Below is list of commands generally used in Cisco platforms and their equivalent Huawei CLI command set. This is quite helpful especially for Cisco networking Engineers who face challenge when introduced to a new Huawei device for configuration ?





ping traceroute show show interfaces Show ip route Show ip interface Show version Show ip bgp Show clock Show port Show flash Show logging Show snmp Show frame-relay pvc Show users Show terminal length enable disable

Conf t exit end Show policy-map interface send clear counters clear interface terminal monitor terminal length terminal no monitor Show tech Show Controller show dsl int atm 0 sho crypto isakmp sa sho crypto isakmp key

Ping tracert display display interface display ip routing-table display ip interface Display version Display bgp routing-table Display clock Display port-mapping dir flash: (on user view mode) Display logbuffer Display snmp-agent statistics Display fr pvc-info Display users screen-length disableundo screen-length disable super Super 0 (number is privilege level from 0 to 3,where 3 is default and equivalent to "enable" on Cisco)

System-view quit return Display qos policy interface send (on user view mode) reset counters interface reset counters interface terminal monitor screen-length disableundo screen-length disable undo terminal monitor display diagnostic-information display controller (but not relevant for non-modularchassis)

display dsl status interface Atm 2/0 Display ike sa Display ike peer

write terminal (sh run) Sh startup [no equivalent: shows the files used for startup] Write erase Write mem (or wr or copy run start) clear counters telnet Enable secret (conf mode) Term mon clock no debug / no debug copy running-config clear crypto clear access-list counters reload shutdown boot Aaa terminal no monitor tacacs-server snmp-server router bgp Router rip ip tacacs mtu clear ip cef clear ip route * Clear ip bgp Sh ip nat translation sho atm pvc debug pvc nego

sho crypto isakmp police

display current-configuration Display saved-configuration Display startup

Reset saved-configuration save reset (on user view mode)Reset counters interface telnet Super pass cipher (system mode) term debu clock undo debugging / undo debugging Save safely ipsec saike sa reset acl counter all reboot shutdown bootrom hwtacacs scheme undo terminal monitor hwtacacs scheme (in conf command) tftp-server (in conf command) Bgp Rip hwtacacs nas-ip (this command doesn't exist !!!) Mtu (this command doesn't exist !!!) reset ip fast-forwarding reset ip routing-table statistics protocol all Reset bgp all Display nat session Display atm pvc-info Debug atm all (very dangerous ? might crash router)

Display ike proposal


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