Springdale Board of Health Meeting

Springdale Board of Health Meeting

April 09, 2015

Mayor Webster called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

In attendance were Mayor Doyle Webster, Scott Garrison, Rita Hart, Lynn Jones, George Kellner, Dr. Kevin Ketring, Dr. Webb, Jean Hicks, Jerry Thamann and Christie Guzman. Jim Squires had informed Mayor Webster that he would be unable to attend the meeting.

The minutes from March 12, were considered. Mr. Thamann noted that Jean Hicks was missing from the list of attendees for the meeting of March 12th and needed to be added as she was in attendance at that meeting. The minutes were adopted as amended.

City Council Report

Mayor Webster and Mr. Thamann provided an overview for the Council meeting of April 1, 2015. They reported that Ordinance No. 4-2015 had it’s first reading and the Public Hearing for that is scheduled for April 15, 2015.

Old Business

Mayor Webster & Mr. Thamann reported that Debra Boggs, the incoming Administrative Assistant for the Health Department should have all of the pre-employment requirements completed this week and is now projected to start the first week of May. The start date has been delayed due to various impediments during the hiring process. As for the forthcoming Health Commissioner, the Administration will begin interviewing the final five candidates on April 10th and continue through the week of April 13th. The Administration projects that an offer will be made to the final candidate the following week. The Board of Health members unanimously agreed to entrust the Administration with this process in it’s entirety.

Mr. Thamann provided information regarding the status of the local tattoo parlor that was discussed last month. After investigation, the Health Department sent the owner of the property a letter outlining requirements the business would need to come in compliance with before the business could be deemed operational in addition to obtaining an occupancy permit through the building department. Up to this point, the owner has taken no measures to obtain permits from neither the Department of Health nor the Building Department.

New Business - NONE

Health Commissioner’s Report

Mr. Thamann apprised the BOH of the Cities Readiness Initiative (CRI), the goal of the program is to develop a plan to provide prophylaxis to the entire population within 48 hours.

In the 3rd quarter, the Springdale Department of Health was required to conduct a minimum of three different CDC drills and submit documentation by no later than April 1, 2015 and this deliverable requirement has been met. In addition, it is required that the POD plan is reviewed, updated, confirmed, and submitted by no later than May 1st.

Mr. Thamann reported that a contract has been received by the Springdale Health Department from Hamilton County Public Health for grant Emergency Ebola Supplemental Funding. Funds are coming from the Ohio Department of Health to Hamilton County Public Health and then passed onto the local health departments. Hamilton County Public Health is the regional coordinator for ODH for this program. The grant period is from April 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016. In order to receive this funding, the Springdale Department of Health must meet all of the required deliverables. Deliberation took place regarding the contract and as to whether or not the Springdale Health Department is equipped to comply and execute what is required from the Department of Health in the deliverables segment of the contract. It was decided that for the Board to vote in favor of entering into a contractual agreement with Hamilton County Public Health, further deliberation is needed in addition to the professional assessment of the contract by the City Law Director. This matter will be concluded at the subsequent meeting.


Public Health Nurse’s Report

INFLUENZA- Influenza-associated hospitalization rate in Southwest Ohio has decreased in March(n=58) and is less than the mean for the previous 12 months of 128 cases per month. See details on the Monthly Communicable Disease Surveillance Report (March 2015 HCPH) in your packet.

EBOLA – There are 29 travelers being monitored in Ohio as of March 25, 2015 from the following counties: Butler, Cuyahoga, Franklin, Geauga, Greene, Hamilton, and Hancock Counties. There are no travelers in tier 1A or tier 1B at this time. See report in your packet for more details.

The total cases world wide as of April 1, 2015 is now 25,213 (was 23,969 as of March 4, 2015) with total deaths 10,460 (was 9807 as of March 4, 2015).

An Ebola vaccine (rVSV-ZEBOV) study is to start soon in Sierra Leone. The study is called STRIVE (Sierra Leone Trial to Introduce a Vaccine against Ebola) and will ask for volunteers among health and other frontline workers to assess the safety and efficacy of the vaccine.


Nine people have completed the 6 week Healthy U Diabetes Workshop.

We received many very positive comments on the evaluation forms and in person from the participants. The next Healthy U Diabetes Workshop will be held in the fall. Dates will be determined later. Nancy Everett co-facilitated this past workshop and has offered to co-facilitate the next one.

CHILDREN’S HEALTH FAIR – Scheduled for May 15, 2015 at the Springdale Community Center from 8 AM until 1:30 PM.

Students from Beckfield College will be taking the place of the Cincinnati State students who can no longer participate due to changes in their curriculum schedule.

LYME DISEASE– Reported Lyme disease cases have continued to increase in Ohio coinciding with the presence of the blacklegged tick in our region. ODH is recommending testing of patients who have the appropriate symptoms. More information is in your packet.

DPIC FLYER – see updated flyer in your packet

COUNTY HEALTH RANKINGS –information from the 2015 County Health Rankings for Ohio is in your folder. Information from this resource will be used in the Accreditation process.

Tristate Medical Reserve Corp Summit – will be held on Saturday, May 9, 2015, 8:30- 3:00 PM at the Sharonville Convention Center. This free event offers training to volunteers in the following areas: CPR & First Aid, Psychological First Aid, Ham Radio 101, Weather Sense, Damage Assessment, Alternative Care Center Operations. The Keynote Speaker topic will be “Fighting Ebola, Keeping Safe.” See flyer in your packet for registration information.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:21 p.m.; the next meeting will be May 14, 2015.

Respectfully submitted,

City of Springdale

Department of Health


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