Cincinnati Public Schools—Phase II

Thank you for taking a few moments to complete this survey. Not including this school year, how many years have you been a teacher? _________________RECRUITMENT AND SELECTIONWhat were the two most significant factors that attracted you to your school? Please rank your top two factors:Factors Attracting You to Your SchoolMost Important(Choose one factor in this column)Second Most Important(Choose one factor in this column)School location (commute)□□School philosophy / mission□□Intellectual challenge□□Autonomy in the classroom□□Quality of school leadership□□Quality of peer teachers/colleagues□□Financial compensation (including salary and benefits)□□Career ladder / opportunities for promotion□□School’s student population profile□□School’s record of student achievement□□Reputation of school□□Please indicate your level of satisfaction with your school choice. Please check one per row. StatementVery satisfiedSatisfiedSomewhat satisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedDissatisfiedVery dissatisfiedHow satisfied were you when you received the offer to work at your current school?□□□□□□How satisfied are you now? □□□□□□Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements. Please check one per row: StatementStrongly agreeAgreeSomewhat agreeSomewhat disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeThe interview process increased my desire to work at my current school. □□□□□□The recruitment process effectively prepared me for what to expect in my role at my school. □□□□□□If you agreed that the recruitment process effectively prepared for what to expect in your role, where did you get that information? Please check all that apply.Hiring process (including conversation with recruiter)Orientation / Induction process Employee handbook or school-created materials Conversations with mentor or buddy teacher Conversation with school leader / principalInformal conversations with another staff memberOther, please specify: __________________________________________________OBSERVATION We’d like to learn more about how frequently you are observed in your classroom and what types of feedback you tend to get in connection with those observations. For the following question, consider “short” observations to be those that last 15 minutes or less and “long” observations to be those that last more than 15 minutes.Last school year, how many times was your teaching observed through short and long observations by the following people? ObserverShort Observations (15 minutes or less)Long Observations (Longer than 15 minutes)EXAMPLE13 times0 timesThe instructional leader who formally evaluates my performance (e.g., school leader / supervisor)An instructional leader who does not formally evaluate me (e.g., coach)Department chair / Grade-level leaderPeer teachersOther (Please specify)When you were observed, how consistently were observations accompanied by the following? Please choose one selection per row. Always (more than 90% of the time)Frequently (more than 50% of the time)Sometimes (less than 50% of the time)Rarely (less than 20% of the time)NeverPre-observation conference□□□□□Post-observation conference□□□□□Formal written feedback□□□□□Informal oral feedback (e.g., quick chat in the hallway)□□□□□Informal written feedback (e.g., note left on desk, email)□□□□□Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements. Please check one per row:StatementStrongly agreeAgreeSomewhat agreeSomewhat disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeI received adequate feedback on my teaching last year.□□□□□□I had avenues to deliver feedback to my supervisor about their performance.□□□□□□EVALUATIONNow, please take some time to reflect on the evaluation system that is currently used at your school. For this survey, evaluation refers to an end of year performance review. Please answer questions 9 through 11 if you have ever received a formal evaluation. If you have never received a formal evaluation, please skip to question 12. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements. Please check one per row:StatementStrongly agreeAgreeSomewhat agreeSomewhat disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeAt my school, evaluation ratings are an accurate reflection of teacher effectiveness.□□□□□□Performance evaluation ratings at my school carry positive and negative consequences (development opportunities, bonuses, improvement plan, etc.).□□□□□□Overall, I am satisfied with the teacher evaluation process at my school.□□□□□□On your last performance evaluation, did you have an area of improvement/development identified? Please check one. Yes No I’m not sure / I can’t remember If you did have an area of improvement identified on your last performance evaluation, were you made aware of concerns about the?area(s) identified?for improvement PRIOR?to?receiving?your most recent evaluation? Please check one. YesNo, an area of improvement was not identified on my last performance evaluation PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTWe would like to learn more about the professional development opportunities offered at your school. Professional development refers to any activity, formal or informal, that is meant to improve your instructional performance. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements. Please check one per row:StatementStrongly agreeAgreeSomewhat agreeSomewhat disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeThe professional development I receive at my school is tailored according to feedback and/or development areas from my performance evaluation.□□□□□□The professional development I receive helps me improve my instructional practice.□□□□□□TEACHER PERFORMANCEIn your opinion, what percentages of teachers in your school are PERFORMING at the following levels? Please ensure that percentages add up to 100%.Performance LevelPercentage of Teachers Performing at this LevelExemplary – highly effective teachers (those promoting growth in student achievement as measured by state tests or other assessments of student learning) who are models for others in the profession___%Effective – teachers who routinely demonstrate effectiveness, but still have room for improvement___%Somewhat effective – teachers in need of further development but displaying potential for effectiveness___%Ineffective – teachers who deliver poor instruction___%(Answers should add up to 100%)On the same scale, how would you rate your own instructional performance overall? Please choose one. ExemplaryEffectiveSomewhat effectiveIneffectivePERFORMANCE ACCOUNTABILITYPlease indicate your level of agreement with the following statement. Please check one:My school has fair policies and practices regarding dismissing teachers. Strongly agreeAgreeSomewhat agreeSomewhat disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeAre there teachers in your school who you think should be dismissed for poor instructional performance, but have not been? Please check one:Yes, 1 or 2 teachers Yes, 3 to 5 teachers Yes, 6 or more teachers NoAre there teachers in your school who have been dismissed for poor instructional performance who you think should NOT have been? Please check one: Yes, 1 or 2 teachers Yes, 3 to 5 teachers Yes, 6 or more teachers NoSCHOOL LEADERSHIP AND PROFESSIONAL CULTUREPlease indicate your level of agreement with the following statements regarding your current school administration. Please choose one per row:StatementStrongly agreeAgreeSomewhat agreeSomewhat disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeOverall, I am satisfied with the quality of my school’s administration.□□□□□□I am treated with dignity and respect by my school’s administration.□□□□□□My school’s administration helps me improve my instructional practice in ways that improve student achievement.□□□□□□I have the support I need from my administration as it pertains to student behavior and discipline.□□□□□□There is open and honest two-way communication between administration and staff.□□□□□□Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements regarding your current school. Please choose one per row:StatementStrongly agreeAgreeSomewhat agreeSomewhat disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeAt my school, the expectations for effective teaching are clearly defined.□□□□□□Teachers at my school share a common vision of what effective teaching looks like.□□□□□□Teachers at this school meet regularly with one another to discuss student work and results.□□□□□□Teachers’ accomplishments are regularly recognized and celebrated□□□□□□Teachers are held accountable for their performance.□□□□□□WORKING CONDITIONSPlease indicate your level of agreement with the following statements regarding your current school. Please choose one per row:StatementStrongly agreeAgreeSomewhat agreeSomewhat disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeMy current class size allows me to sufficiently advance student learning.□□□□□□My non-classroom commitments (e.g., meetings, professional development, bus/lunch duties, paperwork, etc.) interfere with my ability to sufficiently advance student learning.□□□□□□My workload is sustainable in the long term.□□□□□□I am satisfied with my work-life balance.□□□□□□Please indicate your level of agreement with the following. Please choose one per row:StatementStrongly agreeAgreeSomewhat agreeSomewhat disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeI feel appreciated for my hard work at my school.□□□□□□I know whom to contact when I have a question or problem.□□□□□□I regularly feel intellectually challenged in my job.□□□□□□I believe my students are learning at an appropriate rate - at least a year’s worth of learning for a year’s worth of schooling.□□□□□□If you work full time, how many total hours do you work per week? (please skip this question if you work part time) Less than 30 hours 30 to 40 hours 40 to 50 hours 50 to 60 hours 60 to 70 hours 70 to 80 hours 80 or more hours Other than what we have asked about, what else is important about your school culture that significantly influences your satisfaction with your school?? RECOGNITION Have you received a performance based bonus in the last three years? Please choose one:Yes No Are there other ways excellence is recognized that contribute to your desire to continue to teach at your school? RETENTIONWe know that plans change from day to day and there are a wide variety of factors that influence your decisions. In this section, please choose the responses that best describe your plans and situation.About how many more years do you plan to remain a classroom teacher, at any school? Please choose one:Until the end of this year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years More than 10 yearsWhich timeframe best describes how long you plan to stay at your school, in any role? Please choose one:I plan to stay at my school until the end of this school year. (CONTINUE TO QUESTION 28)I plan to stay at my school for 2 or 3 more years. (CONTINUE TO QUESTION 28) I plan to stay at my school for 4 or more years. (SKIP TO QUESTION 30)If you plan to leave your school in the next 3 years, what are the most important factors contributing to your plans to leave your school? Please indicate your top two factors: FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO WHY YOU PLAN TO LEAVEMost Important(Choose One)Second Most Important(Choose One)Financial compensation (including salary and benefits)□□Level of discretion teachers have to make decisions about their classroom and curriculum□□Possibility of future roles within the school/organization□□Opportunities to develop as a teacher (quality of professional development)□□Personal reasons that have nothing to do with the school (e.g., moving, family matters, etc.)□□Level of satisfaction with the school's leadership / immediate supervisor□□Teachers' ability to have a significant impact on student outcomes at the school□□Teaching at this school was not what I expected□□Student conduct, culture and learning environment at the school□□Staff collegiality and collaboration at the school□□Recognition and respect for exemplary performance□□Work load (e.g., school day, school year, class size, prep time, etc.)□□Which of the following best describes your plans after leaving your current school? Please choose one. I plan to……continue teaching in different charter school in this district/area.… continue teaching in a non-charter public school in this district/area.… continue teaching in a private school in this area.…continue teaching outside of this area.…move into a non-teaching role in another district or school organization.…go to school full-time (graduate school/professional degree).…leave the PreK-12 education field.…retire.Other, please specify _______________________________________________Is there anything your school could change that would cause you to want to stay at your school for longer than you currently plan to? Please choose one: YesNoIf you answered yes, please specify what would cause you to want to stay at your school longer than you currently plan to: Once you have responded to question 30, please skip down to question 32.If you plan to stay in your school for 4 or more years, what are the most important factors contributing to your plans to remain in your school? Please indicate your top two factors: FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO WHY YOU PLAN TO STAYMost Important (Choose One) Second Most Important(Choose One)Financial compensation (including salary and benefits)□□Level of discretion teachers have to make decisions about their classroom and curriculum□□Possibility of future roles within the school/organization□□Opportunities to develop as a teacher (quality of professional development)□□Personal reasons that have nothing to do with the school (e.g., moving, family matters, etc.)□□Level of satisfaction with the school's leadership / immediate supervisor□□Teachers' ability to have a significant impact on student outcomes at the school□□Teaching at this school was not what I expected□□Student conduct, culture and learning environment at the school□□Staff collegiality and collaboration at the school□□Recognition and respect for exemplary performance□□Work load (e.g., school day, school year, class size, prep time, etc.)□□ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONPlease leave any other comments you have regarding what your school does well and where there is room to improve in the areas of hiring, evaluation, professional development, compensation, or working conditions. THANK YOUThank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your thoughtful responses are greatly appreciated. ................

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