November 10th, 2008, 6:15 AM, Tiberias, Israel: Father is talking with more intense passion than ever before to call His people out of the system He is about to destroy. Because of His intensity, borne out of His love, I must be intense to convey His message. Because of His being Light, no darkness can approach Him. Therefore, I have to drop a very clear plumb line of His Word to warn the “crooked”. The messages of Eliyahu (Elijah) on Mt. Carmel (I Kings 18:17-40), and the message of Yohanan (John) the baptizer, a spiritual Eliyahu, (Matthew 3:3-12) have returned. Either give yourself to Ba’al or Yahuweh.

Amos 7:7-8: “This is what He showed me: See, Yahuweh stood on a wall made with a plumb-line, with a plumb-line in His hand. And, Yahuweh said to me: `Amos, what do you see?’ And I said, `A plumb-line’. And Yahuweh said, `See, I am setting a plumb-line in the midst of My people Israel, no longer do I pardon them’ ”.

I got an E-mail this morning (December 22, 2008) from a lady who knows Father well. She said that it seemed like “Father had hardened”. Her use of “hardened” made a powerful statement. Father has indeed set His face toward judgment. (Psalm 2) The time of “striving with man” is over. The polarizing of the hot and the cold is becoming obvious. The “lukewarm” are also becoming very obvious. Yahushua Messiah comes with the judgment of the Father, but before then, He has to judge the “synagogue of Satan” and the major nation that has promoted itss destructive final stages, corrupting even the “elect”.

Exodus 20:2-3 says: I am Yahuweh, your Elohim, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery -- Have no other gods against my face”. The putting of other gods in the face of Yahuweh, or elevating them higher than He, is called “spiritual adultery or spiritual whoredom”.

Deuteronomy 4:24: “For Yahuweh, your Elohim, is a consuming fire—a jealous El…” The putting of idols--whether people, material possessions, social status, job, comfort, security, culture, or religion—before Him, constitutes whoredom.

Ya’cob (James) 4:4: “Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with Elohim? Whoever therefore intends to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of Elohim”.

The whorish religious system created by Greece and Rome is a world system religion—riding on the political system to gain advantage. The political system allows this piggyback religion for its own advantage also… thus the Vatican and the world elite nations of the West who carry out its orders, rides the political world system.

As Revelation 17 tells us, when “Ahab” (the world system of politics and economics) gets tired of being ridden by “Jezebel” – the whore of end-time Babylon – the Christian religious system most specifically, it will be burned with

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fire. Right now, the religious system is “beneficial” to both politics and economy—it’s religious heresies making billions in revenue a day.

It is a well-known fact that the Roman Emperor Constantine united his empire by joining all under a common religion, and many other world dictators have also hidden under the common religion of the day, in order to mask their real intentions and get the support of the religious mainstream. It’s an old trick! George W. Bush and others have used it well. Obama is using it very well.

History tells us that Rome never died—it just went from Emperor worship to papal worship. The Pope carried the rule of Rome forward to a “revived

Roman empire” today, under its control via the Jesuit-controlled Vatican/Illuminati-orchestrated Vatican.

After the political system gets tired of putting up with the control of the religious hierarch system, it will be destroyed, and one person—Lucifer in the flesh, the world ruler--will be put on the Temple Mount to be worshipped as the world’s god. This “beast” will unite the world’s political, economic, military, and religious system (the “four winds of the earth”) around himself.

Father is calling His people to come 100% out of the religious and world systems that He is about to destroy.

Revelation 18:4: “Come out of her My people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues”.

If even a tiny taint of the kingdom of darkness remains on any person, Yahuweh, being absolute Light—a consuming fire—will have to destroy them.

This includes those who say they belong to Him but who won’t let go of the

darkness of the world of Lucifer to conform to His Kingdom standard-- Covenant and Torah (instructions and teachings of the Kingdom of heaven).

Over two billion people claim to be "Christians".

There are over 5,000 denominations and organizations all under the banner of “Christian”. There are approximately 350 translations of the Bible into English, all slightly, or greatly, different. I ask: Is this what Messiah Yahushua died for? Is this what He meant when He said: "Enter in through the narrow gate! Because the gate is wide--and the way is broad--that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter in through it. Because the gate is narrow and the way is hard pressed, which leads to life, and there are FEW who find it". I think not! (Matthew 7:13-14)

In talking to a friend yesterday, I made a very bold statement. Like me, she has been inundated with Christians telling her they don’t have to obey the Torah of Yahuweh—“they’re under grace”. I reminded her that in “receiving” the Greek Iesous--“Jesus”—as “savior”, they do not “receive a love for the Truth that they might be saved”, for those who “receive” the Christian Gospel are told they don’t have to obey Yahuweh’s instructions and teachings of the Kingdom of heaven. They are told the OLD Testament is “history” and “obsolete”, even though great portions of its prophecies have not been fulfilled. Yet, according to the teachings of the whole Word, only those who obey the Torah are under His grace (favor). The word “truth” is synonymous with eternal Torah—eternal

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instructions and teachings for right standing in the kingdom of heaven.

John 17:17: Messiah says to Yahuweh: “Your Word is Truth”.

Psalm 119:142: “Your Torah is truth”.

Hebrews 5:9: “…He became the Causer of everlasting deliverance to all WHO THOSE OBEYING HIM”.

John 3:36: “He who believes on the Son possesses everlasting life, but he who does no obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of Elohim remains on him”. Here, the word “believe” and the word “obey” are two different words.

Because His Truth and His Torah (His eternal Word that was never thrown out, but only renewed and expanded, like His Universe) are the same thing—then to deny His eternal Torah, who speaks of Yahushua all through it, is to deny the living Word, the “Word made flesh” who dwelt among us. The “Word” in the Word is Tenak—acronym for Torah, Prophets and Writings.

Over and over He tells us that if we love Him, we must obey His commands. Messiah tells us that if we guard His commands, then the Father will love us (John 14:13-24). But the lawless Christian looks for every excuse available to not only disobey Yahuweh, but to also disobey Messiah. Messiah gave no commandments that were not His Father’s commands! There are 613 directives for right ruling in the Torah. There are over 1,000 directives given in the Messianic Writings, because Yahushua expanded the Torah into the arenas of “motives”, “attitudes” and “thoughts”.

The Roman Catholic Church’s translation of the Bible, by the Gnostic, Jerome, inserted a word meaning Roman judicial law for the Biblical word for Torah in

both Hebrew and Greek, which means “teachings and instructions”. Thus they

perverted the Word, making the commandments of Yahuweh out to be “the law of the Jews” or the “law of Moses”. Today, the Hellenistic Jewish Christians and the Hellenistic House of Ephraim are lawlessly arrogant and proud against Yahuweh, following their foundational leader, Antiochus Ephiphanes. They do not know Yahushua, because they do not know Yahuweh.

John 6:45: “It has been written in the prophets, `…they shall all be taught by Yahuweh’. Everyone, then, who has heard from the Father and learned, comes to Me”.

It is impossible to know the real Messiah/Savior of Israel, without understanding the nature, ways, and thinking of the Father. Only those who take the time to allow the Spirit of Yahuweh to teach them the Word, as they sit quietly in His presence with notebook and pen to record what He says, cross-referencing from Genesis to Revelation, as is His pattern, learn to know and love the Truth!

Those who depend on men to teach them get the lies and deceptions of man. The Torah of Yahuweh leads one to find the real Torah-guarding Jewish Messiah, who came to bring the House of Israel back to the Torah. (Matthew 15:24) Therefore, I told a dear friend, concerned over the rebellious ones who do not guard the Torah, that these ones who say to her “we don’t have to keep the Torah” are not our brothers and sisters, but deceived enemies of the Truth.

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These are they of II Thessalonians 2:8-12 group who have already bought into the lies of the Hellenist Jews of the first century—they themselves being Hellenist Jews. They will receive the lie that Yahuweh will send, because “they did not receive a love of the TRUTH (Torah) that they might be delivered.”

“Sin is the transgression of the Torah”… I John 3:4. “Transgression” means “revolt, rebellion, to break away, and apostasy”. Therefore, those who refuse to obey His Word, as taught by Him, without compromise, are in revolt, rebellion and apostasy against Him. From the first century, as the Apostle Sha’ul wrote--“the mystery of Torah-lessness is already at work”.

(II Thessalonians 2:7a)

In the mid-first century, the descendants of Jews, who under Antiochus Ephiphanes--167 BCE approximately--rejected the Torah to save themselves from death, embraced Greek culture and the worship of Greek gods, like Zeus, their Savior, despised the teachings of the Apostles, who taught the salvation of Yahushua Yahuweh, and the guarding of the Torah/Covenant of Yahuweh. Antiochus forbade the guarding of Torah under penalty of death, just as the Roman Emperor Hadrian did in the second century CE. He exalted Zeus as the supreme god. Zeus was a sun god who died and rose again—as in, died in the winter when the days got shorter, and arose in the spring, when the days got longer. Antiochus outlawed the Torah.

By the middle first century, the “sect” of Messiah Yahushua began growing greatly within Judaism. Acts 21:20: The Apostle Ya’cob (James) and the Council in Jerusalem told the Apostle Sha’ul: “You see, brother, how many

thousands of Jews there are who have believed, and all are ardent for the Torah”.

The congregations of this new “sect” within Judaism were comprised mostly of Jews who believed in Yahushua’s death and resurrection for their salvation and guarded the Torah of Yahuweh as Yahushua demanded. The Hellenistic Jews became panicky. They saw their fellow Jews embracing not only a Messiah but the Torah, with renewed excitement. They tried to kill Sha’ul. They twisted his words and other Scriptures to discredit him.

Acts 9:28-30: “And he was with them at Jerusalem, coming in and going out, and speaking boldly in the name of the Master Yahushua, and disputing with the Hellenists, but they undertook to kill him. And when the brothers learned of this, they brought him down to Caesarea and sent him out to Tarsos”.

They called him “Paulus” or “Paulo” – rather than his real name – Sha’ul, because Sha’ul is Hebrew. Perhaps it was his Roman name but not the name

his mother gave him. They couldn’t kill him, so they twisted Sha’ul’s words to try to make him appear to be a false prophet.

II Peter 3:15b-17: “…and reckon the patience of our Master as deliverance, as also our beloved brother Sha’ul wrote to you, according to the wisdom given to

him, as also in all his letters…which those who are untaught and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do all the Scriptures. You, then,

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beloved ones, being forewarned, watch lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the delusion of the Torah-lessness.”

To counteract the fire of the Good News of Messiah, which had the potential of overthrowing Greek gods and culture among the Jews, they created a counterfeit substitute pagan religion that was a composite of several sun god religions, and named it after worshippers of the god Serapis in Alexandria, Egypt—“Christian”. (For documented details on the perversion of His Names and titles, refer to my study: “The Hebrew Names and Titles of Elohim…”)

Under Constantine, to unite his empire, He added elements of the worship of his god—Sol Invictus, the unconquerable sun—and the god of Persia, Mithra, which most of his military worshipped. He created a pagan counterfeit that went beyond what Greece had invented, and institutionalized it into a powerful unifying force. He set out to kill all those who would not bow to him as the “Pontifix Maximus”—the supreme Pontiff. The only ones who had a problem with bowing to him were the Torah-observant Jews and the believers in Messiah who guarded the Torah. Constantine’s creation became known as “The Roman Catholic Church”. He was the first “pope”. He created it as a universal religion—drawing from all the pagan religions of any significance of his day. Therefore, according to his doctrine, after Cornelius became a believer, “God” rejected all Jews, and the Torah of Yahuweh. Around 133 CE, after Bar Kochba made rebellion against Rome, the Emperor Hadrian outlawed the guarding of Torah. Both the Greeks and the Romans, along with the Edomites—who comprise what the Bible calls “gentiles” - “pagans, barbarians, heathen,

strangers, aliens and foreigners” from His Covenant—hated circumcision, hated

anything that bound them to Yahuweh’s way, in any way.

Therefore the apostasy of His people was evident from the time of Antiochus,

and progressed onward through acceptance of the pagan religion of Greece and Rome.

The gods of Greece and Rome, Egypt, Persia, whose worship became Christianity, were real beings—the “men of renown”—the Nephilim of old—the offspring of the fallen angels and human women (Genesis 6:2-4).

Here is some of what Father gave me the morning of November 10th:

***Revelation 3:8-9: Messiah speaking to the Apostle Yohanan (John) regarding the assembly of Philadelphia, which is symbolic of the last days marked Bridal remnant: “I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door and no one is able to shut it. You have a little strength but yet you have guarded My Word and have not denied My Name. See, I am giving up those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews but are not, but lie. See I am making them come and worship before your feet and to know that I have loved you…”

The Jews—though biologically from the tribe of Judah, or Levi—those of the area of Judea that embraced Greek culture and gods to advance maintain their

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lifestyle, became, in Yahuweh’s sight, apostate--no longer His children. They embraced “whoredom”. They were unfaithful to Him.

Yahuweh had to send the ten tribes into exile in 722 CE, scattering them AMONG the gentiles for their idolatry. He never calls His people “gentiles” anywhere in the Word. That “Jew/Gentile” teaching is a disgusting lie from hell. “Jew” refers to one from the tribe of Judah—there are 11 other tribes who came from Jacob’s loins.

The 144,000 Bridal marked and sealed remnant of Revelation 3, 7, 14 and 22, those of the Ezekiel 9:1-11 and Deuteronomy 15:16-17 sealing, represent a remnant from all the tribes of Jacob. Yahuweh changed Jacob’s name to “Israel”.

The descendants of the Hellenistic Jews in the last days, whose religion of Christianity snared the House of Judah and particularly the House of Israel since the mid-first century, will come and bow before the Bridal remnant. Why? -- Because, the Bridal remnant has the privilege of standing before Yahuweh and Yahushua forever in the eternal City, and they are cast out as the “dogs”.

Matthew 15:22-28 tells us of a Canaanite woman, who with great faith came to Messiah to get healing for her daughter. Messiah had compassion on her and healed her daughter. But, He called her a “dog”. She was outside of the Covenant of Yahuweh. She returned to her city in Lebanon and found her daughter healed. But, as far as we know, she never entered the Covenant of Yahuweh. She got what she wanted from the Savior, but she did not continue on to embrace the teachings and instructions of the Kingdom of heaven.

In Revelation 22:14-15, 2nd century translation from the Hebrew, we read: “Blessed are those doing His commandments so that the authority shall be theirs unto the tree of life and to enter through the gates of the City--for without are dogs…idolaters and all those who love, and do falsehood”.

These are the same ones of II Thessalonians 2:9-12, who love what they can get out of Messiah for themselves, but they return to their “vomit” like a dog—and continue on with their idolatry and their love of falsehood.

I Peter 2:18-22, speaking of the Gnostic Christians who had infiltrated the assemblies of Yahuwe to entice the true believers away from the Jewish Messiah and Torah: “For speaking arrogant nonsense, they entice—through the lusts of the flesh, thorough indecencies—the ones who have indeed escaped from those living in delusion, promising them freedom, though themselves being slaves of corruption—for one is a slave to whatever overcomes him. For if, after they have escaped the defilement of the world through the knowledge of the Master and Savior Yahushua Messiah, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end is worse for them than the first. For it would be better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than having known it to turn from the set-apart commandments delivered unto them. For them the proverb has proved true: `A dog returns to his own vomit’…”

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The “way of righteousness” is like the phrase in Psalm 23—“the paths (tracks) of righteousness”, which refer to the Festivals of Yahuweh in Leviticus 23.

Revelation 12:17 and 14:12: Those who believe in Messiah and do His commandments are the sealed, marked protected remnant. Malachi 3:15-4:4: Only those who fear His Name and obey Him are protected through the time of great tribulation. This is a theme throughout the Word, that only those who obey His Torah instructions will have His favor.

While the mockers of His Torah are going about their lives as usual, the Bridal remnant has been in the “secret place”, learning from the Spirit of Yahuweh, obeying, fearing Him, and loving Him with all their heart, mind and strength, following Him wherever He led them without compromise. These are the ones who have had the privilege of knowing Him personally and interacting with Him daily. Those mockers and despisers and rejecters of His eternal Kingdom Covenant will find themselves outside of the City, out of His Presence, and many will find themselves in the lake of fire.

The “synagogue” of Satan is a demonic system created by pagans—the Christian counterfeit system—that has ensnared primarily the children of Jacob through the centuries by Greek culture and religious philosophy. Father in His great mercy has saved multi-millions who have believed in the One in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. We have partaken of that mercy. But, now, as He comes to judge the system, He is calling those who know Him out of it.

Today, there are millions of Jews throughout the world. But there are probably at least five billion or more who are of the House of Israel--also called the House of Ephraim or the House of Joseph. Then there are those multi-millions who are part Judah and part House of Israel. Those of the House of Israel are from the ten northern tribes. (For complete information on this refer to the articles: “Who Are The Ten? and “Are You A Gentile?”)

I do not judge individuals—that is the job of Elohim. But, I, and you too, are called to speak out against the enslaving lying systems of man that ensnare His people in traps. We are to call His people to repentance, and call them out of the whore systems of man. It is His love to call out His people from what He is about to judge! The religion of Christianity spread throughout the House of Israel easily, for they were idolatrous people who sought for an easy religion that advanced their selfish ambitions from the time they gathered together under Jeroboam, after the death of Solomon. Jeroboam was actually the first “Constantine”.

II Thessalonians 2:9ff: “The coming of the lawless one (the one without the Torah) is according to the workings of Satan…with all deceit of unrighteousness

in those perishing, because they did not receive a love of the truth…Elohim sends them a strong working of delusion”.

Many of those who have embraced the free ticket to heaven god, mock the

Torah of Yahuweh, mock His right to rule their life, saying, “We are not under the law, we are under grace”. When they embraced the belief system of

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salvation, they were never given a love of the truth/Torah. Actually, there is no grace for those who willfully reject Yahuweh’s right to rule over them.

YAHUWEH IS NOT A RELIGION. YAHUSHUA IS NOT A RELIGION!!!! All religion of man has its roots in Lucifer’s rebellion against Yahuweh.

To “fit in”, His people, either house of Judah or House of Israel, accepted the offer of a free ticket out of hell from a god who died on a “crux”. The word “crux” was a Latin insertion into the Messianic Writings, just as the Roman word for “law” was substituted for “Torah”. The “crux”, or cross, was an ancient fertility symbol--as in Taurus having sex with Virgo and her having her baby sun god each year on December 25th. The ancient sun gods were called “the Queen of heaven”—like Isis, and Asteroth, and Ishtar/Easter.

Yet, the Greek and Hebrew languages agree—He died on a stake, pole, tree,

not a sex symbol. Constantine, at the Council of Nicea in 325 CE made it mandatory that all worship the rising of the sun god at the time of Ishtar/Easter. He later made it mandatory to celebrate “Christmas”. He also made it mandatory to set apart the day of “Baal”—“the lord”—“Sun-day”. All who would not honor his Sol Invictus (the unconquerable sun) were killed.

Thus, from its Roman inception, the religion of Christianity was bathed in blood--the blood of those who loved Yahuweh, and Yahushua, and guarded the Torah. The church called them “heretics”. They went after them in the Crusades and the Inquisitions. The Jesuit Order of the Vatican still goes after those who obey the Messiah of Israel, for they will not bow to the pope, or to a world ruler.

Yet, to the frustration of the church, those that believed in the Jewish Messiah and guarded the Torah were never erased from the earth, but continued on in small pockets of people. The Vatican is bringing forth soon an anti-messiah to sit on the Temple Mount. His rage will begin with the order to kill everyone who guards Torah and believes in Messiah Yahushua. Already, the governments

of the earth, and recently the Vatican has vocalized it, the Name of Yahuweh is illegal. (Refer to the article: “Hated For My Name’s Sake”)

In growing up in the Baptist Church, and then joining the Assembly of God, I was told that the “synagogue of Satan” were the Rockefeller and Rothschild types--the multi-billionaire Jews who run the world, who say they are Jews but are really not—because either they are Khasars—Turks who converted to Judaism way over a century ago, or they forfeit their Jewish

heritage because they are so evil. This might be partly true. Many wealthy and powerful Jews have hidden their Jewish names—like Hillary Clinton. However…

Regarding “the synagogue of Satan”: The word “synagogue” means a gathering place, an assembly place. Those of the “synagogue of Satan” in the early days were the Hellenistic Jews who started Christianity in the mid-first century to defy and overcome, if possible, the teachings of Yahushua and His Apostles. They probably didn’t realize they were a gathering that Satan was joyful over,

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but, because they rejected Yahuweh’s Torah, they were definitely a part of Satan’s plan. The synagogue of Satan has come forward into our day. However, it is true that the Jesuit Order of the Vatican is into satanic sacrifices and every possible evil imaginable and unimaginable.

Revelation 3:8-9 is talking about those of our day, who in the future will bow to the Bridal remnant in shame. They have bought into a lie and held it tight. Messiah’s coming will reveal who are His set-apart ones and who are not.

These of Revelation 3:8-9 are also the modern Jews who have accepted the Greek culture and religious counterfeit, and embraced a religion of convenience—Christianity.

Also, there is an identify problem within the church and the House of Israel—many “wantabe” Jews. They do Jewish things, wear Jewish religious clothing, and try to find their Jewish lineage. Yet, they hold onto their position in the church. For the church is basically a social club with “fun” holidays. Replacement Theology has made many believe that they are the new Israel, and therefore the children of Zion (Jewish). But, most are not Jewish—they are of the other tribes of Jacob. Many say they are Jews but they are not—they are Israelite “Ephramites”--Hebrews from different sons of Jacob. They are “lost sheep of the House of Israel”—lost mainly to themselves.

Christianity—the West’s religion--has become the accepted religion of all who have rejoined with the Vatican. As of March 1994, the chief Evangelical and Charismatic leadership of America made a pact to basically deny the Protestant Reformation, and to rejoin with the Catholic Church. Since then, there has been a sweeping rejoining of Christian ministries across board who have rejoined with the Vatican, even the leadership of the Messianic Movement within Israel, as well as Jewish rabbis, have joined with the Vatican for “advantage”. In fact, all world religions have joined with the Vatican for advantage. Thus, the Vatican has rule over the world’s people, via the Jesuits, that no other power has. They have ruled over America since not long after

1776. The Vatican Jesuits (the Society of Jesus) rule the Vatican and the world, via their “Illuminati” created May 1, 1776. Through the over 200 organizations under them, throughout the Western world, they have brought about a scenario of confusion and chaos, that, they plan to use to bring one of

their own onto the Temple Mount as “god”—to be worshipped “as god”—thus again, II Thessalonians 2.

Satan is proud and haughty. He did not like Yahuweh’s rule over Him. He wanted to be on the throne. Thus, this same spirit is in Christianity—and growing stronger—it’s people craving to be like gods—to have money, power, authority, and control. Christianity is basically about two things: Money (mammon, a Greek god) and control (basic witchcraft). Religion in general is about control and power over other people. Thus, the ancient arcane mystery religions of Lucifer balled up in Christianity, and the spirit of the “clergy” over the “laity” became the rule of operation. To learn more about the history of

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Christianity from its core—roots—study my mini-book “The Foundation of Deception”.

Today many Jews and Levites, and those of Jacob’s other tribes—people from all twelve—embrace the Greek sun god Iesous under the English name “Jesus”. The letter “J” is only about 500 years old in our language. It hides the true name of the Savior—Yahushua—which means “Yahuweh is Salvation”.

Yahuweh says in Isaiah 43:11: “I, I am Yahuweh, and besides Me, there is no savior.”

Isaiah 45:21-22: “Is it not I, Yahuweh? And there is no god besides Me—a righteous El and a Savior, there is none besides Me. Turn to Me and be saved all you ends of the earth! For I am El, and there is none else”.

There is a Father and there is a Son. Yahushua will come with the judgment of the Father, as Savior and Redeemer. Yahuweh will come in Yahushua’s Person, as the Savior and Redeemer of His people. Yahuweh and Yahushua are “echad”—a family word, a unity word—a word that is used to describe Adam’s joining with Eve and becoming “echad”—one flesh—two operating as one unit.

“Hear O Israel, Yahuweh our Elohim, Yahuweh is echad” (Deuteronomy 6:4)

II Corinthians 3:17-18 joins with all Scripture saying: “The Spirit is Yahuweh”—the Spirit of Yahuweh is the “Set-Apart Spirit”…there is no “trinity”—that’s Nimrod’s religion. There are two thrones on which two will sit.

The Torahless ones do not know Yahuweh or Yahushua, who came in His Father’s Name. Most won’t even use His Name but substitute titles, names of pagan gods, for His real Name—because of religious traditions. They do not love the Word as taught by His Spirit. They love their rabbis, pastors and teachers, but they reject the teachings of His Spirit, for they are profoundly lazy, and take no time to be in His Presence to learn from Him.


Yahuweh intended the Nation of Israel—all twelve tribes—to be a nation of priests, ministering unto Him. But, instead, they rejected His Torah, and thus disqualified themselves from being His servants. Over and over in Scripture, in hundreds of verses and passages, we see that those that reject the Torah will be rejected by Yahuweh. He will reject Torah-less Christians in the Day of Judgment.

Just two examples: Matthew 7:21-23; 13:36-41. There are only three reasons, throughout the Word, why He judges: 1) For rejecting His right to rule over the earth by His Torah 2) For the transgressing of His Torah (sin) and 3) for the harming of His people and His Land.

To willfully, with understanding, turn away from the Messiah of Israel—the living Torah—the embodiment of Torah—and to embrace a counterfeit pagan substitute, in His eyes, is apostasy, whoredom, and worthy of damnation. The

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Covenant He made with His people is conditional…based on our fear of Him, causing our obedience to His Commands.

Faith is an action word—not a belief system. Faith must be acted out by fear of Yahuweh, and obedience to Him. Yahushua comes with His wrath (Revelation 11:15-18). But because the Christian world, as a whole, is blinded and deafened and lulled to sleep by the satanic church system, they will not arise out of their stupor and seek truth, and thus they will be damned.

Here in Israel, you would not believe the mocking, sneering, scorning, arrogant pride, and open rejection of Yahuweh’s Torah by JEWISH CHRISTIANS. These are the spiritual descendants of the Hellenistic Jews who authored Christianity in order to have a reason for rebellion against the Torah. They did not want to give up their Greek culture. They liked the festivals of the gods. They enjoyed the revelry of friendship and social gatherings that paganism afforded them.

Thus the church system embraced the culture, the festivals and the revelry, in the name of “fellowship”. Christianity is no more, especially in our day, than a

social club. It’s members, for the most part, do not want Yahushua to return—they like life as it is. Their pastors keep them pacified with sweet and lovely sermons that “tickle the ear” and do not offend them in any way, thus they keep the money rolling in, and their popularity growing.

To me, these are the most pathetic people on earth—for instead of preaching the “good news of the Kingdom of heaven” to the House of Israel, as Messiah commanded the Apostles to do – Matthew 10:5-6 – they are spreading their

religious arrogance against Yahuweh’s Covenant commandments. Therefore, Yahuweh does not consider them to be from Judah (Jews), but apostate renegades.

John 5:43: “I have come in My Father’s Name and you do not receive Me. If another comes in his own name, him you would receive”.

II Corinthians 11:4: “For, indeed, if he who is coming proclaims another Yahushua, whom we have not proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit, which you have not received, or a different Good News, which you have not previously accepted, you put up with it well enough!”

Sha’ul was very upset because after all of his giving of the truth to those in “gentile areas” like Corinth and Galatia, Gnostic Christians infiltrated the assemblies, giving the counterfeit substitute doctrines of Iesous, and turned the new believers from among the gentiles away from Torah, to a torah-less pagan substitute, which they, themselves, called “Christianity”. This is why he told Timothy to not allow the women in his congregation to teach, but to align with their husbands at home. Mostly mostly women teachers were spreading Gnostic Christianity. They were bold, and often usurped authority over the men of the assembly. They were like many Charismatic women ministers of today who have the “goddess” complex.

The Apostles and early assembly leaders fought this infiltration. Gnosticism embraced the lie that Yahuweh was the bad god who held “illumination” from Adam and Eve, but Lucifer was the good god who “illumined” them with his

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knowledge. They said that Eve was the Queen, formed first, and that Adam was her little baby boy…thus the Madonna and Child religion, brought forward into Christianity. This is why Sha’ul makes the strange statement: “Adam was created first, and then Eve”. The Roman Church has made Mary out to be like Isis--whom the Wiccans and New Agers say is Isis—calling her “the Queen of Heaven”, and “Co-Redemptress with “Christ”.

The Protestant Church inflicted a wound in the head of Roman world control, but it too carried the spirit of Greece and Rome, and so never returned us to our Hebrew roots in the Messiah of Israel. Today, the Vatican is like a great vacuum cleaner, sucking all of man’s religions into itself.

II Thessalonians 2:3: The anti-messiah is called: “man of lawlessness”—Greek: “a nomia”—“without the Torah”. The Torah will be the ruling teachings, instructions, right rulings, edicts, statutes, commands, and law of the Kingdom

of Messiah and of Yahuweh. Yahushua will rule with a rod of iron—with the Torah from Jerusalem (Isaiah 2:2-3; Revelation 26-27). Temple worship will

be re-established with the Zadok priests (Ezekiel 40-46) with Him on the throne in the Most Set-Apart Place, as Priest and King. (Zechariah 6:12-15)

Yahuweh did not throw out the rules that govern the Kingdom of heaven for 2,000 years so that a group of people can be lawless against Him. The eternal

decrees of the Torah are for eternity past to eternity future. (Isaiah 66:22-23 for example) If we are truly born of the Spirit, we are citizens of a heavenly Kingdom. (Philippians 3:20-21) We obey hundreds of laws of our earthly leaders daily and think nothing about it. Therefore, it is craziness to rebel against the rules of the heavenly Kingdom if we want to live in it for eternity.

The “Synagogue of Satan” is therefore, the five thousand or more denominations and organizations joined in unity on a mutual foundation to reject the Torah and Yahuweh’s right to rule over them by Torah, and to reject the Messiah of Israel and His Apostles who guarded the Torah, under the umbrella of “Replacement Theology”—the replacing of Yahuweh and His Torah with a gospel of cheap grace without responsibility and the transferring of the promises to the twelve tribes of Ya’cob (Jacob) to the “church”. This synagogue of Satan was institutionalized in 325 CE as the Roman Catholic Church, and today, most of its many “daughters” have returned to the foundation of the Roman Catholic Church as their umbrella and leader.

In Galatians 1, Sha’ul tells the people to flee from the “other good news” brought by deceivers about the “other messiah”. He is talking about the Hellenistic Jews who were touting “good news” without the truth of Yahuweh’s Torah/Covenant. They were pretty much touting the shallow American gospel—grace with no covenant.

It is fascinating that there was a Canaanite god in the time of Joshua called “Baal Gawd”: “Ba’al”, meaning “Lord”, and “Gawd” or Gad or God, meaning “fortune” -- The “lord of fortune”. The “Prosperity Movement” of American Christianity that has done more to destroy the faith of those in the West and in

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the Third World than any other force, is the major missionary of the religion of Ba’al Gawd. Messiah says: “An evil generation follows after a sign”. Yet, the

American religion of Christianity is all about power, signs and wonders, getting from “God”, and advancing one’s self.

Father spoke to me about a year ago: “Christianity is the mask of Satan” Every deceiving spirit hides in it. Those who refuse to get out of this counterfeit religion of Greece and Rome will find themselves going along, like sheep to the slaughter, into the doom of the great whore and the anti-messiah. They will not withstand the days to come, but terror will seize them. They will not hear from Yahuweh, and so without His wisdom and direction, they will go into the slaughterhouses, thinking they are doing right. He can’t reach them. They are too stubborn and calloused, even though His heart breaks.

They will also betray the true believers in the true Messiah, the Torah-guarding

believers, and think they are doing “God” a favor (John 16:1-2).

Jeremiah 9:12-14: “Who is the wise man that he understands this? And to

whom has the mouth of Yahuweh spoken that he declares it? Why has the land perished, has it been burned like a wilderness with none passing through? And Yahuweh says: `Because they have forsaken My Torah, which I set before them, and they have not obeyed My voice, nor walked according to it, but they have walked according to the stubbornness of their own heart and after the Ba’als, which their fathers had taught them”.

The Romanized “Paul” became the original false prophet—pointing mankind to worship Iesous and later the Pope. And so today, if a person wants to discredit the whole Torah of Yahuweh and Yahushua, they use three to four verses taken out of context, from the writings of “Paul” in Romans, Colossians and Galatians. The chief gods of the city of Rome were Remus and Romulus. Under the Church, Remus and Romulus became Peter and Paul.

According to Daniel 9:26, one would come as the “abomination that makes desolate”, from the same people-group as the one who would destroy Jerusalem and the Temple. The one who destroyed the City and the Temple was Emperor Titus. We now have a revived Roman Empire, and a new Caesar is arising, who will take over Jerusalem and attempt to destroy Yahuweh’s people. This Empire, centered in the country of the Vatican, with representatives in the United Nations, will indeed take over the earth. It appears, even from U.N. and E.U. statements, that the pope will be the world ruler (anti-messiah).

And who is the “false prophet” of Revelation 13, who does all sorts of signs and wonders and gets the world to take the “mark of the beast” and worship the image of the beast? Who directs the worship of the world’s people to the Vatican representative, who sits as “the Vicar of Christ”?

Avi ben Abraham – Ever heard of him? He is the head of world cloning, and of the freezing of people to restore them to health after a cure for their disease has been found. Around 2001, Avi made a big announcement in Israel. He said: “I am the creator”. He said: “I am the resurrection and the life”. He said he

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was going to train ten Italian doctors and give them all the secrets of DNA, so as to produce perfect people, heal all diseases, and restore the frozen ones to life. He said he was going to get the DNA of the Shroud of Turin and clone Jesus and bring him back. All of Israel was buzzing for a long time over this, for Avi is highly respected in the world community as being able to do anything he says he will do. I saw the big spread in the “Jerusalem Post” myself—with picture of Avi and “Dolly” the sheep. He was born in Babylon, a full-blooded Jew. He established his position as a genius from early age. Since Avi’s big announcement, whole herds of cows and sheep have been cloned and released for human consumption, as well as the cloning of humans, and other creatures. Exxon Mobil flew him around the world, and everywhere Avi said to drill for oil, they did, and they found oil. So, in Israel, he was taken seriously. He went to the Pope, who gave him permission to take the DNA off the shroud of Turin and

clone Jesus. John Paul II was very excited about this. He was last seen, as far as I know, in the White House with President G.W. Bush, with his ten Italian doctors. Just a few days before, Bush had made a public announcement that there would be no stem cell research. After he and Avi and the ten doctors went off to Camp David for the weekend, that Monday morning, Bush made a grand announcement to go ahead with the stem cell research. Avi took his cloning of Jesus, as has been told, to the space station. In the 1970s the New Age Movement leadership was laughing along with the Illuminati about the fake

appearing of Jesus and the fake rapture—which was invented by the Jesuit Order of the Vatican in the 1500s. The technology we have now can bring a very convincing second coming, but a Luciferic one in reality. This will fool many—even the “elect” if possible. Put this information “on the shelf” and we’ll see what happens.

These who mock and reject the Torah are not born of the Spirit of Yahuweh. They have a belief system that sounds good, but the fruit is rotten. Once Father said to me: “If the root of the tree is defiled, then the whole tree is defiled, and the fruit is defiled, and those who eat it are defiled”.

If you are eating from the tree of defilement and do not get out right now—today and repent of your sin of participating in it, you will reap its destruction. We must REPENT and come out of the kingdom of darkness totally to be born of His Spirit. Yahuweh is the Elohim of Light and no darkness can approach His Presence. Leviticus 4 tells that sin by mistake is still sin.

Too often, also, those that do Torah acts yet have a religious spirit, do not know Him either…they are just religious. There is no one more arrogant, proud and vicious than one with a religious spirit. Knowing Him well enough to know His nature, His ways, His thinking, and fearing Him enough to obey His commands is paramount to survival in these days. Knowing Him and obeying Him is certainly different than trying to obey Him without knowing Him. He does not think like Greece or Rome!

Yahushua will “vomit out the “lukewarm”—Revelation 3:15ff. Vomit comes out

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from within. Those who play games with His Truth will be vomited out of His mouth, for they are an abomination to Him.

Now Yahuweh is sending Eliyahu to a spiritual Mt. Carmel—to restore the Torah to the House of Israel…otherwise Messiah, when He comes with the wrath of

the Father, will have to destroy the earth and all in it. (Malachi 4:4-6; Matthew 17:11; Acts 3:19-21)

The wrath of the Father is very close to being poured out on the one nation that has spread the counterfeit pagan religion of Christianity more than any other—America. There is the true “good news” and there is the religion of greed and avarice—“get your free ticket out of hell and get rich” religion.

Therefore, the Word warns us to get out of end-time Babylon—America. For a complete study on this subject, study with my article: “End Time Babylon”.

Jeremiah 51:6, Yahuweh warns: “Flee from the midst of Babel and let each one save his life. Do not be cut off in her sin, for this is the time of the vengeance of Yahuweh…”

Only one religion on earth has a foundation on anti-Torah teaching: Christianity. The Greeks hated the Torah and outlawed it. The Romans hated the Torah and outlawed it. The religion of Christianity, a Greco/Roman invention, hates the Torah and outlaws it. America is touted as “THE” Christian nation of the world.

Revelation 17:2: The great whore made the nations drunk with the wine of her whoring.

Jeremiah 15:7: “…the nations drank her wine, that is why the nations went mad”. The Christian world is drunk with her wine. They are embracing her whoredom against the Torah of Yahuweh/His Commandments with revelry. They rejoice with arrogance that they do not have to obey Him. Their judgment is therefore sealed. We are told at this stage, “do not pray for them”, for the more they hear truth and the more the Spirit tries to reach them, in answer to our prayers, IF they reject the truth, they are drawing down more judgment on their heads.

Those who say they are Jews, but embrace the religion of Christianity, actually are embracing the very system that killed their people throughout the centuries—the slaughterers of the Crusades and Inquisition, and the Holocausts. Another holocaust is coming--a world holocaust--and those who have turned from Yahuweh will perish in it. During the Crusades, the Christian conquers of Jerusalem would round up Jews and put them in their synagogues and burn them alive, while they marched around the burning synagogue singing hymns to Jesus.

Revelation 2:13: Letter to the assembly at Pergamum: “I know your works, and where you dwell—where the throne of Satan is. And you hold fast to My

Name, and did not deny your faith in Me, even in the days in which Antipas was My faithful witness who was killed near you, where Satan dwells”.

Why was the “throne of Satan” in Pergamum? -- It is because the throne of Zeus was in the temple of Zeus in Pergamum, was taken from Babylon and

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brought there. The throne of Satan/Lucifer is the throne of the god Zeus. It was Nimrod’s throne. Today it is in the Pergamum Museum in Berlin. Hitler used it as his platform, when he made his declaration of the “final solution”—the kill the Jews. Pergamum was one of the Roman Empire’s centers for the worship of the Emperors. Emperor worship became papal worship. It will

conclude with the world emperor—anti-messiah on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The worship of man is the core of deception. Therefore, since Iesous is part and parcel of Zeus, translated into English as “Jesus”, or the Latin Yesu, or the Spanish--phonetically sounding--hey-soos, the throne of Satan resides in the worship of the god of Christianity.

In Revelation 13:2, speaking of anti-messiah, we read: “…And the dragon (Satan) gave him (the anti-messiah) his power, and his throne, and great authority”. (All italics mine) There are plans to bring this “altar” or throne of Zeus to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem for the anti-messiah to sit on.

In Isaiah 14:13-14, we read that Lucifer wants to sit on the throne of Yahuweh

on the Temple Mount. He wants to rule the world, and be God. He will represent Zeus—called by the Greeks “The Savior”.

I don’t know if you know about the all-of-a-sudden appearing of the “crystal children” around 2000 CE, or not. But, there is a new breed of children in the earth, who have come on the heels of another new breed of children, called the “Indigo children”, who appeared about 20-25 years ago as the forerunners of the “crystal children”. The crystal children are highly “psychic” from babyhood—in tune with “spirits”--and are often called gods, or angels from the sky. One interesting phenomenon: They pray to, see apparitions of, and hear from, a being they call “Jesus”. And, from ages under 2 years old, they know who this “Jesus” is…even though their parents may not know. The New Age spiritualists believe Jesus is an “ascended master”--a highly evolved being. These children also see angels and spirit guides as young as under age one. Spirit guides and angels of this type are demon spirits.

While Yahuweh has been incredibly merciful to us in our ignorance, He now demands that we obey truth. His name is not “Jesus”, “God” or “Lord”, nor is it “Ha Shem”. When you find out someone’s name, you apologize and correct yourself. His Name has been twisted, perverted, and set aside, brought to nothingness, and abandoned. This is blasphemy against Him, and we need to straighten out our mouth, and our head, to line up with the truth.

Banias (in North Israel)—ancient Panias, Caesarea Philippi--was the center for the worship of Pan (goat-human god representing Satan), the Emperor Augustus Caesar, and Zeus--altogether in one worship complex area. Thus, the church system combines the worship of the god Iesous, emperor worship (Papal worship or pastor/teacher/big name TV evangelist worship), with the worship of Lucifer, under wraps of deception.

In Pergamum, where the altar of Zeus was—the seat of Satan—the worship of the Roman Emperors was guarded. The anti-messiah revives emperor worship.

Today, many Christianized Jews look down on the Orthodox Jews and on the

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guarding of Torah. Yet, many Orthodox Jews understand the coming of Messiah ben David better than any Christian, and understand and teach the prophetic events that precede His coming. Among these Orthodox Jews are a remnant who will receive Messiah at His coming (Zechariah 12:10-13:1). They are Messiah’s “brethren”, and in Matthew 25:31-46, He judges people on how they have treated His Jewish and Levite brethren.

Antiochus caused the “abomination that makes desolate” in his day. Messiah says one will come that will do the same thing that Antiochus did—Matthew 24:15. He will not set up a statue of Zeus as Antiochus did, but he will sit on the throne of Yahuweh to be worshipped, as the Vicar of Christ—the personification of Iesous.

Before the foundation of the world, Yahuweh wrote the Book of Life based on His foreknowledge. He knew who would receive Him and who would not.

I Peter 1:2: “…chosen according to the foreknowledge of Elohim, set apart by the Spirit unto obedience, and sprinkling of the blood of Yahushua Messiah…”

Sunday, November 9, 2008, was the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, led by Voice of the Martyrs. I’ve worked quite a bit with the persecuted church, through The Voice of the Martyrs, and on site--going into Mainland China with Bibles over forty times. These precious ones, many

without a Bible, consider the Bible to be the most precious possession they can have. What they know, they obey. They are willing to die for their belief in the Savior of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They have an Acts 4 and 5 mentality. They have been taught about the Savior, and they believe on Him for their salvation. Many of these have been and will be the martyrs who will rule and reign with Him in the Kingdom—the childlike ones who are teachable and submissive to Him. He has great compassion on the Christian world that holds onto the Redeemer of Israel, but who have no understanding of anything else, because of their western teachers. He deals with individuals according to His foreknowledge.

Psalm 139:14-16: “…Your eyes saw my unformed body. And in Your book all of my days were written, when as yet there were none of them.”

Jeremiah was called to be a prophet while in the womb. Yohanan was filled with the Spirit in Elizabeth’s womb. Those of the Third World who are persecuted, tortured, imprisoned and killed for their faith are those of Revelation 12:11: “And they overcame him (the dragon) because of the blood of the Lamb, and because of the word of their witness, and they did not love their lives even to death”. Father deals with those He foreknows as individuals! But, the system of Christianity is doomed. All those who cling to this system will die with it. He is calling His people out of it!

There will be martyrs in the western world too, for persecution is coming. He has great compassion on the ones who are ignorant—for He will teach them truth. He has no compassion on those who have the Word and yet won’t search it out to find His Truth from Him. His wrath boils against His people who are too lazy to seek Him with all their heart, as He requires.

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The plumb line has been dropped. The polarizing is almost finished. People are either responding to the call to get out of Babel, or they are snuggling deeper into the arms of Ba’al. Choose today whom you will serve! My passionate plea from His heart is that you get totally 100% out of Christianity, the whore religion, before He has to judge you with it.

In His love,


Begun November 10, 2008, completed December 22, 2008

P.S.: For further study, refer to the well documented mini-book “The Foundation of Deception” and articles like “Forever Settled in Heaven”, “To Fool the Elect”, “The Sign of Identification”, and “The Hebrew Names and Titles of Elohim”.

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