APA 7th referencing guide

APA 7th referencing guide

This document is a guide designed to help you reference quickly and simply.

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Part 1

1. Books > 2. Journals & News > 3. Websites & Social Media > 4. Sound, Video, Images & Art > 5. Legal Materials > 6. Unpublished Sources > 7. Other Academic Sources > 8. Indigenous Materials >

Part 2

9. Why do we reference? > 10. Referencing your own work > 11. Authors > 12. In-text referencing > 13. Reference list > 14. Online rules >

Click on a line to jump to the section of your choice.


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Whole books

01. One author > 02. Two authors > 03. Three or more authors > 04. Organisation as author > 05. No author > 06. No date > 07. Different editions >

Edited books

08. Edited book > 09.Edited book with more than

one editor > 10. Chapter within an edited

book >

Electronic books

11. Online book > 12. Kindle or eReader > 13. Audiobook >

Other books

14.Book in a language other than English >

15. Translated Books > 16. Republished book > 17. Anthologies > 18. Classical works > 19. Religious texts > 20.Dictionary, thesaurus &

encyclopaedia >


Contents >

Authors >

In-text referencing >

Reference list >

Online rules >

Books menu >

1.01 One author

Author, A. (Year). Title. Publisher.

In-text: Siirtola (2007) (Siirtola, 2007) (Siirtola, 2007, p. 16)

Example: As stated in Siirtola (2007, p. 16) ...

Reference List: Siirtola, H. (2007). Interactive visualization of multidimensional data. Tampere

University Press.


? If there is more than one publisher, make sure to include both in the reference and separate them with a semi-colon (";").

? If the book has a DOI, you can also include this at the end of the reference.


Contents >

Authors >

In-text referencing >

Reference list >

Online rules >

Books menu >

1.02 Two authors

Author, A., & Author, B. (Year). Title. Publisher.

In-text: Oshima and Hogue (2004) (Oshima & Hogue, 2004) (Oshima & Hogue, 2004, p. 24)

Example: ... this point is further examined in Oshima and Hogue (2004).

Reference List: Oshima, A., & Hogue, A. (2004). Writing academic English. Pearson Longman.


? For a work with two authors you need to write both of their names.

? When you write the author names outside of the brackets, connect the last and second last authors' names with "and", but when using them inside the brackets use "&".

? If there is more than one publisher, make sure to include both in the reference and separate them with a semi-colon (";").

? If the book has a DOI, this can be included at the end of the reference.



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