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Course: _Biology 9th__ Topic: The Circulatory SystemTeachers: _Jenny Jessup and Jessica Mueller_New Vocabulary:LungsCapillariesArteriesCoronary ArteriesVeinsPulmonary CirculationSystemic CirculationHeartAtriumVentricleTricuspid ValveBicuspid ValveSinoatrial nodeAtrioventricular nodeVena CavaAortaPulmonary artery/veinReflection about and or teaching to:Learning Styles___AR _ _CR___AS _ _CS_x_ Visual_x_ Auditory_x_ KinestheticDiversity___ Gender___ Multicultural___ Disengaged___ Special NeedsMultiple Intelligences_x_ Verbal/Linguist___ Logical/Math_x_ Naturalist_x_ Intrapersonal_x_ Interpersonal___ Musical_x_ KinestheticInstructional Techniques___ Inquiry_x_ Direct Instruct_x_ Coop Learning___Concept _x_ Discussion___Laboratory work___Demonstration___OtherTechnology UtilizedClassroom computer and projectorStudent cameras or phone camerasLength of Lesson: 45 minutesPrerequisite Knowledge:Basic understanding that blood is circulated throughout the entire body.Understanding that cells need oxygen to survive and blood carries it throughout the body.Basic organs and vocabulary words in the circulatory system.Concept Covered in Activity: The function of the circulatory system and the heart.Performance Objectives (consider multiple levels of Blooms):SWBAT:Explain the function of the circulatory system by drawing and labeling a life-size outline of a human body and the parts of the circulatory system.Cooperate in groups for a lab activity outside.Utilize a technology to analyze photos of student work.Draw a diagram of the heart and its direction of blood flow.Standards:Colorado Science Standards2.9-12.6 Cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems maintain relatively stable internal environments, even in the face of changing external environmentsNational Science StandardsC (The cell, structure and function of living things, regulation and behavior); F (personal health); U (systems, order, and organization; evolution and equilibrium)Resources/Preparation/Material Needed: ChalkSidewalk space outside and good weatherProper use of cameras/phonesComputer hooked up to projector in classroomTimePhaseStudent ActionTeacher ActionCSU10 minEngageGo outside (bring science notebooks) and chalk outline of partners’ anizes students to go outside.Introduce that lesson is over circulatory system.-----30 minExploreDraw major components of circulatory system using given vocabulary words. Take picture of drawing on camera or phone.Facilitate student questions and manage during picture taking.Inquiry questions and discussion with different groupsExplainIn science notebooks, answer the three given questions about the circulatory system.Provide three questions for students to answer in their science notebooks. These will help in gaining prior knowledge. 1) What is the function of the circulatory system? 2) What is the difference between veins and arteries? 3) Starting at the heart, draw a flowchart of the direction of blood flow. Inquiry questions and discussion.10 minElaborateGo inside and view the groups’ pictures. Have a discussion and take notes in science notebooks on circulatory system and heart.Display some groups’ chalkings through the computer. Facilitate discussion over pictures.Then lecture on circulatory system and heart.Inquiry questions and discussion.HWEvaluateStudents will do a similar outside chalking of the heart. Include vocabulary words as well as blood flow direction. Write short response answering 1) What are the possible symptoms of a person with a defective bicuspid valve?Teacher will look over heart pictures and short responses.Heart diagrams and short response.Assessment:FormativeStudent chalk drawingsStudent questions and discussion Three questions in science notebooks-prior knowledgeScience notebook lab notesSummativeCirculatory system and heart chalk diagramShort responseAnticipated misconceptions That arteries have red blood and veins have blue blood.That blood pressure, heart rate, and blood vessels do not change and are not related.Every vein transports deoxygenated blood and every artery has oxygenated blood.That there is not a separate blood circulation for the heart.That the circulatory system is not affected by other body systems.Modification/Accommodation/AdaptationsELL/Special Education:Extended timeLess vocabulary wordsFlow chartsDiagram printout of the human body with organs labeled in English and native languageGifted/Talented:Advanced terminology for labeling (common carotid artery, subclavians, etc)Suggested Vocabulary:Circulatory system chalk diagram:HeartCapillariesArteriesVeinsPulmonary CirculationSystemic circulationBrainLungsHeart chalk diagram:Right/Left AtriumRight/Left VentricleVena cavaAortaPulmonary arteryPulmonary veinTricuspid valve (right atrioventricular valve)Bicuspid valve (left atrioventricular valve)Atrioventricular nodeSinoatrial nodeShort Response Answer:The valve ensures the one-directional flow of blood. With a valve defect, the person would become tired more easily and have difficulty in maintaining stamina for cardio-intensive activities. The heart is put under more stress and would be enlarged. ................

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