality reproductions of art work, past and contemporary.

Success criteria specific to this homework:

1. How well have you presented this work?

2. How appropriate are your images?

3. Extra marks will be awarded of you can explain why you were attracted to the artwork on your second sheet above the others that you collected.

Week 8

Slide labelled

‘Pupil work stage 3’,

together with


[pic] to[pic]

Use the fact that the students have a half-term holiday next week to set the following work. Digital cameras usually work best if lighting is good, as this can affect focusing, if the student relies upon auto-focus. By setting this work now, the students will have more of an opportunity to take photos outside. Recently, digital cameras have become much more affordable, and camera phones (which the pupils pride themselves for possessing) can obtain good resolutions. As the result of this, I have found that the majority of individuals are now able and happy to engage themselves in this work independently, saving you, the teacher a lot of class time.

Included on the presentation is a crystal ball, which when clicked, reveals a diverse range of possibilities that the pupils can consider and adapt. Whereas most students should have bought memory sticks (which tend to be at their cheapest just before Christmas), some students may have to bring in their images on a camera card. Many computers now have card readers built in, but if yours do not, the purchase of a modern one of these is inexpensive and very useful.

Lesson Objective:

Begin to map out what your 2 dimensional, image editing idea will be, and then consider what photos you must take and what other reference pictures you must gather in order to achieve this. Remember that you can alternatively photograph your pet (or you and your pet) if you prefer. Group photos of you and your friends are also acceptable if your friends are also engaged in this project at your school. Consider what you will be doing and what other things will be going on in the scene that you wish to generate. Remember however, that whatever photos you take or images that you gather must be appropriate for use in school.

Success criteria: To be used to mark the resulting homework as well:

1. How individual are you ideas?

2. Do your ideas have any links with any of your unusual portrait images gathered previously for homework, or any of your resource sheets images?

Homework lesson 8:

Take your photographs during the holiday, in line with the decisions that you made in class. If this is not possible, pupils are to continue to gather images relevant to their class work ideas and draw these in detail.

Autumn 2nd half term

Weeks 1, 2 and 3

Slide labelled

‘Pupil work stage 4’,

together with



Lesson Objective:

Produce a detailed pencil sketch of one of your photos. Remember to get the proportions of the face right before you begin to shade. When you do, start with the mid and lightest tones, and get these perfect. If you do this, when you finally add the very deepest, your sketch will look twice as good as you initially expected.

Those who have not managed to take photos will sketch the images they instead gathered: relevant to their class work ideas.

Any students, who complete this stage of work early, can begin a basic colour exploration sketch using earthy colours: browns, yellow ochre’s, etc. The colour of the paper provided could also be a soft brown, so that the pupils can tonally work both ways.

Success criteria:

1. Have you used light and sensitive lines to establish the proportions of your drawing?

2. How accurate is your shading?

Homework lesson 9:

Mount up your photos and images gathered over the holiday.

This can be achieved in a variety of ways. For instance, wallpaper samples can form interesting backgrounds, especially when patterns are mixed, or they feature mock metal plate texture. Images must be stuck down using double sided sticky tape however due to wallpaper resistance.

A blood spatter and/ or drops can be made using red paint splashed across paper. Leaves or feathers can be printed or rubbings made to decorate the background. Torn brown parcel paper can also add texture.

Week 2

Once the drawing activity has begun in the previous lesson, the teacher can take photos of the rest of the class, who did not manage to obtain their own photos. These photos can be as basic as ‘head and shoulders’:

• Front on

• Side on

• At a slight angle

In order to get back to monitoring the drawing work as soon as possible.

If you have a drama department, you could ask whether you can use props and costumes with appropriate supervision (again, the addition of an after school club would be valuable here). You may even be able to make this project cross-curricular in this way.

Lesson Objective Addition:

Whilst the teacher takes the rest of the photos necessary for this project, you are to continue with your sensitive portrait sketches.

Homework lesson 10:

Produce a piece of annotation for this piece of tonal drawing work.

Building upon the success criteria of last lesson but only relevant to this homework activity:

3. How well have you expressed your feelings about your tonal sketch?

• Who or what is the subject of your sketch?

• Are you happy with your work?

• Compare this sketch with the one that you made last term.

Week 3

Lesson Objective Addition:

Those who finish this work early can either produce a second pencil sketch (depending on the variety of their individual photos taken) or go back to drawing general items from their initial resource sheets, preferably using a different media.

Homework lesson 11:

Complete any outstanding work ready for the next major stage of this project.

This may include:

• Unfinished drawings.

• Add annotation.

• Mounting up work.

Week 4 to 6

Slide labelled

‘Pupil work stage 5’

Most of this lesson involves the teacher explaining to the students what a Critical Study is, its place and purpose amongst 3 areas of Understanding, Making & Investigating and the National Curriculum Levels that must individually be achieved.

If you decide to use the writing frames provided, this must be explained as carefully as possible.

At my school, we have traditionally produced essay style critical studies, which have always been well received by the WJEC, but this work can easily be adapted according to your own department’s preferences. Please also note that the writing frames provided are only suitable for use with a 2 dimensional piece of artwork and some artists can be so obscure that no details can be found about them. This can often occur to the extent that the artist’s name and title of the picture can also be unknown. This does not matter, and students should be encouraged to simply be honest. If anything, lack of research or knowledge can make the task of writing a critical study more successful, since this forces the pupils to instead state what they ‘feel’ the picture is about and why it was produced in that particular way.

These writing frames can be mixed and the format of the work altered. For instance, only pages 1 and 2 of the main writing frame can be used, with only the conclusion highlighting upon how the student will initially be influenced. You will note that a further writing frame where students are prompted to choose 3 later pieces of their own design work that they must compare with their chosen critical study work of art, has been included for this approach. This must be conducted at a later chosen stage and at the teacher’s discretion. Exactly how you use these resources is very much down to personal preference and trial and error.

Please note that if you intend to use the pupils photos in a secure area of your school’s system, you should have copied these image files across before or at this stage of the project. You may also wish to change these images to ‘read only’ in order to avoid them later being overwritten.

Lesson Objective:

Produce your ‘critical study’ using one of the writing frames provided.

Critical Study: Where you write about a suitable work of art that you feel you can really gain influence from in the work ahead.

You must first of course, decide upon who this artist will be and which work of art by this artist can help you the most. For this, consider the 2 main artists that you began this project with:

• Andy Warhol

• Salvador Dali

You could instead choose the artist that you discovered during your homework 7 weeks ago when you gathered strange/ unusual portraits. Graffiti artists like Banksy are often popular and well worth a look at.

Success criteria:

1. Have you followed the writing frame?

2. Have you taken every opportunity, as much as possible, to relate what you have observed to your own present ideas and clearly said how you will and will not be influenced.

Homework lesson 12:

Having decided which work of art you will write about, gather relevant research on this person and their work.

For this, you will gain far more marks if you take the homework task further and provide your own opinions as to the written information and images that you have gathered. There may be a story or historical event that the picture illustrates, or there could be a hidden massage within.

Weeks 5 and 6

You will notice here that most of your higher ability students (and many of your midrange pupils) will happily complete their critical studies at home over the 2 week period set. This lesson can provide a valuable opportunity for the teacher to check how things are going and make valuable suggestions to pupils of all abilities, according to their predicted levels.

Some pupils could be allowed to use this time to work ahead however, and this should certainly be allowed next lesson. This ensures that such pupils are not held back, and general discussion at certain times with all individuals means that higher ability pupils can still add input to those who might struggle more with the work. The other students may also come up with a few surprises and even surpass their peers with quality ideas, thus encouraging and pushing all involved.

Include with this lesson an opportunity to allow some students to work ahead (general experimentation with the drop down menus of ‘filters’ and ‘Image adjustment’ in Gimp. Also look briefly at the video tutorials that accompany this project) and experiment. This provides more assistance when all students are required to move on in the project

Homework lessons 13 and 14:

Continue with your critical study at home over the next 2 weeks, using the writing frame provided.

Week 7

Slide labelled

‘Pupil work stage 6’

for those who

worked ahead, you

may need the


[pic] This can be found on a separate Powerpoint presentation.

Lesson Objective:

This lesson, as a reward for all of the hard work produced (and a fitting Christmas treat), all students should be allowed to explore the image editing application, ‘Gimp’. You should begin by experimenting with the drop down menus of ‘filters’ and ‘Image adjustment’. If you make a mistake, remember to use the’ Ctrl’ key together with ‘z’ on the keyboard, or go to ‘edit’, and then ‘undo’. If you are asked to save any of your work, remember to give it a new file name, like ‘work 1’, ‘work 2’, etc.

Success criteria:

No particular success criteria this week, apart from simply having lots of fun, trying a lot of new things out and sharing this new found knowledge with others in your class.

Homework lesson 15:

No homework set this week. However, if some individuals have not worked as hard as they should earlier on in the term, you could use this as an opportunity for them to catch-up.

Whilst the students are enjoying experimenting with this application, this would be a worthwhile time to point out that it is free and downloadable if they type an internet search to GNU Image Manipulation Program.

The more students who download this software, the easier the more likely they will continue to use it at home and encourage others to use it (positive peer pressure can work miracles).

Spring 1st half term

Week 1 and 2

Slide labelled

‘Pupil work stage 7’,

together with


[pic] and the following activity: [pic]

Lesson Objective:

Use the resources to explore how you can produce image editing work that has clearly been influenced by your 2 key artists of this project:

• Andy Warhol

• Salvador Dali

The students are to get their critical studies out and examine these. They must then write down some basic facts as to how they could show influence of their critical study work within their image editing work.

This chapter continues to consider that more than one teacher might be teaching individual classes and that the computer facilities available to you may not be available long term, but rather in short bursts. It also considers that you may only have 10 or less computers available. Booking a fully equipped computer room is advisable however and teachers are advised to study the following slides in advance, so that the structure of this presentation can be moved around if necessary, in order to cater as much as possible for your individual needs.

Success criteria:

1. Have you displayed an appreciation of the work of Salvador Dali and his unpredictable, ‘wacky’ approach towards art?

2. Have you understood how you might show that you have been influence by your chosen Critical Study artwork in your own work?

3. Extra marks if you manage to achieve this to some degree over the next 2 lessons.

Homework lesson 16:

For those students who have Gimp installed at home, continue with the work set in class. Otherwise, continue to mount up your work produced so far and add to this work, further design ideas that show you have been influenced by your chosen critical study work of art.

Additional class and homework: depending upon your department’s/ school’s ICT facilities. Lesson 17:

Annotation: Since the students have already had some experience of producing annotation, this can be added at any break-off points where computers are in demand, either where the work produced is printed off and mounted, or taken home on the student’s memory sticks and inserted into a word processor. It is a good idea to remind the students that if a recent version of word is used in this respect, if they then wish to bring the work to school to print, they must ‘save as’ a lower file type version (Word 97 to 2003 is usually sufficient). Remember to be extra vigilant in terms of data protection in this respect. Pupils should only have access to their own images.

If this work is not possible for individual pupils, they must continue to find relevant images and either adjust these using pencil, paint, or whatever materials they do have at home, to form ideas/ compositions and basically do the same work, but without the image editor. Images could equally be collaged together in order to generate compositional possibilities.

Weeks 3 and 4

Slide labelled

‘Pupil work stage 8’,

together with



followed by slides that

begin with the following: and

The students are often themselves, familiar with other free applications and websites that can be used within the project (like free graffiti creators, gif creators and morphing applications). Computer magazines can also be a valuable source of single user licence applications. Otherwise, a degree of movement can be added using Powerpoint’s ‘custom animations’, as illustrated on the presentation.

Before downloading any applications, the following should be considered: Some will be totally free, and called ‘freeware’. Others are shareware, and may only work for a set period as a trial version. Whatever you download, remember that it is a good idea to find out what others on the internet have to say about the software that you are attracted to. Some may come with viruses or tracking devises. Applications like ‘Spybot’ are also free and can serve you well in spotting and uninstalling potentially harmful software, but word of mouth on the internet is the best initial deterrent.

Adding a reliable, free firewall (like Outpost or Commodo) and some good free antivirus software (like AVG or Antivir) can be a good idea, but check what you have installed already on your computer in this respect.

This lesson would be a good stage to remind the students about the National Curriculum and the 3 categories of Understanding, Making and Investigating, in order to avoid their work individually forming, for example, something that looks too much like a scrap book.

Lesson Objective:

Here, we provide extra guidance for those of you who have decided to study a critical study artist of your own. You may even have selected a work of art by one of the artists that follow:

• Banksy

• Chuck Close

Remember, your only objective here is to find a way of showing that you have been influenced by the picture that you chose and produced your Critical Study on, and these examples are simple here to broaden your approach.

Success criteria addition:

1. Further to your success criteria from last lesson, are you now forming your work so that you show that you clearly understand how your critical study work must influence your design work?

Homework lesson 18 and 19:

Continue to develop your ideas at home, as set over the past couple of lessons. You may also now wish to incorporate text into your work.

Week 5

It might be a good idea in this instance, to print the following lesson objective off for the students to take home.

Lesson Objective:

Think about the fantastic work that you have done so far

1. Critical study essay

2. Image editing work

3. Gathered reference pictures and presented this work creatively

4. A creative mind map

5. Some detailed pencil drawing using a soft leaded pencil

This lesson (to complete for homework), produce a mid term evaluation on your work so far.

This should include:

1. Work that you are particularly proud of & why this is?

2. An area of work that you feel you could improve upon and why this is, or work you have not yet produced.

3. How you feel after being introduced to some GCSE style work?

4. What sort of artwork would you love to explore?

For example: 3D, more pattern and design, game cover design or other graphic design, mixed media, fashion or jewellery, photography, music or popular culture.

5. Add to this how you could incorporate this new direction into your present work.

Success criteria:

1. How well have you considered the questions put before you?

2. Have you presented this work thoughtfully?

Homework lesson 20:

As set in class and to continue with over the holiday.

Spring 2nd half term

Week 1

Slide labelled

‘Pupil work stage 9’,

together with


[pic] to [pic]

Lesson Objective:

From this point, you must experiment with different materials and textures both at home and in school. Next lesson, you will be beginning to apply these textures and materials to close-up studies of your face (or that of your main subject, for example, your pet, etc.).

To do this, more photographic work could be valuable, but is not essential. For example, a school photo could be an excellent image to study.

Success criteria for this week:

1. Have you experimented with a wide range of textures and techniques?

Homework lesson 21:

As set in class, you must focus upon experimenting with different materials and form texture sheets with these. Think about how these textures could be used in your design work.

Weeks 2 and 3

Lesson Objective:

From this point, you must experiment with different materials both at home and in school, and in doing so; produce work where you focus upon details and close-ups of your face.

Begin by just experimenting with different textures, and produce a page or 2 of this sort of work, but be imaginative and try and have a purpose for using the materials and techniques that you select. For example, printing with leaves and feathers could allow you to gain an understanding of how these could be used or reproduced within your work. Scratching into different surfaces can add cutting, aggressive mark making that could generate a similar feeling in your design work. You could make your own sequins by hole-punching metallic or other paper, and then apply these to a strong black and white image of your face (perhaps having used the ‘threshold’ filter first), to form your lips and thus introduce ‘Pop Art’ glamour.

Success criteria:

2. How successful have you been in applying the techniques and materials that you have explored in your close-up work?

3. Have you supported your work by annotating how these textures were created and explained why you used them?

Homework lesson 22:

As begun in class, further your work in exploring new textures and techniques by applying these to your close-up work. By now annotating your work should come naturally to you.

Week 4

Slide labelled

‘Pupil work stage 10’,

together with



Again, the purpose of the next 3 weeks worth of work hinges upon the fact that the pupils must really ‘look’ at the work of art meticulously and with a great degree of careful consideration.

Lesson Objective:

You have all individually written a fantastic critical study about a picture by an artist that will inspire you. Over the next few weeks, produce a ‘visual study’ of either the whole of this picture, or an area of it that interests you the most.

Visual Study: where you draw or paint the work of art you are studying in detail, using as much as is possible, the same style as the artist who originally produced it.

For example, if you are studying a work of art by the silk screen printer Andy Warhol and you do not have any access to printing facilities, paint the image using the same flat colours, starting with the lightest, and then finally, try and reproduce the same ‘printed’ effect that Warhol often uses in the final layer of black.

Remember that the purpose of this exercise is to try and reproduce the work of art as exactly as possible. It is therefore acceptable to trace off the image using a window, light box or carbon paper.

Success criteria:

1. Have you faithfully and sensitively copied the area of the work of art that will best influence your future ideas?

2. Have you as much as possible tried to copy the style of the artist when reproducing this image?

Homework lesson 24:

For the next 2 weeks, try experimenting with your textures and gathered materials with your visual study work as well.

For instance, you could try reproducing an Andy Warhol image using flat, coloured paper or card, before applying the final, more detailed black tone with a paint brush or small piece of sponge. You could develop this further by using layers of tissue paper that will reproduce the fact that in Warhol’s screen prints, you can sometimes see one layer of translucent (see through) colour beneath the other. For instance, where a red block of colour overlaps a blue block of colour thinly, this makes a purple area. Since Warhol experimented with different colour schemes, there is nothing wrong with you making up your own colour scheme when reproducing one of his art works by using different colours, patterns or textures.

If you are reproducing an image by the artist H. R. Giger, you could use bandage lint that has been painted silver, for a metal-mesh texture. You could also add tiny wires and safely removed electrical components from disused, battery operated gadgets and stick these down onto a detail of the female face (perhaps just the eye) shown to you in class, to make it your own design idea.

Week 6

Since the end of key stage levelling is due to take place in May, the forthcoming holiday provides a useful time for all students to catch up on any work missed.

Success criteria addition:

3. Extra marks will now be awarded if you add to your visual study, a short piece of writing where you describe your experience of reproducing this work of art.

Homework lesson 26:

Complete any outstanding work, especially your visual study. If you wish to gain all of the marks available, complete the work described in success criteria 3.

Summer 1st half term

The purpose of this half term is for students to explore 3 possible approaches to the development of their ideas. Here, we must allow the student to decide which method or mixture of methods they prefer.

Week 1

Slide labelled

‘Pupil work stage 11’,

together with



followed by slides to

Lesson Objective:

Over the next 3 weeks, your teacher will suggest 3 possible approaches that you could take towards the development of your work. Look at the examples and decide which approach would best work for you. It’s a matter of personal choice and you can mix and match as much as you like,

Over the course of this whole half term, you must develop your present work to produce different ‘compositional ideas’, this is where you decide what will feature within the images that you make. A very basic description of the word ‘composition’ is that it means ‘how the various elements (things) that make up your image will exist within the rectangle (if your picture is rectangular: most are) of the picture itself’. It is a good idea to try and at least consider designing your work in different shaped rectangles, so that you do not become ‘trapped’ by your own experiences of often working within an A4 shape. For instance, when you write, and first pick up a piece of drawing paper. Remember that A3 is just twice as big as A4, but still the same shape. A2 is twice as big as A3, etc.

Also, remember to continue with your materials experimentation as you work away from the computer, in order to add variety to your work. This work will at some point end with a final ‘Design Proposal’ where you decide almost exactly how your final piece of work will look.

The pupils are to also consider how an apparently simple thing like a different sky can dramatically alter the mood of an image.

Success criteria:

1. Have you produced work where you make your own, individual ideas and formed designs that really look good?

2. Do these designs still show that you have been influenced by your critical study work of art?

Homework lesson 27:

Continue with your materials experimentation work in much the same way that you did at the end of last term. As you do this, also consider and generate new compositional ideas to bring to your art lessons and discuss with your teacher.

If pupils are trusted, class work can of course be completed and added to, at home at any point during this project.

As teacher, point out that growing maturity and mutual trust is a part of the students progressively becoming young adults, as they reach towards key stage 4. Use this as an opportunity to extend the length that tasks are set at (including long term homework tasks) and place ownership more into the pupil’s hands as good practise for subsequently moving into year 10 as ‘independent learners’.

Week 2

Please use



followed by slides to

If the students have neglected to produce enough annotation, this would be a good time to set an ‘evaluation’ homework before the necessary final levels are decided upon.

Initial Lesson Objective (after which, the work will progress as last week, with an extra approach for the students to consider):

Pupils are to consider the second approach, using the slides provided: Developing the ideas explored earlier on in the project so that they achieve a similar outcome, but without the assistance of an image editor.

Week 3

Please use



followed by slides to

Initial Lesson Objective (after which, the work will progress as usual, with an extra approach for the students to consider):

Pupils are to consider the third approach, using the slides provided: Developing your work first using an image editing application, but then moving this away from the computer, once a composition has been established.

Weeks 4 to 7

As you will note from this stage, all students will have their own preferred approaches to the project (many will have reached this way of thinking much earlier on). The act of adding too much to teacher’s notes would defeat one of the core objectives of allowing the students to become independent learners, who have gained ownership of their project work. It is a good idea to generally assist all students with brief, individual question and answer sessions at the start of each lesson, with those whom you feel would most benefit. This allows the teacher to act as a ‘facilitator or learning’.

It is a good idea to continually check and monitor the progress of all individuals as if they are key stage 4 students.

The objectives and success criteria stated at the start of this term will therefore stand for the whole of the term, and similar learning conditions will exist next half term as well.

Week 6

Success criteria addition:

3. Make sure that you have gathered image reference sheets (resource sheets) for all of the items that you have included in your final design work.

Homework lesson 32:

Complete the extra success criteria work where you are required to gathered image reference sheets (resource sheets) for all of the items that you have included in your final design work.

Week 7

Homework lesson 33:

Complete and mount up any outstanding work ready for the final half term.

Summer 2nd half term

This half term is so unpredictable in terms of class ‘contact’ time that we can only, at most assume about 5 weeks with the students.

Week 1

Slide labelled

‘Pupil work stage 12’,

together with



Use the general structure from last term, for the reasons stated. This applies to homework structure as well.

Lesson Objective:

Broaden your sketchbook to include more advanced drawings and materials experimentation. As you do this, consider using more unusual materials like the feathers used in the wings featured in the example shown at the start of the lesson. Make sure that you have attempted this sort of work with most, if not all of the items that feature in your final design.

Produce details of other areas (for instance ‘hands’) if they feature in your favourite design.

Success criteria:

1. Have you produced detailed studies of the right sort of images?

2. How thoughtfully and imaginatively have you experimented with different materials as you complete this work?

Homework lessons 34 to 36:

Continue with the work set in class.

Week 4

As an extension for those who are able to do so at this stage, a few students may wish to begin a final design proposal. Considering the weight of work asked of the pupils, it is likely that most individuals will be required to catch up with some previous work and ensure that all of their work is well mounted and ‘in order’. Others still might be engrossed in the general work set for this term: of drawing and experimenting with images that feature in their favourite design.

How you conclude this project is therefore dependant upon many possible factors, which may also dictate any modifications necessary next year due to resources and individual time restraints or opportunities.

Please note that the last few slides in the presentation are for you to consult personally. There are of course a myriad of possibilities in terms of how image editing can lead towards or broaden the work of different artistic disciplines, and only the limitations of time have prevented me from including more possibilities. It is important to as much as possible, open up these possibilities and use the work as transition towards key stage 4, and encourage independent learning.


These tutorials should be accessible by the students at any future point in this project, either on the school system, or in the form of several DVDs (which only cost a few pence each to produce).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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