Division 2 meeting notes .at




May 2005

May 6, 2005


Division Officers 2

Country Members 2

Technical Committees 3

Reporterships 4

Liaisons 4

Closed Functions 4

New functions established 5

Change of Functions 5

Progress on TC document publication 5


CIE Expert Symposium on LED Light Sources (7-8 June 2004)

Division 1 & 2 Joint Session (9 June 2004)

Division 2 Meeting (11 June 2004)

Technical Committee Meetings (9-10 June 2004)

Minutes of the 2004 Division 2 Meeting, Tokyo, Japan 7

Attachments 32

Division Officers

Director: Miss Teresa Goodman

Associate directors: Dr. Georg Sauter

Mr. Nobert Johnson

Mr. Guy Vandermeersch

Editor Dr. Jim Gardner

Secretary Dr. Yoshi Ohno

Country Members (36 countries: -1 from 2004)

Changes since June 2004:

Argentina, removed. CIE membership expired Jan 2005.

South Africa, July 2004 (from F Hengstberger)

Current Technical Committees May 2005

|Technical Committee |AD | Chair |

|TC2-16 Characterization of the performance of tristimulus colorimeters |S |Janos |Schanda |

|TC2-17 Recommendation for integrated irradiance and spectral distribution of simulated solar |J |Gene |Zerlaut |

|radiation | | | |

|TC2-19 Measurement of the Spectral Coefficient of Retroreflection |J |Norbert |Johnson |

|TC2-23 Photometry of Street-Lighting Luminaires |V |Guy |Vandermeersch |

|TC2-25 Calibration Methods and Photoluminescent Standard for Total Radiance Factor Measurement |J |Joanne |Zwinkels |

|TC2-28 Methods of characterizing spectrophotometers |J |Mike |Pointer |

|TC2-29 Measurement of detector linearity |S |Tom |Larason |

|TC2-32 Measuring Retroreflectance of Wet Horizontal Road Markings |J |Neil |Hodson |

|TC2-37 Photometry Using Detectors as Transfer Standards |S |Yoshi |Ohno |

|TC2-39 Geometric Tolerances for Colorimetry |J |Danny |Rich |

|TC2-40 (S) Characterizing the Performance of Illuminance and Luminance Meters |S |Reiner |Rattunde |

|TC2-42 The Colorimetry of Visual Displays |J |Christine |Wall |

|TC2-43 Determination of measurement uncertainties in photometry |S |Georg |Sauter |

|TC2-44 Vocabulary Matters |J |Jim |Gardner |

|TC2-45 Measurement of LEDs - Revision of CIE 127 |S |Kathleen |Muray |

|TC2-46 (S) CIE/ISO standards on LED intensity measurements |S |John |Scarangello |

|TC2-47 Characterization and Calibration Methods of UV Radiometers |S | | |

|TC2-48 Spectral responsivity measurement of detectors, radiometers, and photometers |S |George |Eppeldauer |

|TC2-49 Photometry of Flashing Light |V |Yoshi |Ohno |

|TC2-50 Measurement of the optical properties of LED clusters and arrays |V |Jens |Schuette |

|TC2-51 Calibration of multi-channel spectrometers |J |Richard |Austin |

|TC2-52 Photometry of Emergency Lighting Luminaires |V |Guy |Vandermeersch |

|TC2-53 Multi-Geometry Color Measurements of Effect Materials |J |Gerhard |Rösler |

|TC2-56 (S) CIE/ISO standard on retroreflection measurements |J |Cameron |Miller |

|TC2-57 (S) Revision of CIE S014-2 |J |Alan |Robertson |

|TC2-58 Measurement of LED radiance and luminance |S |Kohtaro |Kohmoto |

|TC2-59 Characterisation of Imaging Luminance Measurement Devices |S |Peter |Blattner |

|TC2-60 Effect of Instrumental Bandpass Function and Measurement Interval on Spectral Quantities |S |David |Gibbs |


|Reporter Title |AD | Reporter |

|R2-21 Use of Detectors as Absolute Transfer Standards for Spectroradiometry |S |Nigel |Fox |

|R2-23 ISO/CIE Standards for the measurement of reflectance and transmittance |J |Danny |Rich |

|R2-27 Field Measurement for Traffic Signals |V |Carl |Andersen |

|R2-28 Evaluation of Colorimeter Spectral Responsivity |S |Balazs |Kránicz |

|R2-32 Visual appearance measurement |J |Mike |Pointer |

|R2-33 Measurement of laser-based projection displays |S |Keith |Niall |

|R2-34 Methods for characterising and calibrating detectors in photon counting regime |S |M Luisa |Rastello |

|R2-35 Uncertainties in Distribution Temperature Determination |S |Alan |Robertson |


|Organization |Liaison Officer |

|CCPR - Consultative Committee of Photometry and Radiometry |Yoshi Ohno |

|Division 8 |Alan Kravetz |

|ISO TC6 Paper, board & pulps |Joanne Zwinkels |

|IEC TC 34: Lamps and related equipment |G. Vandermeersch |

|ISO on reflectance and transmittance issues |Danny Rich |

|IDA (International Dark Sky Association) |Justin Rennison |

|OIML (Organization of International Legal Metrology) |Georg Sauter |

|IALA (International Association of Lighthouse Authorities) |Carl Andersen |

|IEC TC100/TA2 (Color Management and Measurement/Audio, Video and Multimedia Systems and Equipment) |Danny Rich |

Closed functions

R2-29 Characterization of imaging luminance measurement devices (Peter Blattner) … TC2-59 was established. 

R2-30 Problems linked to correct measurement of TL5 fluorescent lamps with existing electronic ballasts (Guy Vandermeersch) …. The work will be done in TC2-23.

R2-31 Problems with the spectroradiometric measurement of light sources (David Gibbs) … TC2-60 was established.

New functions established

TC2-59 Characterization of imaging luminance measurement devices (Peter Blattner)

TC2-60 Effect of instrumental bandpass function and measurement interval on spectral quantities (David Gibbs)

R2-35 Uncertainties in Distribution Temperature Determination (Alan Robertson)

Changes of functions

The chair of TC2-16 changed from M.L. Rastello (Italy) to J. Schanda (Hungary)

The chair of TC2-50 changed from G. Sauter (Germany) to J. Schuette (Germany)

Progress on TC document publication

CIE Standard S 010/E:2004: Photometry - The CIE system of physical photometry (published in September 2004)

CIE Draft Standard DS 014-1.2/E:2004 "Colorimetry - Part 1: CIE Standard Colorimetric Observers" and CIE Draft Standard DS 014-2.2/E:2004 "Colorimetry - Part 2: CIE Standard Illuminants" are in NC ballots (deadline 2005-05-15)


1. CIE Expert Symposium on LED Light Sources: Physical Measurement and Visual and Photobiological Assessment (7-8 June 2004)

The symposium was held at AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) Waterfront building in Tokyo, and well attended by 94 participants, to the limit of the meeting room. This was a joint symposium by CIE Div. 1 (color and vision), Div. 2 (physical measurements of light and radiation), and Div. 6 (photobiology).

2. Division 1 & 2 Joint Session (9 June 2004)

A joint session with Division 1 and Division 2 was held in Tokyo on 9 June 2004. The following topics were discussed:

• Safety aspects for LEDs (Introduced by Werner Horak)

• Colour rendering of LEDs (introduced by Janos Schanda, moderator for the discussion was Yoshi Ohno)

• Mesopic photometry and visual performance (introduced by Liisa Halonen, moderator for the discussion was Teresa Goodman)

3. Division 2 Meeting (11 June 2004)

The 2004 Division 2 Meeting was held on June 11, 2004 in Tokyo, with 35 attendees from 13 countries, including 12 country members. The minutes of the meeting were compiled by the Secretary and distributed in October 2004, and are attached to this Activity Report.

4. Technical Committee Meetings (9-10 June 2004)

The following meetings were held in conjunction with the 2004 Division 2 Meeting. Brief reports on these TC meetings are included in the 2004 Division 2 Meeting minutes.

TC2-43 Determination of measurement uncertainties in photometry

TC2-45 Measurement of LEDs - Revision of CIE 127

TC2-48 Spectral responsivity measurement of detectors, radiometers, and photometers.

TC2-50 Measurement of the optical properties of LED clusters and arrays

TC2-56 (S) CIE/ISO standard on retroreflection measurements

TC2-58 Measurement of LED radiance and luminance


October 22, 2004

Minutes of 2004 CIE Division 2 Meeting

9:00 – 17:00, 11 June 2004




Jean Bastie BNM-INM/CNAM, France (CIE Vice President)

Rolf Bergman Consultant, USA

Peter Blattner METAS, Switzerland

Ellen Carter KonicaMinolta, USA

George Eppeldauer NIST, USA

Teresa Goodman NPL, UK (D2 DD)

David Gibbs NPL, UK

Kenji Godo NMIJ/AIST, Japan

Günther Heidel Osram OptoSemiconductor, Germany

Erkki Ikonen HUT, Finland

Norio Ishikawa KonicaMinolta Sensing Inc., Japan

Nobert Johnson 3M Co., USA (D2 AD)

Yasushi Kita Stanley Electric Co., Ltd. Japan

Kohtaro Kohmoto Teknologue Co., Japan (TC2-50 chair)

Cameron Miller NIST, USA

Kathleen Muray INPHORA, USA

Gerald Mathe Instrument Systems, Germany

Yoshi Ohno NIST, USA (D2 Secretary)

Kosei Oshima Otsuka Electronics, Japan

Jiangen Pan EVERFINE, China

Seung Nam Park KRISS, Korea

Etienne Pierson Laborelec, Belgium

Reiner Rattunde LMT, Germany

Alan Robertson* NRC, Canada

Janos Schanda* Univ. Veszprem, Hungary

Jens Schuette SLI Miniature Lighting, Germany

Kenichi Suzuki Matsushita Electric Ind. Co., Japan

Hiroshi Shitomi NMIJ/AIST, Japan

Ichiro Saito NMIJ/AIST, Japan

Terubumi Saito NMIJ, Japan

Walter Steudtner OSRAM GmbH, Germany

Georg Sauter PTB, Germany (AD)

Raissa Stolyarevskaya Acol Technologia, SA, Russia

Ian Tutt Trinity House, UK

Richard Young Optronic Labs, USA

Total 35 persons from 13 countries, including 12 country members. Underlines indicate country members. * proxy for country member.


Agenda of 2004 Division 2 meeting (Attachment 1)

List of the country members, TCs, Reporterships, and Liaisons.


Division Director, Teresa Goodman, opened the meeting at 9:00 a.m. and welcomed everyone present. DD expressed her formal thanks to Dr. Sagawa and AIST for hosting the Division meetings and the LED Symposium in Tokyo.

1. Attendance list, apologies

Secretary received regrets from the following persons:

Carl Andersen (USA)

John Clare (New Zealand)

Peter Clarke (UK)

Dennis Couzin (USA)

Jeanne-Marie Coutin (France)

Gyula Dezsi (Hungary)..... Janos Schanda will be his proxy

Jim Gardner (Australia), new Editor

Arnold Gaertner (Canada)

Neil Hodson (USA)

Balazs Kranicz (Hungary)

Allan Ottosson (Sweden)

M. Luisa Rastello (Italy)

Danny Rich (USA)

Dave Sliney (USA)

Christine Wall (UK)

Guy Vandermeersch (Belgium), AD

Pieter Walraven (Netherlands)

Gan Xu (Singapore)

Guanrong Ye (China)

Joanne Zwinkels (Canada) ... Alan Robertson will be her proxy.

2. Introductions

DD Goodman introduced D2 management team, and relayed special apologies from AD, Guy Vandermeersch and new Editor, Jim Gardner, who were not able to attend this meeting. All the participants introduced themselves.

3. Approval of Agenda

DD proposed adding two items to the agenda of this meeting previously distributed (Attachment 1). DD proposed to add a new item as 7.1 on ILV, and to change item 11.3 to be a discussion on Div.2 website links, including database on optical radiation properties of sources, detectors and materials. The agenda with these changes was approved.

4. Approval of the 2003 D2 meeting minutes

The minutes of the 2003 D2 meeting in San Diego, USA, which were distributed via e-mail circular and on the website in September 2003, were approved with no changes. DD expressed her thanks to Secretary for always preparing very complete and comprehensive minutes.

5. Director’s Report (T. Goodman)

The joint Symposium on LED Light Sources, held this time in Tokyo, was very successful; 94 participants registered for the event, demonstrating the continuing high level of interest in the subject of LEDs. A follow-on symposium on the same subject will be planned in a few years.

John Moore (UK) stepped down as Division Editor at the end of the last quadrennium (2003), and Jim Gardner (CSIRO, Australia) has taken over the position. He has already been working on the ILV and in future all documents (TC reports, etc.) to be published should be sent to him. DD further recommends that TCCs send their draft documents to the Editor when they are near completion and certainly before TC ballot.

DD reported a few issues from the Board meeting held after the San Diego session in 2003:

a) New policies and procedures for publication sales

These were agreed by CIE BA and have already been introduced. CIE publications can now be purchased directly from CIE CB as well as from NCs. The prices are the same whether ordered from CIE CB or any NC. Arrangements have been made so that the income from the sales (when ordered from CIE CB) are credited to each NC depending on which country each order came from. DD encourages everyone to order from CIE CB, which is both quicker and less trouble for CIE (no shipping to NC). It is also planned that publication sales will shortly be possible directly via a website and optimum methods for this are being investigated. DD asked whether anybody had purchased publications recently in the new way. Ohno reported his experience that the ordering process was very smooth and publications were delivered from CB very fast (in one week). Kohmoto experienced the same in Japan. Several people mentioned that it is additional advantage that credit card payment is accepted. Rattunde indicated that he has an arrangement with the German NC so that when new documents come out, these are sent to him automatically. DD suggested that such an arrangement might be made with the CIE CB (at least, to notify people when new publications are issued). She will suggest this at the next CIE BA meeting. Gibbs mentioned some difficulties associated with the CD ROM of all current publications and the very high on-going costs for this. DD will raise this as well at the next CIE BA meeting.

Johnson suggested that it would also be useful to have the list of current publications and abstracts (with prices and ordering information) available for electronic distribution. There are already some pages on CIE website containing this information, but there is a need to make it more easily available. It was agreed that Secretary will post, on D2 website, an announcement of the new method for ordering publications that is now in place. DD also added that NC members have large discounts on prices of publications, which is one of the big benefits of being a NC member. Bergman (President of CIE-USA) suggested that it might be a good opportunity to invite new membership when orders come from a non-member. For example, an invitation to join the appropriate NC could be sent together with the ordered publications or, when the website for direct ordering of publications is available, this could be linked to the membership application page of the relevant NC website. DD agreed this is a good idea and will suggest it at the next CIE BA meeting. It was noted that the fees for NC membership are still different and are at the discretion of each NC. The fees cannot be harmonized due to the different ways and budgets under which different NCs operate.

b) CIE Handbooks

Johnson asked about the new form of publication that had been discussed at previous meetings, namely compilations of CIE publications on given topics (‘CIE Handbooks’). DD said that there has been no progress on this, due mainly to the costs involved in binding the publications in book form. Johnson pointed out that technology is available for publishing books in small quantities at low cost and suggested CIE should investigate this further. DD will raise this at the next CIE BA meeting.

c) Revision of CIE Publications

A number of current CIE publications have old dates, which might make people feel these documents are outdated. It was therefore suggested at CIE BA that each publication should be regularly reviewed (e.g., every five years) to determine whether it is still current, and, if so determined, it could be re-dated with the latest review date. This will be discussed again at the CIE BA meeting in September. DD asked for comments from participants, either at the meeting or later, by email. Bergman suggested that, as is the case for ANSI, any documents assigned new dates in this way should say clearly whether the latest version is a re-affirmed version or a revised version, so that those who already have the previous version know if they need to buy the new one. Gibbs mentioned that care should be taken if outdated publications are withdrawn, because they may be still referred in other publications and people may still need them. Johnson commented that such a process of periodic review is done within ASTM by balloting and suggested that a similar procedure should be carried out within CIE – in particular, the review should be done not by just one person but should involve a formal ballot process. Sauter commented that, if such a ballot process is put in place, ample time should be allowed (e.g., half a year) for NCs to review the documents. Johnson added that if an old version is either scanned or retyped and reformatted for electronic circulation, it should be assured that the new version is an exact replica of the old version. DD will forward these comments to the next CIE BA.

d) Supportive Membership

New categories for supportive membership of the CIE have been agreed – full details are in the latest CIE membership brochure available from CIE CB.

e) CIE Awards

A new award category, Distinguished Services Award, is to be introduced as part of the CIE Awards scheme. About three people will be selected to receive this award in each quadrennium. Nominations will be considered by a committee comprising of President, Past President and President Elect.

6. Secretary’s Report (Y. Ohno)

Country Members: D2 now has 37 country members, with a new country (Czech Republic) added during the past year. The country representatives of Belgium, China, and India have all changed since last D2 meeting.

Reports Issued: The Summary of the 2003 D2 meeting (San Diego, USA) was distributed via e-mail circular in July 2003. The Minutes of the San Diego meeting were distributed in September 2003. The Activity Report – May 2004 was produced and distributed in May 2004. These documents are also posted on the D2 website.

Division 2 Mailing List: The List now has 187 persons (last year – 161). The e-mail list is always kept updated as much as possible. Currently 182 persons have valid e-mail addresses on the List. All communications in D2 are done by e-mail (reflector) and through the website (except for a few country members who have no e-mail access). The Secretary requested to everyone to inform him any changes of e-mail address as they occur, to ensure that they continue to receive circulars.

Division 2 Website: As a countermeasure for ever-increasing spams, all e-mail addresses in D2 Mailing List on the website have been removed and they are made available only with password protection. The current e-mail addresses are found in the Subscriber List of the CIE-D2 email reflector, which can be accessed by username: cie2, password: vienna. It should be noted that the list is not in alphabetical order. Names can be searched on the browser.

TC Drafts on Website: Secretary also maintains all the latest TC drafts on the website (as much as possible). Currently 17 TC drafts are posted. He reminded everyone that the blanket password is distributed only to CMs, and that passwords for each individual TC are made available to TC members (from TCC). Those CMs or TC members who do not have passwords can contact Secretary or TCC to receive the passwords.

E-mail reflectors: CIE-D2@ (address is now hidden on the website) is used for D2 circulars and for discussions on Division-wide issues. Junk mails and spams are filtered out by Non-subscriber block. Only messages from registered subscribers are distributed. An archive of all the past messages is available. E-mail reflectors are also available for all TCs, although currently only four TCs have reflectors (TC2-45, 46, 48, 29). Secretary encourages other TCs to create and use e-mail reflectors to discuss their draft documents between physical meetings and thus speed work progress. To create a reflector, simply send a request to Secretary with updated member list. A good example was TC1-48 (revision of CIE 15.2) where most discussions on the draft and decisions were made by e-mail.

Organizing meetings: Secretary worked as a member of the organizing committee for the LED symposium held this time and also organized the TC meetings.

DD Goodman expressed her thanks for the continuing hard work done by Secretary, which was enthusiastically endorsed by everyone present.

7. Editor’s report

The new Editor, Jim Gardner, sent a report to the Secretary. Except for the work on the ILV (reported in next section), all the editing work taken by the previous Editor (Moore) was completed before the transition, and therefore no documents and materials were transferred to the new Editor. An informal meeting was held with Editor and most of D2 Management Team (DD, Secretary, AD Johnson) during the CORM meeting in May, at which the ILV was discussed. The Editor is currently working at NIST as a guest scientist and will stay there until the end of October.

The TC2-22 report (Intercomparison of Measurements of the Luminous Flux of High-Pressure Sodium Lamps) that Moore worked on for final editing has been published as CIE Publication 153: 2003.

7.1. Revision of ILV

Secretary reported on the status and recent work done by the Editor on the revision of ILV (Division 2 terms – Sections 1, 4 and 5). The draft of the proposed revised and new terms was voted on by the Division in June 2002. There were a number of comments from the ballot, but no actions had been taken before the new Editor took over. There had been some delays due to difficulty communicating with the previous Editor, but all relevant material, including the draft and the comments from the ballot, were subsequently retrieved from the CIE CB and sent to the new Editor, who wrote proposed actions for all the comments. Several new terms for incorporation in the ILV were also proposed in the TC2-25 final draft (Zwinkels) that has been approved by Division ballot. From these materials and actions, Editor prepared the following four documents:

- Response to the comments from the ballot

- Proposed changes from the current version of ILV:1987

- Proposed new terms to be added to the current ILV

- TC2-25 approved terms.

These documents were reviewed by Secretary and DD, then distributed by an e-mail circular on May 26, 2004 requesting that any objections to the changes be sent to the Editor by June 9. This short deadline was due to the final deadline for submission from each Division to CIE CB by the end of the month, and Secretary apologized for the short notice. No objections or comments had been received.

There were several terms that Editor indicated should be discussed at the meeting. DD Goodman asked the participants for comments on the following terms, and decisions were made as follows:

01-28 quantity of light - proposed change agreed (luminous energy; quantity of light) and corresponding change to 01-43.

04-73 gloss (of a surface) - keep definition as in present ILV

05-42 (non-selective) quantum detector - keep definition as in present ILV but add note to say that it should be stated whether the internal or external quantum efficiency is being considered; if not explicitly stated otherwise, it shall be taken as being the external quantum efficiency

array detector - this term not to be included.

polychromator - add this term, together with “monochromator” which is currently not defined (to be finalized after the meeting).

DD asked participants whether there were any objections to the other proposed changes. No objections were raised. DD stated that, if participants have any objections noted later, they must be received by the end of next week (June 18) or they could not be considered.

AD Johnson raised a question on general policy whether all the terms approved in technical reports should be included in the ILV (e.g., as for TC2-25). The general guidance is that terms used only in very specific applications should not be included, but there are no clear guidelines on how this judgment can be made. There was a lengthy discussion on how the line can be drawn between “widely used terms” to be included in ILV and “specific terms” that are not, but no good solution was found. It was suggested that, at least, an index of terms that are defined in technical reports but not in the ILV might be useful. There was also a suggestion to have index for each section. It was also mentioned that the current version has four languages together, which makes it more difficult to look up for people who normally use just one language. Separate volumes for different languages might be useful. DD answered that ILV is to be made available electronically, so it will be flexible and these issues should be able to be handled. DD will carry these comments to Christine Hermann.

Johnson also raised a concern that a lot of suggested additions and amendments have been deferred until the next revision, but it is not known how soon the next revision is planned. DD answered that ILV will be published electronically and will be revised more frequently than before. She agrees that it should be kept updated at much shorter intervals. Bastie mentioned that D6 have submitted their suggested revisions and additions, some of which are related to D2, but these have not been reviewed by D2. DD answered that submissions from all the Divisions will be collated and the entire ILV revision may then be sent for NC ballot, where there will be an opportunity to review terms of other Divisions. If there is an objection relating to any particular term, no change will be made and the existing definition will be kept. Sauter suggested that at least six months would be needed for such a ballot process since the document will have to be sent to various groups within the country for review. DD will send to CIE BA a request for a longer time for the ballot process. Johnson also suggested that reminders should be sent monthly till the deadline of the ballot. DD answered that CB is already trying to do this.

(After the meeting, DD communicated to the D2 mailing list via email for any further objections or comments on the proposed changes described above. With a few comments received and discussed by email, the final version of the Revision of D2 Terms was compiled and sent to CIE CB on June 29, and this work is complete.)

8. Progress reports from Technical Committees, Reporters, and Liaison persons

8.1. Associate Director Johnson and TC chairpersons

Reports on TCs 2- 17, 19, 25, 28, 32, 35, 39, 42, 44, 51, 53 were given.

8.2. Associate Director Sauter and TC chairpersons

Reports on TCs 2-04, 16, 29, 37, 40, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 55 were given.

8.3. Associate Director Vandermeersch and TC chairpersons

Reports on TCs 2-23, 24, 49, 50, 52 were given.

The reports given for 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 are summarized below in the numerical order of all the TCs.

TC2-16 Characterization of the performance of tristimulus colorimeters

Chair: M. L. Rastello (Italy) AD: Sauter

ML: Denner (South Africa), Goodman (UK), Hengstberger (South Africa), Moore (UK), Muray (USA), Ohno (USA), Rattunde (Germany), Robertson (Canada), Sauter (Germany), Schanda (Hungary), Steindl (Austria), Terstiege (Germany)

TR: To produce a report recommending methods for assessing the performance of tristimulus colorimeter heads for measuring chromaticity coordinates.

ST: DD reported that the TCC had planned an editorial meeting in Tokyo but could not attend. The TCC stepped down as she could no longer continue the TC work. Janos Schanda has agreed to take over the TC to finish the TC report draft and to go through the ballot process. The change of the TCC was agreed by voting with no objection.

TC2-17 Recommendation for integrated irradiance and spectral distribution of simulated solar radiation

Chair: G. Zerlaut (USA) AD: Johnson

ML: Aydinli (Germany), Goodman (UK), Ignatiev (Russia), Justus (USA), Kaase (Germany), Kasten (Germany), Kok (South Africa), Wilkenson (Australia)

TR: Revise and update CIE Publication No.20 (1972)

ST: A new TCC was agreed in San Diego, who has an ambitious programme for progressing this TC. However no report was received this time. AD Johnson will contact the TCC for the status.

TC2-19 Measurement of the Spectral Coefficient of Retroreflection

Chair: N. Johnson (USA) AD: Johnson

ML: Arens (USA), Brekke (Norway), Fisher (USA), Hsia (USA), Hubert (France), Kurioka (Japan), Price (UK), Rendu (France), Rennilson (USA), Richey (Germany), Schreiber (Germany), Sugiyama (Japan), Terstiege (Germany), Vandermeersch (Belgium)

TR: Identify the critical measurement parameters, tolerances, and requirements for, and conduct an international intercomparison of, the spectral coefficient of retroreflection.

ST: Report given by the TCC. The draft is nearly ready for TC ballot. The main output from the measurements is chromaticity. Several specification standards specify chromaticity limits and these mean that some revisions are needed to the report to take account of these limits and the associated measurement uncertainties. There is a strong link with D4 on surface colours for signalling and it had been anticipated that limits would be added to the relevant documents for retroreflective surfaces – this will be followed up at the D4 meeting in September.

TC2-23 Photometry of Street-Lighting Luminaires.

Chair: G. Vandermeersch (Belgium) AD: Vandermeersch

ML: Bedocs (UK), Lewin (USA), Rattunde (Germany), Por (France), Rossi (Italy), Gibbs (UK), Pierson (Belgium), Blochouse (Belgium), Corrons (Spain), Andersen (USA), Nederpel (Netherlands), Ottosson (Sweden), Stratford (UK), Ikeda (Japan) – updated July 2003.

TR: Prepare a technical report on the photometry of street lighting luminaries.

ST: The TCC sent a report before the meeting with his apology for absence. He plans both TC2-23 and 2-52 meetings in September in Brussels or France. TC2-23 has not met yet, but the TCC nominated a secretary Miss Blochouse from Shreder Company. A first draft is being prepared for the September meeting. These two committees will also meet in Spain next year. TC2-52 should then be disbanded. The reportership (R2-30) on TL-5 lamps ended in San Diego. Since then the TCC had a meeting with interested people and, as decided in San Diego, new recommendations will be included in an amendment of publication 121. The work will be done within TC2-23.

TC2-25 Calibration Methods and Photoluminescent Standard for Total Radiance Factor Measurement

Chair: J. Zwinkels (Canada) AD: Johnson

ML: Bristow (Sweden), Erb (Germany), Leland (USA), McCamy (USA), Nayatani (Japan), Puebla (Germany), Racz (Hungary), Simon (USA), Witt (Germany), Clarke (UK) - revised Aug. 2002

TR: Prepare a CIE report on methods for measurement of total radiance factors of photoluminescent materials. Recommendations for realizing and calibrating photoluminescent standards by the one and two-monochromator methods will be included.

ST: Report sent from the TCC prior to the meeting. The TC last met in June 2003 in San Diego, in conjunction with the Quadrennial meeting. The TCC has largely completed the revision of the TC report, incorporating the recommendations from this meeting. Due to other pressing commitments, this work was not completed by the target date of October 2003. The new target date for completion of this document (Draft 12) and submission for Division ballot is October 2004. The fluorescence vocabulary terms from TC 2-25 were sent to the D2 Editor for inclusion in the revised ILV. Upon request from the CIE CB, the CIE draft standard DS012.2E “Standard method of assessing the spectral quality of daylight simulators for visual appraisal and measurement of colour”, prepared by TC 1-53, was reviewed with regards to clarifying the fluorescence terminology. Recommendations were made and accepted to revise the terminology to be consistent with the usage in TC 2-25.

TC2-28 Methods of characterizing spectrophotometers

Chair: P. Clarke (UK) AD: Johnson

ML: Andor (Hungary), Bastie (France), Berns (USA), Distl (Germany), Eckerle (USA), Konstantinova (Bulgaria), McCamy (USA), Robertson (Canada), Sugiyama (Japan), Ulyanov (Russia), Zwinkels (Canada)

TR: Write a CIE report on the characterization of spectrophotometers by means of reference materials and other methods, with particular reference to linearity, wavelength error, stray light, and integrating sphere errors.

ST: DD Goodman reported. The document is almost finished and needs only editorial finishing. DD gave a deadline for the TCC to finish the document this year.

TC2-29 Measurement of Detector Linearity

Chair: T. Larason (USA) AD: Sauter

ML: Bastie (France), Clare (New Zealand), Distl (Germany), Eppeldauer (USA), Goodman (UK), Webb (USA), Palmer (US), Sauter (Germany), Andor (Hungary), Bittar (New Zealand), Budde (Canada), Dezsi (Hungary), Mihailov (Russia), Moestl (Germany) - July 2003 (being updated)

TR: Prepare a CIE guide on methods for the characterization of the linearity of detectors of optical radiation, including different principles by which the linearity of detectors can be determined and causes of non-linear behavior, to aid users of optical radiation detectors in the selection and use suitable devices for specific applications.

ST: A report was received from the TCC after the meeting. There has been little progress on the next draft due to the TCC's work schedule. The current plan is for the TCC to distribute the changes agreed upon at the last meeting in San Diego this Fall and receive comments from the committee members by March. A second draft would be distributed before the Leon meeting in May 2005, where a committee meeting is planned.

TC2-32 Measuring Retroreflectance of Wet Horizontal Road Markings

Chair: N. Hodson (USA) AD: Johnson

ML: Austin (USA), Davies (USA), Dibbern (Germany), Hubert (France), Johnson (USA), Lundkvistl (Sweden), Meydan (Australia), Meseberg (Germany), Rennilson (USA), Schmidt-Clausen (Germany), Schnell (USA), Schreuder (Netherlands), Soardo (Italy), Sorenson (Denmark) - revised August, 1999

TR: To prepare a guide for the methods of measuring coefficient of retroreflected luminance (specific luminance) of horizontal road markings under wet weather conditions.

ST: AD Johnson reported. Additional discussion will be needed on how to include raised pavement markings in the next draft. The TCC plans to have a meeting with D4 in September.

TC2-35 CIE Standard for V(λ) and V’(λ)

Chair: K. Mielenz (USA) AD: Johnson

ML: Bastie (France), Gardner (Australia), Hengstberger (South Africa), Moore (UK), Ohno (USA), Parr (USA), Robertson (Canada), Sauter (Germany), Schanda (Hungary)

TR: To prepare a new CIE Standard on the present V(λ) and V’(λ) functions.

ST: The TC report, CIE DS 010.3/E:2002 – The CIE System of Physical Photometry went through NC ballot in Dec. 2001 and the negative vote on the radiance definition was resolved in 2003. DD is working with CIE CB and the TCC to finish the document taking account of the editorial comments received in the ballot.

(After the meeting, the Editor and Secretary worked with DD to complete the editing and sent the final version to CIE CB in August 2004.)

TC2-37 Photometry Using Detectors as Transfer Standards

Chair: Y. Ohno (USA) AD: Sauter

ML: Andor (Hungary), Austin (USA), Bastie (France), Bittar (New Zealand), Czibula (Germany), Corrons (Spain), Dézsi (Hungary), Eppeldauer (USA), Gardner (Australia), Goodman (UK), Kohler (BIPM), Moore (Great Britain), Muray (USA), Pietrzykowski (Poland), Rattunde (Germany), Rastello (Italy), Sauter (Germany), Schanda (Hungary), Wychorski (USA)

TR: To prepare a report on the properties of V(λ)-corrected detectors that are suitable for disseminating and maintaining photometric units. This report will include methods for the use of these detectors.

ST: Report given by the TCC. The TCC completed the 7th draft in the CIE report format, sent it to the Editor for checking the format and editing, and distributed to TC members for TC ballot, just before this meeting. The TC members listed in the document have been reduced to 15, removing those who did not contribute. If no new issues are raised from the ballot, the TCC hopes to have the TC report approved by Division ballot by the end of 2004.

TC2-39 Geometric Tolerances for Colorimetry

Chair: D. Rich (USA) AD: Johnson

ML: Baba (Japan), Bittar (New Zealand), Decarreau (France), Fisch (USA), Hanssen (USA), Jordan (Canada), Johnson (USA), Kravetz (USA), Ladson (USA), Terstiege (Germany), Pietrzykowski (Poland), Verrill (UK), Zwinkels (Canada). Consulting member: Erb (Germany). - revised June 1999.

TR: Compile a technical report and recommendations specifying the geometric tolerances for the various geometries in colorimetry, including 0/45, 0/d and others. Parts of this technical report may be suitable for inclusion in a CIE standard specifying several geometric tolerance levels.

ST: A report was received from the TCC after the meeting. At the San Diego meeting, a consensus was finally reached concerning the way to assess conformance of an integrating sphere. A new draft was prepared and distributed to committee members for approval in the spring of 2004. Replies were to be received by the D2 meeting in Japan. As of September 1, 2004 there have been no new contributions or negative comments from the committee. It is thus the intent of the TCC to review the current draft for style and form and then submit to the DD and Editor.

TC2-40 Characterizing the Performance of Illuminance and Luminance Meters

Chair: R. Rattunde (Germany) AD: Sauter

ML: Austin (USA), Bastie (France), Czibula (Germany), Dezsi (Hungary), Goodman (UK), Khandelwal (India), Khanh (Germany), Mahidharia (India), Moore (UK), Ohno (USA), Pietrzykowski (Poland), Saito (Japan), Sauter (Germany), Stolyarevskaya (Russia), Xu (Singapore), Ye (China) – revised July 1999

TR: Convert the present CIE Technical Report No. 69 into an ISO/IEC standard. Prepare a combined CIE/ISO standard describing the definitions of quantities influencing the performance of illuminance and luminance meters, as well as defining measurement procedures for the individual error quantities.

ST: Report given by the TCC. TCC regrets the little progress made for the past few years due to his other workload. The TCC plans to finish the next draft version and distribute it in two months and have discussion on e-mail reflector. The TC lost a few members and membership list is to be revised. New members are invited.

TC2-42 Colorimetric Measurements for Visual Displays

Chair: C. Wall (UK) AD: Johnson

ML: Andor (Hungary), Ansell (USA), Baribeau (Canada), Berns (USA), Boyton (USA), Dalton (UK), Hanson (UK), Hardis (USA), Ikeda (Japan), Lara (USA), Laur (Germany), Leone (USA), Lindfors (Finland), Luo (UK), MacDonald (UK), Maelfeyt (Belgium), McFadden (Canada), Ohno (USA), Rastello (Italy), Reid (UK), Sakai (Japan), Schanda (Hungary), Stienstra (Netherlands), Stokes (USA), Vienot (France) – revised June 2001

TR: To produce a Technical Report summarizing recommended practice for the measurement of the colorimetric and spectroradiometric properties of visual displays.

ST: No report received this time.

TC2-43 Determination of measurement uncertainties in photometry.

Chair: G. Sauter (Germany) AD: Sauter

ML: Bastie (France), Corrons (Spain), Daubach (USA), Ellis (USA), Gaertner (Canada), Goodman (UK), Moore (UK), Ohno (USA) - Aug. 2002

TR: To prepare a CIE recommendation as the basis for the determination of measurement uncertainties valid for selected quantities used in photometry.

ST: Report given by the TCC. The TC had a meeting in Tokyo on 9 June with many participants. The draft is basically completed, although format of the worked examples and possible calculation templates are still to be finalized. During the TC meeting the TCC proposed that uncertainties of the spectral values should be considered in the calculation of distribution temperature; i.e., the differences between two curves should be weighted by the inverse square of the uncertainty value of each point in order to obtain the best estimate (based on statistical theory). Ohno raised a concern that this would be a change of the definition given in CIE 114/4, and that, if this change was recommended, it would be possible to obtain two different answers from the same spectral data, depending on whether weight is applied or not. This would cause serious confusion. After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed that this recommendation (to weight the spectral values according to the associated uncertainty) should be included in the TC draft, and also that a recommendation should be made to add a note to this effect in the revised ILV. After the TC meeting, however, Ohno noticed a problem that the use of weight would give unreasonable results if the uncertainty values are much smaller than the deviation of the SPD curve from Planckian (see example EXCEL sheet – posted on the website). This issue was raised again in the D2 meeting, and as a result a reportership was established (see 10.2).

TC2-44 Vocabulary Matters

Chair: J. Gardner (Australia) AD: Johnson

ML: Billmeyer (USA), Burghout (Netherlands), Ionescu (Romania), Johnson (USA), Kohler (BIPM), Morren (Belgium), Nishi (Japan), Ohno (USA), Poppe (Hungary), Sauter (Germany), Schanda (Hungary), Woo (Canada)

TR: To provide liaison between Div.2 and TC 7-06 "Lighting Terminology" and support the preparation of the new edition of the Lighting Vocabulary in the field of light and colour measurements.

ST: As the Editor changed, the chairperson of the TC also changed to J. Gardner. The report on the ILV revision was covered in the Editor’s report. It was agreed that this TC should continue even after the ILV revision is published, to collect and maintain a list of new terms. The membership list is outdated, and should be re-established.

TC2-45 Measurement of LEDs - Revision of CIE 127

Chair: K. Muray (USA) AD: Sauter

ML: Austin (USA), Bando (Japan), Balta (USA), Berkhout (USA), Bouman (Netherlands), Budzinski (South Africa), Bym (USA), Carr (USA), Distl (Germany), Ellis (USA), Fleischer (USA), Gan (Singapore), Goodman (UK), Halkin (Belgium), Heidel (Germany), Jones (USA), Kohmoto (Japan), Larsen (Denmark), Marchl (Germany), Moore (UK), Myers (USA), Ohno (USA), Rastello (Italy), Sauter (Germany), Scarangello (USA), Schanda (Hungary), Solomon (Taiwan), Stolyarevskaya (Russia), Webb (USA), Young (USA) – Jul. 2000.

TR: Revise CIE Pub. 127 to include improved definitions of quantities and methods of measurement for total flux and partial flux of LEDs and to re-evaluate other parts including spectral and color measurements of LEDs.

ST: Report given by TCC. The TC met on June 10, 2004 in Tokyo, attended by about 40 people. Draft 4 was prepared by the TCC and Ohno and distributed in December 2004. The new draft has a lot of additions as compared with CIE 127, including new methods for evaluating the V(λ) match of photometers, the definition of Partial LED Flux, recommended geometries for integrating spheres, introduction of the use of spectroradiometers for photometric measurements as well as color measurements, etc. At the meeting in Tokyo, some of the new additions were discussed. There was a proposal by Schanda for another method for evaluation of the V(λ) match of photometers (presented at the Symposium), in addition to the two methods already proposed in the draft. Attendees seemed to prefer Schanda’s method to the other two methods. The TCC and Ohno will investigate this method further. The TC also discussed the Partial LED Flux and agreed on the definition in the current draft. There was not enough time to discuss other parts of the draft. The TCC requested further comments on Draft 4 by e-mail within four weeks (middle of July) to produce the next draft.

TC2-46 CIE/ISO standards on LED intensity measurements

Chair: John Scarangello (USA) AD: Sauter

ML: Angerstein (Germany), Bando (Japan), Bouman (Netherlands), Bym (USA), Carr (USA), Distl (Germany), Ellis (USA), Goodman (UK), Heidel (Germany), Hwang (Taiwan), Jones (USA), Lester (USA), Moore (UK), Ohno (USA), Rastello (Italy), Sauter (Germany), Scarangello (USA), Schanda (Hungary), Schumacher (Germany)

TR: To prepare a CIE/ISO standard on the measurement of LED intensity measurements based on the CIE Pub. 127.

ST: No report received this time. AD Sauter to contact TCC for the status.

TC2-47 Characterization and Calibration Methods of UV Radiometers

Chair: Gan Xu (Singapore) AD: Sauter

ML: Boivin (Canada), Hengstberger (South Africa), Wilkinson (Australia), Lambe (UK), Rattunde (Germany), Saunders (USA), Pietrzykowski (Poland), Corrons (Spain), Larason (USA), Thompson (USA), Kohmoto (Japan), McArthur (Canada), Kravetz (USA) - Aug. 2002

TR: Prepare a CIE recommendation on methods of characterization and calibration of broad-band UV radiometers in the spectral ranges of UVA and UVB for industrial applications.

ST: The TCC resigned earlier this year due to changes in his work responsibility at his organization. He apologizes for his resignation but believes that the TC work is still very important for the UV community and hopes the TC work can be continued by a new chairman. He is willing to help transferring the TC work to whoever can take over. DD asked for a volunteer from the participants, but none was forthcoming. DD will try to find someone from NPL (UK) to continue this TC.

TC2-48 Spectral responsivity measurement of detectors, radiometers, and photometers

Chair: G. Eppeldauer (USA) AD: Sauter

ML: Austin (USA), Boivin (Canada), Bouman (USA), Corrons (Spain), Coutin (France), Dezsi (Hungary), Gardner (Australia), Goodman (UK), Köhler (BIPM), Larason (USA), Larsen (Denmark), McArthur (Canada), Ohkubo (Japan), Palmer (USA), Pietrzykowski (Poland), Rattunde (Germany), Saito (Japan), Sauter (Germany), Webb (USA), Xu (Singapore), Schanda (Hungary).

TR: To rewrite the technical report CIE 64 (1984) "Determination of the spectral responsivity of optical radiation detectors" to update device and measurement technology, and include the spectral irradiance and radiance responsivity measurement for radiometers and photometers from UV to near IR.

ST: Report given by the TCC. The TC met on June 10, 2004 in Tokyo, with 29 participants. The 6th draft was presented and discussed. In the new draft, Chapter 6 has been extended with sub-chapter 6.4 on Filter Radiometers. Section 6.1 on monochromators is being extended by Palmer (USA) and he is also writing Section 6.3 on the Use of Narrow Bandpass Filters. Section 6.2 on Uniform sources is to be written by TCC. Chapter 8 on References has been added and it is being extended. Chapter 2 on Definitions is also being extended and the Terminology is being improved. The sub-chapters on Uncertainty need to be extended to include aspects related to correlation - Sauter volunteered to do this. The uniformity of the document is to be improved. Suggestions were made by Jiangen Pan to modify Figs. 2, 3, and 17, and also by Richard Distl to improve Figs. 17 and 18. Secretary requested that the new draft be distributed to the members in advance of the next meeting. (Draft 6 is now posted on the website for TC members).

TC2-49 Photometry of Flashing Light

Chair: Y. Ohno (USA) AD: Vandermeersch

ML: Andersen (USA), Arens (USA), Austin (USA), Berkhout (USA), Couzin (USA), Ellis (USA), Eppeldauer (USA), Fedai (USA), Fryc (Hungary), Gibbs (UK), Goodman (UK), Hengstberger (South Africa), King (USA), Kohler (BIPM), Kondo (Japan), Rattunde (Germany), Rennilson (USA), Sagawa (Japan), Schmidt-Clausen (Germany), Sauter (Germany), Tutt (UK), Vienot (France), Webb (USA) – April 2003.

TR: Produce a technical report for photometric measurements of flashing light, including derivation of the photometric quantities applied to flashing light, measurement of light sources, and calibration of photometers for flashing light.

ST: The report was given by the TCC. The TCC apologized for little progress of this TC for the last two years. At the 2002 meeting, the focus was on the definition of effective intensity and standardization of the formula, which would need further visual experiments coordinated with D1. The TCC, however, has not found any member or group that plans to perform such experiments. Rattunde suggested that the TC should not wait for further experiments but rather complete the TC report with the current knowledge available, without recommending a single method for effective intensity. The TCC agreed with this suggestion, but emphasized that there is a strongly need for a standardized definition for effective intensity.

TC2-50 Measurement of the optical properties of LED clusters and arrays

Chair: G. Sauter (Germany) AD: Vandermeersch

ML: Distl (Germany), Goodman (UK), Heidel (Germany), Kohmoto (Japan), Muray (USA), Ohno (USA), Pan (China), Rattunde (Germany), Sauter (Germany), Steudtner (Germany), Stolyarevskaya (Russia), Young (USA) – July 2004.

TR: To produce a technical report for the measurement of optical properties of visible LED arrays and clusters, to derive optical quantities for large LED arrays and recommendations for measurement methods and conditions.

ST: Report given by the TCC. The TC met on June 10, 2004 in Tokyo, attended by about 25 participants. G. Sauter announced his resignation as the TC chair and introduced J. Schuette as the proposed new chair. The change of the TC chair was approved by voting within the TC with no objections. The new chair ran the meeting. The TC discussed the issues to be addressed. It was agreed that many properties of LED arrays and clusters can (and therefore should) be measured in the same way as classical lamps. The TC should concentrate on quantities, effects or operating conditions where LED arrays and clusters have peculiarities. These are: 1. Measurement of luminance. 2. Effects of heating/self-heating. 3. Chromaticity. 4. Amplitude modulation. The scope should include signs and static displays, while dynamic displays are excluded. The TC member list will be reformed based on responses from the participants. An email reflector will be set up for continuing discussions.

(After the meeting, the TCC distributed the meeting notes with a new list of members as shown above.)

TC2-51 Calibration of multi-channel spectrometers

Chair: R. Austin (USA) AD: Johnson

ML: Goodman (UK), Hopkinson (UK), Prince (UK), Pietrzykowski (Poland), Smith (USA), Bergman (USA)

TR: Produce a technical report for the calibration of array spectroradiometers primarily for the determination of colorimetric and photometric quantities, including sources of error in array spectral measurements systems, evaluation of these errors, calibration methods and methods for the determination of uncertainty. (revised in 2003)

ST: No report made this time.

TC2-52 Addendum to CIE 121 for the Photometry of Emergency Lighting Luminaires

Chair: G. Vandermeersch (Belgium) AD: Vandermeersch

ML: Corrons (Spain), Ottosson (Sweden), Rattunde (Germany), Stratford (UK), Weiss (Germany), Bedocs (UK), Rossi (Italy), Price (UK, until 1/3/2003), Arens (USA, until 1/1/2002) - updated July 2003.

TR: To produce an addendum to CIE publication 121 containing specific requirements for the photometry of emergency lighting luminaires, in particular to provide additional correction factors on the relative output of the luminaires at specified times of operation.

ST: The TCC sent a report before the meeting with his apology for absence. He plans both TC2-23 and 2-52 meetings in September in Brussels or France. He will start the final official enquiry within TC2-52 on the photometry of emergency lighting at the end of June, after the London IEC 34 meetings. The concepts he promoted regarding emergency ballast lumen factor are in a voting stage in IEC and as soon as approved, CIE can definitively publish the TC document. As he explained several times, IEC has the mandate to decide what to measure (the safety concept EBLF) and CIE should provide recommendations on how to make the measurements. As he was working in both bodies he could coordinate the two approaches.

TC2-53 Multi-Geometry Color Measurements of Effect Materials

Chair: G. Roesler (Germany) AD: Johnson

ML: Pointer (UK), Naddal (USA), Pietrzykowski (Poland), Andor (HU), Rastello (Italy), Gunde (SI), Fryc (Poland), Rodrigues (USA), Nofi (USA), Rich (USA), Dauser (Germany), Gabel (Germany), Cramer (Germany), Baba (Japan), Carter (USA), VanAken (USA) - April 2003

TR: Write recommendations for the color measurement of effect materials.


Comparison of the DIN and ASTM standards on Multigeometry color measurement.

Preparation of an educational section to combine most interests.

Recommendations from the educational section for the next meeting.

ST: No report given this time.

TC 2-56 (S) CIE/ISO standard on retroreflection measurements

Chair: C. Miller (USA) AD Johnson

ML: Johnson (USA), Stratford (UK), Jenkins (Australia), Sorenson (Denmark), Rastello (Italy), Ledoux (France), Frank (Germany)

TR: To prepare a CIE/ISO standard on the measurement of retroreflective materials based on CIE Publication 54.2

ST: Report given by AD Johnson. The TC was established in 2003, and had its first meeting in May 2004 at NIST (in conjunction with CORM and ASTM E12 meetings), and the second meeting on June 9, 2004 in Tokyo. The outline of the document was discussed and agreed at these meetings. Fundamental terms were also discussed. Calibration techniques to be included are the relative method, absolute method, and substitution method. The TC discussed the requirements for the ISO standard. The TC plans to have the third meeting in September in Bern, Switzerland with D4.

TC2-57 (S) Revision of CIE S014-2

Chair: A. Robertson (Canada) AD Johnson

TR: To revise CIE Standard S014-2 (Colorimetry Part 2: CIE Standard Illuminants) to include Illuminant D50

ML: Zwinkels (Canada), Rich (USA), Schanda (Hungary), Pointer (UK), Bristow (Sweden), Hirschler (Brazil)

ST: The TCC reported. DS014-2 Colorimetry - Part 2: CIE Standard Illuminants is being revised to change the wavelength definition. This TC is waiting for this revision to be completed before it starts working.

(After the meeting, the revision of DS014-2 for standard-air wavelength has been completed by the Editor, Secretary, and DD2, and the final document was sent to CIE CB in September.)

TC2-58 Measurement of LED radiance and luminance

Chair: K. Kohmoto (Japan) AD Sauter

TR: To prepare a CIE Technical Report setting out recommended measurement methods for the luminance and radiance of LEDs, taking particular account of the specific requirements of relevant photobiological safety standards

ML: Horak (Germany), Sliney (USA), Muray (USA), Goodman (UK), Ohno (US) + others to be agreed

ST: The TC was established in 2003. The TC had its first meeting on June 10, 2004 with 38 participants. It was agreed that the TC would look only at single LEDs to begin with, and that both lensed and bare chip LEDs would be included. The TCC requested members to send comments and suggestions as soon as possible, so that a first draft can be prepared for the next D2 meeting. A contents list will be prepared within 6 months.

4. Reporters

R2-21 Use of detectors as absolute transfer standards for spectroradiometry

Reporter: N. Fox (UK) AD: Sauter

TR: To review the potential use of absolutely calibrated spectroradiometers as transfer standards

ST: No report received.

R2-23 ISO/CIE Standards for the measurement of reflectance and Transmittance

Reporter: D. Rich (USA) AD: Johnson

TR: To investigate the need for converting the CIE technical report on reflectance and transmittance measurement (CIE 130) to a joint ISO/CIE standard

ST: No report received.

R2-27 Field Measurement for Traffic Signals

Reporter: C. Andersen (USA) AD: Vandermeersch

TR: To assess the need for a TC to produce recommendations on field measurements for traffic signals, in particular those using LED arrays.

ST: No report received.

R2-28 Evaluation of Colorimeter Spectral Responsivity

Reporter: B. Kranicz (Hungary) AD: Sauter

TR: To review new methods for assessing the ‘quality-of-fit’ of the spectral responsivity of colorimeters, particularly for use with new sources such as LEDs.

ST: No report received.

R2-29 Characterization of Imaging Luminance Measurement Devices

Reporter: P. Blattner (Switzerland) AD: Sauter

TR: To prepare a proposal for a new TC to prepare recommendations on the characterization and calibration of CCD-based imaging photometers, having input from D4 and D8 on the needs from the application side.

ST: Report given by Blattner with a PowerPoint presentation. The conclusions were:

- from a metrological point of view, Imaging Luminance Measurement Devices (ILMDs) are complex systems (traceability, software validation, etc),

- the parameters defined by CIE 69-1987 are not sufficient to characterize ILMDs,

- there is interest from industry to have some guidelines on how characterize ILMDs

The reporter proposed a need for a new TC. Rattunde and Young supported the need from the manufacturers’ side. AD Johnson also supported. Proposed TR: Prepare a Technical Report on methods for the characterization of imaging luminance measurement devices. Blattner finally agreed to chair this new TC.

R2-31 Problems with the Spectroradiometric Measurement of Light Sources

Reporter: D. Gibbs (UK) AD: Johnson

TR: To consider the need for a revision of CIE 63 (1984) and make a recommendation regarding whether a separate document is necessary to deal specifically with issues relating to band pass and sampling intervals, including the effects on color calculations.

ST: Gibbs proposed a new TC as below and volunteer to chair the new TC. Proposed Title: Effect of instrumental bandpass function and measurement interval on spectral quantities. Proposed TR: To produce a technical report that describes the effect of instrumental bandpass functions and measurement wavelength interval on spectrally resolved quantities, and provide recommendations on suitable methods to minimise the error introduced by instrumental bandpass functions on spectrally integrated or weighted quantities. It was suggested that the TC should also include recommendations on how to report data e.g. how should bandwidth and step interval be indicated in the data file.

R2-32 Visual Appearance Measurement

Reporter: M. Pointer (UK) AD: Johnson

TR: To monitor the work of Divison 1 on visual appearance measurement, which will include potential new measurement areas

ST: AD Johnson reported, based on a written report received from Pointer. The work in D1 is in TC 1-65 Visual appearance measurement. A possible aim of "appearance" measurement is the development of a software tool that allows an evaluation of the visual perception of a product based on physical measurements. Ultimately this could lead to development of an instrument that can perform the tasks of a human observer in real-time for a wide range of types of products and complex surfaces, evaluating colour, gloss, pattern, surface texture, etc. A copy of a National Physical Laboratory Technical Report (Measuring Visual Appearance – A Framework for the Future) has been circulated to TC members for comment. The intention is that this report be published as a CIE Technical Report after a CIE NC ballot in late 2004. The first meeting of this TC 1-65 was held as part of the CIE Division 1 meeting in Japan in June 2004.

(See Attachment 2 for the full report by Pointer)

R2-33 Measurement of Laser-Based Projection Displays

Reporter: K. Niall (Canada) AD: Sauter

TR: To describe concepts and methods of photometry for the comparison of laser-based projection displays.

ST: No report received.

R2-34 Methods for Characterising and Calibrating Detectors in Photon Counting Regime Reporter: M. L. Rastello (Italy) AD: Sauter

TR: To consider the emerging requirements for characterisation and calibration of detectors in the photon counting regime.

ST: No report received.

AD Sauter will contact the reporters who had not supplied reports for the status.

8.5. Liaisons with other Divisions

Division 8 (A. Kravetz)

There was no report at the meeting. Secretary received a report from A. Kravetz after the meeting as below.

Technical Report of TC8-01 (Colour Appearance Modeling for Colour Management Applications) was balloted and passed. Also, Technical Report of TC8-03 (Gamut Mapping) was balloted and passed. TC8-04 report (Chromatic Adaptation Under Mixed Illumination Condition When Comparing Softcopy and Hardcopy Mixed Illumination Condition When Comparing Softcopy and Hardcopy) is under TC ballot. For the status of other TCs, see the full report by A. Kravetz (Attachment 3).

8.6 Liaisons with other organizations

CCPR - Comité Consultatif de Photométrie et Radiométrie (Y. Ohno)

Ohno reported. There were CCPR Working Group meetings at NIST in May 2004, in conjunction with CORM 2004. Working Group (WG) on Key Comparisons (WG-KC), WG on Calibration and Measurement Capability (WG-CMC), and WG on UV (WG-UV) met, as well as a few task group meetings on individual Key Comparisons. Currently seven Key Comparisons and two supplementary comparisons are in progress, as reported last year. WG-KC (Al Parr, Chair) discusses various common issues in running Key Comparisons as well as individual issues. Recently, the methods for calculation of the key comparison reference value were at issue. Currently, a guideline for preparation of key comparison reports is being developed (task group under Y. Ohno). WG-CMC (F. Hengstberger, Chair) was formed last year to establish and maintain lists of CMC service categories, and draw up rules for the preparation of CMC entries. At the last meeting, the service categories for Round 3 submission were discussed and agreed. WG-UV (E. Ikonen, Chair) discusses various issues in UV metrology (synchrotron radiation, cryogenic radiometry, transfer standards, etc.) and encourages coordination of the work among NMIs. For further details on CCPR, visit

For the details of Key Comparisons, MRA, and CMC,

J. Bastie added that “A note on photobiological quantities” was developed and will be added to the revision of SI brochure. This document gives recommendations on the units to be used for photobiological quantities (radiometric quantities weighted by action spectra). The document can be downloaded from the CCPR website above.

ISO TC6/WG3 Paper, board & pulps – optical properties (J. Zwinkels)

A. Robertson reported, based on a written report sent to the Secretary by J. Zwinkels. A report that Zwinkels prepared of the CIE meeting in San Diego was discussed at the last ISO TC6/WG3 meeting. The WG is satisfied that the CIE has agreed to retain the reference to the C-illuminant in the new Colorimetry document (CIE Publication 15.3), in order to meet the needs of ISO/TC6. The WG is also very interested in participating in the new CIE D1 Reportership on the need to define an indoor daylight illuminant. WG members, A. Bristow and B. Jordan have already been in contact with the CIE Reporter, Dr. Janós Schanda, to inform him of the needs of the paper industry. Dr. Byron Jordan (Canada) was appointed official liaison from ISO/WG3 to CIE.

(The full report from J. Zwinkels describing more details is available - Attachment 4)

IEC TC34 Lamps and related equipment (G. Vandermeersch)

No report received. Partially covered in TC2-52 report.

ISO on reflectance and transmittance issues (D. Rich)

No report received. AD Johnson will follow up on this.

IDA (J. Rennilson)

No report received. Johnson mentioned that Rennilson is mostly retired and a new liaison person may be needed if this function is to be kept. He will contact Rennilson for his recommendation.

OIML (G. Sauter)

Sauter reported. There are no issues to be reported this time. Keep this function open.

IALA (International Association of Lighthouse Authorities) (C. Andersen/ I. Tutt)

Tutt reported. The name of the organization changed to “International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation & Light House Authorities.” IALA is considering using blue lights (LEDs) for warning lights. There is some evidence that LED lights (including white) are more conspicuous than incandescent lights. Blue and yellow lights (alternating) are being considered for wreck marker buoys.

IEC TC100 (Color measurement and management in multimedia systems) (D. Rich)

No report received.

9. Proposals for dissolution of TCs and reporterships

No TCs were proposed for closure.

Closure of the following reporterships was approved by vote with no objections.

R2-29 Characterization of imaging luminance measurement devices (Peter Blattner) … A new TC will be established.

R2-30 Problems linked to correct measurement of TL5 fluorescent lamps with existing electronic ballasts (Guy Vandermeersch) …. The work will be done in TC2-23.

R2-31 Problems with the spectroradiometric measurement of light sources (David Gibbs) … A new TC will be established.

A short report of these reporterships should be written for publication in CIE Collection.

10. Proposals for new TCs and reporterships

10.1 New Technical Committees

Establishment of the following TCs was approved by the Division with no objections:

TC2-59 Characterization of imaging luminance measurement devices

Chair: P. Blattner (Switzerland) AD: Sauter

TR: To prepare a Technical Report on methods for the characterization of imaging luminance measurement devices.

This TC was proposed as a result of R2-29.

TC2-60 Effect of instrumental bandpass function and measurement interval on spectral quantities

Chair: D. Gibbs (UK) AD: Sauter

TR: To prepare a technical report that describes the effect of instrumental bandpass functions and measurement wavelength interval on spectrally resolved quantities and provide recommendations on suitable methods to minimise the error introduced by instrumental bandpass functions on spectrally integrated or weighted quantities.

This TC was proposed as a result of R2-31.

10.2 New Reporterships

R2-35 Uncertainties in Distribution Temperature Determination

Reporter: Alan Robertson

TR: To investigate the potential effect of a change to the definition of distribution temperature to include a statement regarding weighting the spectral distribution values by the uncertainty of the measurements at each wavelength.

This TC was proposed following the discussion of TC2-43 earlier in the meeting (see TC2-43 report above). D2 agreed to establish this reportership with no objection.

10.3 New Liaisons

No new liaison functions were established.

10.4 Changes in TCs and reporterships

The following changes in TCC were approved by the Division with no objection:

The chair of TC2-16 changed from M.L. Rastello (Italy) to J. Schanda (Hungary)

The chair of TC2-50 changed from G. Sauter (Germany) to J. Schuette (Germany)

11. General issues (DD Goodman)

11.1. Future D2 Symposia

Plans for future symposia were discussed last year and it was agreed at that time that the order of priority was: 1) LED measurements, 2) uncertainty evaluation, 3) pulse source measurement. This list was reviewed and priorities of these topics for the next few years were discussed. Participants agreed that the next symposium should be on uncertainty. AD Sauter suggested that it would be good to have it in 2006, when the TC2-43 document may have just been published. The requirement for a symposium on pulsed source measurements was assessed as lower priority, due to relative lack of activity in this area, so should not be before 2007. The symposium on LED light sources just held was very successful and participants felt another such symposium on LED sources should be held in a few years, probably jointly with D1 and D6. Sauter suggested that next time there should be a stronger focus on LED clusters as well as vision issues. Temporal aspects (modulation) should be included as well. D4 may also be interested. The timing can be 2006 or later, to be decided next year.

It was suggested that symposia might be linked to publication sales: e.g., discount on other publications for symposium participants or inclusion of related publications as part of symposium materials.

Related to symposia, it was mentioned that a CIE Expert Symposium on Light and Health: The non-visual effects, coupled with a Tutorial: Light Measurement for Photobiology, will be held in Vienna, Austria, on Sep. 30 - Oct. 2. The planned CIE Expert Symposium on Image Acquisition and Display, Sep. 15-17, Budapest, HUNGARY, has been cancelled.

Sauter suggested that traceability and MRA issues might also be a topic of a symposium or could be included in the uncertainty symposium. DD answered that CIE BA is discussing setting up a basic introductory course on the subject of light measurement. Traceability issues would fit this course well. It is possible that the course might be agreed and set up as early as next year. Johnson suggested that optical properties of materials, especially on complex materials such as fluorescent materials, metallic and pearlescent materials, might be a good topic for a future symposium. This could be linked with work on ‘appearance’ in D1. DD will start a discussion on this possibility with D1 and will canvass general opinions from D2 via the email reflector.

11.2. Future directions for measurement R&D

It is important that D2 is able to respond quickly to new measurement requirements, and DD would therefore like to encourage people to think ahead about new and emerging technologies and possible new work needed for D2 in the near future. This should be kept as an item for discussion at each D2 meeting, and it was also suggested that a section should be created on the D2 website to maintain a list of these topics. Last year topics discussed were laser projection displays (a reportership was set up) and spectral measurement beyond the 200 nm – 2.5 μm range (related to safety requirements). It was decided that it was still not necessary to take any action on the latter, but it should be kept on the list. DD suggested that measurement of OLEDs might be important for the future. Gibbs mentioned smart paper (reflectance can be controlled electronically), but it was thought this may be more related to D8. Young mentioned characterization of fiber optics as component of measurement systems such as spectroradiometers (not for communication). Measurements in the mesopic range might also become important if work in D1 to agree a system of measurement is successful. These topics will all be added to the list for review next year.

There was a question on any limit of number of TCs and reporterships. There are no rules on this, but DD prefers not to open too many more TCs until some of the present ones have completed their work. Some discussion followed how the progress on TCs can be made more rapid. Use of email and reflectors was strongly encouraged. Also there was a question regarding whether there is any limit of number of members for a TC. Secretary pointed out a rule in CIE code of procedures that, when the TC document is published, only those who actually contributed to the draft should be listed on the publication. So, even if many people are on the TC member list, not all of them need to be listed in the publication.

11.3. Database of optical radiation properties of sources, detectors and materials

DD Goodman reported last year that a database is being set up at NPL for the key optical radiation properties of commonly used sources, detectors, and materials. The database is now active and ready for people to upload data. The procedure is that the data should be from either accredited laboratories or traceability to national standards is demonstrated. If not, data can still be accepted but is marked untraceable. It will be open for people to upload and download data. It was proposed that a link to this database should be set up from the D2 website, and this was agreed. Links to other sites were also discussed, and participants agreed that links to key non-profit organizations would be useful. There are some links already on D2 website, but the list is not complete. DD will ask everyone by email about additional links to be added to make the list more complete.

12. Future D2 meetings:


It was agreed by unanimous vote that D2 will meet in Leon, Spain, in conjunction with CIE Midterm meeting and AIC meeting in May 2005. The meetings are already scheduled as:

May 12-14 CIE Board meeting and General Assembly

May 16-17 CIE Divisional and TC meetings

May 18-20 International Lighting Congress - Lighting in the XXI Century


There were two options: 1) an invitation from PTB, Braunschweig, Germany, where a new building and new facilities such as a robotic goniophotometer have recently been set up. There will also be a conference “Interlumen” by German NC of CIE in conjunction. Time will be May to June 2006. 2) ISCC will celebrate 75th anniversary of ISCC and CIE standard observer, and there will be a symposium in Ottawa or Toronto in May 2006. D1 decided to meet in conjunction with the symposium, and D2 and D8 are invited to make joint meetings.

It was decided by majority vote (by all participants) that D2 will meet at PTB, Germany in 2006. The symposium on uncertainty (see 11.1) will be connected to the D2 meeting.


There will be a CIE quadrennial session in Beijing, China. D2 and all other Divisions will meet there.

13. Any Other Business

No new issues were raised.

14. Adjournment

The Division 2 meeting adjourned at 5:30 PM.


The materials presented at the meeting and some reports received after the meeting are available at:

Attachment 1 Agenda of 2004 Div.2 Meeting

Attachment 2 Report of R2-32 Visual Appearance Measurement (M. Pointer)

Attachment 3 Liaison Report – CIE Division 8 Image Technology – June 2004 (A. Kravitz)

Attachment 4 Liaison Report – ISO TC6/WG3 (J. Zwinkels)

2004 Division 2 Meeting

Tokyo, Japan

09:00, 11 June 2004




1. Attendance list, apologies

2. Introductions

3. Approval of agenda

4. Approval of the minutes of 2003 Division meeting

5. Director's report

6. Secretary's report

7. Editor's report

8. Progress reports from Technical Committees, reporters and liaison persons

8.1. Associate Director Sauter and TC chairpersons

8.2. Associate Director Vandermeersch and TC chairpersons

8.3. Associate Director Johnson and TC chairpersons

8.4. Reporters

8.5. Liaisons with other Divisions

8.5. Liaisons with other Organisations

9. Proposals for dissolution of TCs and reporterships

10. Proposals for new TCs and reporterships

11. General issues

11.1. Future D2 Symposia

11.2. Future directions for measurement R&D

11.3. Database of optical radiation properties of sources, detectors and materials

12. Future meetings

12.1. 2005

12.2. 2006

12.3. 2007

13. Any other business

14. Adjournment

R2-32 Visual Appearance Measurement

June 2004

Established: San Diego, June 2003

Reporter: Mike Pointer GB


Terms of Reference

To monitor the work of Division 1 on visual appearance measurement which will include potential new measurement areas.

The work in Division 1 is in TC 1-65 Visual appearance measurement.


A possible aim of "appearance" measurement is the development of a software tool that allows an evaluation of the visual perception of a product based on physical measurements. Ultimately this could lead to development of an instrument that can perform the tasks of a human observer in real-time for a wide range of types of products and complex surfaces, evaluating colour, gloss, pattern, surface texture, etc.

TC 1-65 will seek to establish the basic elements of a framework to aid the development of a suitable measurement regime. It will require a review of existing techniques and their suitability to isolate the requirements for the development of mathematical and software tools to identify a key minimum set of measurands required, coupled with (and based on) real-time measurement of physical characteristics and visual assessments.

Suggested Work Programme

1. To produce a technical report describing a suitable framework for the measurement of visual appearance.

2. To consider the establishment of separate Technical Committees to work on specific aspects of visual appearance measurement, e.g. gloss, translucency.

3. The whole question of terminology needs to be addressed – the present International Lighting Vocabulary does not include many terms associated with appearance. We need to work with ASTM (ASTM Method E284 Standard Terminology of Appearance) to achieve harmony with CIE and get the necessary terms into future editions of the ILV.

4. To produce a list of available instruments that could support the various elements of the framework.

5. To produce a list of academic, and other research institutions that are working on aspects of the framework.

6. To consider the publication of case studies that show individual applications of appearance measurement.

7. To encourage participation from industry in the work of refining the framework and building measurement procedures that relate to appearance.


A copy of a National Physical Laboratory Technical Report (Measuring Visual Appearance – A Framework for the Future) has been circulated to TC members for comment. The intention is that this report be published as a CIE Technical Report after a CIE NC ballot in late 2004.


The first meeting of this Technical Committee was held as part of the CIE Division 1 meeting in Japan in June 2004.


There are three levels of membership: Full members, corresponding members, and liaison members.

Full members:

|Kim |Changsoon |KO |KRISS, Korea |

|Peter |Clarke |GB |National Physical Laboratory |

|Osvaldo |da Pos |IT |Department of General Psychology, University of Padua |

|Derefeldt |Gunilla |SE |National Defence Research Institute |

|Peter |Hanselaer |BE |Technical University, Gent |

|John |Hutchings |GB |Consultant |

|Tore |Kolas |NO |SINTEF Materials Technology, Trondheim |

|Daniel |Lozano |AR |Consultant |

|Ronnie |Luo |GB |Colour & Imaging Institute, University of Derby |

|Sharon |McFadden |CA |Defence & Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine |

|Jim |Nobbs |GB |School of Colour Chemistry, University of Leeds |

|Claudio |Oleari |IT |Department of Physics, University of Parma |

|Mike |Pointer |GB |National Physical Laboratory |

|Giuseppe |Rossi |IT |National Electrotechnical Institute |

|Janos |Schanda |HU |Veszprem University, Hungary |

|Ken |Sagawa |JP |National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology |

|Françoise |Viénot |FR |Laboratory of the National Museum of Natural History |

Corresponding members:

|Jennifer |Veitch |CA |National Research Council Canada - Chairman of CIE TC 3-34 |

|Chris |Williamson | |CERAM Research |

Liaison member:

|Ng |Yee |US |Nexpress Solutions, Member of INCITS W1, the US Standardising Committee for ISO JTC1/SC28 |

| | | |Office Equipment, Chairman of Working Group 1.1 on Gloss and Gloss Uniformity |

Dr Mike Pointer GB


CIE DIV 2 JUNE 11, 2004

1) Sept. 15-17 2004 Budapest Hungary

CIE DIV 8 is holding an Expert Symposium on Image Acquisition and Display at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Topics to include:

a) Hardware for image capture and display

b) Device characterization and calibration

c) Establishing guides and standards

d) Multispectral image capture and display

For further information please go to

2) TC8-01 Colour Appearance Modeling for Colour Management Applications

Chairman:Nathan Moroney

Technical report was balloted and passed. Undergoing final editing and then will be published. Last meeting was in Scottsdale Nov.4, 2003 at CIC meeting

3) TC8-02 Colour Difference Evaluation In Images Chairman: M.Ronnier Luo

Work progressing on technical report (with worked examples). Round robin being arranged. Recommendation on delta E formula underway.

Last meeting: CGIV April 2004

4) TC8-03 Gamut Mapping Chairman: Jan Morovic

Technical report was balloted and passed. Undergoing final editing and then will be

published. Experiment being designed to follow up report work. Public announcement will be forth coming. Images for experiment being developed. Experiment timed to end by end of 2005 Last meeting was in Scottsdale Nov 4,2004 at CIC meeting.

5) TC8-04 Adaptation Under Mixed Illumination Conditions

Chairman: Naoya Katoh

Ballot issued April 30 2004 closing July 30,2004 Title: Chromatic Adaptation Under Mixed Illumination Condition When Comparing Softcopy and Hardcopy Mixed Illumination Condition When Comparing Softcopy and Hardcopy

Last meeting was in Scottsdale Nov.4, 2003 at CIC meeting.

6) TC8-05 Communication of Colour Information Chairman: Robert Buckley

Report was circulated and comments discussed. Question arose: Is ISO 142 JWG 23 doing overlapping work? This will be looked into. Abobe RGB to be documented

Last meeting was in Scottsdale Nov.4, 2003 at CIC meeting.

7) TC8-06 Image Technology Vocabulary Chairman: Janos D. Schanda

No report

8) TC8-07 Multispectral Imaging Chairman: Patrick Herzog

Progressing on finalizing file format. Requirements are being prioritized. Many file formats are under review: JPEG 2000, BIIF (ISO/IEC 12087-5,NITFS), TIFF (various forms), open EXR, MUSP etc. Also new organization has established a web site:

Last meeting was April 8,2004 Aachen Germany

9) TC8-08 Spatial Appearance Models Chairman: Garrett Johnson

No report

Submitted by Alan Kravetz

Liaison Report – ISO TC6/WG3

The most recent meeting of TC6/WG3 (paper, pulp and boards – optical properties) was held in conjunction with the ISO TC6 meeting in Tokyo in November 2003.

The following agenda items are of possible interest to the CIE:

The liaison with the CIE:

A report that I prepared of the CIE meeting in San Diego was discussed. The WG is satisfied that the CIE has agreed to retain the reference to the C-illuminant in the new Colorimetry document (CIE Publication 15.3), in order to meet the needs of ISO/TC6. The WG is also very interested in participating in the new CIE D1 Reportership on the need to define an indoor daylight illuminant. WG members, A. Bristow and B. Jordan have already been in contact with the CIE Reporter, Dr. Janós Schanda, to inform him of the needs of the paper industry. Dr. Byron Jordan (Canada) was appointed official liaison from ISO/WG3 to CIE.

Draft standards that have been recently submitted to member countries for ballot:

ISO/CD 2469 – Determination of reflectance factor.

ISO/CD22891 – Determination of transmittance

It was approved to change the terminology in sections 3.2 and 3.4 from “luminous reflectance factor” to “luminance factor (illuminant/observer, C/2).

New work items:

ISO/NP 20312. The determination of Colour under D50/2 conditions. The WG further approved the suggestion that the wavelength range should be limited to the 400-700 nm range in all future revisions of the optical standards, and that to avoid confusion the tables of weighting factors should be truncated accordingly.

Respectfully submitted,

Joanne Zwinkels

National Research Council of Canada

Ottawa, Ontario Canada


AD: Associate Director NC: National Committee

CIE CB: CIE Central Bureau TC: Technical Committee

CIE BA: CIE Board of Administration TCC: Technical Committee Chair

CM: Country Member TR: Terms of Reference

D2: Division 2 (D1, D4, D8, likewise) ST: Status

DD: Division Director WG: Working Group

ILV: International Lighting Vocabulary

ML: Member List


Attachment 3


* TCs producing ISO/CIE standards AD: J- Johnson, S- Sauter, V- Vandermeersch






Attachment 4

ITALY Maria Luisa Rastello

JAPAN Ichiro Saito

KOREA Jin Sang Kwon



NORWAY Tore Kolas

POLAND Jerzy Pietrzykowski

ROMANIA Mihai Simionescu

RUSSIA Raissa Stolyarevskaya

SLOVENIA Stanko Erste

SOUTH AFRICA Pierre Botha*

SPAIN Antonio Corrons

SWEDEN Allan Ottosson

SWITZERLAND Peter Blattner

THAILAND Surapol Vatanawong

TURKEY Leyla D. Öztürk

USA Norbert Johnson

YUGOSLAVIA Predrag Vukadin


AUSTRIA Michael Matus

BELGIUM Etienne Pierson

BRAZIL Ana V. de Freitas Silva

BULGARIA Bojana Florian

CANADA Joanne C. Zwinkels

CHINA Pan Jiangen

CROATIA Mrzljak Zeljko


DENMARK Poul Erik Pedersen

FINLAND Erkki Ikonen

FRANCE Jean Bastie

GERMANY Georg Sauter

GREAT BRITAIN Teresa M. Goodman


HUNGARY Gyula Dézsi

INDIA V.D.P. Sastri

ISRAEL Dan Scheffer

Attachment 1

Attachment 2


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