East Craigs Primary School

Assessing Progress through the Significant Aspects of Learning in Nursery Term 2 2017 – 18


|Curricular Area |Significant Aspect |Learning Statement |

| |Using knowledge and understanding of: |Explore numbers, understanding that they represent quantities and can use them to count. |

|Numeracy & Mathematics |Number |Exploring ways to sort, gather and display information. |

| |Data Handling | |

|Literacy & English (including Modern |Listening and talking |Communicate with others and begin to take turns and know when to talk and when to listen. |

|Languages) |Reading |Enjoy choosing stories and other texts and share likes and dislikes. |

| |Writing- forming letters correctly and mark making | |

|Health and Wellbeing |Planning for choices and changes |Begin to express feelings and talk about them. |

| |Physical activity, sport and health |Enjoy daily opportunities to take part in different kinds of energetic play. |

|Sciences |Weather |Explore the outdoors and ways to measure weather. |

|Technologies |Exploring uses of materials, creating gifts for Christmas Fair |Explore how to construct models using our ‘loose parts’ and natural curiosity. |

| |Den building | |

|Expressive Arts |Creating |Move in response to music, rhymes, stories and ideas. |

| |Nativity performance |Experiment freely with media to create images. |

| | |I can perform in our Christmas Nativity show. |

|Religious and Moral Education |Learning about others’ beliefs, festivals and celebrations. |Communicate a simple understanding of traditions and celebrations. |

| | |Understand the importance of respecting everyone for their similarities and differences. |

| | |I can care for others and I am kind towards them |

| | |I can retell the Christmas Story |

|Social Studies |History |I can find out about people and events from the past (Guy Fawkes/Bonfire Night). |


Discrete Subjects

Generally we learn these subjects on their own but the knowledge and skills we will acquire can be transferred to other areas.


Listening & Talking

-We will begin to take part in small group discussions; favourite books/stories/feelings/’Talking Tubs’/’Talking and Thinking floor books’.

We will discuss and recall the events in our Nativity play

Writing –using different ways of recording my ideas

Reading – exploring themed books about Winter and Christmas.

Maths and Numeracy

- Using the Stages of Early Arithmetical Learning (SEAL) Numeracy programme we will learn to name, order and count number. We will be learning how to form some numbers correctly.

-Ordering and sequencing numbers.

-Counting collections.

-Collecting and displaying information.

French – Through lots of fun activities and songs we will learn lots of simple vocabulary. Topics will include greetings, numbers and body parts.

ICT/Tech – Creating Christmas gifts to sell at PTA Fair.

-Den building- Forest Walks and in nursery garden

Ethos and Wider Life of the School:

At East Craigs we are very proud of the many ways that we help other people, develop our awareness of the world and learn to be responsible citizens. We’ll have the opportunity to:

• Participate in our school infant weekly assembly.

• Be chosen for the Team East Craigs Award

• Achieve daily rewards leading to ‘Golden Boy/Girl’


-Forest Walks

- P6 Buddies system starting

Assembly- ‘Time for Reflection’- attending/participating and follow-up, Remembrance Day.

Children in Need-taking part in whole school fund raising.

Interdisciplinary Learning:

Through a variety of topics, we’ll be taught different curricular areas and will develop our skills for learning. Each topic will be led by a particular area of the curriculum although there will be lots of opportunity to develop links across learning. The main topics for Term 2 are as follows:

HWB- We will learn how to be healthy and active outside in both the nursery garden and school grounds.


Halloween/ Bonfire Night- We will learn about Guy Fawkes and how to be safe near fire using our Fire Bowl.

Science- We will learn about the weather and ways we can measure and record this.



-‘Christmas around the World’



-Art, winter scenes



-Talking and Thinking Floor book

Planned Opportunities for Wider Achievement:

As well as getting the chance to learn in lots of different ways by making, saying, writing and doing, we’ll also get the chance to learn through different experiences. We’ll record our achievements in our ‘Talking and Thinking floor books’ and celebrate them on our ‘Learning Wall’ displays as well as at Assemblies. We’ll get the chance to participate in:

• Infant school Assembly

• Outdoor learning

• Team East Craigs Award- one AM, one PM child each week awarded at Assembly or in nursery.

• Achieve daily rewards for ‘Golden Boy/Girl’

• Head Teacher Award

• Wider Achievements/ personal achievements- recognised in School Newsletter and child questionnaires sent home with parents.

What will I be learning in Nursery?

Term 2


Successful Learner

Effective Contributor

Confident Individual

Responsible Citizen


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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