Headache Diagnosis Coding (ICD-10) - Veterans Affairs

VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guideline for Primary Care Management of Headache (2020)

Headache Diagnosis Coding (ICD-10)

The medical classification list for headache seen in the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision is used by healthcare providers to code the most specific headache diagnosis for patients. Patients may have more than one headache disorder (e.g., migraine headache and medication overuse headache). For more information about headache criteria, please see .

Intractable refers to headaches documented by the provider to be treatment resistant, treatment refractory, medically refractory, pharmacoresistant, and/or poorly controlled.

Status migrainosus refers to migraine headaches lasting more than 72 hours.

Common Primary Headache Disorders

Tension-Type Headache Tension-type headache, unspecified Episodic tension-type headache Chronic tension-type headache

not intractable G44.209 not intractable G44.219 not intractable G44.229

G44.2XX intractable G44.201 intractable G44.211 intractable G44.221

Migraine without Aura

Migraine without aura, without status migrainosus

Migraine without aura, with status migrainosus

Migraine, unspecified, without status migrainosus

Migraine, unspecified, with status migrainosus

not intractable G43.009

G43.XX intractable G43.019

not intractable G43.001 intractable G43.011

not intractable G43.909 intractable G43.919

not intractable G43.901 intractable G43.911

Migraine with Aura

Migraine with aura, without status migrainosus

Migraine with aura, with status migrainosus

not intractable G43.109

G43.1XX intractable G44.119

not intractable G43.101 intractable G43.111

Chronic Migraine without Aura

Chronic migraine without aura, without status migrainosus

not intractable G43.709

Chronic migraine without aura, with status migrainosus

not intractable G43.701

Note: There are no ICD codes for chronic migraine headache with aura

G43.7XX intractable G43.719 intractable G43.711

Menstrual Migraine

Menstrual migraine, without status migrainosus

Menstrual migraine, with status migrainosus

not intractable G43.829

G43.8XX intractable G43.839

not intractable G43.821 intractable G43.931

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Less Common Primary Headache Disorders

Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgias (TAC)

Cluster headache syndrome, unspecified not intractable G44.009

Episodic cluster headache

not intractable G44.019

Chronic cluster headache

Episodic paroxysmal hemicrania

Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania

Short lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache with conjunctival injection and tearing (SUNCT)

Other trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias (TAC)

Hemicrania continua

not intractable G44.029 not intractable G44.039 not intractable G44.049

not intractable G44.059

not intractable G44.091

G44.0XX intractable G44.001 intractable G44.011 intractable G44.021 intractable G44.031 intractable G44.041

intractable G44.051

intractable G44.099 G44.51

Other Primary Headache Disorders

Other migraine, without status migrainosus not intractable G43.809

Other migraine, with status migrainosus not intractable G43.801

Ophthalmoplegic migraine

not intractable G43.B0

New daily persistent headache (NDPH)

Primary thunderclap headache

Other complicated headache syndrome

Hypnic headache

Headache associated with sexual activity

Primary cough headache

Primary exercise headache

Primary stabbing headache

Other headache syndromes

G44 intractable G43.819 intractable G43.811 intractable G43.B1

G44.52 G44.53 G44.59 G44.81 G44.82 G44.83 G44.84 G44.85 G44.89

Common Secondary Headache Disorders

Post-Traumatic Headache

Post-traumatic headache, unspecified not intractable G44.309

Acute post-traumatic headache

not intractable G44.319

Chronic post-traumatic headache

not intractable G44.329

Persistent headache attributed to mild traumatic injury to the head

Persistent headache attributed to moderate or severe traumatic injury to the head

G44.3XX intractable G44.901 intractable G44.311 intractable G44.321



Post-Whiplash Headache Persistent headache attributed to whiplash Sprain of ligaments of cervical spine Sprain of joints and ligaments of other parts of neck, initial encounter

G44.841 S13.4XXA S13.8XXA

Cervicogenic Headache Cervicogenic Headache

Drug-induced Headache Medication-overuse headache Analgesic abuse headache

not intractable G44.40

G44.841 G44.841

G44.4XX intractable G44.41

G44.410 January 2021

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