4th Grade Camelot Home Page

Objective: In this activity, you will decide what factors make a website reliable or unreliable.

Do you believe everything you read on the Internet? You shouldn’t.

What To Do:

1. Visit the websites listed below. Are they reliable? Why or why not?

2. Look for the site’s author. Is there a way to contact him/her?

3. Look at the website. Is the site based on facts or one sided opinions?

4. Does the information seem to be accurate?

5. Try to find the last time the site was updated.

6. Create a list of at least 3 reliability rules. What things should you look for on a website? What are clues that a website may not be reliable?


|The Pacific NW Tree Octopus | |

|The Jackalope Conspiracy | |


|Mankato, MN | |

|Christopher Columbus Bio | |

Take notes on this sheet. List your reliability rules under your notes.

|Website: |Is there an Author? If so, list the|Is the website Based on facts? |Does the information seem to be |Is the information Up-to-Date? If |Do you believe this source is |

| |name | |accurate? |so, give us the latest date? |credible? |

|The Pacific NW Tree Octopus | | | | | |

|The Jackalope Conspiracy | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|SDSU.EDU | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Mankato, MN | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Christopher Columbus Bio | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Reliability Rules





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