Cisco Global Gold Integrator Frequently Asked Questions


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Cisco Global Gold Integrator Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the importance of the Global Demo and Sales Capabilities?

Recognition of your ability to demonstrate how you can sell Cisco solutions across borders and utilization of global Demonstration Centers to showcase to end customers your Cisco Solutions from anywhere in the world.

Q. Why should I use Regional Support Centers and Local Support Solutions?

Demonstration of regional support centers and local support solution capabilities across an entire region are determined by regional competency audits. Criteria includes global customer support methodology, lifecycle capabilities, and customer satisfaction rates.

Q. Do I need to be Partner Support Service (PSS) Eligible?

As a Global Gold partner, you may be able to order Partner Support Service globally. However, selling PSS is not a requirement of Global Gold Integrator. Eligibility for this benefit is as follows:

If you are currently authorized to sell PSS, to obtain global authorization you must: meet Global Gold sales performance targets. meet minimum delivery performance targets of 75 Service Requests and 130 Return Material Authorizations. pass a Technical Services Validation audit in centralized support locations for each of the Cisco defined regions

(Americas, APJ, EMEAR, and Greater China).

At the end of each Cisco fiscal year, the Cisco Services Partner Program will conduct an assessment for all Global Gold partners who wish to continue their global PSS eligibility into the following Cisco fiscal year.

Q. My company sells globally. How can I decide if we qualify to participate in the Global Gold Integrator Program?

Do you plan to invest globally and do business in all the Cisco Regions? If so, check the Global Gold Integrator Website to see if you meet the core requirements or want to plan how to meet the core requirements and performance metrics.

Q. How do I apply for the program?

If you are the Partner Administrator for your company, you can apply in the Program Management Application Tool. If you do not know who your Partner Administrator is for your company, you can look them up in the Partner Self Service tool.

Q. Where can I assign individuals for specialization roles?

Please use the Partner Self Service Tool to ensure the individual is correctly associated to your company with their testing id (CSCOxxxxxxxx). The individuals will need to be assigned to the country location where they will be supporting a specialization role(s).

? 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco partner confidential. Not for public distribution.

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Global Gold Requirements FAQs

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Q. Can I use a Center of Excellence for all of our certified individual resources in a region?

Yes. Your employees may all sit in a Center of Excellence. There would need to be some mapping in the Partner Self Service Tool to show how the specialization and Integrator requirements are met, but there will be no requirement to sit in a specific country. Your business requirements should deem locations for employees in order to sell, deploy, and support for your end customers. Partner Administrators can request sharing of individuals using the Share/Unshare Individual via CoE request form.

Q. Do my certified individual resources have to sit in one country or in a specific country?

The employees can be deployed across the region as your business requires. However, these individuals will need to be mapped into a Center of Excellence or a specialization in a specific country, in the Partner Self Service Tool.

Q. Will I still be audited?

Yes, you will still be audited, but at a regional level. Cisco is recognizing your ability to scale across the region with global processes that meet and exceed the SLA with your customers. Like the Gold Integrator audit, the Partner Competency Review (PCR) will be conducted within the 3-year audit cycle. For renewal Global Gold Integrator PCRs, partners may qualify for one global PCR instead of 4 regional PCRs.

Q. Does a Global Gold partner participate in CSAT?

Yes, either in country or in region if operating from a Center of Excellence, CSAT requirements will still need to be met. If you hold a Gold Integrator, you will need to meet the in-country requirement for the Gold Integrator. Any CSAT emails used for in-country requirement will also count for the regional requirement.

If you move into a Center of Excellence model, you will need to meet the regional requirement. E.G. APJ requires at least 3 gold Integrators or meeting the equivalent requirement of Gold Integrator in a Center of Excellence. In this example, you would need to provide at least 90 email contacts (3 Gold, each requiring 30 email contacts) and conduct any low score follow up that arises within the measurement period.

Q. What if we choose to keep an in-country Gold Integrator? Will it still show up if we are in the Global Gold

Program? Absolutely! Should you choose to hold an in-country Integrator (e.g., Gold, Premier or Select), it will show up in Partner Locator along with the Global Gold designation.

Q. For the architecture specialization requirements, which architectures are required for Global Gold?

You should hold the same architectures/business specializations as the number required for Gold and Premier within the region. You may not meet the requirements with only 1 or 2 type of architectures. These specializations should be equivalent to the number required as though you hold an in-country Integrator.

? 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco partner confidential. Not for public distribution.

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Global Gold Requirements FAQs

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Integrator Specialization Requirements Options

Global Gold requires the same architecture and business specializations to be held as the number of required Gold and Premier Integrator roles within the region. Requirements may not be met with only one or two types of architectures. (Required Specializations are equivalent to the number of in-country Integrator roles held.)

Premier Integrator Specialization Option

Gold Integrator Specialization Options

? Any specialization

Required ? Advanced Enterprise Networks Architecture Specialization ? Advanced Security Architecture Specialization ? Customer Experience Specialization or Advanced Customer Experience Specialization

CHOOSE ONE more from this list: ? Advanced Collaboration Architecture Specialization ? Advanced Data Center Architecture Specialization ? Advanced Service Provider Architecture Specialization ? Advanced DevNet Specialization

CoE Required Specializations by Region


Advanced Enterprise Networks Architecture Specialization

Advanced Security Architecture Specialization Customer Experience Specialization or Advanced Customer Experience Specialization

Advanced Collaboration Architecture Specialization or Advanced Data Center Architecture Specialization or Advanced Service Provider Architecture Specialization or Advanced DevNet Specialization Premier Integrator Specialization (any)

Total per region

AMER 3 3 3 3

1 13

APJ 3 3 3


EMEAR 5 5 5


Greater China 1 1 1








If you hold a Master Specialization (Collaboration, Security, Data Center & Hybrid Cloud, Networking), you must hold the pre-requisite Architecture in the country where you hold the Master. At this time, Master is country specific and has an underlying requirement for a specific Architecture must be shown as being held in the same country. The same applies to competencies. They are specific to countries where they have been approved and are not part of the Global Gold program.

? 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco partner confidential. Not for public distribution.

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Global Gold Requirements FAQs

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For example, 3 Gold Integrator or 15 Architectures in APJ:

Required: 3 Enterprise Network Architectures and 3 Security Architectures and 3 Customer Experience Specialization or Advanced Customer Experience Specialization

3 Additional architectures are required and can be met with a combination such as: 1 Advanced Collaboration Architectures, 1 Advanced Data Center Architectures and 1 Advanced Service Provider Or you could choose to meet the remaining requirements with 3 Advanced Collaboration Architecture specializations

Q. If there is a Premier requirement, must we hold Architecture in order to have the Premier Integrator.

You can hold any specialization that is required of a Premier partner.

Q. Will the Architecture or Specializations show up for each of our registered locations?

No. However, you may choose which of your locations you would like to have shown as specialized with the architecture by applying for them.

For example, in the Americas region that requires 3 Gold and 1 Premier or 13 Architectures in a regional approach. Considering that Advanced Enterprise Networks, Advanced Security, and either of the Customer Experience Specializations are required, we know you need 3 of each. The example in the table shows 13 Architectures met; however, for the Premier requirement you do have the option of meeting the 13th requirement with any specialization that meets the Premier requirement.


US Brazil Canada Argentina Mexico

Number of Architectures







Advanced Enterprise Networks (required)



Advanced Security (required)



Advanced CX or CX (required)*

Advanced Advanced Collaboration Data Center






Advanced Service Provider



Q. Can I buy as a direct partner in all locations?

Yes, as a global gold partner you may purchase direct wherever you have a registered location. If you need to request for a location to be authorized for direct purchase, please open a case: go/cs. If you have more than one location that needs to be authorized, an Excel file, containing the additional locations, can be uploaded with the case request.

Q. Is every location now eligible in Global Partner Network?

At this time, you will need to register these locations in the PPE Tool the same as how you register the Gold Integrator location(s). Each location will be treated as a Gold Integrator and can enroll as Host, Partner, or Subsidiary.

? 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco partner confidential. Not for public distribution.

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Global Gold Requirements FAQs

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Q. How do I get VIP for the registered locations?

At this time, you will need to register these locations in the PPE Tool the same as how you register the Gold Integrator location(s).

Q. How is the Value Incentive Program (VIP) supporting globalization efforts?

Approved Global Gold and Global Customer Support Process partners will see a few enhancements specific to globalization efforts in the VIP rules.

Q. Global Gold partners were able to benefit from the Global Gold Integrator beginning in VIP 29. What are the

relevant changes implemented in VIP? Beginning in VIP 29, the ability to gain access to select VIP sub-tracks based on the Global Gold Integrator for all the entities around the globe. The Global Gold Integrator was also added as an additional payment criterion for the Gold bonus. In VIP 30, the VIP minimum bookings requirement was moved to the global level for Global Gold partners and aligned with the Global Gold annual product and services bookings requirement of $350M.

Also, the Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) VIP requirement was aligned with Global Gold Integrator. As a consequence, Global Gold partners now have access to VIP for all registered entities and simplified payout criteria. Maintenance of the Global Gold Integrator throughout the entire VIP period is required to qualify for the payout in select VIP subtracks, including the VIP Gold bonus.

Q. Each sub-track in VIP typically requires particular architectural or advanced specialization. Does it mean that all

countries of a Global Gold partner will be able to enroll into VIP and gain access to select VIP sub-tracks, even if we don't have the particular specialization? Yes, that is correct. Based on the Global Gold Integrator, all registered entities will be able to enroll in select VIP sub-tracks, even in countries where you don't have the appropriate specializations. Such access based on Global Gold Integrator is provided to Enterprise Networks, Security, Data Center, Collaboration, and Meraki sub-tracks.

The only sub-tracks where Global Gold will not provide access to are Service Provider Technology, Collaboration Annuity, and Security Annuity sub-tracks. Investing in local knowledge translated into local SPT Security specializations or participation in the SaaS Subscription Resale Program will gain access to those sub-tracks and potentially qualify for the VIP payout.

Q. Do all the entities of a Global Gold partner have to enroll to VIP?

Yes, each registered entity based in a Cisco defined country or country group needs to enroll separately to VIP, as in the past, if it would like to participate and have the opportunity to qualify for the VIP rebate payout.

Q. Will the VIP rebates continue to be paid locally?

The VIP payments will be paid to the eligible partner entities on the country or country group level, just like in the past.

? 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco partner confidential. Not for public distribution.

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Global Gold Requirements FAQs

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Q. Being a Global Gold partner, will I be eligible globally not only for the Gold bonus in VIP, but also for the Master

specialization bonus?

No, Master specializations remain country/country group based. Therefore, if you'd like to continue to receive Master specialization/Cisco Powered bonuses in VIP, maintain the Master specializations in the particular countries/country groups as of today.

Q. When will meeting of the annual product bookings $350M threshold be checked?

Meeting of the $350M product and services bookings threshold will be checked at the end of each Cisco fiscal year.

Q. Can a Global Gold partner sell PSS?

Yes, if you have been previously authorized to sell PSS or if you have completed and passed a regional PSS audit. If you have not been approved for PSS, you can request to have a TS-D Validation conducted. The process is managed by a third party and partner paid. Click here for more information on services for Global Gold

Q. What are the options for a Global Gold Partner to sell PSS?

There are 2 options: Either Global- Resale or Global Gold. You must notify Cisco as to how you want to allow each location to sell services. The table below provides a side-by-side comparison.

PSS Eligibility

PSS Ordering Metrics/ Rebates

Global- Resale

Global Gold

Eligibility is based on local BeGEO ID PSS rules defined by CSPP regions.

An End of Year assessment will be done, and you must meet defined SR/RMA targets assigned to the CSPP region you reside in.

Only countries that have the local PSS qual code have access to PSS.

PSS can be ordered by any country who has the local PSS qual code for any customer into any country that has the local PSS qual code.

In addition, PSS can be ordered by any country who has the local PSS qual code for any customer on the G3100 list into any registered country.

Metrics are used for each country/country group on a quarterly basis to determine quarterly rebates.

Metrics are used for each country/country group on a yearly basis to determine on-going PSS access for that country/country group.

Eligibility is global. An End of Year assessment is done based on a global

roll-up of SR/RMA performance against the US/C SR/RMA target. You must identify which country/country groups will have global gold PSS qual code. Any country that is registered can be give this qual code. Country/country groups that do not have this qual code will not have access to any version of PSS. You can add country/country groups to global gold PSS at any time. You cannot have a combination of local/global gold PSS countries.

PSS can be ordered by any country that has the global gold PSS qual code for any customer into any registered country.

Metrics are used for each country/country group on a quarterly basis to determine quarterly rebates.

Metrics are rolled-up globally on a yearly basis to determine on-going PSS access for the partner.

? 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco partner confidential. Not for public distribution.

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Global Gold Requirements FAQs

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Q. For Global Gold partner, is the PSS entry eligibility and ongoing PSS eligibility the same?

There are 2 different situations. One is for Global Gold the program and one is for GG/PSS. Per the table below, the targets are for both the initial and on-going eligibility rules.

Metric Performance Targets Consolidated Attach Rate LLW (AR) In Quarter Renewal Rate Bookings Service Request (SR) Return Material Authorization (RMA)

Targets =>80% =>55% =>$350 million annual = ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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