

1) If they hear not __________ and the ____________, neither will they be persuaded though one would _______ from the ________. (Luke 16:31)

2) In 1799 Napolean’s soldiers discovered what? ___________________. It was written in what two languages? _____________ _______________.

3) What year did we first understand Egyptian writings? _______________.

4) Time Magazine said, “There are parts of the _____ ______________ where the evidence is contradictory or still _________, including slavery in Egypt, the existence of ___________.”

5) According to Secular history what are the beginning and ending dates of the Egyptian dynasties? ___________________________________.

6) What was the capital of Luxor in the 18th dynasty? ______________. What does the Bible say was the capital at the time of the Exodus? _____________________________________________________.

7) Who was the Egyptian priest who recorded the Egyptian kings? ___________________________________________________.

8) How many Egyptian dynasties were there? ____________.

9) What four problems exist with our trusting Manetho? A) B) C) D)

10) What is the T.I.P.? __________ ______________ ____________.

11) What is the beginning date of the Egyptian dynasties according to the revised chronology?

12) Gen 10:6 “The sons of Ham: Cush, ____________, Put and Canaan.”

13) Eusebius identifies the first Egyptian king as Menes or ___________.

14) Which dynasty made the Zoser pyramid? _____________________.

15) Who built the Red pyramid? ______________________________.

16) Who may have contributed valuable information to help build the Red pyramid? _________________________.

17) Josephus states that Abraham, “Communicated to them ____________, and delivered to them the _____________ ___ ____________; for before Abram came into Egypt they were unacquainted with those parts of learning for that science came from the Chaldeans into Egypt.”

18) Who introduced hieroglyphs into the pyramids for the first time? _______.

19) Who was Pharaoh when Joseph was put in prison? _________________. What dynasty was this? _____________________.

20) “Pharaoh said to Joseph. . . You shall be _______ my house . . . Only in regard to the throne will I be ___________ than you” Gen 41:39-40.

21) “When he also held the office of chief treasurer, as did the powerful vizier _____________ under ________________, the account which he could give of himself. . . Read like the declaration of the king’s power”

22) In the 12th dynasty a canal call Bar Yusuf was made. What does Bar Ysuf mean? ___________________________________________________.

23) In a tomb from an administrator from the 12th dynasty a famine is recorded stating, “No one was unhappy in my days, not even in the years of ______________. For I had tilled all the fields of the nome of Mah, up to its southern and northern frontiers. Thus I prolonged the life of its inhabitants and _______________ the ____________ which it produced. . . I ________________________ equally to the widow as to the married woman.

24) Hungry Rock states, “I was in mourning on my throne. Those of the palace were in grief, my heart was in great affliction. Because _______ [river god] had failed to come in time in a period of _______ years. Grain was scant, kernels were dried up, scarce was every kind of food. . ..

25) Which Pharaoh would have enslaved the Israelites? ________________.

26) Which Pharaoh would have ruling when Moses was born? __________________________________________________________.

27) What town was excavated showing Asiatics had lived in Egypt during the 12th dynasty? ___________________________________________.

28) What was found in wooden boxes in Kahun houses? ________________.

29) “Now the _______________ of Pharaoh came down to bathe at the river, and her maidens walked beside the river; she saw the basket among the reeds and sent her maid to fetch it.” Exodus 2:5

30) Who was Amenemhet III’s daughter and why is she significant? __________________________________________________________.

31) How many years did she rule? ________. Why would she have ruled? ____________________________________________________.

32) Which Pharaoh did Moses tell to “Let my people go?” _______________.

33) Who is Wahnerferhotep and why is he significant? __________________________________________________________.

34) The Ipuwer papyrus says, “No, but the heart is violent. ________ stalks through the land and _________ is everywhere… No, but the river is _________. Does a man drink from it? He rejects it as human. He thirsts for water. Nay, but gates, columns and walls are consumed with fire. . .nay but men are ______. He that lays his brother in the ground is everywhere. . . Nay but the son of the high-born man is no longer to be recognized. . .The __________ people from outside are come into Egypt. . . Nay, but corn is perished everywhere. People are stripped of clothing, perfume and oil. Everyone says, there is no more, the storehouse is bare. It has come to this. The king has been taken away by ______ ________”

35) Rosalie David writes about the town of Kahun: “It is apparent that the completion of the king’s pyramid was not the reason why Kahun’s inhabitants eventually deserted the town, ___________ their tools and other possessions in the shops and houses. There are different opinions of how this first period of occupation at Kahun drew to a close. . .The quantity, range and type of articles of everyday use which were left behind in the houses may indeed suggest that the departure was _________ and unpremeditated.”

36) Josephus records the fall of Egypt under a man named Timaus. What is strange about how the country fell? _____________________________.

37) Who did Josephus say took over the country? ____________________.

38) Who were the daughters of Thutmose I? ______________, _________________________________________________.

39) “Pharaoh king of Egypt had gone up and taken Gezer and burned it with fire, had killed the Canaanites who dwelt in the city, and had given it as a dowry to his ______________, _________________ wife” (1 Kings 9:16).

40) If Thutmose I burned Gezer, who married Solomon? ________________.

41) Who was the Queen of Sheba? ________________________________.

42) Where in the Bible do we see that the Queen of Sheba or the Queen of the South was the Queen of Egypt? _________________________.

43) What land did the Queen of Egypt depict on her mortuary temple? _____________________________. What evidence shows this was Israel? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

44) Josephus says, “There was then a woman, queen of _______ and Ethiopia. . . When this queen heard of the virtue and prudence of Solomon, she had a great mind to see him . . Accordingly she came to ________________ with great splendor and rich furniture.

45) Thutmose III attacked which city along with Megiddo? _____________. What is the most probable name for this additional city? _____________.

46) Who is known as the first monotheistic pharaoh? __________________.

47) What is significant about the inscriptions left by Merneptah? _____________________________________________________. What event does it probably speak of? _______________________________.

48) Which Israelite king was a contemporary of Tirhakka? _______________. What Scripture tells us what happened to Tirhakka? ________________.

49) Who killed Josiah? __________________________________________.

50) “This is what the Sovereign LORD says: ‘I will destroy the idols and put an end to the images in ____________. No longer will there be a prince in ___________, and I will spread fear throughout the land.’” Ezek 30:13

51) In what year did Egypt fall for good? ______________________. Who conquered it? ___________________.



1) Moses, Prophets, rise, dead.

2) Rosetta Stone. Greek and Egyptian

3) 1822

4) Old Testament, absent, Moses.

5) 3100 BC to 322 BC

6) Luxor. Memphis.

7) Manetho

8) 31

9) Writings are lost. Quotes contradict. Sources unreliable. Said many dynasties contemporary.

10) Third Intermediate Period

11) 2100 BC

12) Mizraim

13) Mestraim

14) 3rd Dynasty

15) Seneferu

16) Abraham

17) Arithmetic, science of astronomy.

18) Unas

19) Sesostris I, 12th dynasty.

20) Over, greater.

21) Mentuhotep, Sesostris I.

22) Joseph’s Canal.

23) Famine. Preserved. Food. Distributed.

24) Hapy, seven.

25) Sesostris III

26) Amenemhet III

27) Kahun

28) baby bones

29) daughter.

30) Sobekneferu. She raised Moses.

31) 4 years. Moses fled Egypt and she had no children.

32) Neferhotep I

33) Neferhotep’s oldest son. Never ruled because he died (Passover).

34) Plague, blood, blood, few, stranger, poor men.

35) Abandoning, sudden.

36) There was no battle.

37) Hycsos.

38) Nefrubity and Hatshepsut.

39) Daughter, Solomon’s

40) Nefrubity.

41) Hatshepsut.

42) Daniel 11

43) Punt. Pictures show things brought back that Solomon would have had.

44) Egypt, Jerusalem.

45) Kadesh, Jerusalem.

46) Amenhotep IV

47) The word Israel is recorded on it. Probably the Assyrian exile.

48) Hezekiah. Ezek 29:1-4

49) Necho II

50) Memphis. Egypt.

51) 322 B.C. Alexander the Great.


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