1. Wayland Baptist University, Virtual Campus, School of Business

2. Mission Statement: Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an academically challenging, learning-focused and distinctively Christian environment for professional success and service to God and humankind.

3. Course: MKTG 4330 – VC01, International Marketing

4. Term: Spring, 2017

5. Instructor: Walter J. DeCastro, DBA

6. Office Contact: Phone: 205.862.4625 Email: walter.decastro@wayland.wbu.edu

7. Office Hours: Tuesday and Wednesday 5PM – 7PM Central Standard Time or email any time

8. Class Meeting Time and Location: Virtual Campus

9. Catalog Description: strategic approach to the management of marketing activities in a global environment. Implementing the marketing mix variables in a global environment characterized by varying economic, social, cultural, political, legal, and financial forces.

10. Prerequisites: MKTG 3312

11. Required Textbook and Resources:


|International Marketing |Cateora |17th |2016 |McGraw-Hill |9780077842161 |3-16-16 |

12. Optional Materials: Research Articles as assigned

13. Course Outcome Competencies:

• To examine the strategic perspectives on the process of managing a global enterprise.

• To introduce the major dimensions of the economic, social, cultural, political, legal, and financial environments in which the global firm operates.

• To apply the strategic and tactical principals taught to problems encountered by actual firms as they sought to expand or maintain global market.

14. Attendance Requirements: Attendance for the online course is required weekly. Logging on to the course and participating in the required weekly activities (i.e., assignments) is counted as attendance. Any student who misses 25 percent or more of the regularly scheduled class activities may receive a grade of F in the course. If you are late or unavailable on a day when an assignment is due, you will receive a 0 on that assignment, unless you submit a viable explanation prior to your deadline. Note: assignments must be posted by 11:59 pm/23:59 CST of the due date.

15. Disability Statement: “In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), it is the policy of Wayland Baptist University that no otherwise qualified person with a disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity in the university. The Coordinator of Counseling Services serves as the coordinator of students with a disability and should be contacted concerning accommodation requests at (806) 291- 3765. Documentation of a disability must accompany any request for accommodations.”

16. Statement on Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty: Wayland Baptist University observes a zero- tolerance policy regarding academic dishonesty. Per university policy as described in the academic catalog, all cases of academic dishonesty will be reported and second offenses will result in suspension from the university. You will be required to state your acceptance through your email account.

17. Course Requirements and Grading Criteria:

Students shall have protection through orderly procedures against prejudices or capricious academic evaluation. A student who believes that he or she has not been held to realistic academic standards, just evaluation procedures, or appropriate grading, may appeal the final grade given in the course by using the student grade appeal process described in the Academic Catalog. Appeals may not be made for advanced placement examinations or course bypass examinations. Appeals are limited to the final course grade, which may be upheld, raised, or lowered at any stage of the appeal process. Any recommendation to lower a course grade must be submitted through the Executive Vice President/Provost to the Faculty Assembly Grade Appeals Committee for review and approval. The Faculty Assembly Grade Appeals Committee may instruct that the course grade be upheld, raised, or lowered to a more proper evaluation.

Examinations: There will be two on-line timed exams and two quizzes consisting of multiple choice questions. No proctor will be required. Questions may address topics covered in either assigned articles or text readings. Careful review of the assignments will assist you in preparation for the exams/quizzes, but adequate study of the assigned chapters is recommended. Makeup tests will only be given for excused absences from the exam/quiz. Excused absences include absences for official University activities or for circumstances beyond your control and approved by me before the exam/quiz date. Makeup tests must be taken within one week of the scheduled exam. Any makeup exam/quiz will cover the same topics as the exam given in class, but may not include the same questions.

Discussion Board (DB) Assignments: You will submit eight responses (i.e., 8 of 10 available) to separate weekly discussion board topics worth a total of 100 points. These assignments are included on the Syllabus (where they are broadly outlined) and in the DB tab (where details of the assignment are posted). The first DB topic is mandatory for all students. These postings will be completed as individual assignments. DB Assignments will not be accepted late nor they will be graded. All posts and comments (see below) should be posted on the DB by 11:59 p.m./23:59 (Central Time) on the date on which they appear in the schedule of classes. Ten total DB Assignments are included in the Syllabus and available for you to choose in which week you will submit your DB Activity. You are given the option of choosing which eight DB Assignments you will submit, so manage your time wisely and submit your assignments in on time. If you fail to post by the deadline for a particular week, that week’s assignment becomes unavailable to you. So, if you fail to post three DB Assignments, then your maximum grade for this activity will be 87.5 points (i.e., 7 X 12.5), assuming that you receive all available points for each assignment that you do post. Note, that DB Assignments may occur in the weeks when Exams are assigned. Perhaps the wisest course of action is to plan at the start of the term which of the DB Assignments falls in an exam week and plan to address that response early in the week or to skip that DB Assignment so as to allow you time to prepare for the exam. No time extensions will be given for the DB Assignments that fall in exam weeks. These assignments are still due by the hour and date given. You will receive a maximum of eight points for your own posting in response to the week’s topic: four points for completeness of your response, two points for grammar and writing style, and two points for the correctness of your response. The remaining points for that week (4.50 points) will be awarded based on the quality of your comment on a posted thread of another student. These 4.5 points will be awarded based on grammar and writing style (two points) and thoughtfulness of your comment (2.5 points). You may not simply “agree” with the other student’s post; you must provide something new to that discussion. If you do agree, then explain why you agree, citing personal experiences or principles from the test that lead you to agree. If you disagree, then explain why, citing the same type of evidence as noted above. These comments must also be long enough to make a significant point. Do not expect to receive full credit for the response if you submit only one or two sentences, however, a paragraph (i.e., six sentences) or two will suffice.

Course Project: You will perform an analysis of the cultural, political, legal, economic and technical environment of a country, which will be drawn through at random number generator and provided by me during the first week. You will prepare a prospectus with an executive overview, analysis, recommendations and justification of recommendations, tables, and any video or audio materials that you wish to include and submit the prospectus to the instructor formatted as a PowerPoint file. Since the prospectus will be presented as a PowerPoint file, you will not need to write complete sentences. However, part of your grade will be based on grammar and spelling; edit your file carefully and cite in APA format and identify sources of information used in your prospectus. You will submit each section of the project through the Assignments function of BlackBoard. The link for each section will appear in the Course Content area until the assignment deadline. Late assignments will not be graded and will receive a 0- zero grade. These assignments will ask you to investigate the environmental and competitive aspects of the country you receive, then prepare your prospectus. More details are given in the specific requirements for each assignment. (See General Statement on Homework and Exam policies)

General Statement on Homework and Exam policies

Homework will not be accepted late for any reason, except extreme health issues as stated below. Because of the nature of the prospectus project, you may not skip Project Assignments. There is no reason, under normal circumstances, for turning in a late assignment. If you have family or work plans, either turn the assignment in early, or complete the work while you are gone. If you have technical difficulties with your computer connection to the BlackBoard class site that is not an issue created by WBU, seek an alternative computer and Internet connection to submit your work. If you do not register for the course or return to school before DB assignments are due, any assignments that you miss will be assignments that you skip. This is not an exhaustive list. Possibly some other event could prevent you from turning in your DB assignment on time. Then that is a week’s DB assignment you will skip. In the event of serious illness or injury, we usually get an email from Enrollment Management informing us of your status and whether you will be returning to school before the end of the semester. In the event that you do return, then you and I will agree to a schedule for making up work missed during your health crisis. But, short of such an extreme and uncommon occurrence, late DB work will receive a 0-zero and make-up work will not be allowed. You may not skip exams; however, we will work out a schedule for a makeup exam according to the rules in the Exams section above. Also see #19 for specific grading rubric for your project.

Grading Points:

Exams (2 @ 200 points each) 400 points

Discussion Board (8 postings @ 12.25 points each) 100

Project 200

Quizzes (2 @ 50 points each) 100

Total points possible 800

Grade Values:*

A = 90 – 100% or 720-800 points

B = 80 – 89.9% or 640 – 719 points

C = 70 – 79.9% or 560 – 639 points

D = 60 – 69.9% or 480 – 559 points

F = 59% or 479 points and below

*Before you ask; overall student grade adjustments (grading curve) will be considered.

18. Tentative Schedule: (Calendar, Topics, Assignments)

|Date |Weekly Topic |Reading Assignment |

|Feb 27 |History and Geography: The Foundations of Culture & Cultural Dynamics in Assessing Global Markets |Chapters 3,4 |

|Wk1 | | |

| |See Discussion Board for discussion question one. | |

|Mar 4 |Discussion Board for discussion question one due by 11:59 PM CST (23:59) Saturday, March 4. This DB Assignment | |

| |cannot be skipped. | |

|Mar 6 |Cultural Dynamics in Assessing Global Markets & Culture, Management Style, and Business Systems |Chapters 4,5 |

|Wk2 |Quiz 1 Chapters 4-5, Due by Friday -Sunday, March 12 by 11:59PM CST (23:59) – no proctor required. | |

| | | |

| |See Discussion Board for discussion question two. | |

|Mar 13 | | |

| |SPRING BREAK March 14- 17 | |

|Mar 20 |The Political Environment: A Critical Concern & The International Legal |Chapters 6,7 |

|Wk3 |Environment: Playing by the Rules | |

| | | |

| |Interim Project Assignment 1: Present a draft of your findings on the culture of your country you have | |

| |selected. Due by Sunday March 26, 11:59PM CST (23:59). | |

| | | |

| |See Discussion Board for discussion question three. | |

|Mar 27 |Developing a Global Vision through Marketing Research & Economic Development and the Americas |Chapter 8,9 |

|Wk4 | | |

| |See Discussion Board for discussion question four. | |

|Apr 3 |Exam 1 – Multiple choice on-line timed – no proctor required. |Chapters 3-9 |

|Wk5 | | |

| |Due by Friday -Sunday, April 9 by 11:59 PM CST (23:59). | |

| | | |

| |See Discussion Board for discussion question five. | |

|Apr 10 |Europe, Africa, and the Middle East & The Asia Pacific Region |Chapter 10,11 |

|Wk6 |Interim Project Assignment 2: Present a draft of your findings on the political and legal environment of your | |

| |country. Due by Sunday April 16, 11:59PM CST (23:59). | |

| | | |

| |See Discussion Board for discussion question six. | |

|Apr 17 |Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization & Products and Services for Consumers |Chapters 12,13 |

|Wk7 | | |

| |See Discussion Board for discussion question seven. | |

|Apr 24 |Products and Services for Businesses & International Marketing Channels |Chapter 14,15 |

|Wk8 |Quiz 2 Chapters 13 & 14, Due Friday -Sunday, April 23, by 11:59 PM CST (23:59) – no proctor required. | |

| | | |

| |See Discussion Board for discussion question eight. | |

|May 1 |Integrated Marketing Communications and International Advertising & Personal Selling and Sales Management |Chapter 16,17 |

|Wk9 | | |

| |See Discussion Board for discussion question nine. | |

|May 8 |Pricing for International Markets |Chapter 18 |

|Wk10 |Prospectus Project due May 10, 11:59 PM CST (23:59). | |

| | | |

| |See Discussion Board for discussion question ten. | |

|May 15 |Exam 2 – Multiple choice on-line timed – no proctor required. Due by Thursday -Saturday, May 20, by 11:59PM CST |Chapter 10-18 |

|Wk11 |(23:59). | |

| | | |

| |See Discussion Board for discussion question five. | |

19. Additional information as desired by the faculty member. Project Details

I will utilize a random number generator to assign a country and a product for which you will provide/post a prospectus to the instructor by Wednesday May 10, 11:59PM CST (23:59). This prospectus will be in PowerPoint format, so there will be no need to write in full sentences or paragraphs (excluding the Executive Summary). However, part of your grade will include spelling and grammar (see point schedule below), so be careful to edit your project as well as adhere to APA Formatting for your references!

Your prospectus should begin with an Executive Summary in which you either recommend to your CEO that your company enter that market or not, along with the major arguments supporting your decision. Choosing not to enter the country does not allow you to neglect the remainder of the prospectus. You must make a decision and defend it. The body of the prospectus will be the analysis of the environment of the country: cultural, political, legal, economic, technical, competitive, and consumer. The final section of the analysis should be your arguments for either entering the country or against entering the country: in other words, your recommendation supported by your analysis of the data and facts you have acquired about the country. You should also prepare or include from secondary sources any tables and or other video/audio files that you feel will help your CEO to understand your decision. You must cite the sources of all information you used from secondary sources within the prospectus and with a properly prepared APA formatted bibliography at the end. Be concise, however, also be complete.

Your project will be graded per the following schedule.

Appearance 10 points

Writing Quality 10

Citation of Sources (APA format) 10

Submitting interim drafts on time 10

Executive Summary 20

Analysis of Culture 20

Analysis of Political Climate 20

Analysis of Legal Climate 20

Analysis of Economic Climate 20

Analysis of Competitive Climate 20

Analysis of Consumers 20

Quality of Recommendations 20

Total Points: 200


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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