|A Bi-Monthly Publication – Issue Date: February 2nd, 2016 |

|St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church |

|Thomas Hoffmann, Pastor |

|Jose Estrada, Associate Pastor |

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|Our Mission Statement: “St. Matthew’s Tulsa is a United Methodist congregation that brings Christ to people of all nations in our community.” |

|Our Slogan: “Every Person/Every Nation/All Together/One Location” |

|[pic] |

|Dear Friends, |

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|I’ve heard this question around church from time to time, and last night at the Church Council meeting we also acknowledged this. It’s a great question! |

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|In a traditional church, you’re probably used to seeing your pastor(s) on Sunday mornings, in hospitals, at home visits, and in the office. The Pastors |

|Estrada and I do these things, too, of course. |

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|But we’re probably not as much in our offices. A lot of our ministry is taking place more and more within the neighborhood itself, or helping with church |

|programs you might not be aware of. |

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|For example, did you know that Pastors José and Ana teach English classes and Spanish-speaking Bible classes at the church? |

|Did you know that a small group of Spanish-speaking neighbors met for worship Sunday night at our church, while others of us were in the Church Council |

|meeting? |

|Did you know that I (Pastor Thomas) help write grants for Spot 31 from my home office? |

|Did you know that I am appointed to St. Matthew’s only as a part-time pastor? I am at St. Matt’s for three weeks out of every month. The other week I work |

|for the Conference helping start missional communities. Sometimes I have to take more time all at once with the Conference, but then I do the same with St. |

|Matt’s. |

|If you don’t see us in the expected places and are wondering what we’re up to, just ask one of us, or ask Skip Hurst, our church layleader. We’ll always let|

|you know. And then we’ll likely extend an invitation to you to join with us in these exciting ministries! |

|Serving St. Matt’s and our Conference is just another reason I am . . . . . |

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|Blessed Beyond Belief! |

|Pastor Thomas |

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|PS—Please feel free to contact Pastor José, Pastora Ana, or myself at any time if you ever desire a home visit or to meet with one of us for any reason. We |

|are already looking forward to it! |

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|4:30-5:30 p.m. Gathering and Small Groups - Children/Youth |

|5:30-6:15 p.m. Community Dinner |

|6:15-7:15 p.m. Small Group/Adults (please try to be in your room by 6:15) |

|6:15-6:50 p.m. Small Groups – Children/Youth |

|6:50 p.m. Load bus for home – Children/Youth |

|7:15-8:15 p.m. Choir |

|8:30-9:30 p.m. Praise Band |

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|The deadline to submit articles for the February 16th, 2016, newsletter is Sunday, February 14th. |

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|Please send articles to the church at stmatts@ and suzanne.pfeifer@. Thank you! |

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|FEB. 10TH……..5:30 – 7:00 p.m. |

|Prepare your heart and mind for the Lenten season by attending the come-and-go Ash Wednesday service on Feb. 10th. It will be a silent “Journey to the Cross”|

|as you travel through several stations. You will receive the ashes at the last station.  Come and be blessed.  |

|(There will be no dinner served on Ash Wednesday.) |

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|[pic] Ronald McDonald House – |[pic]BREAKFAST Sunday – Feb. 7th |

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|The ladies furnishing food for Ronald McDonald House on February 25, 2016 |Join your family & friends for a fresh, hot breakfast served by the VIM Team on |

|will be Vicky Hime and Sharon Gatske for Main Dishes and those furnishing |Sunday, Feb. 7th, from 7:30 until 9:15am. Come and enjoy your favorites of |

|desserts will be Deborah Worman and Andrea Laney.  Thank you to these |French toast, biscuits ‘n gravy, pancakes & scrambled eggs before first service |

|ladies. |or Sunday School.  See you at the breakfast table! |

|I still need one lady to furnish a Main Dish for March 24, 2016.  If you can| |

|do so, please call Joyce Hargrove, 918-437-0173.  Thank you. |The VIM Team |

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| [pic] February Birthdays | [pic] March Birthdays |

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|10 Jeanne Broussard |6 Deanna Rocha |

|11 Elinor Bartleson |10 Ann Marie Boyce |

|20 Tammie Blessing |10 Rich Brasher |

|21 Cindy Rutledge |13 Stephanie Dent-Pancoast |

|23 Scarlett Arnold |16 Stephanie Butler |

|24 Elson Hargrove |17 Larry Boyce |

|28 Pastor José Estrada |18 Jim Kimbrel |

| |22 Kaleb Schneider |

| |23 Brona Kimbrel |

|If you want your birthday listed in the newsletter, contact Suzanne at |30 Noah McCammon |

|918-605-2104 or Suzanne.pfeifer@. | |

|FOOD  PANTRY |[pic] Sarah’s Circle |

|Please add one or more of these items to your grocery list and fulfill some | |

|needs in our food pantry: |We have started the study, Profiles, Men and Women of the Bible.  |

|-          Smooth peanut butter |Feb. 9, Isaac - Isaac, son of Abraham and Sarah, represented the covenant |

|-          Jelly |promise of many descendants. |

|-          Jello |Feb. 16, Rebekah - Sometimes God works in the lives of persons even though they |

|-          Pancake mix – add water only |do not realize God's presence at the time. |

|-          Syrup |Please come and join us Tuesday mornings at 9:30 in the Parlor for Bible study |

|-          Breakfast cereal |and refreshments. |

|-          Applesauce | |

|-          Cornbread mix |Jeanine Keller |

|Thanks for caring and sharing. | |

[pic] [pic]

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|Mark 5:25-29 – “And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and |

|spent all she had yet instead of getting better she grew worse. When she heard about Jesus she came up behind Him in the crowd and touched His cloak. |

|Because she thought “if I just touch His clothes I will be healed.” Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her |

|suffering.” |

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|Please pray for a quick healing & recovery for Karol Burkhalter who had surgery this past weekend. |

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|Gail Arnold is asking for continued prayers for healing for her wrist, and for Rita Walker, a former member, who is having health problems after surgery. |

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|Gerald Brown Jr. would like prayers for his father who has been sick for six months. |

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|Andrea Laney is asking prayers for her friend who lost her son and for her granddaughter Savannah. |

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|Lawrence Long is asking for prayers for his friend Gail. |

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|Deanna Rocha is asking for prayers for Bev & Carlos’ 7-month grandson, who is facing open heart surgery. |

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|Please pray for my son Patrick’s health condition, and treatment and for my two great-grandchildren who are both sick with ear infections. |

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|Alon is asking for prayers for her brother-in-law and her friend Karen. |

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|Please continue praying for Jim and Brona Kimbrel. Jim is home and improving every day. |

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|Ginny Leonhart is asking prayers for Bruce, Tela, Bella, Emma, & Gerald & prayers for a car that won’t break down. |

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|Continued prayers for Kielee Ferrell, her mother and siblings. |

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|Continued prayers for the Hylla family in the passing of their nephew & grandson. |

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|Continue prayers for Barbara McDowell for an increase in strength and continued recovery. |

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|Continued prayers for my friends the Howland family and for my brother-in-law. |

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|Tawnya McCammon’s mom, Bubba & Judy Williams, Lovelle Lightner; Gail Carnes; Del Gatzke, the Hylla family, Brent Utterback’s niece, Lola Bolding; June |

|Vannoy's cousin Gina; Deanna Rocha's friends Kay and Kenny Ratzlaff, especially Kenny's sister, Margie Nantz; Laura; Irene; Tricia Tuepker; Joanna Ellis’ |

|family, Jeanine Keller’s daughter Lisa and nephew Greg, Sherrie Schumacher, Mercedes Ellis’ family, Alderman family; Nancy Hoffman's mother Helen; B J & |

|her friends health, Leona Robison and her family, Rusty Colvin; Phillip Laney; Brady family; Aunt Laurene; George and Share; Miss Cherry; Gert McKenzie; |

|Chuck Wise's sister and his mother Louise; Kendle Boyce's friend Kirsten Plum and children; Laura Wolfe; Hime's son-in- law Guy; Ann Marie Boyce's brother |

|Eric; Gordon & Judy Godfrey; Bud Loveless' daughter Karen; Barbara Patterson and her son, Jarrod and his family and for the sale of her house. |

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|Yours in God’s love |

|Barbara Roderick |


UMW Calendar

All women at St. Matthew's are invited to any UMW events. Most meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30. Child care and rides are available upon request. 

UMW Women’s Fellowship Dates

Feb. 18 6:30pm

Mar. 17 6:30pm

April 21  6:30 pm meeting

April 29 through May 1  -  Spiritual Growth Retreat, Camp Egan

May 7  TEA 11:00 am


Join the women as they fellowship on Thursday, Feb. 18th at 6:30.  Jeannie Broussard will share about prayer; Ann Marie Boyce and Jan Colvin will be hosts.

If you need a ride or a babysitter, please call Ann Marie Boyce at 918-812-4137.


Contact Information

Folks, if you change your address, home phone number, cell phone number or email address, please let me know, in addition to sending a note to the church office. Although I'm asking for this information for my membership records, I need it from anyone who attends St. Matthew's, whether you are a member or not, as you are a vital part of our church family. Thanks so much!

June Vannoy



Spanish Classes

These are the dates for the Spanish classes from now through March. If something comes up and we need to cancel, I will let you know in advance. If you have any questions, contact me at 918-500-4583 or pastoraanaestrada@

Thank you!

Pastor Ana

February 4, 2016

February 11, 2016

February 25, 2016

March 3, 2016

March 10, 2016

March 31, 2016


A Note from the Finance Committee:

The below note was sent to us by the Tulsa District office. This is just one of the many ministries that our Church supports thru our apportionment payments. Skyline Urban Ministry is the sister organization to Tulsa’s Restore Hope, and as you can see from this note, we are not only making a difference in our community but in other communities as well. It is truly a blessing to be a member of such a generous and caring congregation.

Barbara Youngblood

Finance Chair

Dear Churches of the Oklahoma Conference of the United Methodist Church,

In a year when budgets have been cut and people have been laid off, you have shown you are true to your mission of making Disciples of Christ for the transformation of the world. We extend to you our deepest gratitude for your gifts and giving to the mission of Skyline Urban Ministry. Together, you have given 99.6% of Skyline’s allotted apportionments in 2015. Through these gifts, you have enabled us to distribute over 530,000 pounds of food, to give over 1200 free eye exams, to provide over 1100 pairs of glasses and to clothe countless individuals. You have given new life to thousands through your generosity.

Thank you!

Blessings and peace,

Rev. Deborah Ingraham, Executive Director

Skyline Urban Ministry

500 SE 15th Street

Oklahoma City, OK 73129

405-632-2644 ext. 102 (office)

405-301-1172 (cell)


Sixties Plus – Open Dates

Karol and Andy Burkhalter are firming up the 60+ calendar for 2016 and need hosts for the following dates: June, July, and December.

If you would like to host any or all of these months, contact Karol and Andy @ aburk334@ Thank you!

Thank YOU!!!!

Thank you everyone and especially The Piecemakers for the beautiful prayer quilt. Can't imagine how you picked the one with dogs for me - just kidding. You are the best and I love my church family. 


Sixties Plus News

60+ met for January at Brothers Houligan on Yale, and it was hosted by Larry and Ann Marie Boyce.  Everyone had a great meal and wonderful time.  An Angel appeared and provided cheesecake for us all.  How great is that!

Our February meeting will be on the 20th at the Church at 12 noon. It is a Blind Potluck,

so bring whatever strikes your fancy.  That should make for an interesting meal. 


Thank you from the Kimbrels

We, the Kimbrel's, James and Brona, want to thank Ann Marie for bringing that beautiful prayer quilt to James, but most of all a big thank you to the Quilters for their thoughtfulness and for the beautiful work they do.  It will be put to good use with love.

Thanks so much!



  FRIDAY  FUN – February 12th, 2016

(and Games)

Bring a game you would like to play, or join another game… board games, card games, and many others.

Fellowship for members of the church, families, neighbors, and anyone else that would like to join us.  (Please do invite your neighbors and friends.)  This has been planned for the whole church and for anyone you would like to invite.

This event is sponsored by the Fishermen, UMW, Wednesday night small groups and Youth.

Bring a friend, and if you would like, bring a snack.  Drinks will be provided.  The sponsoring groups will be providing a few snacks, too.

Hours of operation will be 6 pm to 10 pm, and everyone is free to come and go as they wish.




These are dates for most of our Youth events. Please put these on your calendar. For each event details will follow. (Note. Youth who expect to attend Youth Mission Trip must attend and participate in all mission trip fundraisers.)


14 Edible Auction Fundraiser – After church to 2pm

21 Youth Game Night – 5:30pm to 7:30pm


20 Youth Game Night – 5:30pm to 7:30

No Youth Small Group (Easter)


16 Garage Sale – 8am to 4pm

17 Youth Game Night – 5:30pm to 7:30pm

Silent Auction

The silent auction will be in conjunction with our edible auction. We have some items donated from a local business, but if you have something you would like to donate, it would be appreciated. Crafted items, gift cards, movie passes.

Thank you so much for all your support. If you have questions, call Debbie 918-770-3735


Spot 31 is in great need of Volunteers on Tuesday afternoons.

Position Title:    Homework Mentoring Assistant


Responsibilities:  Assist students in grades K - 2nd with daily homework assignments and reading.


Goals:  Empower children with the lasting importance of learning; teach constructive use of time, build positive relationships with healthy non- parental adults, and to believe in their own abilities to succeed.


Outcome:  Help the children form a commitment to: learn, build positive values, cope with new situations, and believe in their own self-worth.


Time:  3:15 - 4:00 In an effort to build a mentoring relationship, we ask that mentors commit to nine-week intervals. Mentors will work with the same student each time they volunteer. (If at any time you feel a different mentor would be better suited for your student, please talk to a staff member.)


On the day you are scheduled to volunteer, please arrive no later than 3:15 p.m.


Qualifications: The only qualification needed to mentor a child is to show up with a positive attitude. We understand that sometimes homework, even on the elementary school level, can be intimidating. If at any time you have questions or feel a different mentor could better help your assigned student, just let a staff member know.

All volunteers must have a background check. If a volunteer has received a background check through another organization, Spot 31 will obtain this at no cost to the volunteer.


Benefits:  Time spent with a positive adult role model helps children feel accepted, safe, and encourages them to be confident in their own abilities to make good choices, believe in their own self-worth, do their best, and develop new skills and interests.




St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church

12424 E. 31st Street

Tulsa, OK 74146-2202


E-mail address: stmatts@ Website:


|Mission Outpost |2 | |Prayers |4 |

| | |[pic] | | |

|Birthdays |3 | | | |

|Breakfast |3 | |Ronald McDonald | |

|Church Rolls |2 | |*Sarah Circle |3 |

|Food Pantry |3 | |*UMW |5 |

|Pastor Message |1 | |Announcements |6-11 |



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