Acceptable Citation Formats: APA (American Psychological ...

[Pages:3]Acceptable Citation Formats:

? APA (American Psychological Association)

? If you use a citation generator, set it to APA. At least one of the versions will be acceptable.

? If you execute them manually, this is the simple format.

? Video/recorded lecture: Last name, First initial. (date of recording or update.) Title of lecture. Retrieved date from: link to active video.

? Example: Ameling, J. (June 13, 2018) Interpreting the Client Information Sheet. Retrieved September 20, 2020, from:

? Book: Last name, First initial. (year of publication or update.) Title of work: subtitle. Publisher name.

? Example: Dickens, C. (1860). Great Expectations. Chapman & Hall.

? Website: Last name, First initial. (date of publication or update.) Title of article. Retrieved date from: link to active site/article.

? Example: Ameling, L. (2020, January 28) How to Train Your Children. Retrieved on July 6, 2020, from:

? Personal (live/phone/online) interview or encounter: Last name, First initial. (date of encounter.) Personal interview.

? Example: Banks, S. (2020, July 5.) Personal interview.

? We will also accept MLA (Modern Language Association)

? Video/recorded lecture: Last name, First name. Title of article or lecture. Name of organization, if applicable. Retrievable link. Date accessed.

? Example: Hovis, Beth. Parasitology ? part one. Trinity School, (n.d.), . Accessed 20, Sept 2020.

? Book: Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. City of Publication, Publisher, Publication Date.

? Example: Gearing, Eric. All About Chi. Chicago, Illinois. TCM Publishing. 28, January 2018.

? Website: Last name, First name. Title of article. Name of organization, if applicable. Retrievable link. Date accessed.

? Example: Masters, Judy. Guide to Literary and Critical Theory. Butler University, 28 Jan. 2009, Accessed 24, Sept 2020.

? Personal (live/phone/online) interview or encounter: Last name, First name. (date of encounter.) Personal interview.

? Example: Banks, Sally. (2020, September 5.) Personal interview.

Considerations and Good Advice

Cite your references appropriately to avoid plagiarism. Following correct format and citing when appropriate will help to avoid accidental plagiarism:

? If you reference proprietary terms/material, in your post(s), you must cite the source. o For example, if you are assigned a Discussion topic, and it's based on specific concepts or material from one of your lectures or readings, you must cite your source. o If you choose to paraphrase or quote a book, online article or webpage, be sure to cite your reference. o If you choose to quote the reference verbatim, use quotation marks around the exact verbiage. If you do not, even with a citation, it will be plagiarism.

? Many Discussion and Activity assignments draw from the lectures. In those cases, the lecture must be cited. Any additional resources should be included, as well. In most cases, it's fine to limit your formal citations to three or four resources. o Even in the case of an opinion about a concept that is based on a reading or lecture, there must be a citation. o It can be back to the lecture or it can be to the source material.

? Citations are not required for an opinion NOT based on any other research or proprietary concepts. o "Which do you prefer, pizza or tacos? Explain." o If you use research (why pizza is preferable to tacos) to explain your choice, a citation will be required. o If you share a purely anecdotal story, no citation.

Tips for compliance: 1. NO CREDENTIALS are used in any citations. 2. Can't find the author of an article? (n.a.) = no author name available 3. Can't find a date that the article was published/revised? (n.d.) = no date available 4. In-text citations are not necessary and will impact your word cap. 5. Do not just copy/paste a "raw" URL a. Such as b. Always include retrieval information (date and complete publication or site.) c. An incomplete citation is not a citation. 6. Citing a book? a. If you are using a specific chapter, you may note the chapter. b. Page numbers are not necessary and can cause confusion if the book has been reprinted.

7. Citing a website? Search the website. Author name(s) and dates of updates are often at the bottom or right at the top.

For help, visit: 1. 2. 3. =%2F12-best-free-online-bibliography-and-citation-tools&utm_medium=link 4.


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