CIGNA Leave Solutions iAM HR/Supervisor Self-Service ...

CIGNA Leave Solutions ?

iAM HR/Supervisor Self-Service Reporting User Guide

Prepared For:

The Methodist Hospital System

Table of Content iAM Reporting User Guide Table of Content

Table of Content .............................................................. Page 1 Introduction.......................................... ................ ........ Page 2 HR/Supervisor Access ......................................................Page 2 - 4 iAM Operational Reporting Package..................................... Page 5 - 6 Data Fields Glossary...................................................... Page 7 ? 10 Reporting Parameters.......................................................Page 11 - 12 iAM Self-Service User Registration and Log-in.......... ..........Page 13 - 15 My Home ? Home ............................................................Page 16 My Report ? Home............................................................Page 17 Create New Ad-Hoc Report............................................... Page 18 - 24

.. Create New Report Subscription............................... ...... Page 25 - 30 Managing My Reports.......................................................Page 31 - 33 View Report Details................................................ ..........Page 34 - 35


CIGNA Leave Solutions?

iAM HR/Supervisor Self-Service

Reporting User Guide


CIGNA Leave Solutions iAM Reporting User Guide has been created for Supervisors and Human Resources/Benefits professionals ("Managers") who will use the iAM HR/Supervisor Self-Service website to create and access operational reports. The iAM Reporting User Guide contains information that will help HR / Managers become familiar with the absence data available in CIGNA Leave Solutions reporting package and how the information can help them manage their employees absences.

With CIGNA Leave Solutions iAM HR/Supervisor Self-Service, HR / Mangers have access to self-service tools to configure their reports in the way that they prefer - by date ranges, by leave reason, by location and other parameters. The iAM Reporting User Guide will provide step-bystep instructions to configure an Ad-Hoc Report that will run "on demand" or create a recurring Report Subscription. iAM HR/Supervisor Self-Service will enable HR / Manager to create reports that will present leave data in the way that is meaningful for them given their role and scope of responsibilities.

Supervisor / HR Access to Employee Information

CIGNA Leave Solutions' Interactive Absence Manager (iAM) self-service role-based reporting application has the capabilities to provide HR / Supervisors ,,visibility to view and run reports for a defined group of employees. The iAM self-service reporting application supports two roles, Manager Role and Administrator Role.

Manager Role . The term Manager is used broadly and means Manager/Supervisor and/or HR/Benefits if both are included in the clients administration. Managers/Supervisors and HR/Benefits have access to the same level of self-service functionality. Each Manager can view and update leave information, and obtain operational reports for those employees whom they are linked to on the Eligibility file. This is referred to as Default Access. To establish this linkage, the Manager/Supervisor and/or HR/Benefits e-mail addresses must appear in either the Supplemental E-mail Address Type 1 or Supplemental E-mail Address Type 2 fields in the eligibility file. There can only be one Manager/Supervisor e-mail address and one HR /Benefit email address used to create default access.

The Manager/Supervisors employee visibility includes their direct reports and "downward line organization" from their level in the organization chart downward if their employees e-mail addresses are included in the eligibility file. The iAM system utilizes the employee work e-mail addresses to create the company hierarchy as well as enabling log-in and registration, and should always be included on the Eligibility file if at all possible.


For example, if Mary is identified as the Manager/Supervisor on the Eligibility file for her 5 direct reports, each one of them is identified as the Manager/Supervisor for their direct reports, and so on down the organizational hierarchy. Mary can view all the employees in her organizational hierarchy on the reports. The HR /Benefits employee visibility is ,,one level deep in that there is no hierarchy structure. HR/Benefit can view and report on the employees to whom he or she is directly linked on the eligibility file, unless broader Peer Group Access or Universal Access is granted by the Administrator.

Each client will have a client-specific URL: themethodisthospital. to access the Manager self-service website. Users must be on the Eligibility file and their own employee record must contain their work e-mail address, birth date and home zip code to be able to register for access to the iAM Supervisor/HR self-service website. iAM Self-Service validates a new user against these three values that the employer provides on the eligibility file. Once authenticated, the user can create his User ID and Password to log-in, and will be able to see employees within their default access as described above, unless additional visibility is given by an Administrator, as described below.

Administrator Role A designated person in the company will be given administrative rights so this ,,Administrator can set up peer groups for those users whose Supplemental E-mail addresses are on the eligibility file to view leave information and operational reports for their peer(s) employees. The Administrator can grant a register user global access to view all employees in the organization. This users e-mail does not need to be one of the Supplemental E-mail addresses on the eligibility file. The initial Administrator can be, but does not need to be on the Eligibility file. If the initial administrator is not on the Eligibility file, this user will only have access to the functionality available to the Administrator Role. Once the lead administrator has been identified and set up, that person can give administrative right to other employees of the company. Users with the Administrative rights have the following functionality:

o Designate other users as Administrators o Set up peer relationship among Managers (Supervisors or HR) for the purpose of

sharing visibility to employee groups o Grant ,,Global Access to enable a user as unrestricted visibility to all employees. o Enable and disable Manager Role log-ons


iAM Operational Reporting Package

CIGNA Leave Solutions Operational Reporting Package is designed to provide employers with day-to-day leave status information for employees who have requested a leave. These reports integrate STD, FML (federal and state) and other company-specific leave data and are available on the iAM self-service reporting website. STD financial information (eg. benefit payments, check dates, etc) are available through CIGNA's standard Claim Administrative Status Reporting application (CARS). The CIGNA Leave Solutions reporting package includes five standard reports listed below:

New Leaves Received - Provides a summary of all new leaves reported during the selected time period and the reason for the leave.

Open Leave Inventory - Provides a snapshot of all open leaves as of the date and time that the report is run.

Leave Status and Time Used - Provides leave status information for all leaves, and the time used and remaining for the selected time period.

Estimated Return to Work - Provides a quick view of employees expected to return to work during the selected time period.

Closed Leave - Provides a summary of all leaves that closed during the selected time period and closure reason.

Reports are available in 2 formats, either PDF or comma delimited (CSV) which may be opened in Microsoft ExcelTM.

Leave Terminology

Leave Hierarchy

A "leave" can have one or more "plans," i.e. STD, FML (federal and state) or other companyspecific plan, such as military, personal, parental, etc. iAM determines which plans are applicable for any leave based upon the leave reason (type), work state, and other defined variables.

Leave Start and End Date

The applicable plans may run concurrently, overlap or have different start and end dates. The leave start date will be the earliest plan approved start date. The leave end date will be the latest of any plan approved end date. Therefore, the leave will close only after all plans reach their approved end date.

Leave Status

A leave can either have an open or closed status.

Plan Status:

A plan can have a pending, approved or denied status.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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