140 East Town Street Columbus, Ohio 43215John J. Gallagher, Jr., Executive DirectorREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL:Single-Site Telephony System RFP Number: 081717-02OHIO POLICE & FIRE PENSION FUNDColumbus, OH 43215REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP)forSINGLE-SITE TELEPHONY SYSTEMTable of ContentsGENERAL STATEMENT4Purpose4Key Dates/Calendar of Events4Structure4SECTION ONE - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY5Purpose5Objectives5Prevailing Wage5Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference/Teleconference5SECTION TWO - GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS6OP&F Contact6Questions Regarding this RFP6Addenda6Submittals6Waiver of Defects8Alternate Proposals8Proposal Instructions8Indemnification8Taxes8SECTION THREE – OFFEROR REQUIREMENTS9Qualification Statement9Offeror Profile Requirements9Other Offeror Requirements10Delivery10SECTION FOUR – PROPOSAL ORGANIZATION11Proposal Content11RFP Response Instructions11Response Section Order11Right to Reject12Table of Contents12Executive Summary/Cover Letter/Authorized Signature/Tab 112Manufacturer’s Profile/Tab 212Offeror Profile/Tab 312Offeror References/Tab 412Key Personnel Profile Summaries/Tab 512System Capabilities, Both Present and Future/Tab 613Technical Documentation/Tab 713Offeror Response Information/Tab 813Implementation and Training Plan with Timeline/Tab 913Warranty/Maintenance Plan(s)/Tab 1013Separate Cost Summary and Component Breakdown/Tab 1113Options and Spare Equipment Costs/Tab 1214Offeror Proof of Insurance/Tab 1314Contracts/Agreements/Tab 1414SECTION FIVE – PROJECT DESCRIPTION / PRESENT SYSTEM OVERVIEW15Scope of Work15Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund Abstract15Present System and Peripherals16Infrastructure17SECTION SIX - OVERVIEW18Overview18Codes/Standards19Proposed System Description and Requirements19SECTION SEVEN – MAINTENANCE/WARRANTY29HARDWARE29SOFTWARE30SECTION EIGHT – OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS33Intentions33Hardware and Software Requirements33Travel Expenses33Compliance with the Law33Confidentiality and Rights to Data33Drug-Free / Smoke-Free Workplace34Assignment34Wiring Standard34Installation34Engineering35Patching and Painting35Firestopping and Smoke Seals36Disaster Management36Spare Equipment Pricing36Training and Documentation Requirements37Other Offeror Requirements37Hardware Title38Security38Safety38Project Management38SECTION NINE - EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS39Review Process39Evaluation Procedure39Right to Reject39Additional Information39Letter of Intent40Attachments40Responsibility40APPENDIX A41APPENDIX B42OHIO POLICE & FIRE PENSION FUNDColumbus, OH 43215REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP)forSINGLE-SITE TELEPHONY SYSTEM(RFP No. 081717-02)GENERAL STATEMENTPurposeThe Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund (OP&F) is requesting proposals to provide a total replacement for the single-site telecommunications system and peripherals for 140 East Town Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. This organization plans to implement a new VoIP-capable telephony system, including voicemail, unified communications, IVR, call center, voice recording, system and network management, security enhancements, call accounting and other applications at this site in the first quarter, 2018.Key Dates/Calendar of EventsThe following are the key dates associated with the RFP process. Proposals received after (12:00 PM (EDT), Wednesday, September 20, 2017) will not be considered. A complete list of dates appears as follows.RFP Publication Date:Thursday, August 17 2017Questions for Pre-Proposal Conference Due:Friday, August 25, 2017, 4:00 PM (EDT)Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting**Thursday, August 31, 2017, 2:00 PM (EDT) Due Date for Final QuestionsThursday, September 7, 2017, 4:00 PM (EDT) Posting of Responses to Final QuestionsWednesday, September 13, 2017RFP Response Due Date:Wednesday, September 20, 2017, 12:00 PM (EDT)**Limitation of three (3) attendees per company.StructureAll documents will be available on OP&F’s website atop-. The person(s) receiving this document is (are) responsible for ensuring that all pages are received. A detailed list of required response components will be detailed in Section Four, Proposal Organization of this RFP.SECTION ONE - EXECUTIVE SUMMARYPurposeThis document is a Request for Proposal for the design and implementation of a state-of-the art telecommunications system, peripherals, associated network, connectivity and administrative control for OP&F operations. If a suitable offer is made in response to this RFP, OP&F may enter into a Contract to have the selected Offeror (the Distribu- tor/Manufacturer/Offeror) provide and manage all aspects of the project. This RFP provides details on what is required to submit a proposal for the work, how OP&F will evaluate the proposals, and what will be required of the Offeror in performing the work.As shown earlier, this RFP provides the estimated key dates for the various events that are part of the submission process, selection process, and work commencement. While these dates are subject to change, OP&F will make best efforts to adhere to the dates contained herein. Once awarded, the term of the Contract will be from the award date through the implementation completion date as documented in the winning Offeror’s Project Plan. A maintenance agreement will be part of the negotiation and will define the ongoing support period. The Plan must receive the approval of OP&F.ObjectivesThe purpose of this RFP is to solicit proposals that fulfill the requirements, performance expectations, and deliverables as outlined in the Scope of Work (see Paragraph 5.1). It shall be the successful Offeror’s obligation to ensure that personnel involved with this Project are qualified and certified to perform their portions of the Work.Prevailing WagePrevailing rates of wages on public improvements, as described in Section 4115.06 of the ORC, will not apply to this RFP.Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference/TeleconferenceA non-mandatory pre-proposal conference/teleconference for firms interested in submitting proposals will be held on August 31, 2017 at 2:00 PM (EDT) at OP&F, 140 East Town Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. All potential Offerors interested in participating in the non-mandatory pre-proposal conference/teleconference must register with OP&F by 5:00 PM (EDT) on August 29, 2017 (via e-mail: rfpinquiries@op- ) in order to receive the conference call information. The meeting/call will start promptly at 2:00 PM (EDT). Unregistered attendees will not be permitted to participate. The meeting/call will last up to two (2) hours and include a walk through. Attendance at the meeting/call is not a requirement for submitting a proposal. The purpose of this meeting/call is to provide clarifications regarding any section of the RFP.Written questions that are properly submitted by 4:00 PM (EDT) by August 25, 2017, will, if possible, be answered during the meeting/call. Questions will be accepted during the meeting/call and will, if possible, be answered during the meeting/call. OP&F reserves the right to supplement oral responses provided by OP&F during the pre- proposal conference/teleconference. No response to an inquiry to this RFP is final until posted on OP&F’s website (op-). However, all questions that are properlysubmitted by 4:00 PM (EDT) on September 7, 2017, will be answered and posted to OP&F’s website by September 13, 2017.SECTION TWO - GENERAL INSTRUCTIONSThe following sections provide details on how to respond to this RFP. All responses must be complete and in the prescribed format.OP&F ContactFor this RFP process, the following individual will be the single point of contact (including site contact):Ohio Police & Fire Pension FundAttn: Janeane Mayesky, C.P.M., A.P.P., CM Procurement Manager140 East Town Street Columbus, OH 43215Questions Regarding this RFPAll questions submitted should include the name of the proposer’s contact person and that person’s telephone number and e-mail address. All questions must be received by 4:00 PM (EDT) on September 7, 2017. Questions received after that time will not be considered.Each question, or in OP&F’s discretion, a paraphrased form of a question, and OP&F’s response will be posted to OP&F’s website (op-.) All written questions that are properly and timely submitted will be answered by September 13, 2017. All posted questions and responses will become an addendum to the RFP and become part of the RFP as fully set out therein. It is the proposer’s responsibility to periodically check the OP&F website until the posted RFP response due date to obtain any issued addenda. OP&F will not respond directly to a proposer concerning an inquiry about this RFP.AddendaIf OP&F decides to amend this RFP before the Proposal Due Date, an addendum will be posted to OP&F’s website (op-). If an addendum is such that it results in an extension of the Due Date, the same posting procedure will be followed. Addendum announcements may be provided any time up until 5:00 PM (EDT) on the day before the proposal is due. It is the responsibility of each prospective Offeror to check for announcements and other current information regarding the RFP.SubmittalsEach Proposal must include an Executive Summary that must be signed by an individual who is authorized to contractually bind the Offeror. The signature must indicate the title or position the individual holds in the Offeror’s organization. Any and all unsigned Proposals will be rejected.Additional submittal requirements are detailed in Section Three, Offeror Requirements and Section Four, Proposal Organization. The proposal(s) must be submitted in an unsealed envelope/package and must be clearly labeled. On the outside of the package, the label must read: “Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund, Single- Site Telephony System, Original Proposal.” Offeror’s name and address must also appear on the outside of the package. Separately, all cost information must be provided in a separate sealed envelope and inserted in the unsealed envelope / package. The sealed cost envelope must be labeled with the Offeror’s name and contact information. Each Offeror must submit one (1) original and ten (10) copies of their response.Also to be included in the package, Offeror must include one (1) complete copy of the proposal on a thumb drive or CD-ROM in Microsoft Office Word 2007 format, or higher, and/or PDF format as appropriate. In the event there is a discrepancy between the hard copy and the electronic copy, the hard copy will be the official proposal. Proposals submitted by email or fax will not be considered. Proposal delivery must be only in accordance with the following:If by mail delivery (via postal service/overnight carrier), send to:Ohio Police & Fire Pension FundAttn: Janeane N. Mayesky, C.P.M., A.P.P., CM Procurement Manager140 East Town Street Columbus, Ohio 43215If by hand delivery, deliver to: Ohio Police & Fire Pension FundAttn: Janeane N. Mayesky, C.P.M., A.P.P., CM Procurement Manager140 East Town Street Columbus, Ohio 43215Offerors shall be solely responsible for the timely delivery of their responses in the manner and time prescribed. Proposals must be received by the stated deadline date and time regardless of the postmarked date or delivery method. OP&F will not be responsible for delays in mail, overnight and/or hand deliveries. Late proposals will not be considered.Each Offeror must carefully review the requirements of this RFP and the contents of its proposal. Once opened, proposals cannot be altered, except as allowed by this RFP.By submitting a Proposal, the Offeror acknowledges that it has read this RFP, under- stands it, and agrees to be bound by its requirements, terms, and conditions. The OP&F reserves the right to reject any Proposals which take exception to the terms and conditions, including, but not limited to, standards, specifications, and requirements as specified in this RFP.All Offers must remain valid for a period of 120 calendar days. The Contract award may be issued at any time during the 120 day interval.Failure to provide bid supplement requirements may, at OP&F’s discretion, invalidate the offer. All proposals and other material submitted will become the property of the OP&F.Waiver of DefectsOP&F may waive any defects in an Offeror’s Proposal or in the submission process. OP&F will only do so if it believes that it is in OP&F’s interests and will not cause any material unfairness to other Offerors.Alternate ProposalsOP&F will accept multiple Proposals from a single Offeror, but OP&F requires each proposal to be submitted separately. Additionally, the Offeror must treat every proposal submitted as a separate and distinct submission and include in each proposal all materials, information, documentation, and other items this RFP requires for a proposal to be complete and acceptable. OP&F will judge each alternate proposal on its own merit.Proposal InstructionsEach Proposal must be organized in an indexed binder with its contents organized in the same order as the listing in Section Four, Proposal Organization of this RFP. OP&F requires clear and concise proposals. Offerors should, however, take care to completely answer questions and meet the RFP’s requirements thoroughly. Annotations directly following RFP statements are recommended.As stated earlier, additional instructions for the proposal’s contents and formatting are contained in Section Three, Offeror Requirements and Section Four, Proposal Organization.In no instance will OP&F be liable for any costs incurred by any Offeror in responding to this RFP.IndemnificationThe contractor will indemnify and hold harmless OP&F and their agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expense including attorneys’ fees arising out of or resulting from the performance of the work, provided that any such claims, damage, loss or expense is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death or to injury to or destruction of tangible property, including the loss of use resulting therefrom; and is caused in whole or in part by any negligent or willful act or omission of the contractor, and subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable.TaxesMaterials purchased for use with the proposed work will be exempt from the State of Ohio Sales Tax as provided in Section 5739.02 ORC.SECTION THREE – OFFEROR REQUIREMENTSQualification StatementIn responding to this RFP, Offeror represents that Offeror’s company possesses the capabilities, hardware, software, and personnel necessary to provide an efficient and successful installation of properly operating equipment within seventy (70) business days from date of award (See Key Dates/Calendar of Events on Page 1). Offeror must also ensure continued maintenance and support, including on-site support of the proposed systems by Offeror’s trained and certified personnel, and available parts, both over a seven (7) year period.In addition, Offeror represents that Offeror’s firm has a quality post-cutover program that will provide timely ongoing system support (system/network diagnostics, traffic engineering, system optimization, etc.); provide technical advice and support in such areas as IP telephony, voicemail/automated attendant, unified communications, voice/data networking, network management, call center (ACD / CRM), call accounting, etc.; and, generally act as a single point of contact for all trouble reporting, requests for service, etc.Offeror Profile RequirementsThis is a significant RFP for OP&F. In addition to the size and cost of this project, the winning Offeror/Distributor in responding to this document, will be making a major long-term support commitment to OP&F and its long-range telephony and network strategies. As a result, in order to respond to this RFP, the Offeror/Distributor must meet a minimum profile. This profile shall include the following requirements:Offeror/Distributor shall have been in business for at least five (5) years.Offeror or Manufacturer’s revenues shall exceed $200 million per annum.Offeror’s main business shall be in telephony with a significant portion of that business dedicated to the sale and implementation of high-level VoIP telecommunications systems with features and capabilities such as Unified Communications, CRM customer engagement centers and reporting, voice processing, call recording, hybrid telephony, Interactive Voice Response (IVR), remote office, mobility and videoconferencing during that five (5)-year period.Offeror must show that its business has a record of success (list of satisfied customers, profitable operation, etc.) and must have a customer installed base of IP-capable telephony systems that are of similar size and type.Offeror and manufacturer shall demonstrate present and future financial viability.Offeror shall be a manufacturer-authorized distributor of the proposed product and must have sufficient factory-trained and certified technicians and vehicles to support the OP&F site. The use of certified subcontractors is acceptable.Offeror must meet all six (6) requirements. Failure to meet any one of these requirements could disqualify the Offeror. Offeror must also meet other requirements as detailed in this RFP.Other Offeror RequirementsThe selected Offeror shall be responsible for: the engineering and design of the provided telephony network; engineering and design of a unified numbering plan; all hardware; all software; implementation/installation; selected Offeror-installed wiring; training; maintenance; and, ongoing support required to meet the scope of this RFP. It is a requirement that all currently working telephone numbers be maintained.Offeror shall also be responsible for system(s), network optimization and professional documentation. Installation requirements must be communicated and coordinated with OP&F staff in advance of actual shipment.Selected Offeror shall demonstrate the expertise and experience of key personnel that are assigned to this important and complex project. Such personnel may include the Account Manager, Project Manager, Service Representative, key technical and design personnel, training personnel, foremen, and field technicians. See Paragraph 4.10, Key Personnel Profile Summaries for clarifying statements.Subcontractor arrangements, if any, must be fully described in Offeror’s response. After award of the Contract, the selected Offeror shall not hire or use subcontractors without prior written approval from OP&F. Subcontractors shall be fully certified in the selected equipment by the Manufacturer. All subcontracted work shall be at the expense of the Offeror.DeliveryOP&F may delay any delivery to a mutually agreeable time. All deliveries shall be by FOB destination. Equipment deliveries will be accepted Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 AM and 3:00 PM. An equipment staging area will be provided.SECTION FOUR – PROPOSAL ORGANIZATIONProposal ContentA Proposal must include the sections and the order described in Paragraph 4.3, Response Section Order. The location of the various sections must be referenced in the proposal table of contents. All information submitted in response to the RFP will be reviewed as part of the evaluation process. The response shall include sufficient data to allow the Review Panel to verify the total cost associated with the RFP and all Offeror claims of meeting RFP requirements.RFP Response InstructionsThese instructions describe the required format for the Offeror’s proposal. Offerors may in- clude any additional information deemed pertinent. An identifiable tab sheet shall precede each section for easy reference. The Proposal submitted shall follow the same format as described in Paragraph 4.3, Response Section Order below. All pages, except pre-printed technical inserts, must be sequentially numbered. All materials submitted in response to this RFP shall become the property of OP&F.Response Section OrderAny Proposal submitted shall contain the following sections in the indicated order. Each must be tabbed and labeled.Table of Contents (see Paragraph 4.5)Executive Summary / Cover Letter / Authorized Signature (see Paragraph 4.6)Manufacturer’s Profile (see Paragraph 4.7)Offeror Profile (see Paragraph 4.8)Offeror References (see Paragraph 4.9)Key Personnel Profile Summaries (see Paragraph 4.10)System Capabilities, Both Present and Future (see Paragraph 4.11)Technical Documentation (see Paragraph 4.12)Offeror Response Information (see Paragraph 4.13)Implementation and Training Plan with Timeline (see Paragraph 4.14)Warranty / Maintenance Plan(s) (see Paragraph 4.15)Cost Summary and Component Breakdown/Purchase, Lease Information (see Paragraph 4.16). Note that all cost information must be provided in a separate sealed envelope.Options Pricing and Spare Equipment Costs (see Paragraph 4.17)Offeror Proof of Insurance (see Paragraph 4.18)Contracts/Agreements (see Paragraph 4.19)Right to RejectThis format (Section 4.3, Response Section Order) is designed to simplify the Review Panel comparative analysis. OP&F reserves the right to reject any and all proposals that do not meet this format.Table of ContentsEach Proposal must contain a Table of Contents with sections/tabs identified and must show page numbers for the beginning of each section.Executive Summary/Cover Letter/Authorized Signature/Tab 1A brief description of the scope of services and an overview of the recommendation is to be provided in the Executive Summary/Cover Letter. The cover letter must be signed by an authorized representative of the Offeror. The letter must also include the Offeror’s main contact for contractual issues, a contact for questions regarding the RFP response, the Purchase Order address, tax identification number, and a statement that the prices will be valid for 120 business days from the proposal due date.Manufacturer’s Profile/Tab 2If Offeror is not the manufacturer, Offeror must provide information that shows the quality of the Manufacturer. Important issues are years in business, market share, profitability, product strategies, management strength, number of employees, home office location, and so on.Offeror Profile/Tab 3Having met all Offeror profile requirements in Paragraph 3.2, Offeror Profile Requirements, this section shall provide a brief organizational history or background including, but not limited to, recent data describing the current organization, annual revenue, statement of profitability, experience with the proposed system, and so on.A description of the range of products and services that are provided by the Offeror for this project must be included.Offeror References/Tab 4Offeror references shall include a minimum of five (5) customers with successful installations of the OP&F proposed system. Three (3) references must be in the central Ohio area. Two (2) references may be in other parts of Ohio or in adjacent states. It is preferred that references be of similar size and in the public sector.Key Personnel Profile Summaries/Tab 5Profile summaries shall be completed for the key personnel who will be assigned to this project. Summaries must demonstrate each person’s experience and ability to perform the functions as assigned for this project.System Capabilities, Both Present and Future/Tab 6Descriptive literature providing a general overview of the hardware and software contained in the Offeror’s response must be provided for general information. Evidence of a strong migration path toward advanced present and future capabilities is important.Technical Documentation/Tab 7Technical information on all recommended products must be provided. The intent is to be able to evaluate the products recommended from a technical standpoint. Advanced engineering or installation manuals are not required but information provided should be detailed enough so that the information is at a meaningful technical level and beyond general sales information.Offeror Response Information/Tab 8This section must contain direct responses to requirements specified in this RFP. The provided CD-ROM or thumb drive will permit a quicker and more thorough evaluation of the Offeror’s response by using global search and other computer-related capabilities as part of the evaluation process.Implementation and Training Plan with Timeline/Tab 9A sample milestone chart (also known as a “Gantt chart” or “timeline bar chart”) must be included with the RFP response to indicate time frames associated with typical system implementation stages. Once the Contract is awarded, the winning Offeror, working with OP&F personnel, will develop a firm milestone chart and timeline.Warranty/Maintenance Plan(s)/Tab 10The Offeror shall provide a detailed description of its maintenance process (including response times) and options. Technician’s distance from the site is important. Warranties shall be for a minimum of one (1) year.Separate Cost Summary and Component Breakdown/Tab 11A cost summary must be included and all costs will be provided in a separate sealed and labeled envelope with the Offeror’s company name on the outside. This brief tab will reference that envelope. In addition, that envelope must contain costs that are broken down by component. Each component will be identified by part number plus a plain-English description, which will be meaningful to the Review Panel. The costs will be divided into categories so that the system and peripherals will be shown separately. Each of the categories will show installation costs by component. Costs will include hardware, software, installation, shipping, training, maintenance, and any other applicable costs.Offeror shall also provide lease options. Lease options will be for five (5) and seven (7) years respectively. “True lease” and “$1 Buy-out” rates are requested.Maintenance costs after the warranty period must also be included. It is the goal of OP&F to have a “not-to-exceed” fixed price for maintenance for at least three (3) years following the warranty period.Options and Spare Equipment Costs/Tab 12The Offeror’s Proposal shall include costs for all hardware, software, and services required to support any options contained herein. In addition, Offeror will provide an itemized list with discounted prices for any recommended spare equipment in this section. Such prices shall be fixed for a period of twelve (12) months from system cutover. This information must be included in the sealed cost envelope described in Paragraph 4.16, Separate Cost Summary and Component Breakdown.Offeror Proof of Insurance/Tab 13Selected Offeror and any sub-contractors shall carry and furnish evidence of insurance against liability for death, injury, and damage to property caused by selected Offeror, its employees, and agents, as described below. OP&F shall be named as an additional insured on all policies.The selected Offeror and any sub-contractors shall hold OP&F harmless for all liabilities under the resulting Contract, whether groundless or not, and shall be added to all Offerors’ and subcontractor’s policies as additional hazards.Selected Offeror is required to furnish broad form liability, property damage, workers compensation, and owner’s contingent (protective) public liability and protective coverage, as well as all other insurance as required by the laws of the state of Ohio. OP&F requires selected Offeror to have $1,000,000 liability insurance coverage on any project under $100,000 and $3,000,000 coverage on any project greater than $100,000.The Offeror awarded this work shall not commence work under Contract until all required insurance has been obtained as specified and all insurance has been reviewed by OP&F.Contracts/Agreements/Tab 14All contracts, warranties, SLAs and other legal documentation associated with the Project must be placed in this section. Offeror’s Contract package and Contract flexibility is an important part of OP&F’s evaluation.SECTION FIVE – PROJECT DESCRIPTION / PRESENT SYSTEM OVERVIEWScope of WorkThe purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to select a proposed Offeror to design and implement a state-of-the-art telephony System for Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund. This project is intended to provide a total replacement for the telecommunications system and network for OP&F. OP&F plans to implement a new, scalable VoIP-capable telephony system, including: PBX/CBX hardware and software, voice processing, networking, centralized network management, CRM customer engagement center, advanced reporting, mobility applications, Unified Communications, videoconferencing, E-911, and other capabilities contained herein.This RFP contains specifications for Offerors to provide a proposal(s) for a new telecommunications system, associated peripherals, and connectivity. Offeror’s response shall fully cover requirements for a turnkey communications system to be described herein. All VoIP systems and integrated peripherals will be considered. Such VoIP systems may be on-site, hybrid (on-site and cloud), or cloud-based. It is important that, regardless of architecture, any solution must accommodate TDM to support business lines, fax lines, and so on.It is assumed for this RFP, and for all practical purposes, that all in-place wiring will be re-used. OP&F is aware of the requirement for a robust infrastructure to support VoIP technology.This RFP and all OP&F contracts are contingent on the availability of funds. Offeror RFP responses will dictate if adequate funding is available.Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund AbstractOhio Police & Fire Pension Fund is located in downtown Columbus, Ohio. OP&F is a statewide defined benefit retirement plan for the police and firefighters employed by municipalities, townships and villages of Ohio. Benefits include service retirement, disability retirement, survivor benefits, and healthcare and prescription drug coverage for benefit recipients and their dependents. General administration and management of the plan is vested in OP&F, established under Chapter 742 of the Ohio Revised Code.OP&F is one of five public retirement systems in Ohio. The Ohio General Assembly created OP&F in 1965, replacing 454 separate local police and fire pension funds in Ohio. OP&F’s statewide operation began in 1967 when the local pension funds transferred assets of $75 million and liabilities of $490 million to OP&F.OP&F employs a talented diverse staff of professionals who are committed to the organization’s core values and service to its members. There are approximately 150 employees in five departments. The departments consist of Administration, Member Services, Business & Technology Solutions, Finance, and Investments.OP&F departments are located on the first, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth and lower level floors. The demarcation point is located at the lower level.Present System and PeripheralsOP&F utilizes a Nortel (Northern Telecom) Meridian 1, Option 11C that was installed around 1998 with CallPilot voice mail. About five years ago, and as a result of the transition from Nortel to Avaya Aura effective in December 2009, OP&F upgraded their Option 11C to a Nortel CS1000M-SG, Release 7.5 (a redundant system). The purpose of the upgrade was to provide Avaya Aura functionality to introduce Unified Communications, improve contact center capabilities and reporting, and allow for converged network advanced applications. The system is supported and maintained by AT&T.The telephony system and its peripherals are located in the server room with a 4-hour UPS. The server room is also on a generator. In the event of a power outage, the UPS/generator arrangement is expected to restore back up power within 2-3 minutes.The OP&F operating system is Microsoft Windows Server 2008. The personal computer operating system is Microsoft Windows 7.Desk instruments consist of 215 basic black Meridian 2-line, 16 button sets with display and speakerphones with hands-free functionality. In addition, there are15 Meridian M2616 feature phones, as described, with 22-button add-on modules. There are a few single line telephones in convenience areas. There is a single Nortel M2250 attendant console located in the reception area on the first floor.Approximately 200,000 calls are handled annually through 46 IP Flex channels running over AT&T’s AVPN service. There are four 800 service lines provided by CenturyLink.The voice messaging system is Nortel’s CallPilot 202i, Release 5.1. The 202i server is a flexible multimedia telephony server that integrates with the Nortel Meridian 1 and the Communications Server 1000 expansion switch. In addition to voice processing applications, this arrangement also facilitates data communications on Ethernet networks.OP&F uses the Avaya Aura Contact Center, Release 6.2 for their two on-premise call centers. One of the call centers operates with six (6) customer service agents and is a true resource for member information and inquiries. The second call center is an internal 6-position help desk that services the 150 OP&F employees. The Avaya Aura Contact Center blends underlying email, Web and telephony communications and provides advanced multimedia intelligent routing, workforce optimization and outbound self-service. Agent headsets are utilized.Working with, and integrated with the Avaya Aura Contact Center software is the Symon Enterprise Server (SES), Release 11. SES collects content from various sources, repurposing it according to pre-defined business rules, and then redistributes the repurposed content to the visual solution endpoints with the integration. SES monitors a wide range of real time statistics that are available from the Avaya system. Data received by SES is viewed using an SES viewer element.Call recording is provided by the Engage (NICE) call recording system, Version3.6.0.16 and is supported by Telstrat. The purpose is to support service excellence, policy adherence and regulatory compliance. All calls are recorded at both call center locations. In addition, the Employee Services Group has three positions that are recorded. No other departments utilize call recording.The call reporting and management source is Shadow Voice & Data Management, Release It is supported by Resource Software International Ltd (RSI). Shadow is a powerful set of modules for managers to track, process and allocate communications transactions (analog, VoIP and data). Transactions are delivered by the PBX/CBX to Shadow with information processed in real time. Information is summarized and submitted to a central server for consolidation and reporting. OP&F uses Shadow Voice & Data Management for call accounting (including extension detail) and call detail records. It also provides a personnel database, which is regularly updated. The RSI/MerAssist module is used for phone display programming and for moves, adds and changes.The organization is a user of GFI FaxMaker software that allows faxes to be sent and received from email clients and applications. However, most users only receive faxes on their computers. Faxes are sent using the ten (10) standalone fax machines. Any fax solutions must take into account Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and information security. OP&F is required to follow all HIPAA-applicable laws.There is no overhead paging system.InfrastructureOP&F’s network infrastructure consists of a Cisco 4500 PoE core switch with multiple PoE-equipped Cisco 2960’s on each of the floors. The switches support Cisco AutoQoS, but lack full multi-cast support and input queues. The 2960 switch architecture is fabric-based (not ring-based).The Telephony wiring used is Category 5e (enhanced) twisted pair that terminates on 110 blocks in the Telephone Equipment/Server Room (MDF) and Telephone/Data Closets (IDF). Data wiring is also CAT 5e and is terminated on RJ45 patch panels. CAT 5e is now capable of transmitting data at speeds of 1000 Mbps.OP&F is aware that some new cabling may be required to meet connectivity and technical requirements for the implementation of the new telephony system and its peripherals. It shall be the responsibility of the Offeror to survey the floors to determine if the respective infrastructures will support their recommended system. Offeror shall be responsible for cross-connects, for ensuring final end-to-end connectivity, and for wiring from the wall to the desk telephone, terminal, or other equipment. The Offeror will ensure continuity to the desktop and verify that sufficient pairs exist to provide the desired service(s). Offeror must not assume that facility inside wiring will be properly labeled and identified.SECTION SIX - OVERVIEWOverviewThe specifications in this section are intended to provide guidelines for a new telephony system to totally replace the current system and peripherals described in Section Five, Project Description/Present System Overview Offerors should assume that the new system and its peripherals will be installed in the present MDF and IDFs. For the purposes of Offeror’s response, in-place wiring will be reused and all existing stations will be retained.This section is intended to define the requirements for the designated telecommunications system and associated networking. The term “PBX” will continue to be used throughout this document, knowing that there are now several different technologies/terms that provide communications between station users. All proposed systems will be VoIP, converged (VoIP and TDM) or hybrid (on-site and cloud). All hybrid systems must be on a common platform.Regardless of the technology selected, the successful Offeror shall provide all hard- ware, components, software, and networking necessary to make the system work according to manufacturers’ specifications. The winning Offeror shall also provide installation (labor), professional training for all employees (train-the-trainer is not acceptable), specialty training for attendants and technical support people, plus full warranty and maintenance agreements and support as prescribed herein.In general, and for pricing purposes, all telephone instruments will be replaced. In reality, some existing single line analog sets may be retained for power failure transfer purposes or spares. It is imperative that the existing systems remain fully operational until the point of cutover. The selected Offeror shall take all steps necessary to eliminate or minimize downtime. The Offeror shall, in general, complete all non- interfering tasks before making the final cutover.All existing equipment not scheduled for replacement, if any, shall be made to interface and fully function with any proposed PBX and peripherals.All efforts must be made to ensure that no outages associated with implementation will occur during the standard business day.The winning Offeror will be responsible for de-installing the existing system leading to the final cutover of the new system. The winning Offeror will also be responsible for removing the old PBX system, including telephones, from the premises.Selected Offeror’s qualified personnel shall remain on site for five (5) consecutive business days after cutover to support users, provide training, make any system modifications and clear up any malfunctions that are uncovered or may develop during that period.The successful Offeror shall be responsible for all LEC and long-distance carrier coordination required for new system operation.Codes/StandardsAll work performed by the winning Offeror under the resulting Contract shall comply with all current national and local codes. All work shall conform to accepted industry telephone and/or equipment installation and repair practices, as well as specific practices of the manufacturers of the equipment and materials used.The installation of cabling and wiring, where applicable, shall be made in accordance with the appropriate current articles of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), National Electrical Code (NEC) and national and local codes.Floor plans for all floors will be made available to the winning Offeror as part of the system implementation process.Proposed System Description and RequirementsGeneral Requirements All systems must be integrated, flexible, scalable, state-of-the-art, digital PBX’s built on an advanced VoIP platform. Regardless of the system recommended, there must be an economical migration path that will allow Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund the ability to take advantage of the latest technologies (Unified Communications, SIP, mobility applications, etc.) and networking (SIP, etc.).OP&F is aware of the availability of hosted systems provided by a number of manufacturers and carriers. If the Offeror wishes to propose both a premise and hosted system, complete and separate proposals are required. If a hybrid system (on-site and cloud) is proposed, it will be a separate proposal.The proposed system must be capable of supporting 25 percent growth without replacement of any installed hardware or software.There must be 4-digit dialing between all system users. The system shall have Direct Inward Dialing (DID) capability for all stations with name and number display.The systems management server(s) must use a single unified database for all station user profiles, equipped system design, peripherals, and system- level operations.The system design shall provide access to the voice processing system consisting of advanced automated attendant and menuing.Redundancy/ReliabilityThe proposed telephony system common control (call processing, signaling, etc.) must be based on a fully redundant duplicated design. Redundant components may be provisioned as active/passive or load sharing with seamless switchover operation between control elements in case of errorsor failure. All active calls and programmed feature states must be preserved during the switchover process.Offeror must define their proposed system’s redundancy architecture and redundancy levels.PowerBriefly describe the recommended system’s power requirements.Proposals must include a UPS recommendation. Offeror must provide system pricing for both a 1-hour and 4-hour UPS that will link with OP&F’s generator.The proposed telephony system shall be equipped with current surge protectors to prevent damage to the PBX from power line induced voltage, spikes, lightning surges, etc. Lightning protections shall be provided for all trunking.All power supplies shall be protected against primary line surges. Devices shall be UL listed.Session Initiated Protocol (SIP)Although not a SIP user, the proposed system must support SIP-compatible stations and trunk networking as specified by IETF Work Group RFC documents. Offeror must identify the specific RFC standard that the proposed system supports. All telephones must be SIP-compatible.Analog TelephonesAnalog telephones and facsimile equipment will continue to be required in the proposed system. Indicate how such equipment is logically and physically supported by the common control telephony server, identifying all intermediary hardware elements necessary for control signaling transmission.Loss of ServiceThe recommended PBX shall be wholly self-contained and provide continuous service. Loss of service from the Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) Central Office shall not affect intra-building communications working/CompatibilitySystems shall have advanced voice communications, data communications, and multimedia capabilities. The switch must be able to handle simultane- ous voice and data. The system must be able to handle LAN connectivity (Ethernet, etc.), personal computer/workstation connections, Internet access, and video to the desktop. The PBX must have an architecture that makes optimum use of the latest signaling and network technologies, including SIP, Gigabit Ethernet, H.323 and other IP protocols. The system shall also support all common audio codes (G.711, G.723. etc.).System administration of the PBX and peripherals must operate over OP&F’s LAN and be capable of being accessed by multiple PCs under password control. Indicate whether system administration on the system and peripherals can be accomplished utilizing a single database and terminal.Power over EthernetAs indicated earlier, OP&F currently uses a Cisco 4500 PoE core switch working with distributed Cisco 2960 switches in the respective IDFs. Offeror must indicate whether or not the switches are adequate to support the Offeror’s telephony system and network design or if upgrades/replacements are recommended.FCC RequirementsAll proposed equipment shall meet or exceed standards, rules, and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), including Rule 68. The Offeror is required to supply the proposed system’s registration number and date when first placed on the market.InterfacingThe system shall have the ability to be equipped to interface directly with any carrier services, including DSL, T-1, SIP, advanced Sonet rings and other network services. The system shall have the capability to route incoming and outgoing voice, data and video transmissions through the PBX. Offeror must specify how analog (facsimile, etc.) technology will be accommodated.Trunk-to-TrunkThe system must be capable of accepting a mixture of trunk types at one console, and extending calls received to station users and other OP&F-related sites, either on or off- net. Off-net member supervised transfers are common. Procedures and processes shall emphasize ease of use. Trunk-to-trunk transfer restrictions shall be user controllable.NANP/WNPThe PBX shall have fully installed digit-handling capability to accommodate all aspects of the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) and the international World Numbering Plan (WNP).Classes of ServiceThe proposed PBX shall be capable of providing a minimum of sixteen (16) Classes of Service (COS) to establish restrictions as required. A class of service capability, or equivalent, shall be used to fully separate restricted stations and unrestricted stations.A wide range of Class of Service capabilities shall be provided, including the ability to completely block access to any outside lines and/or the operator, or to limit access to outside lines through the console operator only. Stations may also have access to, or be restricted from, all features,functions, LEC trunks, tie lines, toll-free and 900 numbers, long-distance and long-distance directory assistance if so programmed.System Management/System MaintenanceThe PBX shall have a powerful diagnostic system and network management capability. The PBX shall be equipped with automatic routine, self- diagnostic maintenance programs that can be run concurrently with traffic processing. Powerful diagnostics must be able to detect and locate failure(s) rapidly down to the digital telephone set level.The PBX shall have on-site programs and data-loading capabilities that will automatically reload within five (5) minutes or less after power or system failure conditions are corrected.6.3.15 E-911It is required that that the proposed system support E-911 service provided by a Public Service Answering Point (PSAP) as defined by the FCC. This means that emergency 911 callers located on the PBX system will receive the same level of 911 service that is received in a residence location. That is, emergency service providers, based on the directed DID or non-DID number will be able to expediently find the exact location of the emergency within the OP&F organization. The proposed solution must support all user stations, regardless of service type (VoIP, analog, etc.). System moves and changes must automatically be communicated to the PSAP.Wireless/Mobile TechnologyThe proposed system must be able to support and interface with the latest mobility devices and protocols, including smartphones and tablets. Specifications will be identified through the user interview process.The proposed system must be able to support a mobile cellular extension option. The option should be capable of working with almost any cellular carrier network and support mobile handsets and virtually all mobile devices.Mobile handsets must be able to receive incoming calls directed to the station user’s primary system directory number, and calling party information should be displayed at the mobile handset. Calls placed from mobile handset to other communications system subscribers must appear to look like calls from the station user’s primary desktop telephone, including calling party name and caller ID display.System users must be able to program incoming calls to ring simultane- ously or sequentially at the desktop instrument and mobile handset.Telephony features that must be supported in mobile extension mode must include hold, transfer, conference, and call forward-don’t answer to OP&F’s voice mail system.Call detail records must be collectable and stored for all mobile extension calls.Unified MessagingThe system must have the capability for Unified Messaging. Unified Messaging integrates voicemail, facsimile, and email while providing a standards-based messaging interface for a variety of devices. Responder must indicate the recommended manufacturer’s capability to translate voicemail messages into email messages and email messages into voicemail messages.Unified CommunicationsThe proposed system must be able to provide Unified Communications and associated features. Capabilities required include station user programmed call screening, coverage and routing; presence management and control; conference tools for audio, data and video communications; and collaboration tools for desktop screen sharing, management and editing.Instant Messaging (IM) must be fully integrated into Offeror’s Unified Communications solution and should be able to integrate with public IM services. Although not currently used, it is important that this future service can be implemented at a later date without a third party.Offeror’s response must describe their proposed system’s text-to-speech capabilities for the purpose of converting text messages to speech format for access from various voice terminal work Security/Toll FraudSystem architecture and Offeror’s system design configuration shall emphasize network security and network integrity. Offeror must present features and steps that will be taken that are designed to prevent security breaches, both voice and data.Emergency NotificationOP&F has a strong interest in the range of Offeror’s emergency notification capabilities. Incidents might include bomb threats, terror attacks, fire, or weather emergencies. Threats may be to individuals or employee groups. OP&F is seeking simple solutions for users to notify proper in-house staff and / or authorities for quick response.Radio Frequency InterferenceThe Offeror shall provide assurances that the proposed equipment will not be affected by Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and will function properly.Night AnswerSystems must be able to operate in night answer mode without loss of capabilities.Telephone Set RequirementsAll newly proposed telephone sets, whether analog, digital, or VoIP shall be hearing-aid compatible. All digital and IP sets must have displays and speakerphones. Analog sets, where replacement is required, shall minimally have “tap” buttons, message waiting lights and recall buttons.Messaging capabilities are important and, as a result, displays where utilized must be easy to read. Speakerphones must have clarity, quality, and virtually no clipping. Systems must have the capability to broadcast voice announcements via speakerphone using zone coverage.Where required, sets must have options (volume control, etc.) for the hearing impaired. All telephone sets must be line powered. Adapters are not acceptable.For proposal purposes, telephone sets are categorized as Basic, Administrative, and Executive. Basic sets are largely 2-line/port sets with display and speakerphone. Administrative sets are multi-button, multi-line sets that are used for coverage purposes and include displays, speaker- phones, and expansion capability (possible add-on modules). Executive sets are multi-line, multi-button sets with displays, extra feature buttons and speakerphones. Buttons are designed for single touch features. Proposals should include 220 Basic and 18 Multiline phones. One (1) Executive phone (for possible console use) may be needed. Fifteen (15) add-on modules may be required depending on the proposed set capacities and feature operation. Twelve (12) Call Center phones are included in the indicated totals.All digital/VoIP telephones will be SIP compatible.All telephones will be labeless.Attendant ConsoleAn M2250 console is used by the receptionist. Call volume is undefined. A console may not be required. If an actual console is not used, a multi-button, multi-line set with display and speakerphone will be considered.A PC client softphone application option may also be proposed. The attendant application should include several distinct display fields, such as incoming call queue and active caller information. If a PC client softphone is recommended, GUI capabilities must support drag and click operations. It is also required that any softphone applications be on a dedicated PC. This option may also require a supplemental multi-button telephone.Multi-Party Conference CallsIn addition to supporting the standard six (6) party add-on conference call for both on-net and off-net users, OP&F is seeking a conference bridge that supports at least 50 on-net and off-net conferees. A meet me conference operation is preferred.Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD)Offeror’s proposal must include one new TDD unit that employs the latest TDD technology.Voice Mail/Auto AttendantProposed voice processing systems must be a fully integrated (100%) voice mail/auto attendant package with redundant capability that will support OP&F. The voice mail/auto attendant product must be manufactured by the PBX manufacturer. System sizing is left to the Offeror. The system must be modular in order to add additional ports and storage when needed. Administration of the systems must operate over the OP&F LAN and be accessed by multiple PCs under password control.Automated AttendantThe proposed voice processing systems must have an integrated automated attendant package providing voice prompting for automating routing of calls to selected destinations within the facility or voice mailboxes. The proposed system must have advanced menuing and routing capabilities and must be easy to use and program.DefaultCallers shall have the capability to default to the operator or alternative coverage if they do not wish to select any of the other menu options for the system. Furthermore, the system must have the capability to time out and return callers to the operator.Out CallingThe system shall have the ability to “out call”, in which the user can program his/her mailbox to place a call to deliver messages to any other designated telephone number or mobility device when a message is received. The system must be easy to use and must have the capability for personal greetings. It also must have the ability for users to access their mailboxes remotely when outside of the telephone system premise (with password protection).GrowthThe voice processing system must be expandable without replacement. The system must also have a migration path in which adding memory/servers can easily accommodate further growth. Replacement is not an acceptable workingThe recommended voice-processing product shall have the capability for communicating to other voice mail systems made by both the same and different manufacturers.Additional CapabilitiesThe voice processing system shall have the capability for instant recording purposes. The system should have the capability to record an in-process conversation (e.g., threatening call) and save it to voice mail by a push of a button on the user’s telephone or terminal.Automatic Call Distribution/Call CenterThere is a very significant Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)/Call Center application requirement for this system. Both described call center operations have high marks for excellent customer service. Minimum requirements are fully described beginning with Section Five, Project Description/Present System Overview, Paragraph 5.3.7, Present System and Peripherals. Data collection and reporting systems and requirements appear in subsequent paragraphs. OP&F is looking for major system and reporting upgrades to these systems, emphasizing integrated IT and seamless operation. In addition, OP&F is requesting 15 wired headsets for its Call Center agents. However, would like wireless as an option.Interactive Voice Response (IVR)Although OP&F does not currently utilize IVR technology, Offeror’s network design will require this technology to enhance their OP&F network design and improve Call Center efficiency and service. Offeror must explain the role of IVR in their design, if applicable. It is important to note that the proposed IVR must integrate with OP&F’s pension system and service. OP&F is looking to improve their call center operations and service with CTI functionality and screen-pops, CRM, speech recognition, pre- recorded messages, advanced call routing, enhanced record keeping, wait-time indicators to callers, and effective integration with OP&F’s pension system and other host-based information.Video ConferencingOP&F has regular activity in a boardroom and two sizable conference rooms and would like to equip each with the latest technologies in large screen, high-definition video conferencing. Such technologies might include integrated software, wireless projection, high-fidelity sound, noise and echo cancellation, and directional microphones. In addition, the system(s) must be easy to understand and set up, using a smartphone, laptop or tablet to control the equipment. Offeror is requested to provide state-of-the-art video conferencing alternatives for the boardroom and three(3) conference rooms along with pricing as a requirement for this RFP.Voice BroadcastingOP&F currently uses the OpenText Notification provided service to reach employees in the event of snow emergencies, technical alerts, broadcast news and other events that require mass notification. Only pre-recorded voice messages are used (no email or text). OP&F is seeking a service that will also be able to handle emergencies like fire, other weather alerts, bomb threats, terror attacks and so on. Confirmation receipt capabilities are required.Call Detail Recording (CDR)General CDR RequirementsOP&F currently uses RSI’s Shadow Voice & Data Management for Call Detail Recording (see Section Five, Project Description/Present System Overview, Paragraph 5.3.10, Present System and Peripherals. In the same paragraph, it is noted that RSI/MerAssist is used for phone display programming and adds, moves & changes. Recommended replacements are required.Capacity and OperationCDR software shall be menu-driven, shall have capability for a minimum of 500 stations, and must be expandable without replacement. The system shall be able to log incoming and outgoing calls and must optionally be able to capture “local call” detail. It is expected that call detail recording will operate as a background task. System administration must be able to operate on the LAN and be accessed from multiple PCs under password control. CDR software must support connection to a separate database server and must not rely on a local database.System ReportsThe system software must provide the following reports as a minimum: Individual Call Costing, Summary Usage Reports, Extension Summary Reports, Selective Extension Reports, Long Calls, Frequently Called Numbers, Most Costly Calls, Departmental Reports, Alert Reports (Monitored Called Numbers), Trunk/Line Reports and Directory Reports. Reports shall show name and extension number with full cost accounting and allocation. The system must also be capable of providing custom reports specified by and generated by the user. Such report-writing capa- bility should allow the user to specify any of the fields to be printed in any sequence, and the users must be able to set up filters (specifications to suppress printing of unwanted information), and user defined subtotal points.System software must allow both manual (ad hoc) and automatic report generation (reports print automatically at predetermined times). The system shall be able to run reports at any time without loss of call collection capability. Inquiry and report responses must be virtually instantaneous.ArchivingSystem must be capable of archiving call records to any selected storage device in such a manner that, at a later date, reports can be generated from said records in the event that later facts warrant examination of archival call records. Indicate if the proposed system has any archiving restrictions.Ease of UseThe recommended package must be easy to load, use, and update. Processes must be intuitive and simple to understand.Support/TrainingOfferor must be the provider of primary CDR support. Offeror must be expert on the recommended package and must be capable of total implementation and support. Manufacturer support must be secondary.Call RecordingAs described in Section 5, Project Description/Present System Overview, Paragraph 5.3.9, Present System and Peripherals, the call recording system is provided by Engage (Nice). This is an aging system, was not release updated, and requires replacement. A replacement system recommendation is requested. The proposed system must be scalable and secure. It must be easily adaptable to OP&F’s call center operation and its unique operation requirements. The system must have real time recording, archiving and retrieval ability, fast disaster recovery, meet comprehensive compliance requirements and be easy to use.Call ReportingSection 5, Project Description/Present System Overview, Paragraph 5.3.10, Present System and Peripherals describes the call reporting and management system provided by RSI’s Shadow Voice and Data Management system. A more updated system with improved integration and capabilities is required. It is likely that functions provided by the RSI/MerAssist module will be performed by features inherent within the recommended telephony system.Facsimile OperationOP&F is seeking a recommendation to improve the handling of fax documents, including utilizing the benefits of Unified Messaging. Current procedures are described in Section 5, Project Description/Present System Overview, Paragraph, 5.3.11, Present System and Peripherals.SecurityOP&F requires a secure network solution to optimize system performance and reduce the probability of toll fraud, restricted calls, and illegal system and network access.Power Failure SetsAnalog sets identified as power failure sets must be capable of functioning under normal conditions and during power failure situations. Power failure sets will be capable of initiating (dialing) or receiving calls. Selected Offeror shall have responsi- bility for ensuring that power failure sets function as intended. If any coordination with the LEC is required, Offeror shall provide such coordination as a part of this agreement without additional compensation. Dial tone to power failure sets must be automatic upon loss of power.Site PreparationAll proposals shall identify the environmental specifications for housing the Offeror’s proposed PBX. The successful Offeror shall include site preparation specifications in such detail as to ensure that the equipment will operate efficiently in the environment in which it is to be maintained. All equipment must be working satisfactorily without grounding-based problems. It shall be the provider’s responsibility to ensure that this is the case.SECTION SEVEN – MAINTENANCE/WARRANTY HARDWARESelected Offeror shall render maintenance to keep hardware in, or restore hardware to good working order. This maintenance includes preventive and remedial maintenance, installation of safety changes, and installation of engineering changes based upon the specific needs of the individual item of hardware. The maintenance shall include the repair, replacement, or exchange deemed necessary to restore the hardware to good working order. For purposes of the Contract, hardware restored to good working condition shall be defined as hardware that shall perform all functions as prescribed in the manufacturer’s published specifications for such hardware as originally manufactured. The selected Offeror is required to supply access to the manufacturer’s specifications as part of the Contract agreement.Maintenance shall include adjustments and replacement of maintenance parts deemed neces- sary. Maintenance parts may or may not be manufactured by the original hardware manufacturer, may be altered by the selected Offeror to enhance maintainability, but shall be acceptable to the original hardware manufacturer. All maintenance parts shall be furnished and replaced at the installation site on an exchange basis, and the exchanged part shall become the property of the selected Offeror.Selected Offeror shall exert its best efforts to perform all fault isolation and problem determi- nation including hardware, software, and network problem diagnosis, attributed to the hardware, software, and networking covered under the Contract. There shall be no additional charge to OP&F for the maintenance performed by the selected Offeror whether or not the actual cause was determined to be isolated within the hardware, software, and networking included in the Contract.Selected Offeror agrees to cooperate with OP&F personnel, hardware manufacturer representatives, and other vendor/carrier personnel and/or communications systems suppliers to diagnose and correct hardware malfunctions. Selected Offeror agrees, when requested by OP&F, to coordinate diagnostic testing efforts involving other vendor/carrier personnel and to accept direction from other referenced parties in carrying out diagnostic testing of telephony system malfunctions.Selected Offeror warrants that all hardware shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of twelve (12) months after the date of its Acceptance (refer to Paragraph 7.15). At the option of OP&F, the selected Offeror shall repair, replace, or exchange any defective piece of hardware that the selected Offeror or OP&F determines to be defective. The selected Offeror shall bear all costs and risks regarding the return of any defective piece of hardware.Selected Offeror warrants to OP&F good and clear title to the hardware, free and clear of any liens or encumbrances.Selected Offeror warrants that it shall provide all parts and labor during the warranty period at no additional cost to OP&F. Trip charges shall be included. All hardware maintenance shall be performed on site.Selected Offeror warrants that any hardware maintenance performed under the resulting Contract shall be governed by the same terms and conditions as set forth in the maintenance sections herein.SOFTWAREDuring the 12-month warranty period that begins from the date of Acceptance of the software and for any software maintenance performed with selected Offeror under the terms and conditions of the Contract, selected Offeror warrants that when the software is delivered and installed, it will operate on the specified telephony system and/or its peripherals in the manner as described in the relevant software documentation.Selected Offeror warrants that while the software is under maintenance, Offeror will maintain the software to operate in a manner as described in the relevant software documentation, will supply technical bulletins and updated user guides from time to time, and will supply OP&F with updates, improvements, enhancements, or modifications to the software, which are not charged for separately.Selected Offeror will service the software in a professional manner with qualified and certified personnel. OP&F acknowledges that said software documentation will change over time with subsequent software releases and that following the warranty period, reasonable additional charges may be required for significant software upgrades.Selected Offeror shall exert its best efforts to correct any programming error, which is directly attributable to the selected Offeror or manufacturer within a reasonable time, provided that OP&F notifies the selected Offeror of a problem with the software by telephone, email, or mail and that OP&F provides Offeror with information sufficient to identify the problem.Offeror shall guarantee a 24-hour response time or less for routine trouble support. Response time shall be defined as the time it takes the selected Offeror to respond to a service call placed by OP&F to the toll-free number assigned for service by the selected Offeror. Response criteria may be remote or on-site.Offeror shall guarantee a one (1) hour or less response time for critical trouble support. On- site critical maintenance response, if needed, must be within four (4) hours. Critical maintenance is defined as a total system outage or any major component rendering the system non-functional to users and/or to members, or has a significant impact on OP&F’s ability to conduct business. Routine maintenance covers all other failures.It is understood that any software delivered with the new telephony system, its peripherals and networking or any upgrades, are provided with a “right to use” understanding. Titleremains with the manufacturer. Such software shall be supported by the manufacturer and selected Offeror as long as the equipment remains on OP&F’s premises.A copy of Offeror’s maintenance service agreement shall be furnished with the Proposal. Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund reserves the right to cancel the Maintenance Agreement with a 60-day advance written notice.Repair personnel shall carry critical hardware and software in their maintenance vehicles so that parts, diagnostic equipment, and software necessary to correct common problems are immediately available. All maintenance and repair work shall be performed by factory certified personnel, or by individuals who are accompanied by factory certified personnel.Each Offeror shall certify that they will be able to supply all parts, circuit boards, routers, servers, etc., for the entire system for at least seven (7) years. If the Offeror is not the manufacturer, the Offeror shall submit documentation from the manufacturer to guarantee parts and manufacturing field support for a period of seven (7) years from the date of accepted installation.Offerors shall include projected life cycle maintenance service costs over a three(3) year span (warranty year plus two additional years).Emergency Service. During the entire contract period, including warranty and maintenance periods, the successful Offeror shall provide emergency service on a 24-hour basis, seven (7) days a week to include all OP&F holidays. The successful Offeror shall respond within two (2) hours after notification by OP&F and arrive on-site within four (4) hours (provided remote repair does not resolve the problem). An emergency situation will be considered if there is ten percent (10 percent) or more system capacity (equipment) failure at any time or as determined by the delegated OP&F authority. Both parties shall consider any outages that negatively affect or inhibit the ability to conduct business as an emergency.Standards of Performance and AcceptanceSystem Acceptance is dependent upon a thirty (30) business day successful standard of performance as defined herein. This also applies to replacement substitute hardware, and hardware which is added, or field modified after the site has completed a successful performance period. “System” is defined as the installed Telephony System, including hardware and software and all the related peripherals, and all components necessary to make the “system” work according to the manufacturer’s specification. For purposes of performance and acceptance, measurements shall be applied to critical system components, software, and related networking that are necessary for maintaining normal business operations and shall not apply to individual telephones, non-essential terminals, etc.The standards of performance are:A performance period shall begin on the cutover date of the Telephony System and shall end when the System has met the Standard of Performance for aperiod of thirty (30) consecutive days by operating in conformance with the selected Offeror’s technical specifications (as set forth in the manufacturer’s operations manual or as quoted in the Proposal) at a minimal effectiveness level of 99.0 percent.In the event the system does not meet the Standard of Performance during the initial thirty (30) consecutive days, the Standard of Performance test shall continue on a day-to-day basis until the Standard of Performance is met for a total of thirty (30) consecutive days.If the system fails to meet the Standard of Performance after ninety (90) calendar days from the start of the performance period, the selected Offeror shall be in default. Such a default shall only be remedied when OP&F agrees that a successful performance period has been completed. In addition to all other rights and remedies conferred to OP&F under the Contract, OP&F reserves the right to request replacement hardware/software, terminate the order, or assess damages.The effectiveness level for the system is computed by dividing the sum of the up time of all critical devices at an installation site by the total of the number of working hours.Operational use time for performance testing for a system is defined as the accumulated time during which all Telephony System hardware and software components, including peripherals, are in actual operation.Operational use time for performance testing for added, field modified, substitute, or replacement hardware is defined as the accumulated time during which the hardware is in actual use.System downtime is that period when any hardware or software in the system is inoperable due to failure.Downtime shall start from the time OP&F makes a bona fide attempt to contact the selected Offeror’s designated representative until the hardware/software is returned to proper operating condition (rounded to the nearest quarter hour).OP&F shall maintain appropriate records to satisfy the requirements of the above paragraphs and shall notify the selected Offeror in writing of the first date of the successful performance period.Hardware/software shall not be accepted or charges paid until the performance period is complete.Uptime and downtime shall be measured in hours and quarter hours.Invoicing shall begin on the first day of Acceptance of the Telephony System by OP&F and shall not be invoiced until that date.Equipment purchased under this RFP may be operated for any period of time at the convenience of OP&F (exclusive of time required for preventative and remedial maintenance) and shall not be restricted for any reason.If necessary, and as defined by OP&F, the successful Offeror shall provide onesystem software/networking reconfiguration within 90 days following cutover and/or acceptance, if needed, at no additional cost. It shall include design support or any other services necessary to properly optimize the system and its peripherals and to resolve identified problems.SECTION EIGHT – OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONSIntentionsIt is the intent of OP&F to describe in this RFP a complete working hardware and software configuration. Offeror must provide any incidental items omitted from these specifications in order to deliver a working hardware and software configuration that is in compliance with all manufacturer’s specifications and requirements.Hardware and Software RequirementsAll hardware and software proposed shall be new, not reconditioned or refurbished. All hardware and software provided shall be at the latest engineering release level as offered by the original manufacturer. All technology proposed shall be available at the time of the award of the Contract.Travel ExpensesAny travel or per diem required by the selected Offeror, which is part of the normal scope of work, shall be at the selected Offeror’s pliance with the LawThe selected Offeror agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws in the conduct of the work hereunder. Selected Offeror accepts full responsibility for payment of all taxes and insurance including workers’ compensation insurance premiums, unemployment compensation insurance premiums, all income tax deductions, social security deductions, and any and all other taxes or payroll deductions required for all employees engaged by the selected Offeror in the performance of the work authorized by the resulting Contract.Confidentiality and Rights to DataThe Offeror and its sub-contractors, if any, understand that any information about OP&F recipients and employees is confidential. All information in the RFP is the property of OP&F and will not be shared beyond the proposer’s need to prepare and submit a response to this RFP. “Confidential information” shall mean information or material proprietary to OP&F, or to any related member entity, or designated by law or by corporate policy, which may be obtained through the process of performance of this Agreement. Such information also includes any information described which OP&F treats as proprietary, whether or not owned or developed by OP&F. Title to confidential information shall remain with OP&F. Offeror agrees that it shall not use or reveal all or any portion of such information except for purposes described in this Agreement. Offeror’s obligation of confidentiality shall be a continuingobligation. All materials submitted to OP&F by the proposer shall be delivered to and shall become the exclusive property of OP&F.Drug-Free / Smoke-Free WorkplaceOfferor agrees to comply with all applicable state and federal laws regarding a drug-free and smoke-free workplace.AssignmentNeither the resulting Contract or any rights, duties, or obligations described therein shall be assigned by either party hereto without the prior express, written consent of the other party.Wiring StandardAlthough station rewiring is not part of this RFP, any additional wiring work that is done will be performed in accordance with the latest EIA/ETA published standards and guidelines.Selected Offeror shall follow indicated and other published standards for cross- connect activities and any additional wiring that may be required throughout the building.The successful Offeror shall be responsible for cross-connecting new systems to exist- ing wiring schemes. Offeror must not assume that the existing facility wiring will be properly labeled and identified.Offerors shall assume that there will be some changes to current station arrange- ments. Adequate pairs will be available to operate new telephone instruments. No changes or additions to the proposed routing scheme will be allowed if it requires or involves changes over and above the final contracted amount, unless authorized in advance by OP&F.Grounding and bonding shall meet or exceed EIA/TIA-607.Additional telephone station wiring shall conform to accepted industry, FCC and NEC Standards as applicable to size, color code, insulation, etc. All selected Offeror installed wiring shall be new.In the event additional horizontal subsystem home runs are required, Offeror shall provide a quote for the installation, including labor and materials before proceeding.All costs associated with the testing of wiring, both new and old, in preparation for the implementation of the new Telephony System, will be the responsibility of the selected Offeror, and shall be included in Offeror’s response.InstallationInstallation shall conform to the applicable State basic building code (OBBC), National Electric Code (NEC) and all other applicable national and local codes and with accepted telecommunications industry standards.Where components, cables, cabinets, etc. are mounted on walls, ceilings, etc., suitable anchors must be used, so that if any one hanger should fail, the device will remain securely in place.Unless otherwise noted, all cable and components shall be supported by the building structure. In no case shall any cables be fastened to or laid on a suspended ceiling. In no case shall any cables be fastened to the support wires of suspended ceilings, electrical conduits, or any mechanical or plumbing system pipe or other equipment.All manufacturers’ recommendations must be strictly adhered to. Cable pulling tension and bend radii are critical. Improper handling will cause physical abnor- malities that will cause signal degradation.The successful Offeror shall take all steps necessary to protect all building compo- nents, finishes, and equipment from damage and shall be responsible for the repair or replacement, to the satisfaction of Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund, of all building components, finishes, and equipment damaged by the selected Offeror or his workers.The selected Offeror shall at all times keep the work sites free from accumulation of waste materials and/or rubbish resulting from delivery of services. Offeror shall keep the site at least broom clean. Upon completion of services at the work site, selected Offeror shall ensure that any remaining waste materials or rubbish are removed from the work site as well as all Offeror’s tools, construction equipment, machinery, temporary structures, and/or surplus materials.No exposed wiring or wire mold or other surface mounted raceway will be permitted in finished areas.The successful Offeror shall provide all necessary labor, equipment, and accessories to complete the job in a satisfactory manner.EngineeringAn initial planning meeting will be held with the successful Offeror to clarify all requirements (systems, services, distribution methods, etc.), identify responsibilities, and schedule the events that will transpire during the implementation of the project. Within one (1) week of the initial meeting, the selected Offeror shall provide a project schedule that will clearly document the events and responsibilities associated with the project.Upon completion of the initial engineering stage, the selected Offeror shall make available engineering documentation for approval by OP&F. OP&F will review the engineering documentation within a one thirty (30) business day period. If no revisions are required, the documentation shall be formally accepted in writing by OP&F. Any revisions shall be completed by the selected Offeror within a one (1) week time period and resubmitted for review.Patching and PaintingIt shall be the responsibility of the selected Offeror to restore damaged walls, ceilings, and/or wall coverings to their original condition. The quality of workmanship shall be “Type 1 -Recommended,” as set forth in the latest edition of the Painting Specifications of the Painting and Decorating Offerors of America. Offeror shall submit requirements for cutting and patching to OP&F’s Project Manager for approval.Firestopping and Smoke SealsFirestopping includes, but is not limited to, openings in fire-rated floors and walls for cables, conduits and trays, etc. Firestopping materials shall conform to ratings as required by local and state building codes and as tested by nationally accepted test agencies per ASTM E814 and UL 1479 fire tests.Disaster ManagementA ‘disaster’ is herein defined as an act, such as fire, flood, vandalism, etc., which renders the system at least 50 percent inoperable and/or results in life-threatening situations. In the event of a disaster, successful Offeror agrees to take the following steps.Successful Offeror shall:Respond immediately to the problem, giving it priority over all normal production, installation, and service work. Interim emergency telecommunications equipment shall be immediately provided.Assume responsibility for emergency service coordination with the operating telephone company. Successful Offeror will not be held responsible for restoring service with the operating telephone company but will be responsible for coordinat- ing the restoral effort.Make every reasonable effort to deliver a temporary system and other necessary temporary equipment within 24 hours and install that equipment within 48 hours of notification by OP&F.Provide all needed staff support to restore service promptly.Make every reasonable effort to install a permanent replacement system to duplicate the destroyed system within 30 days of notification by OP&F. Successful Offeror will install permanent instrumentation and other equipment to duplicate the destroyed instrumentation and other equipment within 30 days of notification by OP&F based on the then-current equipment configuration.It will be the responsibility of OP&F to make appropriate payments to the successful Offeror for the actions itemized above at the then-current rates.Spare Equipment PricingEach Offeror shall provide an itemized list with discounted prices for any recommended spare equipment to be retained on the OP&F site. These prices shall be construed to be effective for twelve (12) months from date of installation. Installation charges, if any, for each item shall also be provided.Training and Documentation RequirementsOfferor’s company must have professional instructors specifically trained for the implementation of the recommended system (including peripherals). The importance of good user training cannot be over-emphasized. Offeror’s training people will conduct user training on site no earlier than two (2) weeks before the OP&F cutover and will be on the OP&F site on the initial user’s cutover date. Instructors will also conduct console training (if applicable) and will be available for 30 business days at no charge to OP&F following implementation. Offeror shall provide a comprehensive description of the training curriculum, methods, and training materials.User training shall be comprehensive and appropriate to the user groups and telephone sets and peripherals that they utilize. A minimum of one (1) hour of training per user shall be provided. Training sessions will be held in such a manner that disruption of normal work routines is minimized. Group sessions, generally arranged by work group and including up to 15 employees, will be required during the weeks before cutover. Exact dates will be scheduled with the approval of department heads and/or the Project Manager. Training must cover user features of the proposed system, including voice mail and other peripherals. Separately, console training for attendants and their back-ups must also be included. Live demonstration sets must be installed in a room identified by OP&F for hands-on trials. Selected Offeror and OP&F, as part of Acceptance, shall mutually agree upon the adequacy of training.The selected Offeror shall also conduct on-site training for the system administrator and technical support people in the basic use of all facets of the telephony system, including system administration, moves and changes software programming, routine maintenance, malfunction diagnosis, voice mail/automated attendant programming and administration, call detail recording, and any other applicable system support training.Training will be on-site and thorough. After on-site training, more advanced classes may be given consideration whether online or off-site. Offeror is requested to provide a typical training program for OP&F’s technical staff with approximate cost and duration. The cost of any training shall be included in the response.The selected Offeror’s training staff shall be available for questions during normal working hours for a period of thirty (30) business days immediately following cutover.Offeror must guarantee availability of training for console attendants, users, and system administrators, for the life of the system. Such training may be a separately chargeable item following Acceptance.Other Offeror RequirementsUsers must be provided online access to station feature information.OP&F also requires access to a complete copy of the Installation Manual and a complete copy of all Technical System Operating Manuals.Offeror is asked to describe backup system software procedures and elapsed time to complete the process.During the warranty period, all system maintenance programming will be completed by the selected Offeror or by OP&F staff under the supervision of the selected Offeror.Maintenance logs and other such records are to be maintained and kept in the MDF or online and must be accessible by OP&F staff.Hardware TitleThe title to and risk of loss and damage (unless caused by the negligence of the facility personnel) to all items of equipment shall remain in and be the responsibility of the successful Offeror until final delivery, Acceptance of, and final payment for, the system by OP&F.SecurityThe work comprising this project will be performed at OP&F. The selected Offeror shall comply with the following special working conditions:Selected Offeror must be cleared for security access by OP&F. Selected Offeror shall submit a list of names of all persons expected to be on the project site. The completed list shall be submitted to OP&F for approval prior to any person’s appearance at the site for work assignments.Selected Offeror shall follow all OP&F security rules.SafetySelected Offeror shall comply with federal, state, municipal, and OSHA laws, rules, regulations, and code requirements.Offeror shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining, and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with performing services.Selected Offeror also shall take necessary steps to ensure that required firefighting apparatus is accessible at all times. Flammable materials shall be kept in suitable places outside the OP&F site.Project ManagementOfferor will provide a single point of contact, i.e., Project Manager, to speak for the Offeror and to provide the following functions: (1) initiate and coordinate tasks with OP&F staff, architect, engineers, Offeror employees, and others as specified by OP&F; (2) provide day-to-day direction and on-site supervision of Offeror personnel, and (3) ensure conformance with all Contract provisions. The Offeror’s ability to provide strong project management is an important component of the final selection process.SECTION NINE - EVALUATION OF PROPOSALSReview ProcessA review panel led by the Procurement Manager will analyze and evaluate the information received in response to this RFP and when appropriate, present recommendations to the Board of Trustees through the Executive Director. Finalist firms may be asked to make oral presentations to the review committee and/or the Board of Trustees. Such presentations will provide Offerors with an opportunity to answer questions regarding their proposal. All finalists and non-finalists will be notified by the Procurement Manager.Evaluation ProcedureThe evaluation procedure will be objective, thorough, complete, and well documented. Proposals must be responsive in meeting the requirements set forth throughout this RFP, and Offerors must be responsible as set forth in Section 3, Offeror Requirements, Paragraph 3.2, Offeror Profile Requirements. Price will be an important factor, but other evaluation factors may include an Offeror’s competence to perform the contract, ability in terms of workload to perform the contract, past performance on similar projects, financial responsibility, quality of the proposal, or other similar factors. Final tabulations will result in identifying the wining Offeror.Right to RejectOP&F reserves the right to reject any and all proposals in whole or in part when it has determined the award of a Contract would not be in the best interest of OP&F or the Offeror. The Review Panel may waive minor defects that are not material when no prejudice will result to the rights of any other Offerors.Additional InformationUpon completion of the analysis of the proposals, OP&F reserves the right to negotiate the final terms and conditions with the Offeror selected. Any conflict between the RFP and any response shall be resolved in favor of the RFP. Any conflict between the RFP, the response, and the Agreement shall be resolved in favor of the Agreement.OP&F reserves the right to mail/e-mail the RFP to firms that are qualified to perform the services requested herein, even if such firm does not, on its own accord, request a copy of the RFP.Proposals will not be made available for public inspection until OP&F has made a final award. All proposals received in response to the RFP will be maintained by OP&F and are a matter of public record and subject to public inspection.OP&F makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information in the RFP and nothing contained herein is or shall be relied upon as a promise or representation, whether as to the past or the future. The RFP does not purport to contain all of the information that may be required to evaluate the RFP and any recipient hereof should conduct its own independent analysis of OP&F and the data contained or referenced herein. OP&Fdoes not anticipate updating or otherwise revising the RFP other than described herein.This RFP may be withdrawn, modified or re-circulated at any time at the sole and absolute discretion of OP&F. OP&F reserves the right, at its sole and absolute discretion and without giving reasons or notice, at any time and in any respect, to alter these procedures, to change and alter any and all criteria, to terminate discussions, to accept or reject any response, in whole or in part, to negotiate modifications or revisions to a response and to negotiate with any one or more Offerors to the RFP.Letter of IntentOP&F shall issue a letter of intent to the winning Offeror contingent on the successful negotiation of a Contract. All unsuccessful Offerors shall be notified by the Procurement Manager after a Contract award has been made. No information shall be released after the RFP due date until an award and execution of the resulting Contract by OP&F. Furthermore, OP&F has no obligation to award a Contract under this RFP.AttachmentsOfferor shall review and follow instructions on Appendix A (Vendor Disclosure and Restrictions to Board of Trustees) and Appendix B (Reporting and Registration Requirements Under Ohio Law) and submit as part of their RFP response.ResponsibilityThe selected Offeror will be required to assume responsibility for all services offered in the proposal. Further, OP&F will consider the winning Offeror to be the sole point of contact with regard to contractual matters, including payment of any and all charges resulting from the Contract.APPENDIX AVendor Disclosure and Restrictions to Board of TrusteesA vendor shall disclose any of the following to the Board of Trustees and the Internal Auditor:Campaign contributions valued in excess of $100 made to any State officeholder, who appoints a member of OP&F’s Board of Trustees; orAny charitable contribution valued in excess of $50 made at the request of any member of OP&F’s Board of Trustees.All vendor disclosure of contributions and gifts shall be made as follows:Upon submission of an initial application or proposal to do business with OP&F, a summary of contributions for the previous twelve months shall be submitted.Within 30 days of an award of a contract by OP&F, the vendor must disclose contributions made from the award date to the date of initial application or proposal to do business that was submitted to OP&F.Annually, for the previous calendar year, which is consistent with the reporting to the Ohio Ethics Commission under Ohio Revised Code Section 742.115, in accordance with the deadlines determined by OP&F.Any violation of this policy may lead to the Board of Trustees declaring the vendor disqualified from doing business with the OP&F and terminating any existing business relationship.Nothing in this policy supersedes any applicable provision of the Ohio Revised Code or the terms of any agreement between the vendor and OP&F.These policy requirements will be included in all contracts on or after the effective date of this policy.APPENDIX BReporting and Registration Requirements under Ohio LawThe operation of the Ohio public pension plans is governed by specific statutes under Ohio law. These can be found in Chapters 101?, 102, 145, 742, 3307, 3309 and 5505 of the Ohio Revised Code.Persons/entities doing business, or seeking to do business, with any of the Ohio public pension plans or making campaign contributions to, or on behalf of, a Board member or candidate for a Board position are governed by, and may be required to register or file reports with, the Joint Legislative Ethics Committee, the Ohio Ethics Commission, and/or the Ohio Secretary of State. The Ohio public pension plans cannot provide guidance about these requirements. To determine if these provisions apply to you, please contact the following agencies:Joint Legislative Ethics Committee 50 West Broad Street, Suite 1308Columbus, Ohio 43215614-728-5100 Ethics Commission8 East Long Street, 10th Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215614-466-7090 Secretary of State30 East Broad Street, 14th Floor Columbus, Ohio 43266614-466-4980 Ohio state retirement systems advocate full compliance with all applicable laws, registration and reporting requirements. The duty to comply, and to register or report as applicable, is the sole responsibility of the individual or entity conducting the activities described above.According to Section 101.97 of the Ohio Revised Code, a copy of which is the next page, third party marketing fees are prohibited with limited exceptions.C. 101.97Contingent compensation agreements prohibited; incentive compensation plan.Except as provided in division (B) of this section, no person shall engage any person to influence retirement system decisions or conduct retirement system lobbying activity for compensation that is contingent in any way on the outcome of a retirement system decision and no person shall accept any engagement to influence retirement system decisions or conduct retirement system lobbying activity for compensation that is contingent in any way on the outcome of a retirement system decision.Division (A) of this section does not prohibit and shall not be construed to prohibit any person from compensating the person’s sales employees pursuant to an incentive compensation plan, such as commission sales, if the incentive compensation plan is the same plan used to compensate similarly situated sales employees who are not retirement system lobbyists. ................

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