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Summer 2014 EnrollmentAcademic Success Only through continuous communication can students be successful in an online course. Within each course the teacher outlines the weekly minimum work requirements. It is essential the student and instructor maintain regular contact. The following tools are available to help support the student’s success.PROGRESS REPORTS are updated immediately with the input of newly graded assignments. Students and parents are encouraged to frequently login to monitor academic progress.EXAMS are a requirement of every GRACE course. All exams are to be taken at Purcell Marian High School unless arrangements have been approved for the use of a proctor at an alternative site. Comprehensive exams are a requirement of most Grace Courses. Exam grades are listed on all assessment reports or report card and count for 20% of the semester average. Exams must be taken in a timely manner. Students failing to make up an exam will receive a zero which will be averaged in to compute the overall grade for the course. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Academic Dean.Grades are issued at the completion of a semesters work. If at any time there are questions, parents are to email the teachers. ABSENCE FROM CLASS Students are expected to be engaged with each course every day. Continuity of instruction is important if students are to be successful in school. Students absent from instruction must make up work in a timely fashion. If extended absence has occurred, it is necessary for the student to be in contact with the school liaison to work out a time table for successful completion of the course work. Any student failing to work out a new schedule within the stipulated time period may receive a zero for all class work and homework given during the absence.Excessive absence from a class may prohibit a student from successfully completing the requirements of the course resulting in a failing grade. All students are required to complete the course work within a six week time period. Students with excessive absences in a class may be removed from the class at the discretion of the school administration. Students who are removed from a course will receive a WF (withdraw/failing). Students will then need to repeat the entire class. A second tuition will also be charged. All matters regarding excessive absence from class or school are to be referred to Jennifer Tharp jennifer.tharp@COURSE DROPSIn the event a student does not submit the expected number of assignment(s) within the framework outlined below, the following process will take place.After a period of seven (7) consecutive days, the student and parent(s) will receive a phone call from the teacher. During the call, the students, parents, and teacher will work to resolve any issues that prevent the student from submitting an acceptable number of assignments each week.If the student does not respond to the phone call by submitting assignments within seven (7) days or does not continue to submit an acceptable number of assignments each week, the instructor will send an email to the student/parent(s) to remind them of the importance of submitting work and detailing the withdrawal process.If the student does not respond by submitting assignments within fourteen (14) days of the initial phone call, GRACE will assume that the student does not intend to remain in the course. The student, parents and the Academic Dean will be notified and the student will be administratively dropped from the course.*The student will receive a WF (withdraw/failing) on his/her report card. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY AND HONESTYAcademic integrity and honesty are expected and required of the GRACE students in their studies. Students are responsible for taking advantage of the learning opportunities provided them by the hard work of their parents and the dedication of faculty. Students must strive to make the most of their time and abilities to fulfill the academic requirements asked of them. Towards this end, The GRACE program students are expected to:Strive for excellence and quality in their work and endeavorsAct responsibly and accept the consequences of their actions, good or bad.Academic integrity and excellence are achieved when a GRACE student produces original work of the highest quality commensurate with his or her ability. Presenting another person’s work as original is cheating. It constitutes academic dishonesty and will not be tolerated from any student in any subject. The person presenting the information as his or her own as well as one knowingly providing the information may receive a zero on the assignment, test or exam. Additional disciplinary action may also be taken.A form of cheating is plagiarism and is defined as “the use of another’s work or ideas without clearly acknowledging the source of the information.” The faculty at The GRACE program has accepted for use the three levels of plagiarism developed by the faculty at Rutgers University, each carrying its own penalty:Fraud – the outright purchasing or copying of an entire paper, perhaps with a new introduction or conclusion added. In some cases, such copying may entail copyright infringement. Any student suspected of this type of plagiarism is subject to failure of the assignment, loss of credit for the course, suspension/expulsion and/or other disciplinary action at the discretion of the administration.Substantial Plagiarism – widespread or considerable borrowing of material, passing off borrowed material as original, failure to indicate quoted evidence or to give bibliographical sources or other appropriate credit. Any student suspected of this type of plagiarism is subject to suspension/expulsion and/or failure of the assignment and a failing grade for the quarter.Incidental Plagiarism – small scale borrowing, copying, downloading, or insertion without appropriate quotation, credit or acknowledgement. Any student suspected of this type of plagiarism is subject to failure of the assignment with no option of make-up work. This type of plagiarism also applies to any student suspected of copying another’s homework assignment or providing homework for another student to copy. Both parties suspected of this type of plagiarism are subject to demerits for their actions.The teacher makes the determination of plagiarism. The Academic Dean and Dean of Students will make a determination of disciplinary action in consultation with each other.INTERNET USAGE The Grace Internet Use policy is in compliance with the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’, “Responsible Use Policy.” ()All GRACE students will have on file a signed copy of the Archdiocesan Internet Use Policy as well as the more detailed GRACE Internet Use Policy. Specifically, the student will not post, email or make available any content or use this Network:in a manner that infringes, violates or misappropriates any third party's intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights or contractual rights;in a manner that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;to engage in spamming, "chain letters," "pyramid schemes", advertisement of illegal or controlled products or services, or other advertising or marketing activities that violate these Terms of Service, any applicable laws, regulations or generally-accepted advertising industry guidelines;in a manner that is misleading, deceptive or fraudulent or otherwise illegal or promotes illegal activities, including engaging in phishing or otherwise obtaining financial or other personal information in a misleading manner or for fraudulent or misleading purposes;in a manner that is libelous or defamatory, or in a way that is otherwise threatening, abusive, violent, harassing, malicious or harmful to any person or entity, or invasive of another's privacy;in a manner that is harmful to minors in any way;in a manner that is hateful or discriminatory based on race, color, sex, religion, nationality, ethnic or national origin, marital status, disability, sexual orientation or age or is otherwise objectionable;to impersonate any other person, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity, or to obtain access to this Network without authorization;to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of this Network or prevent others from using this Network, or in a manner that disrupts the normal flow of dialogue with an excessive number of messages (flooding attack) to this Network, or that otherwise negatively affects other persons' ability to use this Network;to use any manual or automated means, including agents, robots, scripts, or spiders, to access or manage any user's account or to monitor or copy this Network or the content contained therein;to facilitate the unlawful distribution of copyrighted content;in a manner that includes personal or identifying information about another person without that person's explicit consent;in a manner that employs misleading email or IP addresses, or forged headers or otherwise manipulated identifiers in order to disguise the origin of content transmitted through this Network or to users; andin a manner that constitutes or contains any form of advertising or solicitation if emailed to users who have requested not to be contacted about other services, products or commercial interests.Additionally, you agree not to:"Stalk" or otherwise harass anyone;Collect, use or disclose data, including personal information, about other users without their consent or for unlawful purposes or in violation of applicable law or regulations;Request, solicit or otherwise obtain access to usernames, passwords or other authentication credentials from any member of this Network or to proxy authentication credentials for any member of this Network for the purposes of automating logins to this Network;Post any content containing child pornography to this Network;Post any content that depicts or contains rape, extreme violence, murder, bestiality, incest, or other similar content;Post any content that constitutes pornography, contains nudity, or is adult in nature.Use automated means, including spiders, robots, crawlers, data mining tools, or the like to download data from this Network - except for Internet search engines (e.g. Google) and non-commercial public archives (e.g. ) that comply with our robots.txt file, or "well-behaved" web services/RSS/Atom clients. We reserve the right to define what we mean by "well-behaved";Post irrelevant content, repeatedly post the same or similar content or otherwise impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the Network's infrastructure;Attempt to gain unauthorized access to our computer systems or engage in any activity that disrupts, diminishes the quality of, interferes with the performance of, or impairs the functionality of, this Network;Use this Network as a generic file hosting service;Take any action that may undermine the feedback or ratings systems (such as displaying, importing or exporting feedback information off of this Network or for using it for purposes unrelated to Ning); andDevelop, invoke, or utilize any code to disrupt, diminish the quality of, interfere with the performance of, or impair the functionality of this Network.The school reserves the right to amend or add to the Internet and Technology User policy and procedures so as to conform to any changes mandated by law, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, or otherwise deemed necessary by Purcell Marian High School.To the Student: Please read the following statements and then initial next to the statements, indicating that you understand the policies. ______ I understand that the overall success or failure of this course is my responsibility.______ A .5 high school credit will be granted after successful completion of the course, at the end of the school year. This will be kept on file at PMHS for 1 year.______ I will receive a report card indicating my grade. A copy of that grade will besubmitted to my high school. ______ Academic honesty rules and Purcell Marian Student Code of Conduct rules outlined in this brochure apply.______ I have read and agree to follow the internet policies outlined above. ______ I have enclosed a signed the Responsible Use Policy of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati______ I must meet the attendance requirements and complete the course within 6 weeks of beginning it.______ I recognize that this semester course may not match the requirements for subsequent courses.______ I have presented information about this course to the appropriate person at my school and am aware of whether or not this course will meet graduation requirements.A virtual classroom is a learning environment created in the virtual space. The objectives of a virtual classroom are the same as the traditional class but delivery of instruction differs. In many ways the student must play a greater role in the educational process as the course is not taught in a classroom, face-to-face with the teacher. Students taking greater responsibility for learning are at the center of all Best Practice opportunities. All students however are not necessarily academically ready to pursue this form of learning. There is no research available to date, identifying the best candidates for virtual education. Some students that struggle in the traditional classroom soar in virtual space and some students that are exceptional in the traditional classroom stumble in the virtual world. Through the GRACE program, Purcell Marian High School will help support your student in this learning endeavor. If you should however, find that your son or daughter is not ready to engage in this learning opportunity at this time, please notify your child’s home school as well as the Purcell Marian liaison. Your student signature indicates that you have discussed the above statements with your parents, understand the commitment you are making, and agree to the policies set forth by PMHS. Student Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ___________________ To the PARENT/GUARDIAN of the student: Please read and discuss the above policies with your student. Your signature indicates that you have read the above statements and agree to the policies set forth by Purcell Marian High School. Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________ Date: __________________ Upon completion please email these forms toJennifer.tharp@ orfax to 866-926-4103GRACESummer School 2014 - Enrollment FormStudent & Parent Personal InformationFull Name:LastFirstM.I.Address:Street AddressApartment/Unit # CityStateZIP CodeHome Phone:( )Alternate Phone:( )Student’s Email Address:IEP (attach):Birth Date: Grade Level:Parent’s Name:Parent’s Email Address:Parent’s Phone:( )School InformationDiocese:*School of Record:*Counselor/ Coordinator Name:*Counselor/ Coordinator Email:*Counselor/ Coordinator Work Phone:*( )Counselor/ Coordinator Cell Phone:*( )Start Date:*End Date:* Course InformationSubject Course Name 1st Semester 2nd Semester Credit RecoveryCost: $25 set up fee$250 per course/student Payment must be received prior to activation of course. Have credit card available.*Required Email to Jennifer.tharp@ orfax to 866-926-4103 ~ Thank you! ................

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