CUB Church Under the bridge | San Antonio Help for the ...

CHURCH UNDER THE BRIDGE FOOD MINISTRYGUIDELINESTABLE OF CONTENTS1. General Information2. Selecting What Food to Serve3. Preparing Food4. Serving in the Kitchen5. Serving in the Dining Room6. Staying the Course – Cleaning Attachments:1. Menu Suggestions2. Cleaning Checklist3. Volunteer Sign-In Sheet4. Donations-in-Kind LogAs of June 1, 2013Thank you for your decision to serve the congregation of Church Under the Bridge through the Food Ministry. We hope the information provided in these guidelines will help you prepare for your involvement in this ministry. There is a food service manager available for every night we provide meals to the street people of San Antonio. That manager is there to assist you as needed to prepare and serve your meal, guide you as you assign people to serving positions, and to ensure that we all adhere to the health standards provided by the state. Feel free to ask them for whatever you need to make your evening prosperous for you and those you are serving.1. GENERAL INFORMATION - Individuals who volunteer for service are an extension of the CUB staff. The image and behavior of an extended staff member must represent the Christian values and behavior expected of the staff. a. ARRIVAL TIME: Individuals volunteering for service should arrive by 5:45 p.m. to give us an opportunity to assess if we have enough volunteers for the evening. Your representative should have already coordinated in which areas your team will serve however, situations arise at times that preclude a scheduled volunteer from coming and we would need to use that time to contact additional help if necessary. b. AGE - Volunteers may be any age to serve in the food ministry with the following limits: (1) Children must be 12 or older to work in the kitchen. (2) Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult at all times and monitored for adherence to health standards if serving food in the dining room. (3) Parents should consider making other arrangements for children who are too young to help if caring for them would detract from their role in ministering that evening. (4) Children of all ages should be advised that at no time will running or playing in the dining room be acceptable, especially while serving the food. Children should not be given sanitary gloves until just before time to serve to ensure proper stewardship over resources. c. CLOTHING – Individuals volunteering should be appropriately dressed: (1) Closed-toed shoes must be worn for safety when serving in the kitchen. Shoes should have good tread or grip to prevent slipping hazards when the floors are wet. (2) Images and verbiage on clothing should not contain improper content. (3) Clothes should not be revealing. Please ensure clothing is modest and appropriate for working in a church environment. d. HAIR – Long hair should be pulled back in a ponytail or put up to avoid contact with food. e. HEALTH – Food Service Health Standards will be followed at all times. Kitchen managers will brief new volunteers on proper handling of food. Individuals who are ill and are sneezing, coughing, or have a runny nose may not handle or serve food. Aprons and gloves will be removed when using the restrooms; new gloves will be used after hands are washed before returning to serving positions. f. SERVING AREAS – Serving areas are divided into 2 distinct places: kitchen and dining room, and will be discussed individually in these guidelines. g. ATTENDING CHURCH – It is our desire that your group attend praise and worship with the congregation. When at all possible, food preparation should be complete and your volunteers should be assigned to positions by 6 p.m. so they can enjoy the first half of our church service. h. PARKING – Two (2) parking spaces are available inside the CUB gate for members of your group, except on Sunday, where one space is available. They are reserved for the individuals who are transporting your food or clothing donations. On Sunday, one of the spaces is reserved for the Little Caesar’s pizza staff who bring and prepare pizzas for the evening meal. The other members of your team should be advised to park in the lot directly across the street from the church. i. VOLUNTEER SERVICE – Each time your team donates time at CUB, your team leader should ensure the Volunteer Sign-In Sheet (Attachment 3) contains all team members and the number of hours they served to the half hour, rounded up (2.5, 3, 3.5, etc.). We know that our partner teams are essential to the effective operation of CUB and want to give your church or group credit for the hours sown into this church. j. DONATIONS-IN-KIND – If your church or group donates food or clothing when you come, please have your team leader complete the Donations-in-Kind Log (Attachment 4). Again, we understand how important your contributions are to this program and completing this log will help us to track those contributions.2. SELECTING WHAT FOOD TO SERVE a. BALANCED – The meal selected should include all food groups as best as you can. It is important that salad, fruit, or vegetables be incorporated somewhere into your menu as many of the individuals we feed do not always have the benefit of a balanced meal. b. QUANTITY – Meals should be prepared to serve 225 people. It is best to contact us a week before you come to see if we are trending higher or lower than 225. Individuals will only be served once so portions should be healthy. After everyone is served once, the serving line window will be closed. If a significant amount of food is still available and it is not feasible to freeze and use later, it can be brought to the dining room with disposable plates and given as “to go” meals. This will help facilitate beginning the cleaning process immediately after everyone is served once. c. LIMITATIONS – If your church or group is unable to monetarily support the entire meal or if your laborers in the vineyard are too few, please let us know at least a week before your scheduled evening. We have other groups and individuals we can partner with you to fill out your service. d. FEEDING VOLUNTEERS – The primary concern of all volunteers must be to prepare, serve, and clean-up after the meal provided to the CUB congregation. Feeding volunteers from your group should not interfere with that process. If you bring enough food and your volunteers would like to eat, they should be broken into groups: one group to continue the cleaning required while the other eats and then reverse those roles to continue the cleaning while the other group eats. Disposable plates and utensils should be used to minimize reusing items that have already been cleaned, dried, and put away. 3. PREPARING FOOD a. AT CUB – The kitchen at CUB is equipped with all of the food service equipment and items you would need to prepare a large meal and to maintain the correct temperatures for safe feeding. Cooking your meal in the CUB kitchen (or out back on the grill) is preferred. b. AT YOUR CHURCH OR BUSINESS – You must ensure that health standards and food temperatures are maintained throughout. Food should be cooked the day you are scheduled and properly stored and transported to CUB right away. Please do not risk the health and safety of the men and women who are fed at CUB. If you are uncertain if you can meet the requirements, ask us for advice or just plan to cook in the CUB kitchen. Your food service manager will gladly meet you to open our kitchen at whatever time you feel you need to begin your cooking.4. SERVING IN THE KITCHEN - If you have committed to providing the meal, your laborers will need to fulfill all kitchen positions before you overflow into other areas. For example, your laborers should not be assigned to hand out drinks or desserts in the dining room if there is no one available in the kitchen to wash large items or dry and put away what is washed. If you cannot fill all of the kitchen positions, let us know and we will augment your team with other volunteers. If you would like to bring more volunteers, let us know and we will block the kitchen and dining room or clothing lockers for your service. a. COOKING – The number of people you need to cook your meal will depend entirely on your choice of food. It is always better to have a few more than you need to ensure all of your food preparation is done on time. Cleaning as you go is highly recommended to prevent a large amount of clean-up during or after the meal. b. SERVING LINE – Three to five (3-5) people are needed for the serving line depending on your food. The food service manager or kitchen supervisor can help you determine the best method to serve and how to prepare the line for hot and cold food items. On Sundays when pizza is served, an additional person may be needed to help bring food from the pizza kitchen to the warmer in the main kitchen. People assigned to the serving line should generally be the ones to clean the serving line area. c. DRINKS – Two (2) people are needed to prepare drinks in the kitchen. Iced tea or lemonade will have already been made before you arrive. Ice is transferred to the portable ice container at around 6:30 p.m. and glasses filled no more than 5 minutes before service has concluded. Filled glasses are placed on the drink window ledge to be handed out by an individual in the dining room. People assigned to drinks will generally be the ones to take remaining drinks to the walk-in refrigerator and clean the drink area. d. WASHING – One (1) person is needed to wash items used to cook and serve. The kitchen supervisor generally operates the dish clipper which cleans trays, glasses, and silverware. All other items must be hand-washed in the sinks. e. DRYING – Two (2) people are needed to dry and put away everything that gets washed. When other serving opportunities are over, an additional two (2) people could decrease the amount of time it takes to complete this job, including drying 200+ trays and putting them away. f. OTHER – Although it is not necessary to assign people to specifically perform these tasks, additional areas in the kitchen will need to be cleaned after the meal (taking mats out and hosing them down, sweep and mop floors, clean stove, sanitize all surfaces, etc.). Employing the team concept is the best approach. All kitchen clean-up tasks can be found in the cleaning checklist at Attachment 2.5. SERVING IN THE DINING ROOM a. DRINKS/NAPKINS – One to two (1-2) people are needed to pass out drinks and napkins as individuals come through the serving line. If volunteers are not plentiful, the same individual can perform both tasks. People assigned to drinks and napkins should generally be the ones to wipe the serving counters and sanitize the surfaces after the meal. b. DESSERTS – One to four (1-4) people are needed for desserts depending on what is being served. This is an ideal station for children under 12 to be assigned with at least one adult. Specific directions for that night’s dessert will be provided by the food service manager. People serving the desserts should generally be the ones to bring empty trays to the kitchen to be washed and wipe down the dessert tables after the meal. c. COFFEE STATION – One to two (1-2) people are needed for the coffee station. Generally volunteers will serve prepared coffee to those who visit the table and request a cup. Volunteers working the station will generally add the cream and sugar to minimize waste. People assigned to the coffee station should generally be the ones to bring coffee pots to the kitchen, clean the coffee station, and refill the cream and sugar containers after the meal. d. TICKETS – Two (2) people are needed for tickets: one individual will issue tickets at the entrance to the dining room and the other will collect tickets at the serving line. Specific directions will be provided by the food service manager or a supervisor of the hospitality team. e. TRAY STATION – Two (2) people are needed to receive trays and cups when people have finished their meals. Food must be removed from the trays, liquid poured from the cups, and all items carried regularly to the kitchen to be cleaned. We normally do not go to the tables and pick up trays. Individuals who have been served a meal are responsible for bringing their items to the tray station. Individuals assigned to the tray station should generally empty all receptacles when trays, cups, and silverware have all been taken to the kitchen and then wipe down the cart and return it to the pizza kitchen. f. TABLES – Tables, both in the dining room and on the patio, should be wiped down before dinner is served. A bucket of soap and water can be obtained from the kitchen staff. After the meal is served, volunteers should allow the congregation to clean and dry the tables as well as sweep and mop the floors as they earn bus passes home by performing clean-up tasks. g. REFILL DRINKS – If after all other positions have been assigned, you find you still have a few laborers, pitchers of tea or lemonade can be brought into the dining room to refill glasses while individuals are eating their dinner.6. STAYING THE COURSE – CLEANING a. One of the most rewarding parts of serving at CUB is the look or expression of gratitude on the face of a hungry individual as you hand him/her a meal. However, one of the most critical parts of serving at CUB is helping us to restore the facility afterward. Ensure that your team members are aware of the entire course, from the starting block to the finish line. We believe in Col 3:23, “And Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.” Good stewardship over this program is our challenge and we thank you for your part in that task. b. The evening tasks pertaining to your team are included in Attachment 2. Please have your team leader use the checklist to direct the efforts of the team and ensure all areas are complete.SUGGESTED MEALSThe suggested menus below are just that – suggestions. They are provided to give you an idea of the types of meals that can be served (and most of these have already been served) with approximate quantities. We are always open to new ideas and are certainly willing to talk you through yours as well as help you decide on a menu that works for your budget. We can also help you determine how much to buy so you can bring the right quantities…just call us.CHICKENBaked or Grilled Pieces (1 large or 2 small pieces per person)Option #1Option #2Potato Salad (3-4 oz.)Rice or Mashed Potatoes & Gravy (4-6 oz.)Baked Beans or Pork and Beans (3-4 oz.)Green Beans or Salad (6-8 oz.)Roll or Bread (1-2 pieces)Roll or Bread (1-2 pieces)Dessert (Cake, cookies, brownies, etc)Dessert (Cake, cookies, brownies, etc)HAMBURGERS, HOT DOGS, OR BOTHOven Cooked or Grilled (2 items per person)Option #1Option #2Potato Salad (3-4 oz.)Chips (1 bag)Baked Beans or Pork and Beans (3-4 oz.)Cole Slaw or Salad (4-6 oz.)Lettuce, Tomatoes, PicklesLettuce, Tomatoes, PicklesDessert (Cake, cookies, brownies, etc)Dessert (Cake, cookies, brownies, etc)CASSEROLES, LASAGNA, SPAGHETTIHealthy Portion for Main DishSalad or Hot Vegetable (4-6 oz.)Roll or Bread (1-2 pieces)Dessert (Cake, cookies, brownies, etc)Attachment 1RESTORING THE FACILITYCHURCH OR GROUP _______________________________________ DATE _____________TASKCOMPLETE1. Wash (in dishwasher) all trays, bowls, glasses, and silverware2. Wash (in three compartment sink) all items that cannot be put in the dishwasher3. Dry and put away all items in #1 and #24. Turn off heating elements in warming cabinet and under steam serving table5. Secure or distribute left-over foods (food service manager will help you determine)6. Drain water from steam serving table compartments into little red buckets7. Thoroughly clean and dry steam serving table and wall (if food splattered on wall)8. Place left-over cold beverages on cart and put into walk-in refrigerator (leave on cart)9. Bring coffee pots and cream/sugar containers to the kitchen, wipe coffee table10. Clean and dry coffee pots and parts (do not submerge pot in water)11. Rinse/dry water containers; wash/dry empty tea containers; store under/on drink shelf12. Clean, sanitize, and dry all surfaces in the kitchen and serving line (both sides)13. Empty ice caddy outside on cement, rocks, or grass (please not on plants/flowers)14. Ensure ALL ovens/burners are off and clean cook-top stove with a damp cloth15. Take eight rubber mats outside on walkway; spray clean with the hose16. Clean and dry all sinks17. Sweep and mop the floors in the pizza kitchen, main kitchen, and staff restroom18. Empty trash cans (including staff restroom), take to dumpster, replace trash bags19. Collect all towels and aprons, place in laundry basket by the door20. Replace rubber mats in the kitchen21. When possible, allow us to thank your wonderful team before you dismiss themAttachment 2CHURCH UNDER THE BRIDGEVOLUNTEER SIGN-IN SHEETCHURCH OR GROUP ____________________________________________ DATE _____________ VOLUNTEER NAMEDURATIONAREA SERVEDAttachment 3CHURCH UNDER THE BRIDGEDONATIONS-IN-KINDNAME OF DONOR _____________________________________________ DATE________________ITEMS DONATED INCLUDE: _______ FOOD _______ CLOTHES _______ SHOES_______ HOUSEHOLD ITEMS _______ TOILETRIES _______ OTHER DESCRIPTION OF ITEMSNEWUSEDQUANTITYAPPROX VALUEReceived/Acknowledged by (CUB representative):Attachment 4 ................

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