Whether or not we truly believe in the person and work of ...

Why the Nativity?Advent Worship Series – Week 4December 23, 2012WORSHIP SERVICE OUTLINESEach worship outline contains all elements needed for your worship service. The order of each service presented is only a suggestion. No doubt changes will be needed to accommodate the flow and worship style of your corps. The outlines are flexible and allow opportunities to “cut and paste” as needed. If you are blessed with instrumental or vocal music resources, you may find there is more structured material here than needed. Please include the headings of each section in your bulletin.Why do I need to believe in Jesus?Invite Christmas Volunteers to this service: kettle workers, social service workers/clients, etc.Announcements and Offering[Possibly recognize all volunteers present in some way.]Call to Worship:The Nativity. Who could argue that it’s a wonderful story?There are only so many facts for us to cherish concerning the Nativity. Beyond the information in the Bible, there’s little more to tell. The real question is this: What now?The obscure birth of a peasant child, seemingly insignificant in its time, reaches across the years to command our attention. It suggests importance not just for those who were involved in the events, but for all the rest of us, even from a distance of twenty centuries. We can almost feel the gaze of that child in the stable, looking deep into our eyes and demanding a response. But what kind of a response? And why should the birth of Jesus bear any more claim upon us than any other event? (Why the Nativity?, pages 147-148)SB#113 – Joy to the world! TB-87 – Joy to the World!HTD4-T9 (3 vs.)Additional Optional SongsSB#107 – Hark the glad sound! The Savior comes,TB-87 – Joy to the World!D4-T9 (3 vs.)HC#270 – Hark! the herald angels sing SB#108 – Hark! the herald angels sing HC-270TB-270 – Hark! The Herald Angels SingHCD25-T20HTD4-T5 (3 vs.)Additional Optional SongsHC#140 – O Come, All Ye FaithfulSB#116 – O come, all ye faithfulHC-140TB-496 – Adeste FidelesHCD12-T20HTD3 –T1 (3 vs.)Lighting of Advent CandleReader 1:Christ chose a stable so that he could identify with the least of us, with the poor and the vulnerable. He demanded none of the world’s comforts nor protections. Reader 2:Jesus came exposed, from the first moment, to all the dangers the world could offer, and so he remained until they led him to the cross. Reader 1:He chose the least so that you might have the most. Reader 2:He entered by the stable that you might dwell forever in the palace.Reader 1:Though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich. (2 Corinthians 8:9, NLT; Why the Nativity?, inside cover)[Light Advent Wreath candles 1, 2, 3 and 4]HC#146 – Here I am to WorshipHC-146HCD13-T16Christmas Testimonies – Theme: “Why I Believe in Jesus…”Jesus, a King incognitoResponsive Scripture: Leader:God’s ways often run counter to our expectations. Jesus came to turn the world and its values upside down. The conventional wisdom of our world is that kings rule the rest of us from ivory towers. They set up a hierarchy that ranges from the most powerful to the least. Jesus came to make a shocking statement: that true greatness is found not in ruling but in serving. He built his kingdom not with power but with love.All:God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the earth. (Matthew 5:5, NLT)Leader:Could Jesus have brought such a message from the window of an imposing palace? Of course not. Jesus was a king incognito—the greatest ruler of all time, in the guise of a poor, traveling teacher. Very few traditional kings embrace lepers or mingle with society’s most rejected people.All:Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? (James 2:5, NIV)Leader:Jesus came to show that the greatest power is to be found not on the outside but in the heart of an individual. All:The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, “See here!” or “See there!” For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you. (Luke 17:20-21, NKJV; Why the Nativity?, page 117)SB#153 – Thou didst leave thy throne and thy kingly crown TB-94 – MargaretHTD10 –T6 (4 vs.)Additional Optional SongsHC#79 – God in You, God in MeHC-79HCD6-T19HC#110 – He is HereHC-110HCD9-T20Christmas Prayers (open up to congregation to pray)Pastoral PrayerFather, I want to live a life that pleases you. I want to walk through each day depending on your power, looking for your hand, listening for the still, small voice of your guidance. Use me for your kingdom’s purposes. Nudge me into greater acts of faith. Call me to a deeper level of trust. Soften my heart, O Lord, so that I may live worthy of our calling and fulfill your highest purpose for my life. Amen. (The NIV Worship Bible, page 1596)Message – Why Do I Need to Believe in Jesus?HC#139 – There is a MessageHC-139HCD12-T19Additional Optional SongsHC#186 – When I Look into Your HolinessHC-186HCD17-T16HC#179 – Come to JesusHC-179HCD16-T19HC#169 – HallelujahHC-169HCD15-T19HC#120 – In the MangerHC-120HCD10-T20Benediction: Yes, Lord Jesus, I believe, I believe that you are the resurrection, the one who has conquered death. I believe that you are the life, the one from whom we receive divine abundance forever. I believe that you are the Christ; God’s anointed one who has come to save us. I believe that you are the Son of God, the King who reigns forever, the only Son who reveals the Father to us. My mind affirms that all of this is true and my heart confirms with a resounding “Amen!” I place my full confidence in you, for you alone are worthy of my trust. Yes, Lord, I do believe! Amen. (Praise and Worship Bible, page 1443)HC#149 – In Christ AloneSB#861 – In Christ aloneHC-149TB-132HCD13-T19Vocal Benediction OptionsSB#73 – All hail the power HC#141 – All Hail the PowerTB-69 – DiademHC-141HTD6-T7 (4 vs.)HCD13 –T11HC#61 – Crown Him King of KingsHC-61HCD5-T11HC#180 – It was on a starry night SB#112 – It was on a starry nightHC-280TB-535 – sameHCD16-T20HC#260 – Go, tell it on the mountain SB#106 – Go, tell it on the mountain,HC-260TB-631 – sameHCD24-T20HTD11-T4 (2 vs., start with chorus)Why the Nativity?Advent Sermon – Week 4December 23, 2012Why do I need to believe in Jesus?By Major Morag YoderScriptureJohn 1:10-13TextJohn 1:12 – Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of GodI’ve been feeling a bit like Fred Gailey! Anyone recognize the name? He was the lawyer in Miracle on 34th Street who examined and put people’s beliefs to the test in order to prove there was a Santa Claus. This is no courtroom, but in light of our theme, I imagined delivering a heavy theological lecture on Christmas, and to be perfectly honest, I wasn’t inspired! Christmas for rejoicing, not for arguing! However, today is decision time. Throughout Advent this congregation has examined the facts – we’ve considered the “whys” and “whens” of the nativity, and now comes the important and personal concluding question, “So what?” Why should I care? Do I believe what I’ve heard, seen and experienced? What does Jesus mean to me? What difference does his nativity make in my 21st century life? Miracle on 34th Street is a classic Christmas story of faith versus common sense. The tagline for the 1994 remake of the original 1947 movie is “If you really believe, anything can happen.” My favorite scene comes as Kris Kringle stands trial in a NYC courtroom and, one by one, all the doubting characters display their “I Believe” buttons. Something miraculous happens in their hearts and minds, moving them from skepticism and doubt to belief! Hollywood planned for the movie to loosely echo the Christian story of redemption. Maybe this is part of the problem – like Hollywood, too many people try to remake Jesus into who they want him to be! We warm to the idea of Jesus being just like Santa Claus. Lots of folk say the historical Jesus existed, but not everyone believes he is the son of God who came into the world in a miraculous and redemptive way. And fewer still are ready to admit any need for Jesus. John 1:10-13 reminds us this kind of skepticism and rejection isn’t new:“[Jesus] was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.” Last Sunday we examined why Jesus came, and it had nothing to do with fulfilling gift lists or spreading Christmas cheer! He came in obedience to God, out of necessity to engage and save sinners like you and me. Unlike Santa Claus, the Jesus of the nativity didn’t come to earth simply to capture our imaginations or spread the spirit of joy and goodwill for a few weeks each December. Whether or not we truly believe in the person and work of Jesus Christ is the most pivotal and personal question of our lives! If Jesus were just a sentimental, fairy tale character, he would never cause such ongoing, worldwide dispute or inspire such widespread, eternal hope! The gospel message about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus is not fiction – Romans 1:16 tells us, “It is the power of salvation for everyone who believes.” Only Almighty God could plan and carry out an amazing mission that started in Bethlehem, culminated at Calvary and spans into eternity. I considered having designated seating today – one side for believers and one side for skeptics. Not because I want to cause squirming or discomfort, but because I want to share the good news that our great God is thrilled to have both believers and non-believers represented this morning! God isn’t afraid to deal with our questions and doubts – he’s dealt with man’s uncertainty since the beginning of time. He wants us to come to him – doubts and all! I can’t help but think of the father who came to Jesus in Mark 9:24 – this man had doubts, but he also had a huge problem and wanted—needed—to believe. So what did he say to Jesus? “I do believe, help my unbelief!” This is why God ultimately sent Jesus when he did – he sent his son to rescue the world – a world of cynics, scoffers and sinners. Romans 5:6-8 tells us how much Jesus loves us:“You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Jesus, who held total command of the universe in his hand, gave it all up to stretch his hands out for us on the cross.No one is born a skeptic; skeptics are made. Usually doubt starts when trust is broken. Circumstances of life disappoint us; someone we trust hurts us and, as a result, we lose faith. Marriages end, illness strikes, loved-ones die, unemployment and financial hardship hits, the person you love doesn’t fall in love with you in return and, regardless of what our culture says, we don’t always get what we want! Because people don’t understand what Jesus came to do, they dismiss him when he doesn’t fulfill their “Santa Claus-style” expectations. Jesus never came to fill our wish list or make our dreams come true. In accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior we discover that he becomes our fulfillment! He came as God in the flesh – to love us – to forgive, rescue and save us – to come alongside through his Holy Spirit with comfort in times of trial and guide us when we lack direction – to teach and show us how to live – to provide us with hope now and forever.People will let us down – sadly even those closest to us. No one’s perfect (not parents or siblings or even spouses). As long as we look to other people to model the kind of life God intended for us, we’re destined to experience disappointment, conflict, self-destructive behaviors, selfishness and emptiness. Jesus came to earth to demonstrate a better way to live – a life of kindness, goodness, grace, mercy, sacrifice and gentleness. He taught mankind how to live loving, unselfish lives of service and demonstrated a pattern for living that really works. Over the past few weeks, the persuasive facts of the Nativity have been laid before this congregation and community. We’ve examined the scriptures and looked at eyewitness testimony. Today is the culmination of Advent and the perfect time to declare, “I believe!” It would be easy to assume that because we’re in church this Christmas, everyone here has already made a decision for Christ, but that would be a very dangerous assumption to make. People often give the impression they believe, even when they don’t. I speak from experience!Most of you know I grew up in a Christian home – in fact – in Salvation Army terms I’m considered “a child of the regiment”… Share personal testimonyJesus became my Lord and Savior when I was 25 years old and from that moment on, my life has been transformed in ways I could never have planned or imagined! Without this pivotal moment of belief I wouldn’t be standing before you today. I need to believe in Jesus because he chose to believe in me – even when I least expected it. He loved me enough to give me more chances than I deserve. And there you have my testimony, which I honestly declare to be the truth – the whole truth and nothing but the truth! The Advent time of preparation and deliberation is at an end. It’s the moment of decision – time to state your verdict. Christmas is all about Jesus – Christmas can’t be truly celebrated without belief! As Christians everywhere once again welcome Jesus into our world, you too have the opportunity to welcome him into your life – for the first time or the hundredth time! Come and pray for yourself. Pray for those who struggle to believe. Pray for courage and conviction to live out your belief in Jesus – Holy Child of the Nativity – perfect Son of God. ................

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