Rapport Joni Eareckson Tada

[Pages:3]Rapport Joni Eareckson Tada

Samengesteld door M.V.

Joni Eareckson Tada is een The Message nepbijbel lievende, vleselijke en wereldlijke eerbewijzen aannemende, neo-evangelische, oecumenische sympathisant van afvalligen. Het spijt me dit te moeten zeggen, maar de heersende geestelijke blindheid moet doorbroken worden. Zij betekent een groot gevaar voor de zaak van Christus en het eeuwige leven van velen. Haar boeken worden echter gretig gelezen. Onwetendheid heerst (vgl. Hosea 4:1, 6; Jesaja 5:13)! Het wordt daarom hoog tijd dat ik reageer met een opsomming van trieste feiten die zich in mijn archief bevinden. Voor bijbel- en waarheidsminnende christenen, die hun bijbels onderscheidingsvermogen hebben geoefend, spreken volgende feiten voor zichzelf. Ik hoef ze niet eens te vertalen of te becommentari?ren. Zij echter die de waarheid niet liefhebben (Johannes 3:19) zullen mij nu wel `stenigen', maar de anderen worden erdoor gewaarschuwd, tot eeuwige zegen. Omwille van hen doe ik het ... beslist niet om de critici te kwetsen ... tenzij zij daardoor juist wakker geschud worden. God geve het!


WOL: : Over The Message parafrase-nepbijbel: "Joni Eareckson Tada says, "WOW! What a treasure The Message is. I am going to carry it with me. This is a treasure that I will want to use wherever I am".

LHT: : "Honolulu 2007 will take place March 29th-31st at the Hawaii Convention Center. The event is hosted by Hawaiian Island Ministries. This year's conference will have several contemplative speakers including Tony Campolo, Erwin McManus, H. B. London (Focus on the Family), and Dallas Willard. In past years speakers have included contemplatives as well: Leith Anderson (Ted Haggard's replacement for the NAE), Larry Crabb, Richard Foster, Bill Hybels, Brennan Manning, John Ortberg, and Philip Yancey. It is unfortunate to also see popular Christian leaders like Josh McDowell, Joni Eareckson Tada, and Luis Palau as past speakers".

BDM: : In verband met Kay Arthur's The International Inductive Study Bible: "Appearing on tape (after four of the five programs) to endorse the Study Bible were social activist Beverly LaHaye, self-love psychobabblers R.C. Sproul and Josh McDowell, neo-evangelical Joni Eareckson Tada ...".

BDM: : In verband met de afvallige Louis Palau, de `Billy Graham van Zuid-Amerika': "Also, Palau's web site lists endorsers of his ministry: Billy Graham, Chuck Colson, Jack Hayford, Joni Eareckson Tada, Joseph Stowell, and the Archbishop of Canterbury (Angelican)".

BDM: : In verband met neo-evangelical R.C. Sproul: "On Sproul's "Renewing Your Mind Online" website, he touts ministry endorsements by such notable neo-evangelical psychologizers as John MacArthur, D. James Kennedy, Elisabeth Elliot, Ravi Zacharias, Jerry Bridges, and Joni Eareckson Ta-


da" ... "Sproul has written a revised edition (1991) of In Search of Dignity and renamed it The Hunger For Significance. It has been endorsed by some of the most prominent psychologizers in the professing church (Charles Allen [author of God's Psychiatry, who says, "Reading this book has stimulated my sense of self-worth"], Bill Bright, Chuck Colson, Joni Eareckson Tada, and David Hubbard [then president of Fuller seminary])".

BDM: :

In verband met de psychospiritualiteit van David en Karen Mains: "David and Karen Mains have championed psychospirituality for decades, from their radio and television shows to the material used in their 50-Day Spiritual Adventures for churches. Additional evidence of the Mainses sell-out to pop psychology can be gleaned from past monthly issues of The Chapel Newsletter, wherein one can find glowing endorsements, recommendations, and radio show guest scheduling of such Freudian, humanistic, and/or behavioral psychologists/psychologizers as Larry Crabb, Frank Minirth, Sandra Wilson, David Seamands, Richard Foster, Joni Eareckson Tada, Larry Burkett, Tim Sledge, Mark Senter, Josh McDowell, etc., etc. (Josh McDowell was David Mains' guest on his 1/26/93-1/28/93 radio programs -- McDowell admonished Mains for not being "self-love oriented" enough!)".

DIC: :

Over Rick Warren connecties en The Message parafrase-nepbijbel-lezers: "Warren is listed as `The Message' Bible reader on NavPress, along with a number of heretics - `WE HOPE WE CAN ADD YOUR NAME TO THIS LONG LIST OF MESSAGE READERS: Amy Grant, Benny Hinn, Bill Hybels, Bill and Gloria Gaither, Billy Graham, Brock and Bodie Thoene, Carol Kent, Chuck Swindoll, Cynthia Heald, Dan Quayle, Dave Dravecky, Toby-DC Talk, Don Moen, Duffy Robbins, Frederick Buechner, Gary Chapmen, Gary Smalley, Gordon Fee, Gordon MacDonald, Harold Fickett, J.I. Packer, Jack Hayford, Jay Kesler, Jerry Jenkins, Jerry Savelle, Jim Burns, Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter, John Maxwell, Joni Eareckson Tada, Joyce Meyer, Kathy Peel, Keith Miller, Kenneth Copeland, Leighton Ford, Leith Anderson, Luci Shaw, Madeleine L'Engle, Max Lucado, Michael Card, Michael W. Smith, MikeYaconelli, Newsboys, Patsy Clairmount, Pat Williams, Phil Driscoll, Rebecca St. James, Richard Foster, Rick Warren, Rod Parsley Ron Kenoly, Stuart and Jill Briscoe, Tim Kimmel, Tony Campolo, Tremper Longman, Bono of U2, Vernon Grounds, Walter Kaiser Jr., Walter Wangerin, Warren Wiersbe, Wayne Rice, Wellington Boone, Madeleine L'Engle'".

AA: :

Onder "Moderne parafrases" (The Message): "many of today's church leaders lend their names to the endorsement of the book, i.e.: `Amy Grant, Benny Hinn, Bill Hybels, Bill and Gloria Gaither, Billy Graham, Chuck Swindoll, Cynthia Heald, Gary Smalley, Gordon MacDonald, J.I. Packer, Jack Hayford, Jerry Jenkins, Jerry Savelle, Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter, John Maxwell, Joni Eareckson Tada, Joyce Meyer, Keith Miller, Kenneth Copeland, Madeleine L'Engle, Max Lucado, Michael Card, Michael W. Smith, Newsboys, Rebecca St. James, Richard Foster, Rick Warren, Rod Parsley, Stuart and Jill Briscoe, Tony Campolo, Vernon Grounds, Walter Kaiser Jr., Warren Wiersbe'". Zie verder de vertaling van het artikel: .

SG: :

Met betrekking tot het oecumenische `Evangelical Christian Leaders Endorse New Statement On Gospel': "Over 125 Evangelical Christian leaders have endorsed a new statement affirming their common commitment to the central message of the Christian faith. The list of endorsers includes leaders from a wide range of denominations and organizations. Among those endorsing the statement are Don Argue, Bill Bright, Roberta Hestenes, Oswald Hoffman, Bill Hybels, Walter Kaiser,


Kenneth Kantzer, D. James Kennedy, Woodrow Kroll, Max Lucado, John MacArthur, Beth Moore, Richard Mouw, Luis Palau, Earl Palmer, Pat Robertson, Adrian Rogers, John Stott, Joseph Stowell, Joni Eareckson Tada, Thomas Trask, John Walvoord, Bruce Wilkinson, and Ravi Zacharias". Zie ook: .

WIKI: : "In November 2009, Tada signed an ecumenical statement known as the Manhattan Declaration" Zie over de Manhattan Declaration (greep uit de links ter waarschuwing op mijn site): m; ; . Zie op deze Wiki-pagina ook haar ijdele, vleselijke "awards".

EP: : "On November 20th a coalition of 150 leading representatives of Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Evangelical traditions released a joint-statement, `The Manhattan Declaration'. Amongst the Evangelical signatories were several high-profile names, Chuck Colson, Tim Keller, Albert Mohler, and Joni Eareckson Tada ...".

WND: : "To date approximately 250,000 have signed the Manhattan Declaration. These include 168 religious leaders, many whose names you will recognize: ... Joni Eareckson Tada (Joni and Friends) ..."

Joni is host op het zwaar afvallige TBN: .

Joni is erevoorzitster op de oecumenische "National Day of prayer" van 2011, en schrijft een gebed: .

verhoevenmarc@skynet.be - verhoevenmarc.be - verhoevenmarc.be/NieuwsteArtikelen.htm



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