United States History

United States History EOC Review

1. _____________________________________________________________ the belief (theory) that it was the right of the United States to occupy all of America from Sea to Shining Sea!

2. _____________________________________________________________ The Census of 1890 announced the official end of the American Frontier (Frederick Jackson Turner)

3. _____________________________________________________________ this war between the states (CSA v. USA) promoted the growth of industrialism in the late 1800s (steel, railroads, communication, weapons, mass production of pre-made goods)

4. _____________________________________________________________ railroad baron, a true symbol of the “Gilded Age,” known as the Commodore. A college in Tennessee bears his name.

5. _____________________________________________________________ owned U.S. Steel and used Vertical integration to monopolize the steel industry. Gave millions to build libraries and schools.

6. _____________________________________________________________ developed the air-braking system and alternating current – this allowed power to be sent over long distances.

7. _____________________________________________________________ the sleeping car made him a very wealthy man. 1894 Strike resulted in the death of 34 people.

8. _____________________________________________________________ he invented the telephone and was a pioneer in communication not only for the hearing, but for the deaf and hearing impaired as well.

9. _____________________________________________________________ the light bulb is his most famous invention, he also invented the phonograph, and the first motion pictures.

10. _____________________________________________________________ owner of Standard Oil, he used Horizontal Integration to control the oil business.

11. _____________________________________________________________ developed the food processing industry (meat packing)

12. _____________________________________________________________ the belief that the strongest societies will survive. This idea was also used to justify monopolies and trusts. If a business is meant to survive – it will. Laissez – Faire: government should keep out of business limit regulations.

13. _____________________________________________________________ distillers conspired with political parties to cheat the U.S. Govt. out of millions of dollars of tax revenue. Citizens would demand reform within the government. Money was going to political parties instead of where it should go.

14. ___________________________________________________________ political machine that controlled politics in NYC in the late 1800s. Controlled by Boss William Marcy Tweed who was exposed by the political cartoons of Thomas Nast in Harpers Weekly. Nast is the father of the symbols of political parties, the modern image of Santa Claus.

15. ______________________________________________________________ he invented barbed wire and brought an end to the open range.

16. ______________________________________________________________ he invented the typewriter.

17. ______________________________________________________________ he made milk chocolate available to the world. A Pennsylvania city bears his name.

18. ______________________________________________________________ he invented the telegraph.

19. ______________________________________________________________ he was a wealthy banker – purchased Carnegie Steel and created U.S. Steel.

20. ______________________________________________________________ attempt to stop patronage and political scandal, required government employees to pass a Civil Service Exam

21. ______________________________________________________________ the first government attempt to regulate business. (1887) required railroads to charge fair rates and to publish those shipping rates.

22. ______________________________________________________________ political movement for the common people. The government should own the railroads. Bimetallism, workers should have an 8 hour workday and better benefits. William Jennings Bryan – Cross of Gold Speech

23. ______________________________________________________________ phrase coined by Mark Twain, describes time period between 1865-1900, extravagant wealth (top 5% held 86% of the nations wealth) terrible poverty existed underneath the surface.

24. ______________________________________________________________ an attempt by the US Government to Americanize the Native Americans. Divided reservations into small family sized plots of land.

25. _______________________________________________________________people came to America to escape harsh conditions in their own countries. (Gold Rush, Religious Freedom, Jobs, Land)

26. _______________________________________________________________ protestants, lighter skin, lighter hair, lighter eyes, came to America from Western Europe – (Great Britain, Germany) in search of religious freedom.

27. _______________________________________________________________ immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe, they did not speak English – primarily Catholic. Came for opportunity – jobs, land.

28. _______________________________________________________________ feelings of hostility for immigrants. It favored people or products that were American.

29. _____________________________________________________________ created the Hull House to help the inner-city poor. Provided health care, and education to those in need.

30. ____________________________________________________________ photographer who showed the harsh conditions in America’s big cities during the Gilded Age. Published a book titled How the Other Half Lives.

31. ____________________________________________________________ We should spread the American culture to the less fortunate. It would provide more jobs, supply raw materials, and provide much needed navy bases. It would also open up new markets for businesses – a strong sense of nationalism.

32. ___________________________________________________________ (1898) Explosion of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor, Battle of San Juan Hill – Teddy Roosevelt, the Philippines, Cuba, Yellow Fever, US support of Imperialism.

33. ___________________________________________________________ (18th Amendment) illegal to manufacture, distribute, or possess any type of alcoholic beverage (distilled spirits). The Noble Experiment. Opened the door for organized crime (Al Capone), bootleggers and smuggling.

34. ____________________________________________________________ President Teddy Roosevelt helped Panama gain independence from Columbia (created a revolution). The United States completed the job that France was unable to finish. This feat greatly increased the power of the Navy by linking the Atlantic and the Pacific. The distance of travel (New York to San Francisco) was shortened by several thousand miles. The United States would now control shipping in the Western Hemisphere.

35. ____________________________________________________________ William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer published sensational stories and used this form of journalism to promote the Spanish-American War.

36. ____________________________________________________________ idea that the United States should get involved in world affairs

37. ____________________________________________________________ idea that the United States should avoid involvement in world affairs. The quote from George Washington inspired this belief, “avoid foreign entanglements.

38. ____________________________________________________________ (19th Amendment) Women gained the right to vote with the passage in 1920. The Perfect 36, at the time of passage, the number of states was 48. 3/4ths of the states had to pass a proposed amendment before it would be added to the Constitution. Tennessee became the 36th state to ratify the 19th Amendment.

39. _____________________________________________________________ He was the youngest member of the Tennessee legislature from McMinn County. Carrie Chapman Catt visited his mother, who convinced him to vote in favor of the amendment. Harry Burn cast the tie breaking vote and women across America earned the right to vote. “Don’t forget to be a good boy and Help Mrs. Catt with her rats!”

40. ____________________________________________________________ she was the National director of the Women’s Suffrage Movement. She lobbied for the passage of the 19th Amendment from Tennessee.

41. _____________________________________________________________ he was the 34th governor of Tennessee – He was governor when the 19th Amendment was ratified. (Perfect 36) He called for a special session of the legislature so the amendment could be vote on.

42. ____________________________________________________________ phrase coined by Teddy Roosevelt. Reporters who discovered corruption within industry and government organizations. Laws were created and changed because of their work.

43. ____________________________________________________________ reporter who exposed illegal actions committed by the Standard Oil Company.

44. ____________________________________________________________ vegetarian activist who exposed the horrific conditions in the meat packing plants of Chicago. His book, The Jungle, aimed to hit America in the heart, but hit in the stomach instead. This book led to the passage of the Meat Inspection Act of 1906 and brought awareness to unsafe practices.

45. ____________________________________________________________ Alliances, Nationalism, Imperialism, Militarism, Anarchy, Leadership. (Causes of…)

46. ____________________________________________________________ pilot who was the first to fly solo nonstop from NYC to Paris. His plane, the Spirit of St. Louis, now resides in the Smithsonian institute. The flight took 33 and ½ hours! He became a folk hero to America.

47. ____________________________________________________________ this became a centerpiece of the home in the 1920s. Shows like The Lone Ranger, The Shadow, Little Orphan Annie aired on this device. President FDR used this as a means of communicating with the American public in what became known as fireside chats.

48. ____________________________________________________________ overspeculation in the stock market, crop failures, drought, too much credit – buying on time, unemployment, bank failures, tariff barriers, uneven distribution of wealth – middle class very small

49. ____________________________________________________________ shantytowns made from scrap material, wood, metal, etc. Homeless people lived in these during the depression.

50. ____________________________________________________________ pockets turned inside out to protest the poor economy.

51. ____________________________________________________________ newspapers used to cover up with due to the poor economy.

52. ____________________________________________________________ veterans of the Great War (WW I) who marched on Washington D.C. to demand the bonus promised to them in 1945. In 1932 US troops attacked this group and drove them out of the capital.

53. ____________________________________________________________ many people traveled this famous highway to California during the Great Depression. Many were from Arkansas (Arkies) and Oklahoma (Okies). The spirit of this group was captured in the classic book The Grapes of Wrath. California was called “The big rock candy mountain or the land of milk and honey.” The people were looking for hope.

54. ___________________________________________________________ poor farming practices and a severe drought led to horrible dust storms and left much of the Southern Great Plains in despair.

55. _____________________________________________________________ (1933 – 1936) FDR’s plan to end the Great Depression. 3 major goals were what FDR called his 3 R’s – Relief, Recovery and Reform. Many were put back to work, but the Depression was ended when America entered WW II.

56. _____________________________________________________________ created by President Roosevelt’s Second New Deal. Provided a pension plan for retired citizens and those who were disabled.

57. _____________________________________________________________ this agency employed more people than any other. Workers built roads, bridges, schools, post offices and numerous other public buildings.

58. ______________________________________________________________ created by the New Deal to help with flood control, provide jobs, and cheap hydro electric power to a seven state area.

59. ______________________________________________________________ created by the New Deal to establish confidence in the nation’s banks. The government would provide insurance for up to $5,000

60. ______________________________________________________________ young men from 18 to 25 were employed to build parks, playgrounds, clear trails, build dams, and plant trees. The site where Powell High School sits was a camp for this agency during the Great Depression.

61. ______________________________________________________________ she became the symbol of the working woman during World War II. Women were welders, machinists, fabricators, etc…

62. ______________________________________________________________ this (1935) act gave workers the right to join labor unions. A minimum wage was established, and the maximum hours that one could work.

63. ______________________________________________________________ in an attempt to restore trust in the nation’s banks, FDR closed all banks for 4 days. Only those banks that were solvent were allowed to reopen. The closures of the banks coupled with the creation of the FDIC were attempts to stop runs on the banks.

64. ______________________________________________________________ The Axis powers during World War II. (remember they wanted to dance a JIG on the map of the world!)

65. ______________________________________________________________Allied powers during World War II. (remember RUG) and France.

66. ______________________________________________________________ the secret project to build an atomic weapon.

67. ______________________________________________________________ Tennessee city created to help construct the first atomic weapons. Hanford, Washington and Los Alamos, New Mexico also played important roles in the project. This site in Tennessee was chosen for its seclusion and proximity to cheap hydroelectric power.

68. _____________________________________________________________ the two Japanese cities were destroyed on August 6, 1945 and August 9, 1945 by atomic bombs. The use of these weapons brought about the surrender of Japan.

69. ____________________________________________________________ this brought women into the workforce, America saw daycare for the first time ever, many people moved to urban areas in search of employment, African-Americans found work in factories.

70. ____________________________________________________________ One of the greatest pieces of legislation in American history, this gave veterans the opportunity to go to school, get job training and guaranteed home loans. It also provided loans to those starting a business.

71. ____________________________________________________________ The Final Solution – 6 million European Jews and 5 million others would die in Concentration Camps. (Genocide)

72. ____________________________________________________________ per FDR this Executive Order would place more than 100,000 Japanese Americans into Internment camps. Korematsu v. the United States (1944) the Supreme Court agreed with FDR that American citizens should be protected from possible uprising. Finally, under President Reagan in the 80s the government would apologize and make payments to survivors.

73. ____________________________________________________________ Congressman from Tennessee, he became the Secretary of State under FDR and served in that position longer than anyone in American history. He is often called the “Father of the United Nations.” He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1945.

74. _____________________________________________________________ “Day of Infamy” December 7, 1941. Over 1,100 men died aboard the USS Arizona.

75. _____________________________________________________________ the turning point of the war in the Pacific, from this point forward the Japanese would be on the defensive.

76. ______________________________________________________________ Operation Torch – 1943, General Patton would lead the Americans to victory and eventually attack what Churchill called the “soft underbelly of Europe.”

77. ______________________________________________________________ Operation Overlord – June 6, 1944 the greatest amphibious invasion in history to that point – A second front designed to liberate Europe would be opened.

78. ______________________________________________________________ May 8, 1945 would become known as…

79. ______________________________________________________________ August 14, 1945 would become known as… (the formal surrender of Japan would actually take place aboard the USS Missouri on September 2, 1945.

80. ______________________________________________________________ the United States policy designed to keep Communism from spreading after WW II.

81. ____________________________________________________________ belief that if one nation fell to Communism, so would those around it.

82. ______________________________________________________________ Karl Marx was the father of this type of government – ideally, it would create a classless society.

83. ______________________________________________________________ Southern Democrats who opposed desegregation (Brown v. Board of Education 1954). Strom Thurmond ran for President in 1948 as a member of this political party. Ironically, the symbol of the party was the Statue of Liberty!

84. ______________________________________________________________ (1950 – 1953) arguably the most brutal war America has ever been involved in – temperatures in excess of - 40◦ F. 54,000 Americans would lose their lives in what became known as “The Forgotten War.” The USSR and China would aid North Korea. At the conclusion of fighting the country would remain divided at the 38th Parallel. The war has never officially ended. America still has troops there today. President Truman called this war “A Police Action.”

85. ______________________________________________________________ this resolution was passed by Congress giving President Lyndon Johnson authority to escalate U.S. involvement in Vietnam after the USS Maddox and USS Turner Joy were said to have been fired on by North Vietnamese gun boats.

86. ______________________________________________________________ 58,000 Americans would lose their lives in the first TV war. The United States wanted to prevent communism from spreading to South Vietnam. Although America inflicted extremely heavy casualties on the enemy, public opinion turned against the war. More bombs were dropped here than on Germany, Japan, and Korea combined.

87. ______________________________________________________________ Communist leader of Cuba who led a successful revolution in 1959. He declared Cuba would become a Communist state. (90 miles from Florida)

88. ______________________________________________________________ after WW II, this country was divided into West & East. The West would be democratic and the east would be communist. The city of Berlin would also be divided.

89. ______________________________________________________________ The plan to rebuild Europe after WW II to avoid the spread of communism. The U.S. spent billions in war torn countries. Secretary of State George Marshall felt that stronger countries could avoid falling to communism.

90. ______________________________________________________________ A United States plan to help Greece and Turkey avoid falling to communism. Within this doctrine, President Truman said America would aid any free people (country) fighting against communism.

91. _____________________________________________________________ The Soviet Union built a concrete wall around the Eastern communist controlled section of Berlin. The wall became the ultimate symbol of the Cold War. The purpose of the wall was to keep people from escaping to the Western (free) sector of Berlin.

92. ______________________________________________________________United States C-54 cargo planes transported needed supplies into the city of Berlin after Stalin ordered the roadways and waterways into the city sealed off. (food, fuel, medicine, etc.)

93. _____________________________________________________________ Military alliance formed by the United States and allies to provide security in the event of an attack by the USSR.

94. _____________________________________________________________ Military alliance formed by the USSR with other communist countries from Eastern Europe.

95. _____________________________________________________________ Cuban exiles in the United States were trained by the CIA to overthrow Fidel Castro and his communist regime. President Kennedy’s biggest failure – at the last moment JFK called back the air support and the mission failed. It was an embarrassment for the US.

96. _____________________________________________________________ Brinkmanship – (I called it nuclear chicken!) (1962) U2 spy planes took photographs of Soviet nuclear missiles being placed in Cuba. JFK authorized a naval blockade around Cuba and demanded the missiles be dismantled and removed. The USSR pledged to remove the missiles – the United States removed missiles from Turkey and promised not to invade Cuba.

97. _____________________________________________________________ Senator Joseph McCarthy (1950s) fear of Communism – he used fear to gain political power. His tactics destroyed many lives. President Truman announces a plan to investigate Federal Employees for connections to communism. Senator John F. Kennedy challenged McCarthy and his tactics.

98. _____________________________________________________________ the first artificial satellite was launched by the USSR on October 4, 1957. As a result the United States began to emphasize science and math in education. NASA was formed.

99. _____________________________________________________________ The plan to put a man into space (United States). John Glenn became the first American to orbit the earth.

100. _____________________________________________________________ The bold project to put a man on the moon proposed by JFK. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first men to walk on the moon. “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

101. ______________________________________________________________ he became the father of the suburbs when he transformed a New Jersey potato farm into the largest neighborhood in the United States. Used mass production techniques to build houses. (Levittown)

102. _______________________________________________________________ period of time after WW II until the early 1960s, millions of babies were born in the United States.

103. _______________________________________________________________name for the popular form of music that teens were listening to in the 1950s.

104. _____________________________________________________________ Memphis studio where Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, and Jerry Lee Lewis recorded.

105. _____________________________________________________________ famous Nashville radio station that aired The Grand Ole Opry.

106. _____________________________________________________________ birth place of country music many careers were started here. Minnie Pearl, Buck Owens, Roy Clark, etc.

107. _____________________________________________________________ “the King of Rock n’ Roll” appeared on the Ed Sullivan show in 1955. He recorded at Sun Records. Honorably served in the Army when he was drafted. Home in a former church (Graceland) located in Memphis, Tennessee.

108. _____________________________________________________________ “Tune in, Turn on, Drop Out,” was a common phrase of this movement. Beatniks, Hippies, Flowerchildren. Became popular during the Vietnam War. Huge party at Woodstock, NY in the Summer of 1969.

109. _____________________________________________________________ (1896) Supreme Court decision that created the “separate but equal” doctrine. As a result many states across the South had “Jim Crow Laws.” Separate water fountains, restrooms, entrances, segregated seating at movie theatres, etc. Most importantly, segregated schools.

110. _____________________________________________________________ (1954) Supreme Court decision overturned Plessy v. Ferguson. Supreme Court ruled that all public schools should be desegregated with all deliberate speed. “Separate can never be equal.”

111. _____________________________________________________________ (1966) Supreme Court decision – a suspect must be made aware of his or her rights when arrested. “You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law…”

112. _____________________________________________________________ (1963) Supreme Court decision – ruled that every defendant in a criminal case must be provided an attorney if they cannot afford it.

113. _____________________________________________________________ (1973) Supreme Court decision that gave women the right to choose.

114. _____________________________________________________________ (1962) Supreme Court decision that made prayer led by school officials illegal.

115. _____________________________________________________________ (1957) Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. Nine African-American students became the first to attend. Ernest Green was the first to graduate. The 101st Airborne had to be sent in to escort the students to class.

116. _____________________________________________________________ (1962) he became the 1st African-American to attend Ole Miss. Air Force veteran.

117. _____________________________________________________________ the Montgomery Bus Boycott began in 1955 after she refused to give up her seat. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. became the leader of the boycott.

118. _____________________________________________________________ she was a leader of the sit-ins in Nashville, Tennessee and later worked for the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment.

119. _____________________________________________________________ (1964) This act ended legal segregation in all aspects of society. Senator Albert Gore, Sr. pushed for Civil Rights (Tennessee Senator who refused to sign the Southern Manifesto)

120. _____________________________________________________________ the federal government was given the power to force local officials to allow African-Americans the right to vote. (literacy tests, poll taxes and grandfather clauses were made illegal)

121. _____________________________________________________________ leader of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) believed in non-violent civil disobedience. Most famous speech, “I have a dream.” James Earl Ray assassinated him in 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee.

122. _____________________________________________________________ He wrote a book -- By Any Means Necessary “You can’t separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom.” Black Muslim leader who was assassinated by members of his own group. Believed differently than Dr. King believed in physical violence if necessary. (Nation of Islam)

123. _____________________________________________________________ Civil Rights leader who coined the phrase “Black Power.” Leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and later the Black Panthers.

124. _____________________________________________________________ She wrote, “The Feminine Mystique.” Feminist leader who believed women could make it in a man’s world.

125. _____________________________________________________________ 1st President to travel to China, 1st to travel to Russia, only President to resign from office.

126. _____________________________________________________________ Washington Post reporters who broke the Watergate story and brought down President Nixon.

127. _____________________________________________________________ Tennessee Senator who said, “What did the President know, and when did he know it?”

128. _____________________________________________________________ Texas Senator who headed up the Senate Committee investigating Watergate.

129. _____________________________________________________________ Group working for President Nixon to fix “leaks” coming out of the White House.

130. _____________________________________________________________ The Great Communicator (1981-1989) He led America to victory in the Cold War, oversaw the largest non-war military buildup in history. Believed in trickle down economics, tax breaks to business – economic growth. He reduced the size of government through Deregulation – Reaganomics. John Hinckley attempted to assassinate him in 1981.

131. _____________________________________________________________ founded Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club. Bought in extremely large quantities and sold at low prices. (Discount Stores)

132. _____________________________________________________________ largest manufacturer of computers. “Dude, you’re getting a…”

133. _____________________________________________________________ father of the Ford Mustang and the Chrysler Minivan! CEO of Chrysler. Saved Chrysler from collapse. He paid back the money Chrysler borrowed from the government. “If you can find a better car, buy it.”

134. _____________________________________________________________ multi-millionaire who made his fortune in the real-estate business. Tried to copyright the phrase, “You’re Fired!” Started the USFL a football league that played in the Spring. He fought the NCAA so that Jrs. Could come out of school to play professional football.

135. _____________________________________________________________ father of Microsoft, the wealthiest man in America.

136. _____________________________________________________________ computer industry giant who started Apple Computers, Macintosh, I-Phone, etc.

137. _____________________________________________________________ the father of McDonalds. He purchased the rights from the McDonald brothers and spread the restaurant world wide.

138. _____________________________________________________________ President Eisenhower brought this idea from Germany to the United States, originally it was designed for military purposes – quick evacuation of the cities in the event of a nuclear attack. This act transformed America.

139. ______________________________________________________________ Founder of Federal Express (FedEx) based in Memphis, Tennessee. This man earned a C on his college paper – the professor said he would never be able to challenge the Post Office. This man has that paper framed in his office today!

140. _____________________________________________________________ founded the largest online book seller in the world.

141. _____________________________________________________________ founded the Tuskeegee Institute an all black farming college. He believed that African-Americans would gain economic equality before they would gain social equality. He was the first African-American to dine at the White House (Invited by Teddy Roosevelt)

142. _____________________________________________________________ founded the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) believed that African-Americans should fight for equality and demand respect.

143. _____________________________________________________________ African-American who founded the “Back to Africa” movement.

144. _____________________________________________________________ known as the “Father of the Blues,” this Memphis musician influenced many African-Americans to pursue a career in music.

145. _____________________________________________________________ (Harlem Renaissance) African-American author who wrote Not Without Laughter and The Weary Blues.

146. ______________________________________________________________ a combination of large companies form an alliance to squeeze out competition. The companies used money to influence members of the US Senate. This led to the passage of the 16th Amendment (Direct election of Senators)

147. ____________________________________________________________ new laws established a new form of government within Indian reservations. Individual tribes were now able to govern themselves. Native Americans could leave the reservation and still retain identity.

148. ____________________________________________________________ (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization) formed in 1954. Provided to less fortunate countries in the area and promised military support if needed. An effort to stop Communism from spreading in Southeast Asia.

149. ____________________________________________________________ Saddam Hussein (Iraq) invaded the oil rich country of Kuwait. President Bush (41) organized a US led coalition to drive Iraq out of Kuwait by military force. Started January 16, 1991.

150. ____________________________________________________________ President with one of the most impressive resumes in American history, (8 yrs. VP, Director of the CIA, RNC Chair, WW II Navy pilot, etc, etc..). Elected President in 1988 – defeated Michael Dukakis. Saw victory in Desert Shield / Storm, and the end of the Cold War. Had the resume, but didn’t have the charisma. Lost the Presidency to Bill Clinton in 1992 election. The 92 election pitted him against Clinton (D) and Perot (I). Clinton benefited from the 3 way race winning the Presidency with only 43% of the vote.

151. ______________________________________________________________ won the Presidential election in both 1992 and 1996 but did not reach the 50% mark in either election. Ross Perot helped him win in 1992 by taking votes from George H. W. Bush. In 1996 he won in yet another 3 way race against Perot (I) and Dole (R). Benefited from a period of great economic growth. His time in office was rocked by 2 scandals – Whitewater and Monica Lewinsky. Became the 2nd President to be impeached.

152. ______________________________________________________________ elected President in one of the closest elections in history (2000). He defeated Al Gore (D) in the Electoral College, but lost the popular vote. The state of Florida played a critical role in deciding the outcome. The Supreme Court decision in Bush v. Gore brought the 36 day fight for Florida’s 25 Electoral votes to an end. He won the Electoral College 271 to 266.

153. _______________________________________________________________ this day saw the loss of more than 3,000 American lives, the destruction of the World Trade Center, and damage to the Pentagon. The heroic action of passengers aboard flight 93 saved the US Capitol possible destruction.

154. _______________________________________________________________ Terrorist group responsible for the horrific events of September 11, 2001 – led by Osama Bin Laden.

155. _____________________________________________________________ name of the military operation in Iraq. Saddam Hussein was overthrown, yet the weapons of mass destruction were never found.

156. ____________________________________________________________ this country has been a safe haven for terrorists like Bin Laden. The Taliban government sponsored terrorist training camps and suppressed the people of this country. In response to September 11, 2001, President Bush (43) ordered the invasion of this country.

157. _____________________________________________________________ 1st African-American to be elected President, he defeated Sen. John McCain in 2008. “Yes We Can.” “Change We Can Believe In.” Pledged to have the most transparent administration in American history and to reform health care.


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