Lista de números de identificación de expedidor de la ...

Anexo al Boletín de Explotación de la UITN.o 1161 – 1.XII.2018UNI?N INTERNACIONAL DE TELECOMUNICACIONESTSBOFICINA DE NORMALIZACI?NDE LAS TELECOMUNICACIONESDE LA UIT_______________________________________________________________________LISTA DE N?MEROS DE IDENTIFICACI?N DE EXPEDIDOR DE LA TARJETA CON CARGO A CUENTA PARA TELECOMUNICACIONES INTERNACIONALES (SEG?N LA RECOMENDACI?N UIT-T E.118 (05/2006))(SITUACI?N AL 1 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2018)_______________________________________________________________________Ginebra, 2018Lista de números de identificación de expedidor de la tarjeta con cargo a cuenta para telecomunicaciones internacionales (según la Recomendación UIT-T E.118)Nota de la TSBEsta Lista sustituye a la Lista que figura en el anexo al Boletín de Explotación de la UIT N.??1088 de 15.XI.2015. Contiene todos los números de identificación de expedidor (Issuer Identifier Numbers - IIN) registrados por la UIT que han sido notificados en el Boletín de Explotación de la UIT hasta el N.??1161 de 1.XII.2018, inclusive. Se se?ala que esta Lista se actualizará por medio de enmiendas que se publicarán en el Boletín de Explotación de la UIT. Este Anexo puede descargarse gratuitamente vía el sitio web de la UIT.Un IIN se utiliza para identificar a una empresa de telecomunicaciones de un país que trabaja en un entorno internacional. De conformidad con la Norma?78122 de la ISO, los criterios para la aprobación o rechazo de solicitudes son los siguientes:?4.3.1Criterios para la aprobación de una solicitud de un solo IINLas solicitudes de un solo IIN deben satisfacer todos los criterios para la aprobación que se indican a continuación y ninguno de los indicados para el rechazo en el punto?4.3.2 :a)al solicitante de un solo IIN no se le debe haber asignado ya un IIN por derecho propio (independientemente de cualquier sistema de tarjeta);b)el IIN se utilizará de inmediato, preferentemente dentro de un plazo de 12 meses a partir de la fecha de su expedición;c)la tarjeta que se expide se utilizará en un entorno de intercambio internacional (véase ISO/CEI?78121);d)el solicitante debe ser una entidad empresarial que funciona en el marco de una reglamentación legislativa específica.4.3.2Criterios para el rechazo de una solicitud de un solo IINLa Autoridad patrocinadora rechazará una solicitud de un solo IIN en cualquiera de las siguientes situaciones que se indican a continuación:a)el solicitante no es un expedidor de tarjetas;b)al solicitante se le ha asignado previamente un IIN por derecho propio (independientemente de cualquier sistema de tarjeta) y aún está utilizándolo; el solicitante no ha comunicado la adecuada información suplementaria que justifique la expedición de un IIN adicional (véase el punto 4.2);c)las tarjetas emitidas por el solicitante no se utilizarán en un entorno de intercambio internacional;d)el IIN se utilizará para identificar o distinguir productos o servicios o tecnologías (esto es, incluyendo, entre otras cosas, tarjetas de circuitos integrados), o exclusivamente para facilitar el encaminamiento o identificar la localización geográfica;e)el IIN se utilizará para identificar o distinguir sucursales o subsidiarias de la organización a la que pertenece (es decir, esas sucursales o subsidiarias no son entidades empresariales independientes);f)el solicitante ha pedido un número específico o la reserva en el registro de un número específico, o ha hecho una petición que está fuera del alcance de la sección de ISO/IEC 7812;g)no se expedirán tarjetas para su utilización inmediata (por ejemplo, dentro de los 12 meses siguientes a la fecha de expedición de un IIN).?La UIT es la autoridad central de registro de los números de identificación de expedidor (IIN) con el identificador de actividad industrial (MII-Major Industry Identifier) "89" relativo a las telecomunicaciones.Además, de conformidad con el apartado?del §?4.2 d) de la Recomendación?UITT E.118, la UIT cobrará una tarifa por la asignación y el registro de cada nuevo número identificador de expedidor. Desde el 1 de enero de 2018, esta tarifa es de 150 francos suizos.Para las entidades que no son Miembros de Sector del UIT-T ni del UIT-R, se aplica una tarifa de mantenimiento anual de 100 francos?suizos por número a partir del 1 de enero de 2018. Las entidades que son Miembros de Sector del UIT-T o del UIT-R no deben pagar la tasa anual de mantenimiento.El solicitante de un solo IIN debe rellenar el formulario de registro y someterlo a aprobación de la Administración de Telecomunicaciones (o por un organismo de coordinación debidamente autorizado) en su país antes de enviarlo a la UIT para su registro, acompa?ado del certificado de pago a la UIT. En la siguiente página web, los solicitantes encontrarán información adicional y el formulario de registro, cuya finalidad es facilitar las solicitudes de asignación y miras a mantener la lista actualizada, se solicita a las empresas enumeradas que notifiquen todas las modificaciones relacionadas con su empresa y direcciones de contacto a la UIT, TSB/OBNA, fax N??+41 22 730 5853; Correo-e: Las actualizaciones deben ser aprobadas o enviadas por la administración nacional.Las denominaciones empleadas en esta Lista y la forma en que aparecen presentados los datos que contiene no implican, de parte de la UIT, juicio alguno sobre la condición jurídica de países o zonas geográficas, o de sus autoridades.País/zona geográficaEmpresa/DirecciónNúm. Identificador de expedidorContactoAfganistánAfghan Wireless Communication Company (AWCC)Darulaman Road, Near Hajari Najari Bus StationKABUL89 93 01AWCCDarulaman Road, Near Hajari Najari Bus StationKABULTel: +93 70 111 40 27Fax:E-mail: aliullah.sarwari@afghan-AlbaniaTelekom Albania sh.aRruga Gjergj Legisi, Laprak?TIRANA89 355 01Dimitrios BlatsiosRruga Gjergj Legisi, Laprak?TIRANATel: +355 4 2275300Fax: +355 4 227 5243E-mail: ielmas@.alAlbaniaVodafone Albania sh.aAutostrada Tiran?-Durr?s, Rruga Pavar?sia nr. 61, KasharTIRANA89 355 02Dietlof Ziegfried MareAutostrada Tiran?-Durr?s, Rruga Pavar?sia nr. 61, KasharTIRANATel: +355 4 2283072Fax: +355 4 2283338E-mail: marios.yiatzidis2@AlbaniaAlbtelecom sh.aAutostrada Tiran?-Durr?s, km 7TIRANA89 355 03Tahsin YilmazAutostrada Tiran?-Durr?s, km 7TIRANATel: +355 4 229030Fax: +355 4 2291711E-mail:;; loreta.pistolja@albtelecom.alAlbaniaPlus Communications Sh.aRr. Ibrahim Rugova, Pallati i ri pran? Gard?s s? Republik?s, Kati IITIRANA89 355 04Matilda ShehuRr. Ibrahim Rugova, Pallati i ri pran? Gard?s s? Republik?s, Kati IITIRANATel: +355 4238 2512Fax: +355 4238 2538E-mail:; arben.margilaj@plus.alAlemaniaTelekom Deutschland GmbHFriedrich-Ebert-Allee 14053113 BONN89 49 01Benjamin B?lingDeutsche Telekom Technik GmbH, Godesberger Allee 83 - 9153175 BONNTel: +49 228 181 645 14Fax:E-mail: benjamin.boeling@telekom.deAlemaniaTelekom Deutschland GmbHFriedrich-Ebert-Allee 14053113 BONN89 49 02Benjamin B?lingDeutsche Telekom Technik GmbH, Godesberger Allee 83 - 9153175 BONNTel: +49 228 181 645 14Fax:E-mail: benjamin.boeling@telekom.deAlemaniaTelekom Deutschland GmbHFriedrich-Ebert-Allee 14053113 BONN89 49 03Benjamin B?lingDeutsche Telekom Technik GmbH, Godesberger Allee 83 - 9153175 BONNTel: +49 228 181 645 14Fax:E-mail: benjamin.boeling@telekom.deAlemaniaVodafone GmbHFerdinand-Braun-Platz 1D-40549 DUSSELDORF89 49 20Ninja DietrichFerdinand-Braun-Platz 1D-40549 DUESSELDORFTel: +49 211 533 3807Fax:E-mail: ninja.dietrich@AlemaniaE-Plus Service GmbHE-Plus-Strasse 1D-40472 DUESSELDORF89 49 21Uwe LoewensteinGeorg-Brauchle-Ring 5080992 MUENCHENTel: +49 89 2442 4880Fax: +49 89 2442 194880E-mail: uwe.loewenstein@AlemaniaTelefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHGGeorg-Brauchle-Ring 23-25D-80992 MUNICH89 49 22Uwe LoewensteinGeorg-Brauchle-Ring 5080992 MUENCHENTel: +49 89 2442 4880Fax: +49 89 2442 194880E-mail: uwe.loewenstein@AlemaniaAirData AGDieselstra?e 18D-70771 LEINFELDEN-ECHTERDINGEN89 49 23Martin ArndtPostfach 100145D-70178 STUTTGARTTel: +49 711 96438-162Fax: +49 711 96438-506E-mail: arndt@airdata.agAlemaniaVIOLA Kabelgesellschaft (Deutschland) mbHGraurheindorfer Strasse 153D-53117 BONN89 49 26Monika PindersThomas Mann Str. 2-453111 BONNTel: +49 228 181 27341Fax: +49 228 181 27359E-mail: monika.pinders@telekom.deAlemaniaSipgate Wireless GmbHGladbacher Strasse 74D-40219 DUESSELDORF89 49 31Matthias DuerrGladbacher Strasse 74D-40219 DUESSELDORFTel: +49 211 302033 0Fax: +49 211 302033 22E-mail: duerr@sipgate.deAlemaniaGiesecke & Devrient GmbHPrinzregentenstrasse 15981607 MUNICH89 49 32Nikola MamuzicPrinzregentenstrasse 15981607 MUNICHTel: +49 89 4119 2468Fax: +49 89 4119 2460E-mail: Nikola.Mamuzic@gi-AlemaniaVoiceworks GmbHDüsseldorfer Strasse 1640699 ERKRATH89 49 35Christian Bichb?umerDüsseldorfer Strasse 1640699 ERKRATHTel: +49 157 75405030Fax:E-mail: christian.bichbaeumer@AlemaniaDrillisch Online AGWilhelm-Roentgen-Str. 1 - 563477 MAINTAL89 49 36Marc SchützeWilhelm-Roentgen-Str. 1 - 563477 MAINTALTel: +49 211 2479 4880Fax:E-mail: m.schuetze@drillisch.deAlemaniaFEIG ELECTRONIC GmbHLange Stra?e 435781 WEILBURG89 49 37Markus BeyerFEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH, Industriestra?e 1A35781 WEILBURGTel: +49 64713109409Fax: +49 6471310999E-mail: markus.beyer@feig.deAlemaniaGiesecke+Devrient Mobile Security GmbHPrinzregentenstr. 15981677 MUENCHEN89 49 38Daniel DaksiewiczPrinzregentenstr. 15981677 MUENCHENTel: +49 89 4119 0Fax:E-mail: daniel.daksiewicz@gi-AlemaniaTelekom Deutschland GmbHFriedrich-Ebert-Allee 14053113 BONN89 882 28Benjamin B?lingDeutsche Telekom Technik GmbH, Godesberger Allee 83 - 9153175 BONNTel: +49 228 181 645 14Fax:E-mail: benjamin.boeling@telekom.deAlemaniaEMnify GmbHFriedrich-Bergius-Ring 1597076 WUERZBURG89 883 03Alexander ScheblerFriedrich-Bergius-Ring 1597076 WUERZBURGTel: +49 931 4973 9270Fax:E-mail: alexander.schebler@AndorraServei de Telecomunicacions d'AndorraAv. Meritxell 112ANDORRA LA VELLA89 376 03Ricard Rodrigo112 Av. MeritxellANDORRA LA VELLATel: +376 821021Fax: +376 860600E-mail:AngolaUnitel sarlRua Marechal Broz Tito 77-79LUANDA89 244 02Dr. Eng. Amilcar Frederico SafecaRua Marechal Broz Tito 77-79, PO Box 3305LUANDATel: +244 92 319 9100Fax: +244 22 244 7783E-mail: and Wireless (W.I.) Ltd.PO Box 77THE VALLEY89 1 010Kennedy W. HodgePO Box 77THE VALLEYTel: +1 264 497 3100Fax: +1 264 497 2501E-mail:Antigua y BarbudaCable and Wireless (W.I.) Ltd.PO Box 65, 42/44 St. Mary's StreetST. JOHN'S, Antigua89 1 011Carl RobertsPO Box 65ST JOHN'STel: +1 268 462 0155Fax: +1 268 462 0843E-mail:Antigua y BarbudaAntigua Public Utilities Authority (APUA)Utility Drive, Cassada Gardens,St. John’s89 1 130Crispin ThomasUtility Drive, Cassada Gardens,St. John’sTel: +1268 480 7758Fax: +1268 480 7476E-mail: apuaroaming@apua.agArgeliaATM Mobilis (Algérie Telecom spa)Route Nationale 5, Cinq Maisons MohammadiaEL HARRACH - ALGER89 213 01Lounis Belharrat4 Boulevard Belkacem Krim16000 ALGERTel: +213 21 711220Fax: +213 21 713240E-mail:ArgentinaTelecom Argentina S.A.Alicia Moreau de Justo 50, Piso 7 Norte1007 BUENOS AIRES89 54 00Ruben KustraAvda Congreso 3924 - P21430 BUENOS AIRESTel: +54 11 4968 1569Fax: +54 11 4968 1340E-mail:ArgentinaTelefónica de Argentina S.A.Av. de Mayo 701, Piso 231083 BUENOS AIRES89 54 54Eduardo Aníbal GabelloniBartolomé Mitre 760 - Piso 31036 BUENOS AIRESTel: +54 11 4328 7741Fax: +54 11 4326 2821E-mail:Armenia“VEON Armenia” CJSC2 Aharonyan street, 0014YEREVAN89 374 01Karine Yeghiazaryan2 Aharonyan streetYEREVANTel: +374 10290109Fax:E-mail: KYeghiazaryan@beeline.amArmeniaPMF SAL14, Nelson Stepanian Street,Stepanakert89 374 04Ralph Yirikian14, Nelson Stepanian Street, StepanakertTel: +374 10 286 510Fax: +374 10 280 319E-mail:ArmeniaMTS Armenia CJSC4/1 Argishti streetYEREVAN89 374 05Ralph Yirikyan4/1 Argishti streetYEREVANTel: +374 60 771 111Fax: +374 93 298 021E-mail: ryirikyan@mts.amArubaSETAR, Servicio di Telecomunicacion di ArubaSeroe Blanco, Hendrikstraat 20-22ORANJESTAD89 297 86Jacobo RobertSeroe Blanco, PO Box 13ORANJESTADTel: +297 583 7734Fax: +297 583 2977E-mail:AustraliaTelstra Corporation Ltd.PO Box 7000SYDNEY, NSW 200189 61 00Richard UpjohnTelecom Business Services, 199 William St.MELBOURNE 3000 VICTORIATel: +61 3 9606 7514Fax: +61 3 9670 4685E-mail:AustraliaTelstra Corporation Ltd.PO Box 7000SYDNEY, NSW 200189 61 01General Manager, Mobile181 Victoria Parade3066 COLLINGWOODTel: +61 3 9412 1800Fax: +61 3 9412 1890E-mail:AustraliaSingtel Optus Ltd.101 Miller Street, PO Box 1NORTH SYDNEY NSW 205989 61 02Peter Mc Cartan101 Miller StreetNORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060Tel: +61 2 9342 6132Fax: +61 2 9342 7438E-mail:AustraliaVodafone Australia LtdLevel 14, 177 Pacific HwyNorth Sydney, NSW 206089 61 03Alexander OsborneLevel 14, 177 Pacific HwyNorth Sydney, NSW 2060Tel: +61 425 232 539Fax:E-mail: alexander.osborne@.auAustraliaVodafone Hutchison Australia Pty LtdLevel 7, 177 Pacific HwyNorth Sydney NSW 206089 61 06Alexander OsborneLevel 14, 177 Pacific HwyNorth Sydney, NSW 2060Tel: +61 425 232 539Fax:E-mail: alexander.osborne@.auAustraliaSingtel Optus Ltd.101 Miller Street, PO Box 1NORTH SYDNEY NSW 205989 61 12Michelle Thew101 Miller StreetNORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060Tel: +61 2 9342 6695Fax: +61 2 9342 6766E-mail:AustraliaAAPT Ltd30 Ross streetGLEBE, NSW 203789 61 14Brad Stoltenberg30 Ross streetGLEBE, NSW 2037Tel: +61 2 9162 6219Fax:E-mail: brad.stoltenberg@.auAustraliaSingtel Optus Ltd.101 Miller Street, PO Box 1NORTH SYDNEY NSW 205989 61 21Michelle Thew101 Miller StreetNORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060Tel: +61 2 9342 6695Fax: +61 2 9342 6766E-mail:AustraliaSingtel Optus Ltd.101 Miller Street, PO Box 1NORTH SYDNEY NSW 205989 61 23Michelle Thew101 Miller StreetNORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060Tel: +61 2 9342 6695Fax: +61 2 9342 6766E-mail:AustraliaPivotel Group Pty Limited75 Nerang StreetSOUTHPORT QLD 421589 61 50Robert Sakker75 Nerang StreetSOUTHPORT QLD 4215STel: +61 414 207 050Fax: +61 294 739 650E-mail: robert.sakker@.auAustraliaTelstra Corporation Ltd.PO Box 7000SYDNEY, NSW 200189 61 61Richard UpjohnTelecom Business Services, 199 William St.MELBOURNE 3000 VICTORIATel: +61 3 9606 7514Fax: +61 3 9670 4685E-mail:AustraliaTelstra Corporation Ltd.PO Box 7000SYDNEY, NSW 200189 61 62Richard UpjohnTelecom Business Services, 199 William St.MELBOURNE 3000 VICTORIATel: +61 3 9606 7514Fax: +61 3 9670 4685E-mail:AustraliaPivotel Group Pty Limited75 Nerang StreetSOUTHPORT QLD 421589 61 88Robert Sakker75 Nerang StreetSOUTHPORT QLD 4215STel: +61 414 207 050Fax: +61 294 739 650E-mail: robert.sakker@.auAustriaA1 Telekom Austria AGLassallestra?e 9A-1020 WIEN89 43 01Mag. Michael Seitlinger, LL.M.Lassallestra?e 9A-1020 WIENTel: +43 50 664 24560Fax:E-mail: regulierung@a1.atAustriaT Mobile Austria GmbHRennweg 97-99A-1030 WIEN89 43 03Mag. Anja Tretbar-BustorfRennweg 97-99A-1030 WIENTel: +43 676 8200 6135Fax: +43 1 79585 96135E-mail: anja.tretbar-bustorf@t-mobile.atAustriaHutchison Drei Austria GmbHBrünner Stra?e 52A-1210 WIEN89 43 05Dr Natalie Ségur-CabanacBrünner Stra?e 52A-1210 WIENTel: +43 5066063202Fax:E-mail: natalie.segur-cabanac@AustriaT Mobile Austria GmbHRennweg 97-99A-1030 WIEN89 43 07Mag. Anja Tretbar-BustorfRennweg 97-99A-1030 WIENTel: +43 676 8200 6135Fax: +43 1 79585 96135E-mail: anja.tretbar-bustorf@t-mobile.atAustria3G Mobile Telecommunications GmbHGuglgasse 7-9/1A-1030 WIEN89 43 08Dr. RuhleGuglgasse 7-9/1A-1030 WIENTel: +43 1 994 680 3401Fax: +43 1 994 680 1100E-mail: olav.ruhle@3gmobile.atAustriaT Mobile Austria GmbHRennweg 97-99A-1030 WIEN89 43 13Mag. Anja Tretbar-BustorfRennweg 97-99A-1030 WIENTel: +43 676 8200 6135Fax: +43 1 79585 96135E-mail: anja.tretbar-bustorf@t-mobile.atAustriaNXP Semiconductors Austria GmbHMikronweg 18101 GRATKORN89 43 51Clemens OrthackerMikronweg 18101 GRATKORNTel: +43 664 9634729Fax: +43 3124 299 124E-mail: clemens.orthacker@AzerbaiyánAzercell Telecom LLC149 Tbilisi AvenueAZ 1122 BAKU89 994 01Aida Bayramova149 Tbilisi AvenueAZ 1122 BAKUTel: +994 50 210 0091Fax: +994 12 430 0568E-mail: abayram@AzerbaiyánCaspian American Telecom LLC54 S. RustamAZ 1007 BAKU89 994 03Ulviyya Gurbanzada54 S. RustamAZ 1007 BAKUTel: +994 12 447 1699Fax: +994 12 447 4600E-mail: bill@catel.azAzerbaiyánAzerfon LLC153, Netchilar Ave., Nasimi districtAZ 1010 BAKU89 994 04Gunnar Pahnke153, Netchilar Ave., Nasimi districtAZ 1010 BAKUTel: +994 12 444 0730Fax: +994 12 490 0731E-mail: media@azerfon.azAzerbaiyánSpecial State Protection Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan68, Lermontov Str.,AZ1066 BAKU89 994 05Azar Ahadov68, Lermontov Str.,AZ1066 BAKUTel: +994 12 435 1880Fax: +994 12 498 9648E-mail:; secretary@.azAzerbaiyán"Nakhtel" LLC1, Ataturk str.,NAKHCHIVAN, Az700089 994 06Nazim Jafarly1, Ataturk str.,NAKHCHIVAN, Az7000Tel: +994 36 5452024Fax:E-mail: rytn@nakhchivan.azBahamasBahamas Telecommunications Company Ltd.John F. Kennedy Drive, PO Box N-3048NASSAU89 1 282Carol CrearyPO Box N-3048NASSAUTel: +1 242 322 3379Fax: +1 242 326 0880E-mail:BahreinBahrain Telecommunications Company (BATELCO)PO Box 14MANAMA89 973 01John FordBATELCO, PO Box 14MANAMATel: +973 17 884 828Fax: +973 17 610 092E-mail: cl3@.bhBahreinZain BahrainPO Box 266MANAMA89 973 02Ismael FikreePO Box 266MANAMATel: +973 360 30013Fax: +973 360 31996E-mail: I.fikree@.bhBarbadosBarbados Telephone Company Ltd. (BARTEL)PO Box 272BRIDGETOWN89 1 012Marketing ManagerPO Box 272BRIDGETOWNTel: +1 246 429 5050Fax: +1 246 436 5036E-mail:BelarúsFE VelcomMasherova Avenue 19, 8th Floor220002 MINSK89 375 01Andrey KulinkinMasherova Avenue 19, 8th Floor220002 MINSKTel: +375 17 217 8494Fax: +375 17 217 8492E-mail: a.kulinkin@velcom.byBelarúsJoint Limited Liability Company "Mobile TeleSystems"95, Nezavisimosti ave.220043 MINSK89 375 02Nataliya Lysiakova95, Nezavisimosti ave.220043 MINSKTel: +375 17 237 9888Fax: +375 17 237 9800E-mail: info@mts.byBelarúsBelarusian Telecommunication Network (ZAO BeST)117 Nezavisimosti AvenueMINSK 22060089 375 03Michail Demtchenko117 Nezavisimosti AvenueMINSK 220600Tel: +375 17 290 3575Fax: +375 17 290 3575E-mail: michail.demtchenko@best.byBélgicaProximus NV van publiek rechtKoning Albert II-laan 27B-1030 BRUSSEL89 32 00Steven TasKoning Albert II-laan 27B-1030 BRUSSELTel: +32 2 202 88 99Fax: +32 2 202 85 33E-mail: rfq.inbox@BélgicaSociety for Worldwide interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT)Avenue Adèle, 1B-1310 LA HULPE89 32 01Luc de ClercqAvenue Adèle, 1B-1310 LA HULPETel: +32 2 655 3111Fax: +32 2 655 3226E-mail:BélgicaOrange Belgium N.V.Bourgetlaan 3B-1140 BRUSSEL89 32 02Dirk SegersBourgetlaan 3B-1140 BRUSSELTel: +32 2 745 72 00Fax:E-mail: dirk.segers@BélgicaTelenet Group BVBANeerveldstraat 105B-1200 BRUSSEL89 32 03Marcel OliemanNeerveldstraat 105B-1200 BRUSSELTel: +32 485 54 25 48Fax:E-mail: marcel.olieman@telenetgroup.beBélgicaBelgacom International Carrier Services S.A. (BICS SA)4 Rue LebeauB-1000 BRUSSELS89 32 04Kathelijne Winderickx4 Rue LebeauB-1000 BRUSSELSTel: +32 2 547 53 81Fax: +32 2 547 52 10E-mail: bics.regulatory@BélgicaNETHYSRue de Louvrex 54000 LIEGE89 32 05France VandermeulenNethys, Avenue Ariane 51200 BRUXELLESTel: +32 496 59 82 82Fax:E-mail: france.vandermeulen@staff.voo.beBélgicaTelenet BVBALiersesteenweg 4B-2800 MECHELEN89 32 07Philippe RonsseLiersesteenweg 4B-2800 MECHELENTel: +32 15 33 35 61Fax: +32 15 33 39 99E-mail: philippe.ronsse@telenetgroup.beBélgicaVoxbone SAClaus Building, Avenue Louise 489B-1050 BRUXELLES89 32 08Katarzyna Golos-TerrasiClaus Building, Avenue Louise 489B-1050 BRUXELLESTel: +32 2 808 00 61Fax: +32 2 808 00 01E-mail: bel@ic.BeliceBelize Telemedia Ltd.St. Thomas Street, P.O. Box 603BELIZE CITY89 501 67Ivan TesucumP.O. Box 603.BELIZE CITYTel: +501 223 8109Fax:E-mail: ivan.tesucum@BeliceIntelco13.5 miles, Northern Highway Boom CutoffLADYVILLE89 501 68Ivan TESUCUMP.O. Box 2484BELIZE CITYTel: +501 225 4128Fax: +501 225 4130E-mail: itesucum@intelco.bzBeninGlomobile Benin LtdCOTONOU89 229 05Tel:Fax:E-mail:BermudasCable and Wireless plcPO Box HM151, 20 Church StreetHAMILTON HMAX89 1 013John D. TibblesPO Box HM151HAMILTONTel: +1 441 297 7060Fax: +1 441 295 4541E-mail:BermudasThe Bermuda Telephone Company Ltd.PO Box HM 1021HAMILTON HM DX89 1 232Winston C. RobinsonPO Box HM 1021HAMILTONTel: +1 441 295 1001Fax: +1 441 292 1192E-mail:BermudasBermuda Digital Communications Ltd22 Reid Street, Suite 3HAMILTON HM 1189 1 351Liam McKittrick22 Reid Street, Suite 3HAMILTON HM 11Tel: +1 441 777 0701Fax: +1 441 296 4011E-mail: lmckittrick@cellone.bmBhutánBhutan Telecom LimitedP.O. Box 134, Drophen Lam 2/28THIMPHU89 975 11Karma JurmeP.O. Box 134, Drophen Lam 2/28THIMPHUTel: +975 2 343434/322678Fax: +975 2 324312E-mail: ceo@bt.btBhutánTashi Infocomm LtdNorzin Lam, P.O. Box 176THIMPHU89 975 77Ganga R. SharmaNorzin Lam, P.O. Box 176THIMPHUTel: +975 2 335 476Fax: +975 2 324 440E-mail: tashicell@; info@Bolivia (Estado Plurinacional de)Nuevatel PCS de Bolivia S.A.Av. Capitan Ravelo No. 2289,esq. Rosendo Gutierrez, LA PAZ89 591 01Ing. Freddy Maldonado ValcikAv. Capitan Ravelo No. 2289,esq. Rosendo Gutierrez, LA PAZTel: +591 2 244 2420Fax: +591 2 244 2353E-mail: freddy.maldona@Bolivia (Estado Plurinacional de)Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (ENTEL)Federico Zuazo 1771LA PAZ89 591 02Waldo PantojaFederico Zuazo 1771LA PAZTel: +591 2 212 2005Fax: +591 2 239 1789E-mail: wpantoja@entelsa.entelnet.boBonaire, San Eustaquio y SabaTelboKaya Lib. SimonBOLIVAR #889 599 78Edsel WinklaarP.O. Box 94BONAIRETel: +599 717 7111Fax: +599 717 5007E-mail: telbo@telbonet.anBosnia y HerzegovinaBH TelecomObala Kulina bana 871000 SARAJEVO89 387 01Mehmed SpahoObala Kulina bana 871000 SARAJEVOTel: +387 33 213608Fax: +387 33 213610E-mail: pttintaf@.baBosnia y HerzegovinaHT MostarKneza Branimira bb88 000 MOSTAR89 387 03Martin BosnjakKneza Branimira bb88 000 MOSTARTel: +387 36 395 490Fax: +387 36 395 151E-mail: martin.bosnjak@hteronet.baBosnia y HerzegovinaTelekomunicaje RS, a.d. BanjalukaKralja Petra I, Karadjordjevica 9378 000 BANJA LUKA89 387 05Predrag CulibrkKralja Petra I, Karadjordjevica 9378 000 BANJA LUKATel: +387 51 240 101Fax: +387 51 211 150E-mail: Wireless (Pty) LtdPrivate Bag BO 298GABORONE89 267 01Lilly SullivanPrivate Bag BO 298GABORONETel: +267 390 3396Fax: +267 390 3445E-mail: lilly.sullivan@mascom.bwBotswanaOrange Botswana (Pty) LtdPrivate Bag BO 64GABORONE89 267 02Patrick BenonPlot 1131/37, Main Mall, Private Bag BO 64GABORONETel: +267 397 2672Fax: +267 397 2674E-mail: lerato.leepo@BotswanaBotswana Telecommunications Corporation (Ltd)PO Box 700GABORONE89 267 04Anthony MasungaPO Box 700, Main MallGABORONETel: +267 395 8304Fax: +267 391 3355E-mail: anthonym@btc.bwBrasilBCPRua Florida, 1970 - Brooklin NovoSAO PAULO 04565-907 SP89 55 05Paulo Cesar CoriglianoRua Florida, 1970 - Brooklin NovoSAO PAULO 04565-907 SPTel: +55 11 9415 7242Fax: +55 11 5509 6657E-mail: paulo.corigliano@.brBrasilSercomtel Celular S/ARua Prof. Joao Candido 555Centro Londrina - PR89 55 15Flavio Luiz BorstoRua Prof. Joao Candido 555Centro Londrina - PRTel: +55 43 3375 1715Fax: +55 43 3324 3333E-mail: flaviolb@.brBrasilBrasil Telecom Celular S.A.SIA/SUL ASP Lote D, Bloco B, TerreoBRASILIA DF89 55 16Felipe Rios GarciaSIA/SUL ASP Lote D, Bloco A, SubsoloBRASILIA DFTel: +55 61 3415 8313Fax: +55 61 3481 7070E-mail:BrasilTelemig Celular S/ARua Levindo Lopes 258 - SavassiMINAS GERAIS89 55 23Alvaro Camara Pe?anhaRua Levindo Lopes 258 - SavassiMINAS GERAISTel: +55 31 9982 3698Fax: +55 31 9933 3154E-mail:BrasilAmazonia Celular S/ARua Levindo Lopes 258 - SavassiMINAS GERAIS89 55 24Alvaro Camara Pe?anhaRua Levindo Lopes 258 - SavassiMINAS GERAISTel: +55 31 9982 3698Fax: +55 31 9933 3154E-mail:BrasilIDT Brasil Telecomunica??es LtdaRua Diogo Moreira 13214 AND CJ 140489 55 26Eliseu CarnizelloRua Diogo Moreira 13214 AND CJ 1404Tel: +55 11 3995 1111Fax: +55 11 3095 9145E-mail:BulgariaA1 Bulgaria EAD1 Kukush StreetSOFIA 130989 359 01Emil Rangelov1 Kukush StreetSOFIA 1309Tel: +359 2 485 1410Fax:E-mail: Emil.Rangelov@a1.bgBulgariaCosmo Bulgaria Mobile Ltd.7, V. Levski Street1000 SOFIA89 359 05General ManagerSOFIATel:Fax:E-mail:Burkina FasoCeltel Burkina SA01 B.P. 6622OUAGADOUGOU 0189 226 02Pierre CuignetB.P. 6622OUAGADOUGOU 01Tel: +226 7021 2707Fax: +226 5035 6054E-mail:Burkina FasoTelecel FasoBP 11059OUGADOUGOU 0889 226 03Alex KandeBP 11059OUAGADOUGOU 08Tel: +226 7021 2496Fax: +226 5030 0889E-mail:BurundiLacell SUThe White Stone, Boulevard de l'UpronaP.O. Box 3150, BUJUMBURA89 257 07Bhupendra BhandariThe White Stone, Boulevard de l'UpronaP.O. Box 3150, BUJUMBURATel: +257 2225 8621Fax: +257 2225 8620E-mail: bhupendra.bhandari@Cabo VerdeCV Móvel, S.A.Avenida Cidade de Lisboa, Caixa Postal 126 APRAIA89 238 01Francisco AlmeidaAvenida Cidade de Lisboa, Caixa Postal 126 APRAIATel: +238 991 2237Fax: +238 262 2509E-mail: francisco.almeida@cvt.cvCabo VerdeUNITEL T+ TELECOMUNICA??ES, SOCIEDADE UNIPESSOAL, SAAvenida Cidade de Lisboa, Edifício BAI Center, 4? e 6? Pisos, Ch? de AreiaCP 346-A PRAIA89 238 02Paula CariocaAvenida Cidade de Lisboa, Edifício BAI Center, 4? e 6? Pisos, Ch? de AreiaCP 346-A PRAIATel: +238 330 3030Fax: +238 261 9606E-mail: paula.carioca@uniteltmais.cvCaimán (Islas)Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd.PO Box 293 GTGRAND CAYMAN89 1 015Brian LundiePO Box 293GRAND CAYMANTel: +1 345 949 7800Fax: +1 345 949 5472E-mail:CamboyaCAMGSM33 Sihanouk BoulevardPHNOM PENH89 855 01Iain Williams33 Sihanouk BoulevardPHNOM PENHTel: +855 18 813984Fax: +855 23 426415E-mail:CanadáTelebec Ltée7151 Jean Talon E. B.310ANJOU, QUE H1M 3N889 1 007André Sabourin7151 Jean Talon E.B. 310ANJOU QUE H1M 3N8Tel: +1 514 493 5333Fax: +1 514 493 5534E-mail:CanadáBragg Communications Inc6080 Young Street, 8th FloorHALIFAX, NS B3K 5M389 1 035Steve Irvine6080 Young Street, 8th FloorHALIFAX, NS B3K 5M3Tel: +1 902 431 9961Fax:E-mail: steve.irvine@corp.eastlink.caCanadáFirst Networks Operation Inc.179 Elm StreetWINNIPEG, MANITOBA R3M 3N589 1 037Robert Gowenlock179 Elm StreetWINNIPEG, MANITOBA R3M 3N5Tel: +1 204 489 7043Fax:E-mail: bob.gowenlock@firstnetworks.caCanadáTelus Communications Company200 Consillum Pl. ScarboroughONTARIO M1H 3J389 1 223Ed Prior200 Consillum Pl. ScarboroughONTARIO M1H 3J3Tel: +1 416 279 7523Fax: +1 416 279 3166E-mail: ed.prior@CanadáBritish Columbia Telephone Company Ltd.3777 kingswayBURNABY, B.C. V5H 32789 1 228Marie Rogers11-3777 KingswayBURNABY, B.C. VSH 327Tel: +1 604 432 2739Fax: +1 604 438 0444E-mail:CanadáBell Canada160 Elgin StreetOTTAWA, ONTARIO K1G 3J489 1 236D.M. MillsonRoom 1120, 410 Laurier Ave. W.OTTAWA K1R 7T3Tel: +1 613 660 3230Fax: +1 613 660 3989E-mail:CanadáTelus Communications Inc.10020 - 100 StreetEDMONTON, ALTA T5J ON589 1 248Marie Losier20d, 10020-100 StreetEDMONTON, ALTA T5J ON5Tel: +1 403 425 2465Fax: +1 403 425 4351E-mail:CanadáALO Mobile Inc1039 Mc Nicoll Ave.TORONTO, ONTARIOM1W 3W689 1 250Rajan Arora1039 Mc Nicoll Ave.TORONTO, ONTARIOM1W 3W6Tel: +1 416 499 5463Fax: +1 416 499 6612E-mail: rajan@alomobile.caCanadáTelus Communications Inc.10020 - 100 StreetEDMONTON, ALTA T5J ON589 1 258Marie Losier20d, 10020-100 StreetEDMONTON, ALTA T5J ON5Tel: +1 403 425 2465Fax: +1 403 425 4351E-mail:CanadáSaskatchewan Telecommunications2121 Saskatchewan Drive,REGINA, SK S4P 3Y289 1 277W.N. (Bill) Beckman2121 Saskatchewan Drive,REGINA, SK S4P 3Y2Tel: +1 306 777 4208Fax:E-mail: document.control@CanadáECOTEL inc.2570 Letourneux, Unit 3Montreal, QC, H1V 2P489 1 302Eric L'Heureux2570 Letourneux, Unit 3Montreal, QC, H1V 2P4Tel: +1 514 497 1939Fax: +1 514 447 3360E-mail: eric@ecotelecom.caCanadáBell Canada160 Elgin StreetOTTAWA, ONTARIO K1G 3J489 1 369Carmine DomenicucFloor 23, 160 Elgin StreetOTTAWA, ONTARIO K1G 3Tel: +1 613 567 5024Fax:E-mail:CanadáMicrocell Solutions Inc.800 rue de la Gauchetière OuestMontreal, QC H5A 1K389 1 370Edith Labrosse800 rue de la Gauchetière Ouest, Bureau 4000MONTREAL, QC H5A 1K3Tel: +1 514 993 0842Fax: +1 514 221 2143E-mail: edith.labrosse@microcell.caCanadáManitoba Telecom Services489 Empress St., PO Box 6666WINNIPEG, MANITOBA R3C 3V689 1 456Murray SpeissPO Box 6666, 360 Main St. BT11LWINNIPEG, MANITOBA R3C 3V6Tel: +1 204 941 8734Fax: +1 204 944 0029E-mail:CanadáIsland Tel69 Belvedere Avenue,CHARLOTTETOWN PEI C1A 7M889 1 482Barbara L. King3 South, PO Box 880HALIFAX, NS B3J 2W3Tel: +1 902 421 5777Fax: +1 902 423 5541E-mail:CanadáFreedom Mobile Inc.900, 630 - 3rd Ave SWCALGARY, AB T2P 4L489 1 490Paul Cowling900, 630 - 3rd Ave SWCALGARY, AB T2P 4L4Tel:Fax:E-mail: Regulatory@sjrb.caCanadáIsland Tel69 Belvedere Avenue,CHARLOTTETOWN PEI C1A 7M889 1 593Barbara L. King3 South, PO Box 880HALIFAX, NS B3J 2W3Tel: +1 902 421 5777Fax: +1 902 423 5541E-mail:CanadáNew Brunswick Telephone Company Ltd.PO Box 1430SAINT JOHN, NB E2L 4K289 1 628Carol Baker11th Floor, 1 Brunswick SquareSAINT JOHN, N.B. E2L 4K2Tel: +1 506 658 7107Fax: +1 506 694 2168E-mail:CanadáNew Brunswick Telephone Company Ltd.PO Box 1430SAINT JOHN, NB E2L 4K289 1 629Carol Baker11th Floor, 1 Brunswick SquareSAINT JOHN, N.B. E2L 4K2Tel: +1 506 658 7107Fax: +1 506 694 2168E-mail:CanadáNewfoundland Telephone Company Ltd.PO Box 2110, St. John'sNEWFOUNDLAND89 1 635David Peters5th Floor, Fort William BldgSt. John's, NEW FOUNDLAND A1C 5H6Tel: +1 709 739 2016Fax:E-mail:CanadáBritish Columbia Telephone Company Ltd.3777 kingswayBURNABY, B.C. V5H 32789 1 654Marie Rogers11-3777 KingswayBURNABY, B.C. VSH 327Tel: +1 604 432 2739Fax: +1 604 438 0444E-mail:CanadáAllstream Business Inc.18810 SE 34th St, Building One, Suite 100VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON 98683(United States)89 1 660Douglas Denney18810 SE 34th St, Building One, Suite 100VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON 98683(United States)Tel: +1 360 558 4318Fax:E-mail: doug.denney@CanadáNewfoundland Telephone Company Ltd.PO Box 2110, St. John'sNEWFOUNDLAND89 1 682David Peters5th Floor, Fort William BldgSt. John's, NEW FOUNDLAND A1C 5H6Tel: +1 709 739 2016Fax:E-mail:CanadáManitoba Telecom Services489 Empress St., PO Box 6666WINNIPEG, MANITOBA R3C 3V689 1 687Murray SpeisPO Box 6666, 360 Main St. BT11LWINNIPEG, MANITOBA R3C 3V6Tel: +1 204 941 8734Fax: +1 204 944 0029E-mail:CanadáMaritime Telegraph and Telephone Company Ltd.PO Box 880HALIFAX, NS B3J 2W389 1 688Barbara L. King3 South, PO Box 880HALIFAX, NS B3J 2W3Tel: +1 902 421 5777Fax: +1 902 423 5541E-mail:CanadáMaritime Telegraph and Telephone Company Ltd.PO Box 880HALIFAX, NS B3J 2W389 1 699Barbara L. King3 South, PO Box 880HALIFAX, NS B3J 2W3Tel: +1 902 421 5777Fax: +1 902 423 5541E-mail:CanadáSaskatchewan Telecommunications2121 Saskatchewan Drive,REGINA, SK S4P 3Y289 1 727W.N. (Bill) Beckman2121 Saskatchewan Drive,REGINA, SK S4P 3Y2Tel: +1 306 777 4208Fax:E-mail: document.control@CanadáBell Canada160 Elgin StreetOTTAWA, ONTARIO K1G 3J489 1 789Carmine DomenicucFloor 23, 160 Elgin StreetOTTAWA, ONTARIO K1G 3Tel: +1 613 567 5024Fax:E-mail:CanadáTata Communications Canada ULC1000 de La Gauchetière OuestMONTREAL, QUEBEC H3B 4X589 1 821Jean-Pierre Caveen1000 de la Gauchetière OuestMONTREAL, QUEBEC H3B 4X5Tel: +1 514 868 8103Fax: +1 514 868 7275E-mail:CanadáQuebec Telephone6 Jules A. BrillantRIMOUSKI G5L 7E489 1 835Ermelie Landry6 Jules A. BrillantRIMOUSKI, G5L 7E4Tel: +1 418 722 5769Fax: +1 418 722 0143E-mail:CanadáQuebec Telephone6 Jules A. BrillantRIMOUSKI G5L 7E489 1 837Ermelie Landry6 Jules A. BrillantRIMOUSKI, G5L 7E4Tel: +1 418 722 5769Fax: +1 418 722 0143E-mail:CanadáUnitel Communications Inc.200 Wellington Street WestTORONTO, ONTARIO MSV 3G289 1 869Leo Nikkari200 Wellington Street WestTORONTO, ONTARIO MSV 3G2Tel: +1 416 345 2481Fax: +1 416 345 2708E-mail:CanadáInternational Telecommunications Services Inc.8130 sheppard Ave. East, Suite 216SCARBOROUGH ONTARIO MIB BWB89 1 895Juan Valmana8130 Sheppard Ave. East, Suite 216SCABOROUGH ONTARIO MIB BWBTel: +1 416 281 3855Fax: +1 416 281 9894E-mail:CanadáNorthwestel Inc.PO Bag 790 YellowknifeNWT XIA 2R389 1 930Harry de WindtPO Bag 790 YellowknifeNWT XIA 2R3Tel: +1 403 920 3507Fax: +1 403 920 2407E-mail:ChadCeltel Tchad S.A.BP 5665N'DJAMENA89 235 01Paul HerrmannBP 5665N'DJAMENATel: +235 2252 3177Fax:E-mail:ChadTchad Mobile - LibertisBP 5742N'DJAMENA89 235 02Sameh MangouryAvenue Charles de Gaulle, BP 5742N'DJAMENATel: +235 6850 9999Fax: +235 2252 0139E-mail:ChinaChina Telecom33 Er Long RoadBEIJING 10003289 86 00Directorate General13 West Chang-An Ave.BEIJING 100804Tel: +86 10 6601 7911Fax: +86 10 6601 1250E-mail:ChipreScancom (Cyprus) Ltd.87 Kennedy Avenue1077 NICOSIA89 357 10Abdul Hamid Chehab87 Kennedy Avenue1077 NICOSIATel: +357 22 466 578Fax: +357 22 466 477E-mail: ahchehab@ChiprePrimeTel PLCThe Maritime Center, 141 Omonias Ave.3045 LIMASSOL89 357 20Theodosis TheodosiouThe Maritime Center, 141 Omonias Ave.3045 LIMASSOLTel: +357 25 100100Fax: +357 25 561892E-mail: ththeodosis@prime-ChipreCablenet Communications Systems LtdAgiou Nicolaou 41-49, Block A, 3th Floor,2408 Nicosia89 357 22Neophytos AntoniadisAgiou Nicolaou 41-49, Block A, 3th Floor,2408 NicosiaTel: +357 2239 9399Fax: +357 2244 6807E-mail: n.antoniades@ChipreMundio Mobile Cyprus Ltd31 Evagoras Avenue, Evagoras Tower, Office 321066 NICOSIA89 357 23Stephanie LazarusMundio Mobile, 54 Marsh WallLONDON E14 9TP(United Kingdom)Tel: +44 2075364800Fax: +44 2070050562E-mail: legal@ChipreCyprus Telecommunications Authority (CYTA)PO Box 24929, Telecommunication streetNICOSIA 139689 357 89Aristos RirisTelecommunication StreetNICOSIA 1396Tel: +357 2 231 0270Fax: +357 2 231 6969E-mail:ChipreMTX Connect LtdGeorgiou Gennadiou, 10 Agathangelos Court #403LIMASSOL 304189 883 05Ilya BalashovGeorgiou Gennadiou, 10 Agathangelos Court #403LIMASSOL 3041Tel: +357 22 030 076Fax:E-mail: ilya.balashov@mtxc.euColombiaEdatel S.A.Calle 41 No 52 – 28 Piso 18MEDELLIN89 57 002Diego Andrés Salazar Montealegre, Representante LegalCalle 41 No 52 – 28 Piso 18MEDELLINTel: +57 4 384 6341Fax: +57 4 384 6403E-mail: gerencia_general@.coColombiaColombia Telecomunicaciones SA ESP (Movistar)Transversal 60 # 114A - 55BOGOT? D.C.89 57 123Fabián Andrés Hernández Ramirez, Representante LegalTransversal 60 # 114A - 55BOGOT? D.C.Tel: +57 1 7050000Fax:E-mail: natalia.guerra@; diana.arias@; emilio.santofimio@ComorasSociété nationale des télécommunications (Comores Telecom)BP 5000MORONI89 269 01Mgomri OumaraBP 5000MORONITel: +269 774 4300Fax: +269 773 1079E-mail: mgomrio@snpt.kmCongoCeltel Congo S.A.79 Avenue BayardelleBRAZZAVILLE89 242 01Noely Randrianjakanavalona79 Avenue BayardelleBRAZZAVILLETel: +242 22 281 5006Fax: +242 22 281 0581E-mail:Corea (Rep. de)KT Corporation90 Buljeong-ro, Bundang-gu,Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 1360689 82 01Heekyung Youm, Int'l call Service Dept.178, Sejong-daero, Jomgno-gu,SEOUL, 03154Tel: +82 2 3495 4879Fax: +82 303 0993 5629E-mail: heekyung.youm@kt.krCorea (Rep. de)SK Telecom65, Eulji-ro, Jung-guSEOUL89 82 05HOJUNE KIM65, Eulji-ro, Jung-guSEOULTel: +82 10 9052 6193Fax:E-mail: greatkimhosoon@Corea (Rep. de)LG Uplus CorporationLG Uplus Bldg, 32, Hangang-daero, Yongsan-guSEOUL 0438989 82 06Yeon Sang KooE9.E11 LG Science Park, 71, Magokjungang 8-ro, Gangseo-guSEOUL 07795Tel: +82 10 8080 2238Fax:E-mail: (Rep. de)SK Telecom65, Eulji-ro, Jung-guSEOUL89 82 11HOJUNE KIM65, Eulji-ro, Jung-guSEOULTel: +82 10 9052 6193Fax:E-mail: greatkimhosoon@Corea (Rep. de)KT Corporation90 Buljeong-ro, Bundang-gu,Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 1360689 82 30JongJin Yun178, Sejong-daero, Jomgno-gu,SEOUL, 03154Tel: +82 10 6750 6705Fax: +82 303 0993 3844E-mail: RicaInstituto Costarricense de Electricidad - ICEPO Box 100321000 SAN JOSE89 506 01-Tel: +506 2220 7422Fax: +506 2220 1555E-mail:C?te d'IvoireComstar S.A.BP 1281ABIDJAN 0189 225 01Koffi GnamoaBP 1281ABIDJAN 01Tel: +225 2022 8101Fax: +225 2022 8105E-mail:C?te d'IvoireAtlantique Telecom C?te d'IvoireBP 01ABIDJAN 234789 225 02Simon Gohi BiBP 01ABIDJAN 2347Tel: +225 2025 0101Fax: +225 2025 0103E-mail: simon.gohi@CroaciaVIPnet d.o.o.Vrtni put 1HR-10000 ZAGREB89 385 91Jiri DvorjancanskyVrtni put 1HR-10000 ZAGREBTel: +385 1 4691091Fax: +385 1 4691099E-mail:CroaciaHrvatski Telekom d.d.Roberta Frangesa Mihanovica 9HR-10110 ZAGREB89 385 98Ivica IvanusevicRoberta Frangesa Mihanovica 9HR-10110 ZAGREBTel: +385 1 498 4098Fax: +385 1 498 2411E-mail:CubaEmpresa de Telecomunicaciones Celulares del Caribe S.A. (C-COM)5ta y 5ta B, PlayaLA HABANA 1030089 53 01Waldo ReboredoCalle 8, No. 511 Apto 1, entre 5ta y 5ta BPLAYA CIUDAD DE LA HABANATel: +53 7 241640Fax: +53 7 241640E-mail:Cura?aoANTELECOM N.V.PO Box 103, Schouwburgweg 22WILLEMSTAD, CURACAO89 599 00E.R. LaufSchouwburgweg 22, PO Box 103WILLEMSTAD CURACAOTel: +599 9 463 1341Fax: +599 9 463 1321E-mail:Cura?aoUTS - SETELRigelweg #2, P.O. Box 3177Willenstad, CURACAO89 599 91Sandro EveryRigelweg #2, P.O. Box 3177Willenstad, CURACAOTel: +599 9 777 1508Fax: +599 9 777 1284E-mail: s.every@uts.anCura?aoCuracao TelecomSchottegatweg Oost 19CURACAO89 599 96Johannes C. LuteSchottegatweg Oost 19CURACAOTel: +599 9 736 1056Fax: +599 9 736 1057E-mail: hlute@DinamarcaTDC Mobil A/SSpotorno Allé 12DK-2630 TAASTRUP89 45 01Jakob LindMEP Spotorno Allé 12DK-2630 TAASTRUPTel: +45 43 586477Fax: +45 40 206020E-mail:DinamarcaTelia Sonera A/SEjby Industrivej 135DK-2600 GLOSTRUP89 45 04Kim PhilipEjby Industrivej 135DK-2600 GLOSTRUPTel: +45 35 279200Fax: +45 43 275499E-mail:DinamarcaIce Danmark ApSTorveporten 2,2500 Valby89 45 05Johan TineliusAINMT Holdings AB, Box 746010392 STOCKHOLM(Sweden)Tel: +46 735 92 7010Fax:E-mail: johan.tinelius@DinamarcaHi3G Denmark ApSDampfaergevej 28KOBENHAVN O89 45 06Christian JorgensenDampfaergevej 28DK - 2100 KOBENHAVN OTel: +45 1524 5420Fax: +45 3527 5599E-mail: christian.joergensen@3.dkDominicaTelecommunications of Dominica Ltd.PO Box 6ROSEAU89 1 016H.W. JacobPO Box 6, Hanover StreetROSEAUTel: +1 767 448 1010Fax: +1 767 448 1181E-mail:Dominicana (Rep.)Globe Wireless1571 Robert J Conian BlvdPALM BAY, FL 3290589 1 028Christopher Gray1571 Robart J Conain BlvdPALM BAY, FL 32905Tel: +1 321 309 1300Fax: +1 321 727 9497E-mail: chris.gray@Dominicana (Rep.)Verizon DominicanaPO Box 1377SANTO DOMINGO89 1 650Naney de Nu?ezAve. 27 de Febrero 247STO. DOMINGOTel: +1 809 562 4592Fax: +1 809 533 2036E-mail:EcuadorConsorcio Ecuatoriano de Telecomunicaciones S.A. (Conecel)Avda. Francisco de Orellana y Alberto BorgesGUAYAQUIL89 593 01Carlos Zenteno de los SantosAvda. Francisco de Orellana y Alberto BorgesGUAYAQUILTel: +593 4 269 3693Fax: +593 4 263 3611E-mail:EgiptoVodafone Egypt Telecommunications S.A.E.17 Port Said Street, Maadi El-SarayatCAIRO89 20 02Ian Crawford17 Port Said Street, Maadi El SarayatCAIROTel: +20 2 3351 7471Fax: +20 2 3350 4957E-mail:Emiratos ?rabes UnidosThuraya Satellite Telecommunications CompanyPO Box 33344ABU DHABI89 882 16Souad Abdul Malak HawariPO Box 33344ABU DHABITel: +971 2 641 2745Fax: +971 2 616 1205E-mail: s_hawari@Emiratos ?rabes UnidosThe Emirates Telecommunications Corporations Ltd.PO Box 3838ABU DHABI89 971 1Ali AmiriPO Box 3838ABU DHABITel: +971 2 632 2380Fax: +971 2 677 2930E-mail: mopsho@.aeEritreaEritrea Telecommunication Services Corporation (EriTel)Semaetat Str. No 11, PO Box 234ASMARA89 291 01Tesfaselassie BerhaneSemaetat Str.No 11, PO Box 234ASMARATel: +291 1 117 547Fax: +291 1 120 938E-mail:EslovaquiaOrange Slovensko a.s.Prievozská 6/A82109 BRATISLAVA89 421 01Ivan MartákPrievozská82109 BRATISLAVATel: +421 2 5851 1008Fax: +421 2 5851 2346E-mail: ivan.martak@orange.skEslovaquiaSlovak Telekom, a.s.28 Bajkalská817 62 BRATISLAVA89 421 02Sebastian Schumann28 Bajkalská817 62 BRATISLAVATel: +421 258823332Fax: +421 253418164E-mail: sebastian.schumann@t-com.skEslovaquiaSlovak Telekom, a.s.28 Bajkalská817 62 BRATISLAVA89 421 03Sebastian Schumann28 Bajkalská817 62 BRATISLAVATel: +421 258823332Fax: +421 253418164E-mail: sebastian.schumann@t-com.skEsloveniaA1 Slovenija d.d.Smartinska 134 bSI-1000 LJUBLJANA89 386 40Marko StoilovskiSmartinska 134 bSI-1000 LJUBLJANATel: +386 40 440 139Fax: +386 40 443 099E-mail: icra@a1.siEsloveniaTelekom Slovenije d.d.Cigaletova 15SI-1000 LJUBLJANA89 386 41Mitja SkubicCigaletova 15SI-1000 LJUBLJANATel: +386 1 472 8113Fax: +386 1 433 9007E-mail: ic@telekom.siEsloveniaT-2 d.o.o.Verovskova ulica 64ASI-1000 LJUBLJANA89 386 64Primoz PerkoVerovskova ulica 64ASI-1000 LJUBLJANATel: +386 5900 2514Fax: +386 5900 2001E-mail: ic@t-EsloveniaTelemach d.o.o.Cesta Ljubljanske brigade 21SI-1000 LJUBLJANA89 386 70Adrian Josip JezinaCesta Ljubljanske brigade 21SI-1000 LJUBLJANATel: +386 59188670Fax:E-mail: adrian.jezina@telemach.siEspa?aRetevisión MóvilDiego de León, 2128006 MADRID89 34 01Arnaldo PalamidessiDiego de León, 2128006 MADRIDTel: +34 91 201 4376Fax: +34 91 571 1940E-mail:Espa?aEuskaltel, SAParque Tecnológico 80948160 DERIO-BIZKAIA89 34 02Euskaltel S.A.Parque Tecnológico 80948160 DERIO-BIZKAIATel: +34 94 401 1206Fax: +34 94 401 1028E-mail: gabavnza@euskaltel.esEspa?aTelefónica Móviles Espa?a, SAUDistrito C, Edificio Sur 3, Planta 228050 MADRID89 34 03Pablo de Carvajal GonzalezDistrito C, Edificio Sur 3, Planta 228050 MADRIDTel: +34 914820767Fax: +34 914820766E-mail: pablo.decarvajalgonzalez@Espa?aXfera Móviles, S.A.Ribera del Se?a s/m28042 MADRID89 34 04Pablo GonzalesRibera del Se?a s/m28042 MADRIDTel: +34 91 131 5505Fax: +34 91 131 5684E-mail: pablo.gonzales@Espa?aTelecor SAc/ Hermosilla 11228009 MADRID89 34 05D. José Eduardo Urquizac/ Hermosilla 11228009 MADRIDTel: +34 91 597 2876Fax: +34 91 597 2876E-mail: eurquiza@telecor.esEspa?aR Cable y Telecomunicaciones Coru?a S.A.CI Real 8515003 CORUNA A, Espa?a89 34 06Sr D. Juan Manuel Sánchez PadrósCalle Real No. 85A CORU?A 15003Tel: +34 9 8191 1020Fax: +34 9 8191 1009E-mail: jspadros@mundo-Espa?aTelefónica Móviles Espa?a, SAUDistrito C, Edificio Sur 3, Planta 228050 MADRID89 34 07Sra. Maria Luisa RodríguezDistrito C, Edificio Sur 3, Planta 228050 MADRIDTel: +34 680 072 009Fax: +34 680 077 857E-mail: luisa.rodriguezlopez@telefonica.esEspa?aRuzorange slPlaza de la Cerámica 630500 MOLINA DE SEGURA89 34 09Sr. José Luis Garay VicentePlaza de la Cerámica 630500 MOLINA DE SEGURATel: +34 652 005 881Fax: +34 968 644 211E-mail: joseluis.garay@zeromovil.esEspa?aValid Soluciones Tecnológicas S.A.U.Avda Fuente de la Mora, 3-5-7Ed. A, 1, 28050 MADRID89 34 11Alfonso Crespo GonzalezAvda Fuente de la Mora, 3-5-7Ed. A, 1, 28050 MADRIDTel: +34 911254001Fax: +34 911254012E-mail: alfonso.crespo@.esEspa?aPROCONO S.A. (CIF:A-14049506)Calle Alderete 2229013, MALAGA89 34 12Antonio Carrillo BaezaPROCONO S.A. (CIF:A-14049506), Avenida de Cádiz, 5814013 C?RDOBATel: +34 662666970Fax: +34 957760337E-mail: josecarrillo@Espa?aTelecable de Asturias, SAUMarqués de Pidal, 11 Bajo33004 OVIEDO - ASTURIAS89 34 16Do?a Ana Vallina del RosalP. Cientifico y Tecnológico Carretera de Cabue?es33203 GIJON ASTURIASTel: +34 984 191 000Fax: +34 984 191 001E-mail: avallina@Espa?aCableuropa, SAUC/Basauri 7,9, Urbanizaciónia Florida28023 ARAVACA MADRID89 34 18Miguel Langle BarrasaC/Basauri 7,9, Urbanizaciónia Florida28023 ARAVACA MADRIDTel: +34 91 180 9473Fax: +34 91 180 9321E-mail: miguel.langle@ono.esEspa?aJazz Telecom SAAvenida Anabel Segura 11, Edicio Albatros28108 Alcobendas MADRID89 34 21Antonio Martinez MorenoAvenida Anabel Segura 11, Edicio Albatros28108 Alcobendas MADRIDTel: +34 62 987 6058Fax:E-mail: antonio.martinez.moreno@Espa?aAlta Tecnologia en Comunicacions, S.L.Bisbe Torras i Bages, 23 Bxs08242 MANRESA89 34 23Josep Olivet TorrasBisbe Torras i Bages, 23 Bxs08242 MANRESATel: +34 938742059Fax: +34 938732558E-mail: josep.olivet@Espa?aR Cable y Telecomunicaciones Galicia, SACI Real 8515003 CORUNA A, Espa?a89 34 25Sr D. Juan Manuel Sánchez PadrósCalle Real No. 85A CORU?A 15003Tel: +34 9 8191 1020Fax: +34 9 8191 1009E-mail: jspadros@mundo-Espa?aNEO-SKY 2002, S.A.Virgen de las Cruces 328041 MADRID89 34 29Angel Sanchez GarciaVirgen de las Cruces 328041 MADRIDTel: +34 911 440 160Fax: +34 911 440 203E-mail: asanchez@neo-Espa?aTelefónica de Espa?a S.A.Gran Vía 2828013 MADRID89 34 34E. Lucas RodriguezPseo Recoletos, 37-4128004 MADRIDTel: +34 91 584 1808Fax: +34 91 319 6087E-mail:Espa?aVodafone Espa?a S.A.c/Ayala No.4228001 MADRID89 34 56Carlos Franco, Director de Calidadc/Ayala No.4228001 MADRIDTel: +34 91 587 6385Fax: +34 91 587 6381E-mail:Espa?aVizzavi Espa?a, S.L.Avenida de Europa 128108 ALCOBENDAS89 34 57Sra. Luisa Belda CuestaAvenida de Europa 128108 ALCOBENDASTel: +34 918 253 333Fax:E-mail: maria-luisa.belda@Estados UnidosWhibey Telephone Company2747 E. State Highway 525LANGLEY, WA 9826089 1 000George T.F. Henny2747 E. State Highway 525LANGLEY, WA 98260Tel: +1 206 321 0014Fax: +1 206 221 8118E-mail:Estados UnidosHat Island Telephone Company2747 E. State Highway 525LANGLEY, WA 9826089 1 001David C. Henny2747 E. State Highway 525LANGLEY, WA 98260Tel: +1 206 444 6878Fax: +1 206 221 8118E-mail:Estados UnidosTenzing Communications, Inc.1100 Olive Way, Suite 1100SEATTLE, WA 98101-186889 1 002Peter Lemme1100 Olive Way, Suite 1100SEATTLE WA 98101-1868Tel: +1 206 607 2714Fax: +1 206 607 2895E-mail: peter.lemme@Estados UnidosHighland Cellular Inc.550 N. Eisenhower DriveBECKLEY WV 2580189 1 003Carrie Gumm550 N. Eisenhower DriveBERKLEY, WV 25801Tel: +1 304 255 5222Fax: +1 304 252 1852E-mail: cgumm@Estados UnidosEndless Mountains Wireless LLC516 Industrial AvenueLEWISBERRY, PA 1733989 1 004Robert Shaw516 Industrial AvenueLEWISBERRY, PA 17339Tel: +1 757 672 2218Fax: +1 717 932 4152E-mail: rshaw23@Estados UnidosSan Marcos Telephone Company Inc.PO Box 828, San MarcosTEXAS 78667-082889 1 005Robert D. CookPO Box 828, San MarcosTEXAS 78667-0828Tel: +1 512 353 6634Fax: +1 512 353 6614E-mail:Estados UnidosDuocash Inc.4901 N.W. 17th Way, Suite 403FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 3330989 1 006Anthony Schexnaildre4901 N.W. 17th Way, Suite 403FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33309Tel: +1 954 332 5196Fax: +1 954 491 4934E-mail: aps@Estados UnidosNEP Cellcorp Inc.120 Main StreetFOREST CITY, PA 1842189 1 009Tim Stearns120 Main StreetFOREST CITY, PA 18421Tel: +1 570 785 3131Fax: +1 570 785 9299E-mail: tstearns@Estados UnidosGCI Communications Corp2550 Denali Street, Suite 1000ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 9950789 1 026Dan Boyette2550 Denali Street, Suite 1000ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507Tel: +1 907 868 5520Fax: +1 907 868 8566E-mail: dboyette@Estados UnidosTerreStar Networks Inc.12010 Sunset Hills Road, 9th FloorRESTON, VASA 2019089 1 027Shawna Kiesbuy12010 Sunset Hills Road, 9th FloorRESTON, VASA 20190Tel: +1 208 664 1384Fax:E-mail: shawna@Estados UnidosLycatel LLC570 Broad Street #301NEWARK NJ . USA 0710289 1 029Paul Sch?newald195 Marsh WallLONDON E14 9SG, UK(United Kingdom)Tel: +1 973 286 0721Fax:E-mail: paul.schonewald@Estados UnidosTelecom North America Mobile Inc2654 W. Horizon Ridge Pkwy, Suite 85 - 143HENDERSON, NV 8905289 1 030Jean Gottschalk2654 W. Horizon Ridge Pkwy, Suite 85 - 143HENDERSON, NV 89052Tel: +1 702 777 2510Fax: +1 702 777 2511E-mail: gottschalk@Estados UnidosVivaro Corporation1250 Broadway, 26th FloorNEW YORK, NY89 1 031Susan Spann1250 Broadway, 26th FloorNEW YORK, NYTel: +1 913 562 1114Fax: +1 913 681 2932E-mail: susan.spann@Estados UnidosGeneseo Communications Inc.111 East First StreetGENESEO, IL 6125489 1 032Scott D Rubins111 East First StreetGENESEO, IL 61254Tel: +1 309 944 8002Fax: +1 309 944 4406E-mail: srubins@Estados UnidosMortorola Solutions Inc1303 East Algonquin RoadSHAUMBURG, IL 6019689 1 033Daniel Naylor1301 East Algonquin RoadSHAUMBURG, IL 60196Tel: +1 847 576 3745Fax:E-mail: naylor@Estados UnidosIDT Telecom Inc550 Broad StreetNEWARK, NJ 0710289 1 034Anthony Davidson550 Broad StreetNEWARK, NJ 07102Tel: +1 973 438 4170Fax: +1 973 438 1170E-mail: anthony.davidson@Estados UnidosLong Distance SaversPO Box 8160MONROE, LA 71211-816089 1 036J.D. MaynardPO Box 8160MONROE, LA 71211-8160Tel: +1 318 323 9660Fax:E-mail:Estados UnidosPaygo Mobile Llc1200 Abernathy Blvd, Suite 1700ATLANTA GA 3032889 1 038Scott Roberts1200 Abernathy Blvd, Suite 1700ATLANTA GA 30328Tel: +1 214 725 2800Fax:E-mail: sroberts@Estados UnidosAspider Solutions18 Casino RoadMARBLEHEAD, MA 0194589 1 039David Traynor18 Casino RoadMARBLEHEAD, MA 01945Tel: +1 781 820 4424Fax: +1 781 574 4474E-mail: david.traynor@Estados UnidosGigsky Inc.2390 El Camino Real, #250Palo Alto, CA 9430689 1 041Tony Wyant2390 El Camino Real, #250Palo Alto, CA 94306Tel: +1 650 353 3323Fax: +1 650 323 3323E-mail: twyant@Estados UnidosNetGenuity153 Church LaneEast Brunswick, NJ 0881689 1 042Edmond Thomas153 Church LaneEast Brunswick, NJ 08816Tel: +1 732 940 6551Fax: +1 732 940 5566E-mail: amr@persistent-Estados UnidosGila Electronics of Arizona LLC2481 East Palo VerdeYUMA, AZ 8536589 1 043Paul Emmons530 E McDowell Road, Suite 107.605PHOENIX AZ 85004Tel: +1 480 265 2500Fax: +1 602 688 8004E-mail: paul@Estados UnidosGigsky Mobile LLC1250 South Capital of Texas HWY, BLDG 2-235Westlake Hills, TX 7874689 1 044Tony Wyant1250 South Capital of Texas HWY, BLDG 2-235Westlake Hills, TX 78746Tel: +1 650 353 3323Fax: +1 650 353 3323E-mail: twyant@Estados UnidosCodetel, LLC6201 America Center Drive Suite 220SAN JOSE, CA 9500289 1 045Rudo Boothe6201 America Center Drive Suite 220SAN JOSE, CA 95002Tel: +1 408 429 2906Fax: +1 954 301 5961E-mail: rudo.boothe@Estados UnidosHewlett-Packard Communications Services, LLC5400 Legacy Drive, PLANO, TX 75024Resale Tax Certificates use: P.O. Box 250409, PLANO, TX 7502589 1 046Merrill StuartHewlett-Packard Communications Services, LLC3000 Hanover Street, PALO ALTO, CA 94304-1112Tel: +1 510 7062450Fax:E-mail: merrill.stuart@Estados UnidosQualcomm5775 Morehouse DriveSAN DIEGO, CA 9212189 1 047Alfredo Ruvalcaba5775 Morehouse DriveSAN DIEGO, CA 92121Tel: +1 858 651 1598Fax:E-mail: jruvalca@qti.Estados UnidosOptimERA Inc.132 Loop RoadUNALASKA, AK 9968589 1 049Jester PurttemanOptimERA Inc., PO Box 921134DUTCH HARBOR, AK 99692Tel: +1 907 581 4983Fax:E-mail: jester@Estados UnidosDish Network9601 South Meridian BoulevardENGLEWOOD, CO 8011289 1 051Chenumolu SiddhartaDish Network, 1110 Vermont Avenue NW, Suite 750WASHINGTON DC 20005Tel: +1 303 723 3714Fax:E-mail: siddhartha.chenumolu@Estados UnidosCorr Wireless Communications600 3rd Ave. E.ONEONTA, AL3512189 1 080Alan JonesP.O. Box 1500ONEONTA AL35121Tel: +1 205 237 3563Fax: +1 205 237 3525E-mail: ajones@Estados UnidosSiouxland PCS, Inc.2301 Circle Drive W., Suite 4Spirit Lake, IOWA 5131089 1 090Jim Tidmore2301 Circle Drive W., Suite 4Spirit Lake, IOWA 51310Tel: +1 712 270 3002Fax: +1 712 270 5829E-mail: jtidmore@exchange.Estados UnidosAllied Wireless Communications Corporation400 Northridge Rd, STE 325Atlanta, GA 3035089 1 091Dave Wittekind400 Northridge Rd, STE 325Atlanta, GA 30350Tel: +1 678 338 5971Fax: +1 678 338 5961E-mail: dwittekind@Estados UnidosCitizen Utilities CompanyHigh Ridge ParkSTAMFORD CT 0690589 1 111Calvin W. BattleHigh Ridge ParkSTAMFORD, CT 06905Tel: +1 203 329 8800Fax:E-mail:Estados UnidosATCSuite 400, 1515 S. Fed. Hwy.BOCA RATON, FL 33432-740489 1 123Robert J. McWilliamsSuite 400, 1515 South Federal HighwayBOCA RATON, FL 33432-7404Tel: +1 407 750 2650Fax: +1 407 750 2651E-mail:Estados UnidosT-Mobile USA12920 SE 38th StreetBELLEVUE WA,9800689 1 160Eric Rust12920 SE 38th StreetBELLEVUE WA,98006Tel: +1 425 302 8555Fax:E-mail: eric.rust@t-Estados UnidosTampnet INC309 Apollo RoadSCOTT, LA 7058389 1 170Oyvind SkjervikTampnet AS, Hinna Park, Stadionblokk C, J?tt?v?gveien 74020 STAVANGER(Norway)Tel: +47 400 60 725Fax:E-mail: os@Estados UnidosBellSouth Services2101 6th Avenue NorthBIRMINGHAM, AL 3520389 1 200Barbara Wallace2101 6th Avenue North, 11th FloorBIRMINGHAM, AL 35203Tel: +1 205 321 5071Fax: +1 205 324 9643E-mail:Estados UnidosT-Mobile USA12920 SE 38th StreetBELLEVUE WA,9800689 1 210Eric Rust12920 SE 38th StreetBELLEVUE WA,98006Tel: +1 425 302 8555Fax:E-mail: eric.rust@t-Estados UnidosRCI Corporation180 South Clinton Avenue, RochesterNEW YORK 14646-070089 1 211Karl Greenhagle180 South Clinton AvenueROCHESTER, NY 14646-0500Tel: +1 716 777 8615Fax: +1 716 777 8555E-mail:Estados UnidosChesapeake & Potomac telephone Company of Washington2055 L Street, NW 510WASHINGTON, D.C. 2003789 1 220Vincent R. Guerrieri2101 L Street, NW 510WASHINGTON. D.C. 20037Tel: +1 202 955 7021Fax: +1 202 955 7138E-mail:Estados UnidosChesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company of Maryland1 East Pratt StreetBALTIMORE, MD 2120289 1 221Vincent R. Guerrieri2101 L Street, NW 510WASHINGTON. D.C. 20037Tel: +1 202 955 7021Fax: +1 202 955 7138E-mail:Estados UnidosMCI WorldCom2400 Glenville RoadRICHARDSON, TX 7508289 1 222Stephen J. Engleman2400 Glenville RoadRICHARDSON, TX 75082Tel: +1 972 729 5168Fax: +1 972 729 6038E-mail:Estados UnidosChesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company of West Virginia1500 MacCorkle Ave.CHARLESTON, WV 2531489 1 224Vincent R. Guerrieri2101 L Street, NW 510WASHINGTON. D.C. 20037Tel: +1 202 955 7021Fax: +1 202 955 7138E-mail:Estados UnidosDiamond State Telephone Company911 Tatnall StreetWILMINGTON, DEL 1980189 1 226Vincent R. Guerrieri2101 L Street, NW 510WASHINGTON. D.C. 20037Tel: +1 202 955 7021Fax: +1 202 955 7138E-mail:Estados UnidosBell of Pennsylvania1 ParkwayPHILADELPHIA, PA 1910289 1 227Vincent R. Guerrieri2101 L Street, NW 510WASHINGTON. D.C. 20037Tel: +1 202 955 7021Fax: +1 202 955 7138E-mail:Estados UnidosNew Jersey Bell Telephone Company540 Broad StreetNEWARK, NJ 0710189 1 229Vincent R. Guerrieri2101 L Street, NW 510WASHINGTON. D.C. 20037Tel: +1 202 955 7021Fax: +1 202 955 7138E-mail:Estados UnidosT-Mobile USA12920 SE 38th StreetBELLEVUE WA,9800689 1 230Eric Rust12920 SE 38th StreetBELLEVUE WA,98006Tel: +1 425 302 8555Fax:E-mail: eric.rust@t-Estados UnidosSouthern New England Telephone227 Church StreetNEW HAVEN, CT 0651089 1 234Joseph W. Cline195 Church Street, 10th FloorNEW HAVEN, CT 06510Tel: +1 203 771 2799Fax: +1 203 777 2435E-mail:Estados UnidosChesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company of Virginia703 East Grace StreetRICHMOND, VA 2321989 1 235Vincent R. Guerrieri2101 L Street, NW 510WASHINGTON. D.C. 20037Tel: +1 202 955 7021Fax: +1 202 955 7138E-mail:Estados UnidosT-Mobile USA12920 SE 38th StreetBELLEVUE WA,9800689 1 240Eric Rust12920 SE 38th StreetBELLEVUE WA,98006Tel: +1 425 302 8555Fax:E-mail: eric.rust@t-Estados UnidosChina Telephone CompanySouth ChinaMAINE 0435889 1 246Michael TracySouth ChinaMAINE 04358Tel: +1 207 642 7234Fax: +1 207 642 3095E-mail:Estados UnidosAT&T295 North Maple AvenueBASKING RIDGE, NJ 0792089 1 253Steven D. Lind180 Park Avenue, Bldg., Room 2G25FLORHAM PARK, NJ 07932Tel: +1 973 236 6787Fax: +1 973 236 6453E-mail: sdlind@Estados UnidosT-Mobile USA12920 SE 38th StreetBELLEVUE WA,9800689 1 260Eric Rust12920 SE 38th StreetBELLEVUE WA,98006Tel: +1 425 302 8555Fax:E-mail: eric.rust@t-Estados UnidosCom Systems7900 Haskell Ave.VAN NUYS, CA 9140689 1 266Mike Nino7900 Haskell Ave.VAN NUYS, CA 91406Tel: +1 818 988 3010Fax: +1 818 376 8788E-mail:Estados UnidosT-Mobile USA12920 SE 38th StreetBELLEVUE WA,9800689 1 270Eric Rust12920 SE 38th StreetBELLEVUE WA,98006Tel: +1 425 302 8555Fax:E-mail: eric.rust@t-Estados UnidosBell of Pennsylvania1 ParkwayPHILADELPHIA, PA 1910289 1 272Vincent R. Guerrieri2101 L Street, NW 510WASHINGTON. D.C. 20037Tel: +1 202 955 7021Fax: +1 202 955 7138E-mail:Estados UnidosChesapeake & Potomac telephone Company of Washington2055 L Street, NW 510WASHINGTON, D.C. 2003789 1 273Vincent R. Guerrieri2101 L Street, NW 510WASHINGTON. D.C. 20037Tel: +1 202 955 7021Fax: +1 202 955 7138E-mail:Estados UnidosChesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company of Maryland1 East Pratt StreetBALTIMORE, MD 2120289 1 276Vincent R. Guerrieri2101 L Street, NW 510WASHINGTON. D.C. 20037Tel: +1 202 955 7021Fax: +1 202 955 7138E-mail:Estados UnidosChesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company of Virginia703 East Grace StreetRICHMOND, VA 2321989 1 278Vincent R. Guerrieri2101 L Street, NW 510WASHINGTON. D.C. 20037Tel: +1 202 955 7021Fax: +1 202 955 7138E-mail:Estados UnidosChesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company of West Virginia1500 MacCorkle Ave.CHARLESTON, WV 2531489 1 279Vincent R. Guerrieri2101 L Street, NW 510WASHINGTON. D.C. 20037Tel: +1 202 955 7021Fax: +1 202 955 7138E-mail:Estados UnidosAT&T295 North Maple AvenueBASKING RIDGE, NJ 0792089 1 288Steven D. Lind180 Park Avenue, Bldg., Room 2G25FLORHAM PARK, NJ 07932Tel: +1 973 236 6787Fax: +1 973 236 6453E-mail: sdlind@Estados UnidosBellSouth Services2101 6th Avenue NorthBIRMINGHAM, AL 3520389 1 300Barbara Wallace2101 6th Avenue North, 11th FloorBIRMINGHAM, AL 35203Tel: +1 205 321 5071Fax: +1 205 324 9643E-mail:Estados UnidosT-Mobile USA12920 SE 38th StreetBELLEVUE WA,9800689 1 310Eric Rust12920 SE 38th StreetBELLEVUE WA,98006Tel: +1 425 302 8555Fax:E-mail: eric.rust@t-Estados UnidosFarmers Cellular Telephone Inc.450 Main Street E.RAINSVILLE, AL 3598689 1 311Gary KirkPO Box 1429RAINSVILLE, AL 35986Tel: +1 256 638 2100Fax: +1 256 638 2110E-mail: gkirk@Estados UnidosLong Distance SaversPO Box 8160MONROE, LA 71211-816089 1 318J.D. MaynardPO Box 8160MONROE, LA 71211-8160Tel: +1 318 323 9660Fax:E-mail:Estados UnidosUS Intelco Networks Inc.PO Box 2909OLYMPIA, WA 9850789 1 321W. CroninPO Box 2909OLYMPIA, WA 98507Tel: +1 206 456 8844Fax: +1 206 459 3605E-mail:Estados UnidosSprint Corporation12490 Sunrise ValleyRESTON, VA 2209689 1 333Ron Havens8140 Ward ParkwayKANSAS CITY, MO 64114Tel: +1 816 276 6881Fax: +1 816 276 5681E-mail:Estados UnidosWestlink Communications LLC120 W.Kansas AveULYSSES, KS 6788089 1 340Matthew Schonlau120 W.Kansas AveULYSSES, KS 67880Tel: +1 620 356 7146Fax: +1 620 424 3146E-mail: matt@Estados UnidosCom Systems7900 Haskell Ave.VAN NUYS, CA 9140689 1 350Mike Nino7900 Haskell Ave.VAN NUYS, CA 91406Tel: +1 818 988 3010Fax: +1 818 376 8788E-mail:Estados UnidosEastern Telecommunication Services Company415 Mitchell ClovisNEW MEXICO 8810189 1 357David PattersonPO Box 1018, ClovisNEW MEXICO 88101Tel: +1 505 389 1234Fax: +1 505 389 1236E-mail:Estados UnidosDobson Telephone Company Inc.6011 N. RobinsonOKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA 7311889 1 362Thomas F. Riley6011 N. RobinsonOKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA 73118Tel: +1 405 842 1902Fax: +1 405 848 7133E-mail:Estados UnidosTelecom USA2400 Glenville RoadRICHARDSON, TX 7508289 1 366Stephen J. Engleman2400 Glenville RoadRICHARDSON, TX 75082Tel: +1 972 729 5168Fax: +1 972 729 6038E-mail:Estados UnidosCommnet Wireless LLC400 Northridge Rd, STE 325Atlanta, GA 3035089 1 371Dave Wittekind400 Northridge Rd, STE 325Atlanta, GA 30350Tel: +1 678 338 5971Fax: +1 678 338 5961E-mail: dwittekind@Estados UnidosDiamond State Telephone Company911 Tatnall StreetWILMINGTON, DEL 1980189 1 378Vincent R. Guerrieri2101 L Street, NW 510WASHINGTON. D.C. 20037Tel: +1 202 955 7021Fax: +1 202 955 7138E-mail:Estados UnidosDobson Telephone Company Inc.6011 N. RobinsonOKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA 7311889 1 382Thomas F. Riley6011 N. RobinsonOKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA 73118Tel: +1 405 842 1902Fax: +1 405 848 7133E-mail:Estados UnidosTelus Communications Inc.1080 NW 163 DriveMIAMI, FLORIDA 3316989 1 400Mark T. Neptune1080 NW 163 DriveMIAMI, FLORIDA 33169Tel: +1 305 623 6703Fax:E-mail:Estados UnidosLiTel Telecommunications Corporation200 Old Wilson Bridge RoadWORTHINGTON, OH 4308589 1 432Gerald D. Anglin200 Old Wilson Bridge Rd.WORTHINGTON, OH 43085Tel: +1 614 433 9243Fax:E-mail:Estados UnidosVerizon Communications CorporationPO Box 152092IRVING, TEXAS 75015-209289 1 433Craig B. BellinghausenPO Box 619060, West Airfield DriveD/FW AIRPORT, TEXAS 75261-9060Tel: +1 214 453 4829Fax: +1 214 453 3939E-mail:Estados UnidosVerizon Communications CorporationPO Box 152092IRVING, TEXAS 75015-209289 1 444Craig B. BellinghausenPO Box 619060, West Airfield DriveD/FW AIRPORT, TEXAS 75261-9060Tel: +1 214 453 4829Fax: +1 214 453 3939E-mail:Estados UnidosNorth East Colorado Cellular Inc.1274 West Platte AvenueFORT MORGAN CO 8070189 1 450Valerie Hallet1274 West Platte AvenueFORT MORGAN CO 80701Tel: +1 970 467 3179Fax: +1 970 867 3589E-mail: valerie.hallet@Estados UnidosWireless Communications Ventures dba NewCore Wireless3717 23rd Street South, Suite 201ST CLOUD MN 5630189 1 460Chris Super3717 23rd Street South, Suite 201ST CLOUD MN 56301Tel: +1 320 493 6869Fax: +1 320 257 1718E-mail: chris.super@Estados UnidosVyvx Telecom Inc.1000 Louisiana, Suite 4700HOUSTON, TEXAS 7700289 1 464David G. Harral1000 Louisiana, Suite 4700HOUSTON, TEXAS 77002Tel: +1 713 951 3631Fax: +1 713 951 6053E-mail:Estados UnidosNtelos, Inc.1154 Shenandoah Village Dr.Waynesboro, VA 2298089 1 470Philip L. Nelson, Director of Carrier Relations1154 Shenandoah Village Dr.Waynesboro, VA 22980Tel: +1 540 941 4614Fax: +1 540 943 5001E-mail: roamingcoord@Estados UnidosPine Tree Tel & Tel CompanyPO Box 300GRAY, MAINE 0403989 1 474Walter W. CritesPO Box 300GRAY, MAINE 04039Tel: +1 207 657 9911Fax: +1 207 657 4775E-mail:Estados UnidosVerizon WirelessOne Verizon Way, VC51N083BASKING RIDGE, NJ 0792089 1 480Lawrence RybarOne Verizon Way, VC51N083BASKING RIDGE, NJ 07920Tel: +1 908 559 7343Fax: +1 908 559 7119E-mail: rybarla@hq.Estados UnidosVerizon Communications CorporationPO Box 152092IRVING, TEXAS 75015-209289 1 483Craig B. BellinghausenPO Box 619060, West Airfield DriveD/FW AIRPORT, TEXAS 75261-9060Tel: +1 214 453 4829Fax: +1 214 453 3939E-mail:Estados UnidosVerizon Communications CorporationPO Box 152092IRVING, TEXAS 75015-209289 1 486Craig B. BellinghausenPO Box 619060, West Airfield DriveD/FW AIRPORT, TEXAS 75261-9060Tel: +1 214 453 4829Fax: +1 214 453 3939E-mail:Estados UnidosVerizon Communications CorporationPO Box 152092IRVING, TEXAS 75015-209289 1 487Craig B. BellinghausenPO Box 619060, West Airfield DriveD/FW AIRPORT, TEXAS 75261-9060Tel: +1 214 453 4829Fax: +1 214 453 3939E-mail:Estados UnidosITT-US Transmission Systems Inc.100 Plaza DriveSECAUCUS, NJ 0709689 1 488Cynthia H. Ciasulli100 Plaza Drive, 2nd FloorSECAUCUS, NJ 07096Tel: +1 201 330 5312Fax:E-mail:Estados UnidosVerizon Communications CorporationPO Box 152092IRVING, TEXAS 75015-209289 1 489Craig B. BellinghausenPO Box 619060, West Airfield DriveD/FW AIRPORT, TEXAS 75261-9060Tel: +1 214 453 4829Fax: +1 214 453 3939E-mail:Estados UnidosFone America Incoporated12323 SW 66th StreetPORTLAND, OR 9706289 1 503D. Kelly Daniels12323 S.W. 66th StreetPORTLAND, OR 97062Tel: +1 503 620 2400Fax: +1 503 620 8861E-mail:Estados UnidosSan Marcos Long DistancePO Box 828, San MarcosTEXAS 78667-182889 1 505Robert D. CookPO Box 828, San MarcosTEXAS 78667-0828Tel: +1 512 353 6634Fax: +1 512 353 6614E-mail:Estados UnidosWireless Communications Ventures dba NewCore Wireless3717 23rd Street South, Suite 201ST CLOUD MN 5630189 1 530Chris Super3717 23rd Street South, Suite 201ST CLOUD MN 56301Tel: +1 320 493 6869Fax: +1 320 257 1718E-mail: chris.super@Estados UnidosCreative CommunicationsPO Box 8252, Red BankNEW JERSEY 0770189 1 555Richard T. BobilinPO Box 8252, Red BankNEW JERSEY 07701Tel: +1 201 842 6250Fax:E-mail:Estados UnidosT-Mobile USA12920 SE 38th StreetBELLEVUE WA,9800689 1 580Eric Rust12920 SE 38th StreetBELLEVUE WA,98006Tel: +1 425 302 8555Fax:E-mail: eric.rust@t-Estados UnidosNtelos, Inc.1154 Shenandoah Village Dr.Waynesboro, VA 2298089 1 610Philip L. Nelson, Director of Carrier Relations1154 Shenandoah Village Dr.Waynesboro, VA 22980Tel: +1 540 941 4614Fax: +1 540 943 5001E-mail: roamingcoord@Estados UnidosOperator Assistance Network6611 Valjean Avenue, Suite 101VAN NUYS, CA 9140689 1 625Harvey M. Berg6611 Valjean Avenue, Suite 101VAN NUYS, CA 91406Tel: +1 818 786 4626Fax: +1 818 781 4456E-mail:Estados UnidosOperator Assistance Network6611 Valjean Avenue, Suite 101VAN NUYS, CA 9140689 1 626Harvey M. Berg6611 Valjean Avenue, Suite 101VAN NUYS, CA 91406Tel: +1 818 786 4626Fax: +1 818 781 4456E-mail:Estados UnidosNew England Telephone & Telegraph Company185 Franklin StreetBOSTON, MA 0210789 1 638Director, Calling Card Product120 Bloomingdale RoadWHITE PLAINS, NY 10605Tel: +1 914 683 2766Fax: +1 914 287 5451E-mail:Estados UnidosNew Jersey Bell Telephone Company540 Broad StreetNEWARK, NJ 0710189 1 652Vincent R. Guerrieri2101 L Street, NW 510WASHINGTON. D.C. 20037Tel: +1 202 955 7021Fax: +1 202 955 7138E-mail:Estados UnidosMcLoud Telephone Company Inc.6011 N. RobinsonOKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA 7311889 1 663Thomas F. Riley6011 N. RobinsonOKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA 73118Tel: +1 405 842 1902Fax: +1 405 848 7133E-mail:Estados UnidosMcLoud Telephone Company Inc.6011 N. RobinsonOKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA 7311889 1 666Thomas F. Riley6011 N. RobinsonOKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA 73118Tel: +1 405 842 1902Fax: +1 405 848 7133E-mail:Estados UnidosSteelville Telephone Exchange Inc.PO Box 370, SteelvilleMISSOURI 6556589 1 669W.R. KehrPO Box 370, SteelvilleMISSOURI 65565Tel: +1 314 775 2111Fax: +1 314 775 5910E-mail:Estados UnidosAfrican Communications Group, Inc.28 Athens Street, Suite #1CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138-603689 1 678Come A. Lague28 Athens Street, Suite #1CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138-6036Tel: +1 617 576 7396Fax: +1 617 576 7273E-mail:Estados UnidosGreenFly LLC731 East 38th StreetSCOTTSBULFF, NE 6936189 1 680Michael Tracy731 East 38th StreetSCOTTSBULFF, NE 69361Tel: +1 308 225 2222Fax: +1 720 204 2142E-mail: mchltrc0@Estados UnidosNorthWestern Bell Telephone Company1314 Douglas on the MallOMAHA, NEBR. 6810289 1 692Lois BeedleRoom 2808, 1600 Bell PlazaSEATTLE, WA 98191Tel: +1 206 345 4343Fax: +1 206 346 9007E-mail:Estados UnidosNynex Corporation1113 Westchester AvenueWHITE PLAINS, NY 1060489 1 696Director, Calling Card Product120 Bloomingdale RoadWHITE PLAINS, NY 10605Tel: +1 914 683 2766Fax: +1 914 287 5451E-mail:Estados UnidosNew York Telephone Company1095 Avenue of AmericasNEW YORK, NY 1003689 1 698Director, Calling Card Product120 Bloomingdale RoadWHITE PLAINS, NY 10605Tel: +1 914 683 2766Fax: +1 914 287 5451E-mail:Estados UnidosMissouri Telephone Company1705 S. Lillian, PO Box 180BOLIVAR, MO 6561389 1 710Kenneth R. Deane1705 S. Lillian, PO Box 180BOLIVAR, MO 65613Tel: +1 417 326 8000Fax: +1 417 326 8439E-mail:Estados UnidosRCI Corporation180 South Clinton Avenue, RochesterNEW YORK 14646-070089 1 724Karl Greenhagle180 South Clinton AvenueROCHESTER, NY 14646-0500Tel: +1 716 777 8615Fax: +1 716 777 8555E-mail:Estados UnidosSouthern New England Telephone227 Church StreetNEW HAVEN, CT 0651089 1 763Joseph W. Cline195 Church Street, 10th FloorNEW HAVEN, CT 06510Tel: +1 203 771 2799Fax: +1 203 777 2435E-mail:Estados UnidosXEL Communications Inc.17600 E. Exposition DriveAURORA, COLORADO 8001789 1 777William J. Sanko17600 E. Exposition DriveAURORA, COLORADO 80017Tel: +1 303 369 7000Fax:E-mail:Estados UnidosPacific Bell2600 Camino Ramon, Room 4S050SAN RAMON, CA 9458389 1 781Diane J. Steiner2600 Camino Ramon, Room 4S050SAN RAMON, CA 94583Tel: +1 415 867 5515Fax: +1 415 867 1463E-mail:Estados UnidosRochester Telephone Corporation100 Midtown PlazaROCHESTER, NY 1464689 1 782Anne M. Driscoll750 Sibley Tower Bldg.ROCHESTER, NY 14604Tel: +1 716 323 7654Fax: +1 716 323 7165E-mail:Estados UnidosPacific Bell2600 Camino Ramon, Room 4S050SAN RAMON, CA 9458389 1 784Diane J. Steiner2600 Camino Ramon, Room 4S050SAN RAMON, CA 94583Tel: +1 415 867 5515Fax: +1 415 867 1463E-mail:Estados UnidosStandish Telephone CompanyRoute 25, StandishMAINE 0408489 1 786Michael TracyRoute 25, StandishMAINE 04084Tel: +1 207 642 7234Fax: +1 207 642 3095E-mail:Estados UnidosSouthWestern Bell Telephone Company1010 Pine StreetST. LOUIS, MO 6310189 1 792Donald Little1 Bell Center, Room 8-X-5ST. LOUIS, MO 63101Tel: +1 314 235 9224Fax:E-mail:Estados UnidosSouthWestern Bell Telephone Company1010 Pine StreetST. LOUIS, MO 6310189 1 798Donald Little1 Bell Center, Room 8-X-5ST. LOUIS, MO 63101Tel: +1 314 235 9224Fax:E-mail:Estados UnidosXEL Communications Inc.17600 E. Exposition DriveAURORA, COLORADO 8001789 1 800William J. Sanko17600 E. Exposition DriveAURORA, COLORADO 80017Tel: +1 303 369 7000Fax:E-mail:Estados UnidosVerizon Communications CorporationPO Box 152092IRVING, TEXAS 75015-209289 1 808Craig B. BellinghausenPO Box 619060, West Airfield DriveD/FW AIRPORT, TEXAS 75261-9060Tel: +1 214 453 4829Fax: +1 214 453 3939E-mail:Estados UnidosNorthWestern Bell Telephone Company1314 Douglas on the MallOMAHA, NEBR. 6810289 1 822Lois BeedleRoom 2808, 1600 Bell PlazaSEATTLE, WA 98191Tel: +1 206 345 4343Fax: +1 206 346 9007E-mail:Estados UnidosTeleport Communications1 Teleport Drive, Suite 301STATEN ISLAND, NY 1031189 1 824Kenneth A. Shulman1 World Trade Center, Suite 2649NEW YORK, NY 10048Tel: +1 718 983 2109Fax: +1 718 983 2115E-mail:Estados UnidosTelecom USA2400 Glenville RoadRICHARDSON, TX 7508289 1 852Stephen J. Engleman2400 Glenville RoadRICHARDSON, TX 75082Tel: +1 972 729 5168Fax: +1 972 729 6038E-mail:Estados UnidosAlascom Inc.210 E.Bluff Rd., PO Box 196607ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-660789 1 866Michael K. Nichols210 E. Bluff Road, PO Box 196607Anchorage, ALASKA 99519-6607Tel: +1 907 264 7398Fax: +1 907 276 5937E-mail:Estados UnidosTransaction Network Services Inc.1939 Roland Clarke PlaceRESTON, VA 20191 - 140689 1 867Edmond BlaustenPO Box 111, GoochlandVA 23063-0111Tel: +1 804 556 1111Fax: +1 707 897 2184E-mail: eblausten@Estados UnidosEastern New Mexico Telephone Cooperative7111 North Prince StreetCLOVIS, NEW MEXICO 8810189 1 868Jeff HarlowPO Box 1947, ClovisNEW MEXICOTel: +1 505 389 5100Fax: +1 505 389 1240E-mail:Estados UnidosPacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company1600 Bell PlazaSEATLE, WA 9819189 1 872Lois BeedleRoom 2808, 1600 Bell PlazaSEATTLE, WA 98191Tel: +1 206 345 4343Fax: +1 206 346 9007E-mail:Estados UnidosSprint Corporation12490 Sunrise ValleyRESTON, VA 2209689 1 877Ron Havens8140 Ward ParkwayKANSAS CITY, MO 64114Tel: +1 816 276 6881Fax: +1 816 276 5681E-mail:Estados UnidosTRT International Inc.1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, NWWASHINGTON, D.C. 2000489 1 878Richard Yalen1331 Pennsylvania Ave.,NW Suite 1100WASHINGTON, DC 20004Tel: +1 202 879 2278Fax:E-mail:Estados UnidosTeleport Communications1 Teleport Drive, Suite 301STATEN ISLAND, NY 1031189 1 884Kenneth A. Shulman1 World Trade Center, Suite 2649NEW YORK, NY 10048Tel: +1 718 983 2109Fax: +1 718 983 2115E-mail:Estados UnidosITT-US Transmission Systems Inc.100 Plaza DriveSECAUCUS, NJ 0709689 1 888Cynthia H. Ciasulli100 Plaza Drive, 2nd FloorSECAUCUS, NJ 07096Tel: +1 201 330 5312Fax:E-mail:Estados UnidosRochester Telephone Corporation100 Midtown PlazaROCHESTER, NY 1464689 1 891Anne M. Driscoll750 Sibley Tower Bldg.ROCHESTER, NY 14604Tel: +1 716 323 7654Fax: +1 716 323 7165E-mail:Estados UnidosAtlas Telephone Company, Inc.PO Box 77, Big CabinOKLAHOMA, OKLA 7433289 1 918Barbara A. SummaPO Box 77, Big CabinOKLAHOMA, OKLA 74332Tel: +1 918 783 5111Fax: +1 918 783 5510E-mail:Estados UnidosPanhandle Telephone Cooperative Inc.PO Box 1188, GuymonOKLAHOMA 7394289 1 937Gene SouthPO Box 1188, GuymonOKLAHOMA 73942Tel: +1 405 338 2556Fax: +1 405 652 3444E-mail:Estados UnidosXIT Rural Telephone Cooperative Inc.Hwy. 87 North, PO Box 711DALHART, TX 7902289 1 948J.D. Jones Jr.PO Box 711DALHART, TX 79022Tel: +1 806 384 3311Fax: +1 806 384 3340E-mail:Estados UnidosMCI WorldCom2400 Glenville RoadRICHARDSON, TX 7508289 1 950Stephen J. Engleman2400 Glenville RoadRICHARDSON, TX 75082Tel: +1 972 729 5168Fax: +1 972 729 6038E-mail:Estados UnidosXIT Telecommunications & Technology Inc.Hwy. 87 North, PO Box 1391DALHART, TX 7902289 1 988J.D. Jones, Jr.PO Box 1391DALHART, TX 79022Tel: +1 806 384 3355Fax: +1 806 384 3340E-mail:Estados UnidosCreative CommunicationsPO Box 8252, Red BankNEW JERSEY 0770189 1 999Richard T. BobilinPO Box 8252, Red BankNEW JERSEY 07701Tel: +1 201 842 6250Fax:E-mail:Estados UnidosIridium LLC1575 Eye StreetWASHINGTON DC 2000689 881 6Kathryn A. MartinSuite 500, 1575 Eye StreetNW WASHINGTON DC 20006Tel: +1 202 408 3800Fax: +1 202 408 3801E-mail:EstoniaTelia Eesti ASMustam?e tee 315033 TALLINN89 372 01Dan Olov Str?mbergMustam?e tee 315033 TALLINNTel: +372 639 7130Fax: +372 640 2551E-mail: info@telia.eeEstoniaElisa Eesti ASS?pruse pst 14513417 TALLINN89 372 02Sami Jussi Petteri Sepp?nenS?pruse pst 14513417 TALLINNTel: +372 681 1963Fax: +372 681 1968E-mail: elisa@elisa.eeEstoniaTele2 Eesti ASJ?e 2a10151 TALLINN89 372 03Ardi AolaidJ?e 2a10151 TALLINNTel: +372 686 6230Fax: +372 686 6231E-mail: info@tele2.eeEstoniaTop Connect O?V?ike-Paala 1,TALLINN, 1141589 372 04Vladislav SobolevV?ike-Paala 111415 TALLINNTel: +372 606 25005Fax: +372 606 2501E-mail: info@EtiopíaEthiopian Telecommunications Corporation (ETC)Unity Square, Churchill Road, P.O. Box 1047ADDIS ABABA89 251 01-Ethiopian Telecommunications AgencyDebrezeit Road, ADDIS ABABATel:Fax: +251 11 465 5763E-mail: (Islas)Kall P/FOdinshaedd 2, PO Box 3299FO-110 TORSHAVN89 298 02Dan OlsenOdinshaedd 2, PO Box 3299FO-110 TORSHAVNTel: +298 202020Fax: +298 202021E-mail: dao@kall.foFijiVodafone Fiji Ltd.Private BagSUVA89 679 01Dhirendra KumarPrivate Mail Bag, 62 Gordon StreetSUVATel: +679 331 2000Fax: +679 331 2007E-mail: dhirendra.kumar@.fjFijiDigicel (Fiji) LtdPrivate Mial BagNADI AIRPORT89 679 02John CrossHead Legal and RegulatoryNADI AIRPORTTel: +679 990 6657Fax:E-mail: john.cross@FilipinasInternational Communications Corporation5/F Benpres Bldg., Meralco CornerPASIG, METRO MANILA89 63 00Zenon D. CarlosMeralco Avenue, Pasig 1600METRO MANILATel: +63 2 633 3495Fax: +63 2 633 3382E-mail:FilipinasPhilippine Global Communications Inc. (Philcom)8755 Paseo de RoxasMAKATI METRO MANILA 311789 63 01Zenon D. Carlos8755 Paseo de Roxas, Makati 1200METRO MANILATel: +63 2 816 2851Fax: +63 2 818 9720E-mail:FilipinasDigital Telecommunications Phillipines, Inc.110 E Rodriguez JR Ave. Bagumbayan1110 QUEZON CITY89 63 05William S. Pamintuan110 E. Rodriguez Jr., Ave. Bagumbayan LibisQUEZON CITYTel: +63 2 635 6142Fax: +63 2 635 5142E-mail:FilipinasPhilippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT)Ramon Cojuangco Bldg.MAKATI METRO MANILA89 63 63George N. LimAyala AvenueMAKATI METRO MANILATel: +63 2 817 5131Fax: +63 2 810 4365E-mail:FinlandiaTelia Finland OyjP.O. Box 10600051 TELIA89 358 01Meeri PuttonenP.O. Box 10600051 TELIATel: +358 20401/+358 400 673231Fax:E-mail:; meeri.puttonen@FinlandiaElisa CorporationP.O. Box 1FI - 00061 ELISA89 358 02Jari JokelaP.O. Box 1FI - 00061 ELISATel: +358 102 6000/+358 50 506 6070Fax: +358 102 6060/+358 50 8506 6070E-mail: jari.jokela@elisa.fiFinlandiaElisa CorporationP.O. Box 1FI - 00061 ELISA89 358 03Jari JokelaP.O. Box 1FI - 00061 ELISATel: +358 102 6000/+358 50 506 6070Fax: +358 102 6060/+358 50 8506 6070E-mail: jari.jokela@elisa.fiFinlandiaDNA OyjP.O. Box 1001044 DNA89 358 04Ami MutikainenP.O. Box 1001044 DNATel: +358 44 0440/+358 44 044 1063Fax: +358 44 220 2292E-mail: ami.mutikainen@dna.fiFinlandiaElisa CorporationP.O. Box 1FI - 00061 ELISA89 358 05Jari JokelaP.O. Box 1FI - 00061 ELISATel: +358 102 6000/+358 50 506 6070Fax: +358 102 6060/+358 50 8506 6070E-mail: jari.jokela@elisa.fiFinlandiaDNA OyjP.O. Box 1001044 DNA89 358 06Ami MutikainenP.O. Box 1001044 DNATel: +358 44 0440/+358 44 044 1063Fax: +358 44 220 2292E-mail: ami.mutikainen@dna.fiFinlandia?lands Telekommunikation AbP.O. Box 23322100 MARIEHAMN89 358 07Thomas LaxP.O. Box 23322100 MARIEHAMNTel: +358 18 23 500Fax:E-mail: lax@alcom.axFinlandiaElisa CorporationP.O. Box 1FI - 00061 ELISA89 358 09Jari JokelaP.O. Box 1FI - 00061 ELISATel: +358 102 6000/+358 50 506 6070Fax: +358 102 6060/+358 50 8506 6070E-mail: jari.jokela@elisa.fiFinlandiaUkkoverkot OyIt?merentori 200180 HELSINKI89 358 11Kari LehtinenIt?merentori 200180 HELSINKITel: +358 30 514 210/+358 440 777 553Fax:E-mail: kari.lehtinen@ukkoverkot.fiFinlandiaSuomen Virveverkko OyP.O. Box 35702151 ESPOO89 358 12Antti KauppinenP.O. Box 35702151 ESPOOTel: +358 294 440 500/+358 40 8668 582Fax: +358 294 440 501/+358 207 400 606E-mail: antti.kauppinen@erillisverkot.fiFranciaFrance Telecom6, Place d'AllerayF-75505 PARIS CEDEX 1589 33 01Christophe Jan (Division Mobiles)7 Bd. Romain Rolland92128 MONTROUGE CEDEXTel: +33 1 4444 1194Fax: +33 1 4656 5465E-mail:FranciaBouygues Telecom Europa51, avenue de l'Europe78944 VELIZY CEDEX89 33 20Georges Passet (Europa)51, avenue de l'Europe78944 VELIZY CEDEXTel: +33 1 3926 6154Fax: +33 1 3926 6395E-mail:FranciaTransatelTour Les Saisons, 4 Place des Saisons92036 Paris La Défense89 33 22Romain DurandTour Les Saisons, 4 Place des Saisons92036 Paris La DéfenseTel: +33 1 74 95 74 64Fax: +33 1 70 75 24 80E-mail: romain.durand@FranciaGEMALTO SA6 rue de la Verrerie92190 MEUDON89 33 23Denis PRACAGEMALTO SA, La Vigie, Avenue du Jujubier, Z.I. Athélia IV,13705 LA CIOTAT CedexTel: +33 6 88 39 18 75Fax: +33 4 42 36 55 55E-mail: denis.praca@FranciaOBERTHUR TECHNOLOGIES420 Rue d'Estienne d'Orves92700 COLOMBES89 33 24GAUVIN David420 Rue d'Estienne d'Orves92700 COLOMBESTel: +33 1 78 14 72 89Fax:E-mail: d.gauvin@FranciaMOBIQUITHINGS694-732 Avenue du Dr Maurice Donat, Parc de Haute Technologie06250 MOUGINS89 33 25Eduardo MEJIA694-732 Avenue du Dr Maurice Donat, Parc de Haute Technologie06250 MOUGINSTel: +33 6 63 82 91 99Fax:E-mail: emejia@FranciaOrange40-48 avenue de la République92320 CHATILLON89 883 01Philippe Fouquart40-48 avenue de la République92320 CHATILLONTel: +33 1 57 39 58 13Fax:E-mail: philippe.fouquart@GabónCeltel Gabon S.A.BP 9259LIBREVILLE R.P.89 241 03Colin CampellBP 9259LIBREVILLE R.P.Tel: +241 746574Fax: +241 745286E-mail:GambiaAfricell Gambia43 Kairaba AvenueKANIFING89 220 02Serge Khalil43 Kairaba AvenueKANIFINGTel: +220 437 6022Fax: +220 437 6066E-mail: skhalil@africell.gmGambiaComium Gambia Limited27 Kairaba Avenue, Pipeline, KSMDP.O. Box 2097, SERREKUNDA89 220 03Lamin DRAMMEH27 Kairaba Avenue, Pipeline, KSMDP.O.Box 2097, SERREKUNDATel: +220 6600500Fax:E-mail: ldrammeh@comium.gmGambiaQcell LimitedQcell House, Kairaba AvenuePO Box 3469, SEREKUNDA89 220 04Qcell LimitedQcell House, Kairaba AvenuePO Box 3469, SEREKUNDATel: +220 333 3111Fax:E-mail: isatou.jallow@qcell.gmGeorgiaGeocell LLC3 Gotua Str. Right Side of the River Mtkvari,TBILISI, 016089 995 01David Svanidze3 Gotua Str. Right Side of the River Mtkvari,TBILISI, 0160Tel: +995 32 277 01 00Fax: +995 32 277 01 29E-mail:; core@geocell.geGhanaGhana Telecommunications Co. Ltd.PO Box 32ACCRA89 233 02Subramaniam RajuAccra NorthACCRATel: +233 21 220001Fax: +233 21 238855E-mail:GhanaACG Telesystems Ghana Ltd.7th Avenue Ext. North Ridge, Private Mail BagACCRA NORTH89 233 09Project DirectorPrivate Mail BagACCRA-NORTHTel: +233 21 232234Fax: +233 21 232309E-mail:GibraltarGIBTELECOM Ltd15/21 John Mackintosh SquareGibraltar89 350 01Dwayne LaraP.O. Box 92915/21 John Mackintosh Square, GibraltarTel: +350 200 52278Fax: +350 200 71673E-mail: dwayne.lara@GibraltarEazi Telecom Ltd (trading as “Limba”)48 Royal Ocean Plaza, 16 Glacis Road,PO BOX 1108, GIBRALTAR, GX11 1AA89 350 09Jessica CanepaSuite 48, Royal Ocean Plaza, 16 Glacis RoadGibraltar GX11 1AATel: +350 219 000 00Fax:E-mail: jventura@GranadaGrenada Telecommunications Ltd. (GRENTEL)PO Box 119ST. GEORGE'S89 1 017C.R. RobertsPO Box 119, The CarengeST. GEORGE'sTel: +1 473 440 1000Fax: +1 473 440 4100E-mail:GreciaCOSMOTE99, Kifissias AvenueGR-MAROUSSI 1518189 30 01Vassiliki Papadaki99, Kifissias AvenueGR-MAROUSSI 15124Tel: +30 21-06177777Fax: +30 21-06177384E-mail: vpapadak@cosmote.grGreciaOTE S.A.99, Kifissias AvenueGR-MAROUSSI 1512489 30 02Christina Kelaidi99, Kifissias AvenueGR-MAROUSSI 15124Tel: +30-21-06115011Fax: +30-21-06117456E-mail: kelaidi@ote.grGreciaVodafone1-3 Tzavella15231 HALANDRI89 30 05Katerina Maneli1-3 Tzavella15231 HALANDRITel: +30 21-06702000Fax: +30 21-06703200E-mail: katerina.maneli1@GreciaWIND Hellas66 Kifissias Avenue151 25 MAROUSSI89 30 09Vassilios Gkatsos66 Kifissias Avenue151 25 MAROUSSITel: +30 2106158000Fax: +30 2105100001E-mail: v.gkatsos@wind.grGreciaWIND Hellas66 Kifissias Avenue151 25 MAROUSSI89 30 10Vassilios Gkatsos66 Kifissias Avenue151 25 MAROUSSITel: +30 2106158000Fax: +30 2105100001E-mail: v.gkatsos@wind.grGroenlandiaTELE Greenland A/SPostboks 1002, Farip Aqqutaa 8DK-3900 NUUK89 299 01Tom AndersenPostboks 1002DK-3900 NUUKTel: +299 386325Fax:E-mail: tba@telepost.glGuadalupeFrance Cara?be MobilesGrand Camp, Centre d'Affaires-Espace Rocade97139 LES ABYMES89 590 01Patrick CalvatEspace Rocade, Grand Camp97139 LES ABYMESTel: +590 590 937 939Fax: +590 590 933 434E-mail:GuadalupeSaint Martin et Saint Barthelemy Telcell Sarl30 Spring Hills97150 MAIGOT, SAINT MARTIN89 590 03Philippe VerdierB.P. 427897160 SAINT MARTINTel: +599 545 5583Fax: +599 545 2179E-mail:GuamWave Runner LLC543A Top Plaza Bldg.TAMUNING 9691389 1 008Richard C. Yu543A Top Plaza Bldg.TAMUNING 96913Tel: +1 671 888 3333Fax: +1 415 366 3366E-mail: richard.yu@GuamDocomo Pacific, Inc.890 S. Marine Corps Dr.TAMUNING, GU USA 9691389 1 048James W. Hofman890 S. Marine Corps Dr.TAMUNING, GU USA 96913Tel: +1 671 688 2355Fax: +1 671 649 7247E-mail: jhofman@GuamDocomo Pacific, Inc.890 S. Marine Corps Dr.TAMUNING, GU USA 9691389 1 377James W. Hofman890 S. Marine Corps Dr.TAMUNING, GU USA 96913Tel: +1 671 688 2355Fax: +1 671 649 7247E-mail: jhofman@GuineaOrange GuinéeBoulevard du Commerce, BP 4549CONAKRY89 224 01Ba BrelotteBoulevard du Commerce, BP 4549CONAKRYTel:Fax: +224 3045 1334E-mail: boaaziz@yahoo.frGuinea EcuatorialGuinea Ecuatorial de Telecomunicaciones Sociedad Anónima (GETESA)Calle_Rey Bonkoro No 27, Apartado 494MALABO89 240 01Emmanuel LysCalle_Rey Bonkoro No 27MALABOTel: +240 333 094 052Fax: +240 333 094 000E-mail: roaming@getesa.gqGuinea-BissauGuinétel S.A.Aeroporto Osvaldo Vieira, CP 983BISSALANCA89 245 01Jo?o Frederico Gomes de BarroAeroporto Osvaldo Vieira, CP 983BISSALANCATel: +245 325 6138Fax:E-mail: joao@mail.gtelecom.gwGuinea-BissauSpacetel Guinea-Bissau S.A.17 Avenida Unida de AfricanaBISSAU89 245 02Mustapha HouriCaixa Postal 672BISSAUTel: +245 320 7000Fax: +245 320 7002E-mail: mhoury@Guinea-BissauGuiné Telecom - Companhia de Telecomunica??es de GuinéBissauAv'Amilcar Cabral 15BISSAU89 245 09Isidoro Lopes RodriguesApartado 100-1011BISSAU CODEXTel: +245 320 1414Fax: +245 321 1300E-mail:GuyanaGuyana Telephone and Telegraph Company Ltd. (GT&T)79 BrickdamGEORGETOWN89 592 02Gerard de Freitas79 BrickdamGEORGETOWNTel: +592 225 6382Fax: +592 225 4092E-mail: Kong, ChinaHong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited39/F., PCCW Tower, Taikoo Place, 979 King's Road,Quarry Bay, Hong Kong89 852 00Christopher Wong3/F, LHK Engineering Centre, 4 Yuet Lun Street,Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong KongTel: +852 2883 8587Fax: +852 2962 5504E-mail: Kong, ChinaHutchison Telephone Company Limited19/F, Hutchison Telecom Tower, 99 Cheung Fai Road,Tsing Yi, New Territories, Hong Kong89 852 03James Leung15/F, Hutchison Telecom Tower, 99 Cheung Fai Road,Tsing Yi, New Territories, Hong KongTel: +852 2128 3694Fax: +852 2123 1202E-mail: james.leung@Hong Kong, ChinaHutchison Telephone Company Limited19/F, Hutchison Telecom Tower, 99 Cheung Fai Road,Tsing Yi, New Territories, Hong Kong89 852 04James Leung15/F, Hutchison Telecom Tower, 99 Cheung Fai Road,Tsing Yi, New Territories, Hong KongTel: +852 2128 3694Fax: +852 2123 1202E-mail: james.leung@Hong Kong, ChinaSmarTone Mobile Communications Limited31/F Millennium City 2, 378 Kwun Tong Road,Kowloon, Hong Kong89 852 06Stephen Chau31/F Millennium City 2, 378 Kwun Tong Road,Kowloon, Hong KongTel: +852 3128 2838Fax: +852 3128 2266E-mail: stephen_chau@Hong Kong, ChinaChina Unicom (Hong Kong) Operations Limited28/F, Tower 1, The Gateway, 25 Canton Road,Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong89 852 07Sarah Zhang6/F, 19 Chun Wang Street,Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate, New Territories, Hong KongTel: +852 6550 1982Fax: +852 2189 2599E-mail: ho-sarahzhang@Hong Kong, ChinaHong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited39/F., PCCW Tower, Taikoo Place, 979 King's Road,Quarry Bay, Hong Kong89 852 10Christopher Wong3/F, LHK Engineering Centre, 4 Yuet Lun Street,Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong KongTel: +852 2883 8587Fax: +852 2962 5504E-mail: Kong, ChinaChina-Hongkong Telecom LimitedRoom 3701-02, 37/F, Hong Kong Plaza, 188 Connaught Road West,Western District, Hong Kong89 852 11Anthony HuiRoom 3701-02, 37/F, Hong Kong Plaza, 188 Connaught Road West,Western District, Hong KongTel: +852 2859 9368Fax: +852 2859 0987E-mail: anthony@chkt.hkHong Kong, ChinaChina Mobile Hong Kong Company LimitedLevel 20, Tower 1, Kowloon Commerce Centre, No. 51 Kwai Cheong Road,Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong89 852 12Alex ChengLevel 20, Tower 1, Kowloon Commerce Centre, No. 51 Kwai Cheong Road,Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong KongTel: +852 2945 8282Fax: +852 3104 1053E-mail: alexcheng@hk.Hong Kong, ChinaHong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited39/F., PCCW Tower, Taikoo Place, 979 King's Road,Quarry Bay, Hong Kong89 852 16Christopher Wong3/F, LHK Engineering Centre, 4 Yuet Lun Street,Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong KongTel: +852 2883 8587Fax: +852 2962 5504E-mail: Kong, ChinaHong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited39/F., PCCW Tower, Taikoo Place, 979 King's Road,Quarry Bay, Hong Kong89 852 18Christopher Wong3/F, LHK Engineering Centre, 4 Yuet Lun Street,Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong KongTel: +852 2883 8587Fax: +852 2962 5504E-mail: Kong, ChinaHong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited39/F., PCCW Tower, Taikoo Place, 979 King's Road,Quarry Bay, Hong Kong89 852 19Christopher Wong3/F, LHK Engineering Centre, 4 Yuet Lun Street,Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong KongTel: +852 2883 8587Fax: +852 2962 5504E-mail: Kong, China21Vianet Mobile Limited37/F, Tower 1, Metroplaza, 223 Hing Fong Road,Kwai Fong, New Territories, Hong Kong89 852 21Karen Hsu37/F, Tower 1, Metroplaza, 223 Hing Fong Road,Kwai Fong, New Territories, Hong KongTel: +852 3568 9956Fax: +852 3565 4903E-mail: karen.hsu@Hong Kong, ChinaMultibyte Info Technology LimitedFlat E, 12/F, Effort Industrial Building, No. 2-8 Kung Yip Street,Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong89 852 24Shawn WongFlat E, 12/F, Effort Industrial Building, No. 2-8 Kung Yip Street,Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong KongTel: +852 2428 8247Fax: +852 2565 0495E-mail: shawn@multi-Hong Kong, ChinaPCCW-HKT Telephone Limited and Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited39/F., PCCW Tower, Taikoo Place, 979 King's Road,Quarry Bay, Hong Kong89 852 30Philip Ho17/F., PCCW Tower, Taikoo Place, 979 King's Road,Quarry Bay, Hong KongTel: +852 2888 2836Fax: +852 2504 5937E-mail: Kong, ChinaChina Telecom Global Limited28/F Everbright Centre, 108 Gloucester Road,Wanchai, Hong Kong89 852 31Karson Ng28/F Everbright Centre, 108 Gloucester Road,Wanchai, Hong KongTel: +852 2582 9131Fax: +852 2877 0988E-mail: karsonng@Hong Kong, ChinaTai Tung Mobile Phone Company LimitedRoom 405, Tung Ning Building, 249 – 253 Des Voeux Road Central,Hong Kong89 852 33Pong Yip NamRoom 1223A, 12/F, Star House, 3 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui,Kowloon, Hong KongTel: +852 3161 5057Fax:E-mail: yn.pong@mvne.asiaHong Kong, ChinaChina Mobile International LimitedLevel 29 & 30, Tower 1, Kowloon Commerce Centre, No. 51 Kwai Cheong RoadKwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong89 852 34Chan Chun MingLevel 30, Tower 1, Kowloon Commerce Centre, No. 51 Kwai Cheong RoadKwai Chung, New Territories, Hong KongTel: +852 3155 6986Fax: +852 3586 94961E-mail: Legal@cmi.Hong Kong, ChinaWebbing Hong Kong Limited17/F., Yue Hing Building, 103 Hennessy Road,Wanchai, Hong Kong89 852 35Noam Lando17/F., Yue Hing Building, 103 Hennessy Road,Wanchai, Hong KongTel: +972 54 5691693Fax: +972 3 5469218E-mail: noam@Hong Kong, ChinaTink Labs Limited1st Floor, Sing Pao Building, 101 King’s Road,North Point, Hong Kong89 852 37Lau Kin Sang1st Floor, Sing Pao Building, 101 King’s Road,North Point, Hong KongTel: +852 9138 1033Fax: +852 3698 1899E-mail: kslau@Hong Kong, ChinaHGC Global Communications Limited17/F Hutchison Telecom Tower, 99 Cheung Fai Road,Tsing Yi, New Territories, Hong Kong89 852 68Michael Shiu9/F Hutchison Telecom Tower, 99 Cheung Fai Road,Tsing Yi, New Territories, Hong KongTel: +852 2128 3399Fax: +852 2126 7090E-mail: michael.shiu@.hkHong Kong, ChinaHKBN Enterprise Solutions Limited12/F, Trans Asia Centre, 18 Kin Hong Street,Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong89 852 69Kenneth Ng12/F, Trans Asia Centre, 18 Kin Hong Street,Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong KongTel: +852 3999 1222Fax: +852 3999 7695E-mail: Kong, ChinaWTT HK Limited9/F, KITEC, 1 Trademart Drive, Kowloon Bay,Kowloon, Hong Kong89 852 77Agnes Tan9/F, KITEC, 1 Trademart Drive, Kowloon Bay,Kowloon, Hong KongTel: +852 2112 2672Fax: +852 2112 2680E-mail: tanagnes@Hong Kong, ChinaPCCW-HKT Telephone Limited and Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited39/F., PCCW Tower, Taikoo Place, 979 King's Road,Quarry Bay, Hong Kong89 852 80Philip Ho17/F., PCCW Tower, Taikoo Place, 979 King's Road,Quarry Bay, Hong KongTel: +852 2888 2836Fax: +852 2504 5937E-mail:íaTelenor Hungary LtdT?vk?zlési Rt., Baross u. 165H-2040 BUDAORS89 36 20Gy?z? DrozdyPO Box 49H-2041 BUDAORS 1Tel: +36 1 464 6000Fax: +36 1 464 6100E-mail:HungríaWESTEL 900 Mobil Távk?zlési Rt.Kaposvár u. 5-7H-1117 BUDAPEST89 36 30Nándor VannaiKaposvár u. 5-7H-1117 BUDAPESTTel: +36 3 265 9132Fax: +36 3 265 9415E-mail:HungríaUPC MAGYARORSZ?G KFT.Kinizsi street 30-361092 BUDAPEST89 36 31Csicsai LászlóKinizsi street 30-361092 BUDAPESTTel: +36 1 456 9413Fax: +36 1 456 2725E-mail: csicsai.laszlo@upc.huHungríaMVM NET LtdRóbert Károly krt 59.H-1134 BUDAPEST89 36 32Rajmund MehringerMVM NET LtdH-1255 BUDAPEST 15., Pf.:17Tel: +36 1 304 3348Fax: +36 1 202 0891E-mail: mehringer.rajmund@mvmnet.huIndiaAircel Digilink India LtdX-7, Okla Industrial AreaNEW DELHI 110 02089 91 01A.Q.J. AgaX-7 Okla Industrial AreaNEW DELHI 110 020Tel: +91 98 1109 0427Fax: +91 11 2682 8872E-mail:IndiaFascel LtdEllisbridge380006 AHMEDABAD89 91 05Sarjoy PukerjiEllisbridge380006 AHMEDABADTel: +91 79 2657 7228Fax: +91 79 2657 5990E-mail:IndiaReliance Telecom LtdDN - 53 Sector V, Salt Lake700091 CALCUTTA89 91 09S.P. ShuklaDN-53 Sector V, Salt Lake700091 CALCUTTATel: +91 22 2762 4000Fax: +91 22 2762 5198E-mail:IndiaBharti Mobile Ltd47 Millers Trak Bond Road560052 BANGALORE89 91 10Jagdish Kiri47 Millers Trak Bond Road560052 BANGALORETel: +91 80 228 2211Fax: +91 80 228 2200E-mail:IndiaSterling Cellular LtdC-48 Okhla Industrial Area110020 NEW DELHI89 91 11Rajid SawhurtC-48 Okhla Industrial Area110020 NEW DELHITel: +91 11 2638 5004Fax: +91 11 2638 8850E-mail:IndiaSpice Communications Ltd4th Floor Embassy Square, 148 Infantry Road560001 BANGALORE89 91 14Umany Das4th Floor Embassy Square, 148 Infantry Road560001 BANGALORETel: +91 11 2643 4544Fax: +91 11 2644 4221E-mail:IndiaBPL Mobile Communications127 Manmala Tank Road, TaikalwadiMUMBAI 40001689 91 21Chief Technical Officer127 Manmala Tank Road, TaikalwadiMUMBAI 400016Tel: +91 22 2431 9820Fax: +91 22 2431 6460E-mail: vk.sethi@bpl-IndiaHutchison Essar South Ltd9 Hogus RoadBANGALORE 56002989 91 30Sandip Das9 Hogus RoadBANGALORE 560029Tel: +91 80 419 3000Fax: +91 80 419 3030E-mail:IndiaMahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd124 Connaught Circus110001 NEW DELHI89 91 68Narinder Sharma124 Connaught Circus110001 NEW DELHITel: +91 11 2371 9020Fax: +91 11 2331 4243E-mail:IndonesiaPT Pasifik Satelit NusantaraKawasan Karyadeka PancamurniBEKASI 1755089 62 00L. WoerfiendartiKawasan Karyadeka PancamurniBEKASI 17550Tel: +62 21 8990 8111Fax: +62 21 8990 8110E-mail:IndonesiaPT Satelit Palapa Indonesia (PT Satelindo)Jalan HR. Rasuna Said Kav X6 No. 8JAKARTA 1294089 62 01S. GunawanMulia Center Suite No. 1201JAKARTA SELATANTel: +62 21 522 9322Fax: +62 21 522 9320E-mail:Irán (República Islámica del)Telecommunication Company of Iran (TCI)TCI Bldg. No. 2, Shariati AvenueTEHRAN89 98 11Reaza RashidiTCI Bldg no. 2, Shariati Ave.TEHRANTel: +98 21 8811 2745Fax: +98 21 8865 3980E-mail:Irán (República Islámica del)Kish free-zone organisation (KFZO), Payem KishSanaei SquareKISH ISLAND89 98 14Mohammad Mehdi TabatabaeiSanaei SquareKISH ISLANDTel: +98 764 442 3912Fax: +98 764 442 4156E-mail: tabatabaei.kazemabad@IraqAsiacell Communications LLCSalim StreetSULEIMANIYA89 964 05Dr Diar Abdulqadir AhmedSalim StreetSULEIMANIYATel: +964 7701 105 005Fax: +964 553 192 007E-mail: diar.ahmed@IraqZain Iraq (previously Atheer)Bldg 47 Str. 14 Dist 605Hay Al Mutaban, Almansour,BAGHDAD89 964 20Luma BadirBldg 47 Str. 14 Dist 605Hay Al Mutaban, Almansour,BAGHDADTel: +964 780 109 8695Fax: +964 1541 8611E-mail: luma.badir@iq.IraqZain Iraq (previously Iraqna)Bldg 47 Str. 14 Dist 605Hay Al Mutaban Almansour, BAGHDAD89 964 30Luma BadirBldg 47 Str. 14 Dist 605Hay Al Mutaban, Almansour,BAGHDADTel: +964 780 109 8695Fax: +964 1541 8611E-mail: luma.badir@iq.IraqKorek Telecom45 Kurdistan Street, PirmamERBIL89 964 40Loukman A. Ameen45 Kurdistan Street, PirmamERBILTel: +964 750 445 0120Fax: +964 750 446 0022E-mail: loukman@IrlandaVodaphone GSM NetworkMountainview, Central Park, LeopardstownDUBLIN 1889 353 01Laurence McAulyMountainview, Central Park, LeopardstownDUBLIN 18Tel: +353 1 203 7777Fax:E-mail:IrlandaTelefónica Ireland Ltd28-29 Sir John Rogerson’s QuayDUBLIN 289 353 02Ciaran Melia28-29 Sir John Rogerson’s QuayDUBLIN 2Tel: +353 1 609 5000Fax: +353 1 609 5080E-mail: ciaran.melia@IrlandaMeteor Mobile Communications4030 Kingswood AvenueDUBLIN 2489 353 03Gunnar Andersson4030 Kingswood AvenueDUBLIN 24Tel: +353 86 828 7265Fax: +353 1 466 0204E-mail:IrlandaIDT Card Services Ireland Ltd44 Upper Mount StreetDUBLIN 289 353 04Kerry Kent44 Upper Mount StreetDUBLIN 2Tel: +353 1 661 0222Fax: +353 1 661 0221E-mail: kkent@IrlandaLiffey Telecom Ltd28/29 Sir John Rogerson's QuayDUBLIN 289 353 11Robert Donovan28/29 Sir John Rogerson's QuayDUBLIN 2Tel: +353 1 609 5000Fax: +353 1 609 5080E-mail: robert.donovan@IrlandaUPC Communications Ireland Ltd.Eastpoint Business ParkDUBLIN 389 353 15Ger WoodsEastpoint Business ParkDUBLIN 3Tel: +353 1 245 8064Fax: +353 1 245 8534E-mail: gwood@upc.ieIrlandaCARPHONE WAREHOUSE IRELAND MOBILE LIMITED3rd Floor, Omni Park Shopping Centre, SantryDUBLIN 989 353 16Joe Sloan3rd Floor, Omni Park Shopping Centre, SantryDUBLIN 9Tel: +353 872 740 776Fax:E-mail: sloanj@IslandiaSíminn hf.?rmúla 25IS–108 REYKJAVIK89 354 00Baldur V. Baldursson?rmúla 25IS–108 REYKJAVIKTel: +354 550 6000Fax:E-mail: baldur@siminn.isIslandiaFjarskipti hfSudurlandsbraut 8IS–108 REYKJAVIK89 354 02Johannes GudmundssonSudurlandsbraut 8IS–108 REYKJAVIKTel: +354 5999818Fax:E-mail: johannesg@vodafone.isIslandiaIslandesimi GSMBorgartun 30IS - 106 REYKJAVIK89 354 03Geir RagnerssonBorgartun 30IS - 106 REYKJAVIKTel: +354 535 5000Fax: +354 595 5080E-mail:IslandiaIMC Island ehfArmuli 7B108 REYKJAVIK89 354 04Jim Blaisdell801 Roeder Rd., Suite 800SILVER SPRING, MD 20910. USA(United States)Tel: +1 301 960 0060Fax: +1 301 562 0397E-mail: jblaisdell@IsraelCellcom Israel Ltd3 Hagalim Avenue, PO Box 3164HERTZLYIA 4613189 972 02Itehak Kadishi3 Hagalim AvenueHERTZLYIA 46131Tel: +972 9 959 9099Fax: +972 9 959 9658E-mail: I.T.C.15 Hamelacha Street, Park CibleROSH HA'AYIN 4809189 972 03Yossi Wellingstein15 Hamelacha Street, Park CibleROSH HA'AYIN 48091Tel: +972 3 900 1039Fax: +972 3 900 1599E-mail:IsraelGolan Telecom Ltd98 Yigal Allon67 891 TEL AVIV89 972 08David Golan98 Yigal Allon67 891 TEL AVIVTel: +972 54 615 6236Fax:E-mail: Communications Ltd33 Yitzhak Rabin RoadGIVATAIM 6162089 972 50Sharon Mishal33 Yitzhak Rabin RoadGIVATAIM 61620Tel: +972 3 572 8742Fax: +972 3 572 8092E-mail: Italia S.p.A.Via Gaetano Negri 120123 MILANO89 39 01Donatella ChiaraTelecom Italia S.p.A., Via Guglielmo Reiss Romoli, 274I-10148 TORINOTel: +39 011 228 6956Fax: +39 011 228 5520E-mail:ItaliaFastWeb S.p.A.Via Caracciolo, 51I-20155 MILANO89 39 08Laura NavarraFASTWEB S.P.A., Piazzale Luigi Sturzo 23,00144 ROMETel: +39 0650860812Fax:E-mail: laura.navarra@fastweb.itItaliaVodafone Omnitel S.p.A.Via Jervis, 13I-10015 IVREA (TO)89 39 10Riccardo BeccarisVia Jervis 13IVREA (TO)Tel: +39 06 5092 2512Fax: +39 06 5006 5808E-mail:ItaliaPostePay S.p.A.Viale Europa 19000144 ROMA89 39 33Alberto De LucaViale Europa 19000144 ROMATel: +39 377 1000068Fax: +39 06 98688251E-mail: alberto.deluca@postepay.itItaliaIPSE 2000Piazza del Caprettari 70I-00186 ROMA89 39 77Filippo DallatorreV. delle Testuggini, s.n.c.I-00134 ROMATel: +39 06 5799 5703Fax: +39 06 5799 5820E-mail:ItaliaWind Tre S.p.A.Via Leonardo Da Vinci 1, 20090 Trezzano S/N,MILANO89 39 88Regulatory Affairs DirectorWind Tre S.p.A., Via Cesare Giulio Viola 4800148 ROMATel: +39 06 8311 3816Fax: +39 06 8311 3983E-mail: AffariRegolamentari@pec.windtre.itItaliaBlu S.p.A.Vía Cintia, Svincolo FuorigrottaI-80126 NAPOLI89 39 98A. TagliaferroVia A. Nibby 10I-00161 ROMATel: +39 06 8521 6207Fax: +39 06 8521 6290E-mail:ItaliaWind Tre S.p.A.Via Leonardo Da Vinci 1, 20090 Trezzano S/N,MILANO89 39 99Regulatory Affairs DirectorWind Tre S.p.A., Via Cesare Giulio Viola 4800148 ROMATel: +39 06 8311 3816Fax: +39 06 8311 3983E-mail: AffariRegolamentari@pec.windtre.itJamaicaCable and Wireless Jamaica Ltd47, Half Way Tree RoadKINGSTON 589 1 018Carl M. Scott47 Half-Way-Tree RoadKINGSTON 5Tel: +1 876 926 9608Fax: +1 876 929 9673E-mail:JamaicaDigicel Jamaica Ltd10-16 Grenada Way5 KINGSTON89 1 050Dominic Pearson10-16 Grenada Way5 KINGSTONTel: +1 876 960 3435Fax: +1 876 920 0948E-mail: dominic.pearson@JamaicaCable and Wireless Jamaica Ltd47, Half Way Tree RoadKINGSTON 589 1 582William W. Bertram47 Half Way Tree RoadKINGSTON 5Tel: +1 876 926 9631Fax: +1 876 929 9530E-mail:JapónSoftBank Corp.1-9-1, Higashi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku,TOKYO 105-731789 81 00Tamanari Okada1-9-1, Higashi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku,TOKYO 105-7317Tel: +81 3 6889 1081Fax: +81 3 6215 5561E-mail:ónKDDI Corporation2-3-2, Nishisinjuku, 2-Chome,Shinjuku-ku, TOKYO 163-800389 81 01Engineering Department2-3-2, Nishisinjuku, 2-Chome,Shinjuku-ku, TOKYO 163-8003Tel: +81 3 3347 5875Fax: +81 3 3347 6362E-mail: ai-endou@; ma-tsuzura@JapónHanshin Cable Engineering Co. Ltd.27-11, Agenaruo-cho, Nishinomiya-shi,Hyogo 663-818689 81 02Hiroyoshi FujiiHanshin Cable Engineering Co. Ltd., 1-1-24, Ebie, Fukushima-ku Osaka-shi,Osaka, 553-0001Tel: +81 6 6343 7470Fax: +81 6 6343 7471E-mail:ónInternet Initiative Japan Inc.2-10-2 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku,TOKYO, 102-007189 81 03Futoshi SasakiIidabashi Grand Bloom, 2-10-2 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku,TOKYO, 102-0071Tel: +81 3 5205 6524Fax: +81 3 5205 6471E-mail:ónSAKURA Internet Inc.Sumitomofudosan Nishishinjuku Building 33F, 7-20-1,Nishi-shinjuku, Shinjuku-Ward, TOKYO89 81 04Hiroyuki KawabataSumitomofudosan Nishishinjuku Building 33F, 7-20-1,Nishi-shinjuku, Shinjuku-Ward, TOKYOTel: +81 3 5332 7070Fax: +81 3 5332 7080E-mail:ónJapan Radio Co., Ltd.NAKANO CENTRAL PARK EST, 4-10-1 Nakano, Nakano-ku,TOKYO 164-857089 81 05Takafumi MatsunamiNAKANO CENTRAL PARK EST, 4-10-1 Nakano, Nakano-ku,TOKYO 164-8570Tel: +81 3 6832 0986Fax: +81 3 6832 1726E-mail:ónLTE-X, Inc.5F Tennozu Yusen Bldg., 2-2-20 Higashi Shinagawa,Shinagawa-ku, TOKYO89 81 06Yoshihisa Ito5F Tennozu Yusen Bldg., 2-2-20 Higashi Shinagawa,Shinagawa-ku, TOKYOTel: +81 3 4405 5000Fax:E-mail:ónPanasonic System Solutions Japan Co. Ltd4-1-62 Minoshima, Hakata-kuFUKUOKA CITY 812-853189 81 07Ryosuke KimuraPanasonic System Solutions Japan Co. Ltd, IoT Platform Department, Cloud Service Business Center, 3-1-9 Shin-Yokohama, Kohoku-kuYOKOHAMA CITY 222-0033Tel: +81 45 478 6343Fax:E-mail: kimura.ryosuke-@jp.;ónMarubeni Wireless Communications Inc.1-17-18, Shinkawa, Chuo-ku,TOKYO 104003389 81 08Koichi Nogami1-17-18, Shinkawa, Chuo-ku,TOKYO 1040033Tel: +81 3 5117 2031Fax: +81 3 3206 1150E-mail: nogami.koichi@marubeni-JapónNTT DOCOMO, INC.2-11-1 Nagatacho, Chiyada-huTOKYO 100-615089 81 10Carrier & Regulatory Affairs Office2-11-1 Nagatacho, Chiyada-hu,TOKYO 100-6150Tel: +81 3 5156 1263Fax: +81 3 5156 0330E-mail: ssys-number-ml@JapónSoftBank Corp.1-9-1, Higashi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku,TOKYO 105-731789 81 20Tamanari Okada1-9-1, Higashi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku,TOKYO 105-7317Tel: +81 3 6889 1081Fax: +81 3 6215 5561E-mail:ónKDDI Corporation2-3-2, Nishisinjuku, 2-Chome,Shinjuku-ku, TOKYO 163-800389 81 30Engineering Department2-3-2, Nishisinjuku, 2-Chome,Shinjuku-ku, TOKYO 163-8003Tel: +81 3 3347 5875Fax: +81 3 3347 6362E-mail: ai-endou@; ma-tsuzura@JapónUQ Communications Inc.2-16-1, Kounan, Minato-ku108-0075 TOKYO89 81 31Yoshiyuki Nishikawa, General Manager, Government & Industrial Affairs Department,2-16-1, Kounan, Minato-ku108-0075 TOKYOTel: +81 3 6311 6007Fax: +81 3 6759 2906E-mail:; ya-haneishi@uqc.jpJapónSoftBank Corp.1-9-1, Higashi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku,TOKYO 105-731789 81 65Tamanari Okada1-9-1, Higashi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku,TOKYO 105-7317Tel: +81 3 6889 1081Fax: +81 3 6215 5561E-mail:ónSoftBank Corp.1-9-1, Higashi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku,TOKYO 105-731789 81 70Tamanari Okada1-9-1, Higashi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku,TOKYO 105-7317Tel: +81 3 6889 1081Fax: +81 3 6215 5561E-mail:ónWireless City Planning Inc.1-9-1, Higashi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku105-7303 TOKYO89 81 71Technology Management Department1-9-1, Higashi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku105-7303 TOKYOTel: +81 3 6889 0820Fax: +81 3 6215 5180E-mail: Jordanian Mobile Telecommunications Company - OrangePO Box 1689, Jabal Amman11118-AMMAN89 962 77Dr. Ibrahim HarbPO Box 1689, Jabal Amman11118-AMMANTel: +962 6 460 64 44Fax: +962 6 460 63 30E-mail: ibrahim.nasser@KazajstánKar-Tel LtdAzerbaeva Street, Building 58ALMATY 18009989 997 01Sabri FedaiAzerbaeva Street, Building 58ALMATY 180099Tel: +7 7272 641711Fax: +7 7272 532911E-mail:KenyaSafaricom LimitedSafaricom House, Waiyaki Way, NairobiP.O. Box 66827, NAIROBI 0080089 254 02Steve ChegeSafaricom House, Waiyaki Way, NairobiP.O. Box 66827, NAIROBI 00800Tel: +254 722 00 3844Fax:E-mail: Networks Kenya LimitedParkside Towers, Mombasa Road, NairobiP.O. Box 73146, NAIROBI 0020089 254 03Ganson LewelaParkside Towers, Mombasa Road,P.O. Box 73146, 00200 NAIROBITel: +254 739 510 079Fax:E-mail: ganson.lewela@ke.KenyaMobile Pay Kenya LimitedWilson Airport, Slip Road,P.O. Box 69768, 00400 NAIROBI89 254 04Oscar IkinuWilson Airport, Slip Road,P.O. Box 69768, 00400 NAIROBITel: +254 760 000 000Fax:E-mail: Networks Kenya LimitedParkside Towers, Mombasa Road, NairobiP.O. Box 73146, NAIROBI 0020089 254 05Ganson LewelaParkside Towers, Mombasa Road,P.O. Box 73146, 00200 NAIROBITel: +254 739 510 079Fax:E-mail: ganson.lewela@ke.KenyaFinserve Kenya Limited9th Floor Equity centre, Hospital Road, Upper Hill,P.O. Box 75104, 00100 NAIROBI89 254 06Jack Ngare9th Floor Equity centre, Hospital Road, Upper Hill,P.O. Box 75104, 00100 NAIROBITel: +254 763 300 300Fax:E-mail: Kenya LimitedTelkom Plaza, Ralph Bunche RoadP.O. Box 30301, NAIROBI 0010089 254 07Erick NjuriTelkom Plaza, Ralph Bunche Road,P.O. Box 30301, 00100 NAIROBITel: +254 774 133 702Fax:E-mail: Telecommunications LimitedADGroup Centre, Kunde Road, Off Korosho Road, Valley Arcade,P.O. Box 47419, 00100 NAIROBI89 254 10John KamauJamii Telecommunications Limited, P.O. Box 4741900100 NAIROBITel: +254 711054109Fax:E-mail:ánBitel Ltd2 Lva Tolstoy Street720005 BISHKEK89 996 01Director General2 Lva Tolstoy StreetBISHKEK 720005Tel: +996 312 620025Fax: +996 312 620022E-mail:KuwaitKuwait Telecom Company (VIVA)3rd Floor Marriot Courtyard, PO Box 1216DASMAN 1546389 965 04Salman Al Badran3rd Floor Marriot Courtyard, PO Box 1216DASMAN 15463Tel: +965 5000 0009Fax: +965 2299 7940E-mail: sbadran@.saKuwaitZain (ex-Mobile Telecommunications Company)PO Box 2224413083 SAFAT89 965 9Hamad Al-SabahPO Box 22244SAFAT 13083Tel: +965 2484 2000Fax: +965 2483 7500E-mail:La ex República Yugoslava de MacedoniaMakedonski telekomunikacii A.D.ul. Orce Nikolov b.b.1000 SKOPJE89 389 01Aleksandar CestakovskiOrce Nikolov bb1000 SKOPJETel: +389 2 314 1000Fax: +389 2 322 4277E-mail:Lao (R.D.P.)Millicom Lao Company LtdLane-Xang Business Centre, P.O.Box 4693VIENTIANE89 856 08Ronny MelanderLane Xang Business Centre, P.O.Box 4693VIENTIANETel: +856 21 213 570Fax: +856 21 213 572E-mail: rome@.khLesothoTele-Com MobilePO Box 1037MASERU 10089 266 11Adri Van Der VeerPO Box 1037MASERUTel: +266 22 211 100Fax: +266 22 310 183E-mail: Mobile Telephone Co. Ltd.PO Box 116, 29 Unijas StreetRIGA, LV-103989 371 01Juris BindePO Box 116LV-1084 RIGATel: +371 2 569183Fax: +371 9 341000E-mail:LíbanoFTML, S.A.L.Palm center, Furn el ChebbakBEYROUTH89 961 01Salah BouraadPalm Center - Furn el ChebbakBEYROUTHTel: +961 1 281812Fax: +961 1 281812E-mail:LíbanoLibancellCarlton Tower, Berlin streetBEYROUTH89 961 03Roger TaraziPO Box 13-6406, Berlin StreetBEYROUTHTel: +961 1 603000Fax: +961 1 603600E-mail:LíbanoOgero TelecomBir Hassan, P.O. Box 11-1226BEYROUTH 1107 207089 961 05Ministry of TelecommunicationsSquare Ryad El-Solh, Bank's streetBEYROUTHTel: +961 3 876 436Fax: +961 1 979 375E-mail: zbouharb@.lbLiberiaLonestar Communication CorporationLBDI Building, Tubman BoulevardCongotown, MONROVIA89 231 01Laureine GuilaoLBDI Building, Tubman BoulevardCongotown, MONROVIATel: +231 886 501 095Fax:E-mail: laureine.guilao@LiberiaNovafone Inc.LBDI Building, Tubman BoulevardCongotown, MONROVIA89 231 04Laureine GuilaoLBDI Building, Tubman BoulevardCongotown, MONROVIATel: +231 886 501 095Fax:E-mail: laureine.guilao@LiberiaOrange LiberiaHaile Selassie Avenue, Capitol Bye PassMONROVIA89 231 34William F. Saamoi, Jr.Haile Selassie Avenue, Capitol Bye PassMONROVIATel: +231 777 777 002/ 777 000 107Fax:E-mail: william.saamoijr@LibiaLibyana Mobile PhoneP.O. Box 91612TRIPOLI89 218 00Abdul Nasir Al-TubulyP.O. Box 91612TRIPOLITel: +218 21 3350 831Fax: +218 21 3350 947E-mail: nasir@LiechtensteinSwisscom Schweiz AGAlte Tiefenaufstrasse 6CH-3050 BERN(Switzerland)89 423 01Marc FurrerAlte Tiefenaustrasse 6CH-3050 BERN(Switzerland)Tel: +41 79 394 03 50Fax:E-mail: marc.furrer@LiechtensteinSalt (Liechtenstein) AGNeugrüt 7FL-9496 BALZERS89 423 02Robert EberleNeugrüt 7FL-9496 BALZERSTel: +423 388 0924Fax: +423 388 0907E-mail: robert.eberle@salt.liLiechtensteinTelecom Liechtenstein AGSchaanerstrasse 1FL-9490 VADUZ89 423 05Mathias MaierhoferSchaanerstrasse 1FL-9490 VADUZTel: +423 235 56 70Fax:E-mail: mathias.maierhofer@telecom.liLiechtensteinCubic AGNeugasse 17FL-9490 VADUZ89 423 06Phillipp WangerNeugasse 17FL-9490 VADUZTel: +423 232 27 00Fax:E-mail: office@tva.liLiechtensteinFirst Mobile AGLandstrasse 123FL-9495 TRIESEN89 423 07Albert VilligerLandstrasse 123FL-9495 TRIESENTel: +41 41 720 33 90Fax: +41 41 720 33 94E-mail: a.villiger@vitop.chLiechtensteinSORACOM LI, LTD.Vorarlberger Strasse 7FL-9486 SCHAANWALD89 423 10Manfred SchnetzerVorarlberger Strasse 7FL-9486 SCHAANWALDTel: +423 231 1288Fax:E-mail: schnetzer@LituaniaTelia Lietuva, ABLvovo g. 25LT-03501 VILNIUS89 370 01Inga VolungeviciuteLvovo g. 25LT-03501 VILNIUSTel: +370 5 262 1511Fax: +370 5 212 6665E-mail: info@telia.ltLituaniaUAB “Bité Lietuva”Zemaités g. 15LT-03504 VILNIUS89 370 02Vitalijus KirvaitisZemaités g. 15LT-03504 VILNIUSTel: +370 656 00 656Fax: +370 699 00 111E-mail: bendraukime@bite.ltLituaniaUAB “Tele2”Upés g. 23,LT-08128 VILNIUS89 370 03Evaldas StankeviciusUpés g. 23,LT-08128 VILNIUSTel: +370 5 236 6300Fax: +370 5 236 6302E-mail: tele2@tele2.ltLuxemburgoPOST Luxembourg20, rue de ReimsL-2417 LUXEMBOURG89 352 00Gaston BohnenbergerPOST Technologies, 2, rue Emile BianL-2999 LUXEMBOURGTel: +352 4991 5740Fax: +352 480448E-mail: gaston.bohnenberger@post.luLuxemburgoPOST Luxembourg20, rue de ReimsL-2417 LUXEMBOURG89 352 01Gaston BohnenbergerPOST Technologies, 2, rue Emile BianL-2999 LUXEMBOURGTel: +352 4991 5740Fax: +352 480448E-mail: gaston.bohnenberger@post.luLuxemburgoMTX Connect S.à r.l.4, rue A. Graham BellL-3235 BETTEMBOURG89 352 02Alexandra Sevodnyaeva4, rue A. Graham BellL-3235 BETTEMBOURGTel: +357 22 030 076Fax:E-mail: noc@mtxc.euLuxemburgoBouygues Telecom37-39, Rue Boissière75116 PARIS(France)89 352 07Rémy PintenetBouygues Telecom, 13-15 avenue du Maréchal Juin92366 MEUDON-LA-FORET Cedex(France)Tel: +33 6 65 73 32 27Fax: +33 1 39 45 36 87E-mail: rpintene@bouyguestelecom.frLuxemburgoJoin Experience S.A.11, rue de Bitbourg1273 Luxembourg/Hamm89 352 10Luc Van den Bogaert11, rue de Bitbourg1273 Luxembourg/HammTel: +352 621 880 522Fax: +352 20 40 33 61E-mail: luc.vdbogaert@joinwireless.luLuxemburgoTango S.A.75 route de LongwyL-8080 BERTRANGE89 352 77Alex Zivoder75 route de LongwyL-8080 BERTRANGETel: +352 2777 7101Fax: +352 2777 7889E-mail: alex.zivoder@Luxemburgoe-LUX Mobile Telecommunication Services S.A.21, Avenue MontereyL-2163 Luxembourg89 352 81Mr Ibrahim Tolga S?nmezalp / Mr Hassane Diabate21, Avenue MontereyL-2163 LuxembourgTel: +90 5337745491/+352 26201543Fax:E-mail: tsonmezalp@; hdiabate@caldia.luLuxemburgoVoxmobile8 Z.A.i. BourmichtL-8070 BERTRANGE89 352 99Jean-Claude Bintz8 Z.A.i. BourmichtL-8070 BERTRANGETel: +352 27 888 241Fax: +352 27 888 130E-mail: jean-claude.bintz@voxmobile.luMacao, ChinaSmarTone – Comunica??es Móveis, S.A.Avenida Xian Xing Hai, Centro Golden Dragon, 12 andar,Macau89 853 00Tracy LawAvenida Xian Xing Hai, Centro Golden Dragon, 12 andar,MacauTel: +853 8797 9222Fax: +853 2878 7811E-mail: tracy_law@Macao, ChinaCompanhia de Telecomunica??es de Macau, S.A.R.L.Rua de Lagos, TelecentroTaipa, Macau89 853 01Teresa ChanRua de Lagos, TelecentroTaipa, MacauTel: +853 8891 5031Fax: +853 2852 9420E-mail: teresa.pc.chan@.moMacao, ChinaHutchison – Telefone (Macau), LimitadaAvenida Xian Xing Hai, Centro Golden Dragon, 8 andar,Macau89 853 03Ho Wai MingAvenida Xian Xing Hai, Centro Golden Dragon, 8 andar,MacauTel: +853 8893 3339Fax: +853 2878 2288E-mail: wmho@MadagascarOrange MadagascarRue Docteur Raseta Joseph, BP 7754Andraharo, ANTANANARIVO 10189 261 02Patrice Pezatrue Docteur Raseta Joseph, Andraharo101 ANTANANARIVOTel: +261 20 226 0953Fax: +261 20 226 0955E-mail:MalasiaTelekom Malaysia Berhad (TM)Menara TM, Jalan Pantai Baharu,50672 KUALA LUMPUR89 60 00Asma Md. Isa7th South Wing, Menara TM, Jalan Pantai Baharu,50672 KUALA LUMPURTel: +60 3 2240 7470Fax: +60 3 7955 7135E-mail: asmaisa@.myMalasiaMaxis Broadband Sdn BhdLevel 21, Menara Maxis, Kuala Lumpur City Centre, Off Jalan Ampang,50088 KUALA LUMPUR89 60 01Abdul Karim Fakir Bin AliLevel 21, Menara Maxis, Kuala Lumpur City Centre, Off Jalan Ampang,50088 KUALA LUMPURTel: +60 3 2330 7000Fax: +60 3 2330 0590/+60 3 2330 0513E-mail: karim@.myMalasiaU Mobile Sdn. Bhd.Lot 11.01, Level 11, East, Berjaya Times Square,1, Jalan Imbi, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR89 60 18Ng Cheong ChongLot 11.01, Level 11, East, Berjaya Times Square,1, Jalan Imbi, 55100 KUALA LUMPURTel: +60 3 2117 9888Fax: +60 3 2141 6511E-mail: Axiata BerhadLevel 22, Menara Celcom, 82, Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz,50300 KUALA LUMPUR89 60 19Moriani MohamedLevel 22, Menara Celcom, 82, Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz,50300 KUALA LUMPURTel: +60 3 2688 4616Fax: +60 3 2681 0350E-mail: moriani@.myMalasiaTT dotCom Sdn. Bhd.Level 4, No. 14, Jalan Majistret U1/26, HICOM Glenmarie Industrial Park,40150 SHAH ALAM SELANGOR89 60 88Afzal Abdul RahimLevel 4, No. 14, Jalan Majistret U1/26, HICOM Glenmarie Industrial Park,40150 SHAH ALAM SELANGORTel: +60 3 5032 6000Fax: +60 3 5032 6401E-mail: afzal@.myMalawiCeltel Malawi Ltd.PO Box 1235BLANTYRE89 265 02Mats Bergstr?mBLANTYRETel: +265 1 644022Fax: +265 1 644775E-mail:MaldivasDhivehi Raajjey Ge Gulhun Private Ltd. (DHIRAAGU)PO Box 2082, 19 Medhuziyaaraiy MaguMALE' 20-0389 960 01General ManagerMALE'Tel: +960 332 2802Fax: +960 332 2800E-mail:MalíIkatelImmeuble Sonavie, B.P. E3991ACI 2000 - BAMAKO89 223 02Mamadou DiaounéImmeuble Sonavie, B.P. E3991ACI 2000 - BAMAKOTel: +223 6629 9915Fax: +223 2023 0835E-mail: mamadou.diaoune@MaltaVODAFONE MALTA LIMITEDLevel 6, Skyparks Business Centre, Malta International Airport,LUQA, LQA 400089 356 01Jason PaviaLevel 6, Skyparks Business Centre, Malta International Airport,LUQA, LQA 4000Tel: +356 2093 0533/+356 9942 5155Fax:E-mail: Ltd.60, G Cali street, Suite 6,Ta’ Xbiex, XBX 142489 356 11Antoine BartoloYom Ltd., 12/M1 Tigne Place, Tigne street,Sliema SLM 3173Tel: +356 2704 1264Fax:E-mail: info@worldfone.mobiMaltaGO p.l.c.Fra Diegu StreetMARSA, MRS 150189 356 21Kurt CamilleriFra Diegu StreetMARSA, MRS 1501Tel: +356 2594 1083Fax:E-mail: kurt.camilleri@.mtMaltaMelita Ltd.Gasan Centre, Mriehel BypassMRIEHEL BKR 300089 356 77Alistair CastilloGasan Centre, Mriehel BypassMRIEHEL BKR 3000Tel: +356 2727 3502Fax:E-mail: alistair.castillo@Malvinas (Islas) (Falkland)Cable and Wireless Falkland IslandsSteward HousePORT STANLEY89 500 01Chris HarrisPO Box 20884, Steward HousePORT STANLEYTel: +500 20884Fax: +500 20885E-mail: del NortePTIPO Box 500306 CKSAIPAN, MP 9695089 1 025Hans MickelsonPO Box 500306 CKSAIPAN, MP 96950Tel: +1 670 682 2830Fax: +1 670 235 2877E-mail: hans.mickelson@Marshall (Islas)Marshall Islands National Telecommunications AuthorityP.O Box 1169Majuro89 692 01Ayapa ApuaheP.O Box 1169MajuroTel: +692 625 3852Fax: +692 625 3952E-mail: apuahe@MauricioMauritius Telecom Ltd18th Floor, Telecom Tower, Edith Cavell StreetPORT LOUIS89 230 01Manvendra Singh18th Floor, Telecom Tower, Edith Cavell StreetPORT LOUISTel: +230 2037000Fax: +230 2081070E-mail: ceo@telecom.muMauricioEmtel Ltd10 Ebène CybercityEbène 72201, PORT LOUIS89 230 02Rajvardhan Singh Bhullar10 Ebène CybercityEbène 72201, PORT LOUISTel: +230 5 729 54 00Fax: +230 454 10 10E-mail: emtel@MauricioMahanagar Telephone (Mauritius) LtdMTLM Square, No 63 Cyber CityEBENE89 230 03Sanjay GargMTLM Square, No 63 Cyber CityEBENETel: +230 294 3333Fax: +230 427 8092E-mail: ceo@MauritaniaMauritel MobilesBP 5920NOUAKCHOTT89 222 02Mohamed MahfoudBP 5920NOUAKCHOTTTel: +222 525 8490Fax: +222 525 8181E-mail:MauritaniaLa Mauritano - Tunisienne de Télécommunications (MATTEL)BP 668NOUAKCHOTT89 222 03Omar MseddiBP 668NOUAKCHOTTTel: +222 529 5354Fax: +222 529 8103E-mail:MéxicoTeléfonos de México S.A. de C.V.Marina Nacional 365CP 11300 MEXICO DF89 52 01Hector Carlos DavilaParque via 190-902, Col. CuauhtemocMEXICO 06599 D.F.Tel: +52 55 5222 1705Fax: +52 55 5703 2830E-mail:MéxicoRadiomóvil DIPSA, S.A. de C.V. (Telcel)Av. Ejército Nacional #488MEXICO, D.F.89 52 02Jorge GonzalezAv. Ejército Nacional #488MEXICO D.F. 11560Tel: +52 55 5625 4045Fax: +52 55 5625 4044E-mail: jgonzal@mail.MéxicoPEGASO COMUNICACIONES Y SISTEMAS, S.A. DE C.V.Paseo de los Tamarindos 400-4, piso 24MEXICO 6177, D.E. 0512089 52 03Vicente SeoaneCol. Bosques de las LomasMEXICO 6177, D.E. 05120Tel: +52 81 8177 3027Fax: +52 55 5806 9080E-mail: vseoane@MicronesiaFSM Telecommunication CorporationPO Box 1210KOLONIA, POHNPEI, FM 9694189 691 01Takuro AkinagaPO Box 1210PALIKIR, POHNPEITel: +691 3202740Fax: +691 3202745E-mail: takinaga@telecom.fmMoldova (República de)JSC Orange Moldova75 Str. Alba LuliaMD-2012 CHISINAU89 373 01Veaceslav Roman75 Alba Lulia Str.MD - CHISINAU 2012Tel: +373 22 575301Fax: +373 22 575306E-mail: veaceslav.roman@orange.mdMoldova (República de)Moldcell S.A.3 Belgrad StreetMD-2060 CHISINAU89 373 02Yusuf Baykan3 Belgrad StreetMD-2060 CHISINAUTel: +373 22 20 62 06Fax: +373 22 20 62 07E-mail: moldcell@moldcell.mdMoldova (República de)I.M. Eventis Mobile s.r.l.Str. Sadoveanu M.2 Off 5 mum.MD-2044 CHISINAU89 373 04Oleg Primakb.125 off.5, 31 August Str.CHISINAU MD-2012Tel: +373 2223 4845Fax: +373 2223 4851E-mail: o.primak@eventismobile.mdMongoliaG-Mobile CorporationBaga-Toiruu 3/9, P.O Box 2783ULAANBAATAR 1516089 976 06Khaliun JamsranBaga-Toiruu 3/9, P.O Box 2783ULAANBAATAR 15160Tel: +976 93 119803Fax: +976 11 311195E-mail: khaliunaa@g-mobile.mnMontenegroCrnogorski Telekom A.D.Moskovska 2981000 PODGORICA89 382 00Nikola LjushevMoskovska 2981000 PODGORICATel: +382 20 433 709Fax: +382 20 432 400E-mail: nikola.ljushev@telekom.meMontenegroTelenor d.o.o. PodgoricaRimski trg 481000 PODGORICA89 382 01Sandra ?tajnerRimski trg 481000 PODGORICATel: +382 20 235 000Fax: +382 20 235 022E-mail: sandra.stajner@telenor.meMontenegroMTEL d.o.o. PodgoricaKralja Nikole 27 A81000 PODGORICA89 382 03Vladimir LucicKralja Nikole 27 A81000 PODGORICATel: +382 78 100 508Fax: +382 20 633 846E-mail: vladimir.lucic@mtel.meMontserratCable and Wireless (W.I.) Ltd.Houston Street, PO Box 219PLYMOUTH89 1 019Commercial ManagerPO Box 219, Church RoadPLYMOUTHTel: +1 664 491 2112Fax: +1 664 491 3599E-mail:MozambiqueVM Sarl25 Av. De Settembro, No. 1230420 MAPUTO89 258 04Jean Pierre SnijdersPrivate Bag X9904SANDTON 2193(South Africa)Tel: +27 82 994 2160Fax: +27 11 848 8008E-mail: Telecommunications Ltd.PO Box 23051WINDHOEK89 264 01Curt MoutonPO Box 23051WINDHOEKTel: +264 61 280 2000Fax: +264 61 280 2124E-mail: cmouton@.naNamibiaParatus Telecommunications (Pty) LtdP.O. Box 90140, KleinWINDHOEK89 264 22Schalk ErasmusP.O. Box 90140, KleinWINDHOEKTel: +264 83 300 1000Fax:E-mail: schalk@paratus.africaNamibiaMobile Telephone Networks Business Solutions (Namibia) (Pty) LtdCorner of Haddy and Church Street, Windhoek West,PO Box 86472 Eros, WINDHOEK89 264 33Melvin AngulaCorner of Haddy and Church Street, Windhoek West,PO Box 86472 Eros, WINDHOEKTel: +264 84 000 8000Fax:E-mail: melvin.angula@NepalSpice Nepal Private Ltd.Ekantakuna JawalakhelLALITPUR-489 977 02Damir KarassayevEkantakuna JawalakhelLALITPUR-4Tel: +977 1 555 5431Fax: +977 1 555 4538E-mail: snpl@.npNígerCeltel Niger S.A.Rue du Grand H?telNIAMEY89 227 02Emmanuel M. KoladeRue du Grand H?telNIAMEYTel: +227 2073 3838Fax: +227 2073 2304E-mail: kolade.m@msi-NoruegaTelenor ASPostboks 6701, St. Olavs plassN-0130 OSLO 189 47 00Helene Sandberg (Mobile)Universitetsgt 2,N-0164 OSLO 1Tel: +47 22 48 84 55Fax: +47 22 36 49 99E-mail:NoruegaTelenor Mobile Aviation ASPO Box 1331N-1331 FORNEBU89 47 01Harald SimonsenPO Bos 1331N-1331 FORNEBUTel: +47 9512 4100Fax: +47 9621 2115E-mail: harald.simonsen@NoruegaICE Norge AS?stensj?veien 320667 OSLO89 47 06Johan TineliusAINMT Holdings AB, Box 746010392 STOCKHOLM(Sweden)Tel: +46 735 92 7010Fax:E-mail: johan.tinelius@NoruegaICE Communication Norge AS?stensj?veien 320667 OSLO89 47 07Johan TineliusAINMT Holdings AB, Box 746010392 STOCKHOLM(Sweden)Tel: +46 735 92 7010Fax:E-mail: johan.tinelius@NoruegaNetcom GSMPO Box 239, OkernN-0510 OSLO89 47 08Trygue TamburstuenWerlandsveien 7N-0167 OSLOTel: +47 22 36 30 00Fax: +47 22 11 37 79E-mail:NoruegaCom4 AS?kernveien 121N-0579 OSLO89 47 09Henning SolbergCOM4 AS, ?kernveien 121N-0579 OSLOTel: +47 9404 9404Fax: +47 9404 9405E-mail: hso@com4.noNoruegaAeroMobile AS93 B Bestumeien0283 OSLA89 882 99Kevin Rogers3 Pegasus Place, Gatwick Road,Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 9AY(United Kingdom)Tel: +44 (0) 1293 530 982Fax: +44 (0) 1293 562 472E-mail: krogers@Nueva CaledoniaOffice des Postes et des Télécommunications (OPT)2 Rue Paul Monchovet, Port Plaisance98841 NOUMEA CEDEX89 687 01Bernard Idoux2, rue Monchovet98841 NOUMEA CedexTel: +687 268247Fax: +687 289090E-mail:Nueva ZelandiaSpark NZ LimitedTelecom House, Level 2, 68-86 Jervois QuayWELLINGTON89 64 00Spark NZ LimitedTel: +64 44985624Fax: +64 44730637E-mail:Nueva ZelandiaCompass Communications LtdLevel 3, 6-8 Seafield View Road, GraftonAUCKLAND89 64 02Karim HussonaPO Box 2533AUCKLANDTel: +64 9 359 8900Fax: +64 9 359 8919E-mail: khussona@.nzNueva ZelandiaTelstra Clear LtdPrivate Bag 92143, TakapunaAUCKLAND89 64 03Mohan PrashPrivate Bag 92143, TakapunaAUCKLANDTel: +64 9 912 5465Fax: +64 9 912 4922E-mail:Nueva ZelandiaGoTalk Communications pty Ltd183 Varsity Parade, Varsity LakesQUEENSLAND 422789 64 11Jason Wadley183 Varsity Parade, Varsity LakesQUEENSLAND 4227Tel: +64 44 766 151Fax: +64 1800 209 399E-mail: jason.wadley@Nueva ZelandiaNext Generation Network LtdLevel 1, Building D, 42 Tawa DriveALBANY, AUCKLAND89 64 15John EvansLevel 1, Building D, 42 Tawa DriveALBANY, AUCKLANDTel: +64 9 414 2180Fax: +64 9 414 2183E-mail: ZelandiaNZ Communications Ltd131 Khyber Pass RoadGRAFTON, AUCKLAND 115089 64 24Nick ReadP.O. Box 8355, Symonds StreetAUCKLANDTel: +64 9 919 7011Fax: +64 9 919 7001E-mail:ánOman Mobile Telecommunication Company LLCPO Box 694PC 130 AL-AZAIBA89 968 00Managing DirectorPO Box 694PC 130 AL-AZAIBATel: +968 24 632852Fax: +968 24 484055E-mail:Países BajosKPN Telecom B.V., Card ServicesPO Box 301502500 GD THE HAGUE89 31 00Fred van't SlotPO Box 301502500 GD THE HAGUETel: +31 70 343 3877Fax: +31 70 343 5059E-mail:Países BajosACN Europe B.V.Delflandlaan 4NL-1062 EB AMSTERDAM89 31 01J. HoitinkDelflandlaan 4NL-1062 EB AMSTERDAMTel: +31 20 346 3858Fax: +31 20 346 3940E-mail: jhoitink@Países Bajos6GMobile B.V.Opaallaan 12122132 LN HOOFDDORP89 31 02H. BeersOpaallaan 12122132 LN HOOFDDORPTel: +31 23 890 6600Fax: +31 23 890 6601E-mail: h.beers@Países BajosBlyk N.V.Hinthamereinde 435211 PM'S - HERTOGENBOSCH89 31 03Kai FrimanMikonkatu 17800100 HELSINKI(Finland)Tel: +358 40 502 5174Fax: +358 961 1669E-mail: paivi@Países BajosElephant Talk Communication Holding AGGurtenstrasse 1054052 BASEL(Switzerland)89 31 05Simon TangSchipol Boulevard 2491118 BY SCHIPOLTel: +31 653 243 798Fax: +31 206 535 916E-mail: simon.tang@Países BajosTeleena NederlandsKritjwal 29NIEUWEGEIN89 31 07Timo SmitTeleena Holding BV, Krijtwal 293432ZT NIEUWEGEINTel: +31 63 818 1818Fax:E-mail: timo@Países BajosLycamobile Netherlands40-41 Dominik Street LowerDUBLIN 1(Ireland)89 31 09Chris Tooley40-41 Dominik Street LowerDUBLIN 1(Ireland)Tel: +353 1 879 2362Fax: +353 1 879 2336E-mail: ctooley@Países BajosKPN Telecom B.V., Card ServicesPO Box 301502500 GD THE HAGUE89 31 10Fred van't SlotPO Box 301502500 GD THE HAGUETel: +31 70 343 3877Fax: +31 70 343 5059E-mail:Países BajosGreenet Netwerk B.V.Maanlander 47, 3824 MNAMERSFOORT89 31 11Bart HeininkMaanlander 47, 3824 MNAMERSFOORTTel: +31 628908201Fax:E-mail: bart@greenet.nlPaíses BajosZiggo B.V.Atoomweg 1003542 AB UTRECHT89 31 15Tom LenosAtoomweg 1003542 AB UTRECHTTel: +31 88 717 0000Fax:E-mail: tom.lenos@office.ziggo.nlPaíses BajosBrucop Netherlands B.V.Rijswijkseweg 60NL-2516 EH DEN HAAG89 31 16Niels H. JorgensenLaakpoort, Rijswijkseweg 60NL-2516 EH DEN HAAGTel: +31 70 305 5000Fax: +31 70 305 5024E-mail:Países BajosGloTell B.V.Willem Dreeslaan 37,2729 ND ZOETERMEER89 31 17Edwin ClementWillem Dreeslaan 37,2729 ND ZOETERMEERTel: +31 628 200 000Fax:E-mail: edwin@glotell.nlPaíses BajosUPC NLKabelweg 511014 BA AMSTERDAM89 31 18R. KolthekPostbus 809001005 DA AMSTERDAMTel: +31 20 775 5523Fax:E-mail: rkolthek@upc.nlPaíses BajosT-Mobile (ex-Dutchtone N.V.)Groenhovenstraat 2NL-2596 HT HAAG89 31 20Rudolf J. De RuiterPO Box 95313NL-2509 CH DEN HAAGTel: +31 70 889 9259Fax: +31 70 889 8000E-mail:Países BajosPrivate Mobility Nederland B.V.Bolderweg 11332 AX ALMERE89 31 24Stefan TobéBolderweg 11332 AX ALMERETel: +31 62 12+6 5968Fax:E-mail: stefan.tobe@privatemobility.nlPaíses BajosTelfort B.V.Hoogoorddreef 151101 BA AMSTERDAM Z-089 31 26Rob Van Hoven Van GenderenHoogoorddreef 15, PO Box 230791100 DN AMSTERDAM Z-0Tel: +31 20 200 6520Fax: +31 20 200 6519E-mail:Países BajosTismi B.V.Radboudkwarter 245B3511 GK UTRECHT89 31 29Jan Willem BogertPO Box 190923501 DB UTRECHTTel: +31 62 700 7000Fax:E-mail: johan@Países BajosVoiceworks B.V.Oplagestraat 1-31321NK ALMERE89 31 31Christian Bichb?umerVoiceworks B.V., Postbus 602811320AH ALMERETel: +31 36 7606600Fax:E-mail: christian.bichbaeumer@Países BajosWyless Nederlands B.V.Tjaskermolenlaan 1-73447GE WOERDEN89 31 32Ward MertensTjaskermolenlaan 1-73447GE WOERDENTel: +31 88 74 64 626Fax:E-mail: wmertens@Países BajosVodafone Libertel B.V.PO Box 15976201BN MAASTRICHT89 31 44D. TargettPO Box 15976201 BN MAASTRICHTTel: +31 20 591 8100Fax: +31 20 591 8110E-mail:Países BajosRoamware (Netherlands) B.V.Beech Avenue 54-80, 12Campus10SCHIPOL-RIJK, 1119PW89 31 68Bishal BishtBeech Avenue 54-80, 12Campus10SCHIPOL-RIJK, 1119PWTel: +1 408 844 6545Fax: +1 408 520 4589E-mail: bishal.bisht@Países BajosAGMS Nederland B.V.Wilhelmina van Pruisenweg, 1042595 AN – GRAVENHAGE89 31 89Jimmy KassisAGMS Nederland B.V., 1025 Lenox Park Blvd. NE, Suite C864,ATLANTA, GA, 30319(United States)Tel: +1 404 499 5916Fax:E-mail: Jimmy.Kassis@PakistánJazzJazz Digital HQ, Kohistan Road,F-8 Markaz, ISLAMABAD89 92 01Syed Naser Ali HamdaniJazz Digital HQ, Kohistan Road,F-8 Markaz, ISLAMABADTel: +92 301 2092432Fax:E-mail: naser.hamdani@.pkPakistánPAK Telecom Mobile Ltd. (UFONE)15th Floor, 55-C, Blue AreaISLAMABAD89 92 03Fawad Ahmed Khan Niazi15th Floor, 55-C, Blue AreaISLAMABADTel: +92 3335573333Fax:E-mail: fawad.niazi@PakistánCMPAK LtdCMPAK Complex, Plot #47, Kuri Road, National Park, Chak ShehzadISLAMABAD89 92 04Kamran AliCMPAK Complex, Plot #47, Kuri Road, National Park, Chak ShehzadISLAMABADTel: +92 3164444404Fax:E-mail: kamranali@.pkPakistánTelenor Pakistan13-K Moaiz Center, F-7 MarkazISLAMABAD89 92 06Abdul Mobeen13-K Moaiz Center, F-7 MarkazISLAMABADTel: +92 345 505 5592Fax: +92 51 265 2960E-mail: abdul.mobeen@.pkPakistánJazzJazz Digital HQ, Kohistan Road,F-8 Markaz, ISLAMABAD89 92 07Syed Naser Ali HamdaniJazz Digital HQ, Kohistan Road,F-8 Markaz, ISLAMABADTel: +92 301 2092432Fax:E-mail: naser.hamdani@.pkPalauPalau Communication and Electronics Company dba Palau TelecomsP.O. Box 605, PECI Bldg., MALAKAL KORORPalau 9694089 680 00Sebastian S. MasangP.O. Box 605, PECI Bldg., MALAKAL KORORPalau 96940Tel: +680 488 2628/7705Fax: +680 488 2733E-mail: regulatory_b2b@PalauPalau Mobile CorporationP.O. Box 8084KOROR STATE, Palau PW9694089 680 80Mark Yu Cheng LinP.O. Box 8084KOROR STATE, Palau PW96940Tel: +680 488 1903Fax: +680 488 0607E-mail: marklin@.twPanamáCable & Wireless Panama S.A.Via Espa?a, Plaza Internacional, Torre CPANAMA 9A89 507 01Marta de BermúdezApartado 6599A PANAMATel: +507 269 3305Fax: +507 265 1680E-mail:Papua Nueva GuineaTELIKOM PNG LIMITEDSection 136, Allotment 17, Kumul Avenue,WAIGANI, NCD89 675 02G. Arua Taravatu, Regulatory ManagerTELIKOM PNG LIMITED, P.O. Box 1349,BOROKO, NCDTel: +675 3004017Fax: +675 3250665E-mail: g.arua.taravatu@.pgPapua Nueva GuineaDigicel (PNG) LtdPO Box 1618PORT MORESBY89 675 03Phil DunglinsonPO Box 1618PORT MORESBYTel: +675 323 9300Fax: +675 323 9301E-mail: phil.dunglinson@ParaguayHóla Paraguay S.A.Av. Mcal. López N° 3958, casi Rca. ArgentinaASUNCION89 595 01Orlando PereiraAv. Mcal. López N° 3958, casi Rca. ArgentinaASUNCIONTel: +595 21 619 9000Fax:E-mail: orlando.pereira@.pyParaguayAMX Paraguay S.A.Av. Mcal. López N° 1730ASUNCION89 595 02Evert EsquivelAv. Mcal. López N° 1730ASUNCIONTel: +595 212 499 000Fax:E-mail: evert.esquivel@.pyParaguayNúcleo S.A.Máximo Lira No 522, Casi General Genes VillaMorra, ASUNCION89 595 05Sr. Mario ArdissoneMáximo Lira No 522, Casi General Genes VillaMorra, ASUNCIONTel: +595 212 199 066Fax: +595 212 199 018E-mail: mardisso@.pyPerúTelefónica del Peru S.A.Av. Benavides 661, Piso 12LIMA, 1889 51 51Juan PiédrolaAv. Arequipa 1115Sta. Beatriz LIMA 14Tel: +51 1 224 9555Fax: +51 1 224 4610E-mail:Polinesia francesaTikiphoneCentre Vairna, BP 44098713 PAPEETE89 689 01TikiphoneCentre Vairna, BP 44098713 PAPEETETel: +689 481313Fax: +689 482300E-mail:Polinesia francesaPacific Mobile TelecomBP 33598713 PAPETEE89 689 15Bruce RudyBP 33598713 PAPETEETel: +689 24 23 20Fax: +689 50 42 51E-mail: brudy@PoloniaPolkomtel S.A.Jerozolimskie Ave. 81PL-02-001 WARSZAWA89 48 01Artur Wask, Deputy OperationsJerozolimskie Ave. 81PL-02-001 WARSZAWATel: +48 22 695 0479Fax: +48 22 695 0484E-mail:PoloniaPolska telefonia CyfrowaSP.ZO Ul. Chalubinskiego 8PL-00-950 WARSZAWA89 48 02-Al. Jerozolimskie 53, PO Box 37PL-00963 WARSZAWA 81Tel: +48 22 622 7621Fax: +48 22 622 7635E-mail:PoloniaTeleena Poland LtdAl. Jana Pawla II 26/1019PL- 00 133 WARSZAWA89 48 19Timo SmitTeleena Holding BV, Krijtwal 293432ZT NIEUWEGEIN(Netherlands)Tel: +31 63 818 1818Fax:E-mail: timo@PortugalVodafone Portugal - Comunica??es Pessoais, S.A.Av. D. Jo?o II, 36, Parque das Na??es1998-017 LISBOA89 351 01Rui GomesAv. D. Jo?o II, 36, Parque das Na??es1998-017 LISBOATel: +351 21 0914941Fax: +351 21 0914174E-mail: rui.gomes@PortugalNOS Comunica??es, S.A.Rua Ator António Silva, n? 9Campo Grande, 1600-404 LISBOA89 351 03Tiago LopesRua Ator António Silva, n? 9Campo Grande, 1600-404 LISBOATel: +351 93 101 07 07Fax:E-mail: tiago.lopes@nos.ptPortugalLycamobile Portugal, LdaAvenida Jo?o Crisóstomo 241050-127 LISBOA89 351 04António Maria Spínola Brito Mendes ArnautAvenida Jo?o Crisóstomo 241050-127 LISBOATel: +351 210 990 582Fax:E-mail: antonio.arnaut@lycamobile.ptPortugalMEO - Servi?os de Comunica??es e Multimédia, S.A.Avenida Fontes Pereira de Melo, n? 401069-300 LISBOA89 351 06Pedro Gon?alvesAvenida Fontes Pereira de Melo, n? 401069-300 LISBOATel: +351 21 500 78 07Fax: +351 21 500 78 47E-mail: pedro.v.goncalves@telecom.ptPortugalMundio Mobile (Portugal) Limited54 Marsh WallLONDON E14 9TP(United Kingdom)89 351 07Alkesh DaveMundio Mobile Limited, 54 Marsh Wall,LONDON E14 9TP(United Kingdom)Tel: +44 2035364800Fax: +44 2070050562E-mail: legal@PortugalInfraestruturas de Portugal SAPra?a de Portagem2809-013 ALMADA89 351 12Pedro Gouveia e MeloInfraestruturas de Portugal SA, Rua Passeio do Báltico 41990-036 LISBOATel: +351 21 102 4053Fax: +351 21 102 1701E-mail:; ip-dat-rm@infraestruturasdeportugal.ptPortugalMEO - Servi?os de Comunica??es e Multimédia, S.A.Avenida Fontes Pereira de Melo, n? 401069-300 LISBOA89 351 80Pedro Gon?alvesAvenida Fontes Pereira de Melo, n? 401069-300 LISBOATel: +351 21 500 78 07Fax: +351 21 500 78 47E-mail: pedro.v.goncalves@telecom.ptPuerto RicoAT&TPO Box 3746SAN JUAN, PR 00902-374689 1 283José A. NievesPO Box 3746SAN JUAN, PR 00904Tel: +1 787 729 3774Fax: +1 787 722 9007E-mail:Puerto RicoPuerto Rico Telephone Company (PTRC)GPO Box 360998SAN JUAN, PR 00936-099889 1 809Segundo RuízPO Box 998SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO 00936Tel: +1 787 792 0440Fax: +1 787 385 9125E-mail:Puerto RicoTelefónica Larga Distancia, Inc. (TLDI)PO Box 70325SAN JUAN, PR 00936-832589 1 853María D. Pizzarro-Figueroa, Esq.GPO Box 70325SAN JUAN, PR 00936-8325Tel: +1 787 273 5630Fax: +1 787 749 5880E-mail:QatarQatar Telecom Q.S.C.PO Box 217, New Headquarters Tower West BayDOHA89 974 00Abdulwahed FakhrooPO Box 217DOHATel: +974 4440 0789Fax: +974 4483 0630E-mail: wfakhroo@.qaReino UnidoBritish Telecommunications plc (British Telecom)British Telecom CentreLONDON EC1A 7AJ89 44 00John Lewin3rd Floor, 212 Gresham St.LONDON EC2V 7AGTel: +44 20 7356 7094Fax: +44 20 7356 8246E-mail:Reino UnidoBritish Telecommunications plc (British Telecom)British Telecom CentreLONDON EC1A 7AJ89 44 01Nigel Pope19a HatfieldsLONDON 5E1 8DJTel: +44 20 7422 8430Fax: +44 20 7620 1154E-mail:Reino UnidoARINCPegasus Place, Gatwick RoadCRAWLEY RH10 9AY89 44 02Collette ParksPegasus Place, Gatwick RoadCRAWLEY RH10 9AYTel: +44 12 9364 1352Fax: +44 12 9364 1212E-mail: coparks@Reino UnidoMarathon Telecom Limited28 Halkett Place, St HelierJERSEY, CHANNEL ISLANDS, JE2 7GA89 44 03Jerry Rabaste2 Grainville Court, St SaviourJERSEY, CHANNEL ISLANDS, JE2 7GATel: +44 77 9771 1090Fax: +44 20 7661 2394E-mail: jerryrabaste@Reino UnidoFMS Solutions LtdOld Mews, 32 High StreetTHATCHAM, BERKS, RG19 3JD89 44 04Roger WilkinsOld Mews, 32 High StreetTHATCHAM, BERKS, RG19 3JDTel: +44 1635 866 678Fax: +44 1635 860 008E-mail: UnidoBT Skyphone43 Bartholomew CloseLONDON EC1A 7HP89 44 05John Mckie, 100.143 Bartholomew CloseLONDON EC1A 7HPTel: +44 20 7492 2995Fax: +44 20 7492 4795E-mail:Reino UnidoValuedial Ltd4 Paradise Street, South YorkshireSHEFFIELD S1 2DF89 44 06Chris Baxter4 Paradise Street, South YorkshireSHEFFIELD S1 2DFTel: +44 1143 190 525Fax: +44 871 974 3425E-mail: UnidoTeleena UK Limited80 Sydney StreetFOLKESTONE, CT 19 6HQ KENT89 44 07Timo SmitTeleena Holding BV, Krijtwal 293432ZT NIEUWEGEIN(Netherlands)Tel: +31 63 818 1818Fax:E-mail: timo@Reino UnidoLocalphone Ltd4 Paradise StreetSHEFFIELD, SOUTH YORKSHIRE S1 2DF89 44 08Chris Baxter4 Paradise StreetSHEFFIELD, SOUTH YORKSHIRE S1 2DFTel: +44 1143 190 525Fax: +44 871 974 3425E-mail: cbaxter@Reino UnidoVodafone plcVodafone HQ, The Connection, NewburyBERKSHIRE RG14 2FN89 44 10Paul RosbothamVodafone HQ, The Connection, NewburyBERKSHIRE RG14 2FNTel: +44 7957805573Fax:E-mail: paul.rosbotham@Reino UnidoTelecom Securicor Cellular Radio Ltd1 Brunei Way, SloughBERKSHIRE SL1 1XL89 44 11Lynda Stapleton1 Brunel Way, SloughBERKSHIRE SL1 1XLTel: +44 1753 504000Fax: +44 1753 504059E-mail:Reino UnidoHutchison MicrotelSt. James Court, Gt. Park RoadBRISTOL BS12 4QJ89 44 12Paul FranklinSt. James Court, Great Park RoadAimondsbury, BRISTOL BS12 4QJTel: +44 1454 618500Fax: +44 1454 618501E-mail:Reino UnidoTismi B.V.Radboudkwarter 245B3511 GK UTRECHT(Netherlands)89 44 13Jan Willem BogertPO Box 190923501 DB UTRECHT(Netherlands)Tel: +31 62 700 7000Fax:E-mail: johan@Reino UnidoBroadsword Network Ltd50 Shad ThamesLONDON SE1 2LY89 44 14Paul Schonewald50 Shad ThamesLONDON SE1 2LYTel: +44 20 7870 8603Fax:E-mail: UnidoMapesbury Communications LtdMount Manor House, 16 The MountGUILDFORD, SURREY GU2 44589 44 15Magnus Kelly8 Station RoadWATFORD HERTS WD7 2EGTel: +44 207 189 3901Fax: +44 192 363 0445E-mail: magnus@Reino UnidoCreditCall Communications Ltd.Merchants House South Wapping RoadBRISTOL, BS1 4RW89 44 17Peter AlcockMerchants House South, Wapping RoadBRISTOL, BS1 4RWTel: +44 117 930 4455Fax: +44 117 930 4477E-mail: UnidoCable and Wireless Isle of Man LtdPO Box 1664th Floor, One Circular Road, Douglas - Isle of Man, IM99 3NZ89 44 18Ashley HolmesPO Box 3St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY3 3ADTel:Fax: +44 14 8175 7524E-mail: ashley.holmes@Reino UnidoHome Office3rd Floor, Clive House, 70, Petty FranceLONDON SW1H 9EX89 44 19Bob Siu3rd Floor, Clive House, 70, Petty FranceLONDON SW1H 9EXTel:Fax:E-mail: Bob.Siu@.ukReino UnidoHutchison 3G UK LimitedStar House, 20 Grenfell Road, MaidenheadBERKSHIRE SL6 1EH89 44 20Kushal SareenStar House, 20 Grenfell Road, MaidenheadBERKSHIRE SL6 1EHTel: +44 1628 765 5000Fax:E-mail: UnidoCable & Wireless Communications plcNew Mercury House, 26 Red Lion SquareLONDON WC1R 4HQ89 44 22Virender K. Vashisht26 Red Lion SquareLONDON WC1R 4HQTel: +44 20 7315 4328Fax: +44 20 7315 5038E-mail:Reino UnidoVirgin Mobile Telecommunications LtdWhite House Business Park, TrowbridgeWILTSHIRE BA 14 OTQ89 44 23Andrew RalstonWhite House Business Park, TrowbridgeWILTSHIRE BA 14 OTQTel: +44 1225 895 555Fax: +44 1225 895 888E-mail: UnidoAsda Stores LtdAsda House, Southbank, Great Wilson StreetLEEDS89 44 24Kay CrootAsda House, Southbank, Great Wilson StreetLEEDSTel: +44 11 3241 7461Fax: +44 11 3241 8099E-mail: UnidoTesco Mobile LtdTesco House, Shire Park, Kestrel Way, Welwyn Garden CityHERTFORDSHIRE AL7 1GA89 44 28Craig RussellTesco House, Shire Park, Kestrel Way, Welwyn Garden CityHERTFORDSHIRE AL7 1GATel: +44 (0)1992 632222Fax:E-mail: craig.russell@Reino UnidoT-Mobile Billing & Service GmbHWaterfront, Hammersmith EmbankmentChancellors Road, LONDON W9RX89 44 29Albrecht StaerkerKelsenstrasse 5 - 71030 WIEN(Austria)Tel: +43 1 795 850Fax: +43 1 798 9636E-mail: office-tmbs@t-mobile.atReino UnidoMercury Personal CommunicationsElstree Tower, Elstree WayBOREHAMWOOD, HERTS WD6 1DT89 44 30Alan HaddenElstree Tower, Elstree WayBOREHAMWOOD, HERTS WD6 1DTTel: +44 20 8967 2320Fax: +44 20 8967 2322E-mail:Reino UnidoCable & Wireless Guernsey LtdPO Box 3St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY3 3AD89 44 33D.J. SebirePO Box 3, St Peter PortGUERNSEY GY1 3ABTel: +44 1481 700700Fax: +44 1481 724640E-mail:Reino UnidoTribandglobal Ltd.195 The ValeACTON - LONDON W3 7QS89 44 34Mahesh K. Jayanakayan195 The ValeACTON - LONDON W3 7QSTel:Fax: +44 208 749 8025E-mail:Reino UnidoTesco Mobile Communications LtdTesco House, Shire Park, Kestrel Way, Welwyn Garden CityHERTFORDSHIRE AL7 1GA89 44 35Craig RussellTesco House, Shire Park, Kestrel Way, Welwyn Garden CityHERTFORDSHIRE AL7 1GATel: +44 (0)1992 632222Fax:E-mail: craig.russell@Reino UnidoCable and Wireless Jersey LtdPO Box 366St Helier - Jersey, Channel Islands, JE4 9WS89 44 36Ashley HolmesPO Box 3St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY3 3ADTel:Fax: +44 14 8175 7524E-mail: ashley.holmes@Reino UnidoCable & Wireless Guernsey LtdPO Box 3St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY3 3AD89 44 37Ashley HolmesPO Box 3St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY3 3ADTel:Fax: +44 14 8175 7524E-mail: ashley.holmes@Reino UnidoSimwood eSMS LimitedSimwood House, Cube M4 Business Park,BRISTOL, BS16 1FX89 44 38Simon WoodheadSimwood House, Cube M4 Business Park,BRISTOL, BS16 1FXTel: +44 330 122 3000Fax:E-mail: simon.woodhead@Reino UnidoTelefonica UK Limited260 Bath RoadSLOUGH, SL1 4DX89 44 39Lawrence Wardle260 Bath RoadSLOUGH, SL1 4DXTel: +44 771 239 7148Fax:E-mail: lawrence.wardle@Reino UnidoBritish Telecommunications PLC81 Newgate Street,EC1A 7AJ London89 44 40Rastislav ChynoranskyBritish Telecommunications PLC, PP 1041 Baynard House, 135 Queen Victoria StreetLondon EC4V 4AATel: +44 2087261402Fax:E-mail: rastislav.chynoransky@Reino UnidoLebara Mobile Limited25 Copthall AvenueLONDON EC2R 7BP89 44 41Saddia KhaliqueLebara Mobile Limited, UK Mobile Billing, 25 Copthall AvenueLONDON EC2R 7BPTel: +44 203 036 3000Fax: +44 203 036 3000E-mail: saddia.khalique@Reino UnidoSky UK LimitedGrant Way, IsleworthMIDDLESEX, TW7 5QD89 44 42Joe MooreGrant Way, IsleworthMIDDLESEX, TW7 5QDTel: +44 207 032 1078Fax: +44 207 900 8585E-mail: joe.moore@sky.ukReino UnidoVirgin Mobile Telecoms LimitedVirgin Media, Media House, Bartley Wood Business Park, Bartley Way,HOOK, HAMPSHIRE, RG27 9UP89 44 43Jeffrey GardnerVirgin Media, Media House, Bartley Wood Business Park, Bartley Way,HOOK, HAMPSHIRE, RG27 9UPTel: +44 7956 203482Fax:E-mail: UnidoAMSUK LimitedHighfield House, Headless Cross Drive,REDDITCH, WORCESTERSHIRE, B975EQ89 44 44Cameron DunnAMSUK Limited, 1025 Lenox Park Blvd. NE, Suite C8886,Atlanta, GA, 30319(United States)Tel: +1 404 499 5834Fax:E-mail: cameron.dunn@Reino UnidoArm110 Fulbourn RoadCambridge, UK CB1 9NJ89 44 45Patrick BigetArm, 6 Avenue Gustave Eiffel78180 Montigny-le-Bretonneux(France)Tel: +33 6 62 51 55 01Fax:E-mail: patrick.biget@Reino UnidoCloud9 Mobile Communications LimitedHorizon, Honey LaneHURLEY, SL6 6RJ89 44 46Ken SutherlandHorizon, Honey LaneHURLEY, SL6 6RJTel: +44 7700 012570Fax: +44 3300 563301E-mail: UnidoTruphone Limited25 Canada SquareLONDON E14 5LQ89 44 47Ian Jones25 Canada SquareLONDON E14 5LQTel: +44 7408 849048Fax:E-mail: legal@Reino UnidoManx TelecomQueen Victoria House, Victoria StreetDOUGLAS ISLE OF MAN IM 99 1HX89 44 53Mike Loundes, Network controllerQueen Victoria House, Victoria StreetDOUGLAS ISLE OF MAN IM99 1HXTel: +44 1624 636010Fax: +44 1624 636011E-mail:Reino UnidoEnergis Communications LtdCarmelite, 50 Victoria EmbankmentLONDON EC4Y ODE89 44 55Alison MitchellCarmelite, 50 Victoria EmbankmentLONDON EC4Y ODETel: +44 20 7936 5555Fax: +44 20 7936 5500E-mail:Reino UnidoJersey Telenet Ltd2nd Floor, La Masurier HouseST HELIER, JERSEY CI89 44 76Shashi Bhatia2nd Floor, La Masurier HouseST HELIER, JERSEY CITel: +44 1534 760 431Fax: +44 1534 760 401E-mail: shashi.bhatia@jerseytelenet.jeReino UnidoCable and Wireless plc26 Red Lion SquareLONDON WC1R 4HQ89 44 77Claire SirettNew Mercury House, 26 Red Lion SquareLONDON WC1R 4HQTel: +44 20 7815 4367Fax: +44 20 7315 5261E-mail:Reino UnidoOpal Telecom LtdStanford House, Garrett FieldWARINGTON, WA3 7BH89 44 78Martin Wren-HiltonStanford House, Garrett FieldWARINGTON, WA3 7BHTel: +44 845 456 7211Fax: +44 845 456 7233E-mail: UnidoHay Systems LtdWatermark, Alba CampusLIVINGSTON EH54 7EG89 44 81Mark HayWatermark, Alba CampusLIVINGSTON EH54 7EGTel: +44 1506 605 244Fax: +44 1506 605 261E-mail: mark.hay@Reino UnidoLycamobile UK Limited3rd Floor Walbrook Building, 195 Marsh WallLONDON E14 9SG89 44 84R. BeswickWalbrook Building, 195 Marsh WallLONDON E14 9SGTel: +44 207 536 6450Fax: +44 207 536 6451E-mail: rbeswick@Reino UnidoLycatel Distribution UK LtdLaser House 132-140, Goswell RoadLONDON EC1V 7DY89 44 85Andy EnglandLaser House 132-140, Goswell RoadLONDON EC1V 7DYTel: +44 207 536 6450Fax: +44 207 536 6581E-mail: andyengland@Reino UnidoZamir Telecom Ltd4 - 6 Davenant StreetLONDON E1 SNB89 44 86Naufal Zamir4 - 6 Davenant StreetLONDON E1 SNBTel: +44 207 096 1171Fax: +44 207 691 7719E-mail: naufal@Reino UnidoNowtel UK Ltd50 Shad ThamesLONDON SE1 2LY89 44 87Andrew Hallam50 Shad ThamesLONDON SE1 2LYTel: +44 20 7367 0740Fax: +44 20 7367 0759E-mail: UnidoTesco Stores LtdTesco House, Shire Park, Kestrel Way, Welwyn Garden CityHERTFORDSHIRE AL7 1GA89 44 88Craig RussellTesco House, Shire Park, Kestrel Way, Welwyn Garden CityHERTFORDSHIRE AL7 1GATel: +44 (0)1992 632222Fax:E-mail: craig.russell@Reino UnidoIn Touch Communication Services Ltd63 Green Dragon Yard, Old Montagne StreetLONDON E1 5NJ89 44 89Mohammed Shamim63 Green Dragon Yard, Old Montagne StreetLONDON E1 5NJTel: +44 207 377 8464Fax: +44 207 377 8465E-mail: INFO@PHONATETELECOM.CO.UKReino UnidoEpay Ltd2ND Floor Kelting House, SouthernhayBASILDON SS14 1EL89 44 90Mike Whipps2ND Floor Kelting House, SouthernhayBASILDON SS14 1ELTel: +44 126 824 2224Fax: +44 126 824 2237E-mail: mwhipps@Reino UnidoInmarsat Ltd99 City RoadLONDON EC1Y 1AX89 870 99Roy L. Blane99 City RoadLONDON EC1Y 1AXTel: +44 20 7728 1276Fax: +44 20 7728 1778E-mail: roy_blane@Reino UnidoVodafone Group Services LtdVodafone HQ, The ConnectionNEWBURY, BERKSHIRE RG14 2FN89 882 39Richard GumbrellVodafone HQ, The ConnectionNEWBURY, BERKSHIRE RG14 2FNTel: +44 7748 776 552Fax:E-mail: richard.gumbrell@Rep. ChecaT-Mobile Czech Republic a.s.Tomickova 2144/1148 00 PRAGUE 489 420 01Martin OrgonikTomickova 2144/1148 00 PRAGUE 4Tel: +420 603 604 109Fax:E-mail: onik@t-mobile.czRep. ChecaMobilkom a.s.Prubezna 3207/74a100 00 PRAHA 1089 420 04Lubos BorikPrubezna 3207/74a100 00 PRAHA 10Tel: +420 221 511 000Fax: +420 221 511 009E-mail: info@mobilkom.czRep. ChecaO2 Czech Republic a.s.Za Brumlovkou 266/2140 22 PRAHA 4 - MICHLE89 420 05Michal PekárekZa Brumlovkou 266/2140 22 PRAHA 4 - MICHLETel: +420 271 464 526Fax:E-mail: michal.pekarek@o2.czRep. ChecaO2 Czech Republic a.s.Za Brumlovkou 266/2140 22 PRAHA 4 - MICHLE89 420 20Michal PekárekZa Brumlovkou 266/2140 22 PRAHA 4 - MICHLETel: +420 271 464 526Fax:E-mail: michal.pekarek@o2.czRep. ChecaVodafone Czech Republic a.s.Vinohradska 167100 00 PRAHA 1089 420 31Petr PiskulaVinohradska 167100 00 PRAHA 10Tel: +420 776 971 425Fax: +420 776 971 951E-mail: petr.piskula@Rep. ChecaSpráva Zeleznicni Dopravni Cesty, s.o.Dlazdená 1003/7CZ - 11000 PRAHA 189 420 98Marek RosaDlazdená 1003/7CZ - 11000 PRAHA 1Tel: +420 972 235 742Fax: +420 222 335 389E-mail: rosa@szdc.czRep. Dem. del CongoVodacom Congo RDC sprl3157 Boulevard de 30 juin, GombeB.P. 797, KINSHASA 189 243 01Annie Kithima BadjokoB.P. 797KINSHASATel: +243 813 131342Fax: +243 813 131600E-mail: annie.kithima@vodacom.cdRep. Dem. del CongoCeltel Congo (RDC) sprlB.P. 1201KINSHASA 189 243 02Eric GilsonB.P. 1201KINSHASA 1Tel: +243 88 48 202Fax: +243 88 34 854E-mail:Rep. Dem. del CongoCongo-Chine Telecom s.a.r.l.8 Avenue du Port, B.P. 8402GOMBE, KINSHASA 189 243 84Huang Yong8 Avenue du Port, B.P. 8402GOMBE, KINSHASA 1Tel: +243 841 0110Fax: +243 880 4674E-mail: cct01@ic.cdRep. Dem. del CongoSait TelecomBP 8149, BD. Du 30 juinKINSHASA 189 243 89Paul Mputu BoleilangaBD. Du 30 juin, BP 8149KINSHASA 1Tel: +243 880 3765Fax: +870 762 264988E-mail: francois.leyder@prophost.eunet.beRep. Pop. Dem. de CoreaNorth East Asia Telephone and Telecommunications Co. Ltd.Namsang-dongRASON CITY89 850 01Werner Boehmc/o Teltech Group, Landstrasser Haupstrasse 71/2A-1030 WIEN(Austria)Tel: +43 664 342 8100Fax: +43 1 7172 8110E-mail:RumaniaVodafone Romania S.A.201 Barbu Vacarescu St., Globalworth Tower, District 2,20276, Bucharest89 40 01Mihail Tarniceanu201 Barbu Vacarescu St., Globalworth Tower, District 2,20276, BucharestTel: +40 799 100 100Fax:E-mail: mihail.tarniceanu@RumaniaSC Telekom Romania Communications S.A.Piata Presei Libere nr.3-5, City Gate (Turnul de Nord), et.17, Sector 1,013702, Bucharest89 40 02Stefania PetrePiata Presei Libere nr.3-5, City Gate (Turnul de Nord), et.17, Sector 1,013702, BucharestTel: +40 21 400 62 52Fax: +40 21 400 56 41E-mail: stefania.petre@telekom.roRumaniaSC Telekom Romania Communications S.A.Piata Presei Libere nr.3-5, City Gate (Turnul de Nord), et.17, Sector 1,013702, Bucharest89 40 03Stefania PetrePiata Presei Libere nr.3-5, City Gate (Turnul de Nord), et.17, Sector 1,013702, BucharestTel: +40 21 400 62 52Fax: +40 21 400 56 41E-mail: stefania.petre@telekom.roRumaniaOrange RomaniaBd. Lascar Catargiu nr. 47-53, Sector 1,Bucharest89 40 10Andreea AlbinaBd. Lascar Catargiu nr. 47-53, Sector 1,BucharestTel: +40 37 444 30 51Fax:E-mail: andreea.albina@Rumania2K TELECOM S.R.L.Sos. Pipera-Tunari nr. 1/VI, Twin Towers, Corp 1, Et. 8, Voluntari,Jud. Ilfov, 07719089 40 15Cristescu Andreea CatalinaSos. Pipera-Tunari nr. 1/VI, Twin Towers, Corp 1, Et. 8, Voluntari,Jud. Ilfov, 077190Tel: +40 21 344 84 00Fax: +40 21 344 84 02E-mail: andreea.cristescu@2ktelecom.roRwandaMTN Rwandacell sarlBlvd de l'Umuganda, B.P. 264KIGALI89 250 00John MirengePO Box 264KIGALITel: +250 0831 2228Fax: +250 586 858E-mail: johnm@RwandaAIRTEL RWANDA LtdNyarutarama, PO Box 7286KIGALI89 250 14Marcellin PalukuNyarutarama, PO Box 7286KIGALITel: +250 733 596 050Fax:E-mail: marcellin.paluku@rw.RwandaOlleh Rwanda Networks (ORN)Kigali Olleh Campus (KOC),KG 9 Ave 17, Nyarutarama,P.O. BOX 5440 KIGALI89 250 17Jun Ho JeongKigali Olleh Campus (KOC),KG 9 Ave 17, Nyarutarama,P.O. BOX 5440 KIGALITel: +250 783 026 091Fax:E-mail: junho.jeong@orn.rwSamoaSamoaTelPrivate BagAPIA89 685 02Mark YeomanPrivate BagAPIATel: +685 67700Fax: +685 24000E-mail: mark.yeoman@samoatel.wsSan Kitts y NevisCable & Wireless St. Kitts and Nevis Ltd.PO Box 86, Cayon StreetBaseterre, ST. KITTS89 1 020Reg RossPO Box 86BASSETERRETel: +1 869 465 1000Fax: +1 869 465 1112E-mail:San Pedro y MiquelónSPM TelecomBP 4224, Place du Général de Gaulle97500 Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon89 508 01Véronique JamesTel: +590 381781Fax: +590 383365E-mail:San Vicente y las GranadinasCable and Wireless (W.I.) Ltd.PO Box 103, Halifax StreetKINGSTOWN89 1 022Richard NeversonPO Box 103HALIFAX St.Tel: +1 784 457 1901Fax: +1 784 457 2255E-mail:Santa LucíaCable and Wireless (St. Lucia) Ltd.PO Box 111, Bridge StreetCASTRIES89 1 021Keats ComptonPO Box 111, Bridge StreetCASTRIESTel: +1 758 452 3301Fax: +1 758 452 5313E-mail:Santo Tomé y PríncipeUNITEL STPVila Maria, Edificio Equador N° 9/5S?O TOM?89 239 02Vieira SapaloVila Maria, Edificio Equador N° 9/5S?O TOM?Tel: +239 900 9600Fax:E-mail: lucinete.frota@unitel.stSanto Tomé y PríncipeCompanhia Santomese de Telecomunica??es, SARL (CST)12 Av. de JulhoSAO TOME89 239 12-Tel: +239 222 2226Fax: +239 222 1324E-mail:SerbiaTelenor d.o.o.Omladinskih Brigada 9011070 BELGRADE89 381 01Sonja LukicOmladinskih Brigada 9011070 BELGRADETel: +381 63 530045Fax: +381 63 4400504E-mail: sonja.lukic@telenor.rsSerbiaPreduzece za telekomunicacije "Telekom Srbija" a.d.Takovska 211000 BELGRADE89 381 03Slobodan TerzicTakovska 211000 BELGRADETel: +381 64 610 5407Fax: +381 11 324 2426E-mail: terzic@telekom.rsSerbiaVip mobile d.o.o.Milutina Milankovica 1z11070 BELGRADE89 381 05Marko JovicMilutina Milankovica 1z11070 BELGRADETel: +381 60 000 4011Fax: +381 11 225 3002E-mail: m.jovic@vipmobile.rsSeychellesCable and wireless (Seychelles) LtdP.O. Box 4VICTORIA, MAH?89 248 01Martin LaurenceP.O. Box 4VICTORIA, MAH?Tel: +248 4284104Fax: +248 4322777E-mail: Martin.Laurence@Sierra LeonaComium (Sierra Leone) Ltd30D Wilkinson RoadFREETOWN89 232 33Adel Taher30D Wilkinson RoadFREETOWNTel: +232 76 754094Fax: +232 22 234998E-mail: ataher@Sierra LeonaDatatel Network GSM (SL) Ltd13 Lamina Sankoh StreetFREETOWN89 232 40Christian Ogoo13 Lamina Sankoh StreetFREETOWNTel: +232 40 22 22 22Fax:E-mail: christian@SingapurSingapore Telecommunications Ltd (SingTel)31 Exeter Road, 05-00 ComcentreSINGAPORE 23973289 65 00Lim Shyong31 Exeter Road, ComcentreSINGAPORE 0923Tel: +65 6730 3460Fax: +65 6733 3351E-mail:SingapurSingapore Telecommunications Ltd (SingTel)31 Exeter Road, 05-00 ComcentreSINGAPORE 23973289 65 01Kang Aik SlangST Mobilelink PTE Ltd (GSM), 1000 Dover RoadSINGAPORE 139652Tel: +65 6870 8602Fax: +65 6779 2600E-mail:SingapurSingapore Telecommunications Ltd (SingTel)31 Exeter Road, 05-00 ComcentreSINGAPORE 23973289 65 02Kang Aik SlangST Mobilelink PTE Ltd (PCN), 1000 Dover RoadSINGAPORE 139652Tel: +65 6870 8602Fax: +65 6779 2600E-mail:SingapurM1 Ltd10 International Business ParkSINGAPORE 60992889 65 03Seah Chin Ping10 International Business ParkSINGAPORE 609928Tel: +65 6655 1113Fax: +65 6655 1977E-mail: elises@.sgSingapurStarHub Pte Ltd51 Cuppage Road, StarHub Centre #07-00SINGAPORE 22946989 65 05Lim Eng. HuatSINGAPORETel: +65 6825 5000Fax: +65 6821 6018E-mail:SingapurTPG Telecom Pte Ltd150 Beach Road, #07-05/08, Gateway WestSINGAPORE 18972089 65 10Wayne Springer150 Beach Road, #07-05/08, Gateway WestSINGAPORE 189720Tel: +65 6817 9070Fax:E-mail: wayne.springer@.auSomaliaNOMAD TELECOM LTDMaka Al-Mukarama StreetMOGADISHU89 252 84Ali Omar, Managing DirectorMaka Al-Mukarama StreetMOGADISHUTel: +252 84 200 022Fax: +252 84 200 021E-mail: nomadtelecomltd@SomaliaNABAADTELCOMKm4MOGADISHU89 252 85Duwane AlaafiKm4MOGADISHUTel: +252 85 100 200Fax: +252 85 100 200E-mail: nabaadtelecom@Sri LankaDialog Telekom Ltd475 Union PlaceCOLOMBO 289 94 02Dr Hans Wijayasuriya475 Union PlaceCOLOMBO 2Tel: +94 11 267 8700Fax: +94 11 267 8703E-mail:Sri LankaCelltel Lanka Ltd.Mudalige MawathaCOLOMBO 189 94 03Dumindra Ratnayaka31/2/1 State Bank of India BldgMudalige Mawatha, COLOMBO 1Tel: +94 11 254 1541Fax: +94 11 254 1145E-mail:Sri LankaBharti Airtel Lanka86, Maligawatta RoadCOLOMBO 1089 94 05Rakesh Kumar86, Maligawatta RoadCOLOMBO 10Tel: +94 71 884 1215Fax: +94 11 533 5555E-mail: rk.goel@airtel.inSudafricana (Rep.)Mobile Telephone Networks (MTN) Pty LtdPin Mill Farm, 164 Kattain Street, Private Bag X9955SANDTON 214689 27 01Karel PienaarPO Box 782508SANDTON 2146Tel: +27 11 445 6000Fax: +27 11 444 4930E-mail:SudánSudan Telecom Company Ltd (Sudatel)PO Box 11155KHARTOUM89 249 01Ahmed Mohammed OsmanMobile Telephone Services, PO Box 13588KHARTOUMTel: +249 1 8377 3289Fax: +249 1 8378 5279E-mail:SudánMTN SudanMTN Complex, Ext. of Omac St., Blk 64/2Al-Juraif west, KHARTOUM89 249 99Abdullah Zawiah PriorMTN Complex, Ext. of Omac St., Blk 64/2Al-Juraif west, KHARTOUMTel: +249 92 290 1020Fax: +249 15 530 0944E-mail: azawiah@mtn.sdSudán del SurNetwork of the World Ltd (NOW)No. 30 May AvenueJUBA89 249 05Amine Mardam Bey157 Marfaa, 3rd FloorSAAD ZAGHLOUL Str.Tel:Fax:E-mail: amardambey@SueciaTelia Sverige ABSE-169 94 SOLNA89 46 01Andreas HoweSE-169 94 SOLNATel: +46 70 300 68 83Fax:E-mail: andreas.howe@SueciaNetett Sverige AB?s?gatan 108SE-118 29 STOCKHOLM89 46 03Peter Borgfors?s?gatan 108SE-118 29 STOCKHOLMTel: +46 8 755 59 84Fax:E-mail: peter.borgfors@net1.seSueciaG?talandsn?tet ABBox 33SE-461 21 TROLLHATTAN89 46 05Per FryknerBox 33SE-461 21 TROLLHATTANTel: +46 520 50 05 80Fax: +46 520 50 05 89E-mail: per.frykner@gotanet.seSueciaAbbla Mobile S.A.c/Saturno, 1 Pozuelo de AlarcónE-28224 MADRID(Spain)89 46 06Detlef Stubec/Saturno, 1 Poluezo de AlarcónE-28224 MADRID(Spain)Tel: +34 678 52 6699Fax: +34 913 51 8074E-mail: dstuebe@SueciaHi3G Access ABLindhagensgatan 98SE-112 18 STOCKHOLM89 46 07Edwin TumukundeLindhagensgatan 98SE-112 18 STOCKHOLMTel: +46 73 533 81 88Fax:E-mail: interconnect@tre.seSueciaTelenor Sverige ABSE-116 88 STOCKHOLM89 46 08Stefan WahlstedtSE-116 88 STOCKHOLMTel: +46 70 933 55 15Fax:E-mail: stefan.wahlstedt@telenor.seSueciaCom4 Sweden ABc/o Adv. firman Lindberg & Saxon AB, Cardellgatan 1,SE-114 36 STOCKHOLM89 46 09Henning Solbergc/o Adv. firman Lindberg & Saxon AB, Cardellgatan 1,114 36 STOCKHOLMTel: +47 94049404Fax: +47 94049405E-mail: hso@com4.seSueciaTele2 Sverige ABPO Box 62SE-164 94 KISTA89 46 10Carl-Johan RydénBox 62SE-164 94 KISTATel: +46 70 426 41 33Fax:E-mail: carljohan.ryden@SueciaCLX Networks ABLindhagensgatan 74SE-112 18 STOCKHOLM89 46 11Hanna JohannessonLindhagensgatan 74SE-112 18 STOCKHOLMTel: +46 76 831 48 48Fax:E-mail: hanna.johannesson@SueciaTele2 Business ABBox 799SE-191 27 SOLLENTUNA89 46 14Carl-Johan RydénBox 799SE-191 27 SOLLENTUNATel: +46 70 426 41 33Fax:E-mail: carljohan.ryden@SueciaTele2 Sverige ABPO Box 62SE-164 94 KISTA89 46 20Carl-Johan RydénBox 62SE-164 94 KISTATel: +46 70 426 41 33Fax:E-mail: carljohan.ryden@SueciaGlobeTouch ABBox 5126SE-102 43 STOCKHOLM89 46 27James SnyderGlobeTouch Inc, 555 12th Street #910OAKLAND CA 94607(United States)Tel: +1 408-474-0991Fax:E-mail: gt.regulatory@SueciaRebTel Networks ABJakobsbergsgatan 16SE-111 44 STOCKHOLM89 46 31Johan DahlqvistJakobsbergsgatan 16SE-111 44 STOCKHOLMTel: +46 70 097 57 97Fax:E-mail: johan.dahlqvist@SueciaTele2 Sverige ABPO Box 62SE-164 94 KISTA89 46 70Carl-Johan RydénBox 62SE-164 94 KISTATel: +46 70 426 41 33Fax:E-mail: carljohan.ryden@SueciaTele2 Sverige ABPO Box 62SE-164 94 KISTA89 46 71Carl-Johan RydénBox 62SE-164 94 KISTATel: +46 70 426 41 33Fax:E-mail: carljohan.ryden@SueciaCom4 Sweden ABc/o Adv. firman Lindberg & Saxon AB, Cardellgatan 1,SE-114 36 STOCKHOLM89 883 04Henning Solbergc/o Adv. firman Lindberg & Saxon AB, Cardellgatan 1,114 36 STOCKHOLMTel: +47 94049404Fax: +47 94049405E-mail: hso@com4.seSuizaSwisscomViktoriastrasse 21CH-3050 BERN89 41 00Hubert Burgener, GK33Business Customers Directorate, GK 33CH-3050 BERNTel: +41 31 342 4409Fax: +41 31 342 8526E-mail:SuizaSwisscomViktoriastrasse 21CH-3050 BERN89 41 01Hubert Burgener, GK33Business Customers Directorate, GK 33CH-3050 BERNTel: +41 31 342 4409Fax: +41 31 342 8526E-mail:SuizaSunrise Communications AGBinzmühlestrasse 130CH-8050 ZURICH89 41 02Eduard HuismanBinzmühlestrasse 130CH-8050 ZURICHTel: +41 58 777 8494Fax: +41 58 777 7132E-mail: eduard.huisman@SuizaOrange Communications SAWorld Trade Center, Av. Gratta-Paille 2, CP 455CH-1000 LAUSANNE 30 GREY89 41 03Luc Herminjard, WTCAvenue Gratta-PailleCH-1000 LAUSANNE 30 GREYTel: +41 21 641 5287Fax: +41 21 641 1010E-mail:SuizaBebbicell AGClarastrasse 34058 BASEL89 41 04Andreas FinkClarastrasse 34058 BASELTel: +41 79 245 7333Fax: +41 61 666 6331E-mail: info@bebbicell.chSuizaDie Schweizerische Post Information Technology ServicesWebergutstrasse 12CH-3-3 BERN (Zollifoken)89 41 23Marco WeberWebergutstrasse 12CH-33 BERN (Zollifoken)Tel: +41 31 338 0953Fax: +41 31 338 6654E-mail: webermarc@post.chSuizaLycatel GmbHHermetschloostrasse 73ZURICH 804889 41 24Ms Suzie K. Thakur195 Marsh WallLONDON E14 9SG, UK(United Kingdom)Tel: +44 207 536 6450Fax: +44 207 536 6451E-mail: info@lycatel.chSuizaupc cablecom GmbHZollstrasse 428021 ZURICH89 41 25Matthias KriebZollstrasse 428021 ZURICHTel: +41 44 277 9078Fax:E-mail: matthias.krieb@upc-cablecom.chSuizaCallventure TelecommunicationsRue de Veyrot 141217 MEYRIN89 41 26Récupero Mero/Ben Amer WalidRue de Veyrot 141217 MEYRINTel: +41 22 777 7121Fax: +41 22 777 7122E-mail: walid@SuizaBeeone Communications SAroute des Jeunes 61227 CAROUGE89 41 29Olivier Schreierroute des Jeunes 61227 CAROUGETel: +41 22 300 59 03Fax: +41 22 300 59 09E-mail: operation@beeone.chSuizaSTMicroelectronics International NV39 Chemin du Champ-des-FillesPlan-les Ouates, 1228 GENEVE89 41 30Salvatore Acunto39 Chemin du Champ-des-FillesPlan-les Ouates, 1228 GENEVETel: +41 78 744 7909Fax: +41 22 929 2988E-mail: salvatore.acunto@SuizaTelecom26 AGBahnhofstrasse 106300 ZUG89 883 06Mike AshdownBahnhofstrasse 106300 ZUGTel: +41 43 500 42 44Fax:E-mail: mashdown@telecom26.chTailandiaCAT Telecom Public Company Ltd.99, Chaeng Watthana RoadBANGKOK 1000289 66 01Director of Telecommunication99 Chaeng Watthana Road, Don MuangBANGKOK 10002Tel: +66 2 573 7651Fax: +66 2 573 7093E-mail:TailandiaTOT Public Company Limited89/2 Chaengwattana Rd., Thungsonghong, LaksiBANGKOK 1021089 66 02Pakpoom Prammatas89/2 Chaengwattana Rd., Thungsonghong, LaksiBANGKOK 10210Tel: +66 2 575 8673Fax: +66 2 575 8642E-mail: Communications ServicesSM Tower 28 Floor, 979 Paholyothin RoadBANGKOK 1040089 66 10Robert ScobleSM Tower 28 Floor, 979 Paholyothin RoadBANGKOK 10400Tel: +66 2 298 0070Fax: +66 2 298 0805E-mail:TanzaníaCeltel Tanzania Ltd.PO Box 9623, Mwinyi Road, Kinondoni DistrictDAR-ES-SALAAM89 255 05Ian CowleyPO Box 7647DAR-ES-SALAAMTel: +255 22 212 6666Fax: +255 22 212 6664E-mail: cowleyian@Territorios ext. de AustraliaNorfolk TelecomP.O. Box 469, New Cascade RoadNORFOLK ISLAND 289989 672 10Michael DonohoeNorfolk Telecom, P.O. Box 95,9 New Cascade Road, NORFOLK ISLAND 2899Tel: +672 3 22468Fax: +672 3 22499E-mail: mick@.nfTongaTonga Communications Corporation Ltd. (TCC)Private Bag 4NUKU'ALOFA89 676 01Michael W. SkinnerFongoloaNUKU'ALOFATel: +676 26700Fax: +676 26701E-mail: michael.skinner@tcc.toTrinidad y TabagoTelecommunications Services of Trinidad and Tobago Ltd.(TSTT)PO Box 917, 54 Federick St.PORT OF SPAIN89 1 023Martin YoungTSTT, 1 Edward St.PORT OF SPAINTel: +1 868 623 2837Fax: +1 868 623 2759E-mail: y Caicos (Islas)Cable and Wireless (W.I.) Ltd.PO Box 78, ProvidencialesGRAND TURK89 1 024I.M. RobinsonPO Box 78PROVIDENCIALESTel: +1 649 946 4499Fax: +1 649 946 4777E-mail:TurquíaTurkcellTurgut Ozal BulvanAydilikevler, ANKARA89 90 01Halil YalvinTurgut Ozal BulvanAydilikevler, ANKARATel: +90 312 313 2902Fax: +90 312 313 2940E-mail:TurquíaTelsimTurgut Ozal BulvanAydilikevler, ANKARA89 90 02Halil YalvinTurgut Ozal BulvanAydilikevler, ANKARATel: +90 312 313 2902Fax: +90 312 313 2940E-mail:UcraniaPrJSC "VF-UKRAINE"15 Leyptsyzka St.KYIV, 0160189 380 01Olga Ustinova15 Leyptsyzka St.KYIV, 01601Tel: +380 44 389 58 00Fax: +380 44 389 58 06E-mail: vodafone@vodafone.uaUcrania"Kyivstar" PJSC53 Degtyarivska St.KYIV, 0311389 380 02Alexey Logvinenko53 Degtyarivska St.KYIV, 03113Tel: +380 67 220 75 59Fax:E-mail: Alexey.Logvinenko@Ucrania"Kyivstar" PJSC53 Degtyarivska St.KYIV, 0311389 380 03Alexey Logvinenko53 Degtyarivska St.KYIV, 03113Tel: +380 67 220 75 59Fax:E-mail: Alexey.Logvinenko@UruguayAdministración Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (ANTEL)Guatemala 1075, Nivel 22CP 11800 MONTEVIDEO89 598 00Osvaldo NovoaGuatemala 1075, Nivel 22CP 11800 MONTEVIDEOTel: +598 2 928 6400Fax: +598 2 928 6401E-mail: onovoa@.uyUruguayAncelC.P. 11800, Guatemala 1075MONTEVIDEO89 598 01Ing. Marcolo ErlichGuatemala 1075, Nivel 20MONTEVIDEOTel: +598 2 986 300Fax: +598 2 928 6366E-mail: erlich@.uyUzbekistánBuztel2 Uzbekistan Ovozi StreetTASHKENT 70000089 998 01Soeharto2 Uzbekistan Ovozi StreetTASHKENT 700000Tel: +998 71 132 0331Fax: +998 71 240 6355E-mail:UzbekistánDaewoo Central Paging CompanyFurkat Street, Bld No 1, 6th floorTASHKENT 70002789 998 04Dong Joo KimFurkat Street, Bld No.1, 6th FloorTASHKENT 700027Tel: +998 71 240 6754Fax: +998 71 240 6678E-mail:VanuatuTelecom Vanuatu LtdPO Box 146PORT-VILA89 678 01Seru KorikaloPO Box 146PORT VILATel: +678 22185Fax: +678 22628E-mail: seru.korikalo@.vuVanuatuDigicel VanuatuEllouk HillPORT VILA PMB 290389 678 05John DelvesPMB 2903, Ellouk HillPORT VILATel: +678 555 5000Fax: +678 27865E-mail: john.delves@Venezuela (República Bolivariana de)Corporación Digitel C.A.Torre Digitel, Piso 22. Av., Eugenio Mendoza con Av. Blandín, La Castellana, Edo.MIRANDA 106089 58 02Ileanora Rondón BlancoTorre Digitel, Piso 22. Av., Eugenio Mendoza con Av. Blandín, La Castellana, Edo.MIRANDA 1060Tel: +58 212 318 94 43 Ext: 5443Fax:E-mail:; Gcia_AsuntosRegulatorios@.veVenezuela (República Bolivariana de)Telefónica Venezolana, C.A.Avenida Francisco de MirandaCARACAS 106089 58 04Alfredo Uzcátegui and/or José RieraAvenida Francisco de MirandaCARACAS 1060Tel: +58 212 200 8259 and/or 200 9555Fax: +58 212 200 8279E-mail:; jose.riera@.veVenezuela (República Bolivariana de)Telecommunications Movilnet C.A.Av. Libertador, Edificio CANTV NEA. Piso 7, CANTV-MovilnetCARACAS 105089 58 06Aivil SilvaAv. Libertador, Edificio CANTV NEA. Piso 7, CANTV-MovilnetCARACAS 1050Tel: +58 212 5004255Fax:E-mail: asilva08@.veViet NamVietnam Mobile Telecom Service Company (VMS)811A Giai Phong RoadHANOI89 84 01Dinh Van Phuoc811A Gial Phong RoadHANOITel: +84 4 8364 9665Fax: +84 4 3864 9534E-mail:Viet NamVietnam Telecom Service Company (GPC)Road 1A, Nam Thanh CongHANOI89 84 02Luu Van LuanRoad 1A, Nam Thanh CongHANOITel: +84 4 3835 7501Fax: +84 4 3835 7502E-mail:Vírgenes Británicas (Islas)Cable and Wireless (W.I.) Ltd.PO Box 440ROADTOWN, TORTOLA89 1 014Alan DoddsPO Box 440, Road TownTORTOLATel: +1 284 494 6161Fax: +1 284 494 4436E-mail:Vírgenes Británicas (Islas)Caribbean Cellular Telephone d.b.a. CCT BoatphonePO BOX 267ROAD TOWN, TORTOLA89 1 348Robert LyonsP.O. Box 267ROAD TOWN, TORTOLATel: +1 284 494 3825Fax: +1 284 494 4933E-mail: rlyons@Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos (Islas)AT&T of the Virgin IslandsPO Box 3768, Vet. Drive Stat.CHARLOTTE AMALIE, VI 0080389 1 284José A. NievesPO Box 3746SAN JUAN, PR 00904Tel: +1 340 729 3774Fax: +1 340 722 9007E-mail:ZambiaZambia Telecommunications Company Ltd (ZAMTEL)PO Box 71630NDOLA89 260 03Agnes ChitulaPO Box 71630NDOLATel: +260 212 617 499Fax: +260 212 613 055E-mail:ENMIENDASEnmienda núm.Boletín de Explotación núm.PaísIIN123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233 ................

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