Knights of Columbus, Council #6520

Knights of Columbus - Council #6520

Regular Business Mtg Meeting Minutes. October 8th 2020

Meeting was held Under the Tent at the Emmaus Center and called to order at 7:30 PM. Gk opened the meeting with the Our Father, Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call of Officers

|Title |Name |Status(P/E) |

|Chaplain |Fr. Roy |E |

|Grand Knight |Bill Mazzio |P |

|Deputy Grand Knight |Bill Schmidt |P |

|Chancellor |Scott Lattimer |E |

|Advocate |Joe Clauss |E |

|Inside Guard |Dave Karbasian |P |

|Outside Guard |Stephen Bill |E |

|Warden |Jim Gibson |P |

|Treasurer |Al DiFrancesco |P |

|Financial Secretary |Peter Perno |E |

|Lecturer |David Angelotti |E |

|Recorder |Andre Caldini |E |

|1st Year Trustee |Dave Kohut |E |

|2nd Year Trustee |Mickey Zawatcki |P |

|3rd Year Trustee |Don Bouchard |P |

GK welcomed all to first meeting since March 2020. GK thanked PGK Don Bouchard for his service during the Past Columbian Year. Gk addressed assembly letting them know that even during the Pandemic, the officers were hard at work creating a newsletter, a trade directory, Invested our fund raising account into morally conscious investments vehicles, earning more interest. We also utilized the food trailer during the Pandemic garnering Supreme’s attention and publication.

Report of Admission Committee ( Scott Lattimer absent, GK reporting)

We have a membership Blitz scheduled at Church the weekend of 11/7-8 and we will need speakers for all masses to Recruit new Knights. We especially want new knights describing why they joined. Please contact Scott to volunteer.

We will be having a new 3rd degree ceremony ( a first) at the Church on 11/22 Sunday after the 12:00 PM Mass, and families will be invited to attend and Celebrate at the EC after the ceremony. Please show up to support your new brother knights and please wear your Knights gear of you attend.

Next Membership committee meeting 10/20/20 at 7:00 PM- S. Lattimers House.

Balloting for Membership- none to present

Upcoming degrees- 11/22 at Church- 3rd degree

GK’s Report- we are a council in good standing however we have achieved 0% percent of our membership goal- 0 out of 14. We do have 3 online knights signed up, however not on books yet.

We have not achieved Insurance goal as yet, due to the change in reporting. There will be 2 webinars to attend to achieve Star Council. One was this past 10/14 and 11 Knights attended which qualifies for 50% of goal.

November’s meeting will be held once again at Marco’s on 11/2 for Dinner at 6:30 PM and meeting at 7:30 PM. Dinner will be 20.00 as always and please contact me if you intend to attend

(capacity is 67 people- masks are a must)

Awarding of Degree Certificates

We awarded a Belated Family of the month for March to Deb and Steve Motylinski, for their work with the Marriage ministry, Soup and Stations and many other events

Knight of the Month-October

We awarded the KOM to Steve Motylinski for stepping up to head our Website development team creating a total current and up to date website, creating flyers, running our Sign up Genius and Evites. Congratulations!

Family of the Month- October

We awarded the FOM to Barry and Dawn Coceano, Son and daughter in law of Leo and Maryann Coceano, for his incredibly generous donation to the Knights which will start an endowment and will create scholarship well into the future- Thank you!

Correspondence Table

Thank you letter from Susan Wingate, Daughter of GK Don Bouchard, thanking us for our donation of a bike for her son Hudson. God Bless you Hudson!

Thank you letter from the Gullo’s thanking us for the prayers during the passing of Greg’s mom.

Chaplain’s Report


Treasurer’s report- Financial Secretary Al DeFrancesco

Starting Balance 8-31-2020 23140.11 Ending Balance 9-30-2020 42072.06*

* included Endowment check of 20,000 dollars from the Coceanos. Will be separated into another investment account.

Financial Secretary Report- FS Pete Perno


Report of Auditors and Trustees- 1st Kohut, 2nd Zawatcki, 3rd Bouchard


Report of Faith in Action Committees- DGK Bill Schmidt

Church director Hank Hess reported Church is in good shape, and read a very nice poem

Report of Life Committee- PGK Kohut, Pensabene, or Babinchok

Al Defrancesco mentioned that there is a Virtual event for Options for Women with Mike Huckabee on October 20th @ 7:00 PM. Email was sent out.

40 days for life is looking for volunteers to sign up to stand outside the local abortion clinic

And pray. Email was sent out.

Report of Community Committee- Brother Jim Wilhelmi- chairman

Jim gave a great presentation of his visit to Christian Caring center which has many different types of needs. Painting, powerwashing, construction projects etc. Jim and his committee will put together a list of priorities and we will decide which ones to tackle. We will also reach out to other councils for support.

Report of Family Committee- Brother Dave Karbasian- chairman

We are in need of a new committee chairmen as there is many things to do and not enough manpower for this committee. Dave reported on the Dedication Brick Sale which started recently. I will finish the report on this event below.

Fraternity Committee- Brother Andre Caldini- Chairman

Andre was absent, so GK wanted to thank him for his efforts this past month, sending out many cards to sick brothers. GK relayed a story of how brothers helped Brother Charlie Roskey recently clean up his property which was in disrepair. A perfect example of fraternity in action.

Women’s Auxiliary- Brother Karbasian

Nothing to report

Emergency Committee- PGK Casian

GK thanked him for the donation of Masks for our events.


District 34 Chapter Meeting- Chapter Dues Paid in full

Trade Directory- Please send in your advertisements for your services which can be provided to the GK to be added to the Directory.

Tree Lighting Testing- Brother Bill Scheffold thanked his brother knights who turned out in force and completed the task in 1 day not 2. Bill will provide upcoming times for putting the stakes into the ground in Mid November.


Mass for Deceased Knights- Next Mass on 11/1/20 at 10:30 PM Mass. Notified Fr Dan about the Beatification of Father McGivney on 10/31/2020, so we will put out an email about having the council show up for this Mass and celebrate this event. Wear your Knights gear if attending.

Hunger Harvest- 10/10/20- PGK Zawatcki reported that volunteers are still needed for some of the stores. He also made a motion to spend 140.00 for new signage due to Covid restrictions, motion was seconded and approved.

GK reported that October 12th is Columbus Day.

Bocce tournament-October 17th 11-5 PM- GK reported that the cost will be 10.00 per person to defray food cost. Cornhole, horseshoes available also. Bring your friends.

Blood Drive- October 23rd 2-7:00 PM- GK reported we need 52 donors and we are currently at 31 with only 5 knights. Need is greater during the Pandemic, Please sign up.

Golf Outing- PGK Bouchard reported that volunteers are still needed for the course. Everything is a go, and we will be setting up on Sunday on 10/25 in the afternoon.

Beatification of Father Mcgivney- October 31 Saturday 11:00 AM will be shown on EWTN, CATHOLIC TV and the SALT AND LIGHT CHANNEL.

Dedication Brick Sale- Brother Karbasian reported that the website is up and running. We are unable to hand out flyers at church, but there is a sample brick at the Church and Fr. Dan will be speaking about it from the pulpit. We are able to take Paypal online now. There were 7 bricks sold so far. Dave suggested we buy a brick for all of the Deceased Knights of the council. Orders can also be dropped off at the parish office and once we have an large enough order we will take delivery of bricks and install outside the church.

Wine Tasting- PGK Bouchard reported that the event scheduled for 11/6/2020 has been rescheduled to 5/6/2021 due to Covid concerns.

Mission of Honor- PGK Zawatcki reported that there will be a ministry minute in the church in early November. We donated 300.00 as a council this past year. He also made a motion to donate another 300.00 again this year to inter a deceased veteraan and it was seconded unanimously and approved. We discussed adding it to the budget every year and everyone was in agreement to this worthy cause.


GAGA Pit -Brother Xerri reported that he will be building this structure for the YES group and will need 4-5 volunteers on 10/24 and an email will be sent out.


Father McGivney Documentary- Shown on Facebook on October 25th at 8:00 PM.

Keep Christ in Christmas Magnets and Signs will be available to sell this holiday depending on Covid conerns.

Knights Masks on Sales-10.00 ea- Contact GK Mazzio to purchase.


Malvern Retreat House Storm Damage- GK made a motion to send 200.00 to Malvern retreat house to assist in repairs to Blessed Mother Grotto area damaged by trees during a recent storm. Motion made, seconded and passed.

Report of the 4th Degree and Assembly- PGK Casian and Bodzioch

PGK Casian to investigate whether there will be an in person 4th degree this fall.

Report of the Burlington County Chapter meeting- All meetings still held online and next meeting will be held on October 28th.

Benefits Co-ordinator- Field agent Carl Bruno

Brother Bruno reported that there will be a webinar on October 14th at 7:00 PM by renowned speaker Tom Hegna regarding Retirement. Attendance counts towards our Star Council quota.

District Deputy Report- Worthy DD Bruce Sirak

Nothing to report

Good of the Order

Please pray for the following people:


Ephraim Block- Funeral mass will be 10/9/2020 at St Mary of the Lakes Church at 11:00 AM. Please try to attend.

We also lost a few good brothers since our last meeting- Brothers Leo Coceano, Joe Aromando,

Rick Sander- Father of brother Mark Sander, passed away at 90 in Florida. Please pray for the family

Olga Martyruk- Friend of Brother Karbasian

May they all Rest in Peace.


Hudson Wingate

Catherine and Ken Bill

Joe Clauss’s sister- Susan

Jack Pensabene

Ed Martino

Don Bouchard

Joe and Lillian Hummel

GK Closed the meeting with the Hail Mary and Adjourned the meeting.



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