Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), Ontario Region ...

Request for Proposals to

Develop, Manage and Coordinate a Conference for

LINC Administrators

Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Settlement and Intergovernmental Affairs Directorate

Purpose of the Call for Proposals

Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), Ontario Region Settlement and Intergovernmental Affairs Directorate is accepting proposals to develop, co-ordinate and manage a three day conference for approximately 350 LINC program (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) administrators and related staff. There are about 120 LINC service providers in Ontario.

Overnight accommodation (three nights) will be required for approximately 150 conference guests.

The conference will take place over a three day period between 15 January 2007 and 31 March 2007 though the preferred dates are February 7 – 9 2007. (Please refer to section entitled “Timeframes”.)


LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) has been in operation since 1992. The program provides basic language training to adult newcomers in one of Canada's official languages as soon as possible after arrival in Canada so that they may acquire the necessary language skills to integrate into Canadian society.

LINC funded programs are delivered by Service Providing Organizations (SPOs) which include community agencies, school boards, colleges and private language schools. These organizations employ LINC administrative staff, including program coordinators and executive directors, to oversee language training classes and related supports.

I. Role of the Conference Organizer

To provide management and coordination activities as follows:

Consultation with conference advisory committee

▪ the organizer will work with a conference advisory committee consisting of LINC coordinators and CIC staff

▪ the committee will meet a minimum of 2-3 times prior to the conference to provide guidance in the planning and development of the conference program

▪ the organizer will be required to communicate or to meet frequently with representatives of the committee, especially the conference funder, as needed for on-going discussion of planning and coordination details

Financial administration

▪ budget management and control

▪ monthly financial reporting to funder

Programme development and structure

▪ work with advisory committee to develop conference content (including arranging for presenters, guest speakers as needed)

▪ devise timetable for workshops, networking sessions and other conference activities

▪ contact and co-ordinate invited speakers

▪ produce programme publications

Promotion and marketing

▪ design, produce and distribute all promotional materials


▪ register guests for conference and workshops

Travel, accommodation and refreshments

▪ negotiate and co-ordinate transportation and accommodation

▪ arrange and provide payment as necessary

▪ coordinate provision of meals and other refreshments to conference guests

On-site logistics

▪ develop logistics plan

▪ co-ordinate suppliers

Final report (1) – conference proceedings

▪ produce and distribute final report of conference proceedings, including workshop summaries and recommendations arising from the conference

▪ report will be available in electronic format for internet posting and in hard copy (10 English, 2 French)

Final report (2) – report to funder

▪ produce and collect evaluation forms and compile information for inclusion in final report to funder

▪ document speakers and workshops for inclusion in report

▪ produce a statistical summary and financial documentation

Official languages

▪ provision of conference materials in both official languages (English and French), including surveys, agendas, travel instructions, promotional materials and final report

▪ provision of workshops in English and French as required or arrange for simultaneous translation

II. Timeframes

The proposed timeframe for the project spans September 20 to March 31, 2007. However, workflow requirements of LINC administrators indicate that the optimum time for the conference is February 2007, specifically February 7 – 9.

III. Eligible Service Providing Organizations

In order to be eligible to apply for funding to organize and manage the conference, the applicant must be considered an “eligible service provider”. Eligible providers include:

▪ businesses

▪ not-for-profit organizations

▪ educational institutions (including school boards, districts, and divisions)

▪ individuals

▪ provincial, territorial, and municipal governments

▪ non-government organizations

▪ community groups

All proposals must:

▪ provide background information about the applicant including experience in organising similar events, working with Government of Canada contribution agreements (if applicable) and knowledge of the Ontario immigrant settlement sector

▪ include a detailed work plan outlining activities to be completed and estimated timelines

▪ include a resume for main conference co-ordinator, demonstrating the appropriate experience /skills for this project

▪ provide a complete and detailed budget summary with estimated costs and suggested locations for the conference

▪ include details of past projects of a similar nature to this project

▪ include two references from these past projects, with contact information

▪ demonstrate bilingual capacity of the applicant (French and English) or a plan to add bilingual capacity as needed for this project

▪ clearly identify sub-contractors and partners - roles must be clearly specified and qualifications outlined in the proposal*

*Note: It is recognized that one applicant may not possess all the required skills, knowledge and expertise, and therefore, partnerships and/or subcontracting arrangements are encouraged. However, the primary applicant is required to have strong project management skills, to ensure the success of the project. The primary applicant is responsible for the performance of all partners and sub-contractors.

The review team will evaluate all proposals on the following elements:

▪ completeness and level of detail in responses to information requested in this document

▪ an outline indicating how each element of the project will be met

Review process

Receipt of each proposal will be acknowledged with a letter. A second letter will be sent outlining the results of the review process.

The review team regrets that it is unable to respond to individual inquiries regarding the status of a proposal during the review process.

Deadline for Receipt of Submissions: September 6 2006

Four hard copies plus one electronic copy on diskette or CD must be sent to:

Anna Ananiadis

Director, Intergovernmental Affairs

Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Settlement and Intergovernmental Affairs Directorate, Ontario Region

130 Adelaide Street East, Suite 1500

Toronto, Ontario

M5H 3P5

Please direct all questions about this proposal via e-mail to Katherine Babiuk at

Questions and responses will be posted on .

Citizenship and Immigration reserves the right to seek further clarification on all proposals and to take time as necessary to review and select the winning proposal.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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