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mrcp 12 jan 2016 recalls..1.ques abt hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy??? ans is autosomal dominant2/2.Pul stenonsis Loud 2nd heart sound ESM Pul htn sign symp3.one ques with paget disease....next investigation??? hip xray4.pt with diarrhea offensive smell stool and alcoholic treatment??? Cholestyramine5. partial fracture with low vit d3 ?? Cholecalcifero was next treatment right6.Tattoo marks site lesions wala???7.De quervain thyroiditis case8.The first question centromeres wala Metaphase?9.One was acute angle closure glaucoma10.Neurofibromatosis linked to 1711.Anasthetic patch with mononeuritis multiples it was tuberculoid leprosy right12.Reiter syndrome b2713.major risk factor for diabetic retinopathy.??1314.Pregnant lady with pain in hand???deq.tenosinovitis15.and wt was tht ques jis ma pregnant lady ki calf pain...doppler negative....xray chest nothn....then wt next?Ctpa16.Que was of subacute thyroidits17.one ques with warfarin wala...vit k?INR was 10 ,ans was vit k as prothambin complex already given18.Also was trasferrine satu. For screening of hemochromatosis19.One was normal pressure hydrocephalus.... csf drainahe20.And then obse patient with headache and blurr vision 6th nerve palsy??..intracranial hypertension?21.and was there any ques abt polyarteritis nodosa?22.One was minimal change disease? Jo 20 years old m tha23.Prolonged pr interval aortic root abcess24.Kallman syndrome25.polycystic ovary disease?26.Pitutary microadenoma 1year same size no symtoms Ans fr ths?wht can hapn in future?No symptoms27.And precarditis with ecg change st elevation28.Ppv 45/10029.Then...CHF no current symtom what meds to add...i wrote aspirin3o.Guy beat his partner then saying cant arrest because he know police--mania31.Fondaparonox anti Xa32.Heparin indused thrombosed thrombocytpenia33.Asthmatic on steroid, avascular necrosis of femoral head34.one with SLE....low C3 C4?35.Easy one was hereditary angioedema plete heart block Variable intensity of s137.Anaphylaxis S Mast cell tryptase38.Ther ws a lady with UTI alergic to pencilin. Options wer cipro i think n trimethotrim. Ans?39.Lady after angiography livedo reticularis cholestrol emboli40.good prognosis in endocarditis strep viridans?41.aur paracetamol wale ma PT time?42.syphilis...anuerysm43.acha one was wth guy with stab wound on chest ....sweating....aorta ya right ventrile?44. Mrcp45.Iliostomty sit wound --pyoderma ganrenosum46.Howell joly target cell??asplenism47.Nurse ...hypoglycemia ....sulfonyl urea abuse48.Normal,pressure hydrocephalus, Csf drainage49.Vit b12 def was metformin50.Post pci ..... cholesterol embolism51.Bleeding after tooth extraction?? Factor 1152.and lady with hypopigmentation ...nystatiin cream?53.PEt.versi54.Benzodiazipine... flumazehnil55. Doselphin intoxication Iv bicorb56.Donepezol MOA Its anticholinestarase57.cocaine ....ischemic heart disease58.Hypernatreamia....in old lady...due poor water intake?59.Surgery n catheter was placed in abdomen answer ws S.aureus?6o.Also prolactinoma first line treatmnt if visual field defects present??? dopamine agonist or surgery??61.Cicloaporin n IL related to it? IL262.methemoglobinemai????? Cyanosis Decrease PO2,nrmal ABG63.Its herpes iv aciclover64.dosulpin...tht is Tricyclic antidepressent...and tht cause wide QRS complex in toxicity65.Question from opthalmo... RA in which eye disease? Episclritis?66.Bupropion s/e in Seizures C/I67.Neuro case pain n temp loss n limb weakness? Anterior spinal occlusion?68. Lady is hitting husband n he is afraid she has high contacts psych case ..what was the answer? H.personality disorder69.One question related to kidney..invg? renal biopsy?70.Pt with atrial fibrillation,,,,give bisoprolol71. Blood cholesterol ..ldl cholesterol TG raised. Anwer? Apo B 100?72.NeisseriA, wale main long term repeated infection? Answer arthropathy?73. Loss of libido is due to deficiency of? 17 hydrpxypg andersterione..I answered DHT74.Solid n liquid dysphagia..investigation? Manometry?75.RTA i guess hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis76.Insulinoma scenario?77.prolong fasting test with serial measurement77.One q was about treatment of epilepsy focal type? Topiramate it was78.One question related to ans mammilary body, pt with retrograde amnesia! ??79.Barter syndrome answer? Hypokalemia?80. Reperidon 5HT281.Scenario on minimal change disease treatment prednisolone?82.And with IGA nephropathy HSPurpura ya83.Alcohol withdrawal ma I wrote chlordiazepoxide ....I studied in pastestIn passmed lorazepam84.ADH ka I wrote cortical collecting duct85. That que with cryoglobulinema was it hep.c86,There was leshmaniasis also central america travel87.Atherosclerosis main macrophages88.Hiv patient with resp symptoms what was diagnosis P.jero ya89.Lesion site of wernicks encephalopathy Mammillary body90.Pseudogout with x ray chondrocalcinosis91.One more pt taking thiazide was psudogput92.One was shogrens with anti ro ab93.From git......non alcoholic fatty liver disease94.there was que of half life of drug 1/8 th in how many houans 695. rheumatoid arthritis?yes lady with symetrical join pain96.male with pain in buttocks one after other relive with brufen97.Dysplasia98..Posterior inferior cerebral artrey99.Cause of demylination in correction of sodium fast??- loss of water100.HIV man with resistant Heb B vaccination- because of HIV1o1.variable intensity of S11o2,Lentigi maligna Basal cell carcinoma ulcer with rolled border1o3.diclofenac with rash ; Intersitial Nephritis, ATN1o4.Nalaxone1o5.Multiple sclerosis1o6.Liver Abcess with bovis ; colonoscopy1o7.Cauda Equina108.Risk of Suicide : Don’t discharge109.Clue cells ; Metronidazole110.osteoarthritisJAN 13TH, 2:14PM111.Centromere in one plane in which part of cell cycle112.Function of codon113.Clopidogrel.. M/A114.Donepezil.. M/A115. Basophilic stippling, microcytic anaemia, asian, cause..116.Anaphylaxis imediate rx im adrenaline117.migraine prophylaxis.....propranolol118.drug should avoid in myesthenia gravis? Betablocker119.Satellite lesions(pustules)...candidiasis120.conus medullary syndrome. Scenario121.psoriasis scenario, clobetasone didn't work, what next122. Hep e scenario123.another lady with normal breasts and scanty pubic hair and amenorrhoea ANDROGEN INSENSITVITY.....124.which part of the Ig is bence jones protein sticked to? fc125.pregnant lady with graves and exophtalmos ? treatment carbimazole?126.men with flushing and diarrhoea ? 5-HIAA( answer a)127. checking rats under the table??? obssesive compulsive disorder128.retro sternal crushing pain died in the way to hospital VF129.ulecer in face beveld edge?? bcc130.Septic arthritis131.Creatinine is affected most by muscle mass?132,Drug that will decrease morphine dose needed naproxen133.One was co poisoning134 Red cell aplasia ... B19135 .parkinsonism and cancer.ttt??136.Coarctation of aorta most likely association = Bicuspid137.Central line with dullness at lung base = hemothorax138.Wide QRS complex with TCA overdose =IV bicarbonate139.Infective endocarditis indication of surgery was...... Prolong PR140.Normal calc normal po4 but high Alk phos..... Investigation = bone scan141. Low calcium, low phosphate and higj Alk po4,treatment = vitamin D142.H.pylori eradication-urea breath test143.metformin144.reflux nephropathy145.research vs audit ??146.hypokalemia in pyloric stenisis147.tripoly148.standard deviation149.forest plot150.-deperdonalization disorder151.UTI....first line managment ? !!! trimethoprim152.increase ptt ...which factor deficient ? X1153.which contain more energy ?? Trigelycerides154.Tecagrelor...mode of action ? ADP155.variable intensity S1...ponits to ? Complete heart block156.level of prednisolone match the body kevel ? 7.5 mg157.-pain left buttock then pain right buttok , no spinal movment disorder ..diagnosis ? Trochantre brusitis !!158.loss of sensation index...nerve injury ? C8 ................

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