Long Hollow Baptist Church

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Pretend to be Animals.

Ask the preschoolers to name animals for all of the Christmas stories and to make their sounds and imitate their walks, etc. – help as needed – examples: donkey for travel; sheep in Shepherd’s story, animals in stable, camels used by Wise Men, etc.

Sing Christmas songs that the children choose.

Transition Activity Time

This material is adapted from Bible study lessons from the Winter 2008 quarter of Bible Teaching for Kids: 3’s Pre-K Leader Guide, which is copyrighted by LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Used by permission.

Bible Verse:

“Wise men worship Jesus.”

Matthew 2:11

Small Group Bible Activity Time – Teacher prepares the activities from the teaching box. Activities are placed on the tables or floor for children to rotate through in small groups. Each activity relates to the Biblical truth. (about 25 minutes.)

Large Group Bible Story Time or Tree Hollow– Children will hear the Bible story, participate in a Bible verse activity, sing and worship through a large group experience. This activity is led by the teacher unless Tree Hollow is scheduled for your hour. (about 20 minutes)

Large Group Bible Game Time – Children can play a game or activity as a large group to reinforce the Bible truth. (about 10 minutes)

Transition Activity Time – large or small group activities for preschoolers to transition into the next hour. (about 10 minutes)

Snack Time – Snack will be brought to your room if it is served during your session time.

Bible Story: “The Wise Men Visited Jesus” Matthew 2:1-12

Bible Truth: We should worship Jesus.

Bible Verse: “Wise men worship Jesus.” Matthew 2:11

Life Application: Preschoolers thank God for Jesus.

Age: 3s-Pre-K

December 27, 2009

Bible Teaching Overview

Schedule and Explanation of Activities

Supplies Needed

8:45 & 11:30 (11:00 at WH and 11:15 at Gallatin) 10:00 (9:30 at White House)

Bible picture, Nativity Box Musical instruments

Color Sheet, crayons, play dough, cutters Bible story pictures, Nativity Box

Puzzles, books Take Home sheet, crayons

Construction paper, baby lotion, paint Cut-out paper plates, green tissue

Bean bag, cut-out stars, colored tape red letter “J”; small wooden

blocks, wrapping paper, tape

Step 1: Before the Story, assemble the Bible, Bible picture. Small gift boxes #2, #3, #4, & #5.

Step 2: Set up the Nativity Scene and let the children see it while you tell the Bible Story. With the Bible open, tell the Bible story from memory. Make eye contact with the children. As you tell the Bible story, show the Bible story picture.

Bible Story Time

(Ask children to sit on the carpet or at tables as you lead the Bible story time)

“Wise Men Visited Jesus” Matthew 2:1-12

One day some wise men from a far away place came to Jerusalem. They were looking for a special child who had been born. They were looking for Jesus. The wise men went to see King Herod. “Where is this special child?” the wise men asked. “We have seen a bright star in the sky. We know the star means that this child has been born.”

When King Herod heard this, he became upset. He had not heard about Jesus’ being born. The king called together all the church helpers. He asked them if they knew where Jesus was to be born. “We know that a special child was to be born in Bethlehem,” the church helpers answered. Then King Herod told the wise men,

“Go to Bethlehem and look for the child there.”

The wise men began their trip to Bethlehem. The same star they had seen went ahead of them and stopped over the place where Jesus was. The wise men followed the star to the house where Jesus and His family lived.

The wise men went into the house and found Mary and Jesus. They were so happy to see Jesus! They bowed down and thanked God for sending Jesus. The wise men gave Jesus gifts—gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Then the wise men left to return to their home far away.

3. After the Bible Story, ask the preschoolers to identify each person in the Nativity. Then ask them to say the Bible memory verse with you several times:

“Wise men worship Jesus.” Matthew 2:11

4. Ask the preschoolers WHO they will tell about the birth of Jesus.

Play a Bean Bag Game.

Place all the Bible story pictures for the month on the floor. Ask a child to toss a bean bag

On a picture and tell the story of that picture.

Bible Learning Game Time

Bible Learning Activities

8:45 & 11:30 (11:00 at WH and 11:15 at Gallatin)

1. Paint Activity: Give each child a piece of construction paper. Put 2-3 dabs of baby lotion on the paper and a few dots of paint on top of that. Let the children finger paint a picture. Talk about the lotion—it’s used to soften babies skin—just like Baby Jesus. Tell them that Mary was Jesus mother and she took very good care of Baby Jesus. Tell the preschoolers that the Wise Men brought gifts to Baby Jesus. One was called myrrh-which was like an oil or lotion.

2. Make a Collage:Give the preschoolers a star and several pieces of colored tape. Help them glue the star in the center of the page. Let them stick the multi-colored tape pieces around the star. Talk about how the star in the sky shone brightly and led the Wise Men to Baby Jesus.

3. Bean Bag Toss:Read the Bible verse to the children: “Thank You, God, for Jesus” Luke 2:38. Toss a beanbag (or a paper wad) to a preschooler as you say the Bible phrase, leaving out a word. Guide the child to say the MISSING WORD and toss the beanbag back to you.

For the 11:00 Session, you can also use activities from page 4—if you have the time.

10:00 (9:30 at White House)

1. Give each child the “Take Home Sheet”: Review the Bible story on the front of the page, and then give them crayons to color the Wise Men who traveled to see Jesus.

2. Show the Nativity Box:Let the preschoolers open the gift boxes from the Nativity set in random order. Ask them to tell you about each item they open and how it relates to the story of

Jesus’ birth.

3. Make paper wreaths: Give each child a cut-out paper plate. Help them glue pieces of green tissue on the rim of the plate. Give each child a red “J” to glue on the wreath. Tell them the letter “J” is for Jesus. Comment: “At Christmastime, people hang wreaths and use other decorations to celebrate the birth of Jesus.” Thank God for Jesus together. Sing “Jesus Loves Me.”

4. Wrap Gifts: Place several small wooden blocks on a table. Give each child a piece of wrapping paper and place a roll of tape on the table. Help the children wrap the block like you would a gift. As the preschoolers work, talk about how fun it is to give gifts to others. Ask them what their favorite Christmas gift was. Close the activity by reminding them that the Wise Men took gifts to Baby Jesus.

Tell the preschoolers that their gift to Jesus is for them to love Jesus. Share ways that they can express their love to Jesus


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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