Population - Cabarrus County Schools

Population1. Countries introduce population policies to influence the overall growth rate of their population.Briefly describe and define restrictive population policies.Provide two examples of these practices from either the past or present.2. Long-term migration is a spatial phenomenon that affects both the origin and the destination of the migrant.Explain two causes of long-term migration.Give two examples of long-term migration in sub-Saharan Africa and /or Latin America.How does migration affect the cultural landscape?How does migration affect the population pyramids of the origin and the destination?Culture1. Pick a region in either the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia or Southeast Asia and describe how that regions culture has affected this regions:societyeconomygrowth and development both within its region and how these aspects have affected its relations with the rest of the world.2.Define universalizing religions. Explain how this term contributes to different denominations and branches within a religion.Name two ethnic religions and explain how these religions spread across the globe.Explain how the cultural landscape is affected by the transculturation of religions.*3. English is diffusing around the world as a global lingua franca.A. Define “lingua franca.”B. Identify and discuss TWO reasons for the current rate of diffusion of English as a lingua franca.C. Briefly discuss the role of English in TWO of the following countries today.Germany, Japan, NigeriaPolitical 1. The World Economy had one market and a global division of labor. Although the world has multiple states, almost everything takes place within the context of the world economy. The world economy has a three-tier structure.What is it called? Explain the function and goal of the world economy.Historically, what has kept the world economy interdependent? Describe why this holds true.Explain the three tier structure and describe its spatial distribution.2. Many of the world’s disputes are boundary disputes.Name two types of boundaries and give examples of each.Describe three different types of boundary disputes.Give examples and explain three different types of boundary disputes and give examples of each.Cities & Urbanization1.Give two positive effects of primate cities and two negatives.Explain the difference between a primate city and a megacity.Can a city be both a primate city and a megacity?2. The urbanization that can happen so quickly today took thousands of years to develop originally; indeed, the rise of the city is a very recent phenomenon in human history.The innovation of the city is called the first urban revolution, and it occurred independently in five separate hearths. Explain what factors contributed to the development of cities in these five urbanization hearths.MesoamericaMesopotamiaNile River ValleyIndus River ValleyHuang He River ValleyBefore the civil right movement, realtors could purposefully sell a house in a white neighborhood at a very low price to a member of the African American community.Define blockbustingIdentify the long-terms effects and impacts blockbusting has had on suburban neighborhoods.Define redlining and explain how the practice of redlining influenced the development of poorer neighborhoods.As populations have grown in certain areas of the United States, such as the Sunbelt and the West, urban areas have experienced urban sprawl.Define urban sprawl and give examples of how urban sprawl is evident on the cultural landscape.Explain the concepts of new urbanism and identify strategies urbanists support in order to create neighborhoods that promote a sense of place.Provide an example of a new urbanist space and list characteristics.*3. Describe the similarities and differences in the spatial organization of cities in Western Europe and North America in terms of the following aspects.A. Geographic sizeB. Height and design of buildings in central business districtC. Public spaceD. Patterns of economic classE. Ethnic neighborhoodsAgriculture1.Name the three agricultural revolutions and the special features that make each revolution unique.Define GMOs and discuss the possibility of the beginning to a new agricultural revolution.2. Climate and certain types of agriculture tend to go hand in hand.Describe three specific countries in regards to their climate and type of agriculture.Some forms of agriculture are more advanced than others. Discuss two possible reasons for this other than climate.Agriculture has also caused many problems. Discuss one social and one environmental issue of South America resulting from agriculture.*3. The rise of industrial agriculture has had significant effects on the environment and the economy of the United States. A. Define “industrial agriculture.”B. Identify and describe ONE benefit of industrial agriculture.C. Discuss TWO environmental impacts associated with industrial agriculture.Industrialization1. Outsourcing has become a more and more common occurrence in the US and other core countries.Define outsourcing.Name three factors that encourage companies to outsource.What are the two main countries that companies are outsourcing to? What are the manufacturing areas in these countries called?2. The Fordist movement was a highly organized and specialized system for organizing industrial labor.Who was this movement named after and what kind of production was featured in this movement?The assembly line was an important aspect of this movement. How did the assembly line change the production of consumer goods?How did the Fordist model create a set of social structures and a financial order?Development1.Explain how European countries influenced the countries they colonized and how development in those colonized countries has been affected.Talk about one country in Latin America and one country in South East Asia and their stage in Rostow’s model of development.2. The structures and geography of the world economy inhibit economic development in the periphery.What are some barriers or obstacles that hinder economic development? Give at least 2 examples.There are costs to economic development. Name at least 2 examples with current countries.Rostow’s economic theory assumes that all countries are progressing on the same level of development. Explain why this may not be true and give an example why. ................

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