Palahniuk Craft Essays

Craft Essays by Chuck Palahniuk

2005 ? 2007

Establishing Your Authority


Developing a eme


Using "On-the-Body" Physical Sensation


Submerging the "I"


Nuts and Bolts: Hiding a Gun


Beware the " esis Statement"


Reading Out Loud ? Part One


Reading Out Loud ? Part Two


Nuts and Bolts: Punctuation with Gesture and Attribution 59

When You Can't Find a Writing Workshop


Learning from the Cliches... en Leaving em Behind


Talking Shapes: e Quilt Versus the Big O


Textures of Information


Effective Similes


Talking Shapes: e umbnail


Talking Shapes: e Cycle


Talking Shapes: e Rebel, the Follower and the Witness


Nuts and Bolts: Using Your Objects


irteen Writing Tips


Killing Time ? Part One


Discon nected Dialogue ? Part One


Body Language ? Part One




Required Reading: Absurdity


Utility Phrases: When All Words Fail


Names Versus Pronouns


Nuts and Bolts: Plot Points


Tell a Lie, Bury a Gun


A Story from Scratch, Act One


A Story from Scratch, Act Two


A Story from Scratch, Act ree



Establishing Your Authority

It was after basketball practice, my sophomore year in high school. We were all in the locker room, opening padlocks, getting towels, when the coach asked me back out to the gym oor. To practice a few more foul shots. Or lay-ups. Something. So I left my locker open, and went.

At the time, I had two friends: Fred Rutz and Robert Krause, and they seemed like enough. None of us three were popular. Fred and I, because we were terrible at sports. Robert, because he'd just transferred to Columbia High School, and we'd all heard his parents made him take ballet. Wearing tights. Still, if any of us three could move up the ladder, it would be Robert.

Back in the locker room, everybody had already taken their shower and got dressed. I took mine. And stepping into my shorts, these are tighty-white briefs from Sears or Penney's, the white fabric inside the crotch looked a little dark. A little stained. Blotched a faint, faded yellow.

Both my bare feet stuck through the leg holes, the elastic waistband pulled up to around my pale, hairy knee caps, this is really what went through my mind:

Mom must not be using bleach. We lived in the desert, where the well water was so "hard," so dense with dissolved minerals, that everything white you washed ? your underpants or T-shirts or gym socks ? would soon enough turn a rusty color. So in that moment, as my shorts pulled up past my knees, that was my answer. Not enough bleach. My shorts on, I pulled on my pants, my shirt and socks. I tied my shoes and combed my wet hair, going fast, not aware the locker room was still full of guys, fully dressed, not going home, waiting for something. Quiet. By now, it was dark outside. It was basketball season. Winter. e time when local dogs ran in packs to stay warm. Our dog included, a border collie. Down along the river,


you could nd the bloody tugged-apart hides of mule deer or rabbits the dog packs had caught. It was dark, and I had to walk home across the sagebrush and prickly pear cactus of the desert, wading through snow and low sand dunes. ere you could hear the dog packs barking and snapping in the dark. ose nights, when there was no moon, and the air was so cold it made your lungs cough big white clouds, so cold the snarling dogs sounded close by, those nights it was three-thousand-six-hundred and twelve steps from the back door of the gym to my family's kitchen porch. Give or take a step. e size of my stride. Or if I ran.

If my own dog would attack me, I didn't know. But running with that baying, rolling, biting tide of teeth and fur ? my dog just might.

So I didn't notice how the whole basketball team was still standing around. Not going home. Just waiting.

Of course Fred and Robert were waiting. ey were my friends. Together, we schemed to buy Spanish Fly from the ads in the back of Hustler magazine and somehow get it into the school's water supply. We talked about driving south all night, the thousand miles to and from the Mustang Ranch in Nevada. In a school where the upperclassmen stood around my locker in the hallway, every morning, waiting for me to arrive, so they could chant: Paula-Nick Suck My Dick... Loud as the school cheerleaders yelled during pep rallies. Well, two friends wasn't a lot, but they were enough. Two was better than none.

en I was dressed, then just shutting my locker, snapping the padlock. en, my nuts were on re. My testicles. My balls were burning hot, and the locker room was everybody laughing. My pants tore off, inside-out... my shirt tore off so fast the buttons went ying, gone... my shoes kicked off with the socks still inside them, I jumped into the shower and started scrubbing.


e stains in my shorts, the yellow that needed more bleach, it was a joke. It was a sports analgesic cream ? the hot-kind like Ben-Gay that got hotter and hotter the more you rubbed, the greasy kind that wouldn't wash off, wouldn't scrub off with soap and water, the super-strength kind the school had sitting around the locker room in white plastic tubs. While I was ubbing foul shots, someone had rubbed the crotch of my shorts full of this.

Everybody laughing, I scrubbed. Everybody dressed and zipping up their coats, pulling on knitted hats and grabbing their backpacks, I stood in the shower, naked and scrubbing by nuts. Everybody gone, and the coach shutting off the lights, I was still scrubbing. My balls still on re.

e three thousand six hundred and twelve steps through the dark still ahead of me. My dog lost, barking in the pack out there, tearing something apart.

It was Robert Krause. He put the hot in my shorts. To curry favor with the upperclassmen. Somebody I'd trusted.

After that, he was popular. Everyone in school heard the story. e next winter, I didn't go out for basketball. I got a job at a movie theater, tearing

tickets, popping corn, splicing lm, so far away that no one knew me. Every night, the drive took twenty songs on the radio or a whole eight-track tape, heard twice. e world is a bigger place than just Burbank, Washington, and after graduation I just kept going.

is year, I got a letter from Texas. From Robert Krause, who runs a garage and wrote to say hello and ask what I've been doing for the past twenty-three years. On his letterhead, it says he's a member of the Better Business Bureau. So I sent him a copy of Fugitives and Refugees, the travel book with the short "postcard" essays.

A friend of mine, Bob, makes soap as a hobby, homemade soap molded and wrapped to look exactly like the Paper Street soap used in the Fight Club movie. Bob had just delivered a box of soap, all the bars perfect and smelling like cloves and cinnamon, but he



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