The beauty in giving - Hamline Church


the beauty in giving

Dear Hamline Church Family, As the refreshing cool days of fall are upon us, we begin to think about the annual giving campaign for Hamline Church. A time for us to reflect on the current year and begin to set our annual plan and financial budget for the new year. It is without question that we continue to thrive as a church community despite the unprecedented challenges all churches are facing. Specifically, your generosity has helped us not only balance the books but demonstrate the strength and will of this church to keep our ministry moving forward in support of our mission to be Sanctuary for the City. Our theme of "A Generous Life ? The Beauty in Giving" helps us all remember the many gifts we have received from a loving and generous God, and the importance of giving back. A phrase that has always resonated with me is "Stewardship is not about the church's need to receive. It is about our need to give." To set the stage for the 2022 budget, I think it is important to be transparent with some of the challenges that will likely impact our financial situation in the year ahead. Several of our traditional, alternative forms of income are under pressure due to the lingering effects of the COVID pandemic. We are working to clarify future contributions from Hamline Dining Hall, and our valued partners of the Learning Garden at Hamline, along with our parking and landscaping agreements with Hamline University. Risks are evident in all three areas. Add in some likely increases for heating over the upcoming winter due to rising gas prices, rising costs we are all experiencing for goods and services, the added technical costs of delivering "hybrid" worship services (both in person and virtual), and you can see the importance that pledges will play in our annual budget for 2022. Given the challenges listed above, and the desire to keep our impressive momentum moving forward, we have set a goal of a 10% increase in pledges. However, like we demonstrated during the Capital Campaign, we are setting a "miracle" goal of a 15% increase. Achieving this level will provide us with a contingency to deal with the risks listed above and ability to add even more support for our church's mission and ministry. We are asking each of our members to prayerfully consider making a pledge by November 21, 2021 online at give or by returning an estimate of giving card. Then join us for our Thanksgiving & Commitment Celebration on Commitment Sunday November 21 at 10am. I want to thank you all in advance for your generous support. Let us all experience the "Beauty of Giving". All my best,

Pete Theisen, Finance Chair on behalf of the Hamline Church Council & Stewardship Team


Dear Beloveds,

When I reflect on these past 20 months of the pandemic in the context of Hamline Church, I am humbled and inspired by the generosity of this community. At every turn, the people of Hamline Church have responded generously to the unique needs and challenges of these trying times. You have embraced God's call to be generous with your time, talents, and resources. Whether it was building a playground at Emma's Place, feeding the community at the brick oven, serving at the Dining Hall or Dorothy Day, donating food and essentials for neighbors in need, planting trees, tending the garden to provide food for elders, helping make worship happen (online, in person or outside!), or caring for one another in times of grief and heartache ? the people of Hamline Church respond with generosity, compassion, and grace.

I am proud to be your pastor and so very grateful for all the ways that this community has met the challenges of this year and has continued to share a community of love and joy with our neighbors. Thank you.

Our annual giving campaign is an invitation to reflect on the generosity you experience and consider how your personal generosity contributes to spreading God's love in the world. I invite you to join Ryan and me in making an annual giving commitment for 2022 that represents our immense gratitude for how we experience God's love and grace in and through our church.

Thank you for all the ways you support the ministry of Hamline Church.

With deep appreciation,

Rev. Mariah Furness Tollgaard

THE IMPACT OF YOUR GIVING By giving to Hamline Church, we reflect God's grace, and join in God's work of caring for the world. This chart shows how your gifts are deployed to make a meaningful impact in our church and community.

Our annual budget depends heavily on pledge income from you, our congregation. Whether you pledge regularly, or are considering your participation for the first time, your pledge provides a critical and essential piece of how we live into our call to be Sanctuary for the City.

Resources from the church's ministries come primarily from your pledges and gifts (75%), along with the endowment (4%), rental income (13%) and other resources (8%).

The chart on the right shows how your gifts are deployed to make a meaningful impact at Hamline Church and in our greater community.

Time, deep commitment, and generous resources-- that's what it takes to be good stewards in a complex world. Thank you for your generosity.


Worship 23%

Foundation for Ministry


Faith Formation 18%

Connectional UMC Ministry


Communications & Care 17%

Justice & Mission


Total: $662,722 Thank you for your support!


PLEASE RETURN AN ANNUAL GIVING CARD As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's grace. 1 Peter 4:10

At Hamline Church our annual giving supports our church's ministry and mission. Each year, we ask our members to return an annual commitment card, pledging their tithes and offerings for the coming year. The single most important source of funding for our ministries comes from the estimated giving contributions during our annual stewardship campaign.

There are three important reasons why we do this: 1. We acknowledge that all we have is a gift from

God, and as an expression of love, we thank God for our blessings and symbolically return the first fruits of our labor as an offering to God. 2. One of our membership expectations at Hamline Church is to give in proportion to our income. We are not told how much to give: that is a personal decision, but the Bible teaches us to give a tithe or ten percent to God. For many, the tithe is just the beginning. If you are currently not tithing, our hope is that you will commit a percentage of your income and increase that amount as you are able until you reach the tithe. 3. The annual commitments make it possible for our church to budget, plan, and expand our ministries in the coming year. Worship, music, programs for children and youth, small groups, pastoral care and support, mission and community projects are all supported by the annual giving that provides the operating funds for our church.

MORE INFORMATION To learn more about stewardship at Hamline Church please contact the Rev. Mariah Furness Tollgaard. If you are experiencing financial hardship, don't let your inability to give at this time keep you from participating and serving in church. Remember that God honors your faithfulness and that your acceptance is not based upon your capacity to give financially. Please feel free to let our pastor know of your situation so that she can pray for and support you. We ask that everyone return a commitment card, even if you can only make a limited financial commitment at this time. You can always increase or decrease your commitment or change your giving option if your situation changes by contacting the Church Office at 651-645-0667 and leaving a message for Financial Secretaries Barb Brokopp or Joyce Evans or by emailing humc@.

COMMITMENT SUNDAY IS NOVEMBER 21, 2021 We will consecrate our annual giving commitments during worship on November 21. You can pledge online at give, bring your card to worship November 21 or return your card by placing it in the offeringbaskets any time.

Annual Giving Commitments begin January 1, 2022 and continue through December 31, 2022.


LOOKING AHEAD TO 2022 ? Building Beloved Community Series - deepening

our commitment to racial justice & reconciliation ? Transformational hybrid worship - continued

development of worship experience online & in person ? New innovations in spiritual formation for all ages as we move toward the post-pandemic era ? 125th Anniversary of the Dining Hall!


the beauty in giving


1514 Englewood Avenue | Saint Paul, MN 55104 All are welcome | | 651.645.0667


Name____________________________________ Address __________________________________ City ______________ State _____ Zip _________ Email_____________________________________

GIVING OPTIONS (select only one)

q Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Please set up EFT for me/us. I have included a voided check, if signing up for the first time. Please select timing of electronic funds transfer

q Monthly -- the 5th of each month. q Monthly -- the 18th of each month. q Please increase my pledge by

$ _______ per month.

q Cash or Check

Phone Number _____________________________

(Offering envelopes are provided in the

pews. If you prefer personalized pre-

I/We pledge to give: $____________

printed envelopes please circle YES )

q Weekly q Monthly q Annually q As follows: _________________

q Non-Cash Gift I/We would like to make this gift in securities, mutual fundshares or IRA

charitable rollover. (Please have someone

contact me)

For a total annual giving commitment of:


q Hamline Church Online Giving

4 2022 HAMLINE CHURCH ANNUALI/W GeIVwIiNll sGet up an account or already

have one.



Signed Date

LEGACY GIVING The Hamline Church Endowment Fund provides a way to further your lifetime commitment and stewardship by supporting your church through planned giving by remembering Hamline Church in your will, trust, retirement accounts and life insurance designations. To learn more, contact Pete Theisen, Chair of Finance or check the box below.

q I/We have remembered Hamline Church in our will or legacy gift.

q I/We would like information on how to provide for Hamline Church in my/our will.

Please bring this Commitment Card to worship on November 21. Cards can also be completed online give.


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