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Daphne Choto at daphnechoto@  

For Immediate Release



SAINT PETERSBURG, FL -This Saturday and Sunday the American Indian Movement of Florida (Florida AIM) will hold demonstrations in Miami, FL and Saint Petersburg, FL to condemn the continued glorification of genocide by honoring Christopher Columbus the first and greatest Transatlantic terrorist. 

It is indisputable that Christopher Colon a/k/a Columbus was responsible for the genocidal murders of millions of Caribe, Taino, Arawak and Lubicyon peoples. Within little more than a decade and half of his 1492 invasion, the Indigenous population of the Caribbean had been nearly wiped out. Columbus's brother Diego and an accompanying Franciscan Francisco Casaus chronicled (the chronicles later published by his son Bartholome) and provide evidence of the intent of the "Admiral of the Ocean Seas" They recount how Columbus ordered Native men hung to their deaths in rows of thirteen (13) both to "honor" Jesus Christ and to strike terror in the hearts of the Native communities-in the first accounting of faith based terrorism. They recount how Columbus ordered his men to feed Native infants alive to the Spanish dogs to give them a "taste" for Indians. Columbus himself in a 1493 letter to the Queen of Spain documented these things and his own continued  to "easily grab thrash and rape these women without mercy. A hundred castellanoes (a Spanish coin) are as easily obtained for these woman as for a farm, and it is very general and there are plenty of Spanish dealers who go about looking for girls; those from nine to ten (years old) are now in demand." 

Today in America we honor this genocidal mass murdering rapist and pedophiliac with a holiday. Only those who kill, rape, and steal from Indians in America are honored for their crimes. There are no days honoring Adolf Hitler, no days honoring Pol Pot, no statues to Jeffery Dahmer or Ted Bundy. There are no parades for sex offenders. Yet if you commit your crimes against Indian peoples you are almost assured of at least getting a statue in your honor. Even today you will likely get away with your crime. Indian peoples victimized by hate crimes get little or more likely no justice. The United States Civil Rights Commission met in 1999 in South Dakota and determined killing a dog will secure a more vigorous prosecution leading to the sentence allowed by law than killing an Indian. The murderers and rapists of Candace Rough Surface served less than a decade for their brutal acts, those who murdered Robert Many Horses got a "boys will be boys" response in the year 2000 for their asphyxiation killing of the young Lakota man. Those who murdered Wallace Black Elk Jr., Ronald Hard Heart, Randy Headbird, Mike Berry, Leroy Jackson, Gabby Daniels or Ronald Beartrack Randy Headbird, Mike Berry, Leroy Jackson, Gabby Daniels, Ronald Beartrack, or Allan Two Crows-to name a few have never been brought to justice. Why? Because if you kill an Indian in America its okay, hell it's more than okay, if you kill enough you can get a statue. If you kill, rape and inspire sheer terror you can have a day filled with parades.

Its time for this insanity to stop. After 517 years its time to do more than paying lip service to respecting and recognizing the humanity of Indigenous peoples. And its time to start at the beginning. Columbus should be treated no different than any other pedophiliac sexual predator whose also a mass murderer who if he doesn't kill or rape you will enslave and sell you. Unless American society is prepared to honor murderers, sex offenders, and slavers especially those who rise to the level of genocidal maniacs, its time to end this perverse ghoulish honoring of Christopher Columbus. 

On October 8, at 1pm members and supporters of Florida AIM will demonstrate at the Miami statue to the murderer Columbus (Miamimarina Parkway and Biscayne Bay in Bayfront Park) and on October 9th at 1pm we will demonstrate at the  St Petersburg statue to the murderer Columbus (At the south approach to the Pier). This will be followed by calls and campaigns to the City of Miami and City of St Petersburg to tear down these offensive and inappropriate statues. Its time to treat Native peoples with the same respect and dignity afford other human beings. If these cities will not tear these statues down, it is the responsibility of the people to do so. Either way, they must and shall come down.


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