Fostering Growth and Development:

ECE 145-01 - Fostering Growth and Development: Preschool Years

Assignments & Grading

|Assignment |% of grade |

|Curriculum for one week |20 |

|5 Lesson plans (Circle, Music & Movement, Small Group, Literacy, and Outside Time) |10 |

|Circle Lesson presented in class |10 |

|10 Writing assignments |10 |

|Attendance |10 |

|Class participation |10 |

|Ideal preschool |15 |

|Newsletter |5 |

|Curriculum Statement |5 |

|Discipline Policy |5 |

Ideal Preschool:

Design your ideal preschool (inside and outside). Do it within the provided budget. Include:

|Number of staff and a staffing schedule |Classroom size |

|Number of children |All furniture |

|Daily schedule |All educational materials |

|Approximate amount this would cost to prepare from the beginning (not including salary/building/insurance etc.) |

Consider all you have learned about developmentally appropriate spaces, including interest areas, traffic patterns, aesthetic appeal and the dimensions of environment (Jones) and inclusion of children with a variety of needs. Include:

• A floor plan drawn to scale

• A 2-3 page written paper explaining what you learned

• A moderately detailed listing and description of materials and cost.

Ex: 200-pack crayons; 50 piece set of unit blocks

Be prepared to briefly present what you learned to the class. Rubric will be provided.

Writing assignments:

Write approximately 1 page in response to a prompt given by instructor.


Design a one-page, double-sided newsletter you would send to families in your preschool program.

Curriculum statement:

Write a brief (approximately one page) statement explaining your views on curriculum and learning. This should be suitable for handing out to families in your preschool program.

Rubric for writing assignments, newsletter, and curriculum statement:

| |50 |42 |37 |0 |

|Completion of written assignment|Student made “Good Faith Effort”|Majority of assignment complete |Some of assignment complete |Assignment missing or minimally |

| |to complete assignment | | |complete |

|Discussion of written assignment|Student present and engaged in |Student somewhat engaged in |Minimal participation in |Student absent for, or does not |

| |discussion of writing |discussion |discussion |participate in, discussion |

Discipline policy:

Write a brief (approximately one page) statement outlining the discipline policy you would use at your program. Include a rationale to support your policy.

|Element |Mastery/ |

| |Exceeds Expectation |

|** Circle time (1/day) |Language |Math |

|** Small group activity (1/day) |Literacy |Science |

|** Outside time (1/day) |Fine motor |Social studies |

|** Music & movement (1/day) |Gross motor |Art/creativity |

|** Literacy ( /day) | | |

|Items added to classroom/environment |

** Lesson Plan required – use format provided

Curriculum plan grading rubric:

|Experience plans (graded individually) |75% |

|Representation of content areas |10% |

|Indication of items added to environment |10% |

|Overall appearance |5% |

Implementation of lesson with children:

Present one each of the following planned activities to a small (3 or more) group of preschool children. These can be ones that are included in your curriculum plan, but do not have to be.

|Outside time |Music & movement |

|Small group activity |Literacy |

Lesson Plan Rubric:

|Element |Mastery/ |Practicing / |Emerging/ |Not evident/ |

| |Exceeds Expectation |Meets Expectation |Does Not Meet Expectation |Not Acceptable |

| |15 |14-12 |11-4 |0 |

|Understanding of DAP |Experience choice shows thorough |Experience choice shows moderate |Experience choice shows little |No evidence of understanding of |

| |understanding of children’s |understanding of children’s |understanding of children’s |children’s interests and |

| |interests and development |interests and development |interests and development |development |

|Correlation to early |Experience clearly related to |Experience somewhat related to |N/A |Little to no relationship with |

|learning standards |MECLG |MECLG | |MECLG |

|Implementation of |Presentation method planned shows |Presentation method shows some |N/A |No description of presentation |

|experience |understanding of DAP and how |understanding of DAP and how | |method or method chosen |

| |children learn |children learn | |inappropriate |

|Evaluation |Outcome described and reflection |Outcome described and reflection |Outcome described but reflection |Evaluation missing |

| |shows awareness of children’s |shows awareness of children’s |based on unrealistic expectations | |

| |development and of one’s own |development or of one’s own skills|for children and does not include | |

| |skills and challenges |and challenges |self-reflection | |

| |10 |9-8 |7-6 |0 |

|Documentation of |Method(s) chosen show a thorough |Method(s) chosen show a moderate |Method(s) chosen show little |Inappropriate or no method(s) |

|learning |understanding of the goals, |understanding of the goals, |understanding of the goals, |chosen |

| |benefits, and uses of assessment |benefits, and uses of assessment |benefits, and uses of assessment | |

|Preparation and |Preparation and materials clearly |Some preparation or materials |Some preparation or materials |No preparation or materials |

|materials |outlined |identified |identified |identified |

|Follow-up |Follow-up likely to reinforce and | Follow-up related to initial |N/A |No follow-up |

| |broaden /deepen children’s initial|experience but not designed to | | |

| |experience |enrich initial experience | | |

|Grammar/ |There are no spelling or grammar |One spelling or grammar error. |Two to three spelling and/or |Four or more spelling and/or |

|Spelling/ |errors. |Lesson plan is somewhat |grammar errors. |grammar errors. |

|Appearance/ |Lesson plan is presented neatly |professional in presentation. |Lesson plan is not professional in|Lesson plan is not a “finished” |

|Professionalism |and professionally. | |appearance. |product. |


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