Systemic and Pulmonary Circulation Worksheet

The Circulatory System Structures and Function Worksheet

1. What is the difference between systemic and pulmonary circulation?

2. In the diagram below, color the oxygenated blood RED, and the deoxygenated blood BLUE. Be sure to label the three types of blood vessels: artery, vein, and capillary. Also, label the four chambers of the heart, the superior & inferior vena cava, the pulmonary artery (note there is only one in this simplified diagram), the pulmonary vein (again, only one for simplicity), and the aorta.

3. Use your notes to fill in the following table.

|Structure |Pulmonary or Systemic |Function: what role does it play in blood circulation. |

| |Circulation? | |

|Inferior Vena Cava | | |

|Superior Vena Cava | | |

|Right Atrium | | |

|Tricuspid Valve | | |

|Right Ventricle | | |

|Pulmonary semi-lunar Valve | | |

|Pulmonary Arteries | | |

|Pulmonary Veins | | |

|Left Atrium | | |

|Mitral Valve | | |

|Left Ventricle | | |

|Aortic semi-lunar valve | | |

|Aorta | | |

|Septum | | |

|Myocardium | | |

4. Using the diagram of the systemic and pulmonary circuits provided in your notes. Name all of the major blood vessels, chambers and valves IN ORDER that a red blood cell would pass through starting (and finishing) at the point of absorption, the small intestine.

Small intestine ( ____________________ ( _______________________

5. State whether the atria and ventricles are in diastole or systole during each phase of the cardiac cycle:

a. During the “Lub” phase - the atria are in _______________________________

the ventricles are in ___________________________________

b. During the “Dub” phase – the atria are in _______________________________

the ventricles are in ___________________________________


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