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SMALL GROUP STUDY GUIDESermon Series: Red LettersSermon Title: The Walking DeadScripture Reference: Revelation 3: 1 - 6SERMON SUMMARYAbout five years ago Zombies were all the rage. There were television shows about zombies; there were movies about Zombies and there were books about Zombies. People were fascinated by the walking dead. However, all of that was pretend. Yet, in the church in Sardis Jesus accuses them of being the walking dead; at least spiritually. Jesus tells them that while they are doing a lot of things in the church they are dead inside. This warning should be a warning for all of us in the church today and we should look for the marks of a dead church and follow Jesus’ advice for how not to be dead. QUESTIONSWhat commercial on television, the internet or the radio do you find most interesting, annoying, funny or intriguing, why? What commercial that you are aware of could be used to advertise Covenant Church? If you had to design a commercial for Covenant Church what would it look like and what would it highlight? Why?Sardis was a wealthy, powerful and self-sufficient city. What are the dangers of being wealthy, powerful and self-sufficient? What are the spiritual dangers of being wealthy, powerful and self-sufficient?Jesus tells the church at Sardis they they appear to be alive but are really dead. How do you think the people of Sardis received this news? Were they offended, hurt or in denial? Why is it often hard to see the truth about ourselves?What do we often assume are the marks of a successful or an alive church in America today? How did the church in Sardis compare to such a church? Why is a big budget, large attendance and many programs often mistaken for a healthy or an alive church?What are the marks or signs of a church that is truly alive and not dead? What are the signs of a dead church no matter how successful it may appear to be?In the passage Jesus lays out some steps for how the Christians in Sardis could become alive again. His first step is for the people in Sardis to wake up. How does the church in America need to wake up? How, if at all, does Covenant need to wake up? How do you personally need to wake up?How does the church in America need to: strengthen what remains, remember, hold on and repent? How, if at all, does Covenant need to: strengthen what remains, remember, hold on and repent? How do you personally need to: strengthen what remains, remember, hold on and repent? ................

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